tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC June 27, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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leader championed legislation republicans had passed and then came out with what a lot of democrats had been saying for a while. when he seemed to confirm, damn it, he did confirm suspiciouses that pennsylvania's new voter i.d. law is not about stopping fraud, it's about stopping president obama. let's listen to the guy give it all away. >> we are focused on making sure that we meet our obligations that we've talked about for years. pro second amendment. first pro-life legislation, abortion facility regulations in 22 years. done. voter i.d., which is going to allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania. done. >> you know, not only did he say it out loud that it will allow their candidate to win, this new voter requirement that requires the rather difficult efforts like going out and if you're 80 years old and finding some place
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to get an i.d. card made by the government with a picture on it and then they applaud the guy. this wasn't any secret. all those republicans in that room, republican activists and party regulators were cheering a guy who had just said we did this thing to win an election. not to stop fraud. >> no surprise on our side of the aisle there, chris. we knew all along this was nothing more than a republican scheme to attempt to win and to tip the scales, but having said that, we have a very good grou game. we were prepared this year like every year to bring out the vote with a better ground game than our opponents. as we implement that this fall, we will remind folks who may with affected by this decision, this new law of what they need to do and will help them achieve the credentials needed if necessary. >> people in pennsylvania, what should they do to be able to vote. i haven't driven a car in 20 years.
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i don't have any government affiliation. an i.d. card with my picture issued by the government. what should they do? >> we would ask any pennsylvanian who has a question about whether or not they have the necessary papers unfortunately to vote to go to our web page, and as we canvas and as they go to our web page, we will drill down with them to see if they have what it takes to vote in pennsylvania and if they don't, we will make sure they have it. either we will take them ourselves or make arrangements to get to where they need tog to qualify. we'll make sure that happens and then circle l back with them closer to november to be sure not only -- >> go ahead. >> not only that we have what they need to voe, we'll get them there. >> if you're a big city democrat or republican, go to your
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committee person. thanks for joining us. this is an amazing assault. this is an attempt to keep people who are older, poorer, who don't have the money to go out and find the penndot or whatever you have to go, dmz. dmv. talk about it. >> and also, college students. most of the colleges like penn state, university of pug, they cannot use their college i.d. to show proof of who they are. we're talking about 700,000 people just in pennsylvania. disenfranchised and basically, majority leader turzai getting caught talking to his base. this is offensive. to think we have men and women who have fought and died. i look at my experience in iraq. served with heroes who never made it home so that in 2005, 12 million people could vote for the first time. we all remember those purple fingers.
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the fact that here at home, we're chipping away at a democracy. our vote is sacred and they just basically, this isn't a game. >> congressman, i want you and the chairman an the party in pennsylvania because i don't think it's a partisan issue. i would think everybody wants to vote. everybody should want everybody to vote. people that don't are up to something. here's the spokesman said quote representative turzai was speaking at a partisan political event. he was simply referencing for the first time in a long while the republican presidential candidate will be on a more even keel thanks to voter i.d. your response to that? >> that's ridiculous. he has tripped over his tongue once again. he has shown what the true intent of this piece of legislation was. in the last 30 years, 32 in pennsylvania, hundreds of millions of votes cast, less than 10 alleged cases of voter
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abuse. mr. turzai and this republican governor have found $11 million to fix a problem that doesn't exist while they cut education upwards of 50%. >> let's go over this number. this is not viewed positively by the democratic party. it is by the republican party. 91% of republicans were registered voters love this thing. a majority of democrats 53 oppose it. what's that about? >> that's about basically the talking points they're hearing from their leaders and from republicans, we want to make sure there's no fraud. so do we. if anyone commits fraud, there's rules in place to put them in jail. this is simply to disenfranchise people. they're doing two thipg. also to say maybe you shouldn't even show up. there's the other intent there as well.
