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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  June 22, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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congress for more than three years now. last week we took another step. on friday we announced that we're lifting the shadow of deportation from deserving young people who are brought to this country as children. we should have passed the dream act a long time ago. it was written by members of both parties. when it came up for a vote, a year and a half ago, republicans in congress blocked it. the bill hadn't changed. the need hadn't changed. the only thing that changed was politics. the need had not changed. the bill hadn't changed written with the republicans. the only thing that had changed was politics.
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and i refuse to keep looking young people in the eye, deserving young people in the eye and tell them, tough luck. politics is too hard. i have met these young people all across the country studying in our schools. they're playing with our children, pledging allegiance to our flag, hoping to serve our country, they are americans. in their hearts, in their minds, they're americans through and through. in every single way but on paper. all they want is to go to college and give back to the country they love. so lifting the shadow of deportation and giving them a reason to hope, that was the right thing to do. it was the right thing to do. it's not amnesty but falls short
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of where we need to be, a path to citizenship. it's not a permanent fix. it's a temporary measure that lets us focus our resources wisely while offering some justice to these young people. but it's precisely because it's temporary congress still needs to come up with a long-term immigration solution rather than argue we did this the wrong way and for the wrong reasons. so to note, we're saying congress should be the one to fix this? absolutely. for those who say we should do this in a bipartisan fashion? absolutely. my door has been open for three and a half years. they know where to find me.
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i've said time and again, send me the dream act. i will sign it right away. and i'm still waiting to work with anyone from either party who is committed to real reform. but in the meantime, the question we should consider is this. was providing these young people with the opportunity for a temporary measure of relief the right thing to do? i think it was. it's long pastime that we gave them a sense of hope. your speaker from yesterday has a different view. in his speech he said that when he makes a promise to you he'll keep it. well, he has promised to veto the dream act and we should take him at his word.
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i'm just saying. and i believe that would be a tragic mistake. you do, too. on all these issues, on the investments we need to grow the middle class and leave a better future for our kids, on deficit reduction that's fair and balanced, immigration reform, on consumer financial protection so that people aren't exploited so they're paying a loan shark or sending money back to their families, on all these issues washington has a long way to go to catch up with the rest of the country. the whole idea behind the dream act, after all, was inspired by
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a music teacher in illinois. she decided to call her senator because when she discovered that one of her own students was forced to live in the sheds. even as that idea fell prey to game playing and gridlock in washington, it gained momentum in the rest of the country. for every student who marched and organized to keep their classmates from being deported, from every parent who discovered the truth about the child down the street and chose to stand up for them -- because these are all our kids -- for every american who stood up and spoke out across the country because they saw a wrong and wanted it to be righted, who put their shoulder to the wheel and moved us a little closer toward justi justice, that's what's always moved us forward. it doesn't start in washington. it starts with a million quiet
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heroes who love their country and believe they can change it. now, we all have different backgrounds. we all have different political beliefs. the latino community is not monolithic, the african-american community is not all of one mind. it's a big country. and sometimes in tough times in a country this big and busy, especially during a political year, those differences are cast in a bright spotlight. but i ran for this office because i am absolutely convinced that what binds us together has always proven stronger than what drives us apart. we are one people. we need oneanother.
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our patriotism is rooted not in race, not in ethnicity, not in creed. it is based on a shared belief in the enduring and permanent promise of america. that's the promise that draws so many talented, driven people to these shores. that's the promise that drew my own father here. that's the promise that drew your parents or grandparents or great grandparents, generations of people who dreamed of a place where knowledge and opportunity were available to anybody who was willing to work for it, anybody who was willing to seize it. a place where there was no limit to how far you could go, how high you could climb. and took a chance. america embraced their drive and embraced their courage, said, come.
