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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  June 15, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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acting now, he said, is a question of compassion and of simply doing the right thing. >> effective immediately, the department of homeland security is taking steps to lift the shadow of deportation from these young people. over the next few months, eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorization. >> all across the country people gathered around tv sets to watch the president make the announcement that would change so many lives. in fact, the policy will affect up to 800,000 young people. currently living in the united states. it achieves some of the same goals as the dream act that republicans in congress defeated
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in 2010. a bill that once had bipartisan support. back in 2005 senators john mccain and ted kennedy introduced similar legislation. a bill that was also supported by president bush. by, oh, how the republican party has changed. today senator mccain called the president's announcement, quote, a politically motivated power grab. senator lindsey graham said it was quote, possibly illegal and arizona governor jan brewer called it back door amnesty. mitt romney criticized the policy but failed to say what he thinks about the actual issue. >> this is an important matter that we have to find a long-term solution. but the president's action makes reaching a long-term solution more difficult. >> not much of a response. he's been a bit more direct about it in the past.
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>> i've indicated i would veto the dream act if provisions say if they are here illegally and get a degree here they can become permanent residents. i think that's a mistake. ultimately, today was not about politics. it was about people. the president knows this is an issue that affects real people who love america who consider themselves americans. and in some cases who risk their lives for america. joining me now is arizona congressman raul grijalva, cochair of the progressive caucus and telemundo anchor jose diaz-balart. first of all, i want to start with your reaction to today's news. >> applaud the president. courageous, historic. and very needed at this time. to indicate to our nation as a
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whole that this issue that has been such a divisive issue, that has been promoted through hate and division, that these young people are our family and the president's order gives them the opportunity that they've earned. i think it's historic. i'm very proud of this president. i respect his decision. he used political capital. and some say took a risk. but this was humanitarian. it was necessary. and it's good policy. and i'm not only appreciative, very proud of this president. >> let me ask you this before i go to jose. you are in probably the toughest state in terms of some of the worst immigration policies from my perspective. i've marched out there with you and others. how will this effect people in your district in arizona?
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>> it lifts this pail of uncertainty, doubt. great for families and for these young people who tire of hearing maybe next year. i'm glad the president has stepped in. there's been nothing but obstruction on the republican leadership in the house and the senate. and now through the president's direct action for arizona, young people that qualify, an opportunity and relief to them and their families. it's a good day for them. and it's a good day because it's a precedent we shouldn't run away from immigration reform. we should do something about it. >> now, the policy is 30-year-old or younger arrived in the united states before age 16, lived in u.s. for five years. no criminal record. high school diploma. in school or served in the military. those are the -- those who are eligible for this. how widespread do you think this
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is? how important is this to a lot of the immigrant communities around the country? >> reverend, this is huge. this is huge. and you talked about 800,000 when you started the program. that's what officials both in the white house and ngos believe would be the number of young people who could be benefitting from this program in the short-term. but the hispanic center said today that it could be as high as 1.4 million people that could be benefitted from it. i want to also, if i could, separate the apples from the oranges on this issue. this is not like the dream act in that the dream act which both some republicans and democrats supported and some democrats opposed in the senate when it went down in flames in the year 2010, that proposal would have given these people, these hundreds of thousands of kids
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who know no other country but the united states of america who were going to be deported to countries they've never been in and speaking a language they don't even possibly know, it would give them a path to citizenship. the dream act would have been given them that. this under no circumstances and the president was very clear in his speech today, this is no way going to give these people anything but a temporary reprieve from a separation of families that has in the past three years included almost 1.5 million people in this country. it's a two year pause and possibly hopefully for these people an extension of that two year pause. but down the road, what's needed is congressional action for immigration reform if there is to be some road to citizenship. >> i think you raising that point is very important. because i don't know that people
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understand -- he's not talking citizenship here. people are brought to this country very young that don't even know the language in their country that could be deported and dropped in the middle of where they are totally unfamiliar with. can't even speak the language. and they're told you're illegal, you must go there. this just stops their deportation. it does not give them citizenship. >> correct. >> absolutely. and our friend congressman grijalva can tell you he represents a state, arizona, that has been the center of the discussion for years now. not only because of sb-1070 which the supreme court may decide this monday or next monday the constitutionality of the sb-1070, but arizona has been ground zero for immigration discussions. and the fact is that the sb-1070s of the world exist because of both inaction by the executive and legislative powers
