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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  July 3, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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the polls closer to just 10%. and it's this tiny 10% that the candidates, the parties, super pacs, and other outside groups will spend an astounding $2 billion trying to win over this election cycle. will it work? and table, that's where i want to start there. first of all, somebody tell me, are there really still undecideds? and if they are, what are they waiting for? i feel like we know these two guys better than i know my parents. right? >> we do. we do. but most americans are -- we are not normal. let me put that out there. we are not normal. we spend way too much time thinng about this. most people are thinking about fourth of july and summer vacations and probably when they come back from holiday then they'll focus in a little bit closer on the election and what they're going to do. >> you're talking about low-information voters, nothing wrong with that. people have lives, people have jobs, people have families, they open the newspaper and they go
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to the sports section or that sort of thing. the style section. they don't start with what's going on with bain capital and this and that and all the littl machinations of the races. the information is coming through the window in the form of a debate or something, right? >> no, i think there's sort of an important thing to keep in mind here when we start talking about independents. because some of those statistics we say, wow, there's a giant pool of voters out there untethered from the two parties and up for grabs. and we have a graph -- i hope we can put it up -- that i think puts this in perspective. the truth of the matter is, most independents, you see it right there, most independents actually functionally in terms of who they vote for in election after election, they are actually members of a political party. functionally, you know, 75%, 3 out of 4 independents basically going to either reliablely vote democratic or republican. there's really only about 10% of the independents who are -- 25% of the independents who are authentic swing voters.
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and here's the thing, they pay the least amount of attenti and vote at half the rate. >> and these are the people you want mandated to go to the polls. >> to go to the polls. >> to steve's point, there was a gallop poll that foc gallup pol that said they were persuadable. but of those who are identifying as independents when you push them, it turns out that 60% actually lean democratic, 27% lean republican, and, again, representative of the population as a whole, only 10% truly have no party leaders. >> there's something very american and cool that you want to say i'm an independent, nobody has me, right, i go both ways. but you are functionally democrat or republican anyway, most of them. but they disenfranchise themselves -- >> it's the label. >> mothey don't participate in choosing the standard bearer for the party they're really a part
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of. >> i think it's a label thing but not so much of a judgment of the party's policies as the system and the political system itself. >> right. >> who wants to affiliate and say i'm a democrat or a republican when the whole thing is so messed up? >> well, luckily we have an expert on hand we can ask all of these awesome questions. in addition to steve who knows everything about everything. linda is at the wilson center also author of "the swing vote." linda, you point out that -- this is really interesting, voters in the middle have picked our president every election year since world war ii. but they straddle this weird line. they're obviously influential, but they exist often outside of the political process. only half of the states actually let these people primary, right? so -- where do these people live? and are they really winnable for either obama or romney?
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>> well, of course they are. and i have to first say i respectfully disagree with steve. i think they are much larger than he says. a recent associated press poll last week put the number of undecided voters at 25% of the electorate. these are people that say they don't know who they're going to vote for. and, again, i would respectfully disagree that they're all low-information voters. in doing my research and interviews all over the country for the swing vote, i found that they're actually quite well informed and they have a good point. both parties are kind of lousy. and they are disgusted with the partisanship, they're disgusted with the inability of congress to get anything done. but they don't have much of a choice. where are they going to go? who can they vote for? so they do tend to vote for the two major parties because otherwise their vote is wasted. but of that 38% of americans