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you're welcome. this is who we are. every single day i walk into the oval office, every day that i have this extraordinary privilege of being your president, i will always remember that in no other nation on earth could my story even be possible. that's something i celebrate. [ applause ] that's what drives me in every decision i make to try and widen the circle of opportunity. to fight for that big and generous and optimistic country we inherited, to carry that dream forward for generations to come. because when i meet these young people, all throughout
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communities, i see myself. who knows what they might achieve? i see my daughters. and my niece and my nephews. who knows what they might achieve if we just give them a chance. that's what i'm fighting for. that's what i stand for. this fight will not always be easy. it hasn't always been easy. it will not happen overnight. our history has been one where that march toward justice and freedom and equality has taken time. there will always be plenty of stubborn opposition in the way that says, no, you can't. no you shouldn't. but america was built by something who said something
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different. who said, yes we can. who said, [ speaking in other language ] and as long as i have the privilege of being your president i will be alongside you fighting for the country that we, together, dream of. god bless you. thank you. god bless the united states of america. ♪ >> president obama concluding his speech before the very same audience mitt romney addressed yesterday. let me bring in our panel. jimmy williams, msnbc contributor, democratic strategist maria kumar. first of all the sheer response from this mostly democratic audience has to be noted here but, jimmy, beyond the response from the audience, the president's tone, the powerful speech, the remarks he gave there well received. how would you categorize what we heard? >> i think the president's speech was passionate. i think he was speaking from his
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heart. there was a marked difference between the president's speech today and governor romney's speech yesterday. and i'm not suggesting by the way that governor romney was not speaking from the heart. i'm simply saying the president today gave one of the most compassionate and passionate speeches i've ever seen him give in my entire time in politics and it was very moving for me. i can say that. >> well, you know, it's interesting, maria teresa, the president started out similarly to governor romney yesterday talking a lot about the economy. i believe about 15 minutes into this speech he transitioned to what jimmy is hitting on, the emotion and the personal feelings regarding immigration, the president referring to mitt romney as the speaker from yesterday confirmed that he would veto the dream act, take him at his word. the audience erupted. the president pausing and then saying, i'm just saying there. he laid it on the line. but is that enough? he attempted also to explain why we've not seen comprehensive immigration reform saying that congress has stood in the way of
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overall reform and also the dream act. >> well, i think what the president did today was not only tell his own personal story of his father and reminding the audience of his immigrant roots which i think is very important but he was also very frank with them and hung that red lantern saying, look. i recognize that we haven't done enough for immigration reform and i do take responsibility but i need someone else to play with. that's congress. so he was honest and i think that was more than anything what the audience was looking for. the national elected officials, a bit of not only pointing the finger at, yes, romney but also saying yes i know i have fallen short but this is my step and i can no longer with good conscience make sure these people don't have a shot at the american dream. i think that's where he excelled. >> it's interesting, maria, in that yesterday eugene robinson was on and said it takes courage for mitt romney knowing the things he said on national tv during these debates to go in this audience and attempt to persuade these voters, the community listening to his words, that somehow what he said
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regarding self-deportation, his backing of the controversial law in arizona, a number of other things are not exactly where he would stand as the president. with all of that said, neither candidate is absolutely perfect. when you look at the number, this huge number difference in the latest polls that the president of the united states has over mitt romney with the latino audience, when you compare these speeches, it seems very clear why. >> well, it also, just taking a step forward, president obama's speech now is very hopeful in recognizing that we all have these immigrant roots regardless of where we come from or when your family came here and it's aspirational. close to 85% of the latino community despite the fact that they have lost -- they've been hit hardest by the job market, by foreclosures, education, you name it, they're still overwhelmingly optimistic. that is in big contrast to mitt romney yesterday who clearly does not know his audience, saying that the country's in peril, that our day -- we have uncertain days ahead of us. the latino community may believe
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that but at the same time fundamentally they're optimistic. it's understanding your audience fundamentally. >> let me play again this sound clip from the president when he referred to governor romney as your speaker from yesterday. let me play it. >> right. >> your speaker from yesterday has a different view. in his speech he said that when he makes a promise to you he'll keep it. well, he has promised to veto the dream act and we should take him at his word. i'm just saying. >> you know, beyond the personal emoting and again yesterday jimmy a lot of people said governor romney seemed in control. he was trying to present this presidential tone as we also saw with the actual president today,
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but let's separate emotion to what was actually presented as fact here. the president saying he was one of 23 senators who supported comprehensive reform in the immigration policy. he went on to point out the difference when it comes to the dream act and mitt romney saying he would veto it. the list goes on and on. another point he made was about the overall economy. 11% unemployment with the latino community. we know that mitt romney's team, his camp really feels that if we can push everything to a conversation about the economy perhaps we can win over independence. even latino voters who are unhappy with their lives to some degree right now or who are perhaps worried about their children's future. with all of that said, when you score, who laid out specific plans and who was vague? i think we know which category fairly at least from this one speech, these two men fell into today. >> yeah. look, the president did something interesting. he talked -- he said -- he talked about the economy, so you're right. separate the emotion out.