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in washington for far too many years. >> and we had that action today. congressman, let ple say this. right away of course the right wing came back attacking. rush limbaugh and fox news came out swinging on the president's policy. watch this and give me your response. >> this is a president in re-election mode. insert whatever group here. it's political. >> it's panic city. for the left. and that's why obama is out right now announcing amnesty for young illegals. catch, release, vote. >> i would imagine that people would be making a big run for the border. >> congressman, how do you respond to those criticisms? >> well, it's the same criticisms. this machine, the extremists on the republican side and their mouthpieces in the media have beat on immigrants for two
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election cycles and made them the cannon fodder for the rhetoric and the hate and fear they spread in this nation. now the president takes a courageous act saying it's politics. i find it ironic brewer is calling it politics. when they will fight tooth and nail from allowing something like the dream act to happen. the hypocrisy is on the other end. what the president had to do. he's waited for this process to work. as long as we have leadership as immigrants. as political cannon fodder to be used in an election as opposed to fixing this broken immigration system. there is nothing else the president could do. that's why i'm proud of him. >> jose, let me ask you this quickly. they mention politics. when you look at the politics of it, the latino vote in the 2012 election. the polls now have president obama at 61%.
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mitt romney at 27%. yet the other day romney says we're going to get by this immigration thing, we're going to win the latino vote. how does the day effect that? what is the politics of today? >> i think the took the ground right from under the republican party who had been taking baby steps to see if they could mitigate the support by the hispanic community at large. you mentioned the poll that showed an overwhelming support for the president by most latino voters. might i add the word voters. these kids who were not born here could not vote under the president's requirement today they cannot vote. there is no path to citizenship. let's not confuse magnesia from mercury. they're two different things. this is giving a stay of deportation for these kids that know no other country by the
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united states. and an interesting aspect you need to talk about. if you haven't been caught by immigration in this country, you're legal, you're quiet. now you can come out and say i am a dreamer and i can stay. that's a big thing that happened today. >> that's huge. i've got to go. jose, congressman thank you very much for your time. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> jose, i don't know where you thought the right wing could be confusing. we'll talk about that next time. joining me now is pulitzer prize winner jose antonio vargas. last year he revealed he was undocumented in an emotional article in "the new york times." he just wrote the new issue of "time" magazine. he's part of a movement to bring a voice to undocumented
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immigrants in america. what's your reaction to the president's huge decision today? >> this is -- in washington, d.c. this is a great joyous day for many undocumented people in this country. not only for us but for the people who support us. our teachers, our pastors. i've been referring to it kind of as our underground railroad. this is a big day for us. every year 65,000 undocumented people graduate from high school. i did that. i graduated from high school in 2000. and when you're undocumented, you can -- it's hard to get to college because there's no financial aid. once you do go to college, then what do you do when you have a degree? you were just talking about the "time" magazine cover. we have people with biology degrees, wannabe doctors and lawyers. instead they're waiting on tables. they can't fully live their lives. now they can. to me what's interesting about the policy today is how many
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times can you say that you have a government policy that actually creates tax revenues. right? now we have new taxpayers. don't we need that in this economy? >> help me get a sense to our viewers. people were crying today as they were watching that. like there was this tremendous load lifted off of them. like they were living in some kind of a grip of fear that was relieved. explain what people were going through. >> well, it's interesting this question is coming from you. you're -- you were there for the civil rights movement. for my generation, this is a civil rights movement. we've all been in this together. i remember coming out last year in the article and literally have people on facebook and twitter saying hey, brother, we're in this together. right? there's such a sense of community and a sense of
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fraternity and sisterhood for the women in the community. i think everybody felt generally happy for each other. and i think you saw that kind of emotion today. for me at least, it was almost overwhelming just to be around people like gabby who has been fighting for this since she was in high school. it's an incredible day. for me. and i'm a writer. there aren't even really words to describe it. >> wow. jose antonio vargas, who's written the cover story in this week's "time" magazine. thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you for having me. coming up, my thoughts on today's shocking display of disrespect. a right wing blogger heckling the president in the rose garden. >> it is the right thing to do. excuse me, sir. it's not time for questions, sir. and the next time i prefer you let me finish my statements
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before you ask that question. is this is the right thing to do for the american people i didn't ask for an argument. i'm answering your question. >> this outrageous behavior has to stop. and it has to stop now. plus willard's billionaire boys club. what the wealthy donors backing his campaign really want. and an award winning actor from the hit series "breaking bad" becomes the latest victim of the so-called stop and frisk policy. it's the new racial profiling, and it's spreading across the country unless we do something about it. you're watching "politicsnation" on msnbc. it's very important to understand
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billionaires are flooding the romney campaign with cash. but what do they want in return? payback romney style. that's next. ♪ lord, you got no reason ♪ you got no right ♪ ♪ i find myself at the wrong place ♪ [ male announcer ] the ram 1500 express. ♪ it says a lot about you. ♪ in a deep, hemi-rumble sort of way. guts. glory. ram.