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that various polls have shown are independent, i think a very good percentage is half. >> right. >> are truly swing voters. where these voters really matter are in the swing states. our in states like colorado, ohio, virginia, new hampshire, florida, north carolina, these are the states i talk about them in the swing vote. these are the states, these independent swing voters in those swing states will be deciding the election. >> right. >> yeah, i mean -- and i would just respectfully make a point. i think what linda is saying makes a lot of sense in terms of people being turned off by the two major parties. the distinction is you don't really see a difference between the behavior of 75%, at least, in the people who describe themselves as independents and people who just are functionally and will tell you they are partisans. and one interesting phenomenon, you put it up on the screen now, there's this growing number of people who call themselves independents or registered independents. there it is, up from 30 to 38%
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in the last eight years. actually, though, split-ticket voting. people who go out -- i'm going to vote for the republican of this office -- that's actually down. there's a generational decline in the number of people doing split ticket voting, there's a decline in number of pure independents as i was talking about earlier. that number, i think it's really way down. i say low information, i don't want to sound disparaging, what they end up doing is voting exclusively on the economy, and that's going to keep officers accountable. >> linda, let me ask you a question. you talk about these high-information voters who are still undecided. what is the piece of information that they are waiting for that will sway them either to the person who has been in their living room for 3 1/2, 4 years or mitt romney? >> well, they are looking for substance. again, they are not moved by wedge issues. so whether it be gay marriage or even the supreme court health care decision, that is not going
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to sway their vote as it would for the partisan voters firing up the base. they will -- they care -- pew polls show they care number one about the economy, number two about jobs, number three about the deficit. and they are looking for answers and specifics about how we're going to get out of the hole we're in. and i think -- >> let me ask you this. so if there's this large group of independents who are dissatisfied with both parties and looking for an alternative but just don't want to waste their vote, we had an experiment with that this year the americans elect organizaon which set up a process, put a lot of money behind it to put forward a third party candidate and it basically failed pretty spectacularly. you know, how would you explain the failure of that group and of buddy romer and other potential third-party candidates to really catch on? >> well, i think that's a good question. and i think the americans elect
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effort was a top-down effort. it was a few millionaires who had gathered together their friends and raised all this money. they did well in terms of the ballot access. they had qualified for half of the states in the country ballot access. it's an expensive process gathering these signatures. but they couldn't attract a candidate. and that was their number one priority should have been attracting a candidate. and i think they were a little bit secretive. i think there were some, i think, grass roots voters mistrusted the organization. i don't think they ever really caught on in terms of the internet in terms of facebook in terms of twitter, in terms of the universe out there. believe me, people followed me on twitter because they know i'm an independent voice -- those -- these people are out there. and they are looking for something, but i don't think that was it. and i think a lot of sort of inside the east coast beltway sort of political voices when
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that group went down they were delighted. oh, ha, see, there is no sentiment for a third party. i don't think that's true. but the -- but the two parties have had a strangle hold on the political system either when it comes to closed primaries -- >> right. >> as he said at the beginning, half the states don't allow independent voters to vote. >> right. >> when it comes to political donations, when it comes to congressional redistricting. the parties have a strangle hold and it won't be broken easily. >> well, i have a feeling we're going to be talking about this topic all summer. thanks, linda, for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. happy fourth. happy fourth. >> mind reading here. next, it may be summer, but there's no break from all the political talk. a look at where president obama and mitt romney are this week. what, if anything, we can make of the early poll numbers and a presidential vacation scrapbook putting it through the spin cycle as we move forward on this tuesday. out of the driveway,
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the cycle could be the kind of show that reports every presidential poll. we're not that kind of gang. let me show you why. a recent nbc "wall street journal" poll has the president leading in nine swing states by eight points. but a cnn poll of key battleground states shows mitt romney leading in 12 key battlegrounds by eight points. can that be right? can both polls be right? look, the point is this, it's july. it's early, calm down. the candidates are so calm they're taking a summer break before the all-out sprint to november. the president's at camp david. he announced today his campaign
