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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  June 15, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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whether this is legal or not. i heard you say in the prior hour this is as far as you can go policy-change without changing the law. >> i'm sure it will be discussed in the coming days. what some republicans are days ago is they asked the administration whether they could do this. did not since last june when they had they're going to focus on the people who are here -- the question is do they have the legal authority to defer removal when someone raises their hands and i'm telling you i'm here illegally, but i want you to promise not to deport me for the next two years. the administration insists it has the authority to do there. let me go to mike. what do we know back storywise.
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we obviously -- governor jan brewer of arizona plans to comment on the president's announcement, already referring to it as an amnesty plan, which we know that secretary napolitano says this is not immunity, this is not amnesty. what's the back story here. ? okay, we've lost mike. so pete, let me go back to you. governor brewer says she wants to address obama amnesty plan, but janet napolitano says this is not immunity, not amnesty, and this is a continuation of what has been happening. >> yes. the status of someone who was brought here illegally. what the government is saying is these young people were brought here in, in essence, against their will. it's not a judgment they made. they were brought here as children. they probably in many cases don't speak the native language
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of their country, probably have no memory of ever living there, and think of themselves as americans, even though they do not have citizenship. this does not give the people any kind of leg up, only allows them to stay in the united states and it's basically the government's promise that we won't deported for a two-year period. one question is what if the congress did -- the administration says, well, we can't give you any more guarantees more than two years. >> let me bring in two other guests. we've got the assistant managing editor for "time" magazine, tom weber, as well as executive director of voter latino, maria kumar. within the last hour kevin madden was on, the criticism -- the change this is a political calculation versus a policy
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calculation, already there's been criticism from senator lamar as well, who says that the administration is justifying allowing illegal immigrants to work in the united states when millions of americas are unemployed -- i'm sorry that was congressman lamar out of texas. what's your reaction? >> i think lamar smith should take a closer look. the president is not guaranteeing them a job. they still have to demonstrate good skills and ability to perform. i would say lamar smith looking for a quick sound bite and a bit of nonsense. what i think the president is trying to do is fix his problem, where there is a serious enthusiasm gap, and a lot of folks question why now? and there is a political play in place, but you're talking about stopping to separate families.
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i have to admire the dreamers. "time" did a beautiful piece yesterday exploring this notion while they came here young, there's a sense they still deeply believe in america and their possibility. that's where president obama is trying to connect again. >> we know the president has a big lead over mitt romney, but you point out a big enthusiasm gap there. had the president not come out today with this announcement, is it realistic to believe that latino voters would somehow find satisfaction, which you want to now have been -- one points ute does this force him to break his silent treatment? >> no action if anything, it hurts the mitt romney campaign, because they were counting on what marco rubio was about to
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announce. this kind of sidelines the whole spark and bonanza that mitt romney was hoping to do, trying to move himself more to the center. if anything, he might be in a bit of a pickle. >> but the romney theory is that the most important thing right now, no matter your background or gender is the economy, and -- >> yes -- >> he recently added outreach and continues to have an outreach through ads in spanish, for example, discussing the economy and the unemployment rate in the community mere. and also, maria, when you look at some of the polling where immigration falls, it is not issue number one, jobs is. >> jobs is number one across the board for all americans. however, the difference between the struggle that romney has tried to overcome has been the tone in which he has spoken about immigration, and this idea of self-deportation. tamron, when someone talks
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aboutself deportation, you're basically saying you're going to put families into a pressure cooker until they're forced out of this country, because they've made the space, their community so uncomfortable. it's very hard for a voter to be able to listen to any policy prescription, any solutions. what obama has done is created a space to have a broader dialogue with the latino community saying i'm trying to take charge of immigration policy, but now when we talk about the issues you care about, it is absolutely jobs. >> tom, i want you to get in -- it was called a bold move, others said he needed to do this move to get that portion of the base secure. here we are talking about the latino vote. is this a bold move or a necessary move? >> i think it's a big question whether or not -- exactly how much it will move the needle. i think it was a necessary move, but it's going to take a little time to see if it has the impact
