tv The Ed Show MSNBC June 15, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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endez on today's immigration announcement and politico's joe williams on a reporter's unprecedented disrespect for president obama and the office he holds. and the war on women in michigan takes a shocking turn. a lawmaker is silenced by republicans for these remarks. >> i'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina but no means no. >> michigan state representative lisa brown will have her voice heard here tonight. nearly 800,000 young people no longer live in fear of being deported for a decision their parents made. president obama announced a major immigration policy change in the rose garden today. >> these are young people who study in our schools, they play in our neighborhoods, they're friends with our kids, they pledge allegiance to our flag. they are americans in their heart, in their minds, in every single way but one, on paper.
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>> with legislation stalled by republicans in congress, the president said the temporary policy change will be made through enforcement by the department of homeland security. >> it makes no sense to expel talented young people who for all intents and purposes are americans. they have been raised as americans. understand themselves to be part of this country. to expel these young people who want to staff our labs or start new businesses or defend our country, simply because of the actions of their parents or because of the inaction of politicians. >> students rallied on both coasts in support of the new measures, including these young people in los angeles. >> for me, it means i can finally take the right step forward, that he's responding in the way that we've been wanting him to respond and that he's listening and that we are now full of hope. >> we've been fighting for so
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long that it's a surreal moment right now that we're living, so it's a policy change so hopefully they follow through with it. >> but not everyone had a positive reaction, including one person who was in the rose garden. >> it is the -- it is the right thing to do. excuse me, sir, it's not time for questions, sir. not while i'm speaking. >> the conservative heckler in the audience was a writer for the right wing website "the daily caller." he yelled out why do you favor foreigners over americans. president obama addressed him a few minutes later. >> because we are a better nation that one that expels innocent young kids. and the answer to your question, sir, and the next time i prefer you let me finish my statements before you ask that question, is this is the right thing to do for the american people. i didn't -- i didn't ask for an argument, i'm answering your question. it is the right thing to do for the american people and here's
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why. here's the reason. because these young people are going to make extraordinary contributions and are already making contributions to our society. >> i'll have more on this stunning display later in the show. first, we should note mitt romney's reaction to the president's latest move. >> i think the action that the president took today makes it more difficult to reach that long-term solution because an executive order is of course just a short-term matter. it can be reversed by subsequent presidents. i'd like to see legislation that deals with this issue and i happen to agree with marco rubio as he looked at this issue. >> interesting that romney would align himself with marco rubio who called the new policy welcome news for many of these kids. other republicans weren't so for giving. >> this delivery of this message today was pandering to a certain population, and i believe it was very, very political. >> get your finger out of my face. and on fox news, karl rove was
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tipping the scales of hypocrisy. >> this is nothing but a politically motivated and cynical act. >> really, karl? so this was a politically motivated and cynical act too? >> i believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here, even though sometime back they may have entered illegally. >> the immigration reform supported by ronald reagan gave amnesty to three million undocumented immigrants. republicans like to forget about that. they also want to ignore the potential impact of immigration reform on the economy. the congressional budget office said the dream act would increase federal revenue by $1.7 billion over ten years. the deficit would be reduced by $2.2 billion. these benefits already put republicans behind the eight ball when it comes to their opposition to reform. but from the looks of the right wing messaging out there today,
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it doesn't appear they are ready to win over minority voters any time soon. get your cell phones out. i want top what you think. tonight's question, would republicans support any kind of immigration reform? text a for yes, text b for no to 622639. or go to our blog. i'll bring you the results later in the show. i'm joined by new jersey senator robert menendez. what's your reaction, first of all, senator, to the president's announcement? >> well, i applaud the president. this is exactly the action that i and a series of my colleagues in congress have been calling for. to use the administrative relief he decided to use today. i know the administration has been listening to our voices for some time and trying to lay the legal framework to be able to achieve this goal. i believe they have that legal framework. there is precedent by republican and democratic presidents who