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welcome back to "politicsnation." uh-oh, it looks like senator mccain's gone rogue. guess he never got the memo about not attacking hidden money. >> much of the profits come from
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the casino in macow. >> which says what? >> that says maybe farm money is coming into an american political campaign. we have to have a limit on the flow of money and that corporations are not people. >> hear that, willard? corporations aren't people. and billionaire donors like sheldon adelson, they're not leveling the playing field. they're doing the opposite. adelson has already given $10 million to romney's super pac and promises limitless support. he's just one of many betting big on willard. and they all want something in return. like oil man harold hamm, he's donated nearly a million dollars already. would you believe it? he supports billions in tax breaks for the oil industry. then there's new balance ceo jim davis. he's also pitched in a million.
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his company is looking for a sneaker contract with the pentagon. just goes to show big money comes at a price. joining me now is congressman keith ellison, democrat from minnesota. he's pushing an amendment to get corporate money out of politics. congressman ellison, first thanks for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> now, billionaires are pumping a lot of money into this election. it seems like they're looking for a return in the investment. how dangerous is this? >> this is absolutely fatal to democracy itself. as a matter of fact, they can just purchase an election and get people who will do whar they want, what it mean is our water will be unsafe to drink. it'll mean our carbon will be released into our atmospheres. more oil spills. one of the things these oil guys hate is regulation. it'll just mean a poorer world
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for all the rest of us. it really is dangerous to our democracy. we have got to do something about it. that's why we've got to have a constitutional amendment that says money is not speech. corporations are not people. and doctors is not for sale. and so that's why this week we've had this national campaign called resolution week where municipalities all over the country are passing resolutions telling congress let's get a constitutional amendment that says it's the kind of expenditure. >> politico today had a major procedure on the koch brothers. let me tell you what it said. the koch brothers political operation has increasingly come to resemble its own political party. many of the dozens of rich conservative invitees are expected to write huge checks,
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potentially boosting the kochs' 2012 spending plan beyond their historic $395 million goal. how does that strike you? >> well, again, absolutely frightening. i mean, look at it this way. let's go back to this. bernie sanders and i have a bill that says we want to close all corporate loopholes for the oil, gas, and coal industry. they get $110 billion now in subsi subsidy. so what if they're able to prevent the election? you could hear drill, baby, drill. that'll be on steroids. we've got to step up. that's why all of this country -- today the minneapolis city council passed a resolution saying get big money out. duluth was earlier this year. new york has done it. l.a. has done it. we need people, municipalities and elected officials to say get
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big money out. we need to pass a constitutional amendment to put a stop to it. we've got to do it now. >> congressman, they're fighting back. mitch mcconnell blasted the administration for pushing back on citizens united. listen. >> we have to go back to nixon to find the last time you had a group of people both through the campaign and the power of the federal government to harass and silence critics. >> back to richard nixon silencing critics because you're against having unlimited money in the political process. >> is that the guy who said the top order ought to be to make obama a one term president? i mean, is he kidding? i've never seen such astronomical hypocrisy in my life to hear him saying stuff like that. the obama administration was right and president obama was
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right. and i'm glad he spoke out against it. municipalities across the city this week are speaking out against it. good groups out there like move to amend our fighting all over this country to get the grass roots movement. we need a constitutional amendment and we need it now. >> all right, congressman. thank you for being here. and have a great weekend. happy father's day to you. >> you too, my friend. still ahead, mitt romney discovers the wonders of traveling by bus. and throwing the working class under it. [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink?
