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tv   The Dylan Ratigan Show  MSNBC  June 4, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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wall street. with all that said, for the 401(k)s of the world, it is the worst june, certainly beginning again, these few-day patterns are as good as a few days, but it has been a rough beginning to june, and in fact, the 2012 gains are now gone. s&p down 10%. the point is the trend is swinging the other way. the sellout, of course, a swing of things, the least of which is a very weak jobs report, limited occasions of job creation, let alone the 30 million jobs we like to talk about around here, let alone failure to solve the financial crisis since 2008 as it is manifesting itself quite grimly in places like spain and we all know about greece. fed money printing. this is what it's come to, my friends. a hope that the central bank, which is now authorized to do as it sees fit, will simply print
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as much money as we need, because apparently that's the new solution as opposed to actually moving to these new realities. senator coburn blasting both parties in dealing with all of these problems that ultimately you see through the symptom of our mounting debt. and speaking of the symptom of our problems, in case you've lost count, our mounting debt is now up to nearly 16 trillion, and again, as you know and we've discussed with some emotion on the show, $70 trillion is easily calculated when you get into the outside health and retirement liabilities. senator coburn joins us from the capital today with his new book. it's called "the debt bomb," a bold plan to stop washington from bankrupting america. 50.8 trillion in debt, and we are for the third time talking about printing more money as our next best solution to the problem. senator, we all know that debt is fundamentally a huge symptom, not that it's not a huge problem in its own right but a
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reflection of something else and it's really a culture that you're indicting in this book. tell us in your own words what you are indicting in "the debt bomb" and why "the debt bomb" is the culture of what you're indicting. >> i think it's what's going to happen to the average american not addressing the problems that are in front of us, and the federal reserve starting with another qe-3, it certainly seems that's what's going to happen. what that means is if you have a 401(k) today, and you think you're secure in your retirement, you won't be in the future. in you're a college-educated person, one out of two can't get a job, three out of four and four out of five won't get one five years from now, and they use the hidden tax because we won't address the tax issues, then the hidden tax will be at the basement of our currency and its drop in purchase value, which means everybody loses. the poor lose the most, the
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middle class goes away, and the economy stumbles even though on dollar terms it doesn't look like it, the purchasing value of that dollar goes down. so the big point is, why don't we address the real disease instead of the symptoms of the disease? excuse me. >> take your time. if you want to clear your throat, please, this is an important conversation. >> i'm fine. >> what is your diagnosis? >> well, the disease is as we continue to add things to the federal government with no way to fund them. i'll give you a great example. medicare part d may be the right thing to do. we added about $12 trillion in debt, future debt, to our children for medicare part d. if we're going to add medicare part d then we ought to establish a revenue stream to pay for it. but we have not. dylan, here's the thing most people don't understand. as an accountant by training and then later a doctor, if you use generally accepted accounting principles right now, our
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unfunded liabilities are $131 trillion. and we have $16 trillion worth of debt. anybody that sits around their table looking at their revenues per year, which are less than 3 trillion, about 2.5 trillion, knowing you have that kind of debt and the interest cost on that, you can't get out of that hole. >> senator, i would say, and i can't speak -- obviously, i speak on behalf of an audience that resonates with the type of commentary that i offer, and a lot of folks in this country who respond to it, i think i'm safe in saying that a lot of us share the same diagnosis, some version of the diagnosis that you offered, which is a management culture, if you will, in washington, d.c. that has no accountability, two sets of rules, the incumbency, the pr proflagate spending, and we all want to point at each other and
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say, whose fault is this. i don't care whose fault it is, it's apollo 13, as far as i'm concerned. what are we going to do is the only question, and you're one of those politicians, obviously, they've the most trust with and respect for. since i've moved from cnbc to come over here, and i'd be interested in a nutshell, what you recommend our next best action is and how other people can engage. >> i think we have to actually do four things. the most important thing is reestablish confidence in our economy and our future. you do that by reforming the tax code, broadening the base, and will the rich pay more? you bet. we've done that before and we got average 4.6 to 4.8 economic growth, real gdp growth out of that. so we have to do that. we can do that a lot of ways and we can do it in a very fair way. the second thing we have to do is we have to markedly save, make changes to medicare and social security that will actually save those programs and make them viable for seniors in
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the future. we can do that as well, and that would be earnings test, age increase in terms of onset, part of the social security is the disability program which is totally out of control. 1 in 18 people now get a check for disability from the federal government. that's ridiculous. we now have good oversight that says 40% of that is not disability. and then the final thing is to actually utilize our resources in a responsible way. and the point would be, we send $300 billion a year out of this country for energy, we're going to spend the next 25 to 30 years still highly dependent on carbon-based fuels. we ought to be using our fuels rather than somebody else's, that 300 billion going back into our economy will generate a lot of jobs and a lot of income revenue for the federal government. >> again, a lot for everybody to think about. it's the reason, obviously, people write books, and particularly people who are on a mission as i know you have been, senator, really since probably you were born, i suspect.
