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tv   The Ed Show  MSNBC  June 1, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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that arrests felons. he has a practice of hiring them. public teachers in philadelphia refuse to go down without a fight. >> save our schools. save our schools. >> former assistant education secretary diane ravage on the national war on public education. good to have you with us. the latest job numbers are bad news for the economy, and republicans well, they are thrilled. they root against america as long as it helps their election prospects. the numbers are not good. you can't paint it any other way. it's the worst month for jobs in a year. only 69,000 jobs were gained. that is well below expectations. unemployment rose 8.2%. the economy only grew by 20,000 net jobs when revisions of the past two months are factored in. president obama tried to find a
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silver lining in a dark cloud today. >> the economy's growing again, but it's not growing as fast as we want it to grow. our businesses have created almost 4.3 million new jobs over the last 27 months, but as we learned in today's job report we're still not creating them as fast as we want. >> of course, the president is getting no help from an obstructionist congress. he told republicans they need to work with him if they really want americans to get back to work. >> my message to congress is, now is not the time to play politics. now is not the time to sit your honor your hands. the american people expect their leaders to work hard no matter what year it is. the economy still isn't where it needs to be. there are steps that could make a difference right now. steps that could serve as a buffer in case the situation in europe gets worse. right now congress should pass a bill to help states prevent more
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layoffs to put thousands of teachers and firefighter backses back on the job. >> the republican leaders in congress are not interested in working with the president. they want to use the job numbers to their political advantage. >> these job numbers are pathetic. the american people really deserve better. i think under the right leadership we can do better. >> if they would have taken our advice and work with us, the economy would be better. more americans would have better jobs. more americans would have better incomes. that's clear to us. >> mitt romney is another guy who is loving the economic hardships many americans are going through. >> this is very bad news for the american people, and the president is always quick to find someone to blame. first it was george bush and then it was congress. atm machine, europe. the job of the president is to get america back to work. >> there is no doubt romney had great timing today. the job numbers came out this
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morning, and so did a brand new tv ad for mitt romney. it tells voters romney will make the country feel good again regardless of his policies. >> there's something more than legislation in our new policy. it's the feeling we'll have that our country's back. back on the right track. that's what will be different about a romney presidency. >> president obama has tried to do more to make this country feel better. he's done a heck of a lot more. he's tried to do some things. nine months ago he proposed a plan to put millions of americans back to work. >> i am sending this congress a plan that you should pass right away. it's called the american jobs act. there should be nothing controversial about this piece of legislation. everything in here is the kind of proposal that's been supported by both democrats and republicans. let's pass this bill and put our teachers back in the classroom. if you pass this bill then right
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here in this state, tens of thousands of construction workers will have a job again. if you have construction workers back on the work site, pass this bill. if you want teachers back in the classroom, pass this jobs bill. if you want tax cuts for middle class families and small business owners, pass this jobs bill. >> the american jobs act was a response to a slow economic growth in 2011. $450 billion plan would have created 1.3 holy jomillion jobs. the full bill was introduced in the senate. a partial bill created for jobs for teachers and first offenders were introduced on october 17th. a bill on infrastructure on october 31st. all three failed to receive support. the public wants action on jobs
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but the republicans filibustered all these bills. now growth has slowed again and republicans pretend they don't have anything to do with it. it's all president obama's fault. manufactureri manufacturering was on the rise this year. this month only 12,000 jobs were added. an infrastructure spending bill could have helped. republicans are more concerned with defeating this president than putting americans back to work. this is the day the gop has been planning for for a long time. ever since january of 2009. this has been their strategy. this is the execution of mitch mcconnell's stated goal to make president obama a one-term president. if you obstruct everything the president wants to do, the financial sector has been following the republicans. lending is still very tight in the private sector when it comes
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to small businesses. access to money, which i used to hammer on this show about a year ago is where it was a year ago. it's tight out there. you have to go through so many hoops to get mung to be the entrepreneur to get the chance. the president as we have documented has tried three different things. the republicans have said no to everything. for john boehner to go to the podium today at a press conference and said if they had taken our advice, we did take their advice. you know what president obama and the democrats did, they caved and said we're kboing to extend the bush tax cuts because we can't raise taxes on the job creators. well, we didn't raise taxes on the wealthiest americans and look where we are right now. it takes two to make this happen. it takes bipartisan to make this happen. that's left the building in washington. this economy isn't going to add a whole lot of jobs between now