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they're hoping for. immigration is fundamentally an issue the contradictions. we were just talking about romney's rhetoric, yes he has marco rubio on his side, which can be a powerful force. president obama now has this will be seen by many as a bold move, but this is the same president who has deported more individuals than any other president, deporting people at record rates last year u. accordin to those number, 90% of those people were criminals with a criminal background. when that number is touted, it is actual number is 400,000 people were removed in 2011, of those 396,000 individuals, more than happen were people convicted of felonies or misdemeanors, so these are not children broadband ripped from their homes or families. according to the information 90%
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were criminals more deported. >> the serious criminals were one category, but there's a category in there of people swept up in law enforcement tactics meant to -- basically meant to track down illegal immigrants. so if you are picked up and you have make illegally gotten a driver's license or done something else like that, you can be subject to deportation. >> the president is walking out. >> good afternoon, everybody. this morning secretary napolitano announced new actions my administration will take to mend our nation's immigration policy, to makes it more fair, more efficient and more just. specifically for certain young people sometimes called dreamers. these are young people who study in our schools, they play in our neighborhoods, they're friends with our kids, they pledge
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allegiance to our flag. they are americans in their heart, in their minds, in every single way but one -- on paper. they were brought to this country by their parents. sometimes even as infants, and often have no idea that they're undocumented until they apply for a job or a driver's license or a college scholarship. put yourself in their shoes. imagine you've done everything right your entire life, studied hard, worked hard, maybe even graduated at the top of your class, only to suddenly face the threat of deportation to a country that you know nothing about. with a language you may not even speak. that's what gave rise to the d.r.e.a.m. act.
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it says if your parents brought you here as a child, you've been here for five years and willing to go to college or serve in our military, you can one day earn your citizenship. and i've said time and time and time again to congress that, send me the dream act, put it on my desk and i will sign it right away. both parties wrote this legislation, and a year and a half ago, democrats passed the d.r.e.a.m. act in the house, but republicans walked away from it. it got 55 votes in the senate, but republicans blocked it. the bill hasn't really changed. the need hasn't changed. it's still the right thing to do. the only thing that's changed, apparently was the politics. as i said yesterday, it makes no
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sense to expel talented young people who, for all intents and purposes, have been raised as americans, who understand themselves to be americans. to expel these young people simply because of the actions of their parents, or because of the inaction of politicians. in the absence of any immigration action from congress, what we have tried to do is focus on immigration enforcement resources in the right places. so we prioritized border security than at any time in the history. today there are fueler illegal crossings than at any time in the past 40 years. we focused and used discretion about whom to prosecute, focusing on criminals who endanger our communities rather than students earning their education. and today deportation of
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criminals is up 80% we have improved on that discretion carefully and thoughtfully. well, today we're improving it again. effective immediately the department of homeland security is taking steps to lift the shadow of deportation from these young people. over the next few months, eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorization. now, let's be clear, this is not amnesty, this is not immunity. this is not a path to citizenship. it's not a permanent fix. this is a temporary stopgap measure that lets us focus our resources wisely, while giving a
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sense of relief to driven young people. it is the right thing to do. excuse me, sir, it's not time for questions, sir. not while i'm speaking. precisely because this is temporary, congress needs to act. there's still time for congress to pass the d.r.e.a.m. act this year, because the kids deserve to plan their lives in more than two-year increments. we still need to pass comprehensive immigration reform that addresses our 21 i've century economic needs, reform that gives our farmers and ranchers certainty about the workers they'll have, reform that gives our science and technology sectors certainty that young people who come here to earn their ph.d.s won't be forced to leave and start new businesses in other countries.
