tv Politics Nation MSNBC June 18, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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it was quite a disappearing act. twice he was asked if he would keep the president's policies. twice he refused to answer. as for all those tax cuts for the wealthy, well, he couldn't give a real answer on that either. >> you haven't been bashful about telling us where you want to cut taxes. when are you going to tell us where you're going to get the revenue, which of the deductions are you going to be willing to eliminate? which of the tax credits are you going to be -- when are you going to be able to tell us that? >> well, we'll go through that process with congress. >> he's a regular vanishing act. of course romney's whole campaign has been built around avoiding the big questions. he admitted that his tax plan is so vague it can't even be scored. and forget about women's rights. he hasn't taken a stance on the paycheck fairness act. he's dodging on violence against women act. and as for the lilly ledbetter
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fair pay act, we're still waiting for a response from the campaign. >> does governor romney support the lilly ledbetter act? >> sam, we'll get back to you on that. >> that was april. and we're still waiting. romney's refused to take a position time and time again. so is it any wonder that he's completely disappeared from the picture on issue after issue? but there's one thing he's failed to hide. that's the company he keeps. if you're campaigning with paul ryan and scott walker, you're campaigning against the working class. joining me now is congressman jim mcdermott, democrat from washington. and chad bernstein, msnbc contributor and chief economist
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for joe biden. thank you both gentlemen for joining me. >> thank you. >> congressman mcdermott, let me begin with you. is he afraid his views will be out of step with the american public? jared, let me ask you that. >> okay. yeah, i think so. i think what you see here if you look at these plans -- the beginning, they're starting to shape up. you don't get any details. so you have to look at these things from 40,000 feet up. what you see is basically robin hood in reverse. if they're going to do anything like what they say they want to do which is to give big, big tax cuts to those at the top of the scale and not increase the budget deficit, the only way to do that is to cut tons of spending from everybody else. so this is trickle up with a vengeance. >> now, congressman, i'm going to come to you in a minute, but
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jared let me ask you. we heard romney questioned again and again this weekend if he would support a deficit reduction plan that included tax increases. listen. >> i remember once back during one of the primaries you were asked if you would agree to $1 in taxes if you could get $10 cut in spending cuts. and you said at that time, no i wouldn't even accept that. do you still feel that way? >> well, we all felt that way. government is big and getting larger. and there are those who think the answer is just to take a little more from the american people. the only solution to taming an out of control spending government is to cut spending. >> now, first of all, does that make economic sense to you as a policy maker and secondly do you think that he is just afraid to take a position or is he afraid of the right wing flank of his party? >> well, first of all, it
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doesn't make sense in -- to me as an economist or to me as a person. because really what he's saying there is i refuse to raise taxes. that's the ten to one thing. but at the same time he's saying i'm going to cut taxes by 5 trillion. that's the cost of his tax cut over ten years as scored by the neutral tax policy center here. now, the only way you're going to be able to cut taxes that much and to not raise taxes on anybody else is to massively cut spending. then when you hit him with that, he says i'm going to close deductions to raise more revenue. i'm going to cut the heck out of taxes, i'm not going to raise revenue, but i'm going to raise a bunch of revenue. if your head is spinning, it's because it doesn't make any sense, reverend. >> well, it's spending and it doesn't make sense. congressman, let me come to you on this.
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it makes sense that romney is for the ryan plan if he's playing to the far right. but does the policy and legislation make sense? 62% of the cuts come from low income programs. that's $3.3 trillion. when you read the wall street journal, it points out that romney is not only touring with members of congress, he's walking with them on legislation. he quotes republicans are saying he's our guy. we've been pleased that he's embraced the ryan budget plan. isn't this politically risky to the broader electorate? >> my view is, al, that he is promising seniors that if they elect him, he'll give them a voucher plan. wipe out medicare as we know it. he will privatize social security. he's embraced the ryan plan and the ryan budget. he put out his own that's almost
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an exact replica of what ryan has been pushing here for the last two years as the right wing's plan. he wants to hang on to the right wing as long as he can so he can milk them for as much money for the campaign. then he'll pivot away from that. then closer to the election, he'll say i'm really over here towards the middle. but he is marrying paul ryan in this trip through wisconsin today. he's saying this is my guy. this is my thinking. i really like this. and the middle class is going to get clobbered. >> but can he pivot given the strong feelings? when you look at the polls, 87% of people want the same or increase on education. 83% say the same on medicare. 76% say the same about aid to the needy.