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but you're certainly on a vision now. >> you're not that old. >> exactly, exactly. i want to ask you a couple of questions just from folks that -- over the past three years, as you know, on the show, we've looked for people to solve the problems we talked about that we all talk about. you see david kennedy here who was able to achieve a 63% drop in crime simply by directly identifying the half a percent of actual criminals, meeting with them directly belly to belly saying, we love you, we need you, and we need you to stop shooting people or it's going to be a real problem, and he got a 63% reduction. cost almost nothing. sergeant colin archer. came back from the war, opened up a sustainable hydroponic organic sustainable farming system, closed loop irrigation that they use in the military now uses 90% less water, 90%
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less land and produces twice the conventional yield. and 5% of the population incurs 53% of costs. they try to help these people improve their health outcomes. they're getting a lot more for a lot less. they're dropping 94% costs and they're creating output. that's what they all have in common, yet our political debate resolved around, as you know, taxes austerity, and there is no one in washington, d.c. that i see which is leading to this third way, which is massive cost reduction spontaneous to massive cost outputs, and the only reason i can think of that's not happening is that's a direct threat to the power base in washington. >> well, let me take a little bit of a counter view. most of that happened without the government being involved. you had real leadership on each of those individuals that you
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mentioned, and you had real entrepreneurship, both in the leadership in the political or a crime prevention standpoint or in a production setting. the point is, it goes back to what i said first. how do you reestablish confidence? we have $2.6 trillion sitting on the sidelines in this country that's not being invested. the political elite in this country are a big disappointment because there is no leadership, and the leadership has to be that as we believe in america, we believe that when people come together around a central problem, which basically is our future, and the standard of living of our kids, that can't we solve those problems. and the reason those problems haven't been solved is because there is a lack of leadership both at the presidential level and the congressional level across both parties. the biggest problem, i believe, is congress. congress is more interested in getting reelected than they are in terms of fixing the real problems that face this country. and that's bipartisan. so when you don't have
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leadership and you don't have direction, you don't have people bringing this together around a common enemy. our enemy isn't china, it isn't energy dependence, it is the lack of confidence that we can achieve again. >> if you look at david kennedy, you look at sergeant archway, you look at dr. brenner, they have a single goal which is unsustainable systems, unsustainable crime fighting, unsustainable food supply, unsustainable medical, and they're using modern problem solving to transition those things to sustainable systems using a mission culture that is ruthless and compassionate, and ultimately that's why i can still go to work, senator, because i meet these folks all the time and i'm like, these are the people that are going to do it. we just have to better understand what they're doing and do more of it. >> but you have hope in them.
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we have hope in government, we need to have hope back in us. these are individuals that are displaying stellar leadership that you're describing. and we are a can-do country. and what we have to do is get our mojo back and believe in us. what we have now is anxiety and fear. we need leadership, we need examples of leadership. just like you just outlined. here's three individuals that are stellar. you talked about health care. one out of three dollars that this company spends in health care today doesn't help anybody. that's $850 billion a year that we're all paying in that nobody is getting any benefit for. so we need innovation, we need leadersh leadership, we need somebody to say, i'm going to set a direction, come follow me, and i'm going to sacrifice myself as i do that. >> and i can report to you that after three years of doing this, two national road shows and writing that book, that i have found a stunning number of just those individuals who are doing it in every category: food, energy, learning, health, you pick it, and what i'm seeing is
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that the new york and washington is out to lunch. they're not there. >> i agree. ask yourself why are we not addressing the biggest problems facing our country today in congress? why are we working on everything except the biggest problems? because the politicians don't want to be held accountable for changing things that are going to have to be changed and making them better. innovation will help us, it won't hurt us. >> that's it, senator. listen, and i think you've been one of the great show, don't tell speeches in this country. the entrepreneurship that i know is the history in your own family and the mystery culture that i know you try to promote, and i appreciate it. congratulations on the book. >> we're going to get there. we're going to get there as a country. >> no question, senator. when i look at the david
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kennedys and the sergeant archplays. i'll show you 20,000 of these folks. it's spectacular. we're in great shape, we just have to follow the right people. thank you, senator. >> you bet. good to see you. coming up on the d.r. show, we have one of those people we are following around here working to scale up his newfound solutions to make great education a world class education, and more importantly, a world class learning culture available to every student on the planet. sebastian thrune, our specialist. and senator kobe not withstanding, there is now concrete proof that you are not imagining things. the arguments on the hill in our congress are now certified to be getting dumber. and family resemblance, the findings from a new dieaino bra study, coming up. we're at the exclusive el chorro lodge in paradise valley, arizona, where tonight we switched their steaks with walmart's choice premium steak. it's a steakover!