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[ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? we're back on "politicsnation" with a bogus road trip. i mean, really. who among us actually believes willard romney has ever been on a bus? but he was back where it all started in new hampshire today to kick off his six state bus tour of smalltown america. he's pretending to care about all americans. >> washington's big government agenda should not smother small town dreams. in the america we love, every
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town counts. every job counts. and every american counts. if there's ever been a president who has failed to give the middle class of america a fair shot, it is barack obama. >> every american counts? so why do the policies just favor the rich? plane flying over had it right when it read romney's every millionaire counts tour. really, how is it this guy is talking about the middle class? the same guy who's taking that bus to wisconsin to hang out with governor scott walker the ultimate middle class destroyer. and congressman paul ryan whose destructive budget plan takes from the poor to give to the rich. willard, you should drive that bus back to reality. >> through government we should do together what we cannot do as well for ourselves. that's how we built this country.
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together. it's this vision that democrats and republicans used to share that mr. romney and the current republican congress have rejected. in favor of a no holds barred government is the enemy market is everything approach. >> joining me now is steve kornacki. and richard wolf. an msnbc political analyst and he's author of "revival: the struggle for survival in the obama white house." thanks to both of you being here tonight. >> thanks. >> how do you think the american people will view this bus tour? >> i'm struck by the tour is called the every town counts when he's skipping over whole states here. but that's true for both sides. they pick and choose their
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targets. there is awkwardness too. one of the states on this trip is ohio. and ohio's a state where the unemployment rate is doing a little better than now. ohio has a republican governor who within that state would like to stake credit for where the economy is. in the entire theme of the romney campaign, anywhere where he is, the economy is rotten not getting better and you've got to blame obama for it. there's a little tension. the republican governor of iowa which has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country said basically cut it out mitt. talk about the deficit. don't talk about how hopeless things are with jobs. it will be awkward when he goes to a state like ohio and tries to push that. >> let me push that a little. if you look at where he's going, new hampshire the unemployment is 5.0%. pennsylvania 7.4%. ohio 7.3%. wisconsin 6.8%. iowa 5.1%. and michigan where the
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unemployment rate is 8.5%. a little higher than the national average. but the rest of them are lower than the national average everyone where he's going. and some of them were republican governor who is want to take credit for that going down. i don't know if it's bad planning or just arrogance. >> yeah. there's the issue of the republican governors there. then the other question is these are the swing states. it's rare to have a circumstance where someone going to win the popular vote and electoral vote. it's hard for the economy in one swing state to override the national economy. there are examples i can think back. it was a big patch of red across the country. three states turned blue in the upper midwest. the economies were so rotten there. there are circumstances where that can be a factor. >> now, richard, he actually -- romney actually told the new hampshire crowd he was the
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candidate for fairness. watch this. >> he said that everyone in america deserves a fair shot. no, i could not agree more. he is not giving them a fair shot. i will. i understand what it takes to get people to work again. i will do that to help the american people from the richest to the poorest and everybody in between. >> to help everybody, remember his record. he's pro-ryan plan which would cut $3.3 trillion to low income programs. he wants tax cuts for the wealthiest americans. he would repeal the affordable care act and slash social security and medicare. it doesn't sound like to me the candidate for fairness to take care of everybody from the richest to poorest and all in between. >> he means something different by fairness, right? and steve makes a good point about the unemployment rate. this is a reactive style of campaigning. he's trying to taking the
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president's words in specific phrase here and throw it back against him. for all the pandering in washington among democrats as well about the president's messaging and are they trying to say -- they're trying to pretend there's too much progress and moving forward when people don't feel that. mitt romney has a similar problem. things aren't just slightly better than the national average in ohio. they're better than four years ago. they're better than they were in january of '09. so mitt romney has a problem and talking down the economy because he seems out of touch. and if you look at the latest numbers from gallup, there's an interesting number that frankly overturns the wisdom. when people ask what how's the economy in your local economy the one you know the best, many say it's good or excellent. if people feel that the economy around them is either good or excellent, 39% of the country, then mitt romney's main platform here, that he can make the economy better.