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if my vote's not going to count, remember florida in 2000. how important every vote counted and pennsylvania being a battleground, which is in play where we need every single vote to get out there. that's why that website are the two critical ones. gl let's talk about how this is important. you're chairman of the whole political party of pennsylvania. i want you to look at this number. i actually think it's closer than this. quinnipiac has it as 46-40 for obama. i think that's getting very close to the margin of error. i think it's a tough as hell election. my thinking is this. why would any voter out there truly nonpartisan want to make an 80-year-old person who doesn't drive a car, doesn't get vvld in public affairs issue, doesn't traveled the world with a passport, why not let that person vote and a lot of people have to drive a cab or take public transportation to vote. it's hard. this makes it even hard e and
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more expensive. could they grab pennsylvania like this guy just said, turzai? with this new voter i.d. card, a big state like pennsylvania can be snagged, poached if you will, by the republicans. >> they're not going to poach anything in pennsylvania. we have a better field plan and whether or not they intended to pull this or not, we were going to have people on the ground to get out e vote and make sure everybody who wants to vote can can and will voechlt but i would suggest those numbers may be further to the president's advantage in pennsylvania. i've been to many of our counties over the last couple of years and this cycle in particular, this republican presumptive nominee does not connect with pennsylvanians. if it hadn't of be for the tea party not getting its act together, i would suggest despite his hundreds of millions of dollars and campaigning for six years, he would still be in a primary fight. they know they have a weak candidate.
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>> what's weak about him? >> he does not -- 47 out of 50 in job creation in massachusetts. bain capital. running businesses into bankruptcy to make profits. not being able to connect with average pennsylvania voters. failing to step up and make a statement on any significant issue. rather, he would rather kick the can down the road. the president has had the courage to step up and make difficult positions. >> you're the best surrogate we've had on for obama. we can't get cabinet or senators to talk about you. you ought to be the one running the surrogate operation. there's a really good discalculation of what the hell the problem with romney is. >> the people of pennsylvania, a manufacturing state do not want another outsourcer in chief. he went from 36th in the country, massachusetts, to 47th, the very last, bottom of the bottom.
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i mean -- >> made a lot of money. >> but a lot of middle class families lost their jobs because of his outsourcing. >> we're going to get to it later in this show again, but i want to thank you both. and the point is that nobody seems to like romney. the ones who were thinking of voting for him and it's a lot of people, they're concerned about the the economy, but don't like him personally. he is not registering on the scale. thank you. these guys are going up in the road here. coming up, the presidential race. those attacks on mitt romney's years at bain seem to be scoring. we're seeing the new polling from nbc news real numbers moving here in those deciding states like iowa, ohio, wisconsin, where people don't like big money coming in and destroying your jobs and sending them the india and china. also, how much longer can romney
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stick with his code, criticizing the president, but never telling us where he stands? supporters are saying time to speak up, mitt. and harvey weinstein comes here to play "hardball" tonight. finally, presidentbama learns a wicked hard lesson in boston about knowing yo audience. rule one, don't even talk slightly negatively about the sox. be careful. you're in the vatican of sports up there. this is "hardball." the place for politics.
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ever since he ran for president, the's been lot ares o talk about whether barack obama is a muslim. well, he's not of course and in a new poll, 43% correctly identified the president has a protestant. 8% said it's a muslim. 1%, never forget this, now say president obama is a mormon. the hot news out of our poll. mitt romney of course is a
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the white house is not letting up in its criticism of romney's time at bain capital. today and yesterday, president obama hit romney over a "washington post" article from last week. the story showed bain was heavy invested in companies considered pioneers of sending american jobs overseas. pioneers of shipping our jobs away. the attacks continued beginning with new ads released in iowa, ohio and virginia all hit the same note. take a look at this ad running for obama in virginia. >> president romney's first 100 days, creating thousands of new jobs. >> but would he? "the washington post" has just revealed that romney's companies were pioneers of shipping u.s. jobs overseas.
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investing in firms that specialized in jobs by american workers to new facilities in countries like china and india. does virginia really want an outsourcer in chief in the white house? >> is there any indication these attacks are working? you bet. >> first of all, let's separate out. when you look at our poll overall an we're going to have more numbers later, everything went bad for the president as far as the global picture of the economy. and so you would have thought in
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these polls you would u have seen him take a hit. he hasn't. why? because the paid media campaign is working for the obama campaign. they're winning that front and now most of the negative ads now against romney have been more about his record. you haven't seen a lot of the bain. they are pivoting to bane in tv ads. it's hitting him on his massachusetts -- that private sector ad where they say look at this. he made the same promise to ma hah and it was an ad they ran over and over again. what you see out of our poll and some others you think the the weight of the bad economy should be hurting -- they both are because the paid media campaign of romney is working. as for bain, it's clear they believe it works and look where they're running at. iowa, ohio and virginia. >> according to the new nbc "wall street journal," barack obama has a lead over mitt romney in 12 swing states across the the country.