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reform that continues to improve our border security and lives up to other heritage as a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. just six years ago the unlikely trio of john mccain, ted kennedy, and president bush came together to champion this kind of reform. i was proud to join 23 republicans in voting for it. so there's no reason we can't come together and get this done. as long as i'm president, i will not give up on this issue, not only because it's the right thing to do for our economy and ceos agree with me, not just because it's the right thing to do for our security, but because it's the right thing to do, period. i believe eventually enough republicans will come around to that view as well. i believe it's the right thing to do. i've been with groups of young people who work so hard and
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speak with so much heart about what's best in america. even though i knew some of them must have lived under the fear of deportation. i know some have come forward at great risks to themselves and their futures, in the hopes it would spur the rest of us to live up to our own most cherished values. i've seen the story of americans in schools, churches and communities across the country who stood up for them and rallied behind them and pushed us to give them a better path and freedom from fear, because we are a better nation than one that expels innocent young kids. the answer to your question, sir, and the next time i prefer you let me finish my statements before you ask that question is, this is the right thing to do for the american people. i didn't ask for an argument. i'm answering your question -- it is the right thing to do for the american people, and here's
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why. these young people are going to make extraordinary contributions and are already making contributions to our society. i've got a young person who is serving in our military, protecting us, and our freedom, the notion that in some ways we would treat them as expendable makes no sense. if there's a young person here who has grown up here and wants to contribute to this society, wants to maybe start a business that will create jobs for other folks who are looking for work, that's the right thing to do. giving certainty to our farmers and our ranchers, making sure that in addition to border security we're creating a comprehensive framework for legal immigration. these are all the right things to do. we have always drawn strength
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from being a nation of immigrants as well as a nation of laws, and that's going to continue. my hope is that congress recognizes that and gets behind this effort. all right? thank you very much, everybody. >> the president's remarks on the new immigration policy, but you witnessed there -- let me go to mike viqueira and find out what was going on. who was the individual shouting at the president while he was making these remarks there? >> reporter: i don't know, tamron. i don't recognize the individual. he's not -- he has a temporary press pass. he's standing next to me, a number of peer are asking for his identification right now. the president clearly, clearly a flash of anger on the steps there outside the cabinet room adjacent to the oval office in the rose garden. the gentleman, as you heard, spoke with some -- an accent from outside this country, i
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would place it as a british accent being chased by several reporters across the garden trying to identify him. specifically because the president had ruled this out in an interview, an appearacy on spanish language television last mar, he said i can suspect deportation through executive orders, that's not the case. there are laws in the books that congress has passed. obviously the president has seen a way to set forth this new rule, this new rule promulgated by the department of homeland security. >> pete, do we still have pete standing by? let me talk about the law here. senator graham tweeted out president obama's attempt to go around congress and the american people is at best unwise and possibly illegal here. let's talk about the process. you heard the president and watched what happened there. as he explained the policy and how they got to this decision
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and that he is not, at least in his belief circumventing congress or going around congress here. >> right, what he says is this stopped short of what only congress can do, which would be to change the legal status of someone who is here illegally, to give them amnesty, which this doesn't do, or to start them out on the pathway toward sit sterneship. it doesn't change their status or temporary workers. what the government says is we promise that for two years, we won't depart or remove you. the department of homeland security, the secretary told me earlier this is consistent with what they started to do last june, when they said we've got only so many immigration enforcement people. we've got to figure out a way to 230k cuss on the folks who are here, the most serious threat than just taking anybody who shows up at the border or whoever is standing near us, let's focus on the people who are most dangerous.