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have given classes of immigrants at different times pending status in this country. 95 law professors recently sent a letter to the president exactly speaking of that precedent. and so today these young people who came to this country through no decision of their own, came here most of them very, very young. the only flag they ever pledge allegiance to is that of the united states. the only national anthem they know is the star-spangled banner. have an opportunity to further contribute to america. and to do so in a way that can both help us intellectually. i've met so many of these students from my own home state. many times they are the valedictorian, salutatorian, whole host of community activists, giving a lot back to their communities. others wear the uniform of the united states and serve in the armed forces and defend the country, so it's a great day for them, even though it doesn't give them the total dream that they wanted. >> sure. let's clear up some misinformation because a lot of
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things have been floating out there and we want to clarify them. the department of homeland security has five requirements for exemption. it protects those who came to the u.s. under the age of 16. they must live in the u.s. for at least five years. students, high school grads and discharged veterans are exempt. they must have a record clear of felonies and they must be under 30 years old. so we just want to clarify that so that people won't make these errant comments about the situation for those people who are the children of immigrants. are these fair requirements in your mind? >> i think they are. we are trying to reach a class of students who came to this country very young, who have a clean record, meaning they have no criminal background, who must continue to have a clean record as they move forward, and who will be law abiding and contributing citizens to our society. and i think, you know, we've already made major investments in them in terms of public education. now that we have the ability to
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use their intellect on maf of the country or their service to the defense of the country, we should. >> no question. the president pointed out that today work on the dream act is still necessary. let's take a listen. >> precisely because this is temporary, congress needs to act. there's still time for congress to pass the dream act this year, pause these kids deserve to plan their lives in more than two-year increments. >> certainly what the president did today was bold and imaginative and certainly goes a long way, but do you believe the dream act can ever pass through this congress? >> in this congress, i'm not sure, michael. let me just say that the dream act would be law today if we didn't have the republicans in the united states senate filibustering it when we had the vote over a year ago. at that time 55 senators, including a couple of republicans, joined us. that is a majority of the united states senate. but because republicans insisted on filibustering it, the procedure in which they try to stop just about everything, we would have needed 60 votes.
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a majority of the senate agreed at the time, so it's republicans that have stopped this. that's why i laugh when i see mitt romney saying lack of leadership. it's his party that has shown a lack of leadership in this regard and whose language is so punitive as it relates to the immigrant and latino community in this country that i'm not surprised the polls read what they do. >> all right, senator robert menendez, thank you so much for your time. now let's turn to the executive director of the american latino project. thanks for coming on. what does today mean for young people living in fear of deportation. give us a kind of sense of what that means to them in their hearts and in their minds. >> michael, i'm glad you asked me that question. i had a conversation with some friends of mine in northwest arkansas, in a rural part of arkansas, a young woman who came to this country at 7 years old with her family. went to high school, graduated with honors. got to go to college in
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arkansas. went halfway through college and then the governor there changed the rules and said because she was undocumented, she had to pay out of state tuition. so her and her family and the college, i give full credit to, helped her raise the means to graduate that college, even though she had lived in arkansas since she was 7 years old. she was ecstatic today and says this movement gives hope to all children, all these dreamers who have been doing collective actions and working hard that their voices are heard because they are a fabric of america. >> well, weaved into the fabric of us as a nation. some said what the president did today was possibly illegal. how do you answer that? >> you know, you're going to hear this from the other side. because he did the right thing. and it was the right thing no matter what the color of your skin, no matter where you were born. but the actions you take as a young adult, by playing by the rules, coming to another country as a small child and doing good things, just like that sister in arkansas.