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that's got nowhere to go. that's his problem on these talks. >> it's interesting you say that. paul krugman wrote contrary to what romney wants us to believe -- let me read you what he said. he said private sector job growth has mor or less matched recoveries from the last two recessions. the big difference is the unprecedented fall in public employment which is about 4.1 million jobs less than it would be had it not grown as fast as it did under president george w. bush. it sure looks like as if cutting government when the country is deeply depressed hurts rather than helps the american people. >> well, you know, i keep saying this. there's still no good answer to it. if you say you know how to create grjobs, then slashing jo is not a good way to create
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jobs. you may think there's some kind of link somewhere down the road. maybe that's a pure ideological idea. but saying i'm going to kick people out of work to create jobs doesn't make sense to anyone. >> now, the fact is the data shows that the unemployment rate would be one full point lower if government jobs weren't cut. >> if they weren't cut and obama had gotten through the jobs proposal last year. the republicans sat on their hands. that's something for obama to campaign on this year. there is an appreciation when you look at this. the incumbent president, i can't think of an example in recent history that there's a recognition that the basic problem we have is primarily the problem of the predecessor. there's an awareness how deep the hole is and who caused the
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hole to be that deep. so the question is can obama continue to tell that story of this is what i tried to do from what i inherited. i think there might be something for him to work with. it's not landslide material. it's never going to be. >> maybe the people haven't forgotten because they were the ones at the bottom of the hole. we know the last one we saw on the way down. thanks for your time tonight. have a great weekend. >> you too. ahead, it's a policing policy called stop and frisk. but it's got to stop. now it's happening in our cities and we're taking action. and a new low from the right wing today. heckling the president in the rose garden. despicable. i'm calling on party leaders to lead ahead.
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sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. if you made a list of countries from around the world... ...with the best math scores. ...the united states would be on that list.
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in 25th place. let's raise academic standards across the nation. let's get back to the head of the class. let's solve this. ahead, it's the new racial profiling. stop and frisk the is happening in cities across this country. and we're doing something about it. i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i got heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilosec isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! want to hop in the back and get weird? no. no. ♪ ugh, no! [ sighs ] we can have hotdogs for dinner?! yes. [ male announcer ] it's nice to finally say "yes."
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new oscar mayer selects. it's yes food.
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. we're back on "politicsnation" with the abuse of policing policy known as stop question and frisk. it began in new york in 1994 under the rudy giuliani administration as a way to curb violent crimes.
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87% of those frisks were black and latino. nearly 90% were found innocent of any crime. in fact, weapons were found in less than 2% of all the stops. even in predominantly white neighborhoods of the city, more than 70% of those stopped by police were black and latino. i've been fighting for years to put an end to this. that's why we're marching this sunday, father's day. we're honored to work with the naacp and unions like sciu to hold a silent march to protest stop and frisk practices in new york and its formations around the country. joining me now is ben jealous, president and ceo of the naacp. and george gresham president of the largest labor union in the country. they'll both be joining all of us at the march.
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on sunday. thanks for being here tonight. ben, let me start with you. you wrote a piece in "huffington post" this week calling stop and frisk a human rights catastrophe. what did you mean by that? >> go back to 1999 when you were leading us to jail over the dealo case. that killing happened in the context of stop and frisk unit. this year they're on pace to a hundred thousand stop and frisks. ten times more. bloomberg puts a kinder, gentler face on what is a much more problematic situation. and inside of that, you've got these young black kids growing up. 14 to 24-year-old black boys and men. there's more stop and frisks of them than there are them in the town. >> the number of stops outnumber the amount of people if you look at the data and the population. >> it's outrageous.