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will be kicking off a two-day betting on america bus tour to ohio and pennsylvania, of course, that starts thursday. meanwhile, mitt romney's in new hampshire engaging in sport with his family. doing the romney olympics, jet skiing with ann, and grabbing some ice cream. that's a good look, mitt. >> what a surprise. >> reminds me of some of the great political vacations of yore. ♪ when you're on a holiday ♪ you can find the words to say ♪ ♪ all the things that come to you ♪ ♪ on and on -- >> i wonder if romney should be so comfortable. some of his friends who know all about business and setting up great teams are tweeting their concerns about team romney. rupert murdoch says mitt romney
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last week will be hard to beat unless he drops old friends from team and hires new pros, doubtful. ouch. jack welch chimes in. hope romney is listening to murdoch advice, playing in league with chicago polls, no room for amateurs. ouch. but the thing that the table really wants to talk about is white people. i wonder why. >> what's up with white people? >> what is up with white people? and i have three white people here to explain that. >> well, i want to white people, i want to talk about latino -- i want to talk about interesting demographic trends and an interesting story i read over the weekend from ron brownstein who writes for the "national journal." >> he's white. >> and he is a white guy, so he can write with authority on white guys. and he's basically looking at -- i think it's an interesting phenomenon here. if you boil it down, romney's strategy for this -- for winning in november depends basically on
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white people and white people alone. he, you know, you consider his reaction to immigration, has he made any bold gestures to try to win over latino voters? no, he's very concerned about sort of conservative, blue-collar, non-college educated and elderly white voters who have turned more, you know, fiercely on obama than other groups who are really at the core of romney's strength right now in the polls. so you've got that dynamic this is what romney is counting on to carry us. and then you've got obama who is trying to cultivate this new coalition, college educated women, it's minorities, latinos, and you've got these two very distinct coalitions now and they've taken shape. >> sarah -- >> did you call me sarah? >> is that a problem? is that not your name? >> are we off the rails here? >> is this on? okay. go ahead. >> anyway, obama's had a problem with noncollege educated white voters for a very long time. it's been 30, 40 points down,
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and he knew that group was never going to turn his way. why would he try to do anything to woo them over? >> well, because he's also losing some support among a lot of the groups that voted him wholesale in 2008. he's still ahead of romney when it comes to minorities and other special interest groups, but he's losing that support. so i would expect him to shore up votes wherever he can. but you're right, these two guys seem to be targeting completely different people and not really looking for the common ground where they may overlap. maybe because they don't overlap or maybe because they're playing two ground games. >> one thing i will say the bain attacks have been playing particularly well and been particularly damaging among non-college educated white, blue collar voters particularly in ohio and pennsylvania. so that's one area where it doesn't fit this particular narrative. >> the candidates are technically off taking their
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summer break. but in reality, they're still on, still out translating their message. and that's kind of true for all of us. according to a recent study, 80% of workers say they stay on the clock even after leaving the office by checking e-mail and work calls, mostly they don't have a choice in the matter. i know what that feels like. and when you add up all of the homework time, turns out we're working the equivalent of an extra workday each -- or extra month and a half per year. but americans love to say and feel like we're busy because that makes us feel important and invaluable and, of course, the corollary to being perpetually busy is being constantly tired. there's a personal validation in this constantly saying i'm so busy and i'm so tired, i don't have time to sleep between my work and family, everybody needs me. >> that's sort of depressing because it's true. i am constantly tired, whining about how tired i am, but too busy to every sleep or stop working when i could definitely work a little less. >> you do have like five jobs,
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though. >> i know. but don't you feel guilty and you go home and you're not keeping up with stuff? >> yes. >> i feel -- >> i feel constantly guilty about -- and toure and i also have the added thing of the family and feeling guilty when you're with the family, feeling about guilty about the work, and when you're at work, guilty about the family. >> and that's the ann marie slaughter piece. we want to keep up with the e-mails and information flow of our work and we're tired and we've got to deal with our kids -- >> do think it's bad i sleep with my blackberry? >> the first thing i do in the morning is check my e-mail. >> in bed. >> it's the last thing i do at night before i go to sleep. that is a little -- i think that's -- >> i feel like that has to be a common thing. >> as we all sit here talking about how hard we work and how much time we spend working is this the part i point we're taking july 4th off. >> we'll be -- >> so e-mail me.
