tv The Dylan Ratigan Show MSNBC June 15, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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authorization. >> and next hour, he'll be hosted a reception with members of the gay community and just hours ago, a video message from the pentagon. >> the successful repeal of don't ask don't tell proved to the nation that just like the coun country we defend, we share different backgrounds, different values, different beliefs. and together, we are the greatest military force in the world. >> so last night was a high society fund-raiser. the president with sarah jessica parker, anna wintour, r pretty glamorous. but it is not just the president who speaks pandering. his republican challenger is an expert in the language, proving that while we may not agree on much that up and dopandering is bipartisan fluency. mitt romney today continuing to
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gender himself to the obama is killing business crowd. >> i am running for president because i have the experience and the vision to get us out of this mess. >> we' we're going to replace the obama job killing policies with sweeping tax reform to jump-start job creation. and by the way, the government regulators who are strangling small business are finally going to learn that their job is to help job creators and recognize them as our friend, not enemies. >> proving his fluency is broad-based, romney also spent time in almost every speech pandering to the deficit hawks. >> say you had a real spending cuts deal, 10-1, spending cuts to tax increases. you're shaking your head. but who on this stage would walk away from that deal? can you raise your hand if you feel so strongly about not
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raising taxing you'd walk away on the 10-1 deal? >> this week romney's target audience, small town america as he makes the rounds on this every town counts bus tour and just an hour ago, romney hold an ice cream social, trying to melt the heart of the granite state voters. we'll get to all of the pandering with the panel in a moment, but before that, the story everyone was talking about this afternoon, which is not the story anybody wanted to talk about. mike viqueira tells us what else happened on the way to the speech today. >> yeah. well, i gather you want to talk about that individual interrupted the president. >> seems to be the thing. it's like, you know. who was that guy? how did he get in and tell everybody what happened. >> his name is neil monroe. works for the daily caller. it's run by tucker carlson, the
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conservative commentatocommenta. the president was in the middle of his stalt and mr. monroe who iches standing next to although i didn't know him at the time -- he's been around a while. >> ignore me. i'm teasing. >> so any way, he starts shouts at the president, why are you spending american jobs to foreigners. the president stopped what he was saying, told the man he shouldn't interrupt and then the president continued and then came back and started answering the man's question. clearly, i mean, i've watched this man, our president, every day. i've never seen this president or any president, the look on his face clearly an enraged president of the united states. so this gentleman told reporters who followed him out of the rose garden, identified himself, said that he wanted to ask the questions that we never ask and here's the sound bite from mr.
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monroe. >> it is the -- it is the right thing to do. excuse me, sir. it's not time for questions, sir. not while i'm speaking. >> all right. so there you have it. almost forgot to toss the sound there. now, a statement from the daily caller. he said i know he, the president really takes questions before walking away from the podium. when i asked a question, he turned his back on the reporters while one other has questions. he may be referring to he. he said he wasn't aware the president was still speaking and others said he did not intend to heckle the president. >> yeah. thank you, michael. >> i'm done. >> did a fine job. no heckling. have a good weekend, mike. megapanel's here. multiple conversations, let's
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talk about so the cultural implication, the culture today. there's two trains of thought. one is there's a diminished level of respect for this particular president. this office. the other is the culture in general is disrespectful to everybody. all the time and this is a progression of that. >> not only that, but this wasn't just an isolated incident. >> not only that, you see why he did something like that when you go on twitter. there's all the -- >> msnbc in the afternoon. >> you're going to get talked about. i'm sure his twitter following went up. i'm sure hits on his articles went up. they're making money. there's all the incentive in the
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world. joe wilson, he said you lie. >> just waiting -- >> and then raised a million dollars off that. >> so, this is a genius way forward. >> but surely there's a -- steep penalty in that he will never be at a white house briefing again. so, is it worth getting more twitter followers and having the daily caller bump up a little bit? i wonder how strategic it was, some people will say that it is not part of this, some are saying of course, it's part of this, but this disrespect of this human being cannot be disconnected from the fact that he's black. >> explain that. elaborate on that. >> there's a basic lesser humanity, generally ascribed to black people, even one this alpha, this much in power, in control, and that you would have people like a joe wilson,
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like -- >> you're saying the willingness for white power to -- >> or just for white people to see a black person in power and say i don't have to respect you. and even at the point where he says i'm speaking, i have acknowledged you rude person, but we are doing this thing together. and i'm still talking and he continues to interrupt. that's when it gets really disrespectful. it's disruptive to the entire just working on government. i'm giving a speech. giving a talk. a press conference about something and you're just going to bogart it. >> i got to talk about my new language. >> something else is broken here, too though. the proportionalty. the different ways this president is treated. but in addition, we have a media culture that doesn't have proportionalty. it was a moment, it was wrong. then we should move forward to what is the big news today,