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separate out his thing about his daughters, etcetera. he talked about the economy about how it's not a top driven down. something interesting. mitt romney goes out on the campaign trail and talks about the job creators. you know who are the job creators are? job creators are people sitting in that audience. job creators are latinos all across this country or a segment of job creators or latinos across this country that walk into a walmart every saturday morning and buy food or buy clothes. those are job creators. and the president went directly at that. so if mitt romney would like to have a conversation about the economy and the latino community would like to suggest to you that he can have that but he can't win it. also, here's one interesting point. mitt romney is on the exact opposite side of not just barack obama but of george w. bush. george w. bush had his finger on the pulse of the latino community. >> right. >> mitt romney doesn't get this. >> and i've got to wrap this up, jeb bush received a standing ovation so it's not only george
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w. bush. it is obviously the influence of the bush family, specifically jeb bush, who was there yesterday and got that standing ovati ovation. i wish i had more time. we've got to move to breaking news. jimmy, thank you. maria teresa, thank you as well. let me get you caught up on the breaking news in the jerry sandusky child sexual abuse trial the jury is just back from lunch back deliberating now in their tenth hour of talks between yesterday and today. earlier the prosecution and defense re-enacted testimony from two of the key witnesses. the jury wanted to review the testimony from mike mcqueary and dr. jonathan dranab the man mcqueary says he confided in after allegedly seeing jerry sandusky sexually abusing, assaulting a young boy in the locker room. we go live to belafonte, pennsylvania. what's the latest, ron? >> reporter: well, the mcqueary case you mentioned as well is the situation that was reported up to other penn state officials
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including joe paterno, the deceased and legendary former football coach here, and that's the case that has embroiled the university, two other university officials who face criminal charges which will be heard later on. right now the jury back in. there are seven women, five men. as you say, they've been going for about ten hours. they went to about 9:00 last night. it is a very complicated process they have to go through. remember, there are 48 separate charges. there are ten accusers. multiple charges involving each individual. so they're trying to parce out all of these cases and go through them. you never know how long it's going to take with the jury. the other thing about the case that you mentioned the victim that you mentioned, victim two, that is one of the few cases where the victim has not appeared in court. there's a second one. there are at least eight individual accusers who did testify in court. very powerful emotion. very powerful testimony. and of course a lot of people who have been watching this, legal observers and others, think it's going to be a very
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difficult case for sandusky to defend himself against but again we have no idea how long this is going to go on. >> right. >> everybody in the community hopes it goes quickly because they just want to keep moving on, as i said before. there are other criminal cases to come, other civil cases to come, an investigation at penn state. so regardless of the outcome of this, this community still has a very long way to go. >> all right. thank you very much. appreciate it. jurors are deliberating without hearing about a new bombshell in the case. we talked a little bit about this yesterday. just hours after the case yesterday attorneys for sandusky's son matt sandusky revealeddopted son -- that he, too, was a victim of jerry sandusky's sexual pattern. the announcement came that matt sandusky was prepared to give what was described as damaging testimony against his father. joining me now our guests. kendall, i'll start with you here.