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they can't stand to see the man do the right thing because it's good for everyone and then in politics, that's hard to run against. that's exactly why you heard it that way. >> well, do you think a republican president would ever overturn this policy? >> you know, there's a lot of things, as you have well described in your show. you don't know what the other side will do for a political ploy. i think that there's a very good chance a republican president could overturn this and there were people on the other side today saying just that. that just wait, when mitt romney is elected, we won't have to worry about that, we will make things right. when in america is it right for a young person to not have their papers? when is it right for a dreamer not to dream? >> well, one of the characters that we can certainly depend upon hearing from in these circumstances is sheriff joe arpaio. today he responded to the president's announcement in arizona. listen to what he said. >> we're still going to enforce all those illegal immigration laws in this state. so if this is not a law, we
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won't enforce it. it doesn't mean i don't fully agree with it. by the way, this is up to 30 years old, they're not kids. >> that is just remarkable. are you concerned that local law enforcers like joe arpaio won't cooperate with homeland security? >> i think you're going to see community action. now the dreamers get to come out of the shadows. they get to come out and say we are here, you need to hear us. then your going to see people like me, who are born in america, who are u.s. citizens, who are voters. who are going to hold accountable these politicians and these sheriffs and these elected leaders who want to stand against us and make sure we do the right thing by making sure that we vote, make sure that we're informed and make sure that there are repercussions for statements like you just heard. >> all right, chuck, thank you so much for your time tonight. >> thank you, michael. >> remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen and share your thoughts on twitter @edshow. we want to know what you think. today's incident of disrespect toward the president is part of a much larger problem
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he's been experiencing for years. political white house reporter joe williams will weigh in next. t called atrial fibrillation puts you at 5 times greater risk of stroke. don't wait. go to for a free discussion guide to help you talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. that's wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac
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coming up on "the ed show" today wasn't the first time the president was disrespected by right wing activists. we'll explain the overt conservative disdain for the president with joe williams next. a michigan lawmaker is censured for saying the word "vagina" on the house floor. today republicans are saying she had a temper tantrum. state representative lisa brown is here to respond tonight. share your thoughts with us on twitter using the hash tag ed schultz. we'll be right back. no. whoooa i'm in a river. what are some good kayaking words? like...rapids? look, i'm going through the rapids. ok. i'll take it. new offers in new places so you can try new things. sync your american express card with facebook, foursquare, and twitter to find savings.
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because we are a better nation than one that expels innocent young kids. and the answer to your question, sir, and the next time i prefer you let me finish my statements before you ask that question, is this is the right thing to do for the american people. i didn't ask for an argument, i'm answering your question. it is the right thing to do for the american people and here's why. here's the reason. because these young people are going to make extraordinary contributions and are already making contributions to our society. >> welcome back. that was president obama being interrupted by a conservative activist from "the daily caller" today. anyone paying attention knows disrespect towards the president has been an issue since day one. back in 2009, south carolina congressman joe wilson interrupted the president's health care remarks by yelling
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"you lie" in the middle of his speech. in january, arizona governor jan brewer pointed her finger directly in the president's face while greeting him on the tarmac. earlier this afternoon, brewer gave her expert opinion on today's interruption in the rose garden. >> i believe that it was probably inappropriate maybe for a reporter to act that way. >> well, she should know about presidentus interruptus. she is right but it's also inappropriate to wag your finger in the president's face. today on fox news some were critical of the actions by the activist but they shouldn't pretend they have a clean record. >> i don't think we should pretend otherwise. >> but this monday -- >> let me finish. >> there are a lot of people who have a problem with this process. sir. >> well, i'm trying to answer your questions and you keep on interrupting. >> you wanted to change
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washington, mr. president and now -- >> let me finish my answers here. >> mr. president, i'm getting wrapped up and i don't want to interrupt you. >> how fortunate america is to have a president that patient because i know a bunch of more brothers who would have been very, very intemperate at this time. i'm joined by joe williams from politico. as a white house reporter, brother joe, how out of line was this conservative activist from "the daily caller" today? >> well, it's interesting because it is always imperative upon the press to speak truth to power to try to get questions answered. but to me the view here was it's basically stunt journalism for lack of a better way to put it because the question not only was not designed to elift any kind of an answer, it was basically designed to call attention to the person asking it and also try to throw the president off of what he was saying and disrupt the whole
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process. people in washington are very frustrated sometimes because the press gets a bad rap. this is one of the reasons why. you may not necessarily get your question answered but certainly at all times you have to respect the office and that is usually job one for most journalists. respect the office, try to get your question answered but never try make yourself part of the story. it was a bit of a stunt -- well, it was a big stunt and it blew back on "the daily caller" for most of the afternoon. >> and it interspersed into the comments of the president. the "you lie" incident by wilson, brewer with her finger wagging, this seems to be part of a larger issue. i've got to ask the question here, does it have anything to do with the fact that this is the nation's first black president and the level of disrespect is alarming and stunning? >> it's very, very difficult to place race outside of this context. mostly because a lot of the
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interruptions, a lot of the disrespect has been unprecedented. we haven't seen anything like this before. a lot of people will suggest that it's because the republican party has moved so far to the right that they're willing to do things that were unthinkable. but certainly in my experience, it's hard to divorce that because this president doesn't look like the others. and not only do we have a lot of these sort of interruptions, a lot of disrespect towards the office in more than my view, i mean many people in the twitter sphere and a lot of practicing journalists were aghast at what had happened, but you also have the promotions of the tea party, where they're using racially tinged imagery and racially tinged statements to get their point across. you have a lot of members of congress on the republican side who feel like they can do whatever or talk about whatever. have you ever heard of a president being talked about in the way that this congress has talked about him where you say our job is to make sure that