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75% say that about infrastructure. 68% say that about unemployment aid. when they disagrees with all the plans that the ryan plan is going to. >> it zarts where the sujs that mr. romney must have that the middle class is stupid or asleep or doesn't understand what's going on. because when he starts that pivot, they're going to recognize it. and he's going to get clobbered. he's already done it on his own health care plan. he put it in massachusetts. then when he gets down the street he said i had nothing to do with that. that was not a good idea. i don't believe in it. that's a bad idea. it's exactly the same thing he did then he's doing now. and i think the american people -- i trust them. they see this guy for what he is. he's a panderer for the top 1%. he will say whatever they want. and it doesn't make any sense to
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anybody who knows -- i sit on the tax raising committee. and we talk about how you're going to cut taxes and you cannot do what he's saying without raising -- you've got to take away the home mortgage deduction. >> and i think that's the real point. is when you look at the actual plan and the actual numbers, romney needs to make a lot of cuts. because he needs the tax plan that caters to the richest americans. the poorest would see their taxes increase by $149. the top 1% would see a tax cut of more than $725,000. >> that's the problem. as the congressman was saying. it doesn't get close to adding up. i get it. mitt romney doesn't want to tell anybody what he's really going to do. but he's actually said enough that you can kind of back out a lot of this stuff. for example, he says i plan to balance the budget. i plan to cut $5 trillion in taxes over ten years.
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and i plan never to raise anybody's taxes. now, the only way to do that is to cut social security, to cut medicare, to cut medicaid by at least 30% in the first few years and twice that if you go out a decade. that's just the way the arithmetic works. what i tried to say at the beginning of our segment here is if you think about it for a second, it's really taking -- because you think about it. where is it taking? the middle class people. it's taking programs that are actively helping people in today's economy, cutting the heck out of them and taking that revenue and giving it to the rich people, the very folks -- really the only group who've done well in recent years. >> but he's not pandering, congressman. he said himself that he's not a life-long politician. he says that he's not been in politics all his life. watch this quickly. >> i'm really not a guy that's
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going from the next step in my political career. bob, i don't have a political career. i served as governor for four years. i spent my life in the private sector. the private sector is where i've made my mark. i am in this race because i want to get america back on the right track. i don't care about re-elections. i don't care about the partisanship that goes on. >> but he's been running for office since '94. if he's not a life-long politician, the last 18 years he's run inactive politics. >> he reminds me of the line from groucho marx, if you're going into politics you've got to try to look honest. and he's trying to look honest when he's trying to deceive the people on every level. he does not want to tell them what he has to do. he will not do that in this campaign. he'll try to get there on smoke and mirrors. and the american people are going to see straight through that. barack obama is going to be re-elected. >> congressman mcdermott and
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jared bernstein, thank you for your time this evening. >> thank you. coming up, a new policy from president obama could reshape the political landscape. and that's a big problem for mitt romney. plus, republicans literally silence democratic women lawmakers trying to speak out for their rights. >> i'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but no means no. >> but of course republicans still say it is totally imaginary. also the life and legacy of rodney king. he changed the way americans think about race and police violence in this country. and posed the question we're still grappling with today. you're watching "politicsnation" on msnbc. with the spark miles card from capital one,
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resources wisely while giving a degree of relief and hope to talented, driven, patriotic young people. >> that was president obama on friday announcing his decision to stop deporting hundreds of thousands of young people who were brought here without documentation by their parents. crowds in front of the white house applauded the new policy which could effect as many as 800,000 undocumented immigrants living in the united states. the new policy put mitt romney on the defensive. when he was asked about it this weekend, he just wouldn't give a straight answer. >> would you repeal this order if you became president? >> well, let's step back and look at the issue. >> he wants us to step back? how about just answer the question? >> would you repeal this? >> well, it would be overtaken
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by events, if you will, by my putting in a long-term solution. >> still no answer. but third time's a charm, right mitt? >> would you leave this in place while you worked out a long-term solution or would you just repeal it? >> we'll look at that setting as we reach that. >> don't worry about a thing, folks. he'll figure it out once he gets there. on sunday president obama wrote an oped explaining his decision saying we didn't raise the statue of liberty with its back to the world, we raised it with its light to the world. mitt romney may agree with that or not, he's just not saying. joining me now is alicia menendez, a host of "huff post live" and felipe matos. in 2010 felipe walked 1500 miles