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obama's up by eight points in those states. is this a leading or lagging indicator? what's ahead? the national or battleground numbers? >> i think the battleground numbers. because they're ones, they're experiencing the campaign. we in the corridor, we watch from atop of the trees and all this stuff. it's the folks in ohio, florida and virginia, they're feeling it. >> we grew up in america where ever since andy jackson, the people in the middle part of the country resented the east coast bankers. it goes way back to hating the banks, free silver. william jennings bryan. are we seeing a modern version of that? there's another unlikable term. but it's all those guys out there that go to bears games. green bay games. they get together in cold weather to root for football teams. they're scared to death of foreign competition.
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they hate outsourcing, the idea of picking up the phone, you got to call india to get an answer. are these the people obama is going after when attacking bain? >> absolutely. i think it is an attempt to do that. inn that the bain attack, they say it's working. i think where we have seen more paid media by the obama campaign has been on this massachusetts ad, but the pro obama super pac has done about $10 million of only bain ads only in five states. so i think there is evidence both attacks are taking a toll. this is what democrats said it was going to be and if romney is not going to defen against these attacks, it will start to take toll. the converse is that the economy is bad as chuck said and so obama is not gaining ground either. we've just escaped what was a very rough month for obama and basically, the needle has not really moved in romney's favor and those swing state numbers are very interesting.
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>> here comes the artillery. here's joe biden in iowa today making the same points that are running in the pro obama ads about bain. let's watch. >> here's the bottom line, folks. bain and their companies made a great deal of money facilitating this outsourcing and offshoring american jobs. yeah, they made a lot of money. but in the process, they devastated. they devastated whole american communities. you've got to give mitt romney credit. he's a job creator. in singapore. china. india. he's been very good at creating jobs overseas. >> so, mitt romney is a punch line now. >> this is rough stuff and this is look, jerry had a great column today. mitt romney's path to victory, he has to win one of these sort of long time democratic blue states that have always been
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contested but republicans have come up short. and iowa's one of the other ones and i tell you, this outsourcing stuff is -- it can be a killer against somebody. >> i want to put together three challenges. he seems to be winning according to the poll coming out tonight on the network. the case against bain and the fact it's an osourcing job, sends them overseas. the second question i bring in here. here's obama with some problems. what we've known about before among working class white voters. i hate getting sectarian. look at that. 31% of white working class. in other words, non college people. that's a terrible number for a guy who wants to get re-elected president. >> this is why he's doing the disqualifier. what's interesting, you're seeing obama trying to counter this with his base.
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he is running a totally based election. not much towards the middle at all. >> what happened to the white working class that were the base of the democratic for 200 years? >> it's been a problem b for obama r for the last four years. this is not a group he did well with with the primaries in 2008 as you know. >> it's reagan democrat. >> and also -- >> they abandoned bill clinton in '94. these folks have been skiddish since mcgovern. abandoned the the democrats. >> it's been going on. >> gradual. >> okay, so what about the problem with romney himself? looking into your poll data today, it's fantastic. maybe i'm getting ahead at some of the numbers here, but one in six people really want to vote for romney to be president of the united states. one in six. everybody else is fighting over
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whether they like the president or not. but such a small percentage have glomed on saying he's by guy. one in six. >> john kerry problem. he has -- >> don't you have to like the guy? >> he's testing this theory. >> this is nixon's, the last guy that snuck in was nixon, who got elected because the democrats were in this confusion in chicago and had a war that everybody hated and nixon come creeping in. what do you think when you look at the numbers and it shows whites off the present? and yet, the other guy, the other guy, the republican, mitt romney, looks right i suppose. nothing really unethal about the guy and yet nobody seems to like him. one in six voters are for him. >> this is the analog to bush-kerry.
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it's not really clear. it's the parallel. >> use my r words. >> i'm sorry. this is where the the romney campaign is making a test. he does not want to take policy positions. doesn't want to touch on certain issues. >> can he hide from now to november? >> it's difficult. their bet is a series of job reports that will make it possible. >> that he's an alternative to the guy in there and that's all he needs to say. >> correct. i'm not obama. i don't know if you can win a presidential race that way. >> they believe that bill clinton never really fully convinced voters to be for him in '92, that essentially he was just not bush and if you look at where the direction of the country was at that time, 70 plus percent. >> back and look at those debates. he was masterful at that. >> that's the difference though.