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and election day because the financial sector is with the republicans. they don't like this president. money is tight. people are just going to ride this storm out. it really is amazing that we have added private sector jobs for 27 straight months in this country with the climate that we've got. i never thought i'd say it, but maybe that stimulus package just wasn't big enough. get your cell phones out. tonight's question, will republican obstruction on jobs cost the president re-election? text a for yes. text b for no. you can always go to our blog at we'll bring results later on in the show. i'm joined by van jones, president of rebuild the dream and the author of the just published book by the same name, rebuild the dream. good to have you with us tonight. these are not good job numbers. it's not a bipartisanship type
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atmosphere. give us an insight of what you think the obama team is saying behind closed doors. >> first of all, you're being a good patriot by saying these are not good job numbers. that's because you care about the american people. these are great numbers for people like romney's other people. this is the result of their conscience plan. while the whole world was cheering and crying at the inauguration, they were scheming. they were dreaming of this day. are we going to reward betrayal? this is betrayal. we could solve these problems in the country. we could put people to work. we could have teachers back in the classroom. we don't have them not because the president doesn't want it, but there's a political party that decided its political fortunes are more than important than what's going on at the tch table across this country.
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they would rather see construction workers sitting there idle while our bridges are falling down, rile the roads are torn up than to put people back to work and possibly help this president. we have to make a decision tonight, are we going to reward this kind of betrayal? >> well, what do you think the obama team is saying? where do they go from here other than to go back to the american people and tell the story? >> let's just be honest. look at these numbers. these are terrible numbers for this month, but look at the overall picture. we have 27 months of consecutive job growth. 4.2 million jobs. that's better than any 27 months for bush and way better than anything than romney did. if you don't like the number, do you want to give it back to the people who made it bad and never had the 27 months that we've had. here is the other thing you have to look at. how are you going to be a romney or a republican and stand up and say the american people have been drowning now for three
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years. the life guard, obama, is trying to throw them a rope. we've been throwing them an anvil, but give us his job. we've been throwing them an anvil. we will not do anything to help. we want the life guard's job. i don't think the american people are that stupid. >> doesn't this prove that the economic plan for the republicans really doesn't work? these numbers prove that the bush tax cuts, the bush tax cuts have not done what they said they were going to do. granted we're adding jobs but you have got a financial sector right now that is tight with a dollar. it's hard for small business person to go out there and get the money they need to get into this economy the way they want to. >> that's why the president's to do list, the president has boiled this down to five simple steps that even my son in second grade can get his mind wrapped
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around. why don't we go ahead and stand up for our small businesses. the president is trying to push tax relief for small businesses today, and the republican congress won't do it. the president is trying to stand up to china and say we're not going to reward companies that send our jobs overseas. the republicans won't stand up with him when he's standing up to china, but they want his job. this is the thing we have to be clear about, if you don't like the job numbers, you saw this president out there day after day, month after month saying pass this jobs bill. they wouldn't do it. why? because their gain is more important than the people's pain. is the american public going to reward betrayal? that's the question. what you're looking at is betrayal at the top of the republican party designed and planned for while the rest of the world was cheering america. >> that is the bottom line. van jones, great to have you
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with us. appreciate your insight. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on twitter. bill clinton shows up to stomp for tom barrett and last night's debate made for some heated moments. mitt romney says president obama deserves an f in foreign policy. then says the killing of bin laden was terrific. more flip-flopping from the romney team. stay with us.
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the department of justice tells florida governor rick scott to stop the vetter perj. the governor is responding. they aren't the only state fighting the republicans war on education.
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author diane ravage joins me later. share your thoughts on twitter you are using the hashtag ed show. we're coming right back. streami, any way you want. fully customize it for your trading process -- from thought to trade, on every screen. and all in real time. which makes it just like having your own trading floor, right at your fingertips. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. try our easy-to-use scottrader streaming quotes. it's another reason more investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade. there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getting away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it. any day can be an adventure. that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you.