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i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪
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enough! >> if you've ever compared our politicians to "dumb and dumber," i think you're on to something. the sunlight foundation out with a new report which supports that very metaphor with some scientific research. they compiled seven years of congressional speeches, hearings and other reports. the publications, the
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documentation, the institutional bureaucratic production, if you will, of this community we pay with our taxes, and they found that our congress has dropped an entire grade level in the quality of their writing and production from 11th grade status to 10th grade status. our monday nerdy mega panelists here, all that i can confirm are at the 11th grade level. this is made for us, obviously, and it was self-serving in a sense because of the systematic indictment of the set at this point is not any grand secret. once you get past the comedy, though, tim, the implications of weaker decision making, poorer business practices, more flimsy and weak culture are disastrous, actually. >> i don't think that the rhetoric actually correlates the
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decision-making process. i think the rhetoric shows us what environment these people are working in. >> what's the culture, you're saying. >> i get in trouble on this channel for criticizing the media, but they are looking for sound bites because that's what's in place. ari and i watched cspan at teenagers. >> i had a buddy that watched cspan for the summer, and it was the most horrifying thing i had ever seen. >> you can't blame the media for that. >> here's my point, i guess. regardless of the fault of the culture, and we can lay fault all day, we know the culture exists which is this culture that's kind of screwed up, and we know the output of the results is either not even involved in this culture, it's happening over here due to different 40forces, whatever the
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forces may be, but whatever is making this culture is getting worse and worse and worse and the stakes for not changing this culture are going higher and higher, and you see that obviously in places like greece and spain right now perhaps more than a lot of other places. >> absolutely on many levels. but do we get the politician we see deserve? they want to get reelected. i do think there is a bit of worry here, though. fundamentally, when you look at the figures, americans now have an average reading level of 7th grade, i believe, so politicians at some levels -- >> no, you're a wordist. you're just a wordist. if you look at the 21st century, video and videocy. >> people who raise the most money, they're the ones who get elected. i'm not surprised at that 10th grade level.
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i'm surprised it's not a 7th grade level. >> a fundraiser is usually the best manipulator of the stupid part of other people. >> you have to run over and over again to get in congress. that's not very intellectual. >> the use of tax theory not to raise money, not to punish any particular constituency or reward one, but to actually incur the real costs of the things we are not fully paying the costs of, things like oil and you can go down your list. and reducing taxes on things we do want and increasing taxes on things we don't want, and you can stee in california, which tx the things we don't want, tax the things we do want is up. i like this a lot more than i
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like mark bloomberg's soda, and i'll tell you why. what we're doing is expensive and we're want paying the full price, i feel like that's a valid political debate. i can see where there's room to say, listen, we're not paying for this, whereas a king like michael bloomberg or anyone else, tim carney drinking no more than six ounces. explain to me why the unreflective cost of toxic things, which we're paying for whether you want to or not -- they say, i smoke cigarettes, and it's getting paid for in the matrix. >> i think we should have tolls for highway use, et cetera, but this is one reason why conservatives and libertarians don't like the steady socialization, the externalization of health care costs, because it gives an excuse for people like mayor
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bloomberg. second of all, there are studies i have seen, viscucci is one author, but smokers actually don't externalize more health care costs because they die younger -- >> that's a good insurance theory. you should go to aig with that. >> but if you showed me that smokers by smoking are imposing, do it, but i don't see it. california is broke. they need to get their money from somewhere. they're going to have to raise tax eventually, why not raise taxes on cigarettes. >> that cigarette tax is currently half the national average. why not? it's going to raise $71 million for cancer research. >> there is a big why not here which i think tim is hitting on, which is this. as we as individuals externalize