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which is a change in the department of homeland security's discretion towards how we enforce what some would call illegal or undocumented workers in this country who came when they were under 16. >> go for it. >> but now the -- >> from the ball. no, no -- >> i am running the ball. i've got the ball and what i want to do with the ball is say i think that's a good idea and it shows the president who has worked repeatedly with a congress on the dream act, introduced by senator durbin, who's faced obstruction for the last three years. his lawful ability to try to change the immigration policy. >> greatest implication for immigrants and nonimmigrants is what? >> is the fact that we do not take the edge of this spear and go after people who are minors and children and who didn't recognize what we would call the law intent to break our laws
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because they were children and didn't have their own agency. the fact we have been enforcing it in a different way under both pears i think is a travesty and we should focus on adults, securing the border. but we need to have a lawful path of citizenship at least for the children brought to this country. >> your media point, when you run on the field in a baseball game or football game and -- or clothed, whatever, the the cameras turn away and michael, the announcer will say there's somebody on the field, that's why we're watching this other end and we as the media feed this. stopping that -- let me say it to the -- that it's not pandering, right, because it's the right thing to do. >> what's not pandering? >> extension of rights giving more rights to people. >> let me clarify my point on the pandering. here's my point.
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whether it's the president or whether it's romney, by my observation, when you look at the timing of the president's decision to come out and do this right thing on immigration, knowing that rubio and the republicans are coming with that next week, is not a moral, in other words, to go to the whole energy thing, if it is an honorable cause, to do anything, is not the catalyst for that honorable cause the honorability of the cause? and i guess what i'm saying is whether this president or any other president and that's nothing to do with anything else when the decision making the made in the context of we better do what they don't, now, that's my half full. that's my half emp the. here's my half full. politic is supposed to react to these types of things and it's better to have them react to things that are good. >> to me, that's the thing that
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is really exciting is that the good politics and good thing to do lined up and that's a beautiful thing. >> i agree with that. >> whatever your values are, that has to be the goal is to make it so that we can't count on i happen to think president obama is very courageous and i think his stand for lgbt quality was brave and ahead of the curve, but we have to make it so that the right thing to do is also the political thing to do. >> here's what frustrates me. i agree. if there's an issue like let's say killing foreigners, if the republicans and democrats disagree, out of the question. if the banks have taken over the both political parties and are running a $70 trillion extraction and are funding both parties, doing the honorable thing is out of the question. if the tax code is being sold and subsidies are a joke, doing the honorable thing is out of
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the question. do you love that i'm doing this -- >> yes. >> note the pen. but it is only when there is a political advantage to be had that the lgbt decision or the immigration and absent the face of an opponent, so in other words, that's why the reason you fund both political parties is to ensure you have agreement on banking, trade and taxes, all the status quo issues because the only way you're going to get in trouble is if one party does what these are doing. why don't we make an immigration plan, an lgbt, a gay and lesbian play, but nobody wants to make a bank or taxes or trade or terrorism play because both parties have no honor except for when they are forced into it and that is pathetic. >> and we have not put enough pressure on them this that rega regard. so we can't just say -- we have to take and i just -- on the lgbt thing, i have a very
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different perspective on that. if you look at virginia, north carolina, ohio, support for marriage equality is in the 30%. so it wasn't, i mean, i think it was a very tough thing to do politically. >> fair enough. >> definitely risky -- >> i'm dplad he did it, but he didn't change the policy in those states. i think the point dylan would argue is that because of the way it was politically presented and it doesn't change policy in those states, he did it in a political way. it was a step forward, but wasn't saying if this is -- he didn't say because of the moral position his courageous view is this is equality for the land. i get why it's harder to go past that, but i don't know if that compromise is total courage. >> point is, an honorable code is an honorable code, whether somebody's forcing you to do it or not and for me, it's kind of
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stinky. hold on. you don't have it. the megapanel's back in a minute, but next, no way to live. delaware attorney general unless i can get bo biden to give up some of his time for crystal to talk about the howing data, plus the man who quit money 12 years later, is his life any richer and the author of a new book getting rave reviews. confessions of a gay dad. we've got a fun show ahead. our cloud is not soft and fluffy.