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start with the serious and violent crimes, people who are a threat to national security, people who have repeatedly crossed the border, let's focus our priorities there, and then they're basically saying this is a matter of prosecutorial discretion. that's what they say is the legal authority. that 24e79 to focus their limited enforcement resources on the most serious offenders. the republicans are say, yes, but by saying you problem you won't -- that's where they think the president would have -- clearly the administration says that's not necessary. tom weber from "time," marco rubio sent out a statement there's a brought support for agreement that we should figure out kids whourp undocumented through no fault of their own. today's announcement will be welcome news for many of these kids desperate for an answer,i
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it's a short-term answer. governor barbour says i just have a different upon that he he would espouse. i think the democrats on the left will try to make him sound lien anti-immigrant, which he is not. haley barbour differs with policy he says mitt romney has presented, but you have a lot of people who wonder where does romney assistant? and what is the exact language to even compare to what we've heard from the president. >> this is highlighting the differing opinions within the gop, and to see it pouring out now is fascinating. romney has to live with a lot of statements he made, especially in the primary that would -- that was pretty tough on the immigration issue. you hear rubio come in really as
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the voice of reason. >> but what is his voice of reasoning? what is the language from his proposed d.r.e.a.m. act. as wednesday it, we have the exact legislative language here, and romney would only say he would be well to review it, it's not as if there's something there to say yea or nay to. >> there's not that much difference with the proposals ever since it was proposed. it's always been about what can we do for this group of people? they were brought to america as kids, they didn't make an informed decision to break a law and to come here. >> they didn't enter the country under their own will. >> right. 24er7 brought in by family in most daze. the writer of our cover story this we're, jose vargas, his mother sent him to the u.s. when he was 12 to live with his
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grandparents. he found his green card was fake when he turned 16. it's always been about this group of people, you can do an executive order that's going to be temporary, senator rubio can propose a variation of the d.r.e.a.m. act, perhaps something that doesn't give the past to citizenship that a lot of people would like to see, but accomplishes a lot of the same thin things. president obama 66%, governor romney 23%, but i do want to go back to the remark, in response to this, say there are millions of americans who are unemployed and to justify allowing illegal immigrants to work he feels is wrong on the administration's -- when you say you are out of work because of
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this illegal immigrant in this country, because of this child between the age of 16 and 30, you were out of work, and that sometimes results in some of the hostility sadly that we have seen when this conversation is brought up, but even marco rubio, senator republican, says that something needs to be done. everyone says there needs to be something done. >> the biggest difference beeen marco rubio and the president's plans is marco rubio did have a plan for legal residency, so it was more of a long-term plan. i think that is why it still resonates. the president's plan is only two years. >> so is mark rho rubio's plan? rubio says the president is offering a short-term answer, if you're saying rubio has a long-term answer, then is that a better plan? >> i think so. at the end of the day, what you don't want to do is cede band-aid effects. instead you want to address it. what happens, though, it does deflate a lot of the rubio plan,
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because the president came out first. he's also saying at the heels of the supreme court deciding arizona 1070, which basically gives the states the opportunity to discuss and to decide what immigration policy should be stateside, which i think is a little bit concerns and ants daunting that congress says, wait, wait, wait, mr. president you can't make the decision, that's congress. s. >> back to the comparison, senator rubo saying there should be a long-term -- if latino voters see this as a band-aid will that cure the enthusiasm problem? >> no, i think because the president came out first, it allowed him to use his presidential pulpit to say i'm
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creating policy in the absence of congress moving. that's where he's actually able to move ahead. he's going to be the buzz on the spanish language television and even on msnbc. he came out first. that's where romney gets defl e deflated. now, back to your question regarding lamar smith, i think that's a very good question, because what the president should have done is come out first, six or seven months ago, where the latino voters would have remembered what he did for the community and the moderate independent voters, who's on the fence, who is frustrated economically where they are, basically this would not -- this would have been a moot point, but the fact we're less than 150 days from the election and not addressing the economy and looking at perhaps catering to a population, may put him in a difficult position.
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>> thank you all. we will be back after a break. when the president had to confront the person yelling those questions at him during this announcement. with the spark cash card from capital one, olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? ♪
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rio vista?!! [ male announcer ] ...lost. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t. rethink possible. we're following developing new, the president announcing a change in deportation policy. let me bring in democratic strategist jimy williams. thank you for sticking around with me. >> sure. >> as it stands, when you look at hallual barbour of mississippi and what senator marco rubio, a florida republican, it shows there's not a consistent message on how to respond to this announcement from the president today.