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this guy serves one term as opposed to our job is to see that the best interests of the country are served. so given all that evidence, it's hard to divorce that. a lot of people will defend it by saying other presidents were disrespected, but in my view none so publicly. >> certainly not that flagrantly and not that crudely. so do you think "the daily caller" could be banned from future white house press conferences? who could blame the president or the white house from doing that? >> well, i know that fox news had taken a hard line against the president and they had received some circumdescribed access to the white house. they can certainly make it more difficult for "the daily caller" to get access. i don't think they'll ban them completely but if anybody tries to get into the white house with the words daily caller after their name or after their professional calling card, they will probably not get the access
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other people would and that will harm their ability to cover the white house i think pretty much. >> it does amaze me that the right wing, which prides itself upon responsibility, never wants to take its own responsibility in these sorts of situations. thank you so very much, my friend. >> my pleasure. >> joe williams, for coming on. coming up, president obama's new immigration policy was not just the right thing to do, it was a political master stroke. the big panel of ron christie, ari melbourne will join me to watch mitt romney squirm. and you knew it was coming, the romney ad about president obama making himself a one-term president. we'll look at how the president will fight back. this message. back from the worst economic depression. almost 4.3 million new jobs we're still not creating them president's jobs plan firefighters, police officers, work. right now. wealthiest americans congress refuses to act.
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ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 in times like these, it can be tough to know which ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 way the wind is blowing. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we're ready with objective insights about ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 the present market and economic conditions. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 and can help turn those insights into ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 a plan of action that's right for you. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 so don't let the current situation take you off course. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 talk to chuck. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 welcome back to "the ed show." today president obama described one of the most common sense notions we can imagine. it's something most americans fully understand. no child brought into this country, brought here against their will without their permission, brought to this country illegally by his or her parents should be punished for that. when those children attend our schools, get degrees, even serve our country, they should not be treated as criminals. despite that common sense idea,
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the president did not grant amnesty or immunity for them, but he did something quite simple. he made it possible to defer legal action against them in two-year increments and made them eligible for work permits. let's bring in ari and ron christie. the president's new immigration policy today is not amnesty. will the republicans succeed in trying to portray it as amnesty and gen up the alarm system. >> i don't think so. hopefully some of the ugliness is over. but bill o'reilly this week said this is a humane and logical policy. i don't think you get very far in america saying we should punish children for anything their parents did, no matter where they're from. >> so, ron, romney clearly had no idea how to deal with this. his response literally matches that of senator marco rubio. do you think he was caught offguard here and didn't know what to say? >> it's not that i think he didn't know what to say.
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the question is was this the right policy for the president to have done. i think we can all agree children brought here by their parents, the parents bear the responsibility for those children being here. but the president had a two-year super majority in the congress. he had the ability to push for comprehensive immigration reform, something he didn't do. my former boss, president bush, tried to do it and he couldn't get it done. it just looks like did the president do this for politics or the right policy reason less than 150 days before the election. >> some of the people are going to say he had blue dog democrats and lieberman against him so he didn't have that super majority you're talking about, but point taken. so marcia, even fox news seemed conflicted how to deal with this. fox nation showed people clearly meant to look like criminals even though they later removed the photo from the article. do you think that the right wing has no idea how to handle this? >> they don't have the right idea how to handle most things, michael. but when you look at this -- the
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money dream act, what do you do with the dream deferred. it wasn't denied. we're into the finals of the nba. they debate on the players play, whether it could take a two shot or three shot. i think that the republicans are forgetting the spectators. no matter what, even though you're in the final of the game, you anticipate the next season. president obama did right. he's anticipating the next season. it's ridiculous to say if a candidate is doing it for policies or to win a vote. yes, you are, because you're the president of all americans. and these immigrants who have come here, paid their rights as far as veterans or getting their g.e.d. or high school education, and they're paying a fee to stay here as well so we're also generating some revenue for our country and them having their dream a little bit set off for another two years, at least a start, something that other people did not finish. >> and the point of revenue, you know, the studies were done saying billions of dollars will be put into the economy, and that's an interesting point. even former president bush, ari,
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knew we needed a decent immigration policy but couldn't get his party to go along. the gop seems to be out of step? >> i think they're out of step and this has to be done through executive order? why is that? the dream act was introduced 11 years ago. we had three years but we had a filibuster on this like we had a filibuster on so many proposals. so a super majority isn't enough because you had 55 senators, that's pretty super. that's a super democratic majority, a small d, but it wasn't enough because like so many other pieces of legislation, it was filibustered. now, those are the rules and in politics we have to play by the rules so republicans are playing hard ball in the senate but they should not be surprised when this president after having an outstretched arm comes around and says i have other power, i'm going to use them. >> right. >> well, let me just say. this i think there's one little document we need to take a look at that folks haven't talked about which is the constitution.
