tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC July 13, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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if y d'tave recd to n on,hen youe ping your opponent as someone people should run from. youake a big ection aut sml thgs. w, whet com to h own reco, theresint conded he hn'tommucateis econic picie welnoug but stopped short of saying he's made mistakes on substance. >> the mistake oy fst uple oears whinkg at tsobasust aut gettg th policy right. and that's important. but e nate ofhisffic i sooell a sry tohe amicaneopl tha ges the sen of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during
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ugh times. >> w, rney poued o ts line sayg beg a od mmunators noenou, sayi, que, beiresint isot autellisties. beingresint is abo leading. so who is to blame for the sluggish economy? former president bill clinton weighed in wh his own taken hiexclive tervw wi sannah gutie on "tod." >> i'm not surothides wan th enomyo get beer. i ow the president does, but i know senator mcconnell said his number one priority was winning the election. >> it sounds leou're sing theepubcans a bical otinfor e enomyo fa. >> didtayth, sator connl did. setor monne sd h mberne gl wot t get thecony gogagait wa defeat the president. i hope they're not rooting for it to fail. >> nbc senr polical edir ma mury isherend h joinme no rk, at aamazg d yeerda it rllyelt le thefficl fit caon kickf,f yo
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willfor is eltion. ot o moving parts, though. when it comes to back obama admitting that he might not have be a good communicator and mi romy hitng bac on at, o ca win tha war? >> tse a allealltoug quesons d it w urnasts ke t a th. what you bgest regret? when you have no regrets at all, you think you're perfect. what president obama basically did was acknowled i tnkhe ortcingsis suprterhave acknledg, analso his rea retractors when it comes to communication. they weren't able to sell the health care law, they weren't able to sell what the stimulus was doing. one of the bigst things about the stimulus was the oma admistraon sd th was actulyoing treat bs, asppos to tcono ttin o o a dth spir, thellowhatoount about how many jobs were allowed by the stimulus. he was pretty much acknowledging what a lot of people say, that they've had some communication errs.
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>> bigews yesrdayas aut mittromn's te a bai capil. wh dide auall sp nagi fun ther the bosn gbead rort thersaying that mitt romney was listed on the sec filings after 1999 when he said he had lked away, and tn foune magane sd hhadothi to whhoseain fun aer 1999 twoeputle ns rorti soces rortiery ffert thgs, giving fodder to those campaigns. it seems if this question is up in the air can onlye positive for obama. >> that's right. eomne camignasn th fense al da ey we fhtinack riou ly. lookt th in cple ffert ys. wa mit romney actually controlling the investments, managing the day to day stuff, when he left to join the olympics, run the olympics? the swer isno, thaeasn' dointhis te o sfftall. bu whe y loo a t bader see ofain anditt roey, it'seall hd to sarat the two,nd ioes to sho you atitt romney was still on
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these sec filings after 1999, th he was ctinuing to get money from bain capil, s wn you okt bnapit ihe rge ew o thgs, it's real hartoepare t two and y th isuch triy issu and a tcky iueor t romney campaign. >> beefsteaks now moving forward a little me. thromn camign ntut a fu-raing mpai,nd one lucky supporter will get a chance to meet mitt and his runninmate ey h the bakin ns tt condeezaice s the nber e rson ve spono fks tha rute at aittlt, bute sm to b getngloser re. wareet clor because he has to do it before the republican convention, but the fundraiser struck me ts y. it doe'teem likt'somin next wk.
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ifhey idhey re hding coest eryweek thewoul ha to stohat preyuick if rneyasolli it o tuday or wednesday. if condoleeza rice is the pick, i do have some ocearont propty iebraa to sel u. >> i sd yesrday to amic i ll wk fro wasngton t new york if that's the pick. in 2008, barack obama became the first democratic presidentl caidat sin lbj toar f d domion. heould los floda andhio bu stiin a eleion term. the state's electoral votes are in his column. in this hour, the president kicks off two days of mpaiing the omini. nbs me vica joi u fm thehite house. vic, how we doing?