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>> what the president did is provide a huge amount of leadership. i'm going to give him a massive amount of kudos. why did he have to do that? the senate has engaged in bush they have haven't taken the bill up. what the president has done is a unified message pretty much from all the senate and house democrats. i was surprised by former hallual bar boush, former governor from mississippi where this absolutely will not play well, but to come out on the other side of governor romney. that is surprising to me. i think what will be interesting is what governor brewer says, from arizona. i would like to hear what john mccain has to say about this. >> but is it the more presses thing what the presumptive gnome knee has to say? >> absolutely. >> i would like to hear what the
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romney campaign has to say about this. we know his stance on immigration. by the way, they're going to use the word "amnesty." the last amnesty provided to any immigrants was done by ronald reagan in the 1980s. >> i think jonathan al terr is in the hot seat, a lot to talk about, but your initial reaction, a surprise announce me on this friday. some are calling it immunity, amnesty, the president say flat-out that's not the case. you also have this divide action it seems, among republicans, governor haley barbour says cannot deport millions of people here. senator marco rubio says it is not a wise decision, it's a short-term, not a long-term solution, but collectively there's not a solid idea. we know what happened to governor of texas rick perry during that debate when he talked about having a heart when
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it came to these whirn who are in this country? >> the republicans are in a very tough spot. the decision by the president was good policy, good common sense and good politics, because what this does is drives a bit of a wedge inside the republican party. we have mitt romney who during the primaries was talking about self-deportation, and he was hammering rick perry for showing just the slightest bit of compassion for young immigrants in texas who had been brought to this country at a very young age, had done nothing wrong in the slightest. they wanted to go to college, be productive citizens, and governor romney was saying, no, they should be deported with their families if they're here illegally. that argument is not going to work in a general election if you're trying to win hispanic votes. so the question to look for now, tamron, is how much will romney try to back away from the positions that he took during
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the primary, use marco rubio as political cover and end up with a more moderate position. what the position is trying to do today is lay down a marker to say i'm going to do the humane thing. if you try to match me, we're going to point out you flip flopped on this issue. >> earlier today the romney campaign senior adviser kevin madden was on andrea mitchell. the bottom line, he put out whether this was political calculation versus policy calculation, is this really morguizing our immigration system. we know that george w. bush wanted to reform immigration. obviously he spent a great of his life in texas, knowing the snick of this issue and knowing perhaps what haley barbour said as well, you cannot move 11 million people out of this country. enchts the most il-advised thing romney did during the primaries,
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was to try to out-tough the others candidates on immigration. i think it was partly because he was vulnerable. remember he had employed an illegal aliens to do yardwork at his place in massachusetts. he was going to show that nobody could get to his right on immigration. he locked himself into a position that is inhumane and not smart politically. >> but his effort to inch back, the conversation is directed to the economy, everything diverts back to the economy, which would be smart strategy, and that is the number one concern. no matter who you are right now. >> that is a smart way for him to go. latinos who were especially hard hit by the foreclosure crisis. that's his best play. that's why you heard the president say when you're deporting these young people
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this could be protective parts of this country, so that's part of the president's response. >> jimmy, let me play kevin madden on andrea mitchell in the last hour. >> the criticism that you're going to hear from the president, which i think is substantive is he's making a political calculation versus a policy calculation. is this really modernizing our immigration system? that's something that will be up for debate. is that up for debate, despite the fact that the president is up significantly? maria tresso could you mar was with me, saying there's an enthusiasm problem within the community as it stands with the president. >> i don't think anybody would deny it's a political move. i also think no one should deny it's a policy move. the reason is the yahoos behind us haven't doble their jobs. we are in a political year, and this is just the season we're in.
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i think jonathan is right. this puts mitt romney in one hell of a position. if he sticks with where he is currently, then he seems out of the touch, inhumane, et cetera, et cetera, if he moves, he flip-flops. and he turns off the conservative -- this is a double dog dare from the president. >> speaking of double days ago dare since that's the language you're moving this moment. this reporter as i understand it has been identified as a reporter with "the daily caller" a conservative paper, blog, whatever. let me play the president getting clearly irritated with this reporter interrupting the remarks from the rose garden where he was not taking questions. >> the question, sir -- not while i'm speaking. precisely because this is temporary, congress needs to act.