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our cloud is made of bedrock. concrete. and steel. our cloud is the smartest brains combating the latest security threats. it spans oceans, stretches continents. and is scalable as far as the mind can see. our cloud is the cloud other clouds look up to. welcome to the uppernet. verizon. ♪ power surge, let it blow your mind.
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here we dpo again. as the summer heats up, so too was the foreclosure market. new numbers shows foreclosures are up for the first time in more than two years. increased 12% from april to may and 16% last year and $25 billion in foreclosures, that settlement, we were down in austin, texas, this winter, to help the under water homeowner is in for trillions and this is an insult, but there it is. any way, the instultingly small amount of money in the settlement compared to the problem has instead been used by many states opting to fund the money to fill their budget holes as a result of the sluggish economy and unemployment. "the new york times" reporting that texas put $125 million of their housing money into the swren fund. virginia channelled 67 million
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to cash strapped local governments and missouri put $40 towards softening education cuts. bo biden has been the lead crusader on this issue and one of the last to sign on to a settlement. he'll be the first to tell you, certain step, but not by any stretch, a solution. nice to see you. >> good to see you, dylan and i'm happy to report that in delaware, we are not part of those two trends. why the foreclosure rate and using the money inappropriately. >> let's go back to the conversation goes back a few years for us. we all know that if you have an inflated asset base, which is what the housing market was, the largest distributed asset base in america and if you effectively relieve the
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accounting standards for all the bags, fannie, freddie, everybody off the hook but the bankers keep their bonuses, take their debt away and stick it in the government, to leave the homeowner in a mispriced house that was mispriced in the context of the corruption of the swaps market and all the things that we talk about. where do we stand in a quest to get the rebalance the housing market the going to need this decade, the next. just pretending you don't have cancer unfortunately doesn't cure it, as you know. >> well, you know, as you said, the the settlement was one step. a small tstep towards that direction. you're going to see other tou attorneys general, my office in new york, nevada, harris in california, you're going to see
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attorneys general like that continue to investigate all elements of the mortgage financing industry. you're seeing that happen as we speak. dock x, the executive and ceo, the company that made linda green, who was famous for the robo signing scandal. that foreclosed inappropriately on homes. so you're going to see bits and pieces of this done. you're going to see attorneys general with really leading on this and continuing to try to hold those in the mortgage finance industry accountable. at all levels. whether securization. >> i want to talk about the present tense because it's all related. there was a meeting in the late 1990s or a series of meetings of legislations and deals made,
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ultimately travelers became citigroup, swaps market was invented, all these thipgngs. we saw the money machine get turned out instead of acknowledging the failure of the experime experiment. it's now 2012. the same experiment is now failing in europe. the euro was invented by the same people in the same context at the same time to do the same thing. is this an opportunity in the and i know this is well outside of your jurisdiction, but is there an opportunity for us in the stakes to benefit from the reexposure coming through you were, through jpmorgan, to reempower you and the local tors general to get to the stuff of 2008 and pressure eric holder? >> it gives us some -- not doing
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it to do and those that are doing it to do more of it. an example on the foreclosure piece. that's no surprise because the banks are now about foreclosuring again. in our state, we passed a law, and that is requires mandatory mediation between the borrower and the lender. requires someone to show up, resolution authorities from the bank to have a mediation discussion. just a decision with the lender. we did it just to make sure we can have a mean lful, real dialogue that wasn't happening because we found borrowers couldn't get their bank on the phone and have a real discussion about something short of a foreclosure. we found was and this is not the intent of the law. we passed the law on january 18th of this year, they filed 315 fore closes in delaware.
