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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  June 15, 2012 10:33am-10:59am EDT

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obstacles and things have just ground to a halt on issues that matter he'll do what he can. he can't do everything because there are limits to the power of any one branch of our government. in this case there is something he can do and he is taking action. i think that's a demonstration of leadership and a point of view and i think it's about what kind of engagement and we're going to have to keep the country moving forward and not to have it just completely stall out in a political season. >> nobody thought, susan, that mitt romney was going to win the latino vote. they did think, however, that he could possibly make some gains in some key places and some ins. we know there are tremendous numbers of latinos who haven't registered so the obama camp wants to get them excited. as a political move is the romney camp right now a little bit nervous? >> i think like you said they were always a little nervous about the latino vote and who would come out to vote and if nothing else maybe latinos who came out for obama last time maybe that vote will be less so it will give romney a better chance of winning over all especially in some of the swing
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states like colorado. but i think now this was nothing, you know, but a pure political move. it will make certain groups very happy that he did it. he said he was going to do something. it's a last-minute proposition, but at the end the day is also going to be seen as highly political. right now the president's popularity when it comes to how he's handling things is not so good. and it was a big risk. >> is that going to make a difference though? i guess my question is it's not as though this is something so completely out of left field for the obama administration. >> yes. >> it's not like it's a big flip flop or anything like that is it, kiki? >> no. here's the deal. no matter what the president does, if he decides to water the lawn on tuesdays and wednesdays it's going to be seen as political right now because it's going to appeal to somebody and not appeal to someone else. but you can't stop being president and you can't stop engaging in policy and moving the country forward. look, we all know the fact of the matter is we're in graduation season and we've all seen stories about young men and women who are graduating from
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high school, have lived law-abiding lives here, who are american culturally and engaged in the american life and through no fault of their own may have an illegal status and the reality is we as a country have to address that. we can't just say there is an election coming up. someone might think that decision is political on the part of the president. he has to lead whether it's campaign season or not. >> i wonder, susan, could it push the republican party a little bit? we did a lot of talking yesterday about this group of evangelical leaders who are not on the same page as regimes. th -- as republicans. they have gotten together and said, republicans, you need to look at this immigration issue again. is this something that might push the romney campaign, might push republicans if not in a vastly different direction but to look at a different kind of approach to the immigration issue and to the latino vote? >> absolutely. because they could season it
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rig -- seize on it right now and go to hard right which romney did during the primary. it would be consistent with that. however, marco rubio has been talking about coming up with his version of the dream act which i am willing to bet is very similar to what president obama just announced today. that may have taken some wind out of the sail on that because romney would have used that to kind of tack that to the center. >> thanks to both of you for rolling with this breaking news. we appreciate it. again, we'll have this for you at 1:15 eastern time. this came out of nowhere this morning. and the thing that makes both political campaigns nervous is something out there that they can't predict but becomes big enough to break through the number one issue, which is of course the economy, to become that issue that could help decide this election that right now, of course, is basically a dead heat nationally. there are a lot of international possibilities today of things that could break through. you've got the financial crisis that is engulfing europe, the threat of greece leaving the eurozone, the promise of the arab spring is at risk in egypt
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with parliament dissolved there. new elections. there's deadly violence that's been tearing apart syria. no end in sight. iran defiantly continuing its nuclear program. then of course you have next week's g20 summit. president obama is going to meet face to face with russian president vladimir putin for the first time in three years. so joining me now is victoria newland spokesperson with the state department. it's good to see you. good morning. >> good morning. good to see you. >> your boss was talking about egypt after the judges there ruled to dissolve parliament throwing the transition to democracy into some serious trouble. how serious? >> well, we are concerned, chris. this is a parliament that was democratically elected and while we respect the judiciary in egypt if there have to be new parliamentary elections we want to see them happen swiftly and be fully representative of the will of the egyptian people. these people have been out looking for change, looking for a democratic future and they