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there is still time for congress to pass the d.r.e.a.m. act this year, because the kids deserve to plan their lives. >> that's just a portion. the president went back to the guy again there. jonathan, what do you make of this? >> that's the last time that reporter will be in -- >> mike viqueira said he had a temporary pass there. >> you know, there are basic rules that apply and that have applied in democratic and republican administrations. you don't interrupt the president when he's talking. you don't do that to any politici politician. it's a form of heckling. what is acceptable and done routinely by reporters and arguably should be done more often, when the president is done finishing, it's fair to yell out questions to try to get him to respond. >> that's exactly what happened after. you both get in on this, there are many people who believe that this president has been constantly disrespected on different fronts, whether it's
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being yelled at our shouted down by lawmakers, whether it is this reporter from "the daily caller" as he's been identified shouting out in a way we have not seen with any other president. >> let's see what tucker carlson has to say about it. he's the founder and editor in chief. let's see what he has to say about this. >> tucker did make a statement. he said it is within a reporter's right to ask the president of the united states a question, but jonathan's right, you know, as reporters we have to abide by the rules and we have to respect the office, no matter who is in it. if a liberal reporter had done the same thing to george bush, then everyone would have had their hair on fire, et cetera, et cetera, and by the way, they should have. it was rude, it was boorish behavior. the reporter was kneale monroe. everyone knows who he is. i'm not surprised he did it. i just think it's bad behavior.
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you just don't do it. it's rude. >> i know tucker wants to back up his reporter, but he needs to be, you know, aware of the fact that -- does he think that reporters from reporters from liberal blogs should be interrupting governor romney when making a speed, a statement? is that where he wants this campaign to go? i would suggest to tucker on this particular one, he reassess that and issue a statement that it's absolutely fair to ask the president, shout questions at the president, but after he finishes speaking. >> they at the same timed to shout down the president while he's speaking is incredible. thank you both. another big story. republican power players are meeting in washington right now at the faith and freedom conference, speaker including grover norquist, senator mitch mcconnell and president of the top vice presidential hopefuls the mitt romney will address the gathering tomorrow, but newt gingrich spoke just moments ago.
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>> barack obama and the values he represents, and the amateurish incompetent he has proven are a direct threat to the survival of america as we know it, and defeating him is a national patriotic duty. nbc's senior political editor mark murry is at that conferenc conference. al sharpton was asked about this meeting where there wasn't a pledge, but heavy conversation to do everything possible to ensure this president would not succeed, and now he's basically saying it's a did you of the country here. what are we expecting? >> tamron, mitt romney addresses the crowd. as you know, he's on his bus
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tour in in that in that, but one of the biggest stories here at this conference has been some of the tryouts, people who might be mitt romney's running mate. we heard from marco rubio, and from portman. and tonight we hear from bob mcdonnem mcdonnell. >> mark, let me get your reaction or just i guess what you can provide insightwise, analysiswise on the president's decision today. you have some members of lawmakers on capitol hill questioning whether this action, policy change is even legal, the president trying to clarify exactly how he came to this conclusion and where we are now here. >> reporter: no one should be shocked that there's politics going on, but you look at the
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polls. president obama does incredibly well, but the polls show they're not as enthusiastic and as interested in this upcoming election as you see for other groups, so it seems to be a clear play to say, i'm barack obama, i've wanted to institute these types of policies. if i lose, mitt romney might try to reverse them. obama has been criticized for not doing enough for the latino community. this is his message so say i have delivered on something big. part of john mccain's statement -- it's a politically motivated power grab, adding additional confusion and uncertainty to our broken immigration system. the irony of this is john mccain once was pretty much damned by his own party, because he wanted to see immigration reform, and now he is saying this is a you power grab by the president. >> reporter: that's right, tamron. john mccain was a big proponent.