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the constitution clearly has the ability to set our immigration policy. not the president through executive fiat. it was not an executive order. the thing that you've heard about in the media is the president acted by executive order. he did not. he directed his secretary of homeland security to take this executive action, which i think the american people want to see the president faithfully executing the laws. we can disagree on the policy. >> but it's called bully pulpit as well. >> i have it here. it is a letter from secretary napolitano. it is within the president's powers. anyone who knows the law knows that prosecutorial discretion is some of the greatest power he has. what he's saying is don't go after the kids first, we have other higher priorities. >> as a lawyer, as a lawyer this is very important. the president can act under his constitutional powers under an executive order. that is not an executive order. >> all right. but look, we'll leave that debate -- >> but that's the constitution. >> no, no, but i'm saying what's clear here is that the president exerted his own presence as the president so that his bully
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pulpit. but marcia, tell us what do you make of this "daily caller" reporter who's just out there savaging the president there and disrespecting him? what do you make of that? what do you think that emerges from? >> i've lived in six decades and following politics for four decades and i have never seen the blatant disrespect for a president in any arena, whether it's on the campaign trail and during a press conference for him to make the outcry that he did and disrespect the office of the presidency. president bush and i remember a former anchor on this network said something and i was highly offended because no matter what, we must respect the constitution. we must respect the office of the presidency and here he is saying wait until your proper turn in order for me to answer the question. he wasn't trying to put it aside. but in its proper moment and not during the time in which he's giving his presentation. >> ron christie, do you have any defense for him? >> no, i don't. i think sam donaldson was very rude to president ronald reagan.
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>> but sam donaldson criticized -- >> we're going to agree on this. i think sam donaldson was rude to reagan but you have no right in the road garden of the white house to interrupt the president of the united states. >> there's not a parallel, right, exactly. >> none. >> it's unprecedented. ari, what do you make of this. as ron christie has indicated, there's nobody, nobody has been subjected to this kind of thing. we're not trying to say, oh, my god, it's the race card. but the reality is he's the first black president. the degree to which people have descended into the vineyards of viciousness seems to me unprecedented. >> i think it's of a piece with a delegitimatization campaign against the president that's very unfortunate and that relates to racism and the otherness. the other point is that it's not isolated to this sort of no-name "daily caller" guy who's a sorry excuse for a watcha be media figure. if it were really just him i wouldn't care this much but i heard lou dobbs saying isn't it
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nice to see the president challenged for a change by the media. the problem doesn't stop with "the daily caller" or tucker carlson. it's anyone on the right who wants to stick up for this crap. >> wait a second. >> we've got to take a break. stay with us. next, mitt romney tries to paint president obama into a corner but the president is not so easily moved. and the michigan lawmaker silenced for daring to speak the word "vagina" on the state house floor will get her chance to speak on "the ed show" here tonight. stay tuned for the dialogue. eat good fats.