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from miami to washington to draw attention to the plight of young, undocumented immigrants. he came here at the age of 14 from brazil. thanks to both of you for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> alicia, what's your reaction to romney's refusing to take a position on the new policy from the president? >> am i supposed to be surprised with this? earlier in the show you played the clip of lilly ledbetter. during this primary he tacked so far to the right on this issue that he is going to find it virtually impossible to get back to the middle. he said he would veto the dream act. he called arizona a model for the nation. he said that immigrants should self-deport. so i am completely unsurprised this is the answer he's giving given he's in a political position where either he says he would go in, he'd get rid of this which then puts him in a
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bad spot with hispanic voters. or saying this is sensible then he loses the far right of his own part. >> he's between a hard and a rock place politically. >> yeah. >> let me ask you this, felipe. you came here at 14 pr brazil. congressman blake of texas said a lot of kids who are here have no say in coming or they have a say at coming at an age many of us question. let me show you what he said. >> you're also talking about people who came over at 16 years of age. at that point you had a say in it. that looks more like amnesty. >> you think a 16-year-old whose parents are coming across the border have a say whether or not they're going to stay behind in their country? >> they're certainly in a position to have a conversation with their parents about it. >> a 16-year-old is in a position to have a conversation with their parents about coming across the border? >> believe me. my 16-year-old daughter has
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given me input on pretty much everything the family wants to do. >> now, he's saying that 16-year-olds -- you came at 14 -- could refuse to come. i don't know. when i was 16 in my mother's household, i might have had input and went ahead and did what she told me to do. that was the input. but tell us your story and what you went through. because this is not academic to you. this is what you went through. and what led you to coming here. and until friday what kind of fear did you have to deal with? >> yeah. well, so basically when i was 14 years old, my mother had gotten very sick back in brazil. at that point she was put in a very difficult situation. she couldn't continue working. we had family members who lived in miami at that point. she decided to send me to the united states. so when i came, i remember, you
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know i had a tourist visa at that point. i got in the plane and cried for eight hours straight. finally arrived in the u.s. then when i got here, my family set me down and said all the sacrifices your mother had made, it was so for one day you'd become a great person to fulfill your dreams. that's what i did. i worked hard. i we want to school. i just graduated from college recently with a business degree. and i did all of that because i wanted to make my mother proud but also because i wanted to make my community proud that has invested so much in my personal growth. >> so you didn't make a personal choice to come here? in fact, you didn't want to come. but once you got here, you've led a constructive and productive life and want to be a productive american citizen. >> well, that's correct. you know, i want to say that i am so grateful for what my mother did. she didn't herself feel she had many choices at that point. if it wasn't for her, i wouldn't
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be here today. i wouldn't have learned english and many other things. our parents have made great sacrifice. even when people say it's our parents' faults, i feel a little bit -- i don't necessarily like that rhetoric. because i feel our parents did what they had to do. what any parent would have done at that point. if you're poor in a developing nation and your family is going hungry and you feel that on another country you're going to face a different situation, you're going to do whatever you need to do to give your children opportunities. so what happened on friday was really historic and it changed my personal life forever. because beyond just being an undocumented immigrant, i'm also a gay man in this country. as a gay person here, even though i'm legally married to a person who could have sponsored me for immigration purposes, he couldn't because of the defense marriage act. i was stuck. i had nothing to help me out. then what president obama has done for me and for 800,000
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people like me is that he has given us a breath of hope for the next two years. >> well, let me ask you after hearing that, alicia. which is a moving personal testimony. but the politics of it, even conservatives recognize that romney might have a problem if he can't get some momentum with latino voters. let me show you no less than that particular. >> he knows the republicans have a problem. they spent the primary season competing to see who could build the longest, thickness, tallest, most lethally electrified fence. and hispanics detected hostility. they're funny that way. and so romney has a big hole to dig out of. if he gets under the 31% of hispanic voters that mccain got, he's going to lose. >> how can romney attract those voters without agreeing to the
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president in terms of his decision but without angering the latino voters? >> i think there is room. you had marco rubio saying he's going to put this out that mirrors the dream act. he's saying he's not likely to put that forward. they should be doubling down. they should be saying this isn't enough. let's do even more. let's get this on the books so someone like felipe who is our best, our brightest, he is the very best america has to offer so that he can stay here and earn his path to citizenship. right now felipe has a lot more rights than he had earlier. he can drive. he can apply for jobs. those are huge things in the life of a young person, but it does not matter if that can be repealed. there's much more congress should be doing and republicans have an opportunity to take the lead. it's an opportunity that they are missing. >> alicia menendez and felipe matos, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> thanks. still ahead, outrage in
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michigan after women lawmakers were literally silenced by republicans trying to limit women's rights. tonight we'll talk to one of those lawmakers and let her voice be heard. eat good fats. avoid bad. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains.