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wow, there it is. welcome back. the battle is raging in wisconsin. president bill clinton campaigned for tom barrett in milwaukee today. he painted a clear contrast between walker's bogus record and what tom barrett has accomplished. >> who has the best record on dealing with this budget crisis? tom barrett. he dealt with the biggest budget
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cut in political wmilwaukee. how did he do it? with shared sacrifice and responsibility, not breaking the union. a decision was made to cut taxes for some people and have 73% of wisconsin school districts lay teachers off. tom barrett's plan is fairer to the teachers but far more important, it's better for the kids and the tucfuture. >> the former president went onto hit walker for attacking unions. >> if you believe in an economy in shared sacrifice when times are good. you don't want to break the unions. you want them at the negotiating table and you trust them to know that arit my tick rules. cooperation works. constant conflict is a dead bang
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loser, and you need to get rid of it. you tell them know. you tell them wisconsin has never been about that. >> bill clinton also stressed the importance of this election not only for wisconsin, but for the country. >> for 100 years now, people have looked to wisconsin from all over this country to see a place of small town and vibrant cities. now they look at wisconsin and see america's battleground between people who want to work together to solve problems and people who want to divide and conquer. this is about what's best for you and your kids and your future. it's also about america. >> president clinton validated everything that we have been talking about on this program for months on end.
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if walker wins, republican governors will have more power than before to carry out their attacks and agenda on the middle class. there's more big news out of the badger state today. last night the second and final debate between the recall candidates took place. there were some heating moments when the john doe investigation was brought up. >> others in his office have been charged with crimes and it all surrounds a secret illegal computer system that was 25 feet from your office. you're the only governor in this country that has a criminal defense fund. >> the reason the mayor wants to talk about this is because he's not winning on jobs. he's not winning on the budget. he's not winning on the reform and wants to keep coming back hoping that something will click even though there's no basis for it. >> i'm raising this issue because it's goes right to your trust. i've been in public life for 28 years and no one on my staff has been charged with a crime.
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i've never had a criminal defense fund. >> funny how walker turns to the same old lies when put in a tough spot. he knows the john doe investigation could have major impact on tuesday's vote. for more on that let's turn to john nichols. great to have you with us. first of all, bill clinton's visit to milwaukee today, very strategic place. it's where tom barrett is the mayor and it's where the democrats will have to have a strong turnout. how do you see the visit helping? >> it was a huge deal, ed. they had less than 24 hours to organize it. they really didn't know for sure whether it was coming. yet, down by the river in milwaukee was filled today with thousands of people, a
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multiracial crowd. these were the people who are going to have to go out on monday and tuesday, especially, and drive those vans, knock on those doors, bring people to the polls. i literally had hundreds of people walk up to me. folks that have seen me on the show or around the state say this is what we needed. it was a very big deal. >> barrett is upset about a commercial that walker is running that shows a dead baby. what is the back story to this? it made for another heated moment in the debate last night. here it is. >> he'srunning a commercial that shows a dead baby. the person that killed the baby was arrested by the police. after the baby died, they didn't change the code. it was a bureaucratic mistake. i'll tell you right now i had nothing to do with that. look at that commercial. you should be ashamed of that commercial. i have a police department that
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arres arrests felons. he has a practice of hiring them. >> how big was that moment, and will it stick with voters? >> that was a big moment. i was in milwaukee watching local milwaukee television. that sound bite where he said the governor should be ashamed was the wall to wall sound bite on milwaukee. i understand tv across wisconsin. it's a very big deal. the ad was so grotesquely unfair. things were taken care of. that mistake didn't endanger anyone. yet, the governor refused to back down and that was a very powerful thing. some people have said over the years that tom barrett, he isn't that tough a guy. he's not somebody to throw a punch. the governor made tom barrett angry. tom barrett didn't back down. he pushed on this issue in that debate. you could feel it in the room
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last night. i was there, the room was hushed when tom barrett was going after him. after that happened, that governor never really got his bearings back. it really gave the debate to tom barrett. >> there's a new report out showing that the john doe investigation was started because walker was stone walling investigators. here is walker's response from the debate last night. >> what the quote says is that the question of unwilling or unable. i mentioned when you first asked me about that that our office was unable to get information from an individual outside of our office who was a volunteer from a veteran's investigation. my chief of staff took that to the district attorney and we were continued to be in a position where we were unable to get that information. >> how does that answer play, you think? >> that was a deeply dishonest answer. the line in the story is that
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the district attorney's office decided their were going to have to press a john doe because scott walker's office was either unwilling or unable. bottom line, they were not getting cooperation from the then county executive, the now governor. scott walker tried to turn that issue toward his vangs. the fablgt of the matter is, again, that was one where the host of the debate really called the governor out. >> all right. wisconsin says over 180,000 absentee ballots have been cast, already been issued. that's a huge number. it looks like it's going to be a big turnout. we'll see you tomorrow. looking forward to it. thanks so much. the department of justice tells florida governor rick scott to stop his voter purge. when it comes to foreign policy, mitt romney says
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president obama deserves an f. stay with us. we're right back. joe comes in a paper cup at the drive-thru. johan comes in a porcelain vessel, crafted with care by a talented blonde from sweden. ♪ smooth, rich, never bitter, gevalia. begins with back pain and a choice.