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question to you. president obama, what's going to be his message, and replica argointo pnce oim nex we fhese defse sequtratn hieas. wh's tespoe gng tbe ther >> ty're alrdy hting h on the defense sequestration, and there are a lot of wrinkles to this campaign, a lotf wrkleso th iue a aot wriles t thetatef rgin. yosaidresint oma wonhe ate 2008 goinbacko lbj, it is a state with shifting demographics but still some very stauhly conservative areas. we talk a l abo the clar unti arod d. a rthe rgin, howlu th've beme. e tal are wreresint ama vising day, a lot of strong democratic support but a lot of votes up for grabs there. other eas va vgini the sohwesrn ptionwhat the ca theouth si. theresint wl beeadi t thoano mntai ler
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toda stil a l o sunch publan rterrory. ey'r spending a lot of money here already. our vote campaigns lose perhaps more here than any other state inirgia exct tevisn ads. u lo at a thelectal votend t nin sng stes atirsthree cnts beip for grab it all really does come down to virginia if you do it in certain ways. while the president certainly has the upper hand here, i tnk th pitic avege iirgia rit w, he'pree. ey'rno goi tbe takg anhingorgrted. it'sonseativtaten many wa, aonseativ governor, conservative legislature, but he's going to be down in hampton road, virginia beach and roake toda luke isoing tbe fasnati seeowe tal abo the defense cuts. michael vicara, thanks so much. we appreciate .
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the rorte low sond quarr prots csideng tt ba b ty mearli ts arhatostillis o llar cnbc's own resident big whale, andrew, is here. andrew, what do we gtoday frie? >>ou'r ght, jp morn is e ne of e rninnd 's a aut h muc mon ey me inhequarr, b mo imrtany, h mucthey st i tt bad trade. we've been talking about the london whale. they made about $5 billion, which soli b theig qutionsow mh tyost in tt oground tha numb we use t tk aut ing ose to $ bilon is n cler t5biion, a it could go up from there. but there is a bigger issue this morning, and i want to read to you from the statement that they made. realuestns n aboheth therwas mfeasce iide morg, cerin trars trng t hid tir tdesnd the vals othe lses the
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had. th sai thi morng tt they recently discovered information that raises questions about the integrity of the trader mark the rks bei thevaluion, d sugstinhat ctain divials y ha bee seekg to avohowi the full aunt o tho lsesn the rtfoo dung t qur. what does this mean? this means we might be looking at sec and increasingly perhaps even criminal inveigations. coue, the isoing tbe bi queionsbout t nagent ojp morn a ri, tho, wt h kne and wh he knew it. this is going to be the story of the morning. i should say, by the way, perhaps oddly enough, jp morgan stock righnow trang ahe or up ther aad othe mket openg thmorng. hat fascatinanew. almo fou yrs late we uld ve the fir rea criminal investigation in one of these big bangs. andrew ross sorkin, thanks so much for joining us. we apprecie it.