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bill clinton is a very different politician than mitt romney is. >> he stepped forfor that african-american woman who bush couldn't understand how to talk to. embraced her emotionally. >> the romney people are betting this is '92 and '80. you're seeing a different, the two parties, they're hardening in this new coalition if you will of minorities and college educated whites for obama and base and everybody else for romney and guess what? >> that is a divided america. by the way, when the young people vote as much the the older white people, i'll be surprised. >> there's no evidence that's happening. >> that's the problem. as joe scarborough said, don't bet on young people because in the end, they got other things to do that day. it wasn't true in 2008, but i do worry about that. thank you. keeping up with chuck. he's the best. up next, what did president obama say that got him booed at
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his new fund-raiser? don't talk about the sox with anything but praise. ahh, now that's a clean mouth. i wish i could keep it this way. [ dr. rahmany ] you see, even after a dental cleaning... plaque quickly starts to grow back. but new crest pro-health clinical plaque control toothpaste can help. it not only reduces plaque... it's also clinically proven... to help keep plaque from coming back. us, it works in these other areas dentists check most. ♪
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the segment is called rick perry still sharp as a tack. >> mitt romney's very steady job creating focus on allowing the private sector to create those jobs is spot on. most americans understand that. they're ready to have a change in washington, d.c. >> let me ask you -- back to "hardball" and last week, we showed you the epic gaffe from indiana senate candidate richard murdoch.
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his campaign excellently posted prerecorded responses to the supreme court's decision on health care, including one celebrating the law was struck down. steven colbert decided to cover the bases himself with that brick wall. >> the united states supreme court has done what none of us expected. the mandate has been struck down. there's been another recount and george bush the president again. the united states supreme court in a hotly contested decision has declared that call me maybe is the song of the summer. also, no health care. today, the united states supreme court did what none of it expected. justice scalia revealed that the whole time, he's just been four raccoons in a black garbage bag. excuse me, excuse me, i said nobody in the break room. out.
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>> murdoch had the video taken down soon after it went public, but it was too late to hide it. next, bring out baseball and boston can be a risky move. yesterday, president obama thanked the beantown crowd for kevin youkilis who was traded to the white sox. >> i just want to say thank you for youkilis. i'm just saying going to have to change the color of his socks. i didn't think i would get any boos out of here. i should not have brought up baseball. i understand. my mistake. you got to know your crowd. >> it is religion up there, but think that was the end of it? not quite.
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jay carney came to the president's defense today. >> it is highly commendable in my view as a red sox fan that this president has always refused to pander on sports. he is a white sox fan. he owns fandom of white sox proving again anyone who knows boston and the red sox and it was in that room knows that the preponderance of people shouting in response to what the president were shouting youk. not boo. >> come on, jay. youk as in youkilis. no doubt, the president was outnumbered by red sox fans. up next, the sounds of silence. how much longer can mitt romney stay silent before his own supporters say we know you're against that, but what are you
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what makes a sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those. if you want a soft bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. welcome to the lowest prices of the season, not just on ordinary beds, but on the bed that can change your life. the sleep number bed. never tried this before. this is your body there. you can see a little more pressure in the hips. take it up one notch. oh gosh, yes. when you're playing around with that remote, you get that moment where you go, "oh yeah" ... oh, yeah! ... and it's perfect. they had no idea that when they came to a sleep number store, we were going to diagnose their problems and help them sleep better. and right now, you can save an incredible $300 to $1,000 on selected bed sets. the carpet. >> the sand is gone. >> the first time i used the hoover windtun
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this is a busy week by the the way for the supreme court. i think all their work highlights the leadership failures of our current president. you see, when he was running for office, he said he would make it his first priority in his first year agenda to reform our immigration system and make it work for the american people and for those who want to come here legally. he did not do that. >> in a rally in virginia, mitt romney stayed true to form. criticizing the president as you heard in this case on immigration while offering no plan of his own. this has become the consistent pattern. last week speaking at a convention, romney even names the question voters want answered, but declines to answer. >> some people have asked if i will let stand the president's executive order.