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>> we'll be working, trust me. >> thinking about thursday's show. friday's show. >> i will be. >> i'm going to be celebrating america, actually. >> for me, that's every day, krystal. next, as we cycle on, we've talked a lot about the politics of our supreme court this week. what about the rest of the world? just ahead in the guest spot, a report on the most meddlesome support on earth. time for the entreprenr of the week. one of the oldest family-owned businesses in new york. his great grandfather started it in 1864. helps big ships navigate to shore. it's survived near bankruptcy and strikes and it's about to be passed to the family's fifth generation. for more watch "your business" on sunday mornings at 7:30. i don't spend money on gasoline.
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i don't have to use gas. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. drive around town all the time doing errands
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and never ever have to fill up gas in the city. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. the last time i went to the gas station must have been about three months ago. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. ♪
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well, the legitimacy legacy and political leanings of the u.s. supreme court's health care decision continues to be debated, here's a little global perspective. this certainly isn't the only cotry where judges get polled or insert themselves into the political fray. in the guest spot today, the associate editor of foreign policy. josh, i loved this piece by your research writer there. considering the week that we've had, everything going on here, it was like a super wonkyerdy
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list of supreme courts around the world. and i sunk my teeth into it. and i want to go through a couple of cute little nuggets i found from this. you know, it's hard enough getting people here to care about our own judicial system, but you got me to care about other people's, which is great. so first question to you, josh, over the past few weeks, we've had some rumblings in scholarly corners that our supreme court is too small. well, india's got 31 judges appointed by the president for life terms. how does that work out over there? >> well, a lot of people say that it's really the supreme court increasingly that's running the country in india. the unique structure that indi has is that in addition to just interpreting the constitution, the indian court can actually hear what are called public interest cases. and it doesn't have to be somebody affected by the case who brings the suit. it can be a third party.
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you get things like the court ordering more grain to be distributed, or ordering thousands of illegal store fronts to be shut down, and really, you know, overstepping or moving past the bounds of what we traditionally think of as the purview of a constitutional or supreme court. >> sure. and moving on to israel, i thought this was really interesting. apparently the israeli supreme court often sides against the ruling party and votes with the palestinians and also allows non-citizens to essentially sue the state and the militarmilita? that's weird. >> well, the supreme court in israel has an activist tradition, particularly since the 1990s. and part of that is because israel doesn't have a formal written constitution. so the court has pretty wide latitude to make judgment on laws passed. and in recent years that's often involved settlements on the west
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bank. there are several pending cases that deal with the legality of certain settlements and they have in some cases ordered that settlements be torn down or the separation barrier be re -- be moved because it was disrupting the pattern of life in the palestinian territories. and so this has in many cases put them at odds with the israeli government. and there have been several attempts over the years to limit the court's power. it's still a fairly powerful body in israel. >> so here at the table, you know, those are some pretty crazy examples of activist courts. how do we interpret the most recent decision? the health care decision. was that an activist decision? or was that -- >> the best definition to me of the activist judge is, you know, is a judge who does something you don't agree with. until, you know, conservative justices what they want.