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chair darrell issa will meet tomorrow on the issue of the so-called fast and furious gunwalking program. issa says he may delay a contempt of congress vote against the attorney general planned for wednesday. this bogus controversy has already exposed major gop hypocrisy. particularly from texas senator john cornyn. he attacked the attorney general last week. >> you won't cooperate with legitimate congressional investigation and you won't hold anyone including yourself accountable. your department blocks states from implementing attempts to combat voter fraud. you leave me no alternative but to join those who call upon you to resign your office. >> but as the "huffington post" points out, cornyn sang a different tune when it was his party in the white house. when alberto gonzalez in 2007,
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cornyn said it was turning into a political witch hunt. he was upset that the leader of the effort was the chairman of the democrat senate campaign chuck schumer. cornyn said it quote, undermined the legitimacy of what is a legitimate inquiry. interesting. because now cornyn's now the chairman of the very same committee on the republican side and his buddies over at the republican national committee are actually using the fast and furious issue to raise money. let's not forget the senator's past experience. before senator cornyn came to washington, he was a district judge, member of the texas supreme court, and the texas attorney general. did a man with that kind of law background think we'd let him play by a different set of rules
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welcome back to "politicsnation." republicans keep saying they aren't waging a war on women's rights. but they continue to pass policies that hurt women and silence women's voices when it comes to their own bodies. first it was this gop-led hearing on birth control mandate with an all-male opening panel. then yet another gop-led hearing to limit abortion rights in d.c. where the district's female delegate was not even allowed to speak. now it's michigan's turn. two female lawmakers there were banned from speaking at the state house last week after they opposed what's been called the most restrictive anti-choice proposal this year. the republican speaker complained this comment from state rep lisa brown violated
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decorum. >> i'm flattered that you're all so interested in my vagina, but no means no. >> members, i do ask that you respect the decorum of the house. >> and her colleague state rep barb byrum was banned after she protested not being allowed to speak about the bill. >> representative byrum offers one amendment identified as amendment 2-i. >> the question on 2-i. members may vote at the desk. the amendment is not adopted. are there further amendments? representative, you are out of order. >> joining me now is democratic state representative barb byrum.
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one of the two female lawmakers banned from debate last week and terry o'neill, president of the national organization of women. thanks to both of you for being with me tonight. >> it is my honor. thank you so much. >> let me start be you representative byrum, why were michigan republicans so afraid to let you speak about the bill? >> i don't understand why they would be afraid. if we're going to legislate it, we need to be able to say it. so the thought of representative brown talk about a vagina and he talking about a vasectomy, i don't understand what the concern would be. it was an open dialogue. the bill unfortunately was not debated in committee. many people were there wanting to testify against it or even for it that were denied the opportunity to testify. so we need to talk about it on the house floor. >> now, what actually happened? they were dealing with the bill. i understand it was the last day, so it had to be dealt with that day. what happened? >> well, they brought the bill up. that was on wednesday. and they -- i offered my
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amendment which would have required the same consideration given for vasectomies. the argument is we need to make sure all children are born as possible. so we should talk about other medical procedures that would limit children. i rose my hand and said i'd like to speak, mr. speaker. i'd like to speak to my amendment, mr. speaker. and he denied me that opportunity and just gavelled my amendment down. and then when i walked away, he gavelled me again said i was disrespecting decorum in the house. and i hold him that i represent the same number of people as you do, mr. speaker. i've seen many things on this house floor and what i did and what representative lisa brown did is not violating decorum on the house floor. i've seen and heard much worse things on the house floor. >> terry, you as national
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organization of women, watching this all over the country. what seems to be disturbing is a pattern of how they're not only moving the toward more restrictive measures, but they're actually shutting women out of the discussion. and i showed the all-male panel when they were dealing with the mandate and dealt with the eleanor holmes norton not able to address a bill designed for her district. i mean, are we seeing not only a real pattern of more restrictive bills being proposed on a state level but even a shutout of women being able to address those bills? women that are elected to deal with these matters. >> you know, reverend, it's unprecedented. so these folks who, by the way, they're anti-reproductive rights agenda is supported by very, very few out there. they're so eager to push this through. i think part of the reason they