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the cost of our behavior, our energy, our health, our education, all the things, we then lose a relationship as the hero of our own stories in our lives with what it is we're doing. as a result, we start to rely on somebody else to do it, and obviously, that's a bigger debate. i would still rather have more internalized costs within reason, and then i would rather go to a consumption tax before i go to an income tax or some of these other things. . and then trying to taxing something reduces how much food we get. . we have cigarettes at $6 a pack, and then we have lots different things to deal with. >> i can get you twice as much food for 90% less land and 90%
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less water. he's already doing it. it's like, we don't want to do it for some range. >> stick around. i'm going to introduce you to the pioneering professor and google guru on a mission to give you a lot more learning and education for a lot less money whether the elite schools like it or not. he's here, right after this. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about that 401(k) you picked up back in the '80s. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like a lot of things, the market has changed, tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and your plans probably have too. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so those old investments might not sound so hot today. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we'll give you personalized recommendations tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 on how to reinvest that old 401(k) tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and help you handle all of the rollover details. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so talk to chuck tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and bring your old 401(k) into the 21st century. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550
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what it allows us to do is work at our own pace and move on to the next one. as far as how fast you learn it, the variable on how well you learn it, we say let the variable be the high staff of mastery. >> explaining how technology can
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basically set a standard of mastery when it comes to learning that was maybe not available before because of the now flexible environment for how much time each student can spend and the information available to them on the path to mastery. i now want you to meet sebastian thrune, another educator, and i would say learning pioneer, with an opinion of democratizing education altogether. he opened up his classes to the world, posting lectures on line, and his standard class of elite enro enro enrollees of 200 was on line of a million. his stanford students enrolled at the university and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for the privilege of his instruction to study, by the way, under a professor who is a google executive who is driving a self-propelled car -- pretty
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cool -- who chooses to view their lectures, the students did, stanford students, on the internet. they're like, we're not going to class, we'll watch him on line. once the students joined in, they had 160,000 students, including from north korea. and since then they're working to bring mass education to the masses through his on-line startup, i invite you to familiarize yourself. we're proud to have sebastian thune, and potentially a learning revolution. what is it that you you understand what it is. >> first of all, i think learning should be free. we shouldn't charge a lot of money for it. but more importantly, i think learning should be student
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centers. you want to try to change the pedigree of a big class listening to the professor. you can't lose weight by listening. >> is this easier to do in some subjects as opposed to others? maybe computer science is easier to do on line but i would imagine literature is a bit harder. >> yeah, i think that's true. learning how to play tennis, for example, we have to do on line. physical things are hard to do. but in terms of, say, literature, you already have a great source of references and so on, and we just go to the internet. >> this is the ultimate in sort of libertarian theory of distributed networks, customized awareness. when you hear these things -- >> i like it because it's sort
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of a concentration of any power, economic or political or, in this case, educational academic power has been destructive, and i think universities have done this and become a place where they're wasteful and then they bring in money. i love the project. my concern, i went to a very small liberal arts school where most of what i learned had to do with small discussion classes. you're learning personal cues, how to interact, how other people learn helps you learn. >> how do you reconcile for the group-based learning environment which happens, obviously, away from the individualized survey, if you will. >> i completely agree this is an important experience, but everything you just said can be done on line, so we have lots and lots of small groups who learn together, they talk to each other and so.