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we averaged 15 a dachlt not the high-end of foreclosure states, but right in the middle. what we found since we passed a law, only 14 foreclosures have b filed in delaware. 14. now, you could tell me better than anybody in america what that means. it means that the banks aren't sure whether or not they have their is dotted and ts crossed. that was not the intent of the law. it was to give a meaningful discussion. it highlights how screwed up this market still is. structures are out of whack. they don't know who they sold what to and who owns these properties. and that's, it's an insight into how completely off the rails this whole mortgage finance backed industry became over the last ten years. >> i think it's also a -- >> and still is, quite frankly. zpl i think it's a great anecdote to prove how profound a
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good first step is and now dangerous it is not to have a good first step. seems that a larger impact on steps 2 through 50 combined. to simply exchange information prior to making plans an man dating that so you don't receive a plan in the mail absent the opportunity to have that dialogue. thank you and we'll talk to you soon, okay? probably i won't. >> well, if i don't get a chance to come on again, i want to thank you what you've done for this country. i'm not overstating this here. you've been taking very complex issues and distilled them into their component parts and you know, you've basically, i view you as an interpreter. those who don't speak greek, you've kind of interpreted the
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the greek that is sometimes the language of finance and i want to thank you for doing it and explaining it to the american people. your numbers are high as they've ever been. i'm sad to see you go off these air wave, but i know you'll continue to be a voice for these issues all across this country. >> if anything, first of all, that's remarkably humble iing coming from you. thank you for saying it, saying it in public -- all i can say to you is it's going to get a lot bigger and will be a lot more fun. i'm not going away. i'm just opening skunk works for a few minutes here so we can have a little bit more fun and show it more. i feel like we've kind of talked it out here. we've got to figure out how to show it and i'll be in touch for certain. thank you. up next, readers calling this next book today, that was
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emotional. honest, which is appropriate to our time and the perfect father's day gift, this is which weekend and thus the author of does this baby make me look strakt joins us right after this. [ shivering ] sorry. sore knee. blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? it's the one you store in the freezer. gives that instant cold sensation. that's chilly. same medicated pain reliever used by physical therapists. and it lasts for hours. [ sigh of relief ] [ short breath ] [ longer breath ] [ short breath ] [ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. i haven't thought about aspirin for years. aspirin wouldn't really help my headache, i don't think. aspirin is just old school. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain.
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family," which has brought gay parenting into the mainstream. joining with the new normal. take a look. >> i don't know. my dad screwed me up pretty good. what do you think two dads would do to a kid? you think it's a good idea to bring a kid in the world with a nontraditional family. >> an african-american raised by a grandma. that person seems to be doing just fine. >> barack obama. >> no, mariah carey. >> this father's day weekend, today shares his experience starting a family with his husband of over 20 years in the new book, does this baby make me look straight. confessions of a gay dad. an actor, producer and publisher or writer. of this very book. congratulations, dan. happy father's day. >> thank you. happy father's day to you, too. >> your favorite thing, the thing you think that you feel you best communicated to the rest of the world by doing it
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and the thing you think people don't understand, but should. >> i have to say it's that inadd ver tantly, i think i've shone that we're just like everybody else. we're all in it together. i sort of joke around that the diaper, when we're changing diaper, it all smells the same. we just may look a little nicer when we change them. >> what are you saying, dan? bias there. >> firs, i just want to say that torii tory looked amazing when changing diapers, as did i, of course. i actually wanted to know, was that your intent with the book? were you wanting to paint a picture of gay parenting that's just accessible? i read the excerpt you had in the "huffington post" and your daughter and dealing with the f word, fat. i relate to as well because i
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have a 4-year-old girl and i'm thinking about her relationship the food and those things. was that the goal? >> it wasn't a political. i didn't really have a political thought about it. about like this is my way of showing the world that i'm like everybody else. i wanted to communicate the most honest expression of sort of the trials, the tribulations, the ways in which my kids panic me all the time and when i did it and started performing some of the chapters of the book as part of a show here in los angeles, i realized that everybody seemed to relate. i think it's more like a by-product of having written the book that i'm realizing the more specific you get in talking about the ways in which you're petrified how you're screwing up your kids, you're realizing that you're a lot like everybody else. so really, i just wanted to tell the truth. >> one of the things, they show modern family at the beginning, this is ari with a question. one of the things they do so