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deserve to have it. >> u.n. monitors have entered the deserted town of hafa in syria. the amount of casualties is unclear though there have been horrifying reports and the bodies have been moved or buried before observers have a chance to get in there. how would you assess the crisis level right now in syria? what is the likelihood of u.s. intervention? >> chris, the situation in haffa and the pictures are absolutely abhorrent. there was an agreement to put monitors in there to help protect the syrian people, provide space, they went in and slaughtered people in halfa. they were kept outside and only allowed in to witness the carnage. we all have to work together to increase the pressure on the assad regime. we have to do it through sanctions, through working together on a post assad political transition that is credible and that gets people in
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syria and outside syria off the fence. and we've got to work with this opposition to get it ready for the post assad era. >> but in the meantime obviously the key question is before the post assad era how many people are going to die there? >> that is obviously the tragedy of this situation. that's the point that we are making with all of our partners outside who have influence on assad and who are still continuing to support him and aid him that it is time to cut those ties because we've got to move on and we've got to help the syrian people have a peaceful, democratic, pluralistic future, which their leadership obviously is not providing them. >> meantime, washington finds itself so much at odds with moscow issues rain blging from syria, roirn, human rights. president putin hasn't shown any sign of backing down. what should we expect from this meeting between president obama and president putin at the g20? >> as you know, chris, all of the g20 leaders are meeting ii
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los cabos over the weekend, a chance for them together to look at the situation in syria, redouble our efforts regarding iran but as you say the first face-to-face meeting between president obama and president putin. there are a lot of issues on the table. in the iran context we are working very well together with russia. we're absolutely united in the position that we are taking to this meeting with the iranians, which is also happening on monday and tuesday in moscow, that they have got to come clean on their nuclear program. that they have got to address in particular why they feel it necessary to enrich to 20% so that's a place where we're working very well. we have some deep differences on syria and the president is going to close some of those gaps with president putin because the russians do still have quite a bit of influence on bashar al assad and we want to see them use it. it is an important meeting. >> victoria nuland from the state department, thank you so much. >> thank you, chris. also making news this morning the man hunt for missing
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buffalo surgeon timothy jordan has now gone nationwide, a story being compared to "the fugitive." jordan is accused of killing his ex-girlfriend at the hospital where they both worked. his neighbors say there was a shift in jordan's personality in the past few months including the change in his appearance and attitude. kevin kostner over steven baldwin. not talking about some hollywood award. a federal jury sided with kostner in a lawsuit filed by baldwin. the jury rejecting baldwin's claim that kostner cheated him out of millions in a deep with [ bleep ]. maybe you remember that bp used devices by kostner's company to help clean up the gulf oil spill. check out the crowds outside on rockefeller plaza this morning in new york city. they are not here for me, sadly. i know, don, you're shocked. tweet me your guesses. come on. people know who it was. we'll show you when we go down to the wire in 15. maybe not. [ female announcer] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security,
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those are fbi numbers. and many more crimes go unreported. the reverend will take that message to 25 cities from coast to coast tomorrow including chicago, which is seeing more than 200 murders through late may. a 50% jump from this time last year. joining me now is the reverend jesse jackson. always good to see you, reverend. good morning. >> good morning. >> i know you'll start -- >> this crisis is not just black on black. it is the killing here in tucson, the columbine. there are zones where the black on black violence is beyond the pale. >> you're going to start your march outside a gun store near chicago that you folks say has sold more than 3500 pistols that
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were later recovered at crime scen scenes. >> i believe that is the case. three weeks ago we held the nato conference in chicago. 1700 soldiers have been killed in afghanistan in ten years, 65,000 in 15 cities. the present policy with guns in and more guns in and jobs out which leads to instability. in iraq it's the opposite. guns out, jobs in and stability and development. we need a new policy. there's more comprehensive -- that suggests that all americans deserve a chance, a chance to live, a chance to have a job, a chance to be living in security. right now that's not happening. >> how do you make that message cut through first of all the nra which spends a tremendous amount of money and second of all maybe their message is working because there is a poll out from pew that shows more people want to protect gun ownership than
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control gun ownership and it's a trend that's continuing. how do you make progress in the face of statistics like that, reverend? >> well, more guns certainly make us less secure. we are in fact the most violent nation on earth. we make the most guns and we shoot them and we make the most bombs and we drop them. we lose 30,000 americans a year to gun violence, 100,000 are injured who do not die. 30,000, those are war like numbers. a hundred thousand who are injured and for the most part don't have insurance is extravagant. that's why i think it deserves a kind of summit meeting because of the kind of numbers. we're fighting to cut down violence in iraq, afghanistan, and then we have a plan to stop the gun increase and a plan for reconstruction. we don't have the same plan for stability at home. these numbers, 300,000 blacks have been killed since 1976. 7,000 a year. this madness must end. we need real, strong help from every level of government