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>> all right. and it would be interesting because we have very different politics here and my guess is you're just as excited as maybe tim is, but for different reasons, but power is certainly represented by this experience. >> something i'm excited about, and i'm getting married in april and certainly will probably have children, and i'm concerned about how will i send my kids to college. so how will your model then make education more affordable? or will you just bypass stanford altogether and just say, okay, i'm going to put this out there and then people won't have to go to stanford because they can take your class. >> knowing prestige is the sort of certification, professor, that we wish to finance years later, and how will you bypass the learning education. >> if you have kids stooon, thas
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good news in the high information age. what's happening is happening in stage play, theatre play. someone developed selanoid. all of a sudden, you could make much better products, which today takes a long way to get that, but today, hundreds of thousands of students or millions of students. as a result, everybody gains. the quality is much, much better. >> so ari, buy a boat, book a vacation. the professor has got you cover covered. professor, thank you so much for making some time for us. i was talking to senator coburn earlier about some of the leaders in health and community
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restoration who are getting less and working more. i would put you in that example applying the same amount of ambition. so thank you very much. >> thanks for inviting me to your show. >> professor fro, thank you for coming out. >> thank you for having us. >> i hope i didn't make news about having children. it's not for quite a while. >> we are loaded with ari's children. next up, dino or dino descend
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first off, birds are dinosaurs. a chicken being a bird is a dinosaur. >> what if we took an alligator, which is also a dinosaur, if i'm not mistaken, in its own right -- >> no. >> no, it's not. see, this is why you can't hire me. that was our friend jack horner taking me to school on the basics of dinosaurs and their evolution, what's a dinosaur, what's not. a new study out of harvard says birds are, in fact, living, breathing, very small baby dinosaurs. according to the study, evolution sped up the maturity of the birds so instead of takinging years to mature and mate, they could mature and mate in a matter of months. basically from an evolutionary standpoint, it was babies who could have babies again. by studying evidence on their skeletons, the soft tissue on
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dinosaur birds of the past, old birds, if you will, they learned that the new birds are therapod dinosaurs. it included the velociraptor, which is not here now, which means waiting for a real live jurassic park to be built in some very thought-out dna, we can just head to the park and feed the pigeons. it's a similar experience and significantly safer. straight ahead -- a moment of clarity on some key facts that our next guest says you'll never hear in the mainstream media. lee camp joins us after this. e , back to more pills. the evening showings bring more pain and more pills. sealing the deal... when, hang on... her doctor recommended aleve.
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♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ number one, america is funding both sides of the war in afghanistan. number two, there is a magnumb prison complex which makes money from caging human beings. number three, there are 900 u.s. military bases around the world. number four, most koala bears look snuggly but they have chlamydia. >> the last one you probably didn't know when you woke up this morning, i certainly didn't. the ne that is our next guest.
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lee camp has gone viral. his web series have turned into a book. it's a lovely cover, and i believe my moment of clarity was last summer when i lost my bana bananas. remember that? >> did you? >> that was my moment of clarity. i look at your list and i'm a little offended. >> you're the exception? >> not just myself. i agree largely with your assessment. >> all right. >> america's fighting both sides of the war in afghanistan. around here that's -- >> we're paying the taliban. we're losing a game of solitaire. >> but we're doing it in a way that it goes on forever. massive industrial prison complex, around here, this is russell simmons, david kennedy, ben chavez. >> we have 25% of the world's
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prisoners in our country. and furthermore, if it keeps increasing at this level, like in 50 years, we're all going to be in prison if it keeps increasing at this rate. >> the growth rate predicts 100% imprisonment by when? >> like 50 years or something. >> so who cares about social security? >> cannotexactly. that's one way to solve the problem, right? put everyone in jail. >> there are 900 u.s. military bases around the world. we don't talk about that, and they are everywhere. what's your rip on this? >> my rip is that it's insane and the amount of money spent to do that. four days in afghanistan could get rid of the deficit the city of the size of detroit. that's four days. imagine what it could do for every city around the country. it's nuts, it's insane. >> again, moments of clarity here. the fed is privately owned. the owners make lots of money from it being the banks, jamie
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dimon and all the characters. the government is transparent a branding. i think the media doesn't talk about this because they don't really understand it. i think this doesn't get discussed in the mainstream media because most folks don't know what the hell you're talking about. >> same with credit. >> which is why people use them to steal our money because nobody will talk about it. i like this one. romney and obama's top 20 financial donors are nearly the same list of corporations. >> it's nearly the same funding in both of them. >> goldman sachs just don't factory farming is the most horrific thing you can ever witness. >> i've heard stories of people
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going in there and they immediately volumit like the gi in "the ex or cyorcist." he said, ratigan, we were the half percent who was crazy enough to go to war when no one else would. which means we are the half percent that sustains the world. i was like, really? i do think that while the mainstream media, new york and washington are out to lunch on the food problems, don't you think -- i feel like when you go around the country, the awareness of the need to convert from a grossly unsustainable food system that's disgusting is upon us. >> yeah. >> am i too optimistic? >> i don't think everybody understands what's going on with the farming, but i think people do know it's not sustainable, and what you were talking about earlier with the variable ways of doing it doesn't get talked
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about at all. >> yet we have all these transitions to sustain ability that ends your list that never get talked about. >> it's not that we know what to do, it's that we know what to do but we don't choose to do it. why do you think that is? >> do you think everyone in the country is informed on how to do it? >> no, but i think there are small pockets of people who were forced to do it. i'm saying if we wanted to learn about the best way to learn, if we wanted. i think most of us know, but i thi think. then people would know. >> you just take the side boob, and on who picked the boob, you
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put education practices from the google guru. i think you have your video series well stacked with things we thought we knew that we didn't know on the side of booths. apparently you have been gatest recognition to the culture of money and politics. you're aware of my frustrations and efforts in regard to that along with a pile of people. everybody. you think that there is sort of a tutorial or a laboratory in the corrupting influence of money that we're missing right now in wisconsin. what is that? oh, i just think it's, and how did money -- they a nye late it. . one guy is getting out 25-1.