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welcome back. we're talking to ari, marcia, ron. we were into some juicy topics. ron christie, you were making a point before we left and during the break and it was not to the viewers. you think we're being hypersensitivity. >> any time there's criticism of president obama, you hear oh, it's because he's a black man and there must be racism. i worked for the president of the united states. i don't think that you demean the office by shouting down the president or not letting him finish his statement before letting him take questions. >> you don't? >> no, i don't think you do that. but to suggest automatically there must be say racial element, i think it's a worn out narrative. >> give me an example of any other president you've seen shouted out before he could finish his statement by a reporter. >> we've seen this many, many
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times. sam donaldson made his career shouting down ronald reagan and being very, very rude. >> but not before he finished his statement. >> there were moments that the president was actually making comments and then sam donaldson jumped right in there. >> but after the point. >> again, you can be disrespectful. i just get tired of the race card being trotted out -- >> why is the right -- let me ask you that. why is the right so loathe, so disinclined to acknowledge, why is the right so unwilling to acknowledge the plain sense before our noses. that is to say if this is the first african-american president and these are unprecedented things we see, there's at least a correlation between the two, if not a relationship. so why is it that you can't even admit, you know what, it does seem pretty much to be the case that obama is subjected to this unprecedented level here. >> can i say one last thing to that? >> we have the president of the united states, george w. bush, getting a gentleman take off his shoe and throwing it at him and a lot of folks on the left
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laughing. >> that's not even in our country. that's not domestic. >> that was a journalist during a press conference. i'm drawing a correlation to suggest that people can be rude to the president in a press forum. >> but you know what, we're talking about america. we're talking about in georgia, we're talking in arizona, my brother. >> i think the president is facing a double negative. not only is he black, he's a democrat. one thing i don't like about this acidic conversation that goes on which really impacts the mobility of our citizenry here in america, if you say you're democrat, you're from some other place and alien. so i think it's the most vicious game in the political fight that i've ever seen in my years of observing politics. so it's a double negative. if you want to go black first and then his party. but i think that that needs to really stop. i think you can't say throwing a shoe in a foreign country in the middle east is totally different since it has a culturally sensitive act -- place of meaning to it. absolutely. >> i think ron is coming from a genuine place and sharing with us a different perspective.
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i think one of the questions is how do you identify coded attacks, which by their very nature of coded. i have a couple. donald trump went off on the birth certificate over and over. we've never had a previous president who happened to be white ever challenged in this way. donald trump said he wanted to investigate president obama's grades in college, which was a coded attack about affirmative action and legitimacy and an attack that condi rice and others have faced and he also said president obama should get off the basketball court and focus on the economy. different people will hear different things. in the same way you might not seem to be sexist and a colleague might say the way you say that made me feel demeaned. if you care, you try to hear them out and figure that out. there are other things maybe not over that line. we hear a lot of attacks that the president is in over his head. if you say that to some people in some contexts, they might feel if they are highly educated, won a campaign and killed osama bin laden, they're
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not in over their head. now, i think it's hard to pick out each coded one. out of the ones i mentioned, i think several do clearly cross the line. >> but wait, hold on. but here's the point. >> we're speaking about these republican attacks. >> but here's the point as well. they can swing both ways and count on both sides. and then secondly, plausible deny ability. that is to say, hey, i didn't mean that, you're hypersensitive. so you thrust the burden back onto the person who is actually the victim of the particular offense. so as an african-american man in america, certainly even as a republican you're not exempt from some of the same things that other brothers on the other side of the aisle have faced. so let me ask you this question straight up. are there instances and occasions in american culture where you as a black republican understand that you've been victimized or some other black person has been victimized by a racial insult or injury? >> victimize? >> a victim of, a recipient of. >> the racism that i experience on a daily basis on the twitter feed and through the internet
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for people who say they are jesus christ followers, people on the left liberal, every single day, death threats, evil mail. i'm not going to say it doesn't happen in the america. i get it from the right, president obama gets it from some on the left. we have civility in our discourse. we can politely agree to disagree. you don't have to bring race into it or bring somebody down. let the policy and substance look for itself. >> you're saying bringing race into it as if race is not already there. number two, the prep six is wrong. but number two you're drawing a false equivalency. we're all combatants on an equally distributed field that has equally distributed histories and we know what ari indicated and marcia indicated is the fact that the racial animus has not been equally distributed, therefore, it makes sense that we would be sensitive to the existence of this to a
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figure like obama. let me tell you what i find most offensive here. if you can't be satisfied with barack obama as a brother, there ain't a brother in america that's been made that you're going to be satisfied with. here's a guy who said let me finish my point first. i know some brothers like you or some others is, look, i'm going to break you off something proper on the side if you want to step out here and i'll give you an african soup bone to let you consider. or to tell jan brewer, let me break that little finger of yours off and give it back to you. there are ways we know disrespect is so deep and profound and we expect obama to behave as if he's above the fray. because he's such a master of that situation, we sometimes mask the severity of the offense to him. >> i think that what we have to really realize, we have said it over the years that america is a melting pot, but i think that what this discourse is talking about, we only want one ingredient. so you can't have that when you have the diversity of ethnicities an cultures in america. >> ari, ron, marcia, i want to
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thank you. but there's something else. these two gentlemen are wonderful, but this young lady, marcia dyson, received a shine your light award from the global syndicates organization for her extraordinary philanthropic work in haiti and we want to celebrate you here tonight. >> thank you. >> i think there's a unanimity of my left and right. >> exactly right. congratulations. coming up, michigan republicans are now telling us what we can and can not say about abortion. we'll talk to the democrat who broke their rules and said the word "vagina." stay with us. [ male announcer ] if you think any battery will do, consider this...