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different laws according to the department of justice. the 1965 voting rights act and the national voter registration act of 1993. the letter said, please inform us by june 6th of the action the state of florida plans to take so the department of justice can determine what further action, if any, is necessary. the florida secretary of state's office said they are reviewing the letter and governor rick scott claims he isn't doing anything wrong. scott says his administration is absolutely not targeting minorities with the voter purge. the secretary of state's saufs is doing the right thing, he said. we want everyone to register to vote. we want fair elections. congressman ted doith said as more and more legitimate voters find their voting rights in jeopardy, applaud the departmet
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of justice calling on governor scott to suspend the outrageous purge. mike, great to have you with us. the state of florida, if they don't comply by june 6th, what options, and it's just like rick scott's personality not to comply, what options does the justice department have? what actions can they take? >> they can enjoin the process. in florida, we fall under special class. that's in 1965 act, we fall under a class where we're more of a suspect classifications. it's section 5 of that act. it says under that act, the u.s. justice department has a lot more power. their power is they can bring people down from washington to enforce their order. that's what they had to do in l
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alaba alabama. they had to bring in marshals and say you will do that. it's more than just a writ of prohibition. it's more than a temporary restraining order. this is what rick scott is missing here. there are two cases that he needs to take a serious look at. one is u.s. v hanes. people went to jail for undermining the process. in u.s. v townsend, people went to prison for this. if i'm not sure of this character, rick scott, you can bet one thing. when the u.s. justice department gets down here and rattles the sabers that they can rattle, you're going to take a chance and side with a guy like rick scott who obviously is ignoring the law. look, this week, you had a judge
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in tallahassee, federal judge, he took a look at the new voter i.d. laws. he made it clear that what he thought was going on was something that is in clear violation of 1965 voter rights act. that ought to scare anybody in the election process. >> the justice department has got some pretty wide sweeping authority to make this right in florida. since the primary is coming up on august 14th, the 90-day rule seems to stop this through the november election, is that correct? >> it does. there's two parts to that. the right to do this has got to be approved 60 days before it occurs. they can't do anything within a window of 90 days before this occurs.
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>> that makes it so rick scott is in clear violation of federal law. now it's time for the department of justice to play hardball and set an example for every other governor in this state. what about that? >> you know how they do that, ed, they start taulking about cases where people have gone to jail for the conspiracy of trying to undermine voting. that's how they accomplish it. they don't have to accomplish it in the end, but you're a supervisor of elections, you're not going to take a chance like that. they said we're going to start comp complying. this governor doesn't have enough sense to be freaked out. she should be. >> june 6th will be a big day. june 7th a bigger day to see how the governor responds. this is a shot over the bow to every other radical republican who thinks they can put together
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a list and go after citizens that have been voting for years. great to have you with us. there's a lot more coming up. stay with us. we're right back. what grade would you give president obama? >> an f, no question about that. >> mitt romney doesn't have a clue what he's talking about on foreign policy. the big panel weighs in on romney's report card and the president's cyber attack on iran. public educators in philadelphia are standing up to their radical governor. >> save our school. >> tonight, former assistant education secretary on the war on public education and why scott walker needs to go. ested s against potted plant-kind. [ clang ] my house is where plants came to die. ♪ but, it turns out all i was missing was miracle-gro potting mix. it's got what a plant needs. even plant food that feeds them for up to 6 months. you get bigger,
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coalition to overthrow the regime in libya, supporting democracy in libya. it goes on and all. despite all of these achievements, mitt romney believes president obama deserves a failing grade when it comes to foreign policy. >> what grade could you give president obama? >> an f. >> across the board? >> across the board. >> even despite the killing of bin laden. >> i look at what's happening in the middle east. that's hardly a success. >> romney doesn't want to talk about bin laden. it's a little confusing when in the same interview he gave this response. >> has president obama, in your view, done anything well? >> i'm sure he has. i appreciate the decision he made to go after bin laden and to make sure he was executed. >> yet romney still gives president obama an f.