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if his money was even remotely close, tom barrett would be running away from it. you could get gargamel president of an ant farm who had enough money. it. tell we noo to find it and get the new stuff because we're spending more and getting less, and it makes you want a moment of clarity. nice to finally have you on the program. >> yeah. pleasure to be here. thanks for speaking stuff that other people won't say. >> well, thank you very much. thank you for acknowledging my efforts in that regard. i'm sure there is a lot of room for me to improve, and comedians across the country.
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they need to take leaves on the job front, but can they do it? the daily rant about religion and the president. [ kimi ] atti and i had always called oregon home. until i got a job in the big apple. adjusting to city life was hard for me. and becoming a fulltime indoor cat wasn't easy for atti. but we had each other and he had purina cat chow indoor. he absolutely loved it. and i knew he was getting everything he needed to stay healthy indoors. and after a couple of weeks, i knew we were finally home!
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here's kelly goff, author of "gq candidates." check it out. she's got a rant for us on religion, politics and i suppose the future of the earth in its own way. what's on your mind? >> thanks, dylan. last month they made headlines for the title of christian
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leader. he said they should put gay people to death while worley said they should put gay people on an electric fence so they would die out. whenever i hear pomerantz from curtis knapp or charles worley who uses funerals to pick at fallen soldiers, i understand why people become so disillusioned with organized religion altogether, particularly when the ang skper tolerance in some pulpits find their way to politics. i've heard quite a bit of tolerance from atheists. the one i found really troubling was the response to the death of arthur anderson, a marine who died after rescuing a woman from a plane that crashed on the way to a christian rally. if there was something every religious leader should have found something nice to comment
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about, this was it. what a loving god you people have. another wrote sarcastically, it's a miracle. although i doubt the parents of the folks who died feel that way. funny men george carlin and bill mahar have made it elite. if you choose to believe in god and someone else does not, why insist that that person is morally inferior? similarly, if someone chooses to believe in god and you choose not, why go moon message boards and say those people are religiously inferior? i happen to be a christian and i also believe in evolution. president obama and governor romney are going to waste plenty of time they should be spending mapping out their plan for addressing real issues instead of mapping out how to answer questions about their religious beliefs. i think all of us could learn
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something from bill bradley. they declined to discuss his fate in any campaign. the one-time presbyterian had to involve an agnostic. an agnostic is one who says he doesn't have all the answers and doesn't proclaim that he does. and one who doesn't have all the answers about faith, that sounds like a revelation. dylan? >> show and tell is the generational imperative. i think for everybody, we all do. what you're saying is, the show that we're getting from some of the leadership is the wrong show. >> absolutely. >> and the question we're all asking is where does the right show come from? and i think that's really for all of us. isn't that our problem, to live it? >> absolutely. i know we're out of time but
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please read my column on this and my book is about the 2012 geeky candidate. >> not only that, but a non-christian presidential candidate, that's worse than a black president in some places. >> i address that in the book. >> that will do it for us. i'm dylan ratigan and "hardball" is up next. >> time for drama, mr. obama. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with the obama team. you need something to sell, you need something people want. they want and they know only you can give them. what they want, mr. pres, right now are jobs, jobs, jobs. that's what they want right now. they want to see unemployment headed downward like


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