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and within our communities, young people 10, 12 years old. they have this phrase called stop and frisk virgins where they make fun of each other because they have not been stopped and frisked. and know that's going to inevitably be the case. what signal are we sending to kids eight and ten years old they're looking forward to an entrance as a rite of passage. >> some of us and you have representatives. we're going to keep talking. we're going to solve this. the mayor said that well, it's in black and latino communities because crime is higher there. but in white communities, 70% of the people stopped are black and latinos who don't live there. so it's clearly a question of profiling. greenwich village, 8% of the
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population there. 76% of the stops. the upper east side, only 9% is black and latino. 71% are the stops. so that doesn't carry over. and when there was the speaking about why it was important. after the mayor's speech in that community had to say. >> a lot of times i ask them what's the reason for you stopping me. they don't have an answer. >> they jump out on me on the regular. if you don't have i.d., they really harass you. >> when i do get stopped, it does make me feel like i have no type of rights or anything like that. >> the description of having a hoodie and just being a black male walking in the street. >> now, ben, when you and i talked about this in washington and said we wanted all of us to come together and george -- when
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we were marching selma to montgomery. we were also concerned about police community relations. we almost had a boiling point because of these continued confrontations and no one trying to bring sanity here. >> look. the mayor saying look, this makes us safer. he brought down violent crime 29% in ten years. and in that same ten years, it's gone down by 37% on baltimore, 49% in dallas, 56% in new orleans, 59% in los angeles without this program. we don't need this program to make us safe. it's common sense. when people are stopped, we've seen some kids say they've been stopped 60 times before they turned 18. we were in the green room talking to george's chief of staff. i just met the very nice ballerina niece, she's been stopped four times this year. when yourself harassed again and again, it can be a long summer.
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let us not as you've said raise a generation of children who fear the cops too. the cops and the robbers. >> let me show you what the mayor said at the church. then respond. >> i believe the practice needs to be mended not ended. the reason police officers make stops in east new york is not because of race, it is because of crime. >> but if it's not because of race, why are we the majority of people stopped in white areas. >> it's ridiculous to say that. it's obvious that it is. if you look around and see how many people are guilty of any crime, it's ridiculous. it criminalizes our community. it's humiliating. it has not improved the quality of life for people of color. just the opposite. if we had heard this was the story that was happening 25 years ago in johannesburg, south africa, we would be outraged. this is 2012 and we're talking
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about new york city. >> whben, we're having it as a silent march. no speeches, no rallying, no chanting. just our presence, we will come out i think all of us standing together was after church before we go to father's day dinner. the kids have told me father's day for me. that's another show. i think it is the real statement is it is not going to be noisy. thousands of people are silent march. naacp did it around linking. i believe it was the vietnam and silent march in the village. that's going to be a statement. i think it's a unique way without competing chants and all of that. we just going to be there. and it also says we really just want to bring peace and tranquility to the city. >> that's exactly right.
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and the reason we did it in 1917 to call for a national movement to end lynch mob violence across this country just like we're doing this. is because when you are quiet they will see people. they will see the diversity. that will be a powerful message. but also it sends a message that this is different. this is extremely serious. that's why they do them rarely. that's why it's important people join us 110th street at 5th avenue. >> and it's so serious we're all going to be quiet. >> you and me both. which is unheard of. >> on sunday. ben jealous, george gresham, thank you for your time tonight. see you sunday. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] this is genco services --
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today i saw something we rarely have seen in the white house. a right wing blogger began heckling the president of the united states in the rose garden. >> it is the right thing to do. excuse me, sir. it's not time for questions, sir. and the answer to your question, sir -- and the next time i prefer you let me finish my statements before you ask that question. i didn't ask for an argument. i'm answering your question. it is the right thing to do for the american people. and here's why. >> this is the kind of disrespect on a new level. we can disagree, but have respect for the office. so how did we get to this point? it seems to be a never ending stream of derangement and disrespect from the right. just today newt gingrich said this. >> barack obama and the values he represents and the amateurish
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incompetence he has proven are a direct threat to the survival of america as we know it and defeating him is a national patriotic duty. >> defeating him is a national patriotic duty? from joe wilson to the birthers to the arizona finger waving governor, we see the disrespect over and over. so it seems totally okay for this reporter to interrupt the president of the united states. we all have our opinions. we don't all have to always agree, but let's have a conversation without interruptions, name calling, or finger pointing. thank you tonight for being here. have a great weekend. happy father's day to the fathers. thank you for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now.
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dream a little dream. let's play some "hardball." good evening. i'm michael smerconish in washington for chris matthews. leading off tonight, dream act lite. for years democrats have tried to pass the dream act and for years republicans have stopped them. today president obama issued an executive order that would stop the deportations of most illegal immigrants who arrived here as children. is this a political play for the latino vote? you bet ya. we'll break down the politics. plus, president obama and mitt romney offer starkly different visions for fixing the economy. romney says trust the private sector. president obama says that's another way of saying let's try those bush policies all over again. my question, can barack obama


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