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think they need to push it through right now right away, silence all dissent, silent all speaking out against it is because they know that come this november, many of the people who have voted against women's reproductive rights and women's economic security at the same time are going to be voted out of office. so i think what they're trying to do is take advantage of what happened in the elections in 2010 when as a result of citizens united, tea party extremists frankly flooded into both the state and federal legislatures. >> now, representative byrum, when you look at the bill that you were trying to address, it includes banning abortions after 20 weeks, criminalizing coercing a woman into an abortion, requires women to take abortion medication in the presence of a doctor, and heavily regulates clinics. i mean, this is some heavy stuff and they don't want open debate,
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open discussion or amendments discussed about this. >> absolutely. which is part of the concern. certainly this ominous legislation is bad public policy. then they squash the voices of doctors, of women's organizations, and of individual women and men who came to committee and wanted to testify on this bill. and they just squashed it. just like they squashed the voice of two elected female state representatives. >> now, terry, there are 944 restrictive bills on women's rights around the country. is that a new high in the amount of bills that has been presented across the country in late legislatures? >> believe it or not, last year was even worse. but for an election cycle year, yes, this is a new high. i believe 75 measures have passed. at least one chamber in the state legislatures.
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and that is a high for an election year. this time in 2010, i think you had far fewer bills that had actually been approved by one of the houses. so it's unusual in an election year for the kind of extremist anti-women, anti-reproductive health care legislation that is being proposed here. and that's why i say, it's really unprecedented. the good news is that women are paying attention. they are paying attention very much. there's a woman that in planned parenthood in michigan who said, you know, the legislature -- these guys in the legislature have just awakened a sleeping giant. i think that's happening. i think this giant is not going to go to sleep. whatever happens in november of 2012, this giant is awake for the long hall. there will be repercussions for awhile. >> let me go back to you
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representative byrum. when you look at the gender gap with mr. romney and mr. obama, men and women seem to trust the judgment of the president when it comes to women rights more than they do mr. romney. according to our research polls say 51% say they trust mr. obama's judgment on reproductive health. only 27% say that about romney. and when the question was raised who do you trust to do a better job looking out for the best interests of women, 55% say obama. only 30% say romney. you're from michigan. mr. romney, his father was governor of michigan. how's he going to do in your state? >> i believe president obama will take michigan. because quite frankly we have been promised jobs by the republicans over and over again. but over and over again we're talking about social issues rather than talking about our unemployment rate and how we're going to create jobs and make
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michigan the best place to raise families, we're dealing with abortion and social issues that only divide us as a state. >> state representative barb byrum and terry o'neill of n.o.w., thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. coming up, another hateful attack on president obama. where is the gop leadership? silent is not surprising, but it is wrong. that's next. [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's four course seafood feast, just $14.99. start with soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums
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like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. see how much you could save with allstate. are you in good hands? we're back with new evidence of just how much some republicans disrespect this president. outside the montana gop convention this weekend, they unveiled this outhouse. a toilet with the sign saying on it quote, obama presidential library. it was covered with fake bullet holes. inside there was a fake birth certificate for the president stabbed with the words b.s. there was also a vile joke about the first lady. this is a shameful display right
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outside where republicans were selecting delegates to the national convention to nominate mitt romney. it should be condemned by party leadership, but it hasn't been. the gop state chairman there called it quote, a sideshow. of course, this isn't the first we've heard about republicans behaving badly. last year california republican committee member e-mailed a racist photo depicting president obama as a monkey. in 2010 the chairman of the virginia beach gop resigned after sending a racist e-mail about someone trying to get welfare for their black dog. and at last year's republican leadership conference, a racist joke telling obama impersonator was hired as entertainment. where's the leadership in the gop? where's the outrage?