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two days, ten hours this jury has been deliberating. they've asked to review more testimony here. what kind of analysis can you give us? >> simply that this is a conscitious jury that's doing what they would appear to be logically doing. if they came back in a few hours either way, you really wonder if they were going through as they're required to do each of the 48 counts. the elements of each of the 48 counts, has guilt been proven or not proven beyond a reasonable doubt. and the one thing they asked for, some further specifics on, would be perhaps something that could be open for a little bit more question. as we know, victim number two was not in court and they're relying on some recollections that could be a little bit faded in some respects, the testimony as we know of mcqueary was slightly, not a lot, but slightly contradicted by the account of the doctor. so that was a fair candidate for a conscientious jury to be studying to get to the bottom of
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this truthfully. i don't see any good signs or any bad signs as far as sandusky is concerned from the deliberation. this would have to drag on for days for sandusky to be getting any hope in the face of what was an overwhelming prosecution case. >> let me ask you with each case you pointed out the many counts they must review but is it possible, kendall, for the jury to believe one victim and not another? does it boil down to case by case literally? >> it should. if they're doing their job, which they've taken an oath to do, they would have to weigh separately each of the allegations, each of the counts, and each of the alleged victims. so conceivably if some of the alleged victims were more compelling than others they could reach different verdicts as to different counts. now, would it affect the ultimate outcome for jerry sandusky? the vast majority of these counts have 10 or 20-year sentences on them. maybe not. but for example we know that one of the alleged victims said he was down in the basement crying out in a way that presumably dottie sandusky would have
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heard. she took the stand and denied that she heard anything of the kind. that could be a basis to find a reasonable doubt perhaps on one of the sets of allegations it wouldn't affect any of the other accusations or any of the other counts. >> but it's not clear if she was home at the time when these alleged attacks actually happened. one of the -- mark, let me bring you in because one of the young men who's come out and accused jerry sandusky on camera gave an interview to kate snow yesterday. he talked about the family would have dinner and he would go downstairs to this room that other boys have described in the family home and the pattern that he alleges very similar again to the testimony we heard. let me play this interview from "rock center" with this one accuser. >> you don't cry about it now. >> no. >> when is the last time you cried about it? >> a long time ago. >> that's travis weaver. he's the first alleged victim to come forward and tell his story on television. he testified in front of a grand jury but was not called as a
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witness in this current trial. he, by the way, is suing sandusky and penn state university. but, mark, the bombshell was matt sandusky and the allegation that he was also a victim of the man who adopted him and brought him into the home. the jury didn't hear that but people in that state on that campus have heard this now in the many reports. what's been the reaction? >> the sandusky family obviously -- the second family of this community, i mean, right behind the paternos and jerry sandusky one of the reasons he was so beloved is because of what he did. his six kids all adopted what he did for the sekcond mile. now he is accused of drawing these second mile kids in and if it goes to his own kids, wow. you wonder how much stranger this whole thing could get but it's really hitting close to home on an emotional front. the weird thing is jerry didn't get to hear any of that. you wonder why the defense didn't or i'm sorry the prosecution didn't bring it in. but that was blockbuster news. in a community like this, a small place, a family like that
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that's as prevalent, as crazy as this has been it's taken it to another level. >> you talk about the small community, the close knit ties there. what are you hearing from people now that the testimony is graphic and horrendous as these allegations are, are there people who still believe that jerry sandusky is not guilty? what are you hearing as the most common response to the testimony? >> yeah. i'll just be frank. i think the vast majority of people in this area do think he's guilty. that's not saying everybody. >> sure. >> but i would have to say, you know, from our message boards, from reading the local commentary in the local papers seeing people on different tv stations and talking to people here in belbelafonte, the one wy a lot of people are expressing, wow. what if this guy somehow gets off. that's not me talk bug them. >> sure. >> i am being completely honest with you. most of the people here think he is guilty and have thought so from the beginning. these witnesses who came on and were so emotional, people didn't get to see them but heard the