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leadership. >> you've also been involved in the immigration issue. i think it was just maybe in march that you were in alabama and you had kind of a selma like march. i want to ask your reaction to the president and his announcement that is going to come later today and we'll also hear from secretary of homeland security janet napolitano that effective immediately certain young people who are brought to the united states as young children will be able to stay. let me get your reaction and what you think the significance of this is, reverend. >> what the president is about to do today is family friendly. it's humane. that includes it will lead us to grow. the hope we'll see this as a -- this is one of the great days of american history. i hope that we will receive this and give them a chance to grow. that is america today at its best. >> what do you think ultimately the impact will be? >> well, i think it leads to
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growth and everyone wins. we're not in a crisis because of the immigration policy but because we bailed out banks, we caused very expensive, unnecessary wars. you look at $3 trillion spent in iraq. real big stuff. 1 trillion would cover every state budget deficit. so the imflamigration law for yg people to get a chance, every american deserves a chance and those who come and look for that chance is what makes america great. i think their coming will make us better and stronger and not weaker. >> reverend jackson, always good to have you on the program. thank you so much, sir. >> thank you. >> we'll take one more look at the white house where again 1:15 this afternoon we'll hear from the president and get new details on the new immigration policy. we'll be back with more after this. oto. this summer, save up to 30%, plus get up to $100 on us. welcome to
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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bieber fever, daredevil walk, and only in alaska. let's go down to the wire. rockefeller plaza came down with
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the bad case of bieber fever. justin bieber rocking the "today" show drawing an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people, some waiting since tuesday. bieber even helped matt lauer send his very first tweet but commandeered his phone. hello everyone. go buy justin bieber's album i believe coming out june 19th. okay. tonight daredevil nick wolenda will try to walk across niagara falls on a tight rope 1800 feet long, 200 feet above the bottom of the gorge. the last time someone tried this grover cleveland was president and utah had just become a state. who needs dominos when you have popsicle sticks? at the tokyo annual toy show 10,000 wooden sticks were set up and knocked down. a new world record that 17 people worked more than 18 hours to set it up. it went down in seconds. file this under only in alaska. a pair of black bears were caught on camera wandering around the halls of an anchorage high school. school is out for the summer,
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fortunately. police ran the bears out of the building. that wraps up this hour of jansing & company. i'm chris jansing. thomas roberts in washington, d.c. today. what's coming up at 11:00? >> hi, chris. we have a lot coming up in the next hour. breaks news. president obama saying the federal government will soon give work permits to illegal immigrants who came to the u.s. as kids. how does this political power play impact the president's re-election bid? we'll examine that. also minutes from now mitt romney launches his every town counts bus tour. might be a misleading title. which towns and states really count? we break it all down starting in new hampshire. and then a break in the trial of jerry sandusky after a week of very emotional victim testimony as the prosecution gets ready to rest its case and we speak to the lawyer for victim number six. that and much more coming up the next hour. blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? it's the one you store in the freezer. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. that's chilly. [ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on.
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when i save 20% on my hotel i do my happy dance. good morning, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. we begin with breaking news this afternoon or this morning with president obama scheduling to deliver these remarks from the rose garden this afternoon where
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he is going to officially announce a significant change in federal policy towards illegal immigrants. this is big news today. the president is going to be talking about the federal government stopping the deportations of u.s. citizens that they feel have been brought to this country and deserve to be here since they've been here as children. this is certainly a large story seen as a power play by some who have been watching this. these are children who came to the u.s. before the age of 16 and are currently under age 30. they'll also be eligible for work permits. the new policy effective immediately. a lot to talk about today with our political power panel. it's great to have all of you with me today. victoria, i want to start with you. latino voters have criticized
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president obama implementing comprehensive immigration reform during his first term. so is this a sharp and fast step toward the right direction, something that they can feel they're seeing happening? >> absolutely. this is the bold move the latino community has been wanting. he'll secure this vote. i also think this bold move shows the general public not just latinos that the president is not going to


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