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where's reince priebus? today we called to see if he would condemn the montana outhouse? we're still waiting for a response. joining me now is dana milbank political columnist for "the washington post." he's written extently about the gop. where is the gop outraged over this inappropriate display in montana? >> i've been saying for some time politics has gone down on the toilet in this country. now it's down the outhouse. i think they're not yet familiar with indoor plumbing, they're so backwards. the insult here is not such a thing exists. look, there are nut cases in either party. these sorts of things are going to happen. the real insult is nobody's stepping forward. first of all, get rid of the thing, and second of all condemn it. i think your instinct to call
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the republican national committee is correct. and i think the idea of dismissing it as a sideshow saying they didn't sanction this is irrelevant. what's necessary is for people in positions of responsibility to actually behave responsibly. >> especially if the outhouse is standing in front of where you're convening to select delegates. clearly you have reason to condemn it. but it is even getting more serious than that. let me give you an example. a birther named gary cret is about to be elected to a local judgeship in san diego. he is the founder of the united states justice foundation which takes on conservative causes including a case challenging president obama's birth in the u.s. he also represented a marine booted from service after he made anti-obama statements on
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quasi-military social media site and has represented members of the minutemen. this man's about to become a judge. and last week as you know, the president was heckled by a reporter in the rose garden of the white house. watch this. >> it is the -- it is the right things to do. excuse me, sir. it's not time for questions, sir. and the answer to your question, sir -- and the next time i prefer you let me finish my statements before you ask that question. i didn't ask for an argument. i'm answering your question. it is the right thing to do for the american people. and here's why. >> so we're not just talking about nut cases on the fringe of either party. we're talking about people who will become judges. we're talking about people standing up in the rose garden of the white house and using a press badge to heckle the president of the united states in the middle of a speech. >> uh-huh. and reverend, i think that says
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less about that individual than it does about the daily cohort, her organization. he's made the whole bunch of them look bad. if i or one of my colleagues did that at the house of this president or any president, we'd be fired and rightly so. tucker carlson defended this reporter for doing that. the clown to be elected to a judgeship, that's unfortunate. what's more unfortunate is the presumptivive nominee is hanging out with donald trump. >> dana milbank, thanks for your time tonight. >> thanks, reverend. we'll be right back with my final thoughts on the death of rodney king. what his life showed america about reyes and police brutality in this country.
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be viciously beaten and not feel something. bearing witness as fist and feet and batons and pure evil rain down on a defenseless person isn't something most of us ever want to experience. yet we all did. and we can never forget it. >> on march 3rd, 1991, rodney king became a household name for being beaten by police. he was hit more than 50 times and sustained permanent injuries. it sparked outrage and called for justice around the globe. despite that evidence, the officers were tried and eventually found not guilty on
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numerous charges. and within hours of that verdict, los angeles was on fire. the l.a. riots would become the worst in u.s. history. at least 53 people died. king himself made an emotional plea for peace. >> i just want to say, you know, can we all get along? can we get along? can we stop making it horrible for the older people and the kids. >> in the years after the incident, king battled his share of personal demons. he came out with a book in april documenting his struggles and in it he talked about his legacy. he writes quote, i don't want to be remembered as the person who started the riots. i'd like to be remembered for the person who threw water on the whole thing. i want to be remembered as the person who tried to keep peace in this country. i spoke with rodney king earlier this year about his legacy.
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>> we got a younger generation that's coming -- that's growing every year. we have to leave a legacy for them, something for them to -- so it'll be easier for them to deal with issues that come up. it's important we keep that going. >> since, king's beating this continue has continued to grow, but we still have a long way to go. that's why i marched with thousands yesterday to end the top and risk. it's an unnecessary new chapter in the long history between police and the people they're sworn to serve and protect. as i marched i was told of rodney's death at 47 years old. i thought about before rodney people thought we were just making up police brutality. i thought of a man who on his body bored the scar of unfairness but rose above the
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cars to call for peace. can't we get along. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. going on offense. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matt use up in new york. let me start with barack obama's forward pass. i'm talking about his decision to get out front on the immigration issue. to say that people who are brought to this country under the age of 16 shouldn't get punished. they shouldn't be chased and grabbed by the i.n.s. from now on, even if they don't have legal status, they will be left alone to live and work here. it's fascinating to see the reaction from the right, isn't it sm romney and those he wants to represent went silent on this. he whined a bit about democrat congresses not doing this before. democrat when used as an
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