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upext,othampans ausin th oth oyingbout mney busess exrien. w uy wl it get? and the peak's efforts hit a a alemate. weook ahe pside and mneychede toy. . mt romy tinghe day off. ] attention, well, everyone. and ur gd dring , n sa youp to0%. you uld en t it thou , why not give it a shot? carry on. vit prresse.cotoda
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pele, tn tt's aeal aracr an tru issue. >> damn. that was president obama's deputy campaign maner othe fense usi the worelon whilalki aut mt romy an the connuinquesons ov whehe csed conol of in catal. theomney camp is ready to respond. this directly from campaign manager matt rhes. he said, quote, preside oma ought topoloze f the out--conolhaehavr of h stf whhdemes the offe hos. lesring in brawoodhouse from the bnc, shawn spacer from the yn they're both wring pure so maybwe heomeiparsan er gngnhis rnin th sto ttroveheews cyclyestday, mt roey. whenxactide sto managing funds at bain capital? boston globe said he was managing them in 1999, forte
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gazi saino the spped in 19. o is ght? >> l's jus say wha h laer sdhat we ow n fr repts tt cam outast night. he continued his private sector work unabated. his lawyer said that. he said that before anlectn ball comssio in masshuss ssacse maachutts,nterting, whe heas ting pro his sidey toun f govnor massachusetts. his private sector work went unabated. mitt romney is a meticulous person. every hair i place, i's tted t's crsed. 's n goi tllowis nam toe l o as the sheholr, t maning dictorfll the this i itasn' true soeikeso take credit for jobs that were created all the way up until today as a result of his work at bain capil. can'tow say tha hsot sponble rny o tho thgs. ay, yannoe physallynwo pcest
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sameime. was in salt lake city. he was in salt lake city running th olpics athe se ti in 20,he mocrs aredhe posi, at hwas sndin souch me i sallake tha h coul't b a msachetts redent becse hhad ent o mu timunni the olympics. now they're saying, no. so the facts are it is physically impsibl to n o pces stemen he w turng aundhe ympi as souefride fothiscouny. the ctf th matr i gardss, ay - >>ean -- >> hold on. where mitt romney was, this is a total distraction of an issue. this president needs to start talking about his reco, his issu andhat' gng o in thonom >> thihingone byhebama campgn i pe diractn? soluly. ho on,old . >> sean had his say. a distraction, boston globe reported this story. they did the report onhe stor >> wha d we ve he?
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at ithis >> firf all, mtomney saideforhat sam eleion commsionn 20, hsaide repeatedly flew back to massachusetts to attend board meetings. >> that's not true. >> t ft cheers - i tel you y weealkibout i we'r tking abo i becse mi rneys a serl outsrcerfjo. u wa toalk aut outsourcing, let's tk about outsourcing. the "washington post" said every one of your charges against the pridenwithespe to outsrcinwaslie. eversing o of em. o ycknoedge- no , tual,t dn't saithathe cimf th rncs actually true. this is the biggest issue of outsourcing that this administration doesn't want to talk out. since this presidentas bn i fice whaveccumated $ trilon o ndebt we heutsocedhat tohe chine tofince. theyon'teemo ha a oblewith the chinese buying
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all the bonds so they can ntinue to spend money, and when we talk aboutank accounts, let's talkboutank acunts t'salk aut t ban coun of e arica wker whrighnows tin t figu out how t me end et. gahea >> c you tell me why mitt romney had a swiss bank account? >> no, in't. why a we conrnedbout tha instd ofhe bkccous o the aricapeop? >> l's tk abt , ough in tms o tretus, h said, when he was running for governor, going back to 1985, he's sort of a packt. whot thr itut ther it almt see tt becse h n'teorwaitht tha it betr toakehe he, thathe medsoing tsay ever sineda tt brad is gog to say every single day that there is something there that would be very probmati >> senor mainnd senor kerr rease twoearsfax
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rerns. ery candateor fedal ficeiled a fincial sclore form fil mtiplfthem he's released two years of tax returns. if he releases three,hey'll say four. if he releases fo, they'll say five theyant alkboutnythg bu tsminirati's reco. >>hat' wngith the 1 tha hiadreleed? becsef it'12, iwill be 13. let's talk about transparency. why are you guys stallg on fa and furious? wh areoulaimg exetive ivile fothe deptmen of juste? yoguysant talkbout evy iss andistrt expt for tt romy - le tl yhyhis portt. let me tell you why this i important. mitt romney has said i should be president because of my private sector experience. but he doesn't wan to tk out hisrivaector expeenceith specto wha do his tax retn s aut hiprive secr exrien? at ds thehellorpotion in berda say about his private sector experience? >> the reason you know this is
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because he's disclosed it all. >>e kno thiecau h reasedne tetur wch s attney id was a the ginng othe teetart is ing. >> you guys like to talk about it when it comes to you. >> sean, you do get the last word here because i was infmed forehat thedn lthe ftba foreven yean a ro by aingln. soartf th bet -- do you have some dnc rb? at isthis it' a mitromn hat put ion erice ha it bradwoodhouse with a romney hat on. remember, ladies and gentlemen, when you make a bet, get used to atface. bra wooduse,ean spic, ank u somuch i' se thi cversion ll contue i thereen ro.