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i would say what strikes me we're using the term meddlesome here. what the supreme court did this week was act more out of restraint. now, to get there for roberts to reach the 5-4 ruling in favor of upholding the law. he didn't say it was totally constitutional. he had to createhis new justification based on the tax and kind of ignore the commerce part of it. but what he got around to basically saying is that the court is not going to step in and invalidate this law. this is a legitimately enacted law and we're going to let it stand. you can say that's a little different than some of these other countries. >> yeah. >> i mean, it actually was interesting reading chief justice roberts' decision. he had some quotes in there that specifically said when a law is passed, it's our responsibility to try our best to find a way to deem them constitutional. >> quoted oliver wendell holmes to say we have to find the constitutionality within the law that was passed through the legislative branch. >> right. absolutely. >> well, josh, let me ask you
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about this. country like israel doesn't have a formal constitution. we tend to think of our supreme court's primary function being determining the constitutionality of a particular law that was passed. what are the -- are these supreme courts in other countries even functioning through the same lens as our supreme court? or do they have a totally different model? >> well, that's kind of an ongoing debate. the flip side of that is the country like south africa where the constitution not only has negative rights, like we have in ours, but actually, you know, lays out certain positive rights. so the south african constitution gives people the right to health care, the right to adequate housing. and so often people will challenge laws in that country based on, you know, the government being inadequately providing services, which is just a completely alien concept to the way our system works. and interestingly, ruth bader nsberg last year raised some eyebrows. she was interviewed on egyptian tv giving her advice for the
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drafting of their constitution and actually, you know, pointed to south africa as an example of a constitution they might look to. so, you know, you know, we have one of the oldest written constitutions in the u.s. and a lot of the more recent ones sort of take a different approach to what that document's supposed to say. and as such, the way these supreme courts interpret the law is quite different. >> and this article, this moved you so much -- >> i'm a dork. >> which was the example that jumped out at you the most in terms of the most meddlesome or activist courts on the globe. >> egypt's in the news, so i was particularly fascinated to see egypt on the list especially knowing what we know about the military, you know, the military's going to have a huge hand in writing the new constitution. and particularly in that light, i wanted to read up about egypt. i should also say that kuwait is on this list and pakistan's on this list, are five countries on
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this foreign policy list i would encourage everyone to go read it. it's just a -- i don't want to say fun because that's probably -- >> overstating. >> it's only fun to me. but i -- i really enjoyed it. i love everything foreign policy does. and this was sort of an outlier for them. so josh, thanks for joining us. i really appreciate it. >> thank you, s.e. >> coming up, feeling the heat, we'll get a check of your fourth of july forecast from our friends at the weather channel. that's next on "the cycle."
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last week's storms. some have canceled their traditional fireworks, they say police and fire personnel can be of better use. >> it's hot in my room. as soon as i get up from the basement, i'm like sweating. >> some cities have even canceled their traditional fourth of july fireworks. that i say police and fire personnel can be better used to help clean up the storms and worry about sparks and dry conditions that might be a fire danger. will it be another scorcher tomorrow? let's ask the weather channel meteorologist heather tesch who joins us now. thanks for the time. where the trouble spots? and what's the prognosis for any relief coming into those areas any time soon? >> well, the relief's going to be very slow to come. but it is going to be extremely hot. we think of the fourth of july. and with that, we think of hot conditions. but i tell you, as we go into this fourth of july, it truly is going to live up to that term hot as a fire cracker. looking at some of the numbers we have. i mean, check it out here in minneapolis.
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that 100-degree reading, extremely hot weather coming through here. we're going to find also areas like kansas city, little rock, also with those triple digits. now, as far as record highs, note here minneapolis, if you hit that 100, that will be a tie. and also madison, wisconsin, another place triple digits. you haven't done that as far as records having kept on the fourth of july. but looks like something you'll be doing tormorrow. and not record territory, but that 99 is going to feel hot. also coming in from d.c. toward memphis, also very hot. and in fact, note here memphis, that triple digit number there, that too would be a tied record. so really hot stuff coming up. it's one of those fourth of julys where many folks have to cut back a little bit on the alcohol and instead replace it with a little bit of water. >> yeah, i'm not seeing many sort of safety zones on that map. if you're -- if you have access to an airplane or something and you want to fly off to a
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temprate part of the country? >> i wouldn't say there are great spots, but you will find there are going to be places that eventually will be improving. by the way, you know, too, here's what you have to do. is just kind of wait it out until evening. for example, new york, 84 will be that evening temperature. but i mention, too, areas like chicago. chicago, when we do get up to 99, at least in the evening, it'll start to come back down. but it's interesting when you consider that 89 is a relief compared to the high of the day. that would normally be a very hot temperature for the day. and then certainly areas like d.c., as well. you're going to find in this part of the country too 87 will be that evening temperatur and that comes after a high of 97. so with that hot weather, relief very slow to come. looks like gradually as we go toward the weekend, the middle of the country will see slight improvement. but it is going to take time before we see that. >> all right, heather tesch,
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thanks for the information. really appreciate it. you know, i want to talk about something here. we got into this a little bit last week when we were talking about the wildfires out in colorado and what a year for that. and there's a column from eugene robinson in the "washington post" focusing on the horrendous storms o every the weekend. he's looking at the hot temperatures and thunderstorms and basically saying we're seeing maybe a pattern here and what he writes is this is a point in the column where i'm obliged to insert that no heat wave, no hurricane, no outbreak of tornadoes can be definitively be blamed on climate change. any cluster of data points can be mere noise. the problem for those who dismiss climate change is a figment of scientists' imagination or a plot to take away our god-given suvs are that the data are beginning to add up. and what he's talking about here is we're coming out of what i guess was the fourth warmest winter, the warmest spring, global temperatures, i think, nine of the ten hottest years on record have come since 2000.