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descriptions. i really think that cemented everything. >> kendall, let me bring you back in. the makeup of the jury, five men, seven women, eight of them with ties to penn state. four of them work at penn state. sandusky spoke at one of the jurors' graduations. that does not mean that these people are unable to do their job and be responsible jurors here. nevertheless, as mark brought up you have people in the community wondering if he is found not guilty what this all means and you and i know from covering big trials, people instantly look at the jury and try to figure out how they came to this conclusion. >> yeah. you know, to be truthful if you're a juror do you want to go back home and be known as one of the jurors that let this alleged pedophile off the hook and back on the street? puts a lot of pressure on the jurors. we don't know how the penn state connection is going to play. it could be people that are all the more furious at jerry sandusky for bringing the shame upon a great institution that he has or there could be one or two
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people there that somehow connect with him or maybe connect with his wife and feel that penn state, itself, has been in effect attacked by the legal establishment in a way that's unfair. what jerry sandusky and his lawyers are hoping for is just one or two jurors that'll hold out because i don't think anyone thinks they've got much of a shot at an acquittal but if there are a couple jurors buying the defense's explanations if they can get a hold out and get a mistrial that's a defense victory under the circumstances. >> thank you very much. again the breaking news. the jury has returned from their lunch. they have now resumed deliberations. we'll see what hams. thank you, fellows. still ahead, the guests are arriving for what our first read team calls romney's big donor maintenance weekend. more than 700 people who donated big bucks to the campaign now looking for perhaps some face time with the candidate. we'll have a live report as they arrive. >> she probably messes with twinkies. >> you may have seen this video
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by now. it's gone viral. now there is an update. $500,000 has been raised for the 68-year-old school bus monitor. half a million dollars. people have come up with to send her on a vacation, help her retire. it comes after this heart breaking video -- kids tormenting her on the bus. you won't believe the compassion some are offering her. but in our news nation gut check, she is saying the kids should not be suspended. she's offering them a life line. but does your gut tell you they should be kicked out of school? ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 let's talk about market volatility. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 in times like these, it can be tough to know which ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 way the wind is blowing. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 at charles schwab, we're ready with objective insights about ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 the present market and economic conditions. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 and can help turn those insights into ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 a plan of action that's right for you. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 so don't let the current situation take you off course. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 talk to chuck. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550
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our cloud is made of bedrock. concrete. and steel. our cloud is the smartest brains combating the latest security threats. it spans oceans, stretches continents. and is scalable as far as the mind can see. our cloud is the cloud other clouds look up to. welcome to the uppernet. verizon. we are following developing news. mitt romney's campaign donors and republican heavy hitters are arriving right now at a posh utah resort. the event is open to donors who gave the campaign at least $50,000 or raised at least $250,000. the festivities kick off with a cookout dinner tonight. nbc campaign embed garret haik is live in park city, utah.
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certainly a lot more to dig into than what is i guess before us with that scenery. have they started to arrive? what else can you tell me? >> reporter: tamron, what you have right here is the opportunity for the romney campaign to take people who have already gone the one big step where they've written really big checks to the campaign and try to get them motivated and educated and in the situation where they can now convince their friends to do the same. that is sort of how the campaign intends to get into the second major stage of fund raising. this weekend is part retreat, part reward for these people to try to get them fired up. in about two hours we'll have the first meeting here today which is a state chairman's meeting where we'll see the top donors from different states come together with the leadership in those states and really start to plan out how the fund raising is going to proceed over the next few months. >> what else are they going to discuss? obviously a lot of these people donating cash or raising as we pointed out a lot of money. some referreto as stars or stripes depending on what category you fall into. what kind of access will they
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have to the governor? what kind of conversations do we know will take place? >> yeah. this is sort of the best access you can get if you're a donor. there are a couple dinners that will be attended by both the candidate and his wife. he is expected to drop in on some of these panel discussions. we have some of the leading lights in the party like condoleezza rice, bobby jindal, even folks like karl rove hosting panel discussions on a variety of topics that the governor himself may drop in on. a bunch of potential vp candidates here as well. the basic idea is to bring these donors into the fold, to make thel feel like they're really part of the campaign. tomorrow they're going to get a big briefing from the top leadership in the campaign laying out some of the strategies, some of the polling, some of what they're seeing to really make these people feel like they are part of the operation going forward and kind of, again, raise that excitement level where they can bring in the money that it's going to take to knock off an incumbent president. >> all right. garret haake thank you very much. karl rove is facing increasing pressure from the obama campaign. they say rove's presence raises