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the answer is that i will put in place my own long-term solution that will replace and supersede the president's temporary measure. >> it's like that that makes it hard for romney backers to defend him. leslie sanchez tried to shine a positive light. let's listen to her. >> i think he laid out a more general specific outline of immigration reform. >> that was a wonderful phrase leslie had. a general specific plan. i thought it was remarkable. >> i work hard on those, bob. >> i thought u it was remarkably vague. >> well, romney's strategy, will it work and for how long? michael steele and ron reagan, both are msnbc political analysts. you know, mark mckinnon said that romney's got a problem here. when you avoid specifics, he
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writes today, quote until and unless the gop presidential nominees will be to outline specifically what he envisions as a long-term solution to illegal immigration, he'll be the loser anytime. let me go to michael on this. if you got a strong issue like the economy, you say how bad things are, but at some point, you have to say what you're going to do. does romney have the proof that he has the solution? >> no, i think you're right. >> i'm asking. >> i said you're right. i think he does have to put the proof in the pudding in terms of defining what he will do as president. but i think you know, after the looking at the strategy up until now and talking to some of the folks around this campaign, what they're doing is they're mapping out something that's a little more long ball. they're not looking to play to every issue that pops up right now, whether immigration or supreme court decision. but i think romney is looking to
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pace out in broad terms now in the month of june, july, and possibly august, and then when we get to the labor day window when things hunker down, law out something more specific. you cannot run an entire campaign where you're not laying out the specifics. the same is true for romney. it will be true for the president. >> the trouble with romney, he doesn't have a clean slate on things like immigration. so unless he comes up with something constructive, he's only known as the nasty guy. >> you're correct. he was more specific during the primaries. he was for a self-deportation. making it so miserable for immigrants in this country that they would leave the country. but romney's problem is the republican party's problem with these issues. they can't tell you what they're really for because if you knew, nobody would vote for them.
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they use immigration as a wedge issue, but know if they were deport all illegal immigrants that various industries like agriculture would collapse. >> if we're going to go around looking for everybody who might have come here illegally and pick them up, take them out u out of the country and dump them over the border, this country would be ripped in half. romney's discipline when it comes to not providing specifics leads to interviews that wind up almost comical. here's that almost infamous exchange with bob schieffer on what a president would do on the executive order on immigration. >> what you repeal this order if you became president? >> well, step back and look at the issue with regard of these kids, there needs to be a long-term solution.
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>> but would you repeal this? >> well, it would be overtaken by events, if you will, by my putting in place a long-term solution. >> would you leave this this place while you worked out a long-term solution or would you just repeal it? >> we'll look at that setting as we reach that. >> yesterday, romney's traveling press aide proved he learned his boss's knee. he avoids giving any answer. this kid has got seven words he's allowed to use and he uses them. >> does he have a reaction as to whether he agrees with this decision? >> the states have the right to craft their immigration policies. say it again and again and again for r you. governor understands that states have their own right to craft the policies to secure their own borders to address illegal immigration. >> michael steele, that kid's got a short leash around his
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neck. repeat the nonanswers his boss gives him. there is no immigration policy with the name mitt romney on it. >> i wouldn't say that, chris. just because he hasn't told it to you or announced it publicly. what i would say is is this. the plan to end the war in vietnam. >> i was going to bring up nixon '68. >> all over again. but look, the bottom line is if and when he does and this is part of the strategy that they have to take into consideration and it's true not just for romney, but going back to obama. obama wasn't specific about how he was going to close gitmo, so each of these presidential cycle, these candidates become less and less specific because there are those in the media, present company maybe, who pounce on that and the debate becomes more about defending
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what you're saying as opposed to laying out in a coherent measure. >> right now, ron, i got new numbers. one in six americans polled fresh out tonight like romney. one in six. the rest are arguing about what kind of a job b the president's doing. so this guy hasn't passed muster in terms of a winning personality because he doesn't talk about anything that means anything to people yet. fair enough, but selling. >> yeah, but you can't win the presidency just by saying i'm not the guy who's in office now. maybe you can if you're a very talented politics, but i don't think romney is that politician. he can't really -- >> he's not as smart as richard nixon. >> no, he's not. he's going to have to stand on a stage with barack obama and he can't keep repeating these platitudes about i've got a long-term plan. it won't wash.