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he's saying on top of all that when you start having freakish weather events, that's what's predicted when people say it's global climate change. >> and not just that, but the hyperprevalence of historic weather events all over the globe. the largest monsoon ever, the largest hurricane ever, we're seeing these over and over. this is -- just statistically, this can -- this cannot be within the normal cycle of humanity. something is clearly going on. >> something is going on. how can we fill that hole? look, i mean -- >> eugene robinson is a great political columnist, but if we're going to have an argument about climate change, i'd rather discuss evidence brought forward by a climatologist, not a political columnist -- >> he's right in what he's saying, plenty of evidence from scientists -- >> i've cited plenty of evidence from climatologists on monday about how these are not related to global warming, at the very least, there's no evidence
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proving they are. we can all speculate. >> since 1880, the level of carbon dioxide, heat trapping gas up 35% in most of that increase has come from 1960. if you have that increase, sort of localized to the last 50 years really and you have all of these temperature recordings that are suddenly getting a lot warmer in the last 60 years, the last few decades. >> on monday, this is directly out of the mouth of a climatologist from colorado state who said 2012 looks a lot like the spring of 1910. you can -- >> out of so many. so many. >> so many that it must be global warming. i get it. i understand your argument. >> if we accept the fact that the world is getting warmer, don't we want to feel like we can do something about it? >> i thought it was our fault. isn't it our fault? >> that's what i'm saying. to me that's a better situation to think it's our fault and we have control over it. >> i'd rather have the actual truth before we start throwing money at a problem that we don't know exists yet. that's just me. >> all right. well, glad to see we brought s.e. along there.
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connecting literally everything we can see and touch all together. and that could lead to huge breakthroughs in technology and science. it's something that's gotten my dad giddy. there he is looking at the newspaper article. >> hey, dad. >> and our next guest says this discovery shows us how science is making us go deeper to understand the world around us. and in turn, is moving us forward. with us now is carter phipps, executive editor of "enlighten next" magazine, and the leading voice in evolutionary spirituality. he's the author of a new book "evolutionaries: unlocking the potential of scientists greatest idea." so the god particle, it could help answer a lot of unresolved mysteries about the universe. how does this discovery fit specifically into the spiritual revelation that you're talking about this in this book? >> well, i think the discovery -- first of all, congratulations on your new show.
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good luck with it, i wish you all the best. >> thank you. much appreciated. >> i think the discovery of it. one of the reasons it's so exciting is just to see the advance of knowledge in our time. sometimes we have this idea that, you know, we've already discovered most of the important matters of science or we already have discovered most of the important things about culture and knowledge. and when you have moments like this, you realize there is so much more to discover in this universe. this universe -- there are still tremendous mysteries out there. and there are rich mysteries to really pursue. and i think a moment like this is kind of a moment to stand back and appreciate the work of so many people to move knowledge a little bit further in history, you know. and when you start looking at the nature of the universe itself, there's so much to understand. we've been from the original hydrogen atom, 13.7 billion years ago, all the way to the collider 13.7 years later. we don't fully understand yet the creative process that's given birth to that. so i'm glad there's people out there pursuing that.