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questions about coordination between outside groups and the campaigns. the obama campaign's top lawyer wrote a letter to karl rove obtained by "the huffington post" saying his defense of his crossroads group was mystifying and revealing. it goes on to say rove's position is as weak on the law as it is on the facts. rove says the complaint is a partisan ploy. joining me now writer for "mother jones" andrew krull. why is the obama campaign taking i guess this strong stance against karl rove being there? >> well, groups like karl rove's crossroads gps and the sister american crossroads are supposed to be important. the reason a super pac like american crossroads which karl rove cofounded can spend unlimited amounts of money and raise unlimited amounts of money is they're supposed to be, quote-unquote, independent. however, we see candidates raising money at super pac fundraisers. we see karl rove jetting off to utah to go to this posh event
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alongside romney and as obama's lawyer has pointed out this does raise real issues. are karl rove and mitt romney going to be talking shop when they're there? you can't do that technically under the law. and this is the kind of issue the obama campaign is really hitting on here. >> the attorney also hints that colluding with romney between karl rove and romney by honing in as you pointed out on him being at this retreat after all you'll be talking about a number of things. with that said let's play karl rove's response to all of this. he was on fox yesterday or wednesday night. >> we have some of the best lawyers in the country both on the tax side and on the political side. the political election law to make certain we never get close to the line that will push us into the gps political grip as opposed to a social welfare organization. >> does that sound like an adequate explanation that everything will stay on the up and up while we're there with closed doors and no reporters and recording devices and so on? >> i don't doubt that karl
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rove's crossroads gps group has the best lawyers in the business but as you said part of a tax-exempt nonprofit like crossroads gps which has spent tens of millions of dollars in this election cycle is that we don't know who their donors are. we don't know how they work internally. and, really, you're going on karl rove's word here and you can take that for what it is. you know, in terms of the complaint that bob bower the obama attorney has made it is unlikely the fec will act on this. i think what we're really seeing is bower and the obama campaign starting to make this more of an issue this secret money coming in to karl rove's cofers and spent to hammer the president. they're putting it in the public eye and trying to make it a campaign battle. >> to your point, it's not likely this will turn into anything other than maybe a war of words with fiery letters and fiery words during an interview. nevertheless, the larger picture, the american people already concerned about, you
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know, these billionaires having great access, the changes that we've seen as a result of the supreme court decision. to me it seems this ad is just another cloud of suspicion over all of this big money now infiltrating politics. it's always been there but since the supreme court's decision it's taken to a whole new level. >> without a doubt. the kind of secret spending going through groups like crossroads gps, this is absolutely unprecedented. it's happening at the federal level. it's happening at the state level. and polls over and over again show that the public is absolutely disgusted by this money and we don't know where it's coming from. in many cases we don't even know how it's being spent. you have americans for prosperity, a group founded by david koch spending money in states around the country. we don't even know, there is no record of that, how it's being spent, where the money is coming from. i think you are seeing public outrage on this secret money. >> right. >> really bubbling up in this election. let me bring up one more point because it has come up with a tweet i just received. it came up on morning joe that somehow the obama team is
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whining because of having what is right now a disadvantage money wise that in 2008 when this extraordinary amount of money came in on that side for the obama team that there wasn't this perception. so for tse who see this as some kind of whining because of the money difference from '08 to now, what is the explanation? >> i wouldn't call it whining. but the obama campaign is in a tough spot in a sense because on the one hand you have bob bower attacking crossroads gps when there is also a similar nonprofit, you know, ostensibly supporting the president though this nonprofit has raised nowhere near the money rove's has. on the other hand the democrats need to compete. they're not going to fight with one hand tied behind their back. they're not going to unilaterally disarm in this. they're towingeing a very fine and leave themselves open to some criticism because they are attacking the same kinds of tools and money machines that they're using. >> right. >> now they're not on the scale of the republicans.