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welcome back. the republican leadership in michigan offered a new defense for its decision to silence a democrat. apparently it's not because she said the word "vagina," it's about rape and the republican leaders are offended. the controversy started wednesday. state representative lisa brown gave an impassioned speech against some anti-abortion legislation. she ended with this. >> and finally, mr. speaker, i'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but no means no. >> the house speaker censured brown for that. she wasn't allowed to speak on a teacher retirement bill the next morning. the legislative session is over. she's done until fall. brown thought using the word "vagina" is what got her into trouble and the republicans didn't deny it. at least at first.
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representative carlton said what brown said was offensive. it was so offensive i don't want to say that in front of women. i don't want to say it in mixed company. tonight we got a new answer. the house speaker's press secretary says it has nothing to do with her using the word "vagina" when she finished her statement by saying no means no, that was drawing a rape reference and the speaker felt that crossed the line. michigan state representative lisa brown joins us now to talk about her controversial comments. welcome, representative. >> thank you. >> so were you making or did you intend to make a rape reference there at the end? >> no, not at all. as you said, i think they're just coming up with another excuse. if this was the case, why didn't they say something to me and ask me if that was my intention on wednesday when i made my statement. how long has it been since i made that statement that they have now come up with this spin of their story. >> right.
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i mean obviously and clearly the word "vagina," which is the technical name for the female sexual organ both biologically and anatomically suggests that that is off limits, so it seems to be that your offense was, perhaps, being a woman and speaking in charge of her own sexual identity, which is what the abortion debate was about. so tonight the spokesman for the house speaker sent out a letter to the press saying you weren't censured based on your gender or your religion or your stance on the abortion legislation. then he said this. i would urge you not to become too distracted by temper tantrums designed to score political points. do you have a response to that? >> i haven't had a temper tantrum. you know, i don't know that he's referring to me. i did have another colleague -- i have another colleague who was also banned from speaking. you know, first of all, it's degrading to say that. we're adults. we don't have temper tantrums.
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so i don't think -- >> that's also sexist to portray women as somehow out of control and hysterical and little girls. >> absolutely. obviously the republicans view us as incapable of acting maturely or even making decisions in regards to our own health care and our bodies. >> sure, that's a critical point. so when will you be allowed to represent your constituents and speak on the house floor again? >> i don't know. you know, i found out thursday morning, as i said, those statements were said on wednesday. we started session on thursday. no one from the republican caucus has contacted me. they haven't told me really why i was banned. i'm only hearing it through the media as to their new spin on the story, as i said. i haven't been told what i did wrong. how long i'm going to -- how long i'm going to be banned from speaking. >> wow. well, we wish you good luck with that. clearly, this is a gross injustice and we certainly want
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you to be restored to full voice. >> thank you. >> there in the michigan house of legislation. >> thank you. thank you. >> well, this is "the ed show." michigan representative lisa brown, we want to thank you so much. we're grateful for this opportunity. ed will be back here on monday. this is my last night. i want to thank ed from the bottom of my heart for the extraordinary opportunity to be able to sit in for him. it takes a big-hearted man and a great guy who has the ability to open his heart and his mind and his soul and his space to a guy like me to come in here and to sit in here for a week, and i'm extremely grateful for this wonderful opportunity. and as you might imagine, it's much more difficult than it looks when you're sitting there at home, so i really want to thank ed for the vote of confidence that permits me to be able to do this. he'll be back on monday. in the meantime, you have a great weekend and we thank you so very much for tuning in.
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