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>> absolutely. i wanted to ask you specifically about your book which is called "evolutionaries." i wanted to read a quick quote. >> okay. >> you say evolutionaries are deep optimists. i'm not talking about a naive optimism, a superficial or hopeful optimism, but an informed confidence that evolution is at work in the processes of consciousness and culture and that we can place our own hands on the levers of those processes and make a positive impact, which is the sentiment that really resinates with me. i was wondering if you could talk about who are evolutionaries and what trait would you use to describe them? >> well, evolutionaries are a new kind of thinker that are beginning to look at whatever discipline they're looking at and there's, you know, scientists are evolutionaries i describe in the book, philosophers are evolutionaries, there are theologians also evolutionary. but they're beginning to look at reality, human life and culture through an evolutionary lens. and they're beginning to connect
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the, you know, not just the biological process of evolution, but also the cosmo logical process and the cultural process of evolution as being all this one vast process of becoming when we begin to look at human culture through that lens, it makes us think not of -- the word evolutionaries becomes a play on the word revolutionary. revolutionary change you think of, well, it's the kind of change where you're going to rip up the roots and change everything right now. and i purposefully use the word evolutionary change because evolutionary is a little bit different. it's where you work to change everything right now. but progressive change happens in time, development happens in time. it takes time to develop. we can't -- you know, we can't just, you know, clap our hands together and wish the world would change suddenly. those who are wornging to move human culture forward have to recognize we're connected to this larger process of human -- >> well, and we're putting up numbers right now on the screen, i don't know if you can see them about god and how people feel
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about god. my work on religion, my writing on religion over the past decade, i've come across many theologia theologians, many scientists who agree that god or religion and science can easily intersect, overlap, co-exist. and at some point intelligent design theory is one possible intersection. one possible example of where they can co-exist. so can you believe in darwin's evolution and also believe in god? >> you certainly can. the message i'm trying to share is you don't have to you don't revert to a pre scientific world view to find a rich source of meaning and purpose. the evolutionary process itself, if you look at the extraordinary processes as its unfolded, 40,000 years of human evolution, there's tremendous meaning and purpose to be found merely in
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that picture of reality. we don't have to revert to a pre evolutionary world view to find that. >> you know, table, i think it's interesting every time evolution comes up. and obviously, evolution's made a lot of progress. despite darwin, the enlightenment, god has persisted. god is still a very visible figure, not just in american life, but globally. where -- >> you know what i think is striking about that, the statistic you just put up there, if you look at the evolution of attitudes of evolution of god, you'll find the number is consistent with the number of with people who call themselves creationists. 46% people of people, god created man in his current form within last 10,000 years. the people who say they believe in god having some role, the
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number is actually down slightly. the number of people who flat out call themselves atheist is rising. you'll find more people -- >> the thing that i find really important about this study and linking god and science is that we turn to both religion and science to understand where we're going and neither has all the answers. when we have both, then we have a chance to get at most of th answers. but if we have one or the other, we're going to have massive gaps in our understanding of the whole universe. >> quick question to you on steve's point about creationism. i understand that you can believe in god and the science of evolution. can you specifically believe in creationism and darwin? >> no. >> quick answer. quick question, quick -- >> i think we have to -- >> very di fentive conclusionive
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note, which i preesh buate. carter, thank you so much and for your kind words about the show, too. up next, s.e.'s ode to america just in time for the fourth of july. [ male announcer ] if paula ebert had her way, she would help her child. go! goooo! [ male announcer ] with everything. but instead she gives him capri sun super-v. with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. new capri sun super-v. with one combined serving of fruits and vegetables. ♪ hello...rings ♪ what the... what the... what the... ♪ are you seein' this? ♪ ♪ uh-huh... uh-huh... uh-huh... ♪ ♪ it kinda makes me miss the days when we ♪ ♪ used to rock the microphone ♪ back when our credit score couldn't get us a micro-loan ♪ ♪ so light it up! ♪ even better than we did before ♪ ♪ yeah prep yourself america we're back for more ♪ ♪ our look is slacker chic and our sound is hardcore ♪ ♪ and we're here to drop a rhyme about free-credit-score ♪ ♪ i'm singing free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ dot-com narrator: offer applies with enrollment in
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trick question. i love everything about this country! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn so you can enjoy all this great land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. and drive thrweddings. so if you're one of those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day, block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first plac [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer.