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>> sure. >> they're not on the scale of rove or the koch brothers but in a tough spot without adoubt. >> absolutely. there are two lines of thinking again separate and apart from the money game is karl rove being there and the allegation from the obama campaign perhaps possibly colluding which would be a violation of both campaign finance laws. thank you so much. appreciate you joining me today. time now for the news nation political post script. we take a look back at the stories that have dominated the headlines in this one week including the partisan back and forth on capitol hill over the move by congress to hold a -- a congressional committee to hold attorney general eric holder in contempt. >> there is no question in anybody's mind that's been involved in this investigation that the attorney general has been stonewalling this committee. >> shouldn't be a political witch hunt against the attorney general of our country and our president in an election year. >> if the president was never involved in these decisions now it kind of begs the question really was he involved in these
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decisions? >> i think that if mr. boehner takes this to the house he will be seen as one of the most extreme speakers that ever took charge of a house. >> marco rubio is being thoroughly vetted as part of our process. >> an interesting day, you know, look. i don't want to talk about the process. i haven't up to this point. >> tomorrow president obama will speak here. of course, that's the first time he spoke here since his last campaign. he may admit that he hasn't kept every promise. and he'll probably say that even though you aren't better off today than you were four years ago, things could be worse. he'll imply that you don't really have an alternative. i believe he's taking your vote for granted. >> let's bring in nbc senior political editor mark murray and start at the end where mitt romney told the very same audience the president spoke before just in the last 40 minutes that he was taking their
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vote for granted. his response today to the president's speech does not seem to be that many of the audience believe they were taken for granted. >> president obama was on very friendly terrain today and in some respects mitt romney was on tough terrain and had a high degree of difficulty. you saw mitt romney provide some policy specifics that he would like to have on legal immigration but, tamron, just judging these speeches back to back you see why president obama has an advantage with latino voters, why mitt romney would struggle with them. the big question politically is how many latinos actually turn outo vote. >> right. >> in 2012. the difference could very well be the difference between president obama winning or losing in november. >> and to your point, mark, it was friendly or so-called friendly terrain. however, it's the audience the president made a promise to regarding immigration reform and he needed to and did explain at least his perspective of why it's been held up. >> well, he was talking about how comprehensive immigration reform, which mitt romney
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criticized him for not being able to pass, why it hadn't gotten through congress. president obama ended up saying it was actually due to republican obstructionism, gop fill bust inner the senate, and in that remarking how back in 2006 and 2007 it was george w. bush, john mccain, ted kennedy all together for comprehensive immigration reform and that one leg of the stool the republican party decided to walk away. president obama wrapped that up into his discussion why he did his executive action dealing with young legal immigrants, saying that because republicans won't play ball in the dream act he was forced to do the executive action that he did last friday. >> obviously the marco rubio situation is to be continued and it boils down to who do you believe? do you believe the reports he was not being seriously vetted or do you believe governor romney who says those reports are not accurate? i want to move to the contempt vote because that is something we will certainly be talking about next week, mark. >> well, in one way to look at the contempt vote, it's a story
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where no one ends up looking good. you already have a congress the approval rating is either 9%, 10%, 11%, 12%. it's really low. and on the one hand you have republicans being accused of playing politics. you had president obama having to invoke executive privilege which is something he probably at the end of the day didn't want to do. and it all could end up leading to eric holder the u.s. attorney general being voted in contempt of congress where everyone ends up looking bad on an issue, tamron, where people want congress to be working on something, anything but something like this. >> okay. mark murray, thank you very much. we'll see what happens in the week next week. thank you. developing news from egypt. thousands of protesters packing tahrir square once again to denounce the military's power grab. we'll have a live report as egyptians await the results of its presidential election. so bre a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger.
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coming up the president fired up in his appeal to latino voters striking quite the contrast to his opponents moments ago. speaking of mr. romney we take a closer look at this weekend's gilded retreat in deer valley and the new report about jobs his former company may have shipped overseas. now for the last time back to tamron. developing news right now out of egypt. thousands of protesters now filling tahrir square protesting what they see as an attempt by the military regime to hold on to power and interfere in the country's democratic election. egypt's first post mubarak president was supposed to be officially announced yesterday. the commission postponed that announcement until sunday. our foreign correspondent is in cairo. what confidence do the people have in the results we should be hearing over the weekend? >> reporter: well, tamron, right now the people protesting in tahrir are very disturbed by a set of decisions that have taken