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>> i happen to believe his positions in foreign policy have not communicated american strength and resolve. >> republicans have tried desperately to paint this president has weak across the board and time and again he proves them wrong. on the heels of romney's baseless remarks, here is what the new york times said. from his first months in office he the systems that run irans main nuclear enrichment facilities. an f is what mitt romney wants to give the president. let's turn to james peterson. susan, i got to ask you first, is this grade of f, does it warrant any merit whatsoever.
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your thought? >> i don't think he deserves an f. a lot of things are true. he's done those things well. i think at the same time when you live in an environment where cory booker is taken out for saying something that a candidate has to be careful in what they say. if he would have given him a c, then the commercials would have started from the obama camp saying even rom agrmitt romney i did a good job. >> we've gotten to the point where we're concerned about the nuclear capability of iran. this has been a big issue, how far do we go? there's evidence that the president of the united states has gone right into cyber weapons and really delayed what they have been trying to do. yet, romney says that's an f. all for political purposes? >> on that particular thing
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there's a big problem. i think what he did as far as coming into office and continues that program that started under president bush was good. it seemed like it was something wise to do. the problem they have now is that story should have never leaked. that's a security concern. that's a big leak and that's something that needs to be investigated. >> it still gets the president an f even though we have made some progress. >> he shouldn't have answered the question that way. >> he shouldn't have but he did it for political purposes. james peterson, your thoughts. >> i think it's an interesting situation. i think the romney camp is di n disingenious. what would you have done? without telling us exactly what he would do, he's saying nothing by giving this f grade.
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it's an invalid assessment based on he hasn't done a good job telling us what kind of decisions a romney presidency would have made and what kind of decisions he's going to make going forward. the kind of things he's been saying about the foreign affairs leaps he's made, show us that romney doesn't have the best sense about the ways in which foreign affairs work in the world. >> susan, that brings me to this point. this is not a gotcha question. has mitt romney really explained to the american people who his foreign policy is and what he would do? >> i think he's shown what he believes need to be done in the broad strokes. he hasn't gotten specific. president obama was an anti-war against everything the bush administration was going and yet the most successful policies that he's touted were previous
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bush policies. >> what about that james? >> until you're behind that seat, you don't know what the job is. >> one thing i think the obama administration has been more transparent than the bush administration. it shows his courage as strength as a politician. there's so many people within his own party and people to the left that support him, who do not support this aggressive foreign policy. >> it should be what he's doing that's best for the country first and then political. >> clearly, he's doing it. we have to go back to what is romney going to do. what would he have done? he's not let us know that. >> he's got some lofty goals if he's going to give president obama an f for the things he's accomplished. let's talk jobs. the numbers came out today. what's the future? >> we've got to make some of the tough decisions. remember, part of the reason why the jobs numbers are bad is we still have it in our minds that we want to release public
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workers. we need to hire back teachers. can't to hire more police officers. we have to do the things that the government can do in this economy. >> what's wrong with adding 4.2 million jobs in 27 months of private sector job growth? some numbers are going to be better than others. >> that's great policy. we can get around that. we need to think about the fact that this administration has leapt over 600,000 public sector jobs. we have to bring those jobs back. >> susan, why don't the republicans get behind the jobs bill? they had three opportunities to do so, and they didn't do it. do they bear any responsibility at all? >> it doesn't mean they haven't made proposals. there's 30 sitting in the senate. both sides are to blame. they are at gridlock. until this election is decided, we're not going to see much movement because businesses
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don't trust either side to say what is going to be our future. >> that's tragic. >> great to have you with us. just ahead, the war on public education, the fight in philadelphia and the bush administration expert who changed her mind about whose side she is on when it comes to education. she might change yours too. stay with us. is is genco servic- mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment knows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ the economy needs manufacturing. machines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things.