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oh, america. greatest country on earth. land of opportunity and the nation that gave us the lightbulb, airplane and that ap that makes your digital photos like old timey. me, i like being good at stuff.
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i like winning. in the battlefield, sports arena, if there's a contest, we want to win it and will stuff dozens of hot dogs to prove it. but recently, we have grown ashameded to win. we're supposed to want a world where everyone gets a trophy, but winning isn't a choice like grad school. it's part of our american dna. otherwise, we'd all be bowing to kate middleton while wearing silly hats. instead, we bow to the burger king because everything, even ice cream, is better with bacon. if we learned anything on that day is that fireworks are fun and freedom isn't free. it's won. and we're supposed to want to win. and charles lindbergh didn't land in paris and apologize for getting there first. we didn't have a space race with russia to see who could get there last. bruce jenner doesn't have two
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gold medals and earrings because he's a loser. i love nascar so we can celebrate two invention at one time. the automobile and mull et. i love huppertints because it d count if someone else wins your food. i love toby keith because his ode to the red solo cup on youtube. i'm sure whatever you like, it's because you like winning. unless you like veggie burgers in which case, i'm sorry, you're not winning. it may be good politics to talk about greed and acquisition, but i've never met anyone who aspired to have nothing. we want more and for anyone who says they don't, i hear pyonyang is nice this year, so on this july fourth, i'm going to celebrate our freedom, our freedom to keep being awesome at everything we do because i'm not ashamed of american mite, prosperity of the american
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dream. happy birthday, america, you're the best. >> that was awesome. wanted that rant and i'm so proud that you are on key. >> did i win that rant? >> you were on team bacon and understand that bacon makes everything better -- >> bacon wrapped bacon. >> who's against winning? someone's against winning? i don't know anybody who's against winning. >> i don't know, the french seem to like to lose a lot. i like that we can come together over salted meats. i think i might have lost the rest of the table on nascar, toby keith and other -- >> hair mullets is definitely losing at hair. >> no, that's winning at hair. >> nascar's cool. >> really? z >> yeah. i'll roll with you on that. >> i love nascar. i just like that on july fourth or pre july fourth, we can come
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together and talk about how awesome america is instead of all the things that divide us, which is the thing that usually brings us to the table, which is our job. so that was really a nice release and you can catch the rest of that in tomorrow's new york daily news. that does it for "the cycle." martin, it's all yours. >> s.e., i'll hav words to say with you about the dutchess of cambridge are. enjoy your independence day holiday and good afternoon. it's tuesday, july the 3rd and let's see some fireworks. mitt romney wants freedom. freedom for banks to be free. >> this economy runs on freedom. this economy runs on freedom. the american economy is fueled by freedom. ♪ america america
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>> yes, freedom. freedom from financial regulation. >> i want to repeal dodd frank. >> dodd frank and the overregulation of washington. >> yes, freedom. freedom for mitt's bank of friends like the ones at barclays. >> banks aren't bad people. they're just overwhelmeded. >> i stand by whatever i said, whatever it was. we are indeed looking forward to the upcoming fourth of july holiday. the president will be returning to the white house to host members of the armeded services and their families, all of whom have been involved in protecting freedom around the world. and for mitt romney, it's a chance to celebrate his version of freedom. all 30 of the handsome romney clan gathered at the family's beautiful estate for a week of cookouts, ice cream, boating and jet-skiing and


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