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place over the past wk that have really jeopardized what they thought was a genuine process to a democratically elected president. cheefl chiefly among them the decision to keep a loft the powers of the incoming president in the hands of the military. the military says it would also retain some legislative powers after a court here ordered the parliament dominated by the muslim brotherhood to be dissolved. the people here particularly those protesting have been somewhat dismayed by all of these attempts they say by the military to try to hold on to some of the power, they are not really confident that the results are going to be announced tomorrow. there is some indication that the results could be delayed even a day more to sunday. >> and regarding the latest on hosni mubarak's condition, last we heard his attorney says that he was recovering after earlier reports indicating he was near death. do we know any more regarding that former leader's condition? >> the latest information we
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have is that he's in stable condition. he remains somewhere in between a coma and coming into consciousness. he does dip back and forth we are told. we know that he is not -- he is no longer on a respirator. so it seems that his condition has been stabilizing according to his lawyer but again in so many things here in egypt it's always slougheded shrouded in because no official word comes from the government. that fuels the anger and a loft the conspiracy theories that mobilizes people to the streets because the government and particularly the ruling council have not been transparent about so many things. >> what can you tell us about the developing news regarding possibly a turkish aircraft, military aircraft that went down near syria? >> that's correct. there have been some conflicting reports right now about what exactly happened. we know from the turkish prime minister, there the turkish government is holding a security council meeting, the inner cabinet there to discuss the situation. he didn't have details about
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what caused the plane to go down. he did confirm the plane went down and the two pilots remain unaccounted for. other reports including media channels that have been speaking to senior syrian officials say that the turkish plane entered syrian air space and was shot down by syrian air defense systems. it would be a very severe escalation if that is the case. nonetheless, though, the syrian government has apologized to turkish officials for the incident. but what exactly brought the plane down still remains somewhat unclear. >> okay. thank you. still ahead, our news nation gut check brings us back to the u.s. a grandmother tormented while working on a new york school bus says she does not want the students to be suspended or even face charges for their behavior. what do you think? you can join the news nation on facebook. we're at nation. laces? really? slip-on's the way to go. more people do that, security would be like -- there's no charge for the bag. thanks. i know a quiet little place where we can get some work done.
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twitter. find our twitter page at news nation but at least one of you are not too happy with me today tweeting out a profanity directed at tamron hall on a friday calling me a sellout. awful. news nation gut check. happy friday not angry friday. three of four students whose taunts brought their bus monitor to tears are now apologizing as a fund to help the 68-year-old grandmother climbs above half a million dollars. >> oh, my god you're so fat. >> look at all this flab right here. >> if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything else all. >> shut [ bleep ] up. >> why is there water on your face. >> i'm crying. >> probably messes up your box of twinkies. >> this as viral video that triggered the outrage the boys heartlessly tormenting karen klein about her weight and even, you know, her son, who committed suicide a decade ago. over 23,000 donors have contributed over a half million
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dollars to a website set up to benefit karen. as the school district decides whether or not to suspend the students, they have been getting hundreds of death threats. karen says she does not want the boys to face criminal charges. >> i'd like to find out if they really realize how serious it is, you know, why -- i want to know why they had to do that -- why they don't respect elders. >> well, karen says she does not want to see the boys expelled or suspended and said she would like to see them banned from ridinghe school bus for a year and not allow them to participate in team sports, but should the school give the kids who were taunting that school bus monitor more severe punishment, maybe suspension from school? what does your gut tell you? go to nation to cast your vote. that does it for this edition on this friday. thank you so much for joining us. lena jo hudson do not send me profanity via twitter. i am not a sellout. you can catch news nation not
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summer in new york state has something different for everyone to love. discover what you love. visit to plan your summer trip now. good afternoon. it's friday, june 22nd. here's what's happening. ♪ >> we're off to deer valley. ♪ >> mitt romney hosts an all star weekend retreat for millionaires and billionaires. >> the minimum levels to get involved in this event is a $50,000 donation or bundle and you have folks here who helped put together fundraisers that have raised millions for the governor's campaign. >> yes, deer valley where for this weekend at least corporations really are people. >> corporations are people, my friend. how a business decides to grow,
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when they decide to shrink, when they decide to send jobs overseas, he doesn't understand that. >> notamiliar with exactly what i said but i stand by what i said whatever it was. ♪ take a little trip >> and we'll get to that gilded gathering in just a moment but first an event that is unafraid of the cameras as the president has just delivered a full broad side against governor romney addressing the national association of latino elected and appointed officials just a week after his decision to stop deporting the law-abiding children of illegal immigrants. the speech was fiery and formidible. the president didn't simply defend his new policy. he attacked the gop and he attacked mitt romney but quite carefully never by name. >> your speaker from yesterday has a different view. in his speech he said that when he makes a promise to you he'll keep it. well, he has promised to


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