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well on that show is illustrate the anxiety and awkwardness that people who want to be supported feel. what do you say to folks of a different generation for whatever reason want to support equality or be down, but struggle in the moments when it's time to share you know, family scenes or talk about things with two dads. what are the examples you have for them? >> it's tough because there are times when i take it personally and i get defensive, but most of the time, i try to sort of take a deep breath and realize there's a learning curve here and that the progress that's being made is because and the rb why people's positions are evolving is because there's opportunities for people to see them on television, to read about them in books and to get to know what a gay dad is like and how much we're all alike. >> s i try to do my best to understand when someone says
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where is the money that as offensive as that question is, i sort of know where it's coming from and i do my best when i'm not short tempered. >> that's one of those classic sort of ruthless ins and compassion. >> it does. because i understand where it's coming from. on airplanes, i get it all the time. people make assumptions that the fact i'm with my two kids that the mommy is somewhere. the truth is, we're a two dad family and we're proud of it and i think the more people encounter it and learn about us, the better. >> it's understandable people would think they see you with two kids, they would speculate in this culture there's probably a mom somewhere. >> and i have a chapter in the book where i talk about my worst moment when i dealt with somebody making the wrong assumption. i think i have to learn compassion as well for those who
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aren't learning as fast. >> how old are your kids? >> four and three quarters and seven and a half. >> i wanted to interrogate this term, gay dad for a second. at your age, with your children, are you really a gay dad or just a dad? right? homosexuality really impact the parenting choices or are you swrus a dad like me? >> i am a dad just like everybody else. the whole notion of being labeled as a gay dad or having to label what your sexual orientation is before you're described what kind of parent you are, it doesn't become relevant anymore, especially since no one's having sex anymore after they have kids. >> we're going to love it on that. that was a beautiful ending. don't mess it up. dan, congratulations. >> thank you. >> happy father's day. >> you, too. >> thank you. daredevil raises the bar with a
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tonight a feat so daring. nick set across the raging nike ra falls on a tight rope. similar stunts have been attempted before, but acts have taken place over calmer or narrower part of the raging river. nick, he's going with a 40-minute jump over the falls with the worst of it on a two-inch diameter wire. he will deal with high winds, slick fur sas on the wire and possibly predatory falcons. yeah. the stunt so dangerous it had been banned for the past 128 years, but nick was able to get
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exception to the falls niagra falls, no stunt policy because of and i am not making this up, the local economy's sluggishness. cue stephen colbert. >> folk, you know a town is in bad shape when they have to create a tourist attraction to attract tourists to their tourist attraction. . >> so, the city, to the city, excuse me, and to nick, good luck tonight. the route and the routine in in large, sorry for the tongue tie there, will be aired live on abc this evening. straight ahead here, imagine going every day without earning, receiving or spending a cent. we've got the guy who calls it the good life, next. c'mon dad! i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer.
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living abundantly without a penny to your name, our next guest says it's possible. he walked away from money and all the strings attached. today, he lives in caves on public land in utah and calls his life without cash, credit or welfare the good life and with us now on the hot line is daniel along with mark, the author who writes about daniel's journey and the man who put money. dan, what do you believe are the
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greatest merits of the decision you've made? >> i believe it's all about grace and it's all about finding the grace in other human beings and in myself to accept freely giving and freely receiving. which is really all about love. >> and how does that principle that you represent and i adplee with it. but how that does that contrast do you think with the contemporary culture in general? >> well, the basic philosophy of the money system is doing things to get something for reward for future reward, which i would call ulterior motivation and it causes us to not be real, to be false. and the idea of living this way is to cultivate doing for the sake of doing rather than the
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sake of future rewards. which is to be authentic, to be real. >> mark, what were you hoping by making the investment by documenting daniel's decisions and publish the book? what are you hoping others will take away by benefitting from reading it? >> well, looking around on all sides of the spectrum, you see people who are dissatisfied and afraid of the money system we've built. on the right, the tea party saying the fed has taken us down the road, on the left, the occupy movement saying the financial industry owns the government and in the middle. you've got climate change saying we're about to destroy the place we live in order to have this idea that the government can't interfere with this quote free market and so, you know, people don't buy it anymore.