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>> it is the movie that makes people feel the best of any movie i have ever been associated with. people walk out of the theater and they are ready to dance just like the characters in the movie. it really is a -- a true story. it is a great story. it is just a fun story. i think in these times people need to go to a movie theater and watch something intelligent and smart and something that they can feel great about. >> well, you made a lot of great movies. i saw the trailer other night and it looked great. let me ask you about the thing you care about which is politics. got to paw four supper now. produced a movie and promoted it rather well. let me ask you about this. you have a free trail other the air. what is this -- president have to do the way he turned people on in '08? >> one of the things i thought was funny watching a show was the best political column i read this summer, mike lupica in the daily news when he called mitt romney mute rom my when he did the "face the nation" interview. he said nothing. i love michael steele coming on and defending romney's right to say absolutely nothing.
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just because the president said something -- didn't -- was specific about guantanamo, defends his right not to be specific about immigration? i mean, they really have a -- i think eventually it catches up to the american public. you really cannot have a candidate who just says nothing all the time. unless it is chancy gardner in being there. >> that worked. time to plan, time to sew. let me go to this question. you are a numbers guy and crunching numbers. not a machine. not a formula. i'm sure you are one -- more like the guys in the 'twhirts the cigar that knew how to do it. project november. >> i never -- >> will obama get 51%? >> i think so. i think that -- i think he will do better than people even think right now. i think, you know, the minute those debates start, you know, he's just -- his experience, you know, his foreign policy record which so far has been flawless, romney saying he wouldn't have, you know, hunted osama bin laden and crossed the line into pakistan.
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these things are going to come back to haunt, you know, these guys big time. once people get exposed to his record, you know, i think it is -- i think it is going to be -- much easier than people think. >> romney seems like the guy with the look of a leading man but there's something missing in terms of either menace or sex appeal or something here's missing. what do you say? if you are casting -- in your casting role. what's missing in terms of voter appeal? we got a new number out tonight, harvey. only one in six voters, one in six, basically likes the guy. the rest are voting for or against obama. >> you know, i think, you know, obama is the denzel washington/brad pitt, george clooney guy. i think that, you know, romney is sort of the -- you know, the second guy. he's the best friend. you know, who just rides his bicycle and helps the guy find the girl and, you know, gives him advice on occasion. i'm not sure if it is very good advice but more like comic advice. >> be careful. that's what jack warner said about reagan and he was the bust friend. jimmy stewart the star. harvey weinstein, some day i
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let me finish tonight with a stranger. i'm talk the man republicans are planning to nominate for president of the united states. the stranger. when you examine a new poll numbers compiled by nbc news and "the wall street journal," you come up with an amazing fact. cold reality of this political season. it is that less than one in six americans, less than 15%, want to see mitt romney president. less than 15%. the rest intend to vote not on romney's merits but on what they think president obama's former answer. they will vote either for the president or against him. romney is simply the only option. what does this say by b the kind of campaign romney waged, is waging? they know nothing about the person himself nor is he likely to make himself better known. few people knowing much about him is the way he wants it. he wants the spotlight on obama and not on him. it seems to be working so far. romney's right there in a fairly tight matchup with an incumbent president. most people vote for him not on
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the fact of who he is but on the fact of who his rival is. will this last n some americans walk into the voting intend on voting for a guy hiding under the covers? will they entrust this country to a candidate who made himself the man behind the curtain? richard nixon did this in 1968 and worked then because the country was unable to vote for the riot torn democrats. stuck in the fight over vietnam. i think we live in more hopeful times. we want the best president we can get, not the one that is not the other. not the one that hides because he thinks who he is works against him. latest poll, thank you important joining "hardball." we will be back tomorrow. good evening, americans. welcome to "the ed show" from new york. as america awaits the supreme court decision on the fate of health care in the country, the full force of the citizens united ruling is starting to
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take shape. tonight, i'll show you just who benefitsrom this ruling. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. >> you're going to have more money spent in this election than ever before. and because times are tough, and because they're spending these ungodly sums, it's going to be close. >> citizens united part two. we'll show you the real world results of how the supreme court is handing democracy to america's millionaires and billionaires. senator bernie sanders joins me on how mitt romney and his billionaire backers are rigging the system so they always win. darell issa is still going after the president for the fast and furious scandal. the white house is firing back. tonight, the huffington post's sam stein will help me expose the latest attempt in the witch hunt. >> marc anthony is pulling for president obama.
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