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in fact he teamed up with ted kennedy for major overhaul legislation in 200, and 2007. he voted against the d.r.e.a.m. act in 2010, so his statement is not a surprise. he has blocked and tried to opossum obama initiatives, even ones he has supported in the past, like on immigration. we'll be right back with more news. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about how some companies like to get between ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you and your money. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we believe your money should be available ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 to you whenever and wherever you want.
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2:48 pm
thank you, martin. a russian ship carrying armed troops now on its way to syria. the official says it is in response to the escalating violence in syria that the u.n. now calls a civil war. the officials say moscow is sending the small contingent to the port city of tartus to guard russian assets there. a major develop. there are reports that the surgeon wanted in connection to the wednesday's shooting of his ex-girlfriend has been found dead near his home in new york. police have been searching for dr. timothy jordan, a former army weapons expert for two days. they say she hot his former girlfriend at the hospital where they both worked. he reportedly died from a self-inflicted wound. osmond was locked out of the cockpit avalanching into a rant
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during the middle of a flight. his attorney says he plans toia an insanity defense. president obama signed a bill adding tanker planes to help fight wildfires. the new planes will be ready in mid-august. today's newsnation gut check. we want to hear from you regarding the big decision regard deportation and young illegal immigrants. do you agree with what you heard from the president only about 50 minutes ago. you can join anytime. we'll be back with gut check. wake up!
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that's good morning, veggie style.
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hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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find our twitter page. a lot of you have already send in some e-mails. one person says jimy williams says obama's immigration is a double dog dare to romney.
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love it. that was andrea pringle. thank you very much for that. by the way, time for the newsnation gut check. president obama announced one the last hour his aid mrgs will spare some young undocumented immigrants from deportation. if they've spent at least five continuous years in this country, have no criminal history and if they've graduated from a high school, earned a ged or served in the military. it's a move many latino voters have called for, but one that some republicans are even questioning if it is legal at this point. what does your gut tell new do you agree with the decision to stop deporting some young illegal immigrants? go to to cast your vote. thank you for joining us all
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week long. thank you for hanging with us. you can catch us of week diehl at 2:00 p.m. martin bashir is up next. for a cookout with world champion grill master brett gallaway. he's serving his guests walmart choice premium steak. but they don't know it yet. they will. it's a steakover! the steak is excellent. very tender... melts in your mouth... so delicious... tonight you're eating walmart steak. what? it's good steak. two thumbs up. look, i ate all of mine. it matches any good steak house if not better. walmart choice premium steak in the black package... it's 100% money back guaranteed. try it for your father's day barbeque. ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions
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good afternoon. it's friday, june 15th. here's what's happening. ♪ come on ♪ get happy all aboard. >> i think our tour will take us along what i'll call the backbone of america. >> the romney express takes off on a six-state tour. small town america. >> in the america we love, every town counts. >> gets on the bus, boys. what could possibly go wrong? >> what do you think i'm doing?
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♪ we'll make you happy ♪ we'll make you happy we begin on a very busy friday afternoon. just moments ago the president announced a major change to america's immigration policy, an executive order to stop deporting and start granting work permits to immigrants brought here illegally as children. >> these are young people who study in our schools, they play in our neighborhoods. they're friends with our kids. they pledge allegiance to our flag. they are americans in their hearts, their minds, every single way but one -- on paper. >> the president made clear that this is not amnesty and is not a
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permanent solution, but is at heart the right thing to do. >> this is a temporary stopgap measure that focuses our resources wisely, and gives hope to driven, patriotic young people. it is the right thing to do. >> -- foreigners over americans. >> excuse me, sir. it's not time for questions, sir. not while i'm thinking. a president interrupted by a heckler in the rose garden, to which he responded with a rare flash of anger. >> i didn't ask for an argument. i'm answering the question. it is the right thing to do for the american people and here's why. here is the reason. it's because these young people are going to make extraordinary contributions, and already making contributions to our society. >> remarkable, that individual


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