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welcome back. it's a big weekend in wisconsin this week. before the recall election, tomorrow i'm going to be covering rallies in racine, wisconsin and tomorrow night be barabou. on monday nigh we're going to be broadcasting at in madison. right by the fountain. we'll be live there. we invite you to come out and watch the show. on tuesday night we're going to be live from the great dane on doty street. we'll be there with returns and results. tonight, i asked, will republican obstruction on jobs cost the president re-election. 29% said yes. 71% said no. up next, amazing video of pennsylvania voters fighting back against tea party governor. stay with us.
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into the big finish. philadelphia is on the front lines on the war on public education. check this out. >> we pass the budget that we still can't pay for. we're going to borrow money for this year's budget. >> it's just a sad, sad day for
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philadelphia's kids. >> it's a sad day for philadelphia's kids because the school board is borrowing $218 million to cover expenses. they're going to go into hawk to pay for bare bones public education. the board says yes to borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars just to keep the lights on. they say they don't know what else to do. school districts across the country are in the same fight. parents and teachers have ral rallied across the south and midwest and back east today. the state shifted tens of millions of dollars to pay corporate owned charter schools and churches to educate kids this their state. in wisconsin, scott walker wants to increase class size, cut libraries and close services. he's crushing teachers by killing collective bargaining.
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someone that used to push for school vouchers is launching an attack. she said scott walker should be bounced out of office for his attacks on education. it's time for change in wisconsin. end the takes on public education. end the takes on teachers. i'm joined tonight by diane ravage. great to have you with us tonight. why has public education become the whipping post of every budget across the country by all of these radical governors? what is happening? >> what you're seeing right now and it's happening across the country in city after city and state after state is a fierce right wing attack on public education. this has been years in the making. because of the election of 2010, where so many very conservative governors were elected, people
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are taking out the budget woes on the schools. in this case, they're inflicting these deep budget cuts and they say the schools aren't making it. we have to turn them over to corporate owned charter schools. we have to have vouchers. the state of indiana has a program. more than half the kids in the state of louisiana are eligible for vouchers. a lot of this, the church schools that have said will take kids in are the tiny kids. in one case a kid with over 14 children will take in over 100 new students. >> we're going in the wrong direction in this country. we're limiting opportunity and it's all going to the wealthy. why does scott walker need to go? i was interested in your comments in your piece. why does he need to go? >> he's been a bully towards the public sector workers but specifically to teachers. the schools have seen budget
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cuts. librarians are being laid off. elementary teachers, special education teachers. the kids are suffering. they have larger class sizes. teachers no longer can get any salary boost for having a masters degree. he's encouraging lower standards for teachers and demoralizing educators. there's a war on public education in wisconsin. this is a in a moment in american history, ed. i say this with great seriousness. there's never been an attack on public education like the one we're seeing today. it's very well-funded. it's funded by the koch brothers and various right wing billionaire who is see where they can strike a blow and any kind of privately controlled education. >> do they just want education for the wealthy in this country? >> i think they're talking about
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getting government out of education. this has been a goal if more decades. reagan was a strong proponent for vouchers. every time it came to a vote, it was voted down. now we have a national campaign to go through the governors. none of the statewide programs that have been enacted but through referendum. they have been through the governor. people in america love their public schools. this is a moment that i would call wake the town and tell the people. public education is in danger. >> i appreciate your time. what's happening in pennsylvania is unbelievable. they seem to be rising up more than other states. you're great resource to us. i think we're on the same page. i appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me. thank to my twitter fan who is brought me here. >> you bet. thank you. that's "the ed show." "the rachel maddow show" starts
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now. >>i want to thank you for being willing to stick around to be my guest. i'll see you. >> thank you. looking forward to it. >> happy friday night to everybody at home. i want to thank you for being with us. in 2010, the midterm elections went red in a huge way. not just at the federal level but way more importantly than the beltway acknowledges, the country in 2010 really went red in the states. republicans gained hundreds a and hundreds of seats in state legislatures after the 2010 election. there were more republican state legislatures in the country than at any time since 1928. republicans controlled majorities. in 16 states republicans had the whole legislature and the governorship. they had total control. right away, among this new class of republican, it kind of seemed like they were all pursuing the same


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