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and they feel powerless, like how can i go against the fed if i use money, against wall street if i have an ira, against bill oil if i drive a car. what's inspiring about daniel is he has imagined another life. he challenges us to think differently about the way the world is composed. >> where do you get food and shelter? >> from society's cast offs, dumpsters and also wide edibles out in the desert and i've eaten road kill and also, people's generosity. i hitchhike, also. i never ask for food. people give it to me. except for bakeries or restaurants at closing time and i also live in a cave. most the time. but people also ask me to house sit so i sometimes house sit. that's also something i never go
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out looking for. >> and we have a culture where people are incident obsessed more than culturely obsessed, which is why something like what you've done is so provocative because it's a unexpected incident, if you will. but it feels to me like your message is not that you want everybody to go live in a cave. it sounds like your message is find the grace and love in yourself because that is the only truth. is that a fair interpretation? >> yeah, exactly. this really isn't about living without money. that kind of is a hook that gets people, but it's really about a spiritual journey and finding grace. and encouraging everyone to find that within themselves and for everyone to look at all of our
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possessions and think am i taking more than i need or only what i need and that's what i would encourage all of society to do. to ask those questions. >> profound messages from both of you. dan, compliment to you for your willingness to find in yourself your own truth and to be brave enough to not only do it, but to share it with mark and come out and ta to folks like ourselves. mark, congrats to you for finding a story that can offer inspiration as the time calls for, which is we are, again, whatever the decision is, we are our own truth and this is a great piece. >> thank you. coming up on "hardball," the president relaxing deportation
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to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. all right, taking us on -- >> through three years of this show, dylan's been like a big brother to me even though he's younger than me dispensing advice in the office and hallways. one of the things he's talked about is that a man can be a man
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or zeus. a cowboy needs an enemy to gain power. i think we know dylan roared into msnbc as a cowboy at war with the banks and the corruption and the financial system. but a cowboy can only get so far. without enemy, he has no power and that constrains the ability of a larger group to grow. zeus by contrast has no enemies. his power is being noble and compassion to nose who disagree. think of nelson mandela. that sort of person can affect positive change of society. this is the sort of man we need more of. this is the sort of man dylan has become and the ultimate graduation to that is to abdicate the peacock part of his life and dedicate his life to fix the country. to leave is about having the
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courage to fix his convictions. for those of us on tv, this is a dream job, especially at this place where you bring so much passion to work. saying good-bye to a dream job takes courage. very few people leave tv voluntarily. tv leaves them. tv is a beautiful woman almost no one gets tired of dating. for example, i've hosted several shows and have never left voluntarily. one time, they had to get me to leave. just kidding. for dylan is leave is about believing in zeus energy, that that we have not to fix this broken country, we just have to remange what we have. it's also about understanding that hogging the mike is not a life, it's something you do along the way. this show has been about trying to save the country and about the maturation of a hot headed
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cowboy into a man trying to practice zeus power. i will remember this show fondly, i will cherish our friendship, which will not end next friday. i will pray that this next phase of your life is fruitful. my mom used to say you can be the problem or solution. >> you're just angling for a tv show. >> no -- >> i know what's going on here. does very nice words. >> never do that. and i would understand that the people who decide such things are not here in front of the camera, but this has been an extraordinary experiment more than about hey, i'm on tv, watch me. you can get caught up in the flow of here's the days news and this is what we talk about. >> just chase the bouncing ball. >> yes, you've had big idea
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coming in through the the show, you have expressed big ideas. you did the the show rather than the show doing you and that has been awesome to watch. an example of how to do a tv show rather than let's read the paper and tell them what they learned. >> you hit on something that i hadn't thought much about. when i left cnbc, i was irate. i was a court reporter of the financial universe who was doing a translation in which the translation was it looks like you guys just stole the money and that's what they were doing and to move from that place, i'm desperate to get the banker, let's just solve the problem, gentlemen, you know, and i think weave got to prove away from who did what to what are we going to do. thank you. see you next week. one more time. that will do it for us.
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have a great weekend and "hardball" starts right now. dream a little dream. let's play some "hardball." good evening. i'm michael smerconish in washington for chris matthews. dream act lite, today, president obama issued an executive order that will stop the deportations of most illegal immigrants who alived here as children. is this a political play for the latino vote? you bet. plus, president obama and mitt romney offer starkly different visions for fixing the economy. romney says trust the private sector. president obama says that's another way of saying let's try those bush
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