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>> comg, roarippg with meg mccain. plus, why the olympic uniforms ve lawmakers blaming that on the hill. but firs todasrivia qution how ny othe u. pap cuencyillsurrelyn oducono no feare u. priden thrrecansw wil get a shoutout from us. this is a very easy question again. ifou c't g thionefter the e yeerda i'm gng t get ysic and ml i to ur hoe dictly stanrd iantagi. roc® ti fnd i r®retil coexio deep wrinkle night cream. it's clinically proven to give 10 years back to the look of skin. nowor mimumesuls.. e por ofoc® retol isntenfiedith seru to cate retil coexio®ax. is pren tbe 4bett at oothg lis and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. new roc® retinol correxion® max.
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nothing's betr than gold. and ery otep suld ll us wmadehe rht disio evy ro des. new roc® retinol correxion® max. whewe c fl ouwaythugh e nest, softest, and most colorful options... ...across every possible price range... ...our budgets won't be piing the style. we wl.oss every possible price range... that theow of the me dot.
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'm ming mon do re. ♪ i conlidang masse. i'm not paying hidden fees or high commissio. i'm making the most of my money. and seven-dollar trades are just the start. i'mithcotade i'mith ottre. i'm th sttra. nd i lovg eryinutof i rodg rin ] ascotade, we ge yo coissi-freetfs no-fee iras and more. come see whmore investors are saying... i'm with scottrade. on our radar ts morning, was it a bad joke or a serious threat? reblics an demrats nallindomeommo gund and it s tse nig ina. let' get rht tit. washgton c. pole officer with the department of special operations division is
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under investigation today after allegedly making teatening comments against fir lady michelle oba. the sect svicefficls a wnpling e sigficae of the portsayit waad ke me b somne w shod kn bett. thoffirn queion worn a ut tt filites official motorcades throughout washington, d.c. and has been placed on administrative duty. republicand docra on pitoill hav fou methg tonite agnst,he u.s. ompic unifms. th are expssin oragever e u.s. uniforms that are going to be at the olympics right there that were made in china, urging n american-mad unormse prared hnoehnimpl saihe u.lymp cmitt shod kn tterut hry rdas me me sthin words. >> i am so upset that i think the olympic committee should be ashamed of themselves. i think they should be emrrasd. i ink ey suld ke a the ifor, puthem i b pe d buhe andtart all ove
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agai ify ha t wr nhingut a singlet that says usa on it painted by hand, that's what they should ar. >> remember, the u.s. olympic coittedoesot get a gornme mon,o the issd a steme thasaid quot unliost ympi tea arod eworlhe u. ompic team pvateundednd we' atef forheuppo of our sponsors. finally, police in riot gear broke up about 200 ptests in s anles lt nht lviwith peop beiarsted they thought they were associated with the national movement, but that has not yet been confirmed. meg mccn's gre eric roaip. whatid siscor a s iss-osse theount t breathroh stereotypes? we're live with the details next only on "the daily rundown."
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rianctivts s 200 peop werkill durgeavy gornme sheingn a fming ville inentr syr stery. ifonfied, thiwoulehe sile deadliest event since the syrian uprising began. some 16,000 people are thought to have been killed since the nfli staed imarc of 11. ininme n inbsyman dineho joi u from cairo. it seems like the violence is swirling at a rapid rate. >> it does,nd it uld the thirsuch atrity takg pce is sumr. acrdinto aivis in the cityf vimpsa the pattern is e eerilysilar. th peoe wh the tks
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surrndedhe llagnd a pele we ting to fleehe vernnt'soyal armed thugs went street to street, killing people in close range. the unitedations has cfirm the wa kilng i t ville. th cant coirmhe atrotiesook ace t scalthatas rerted ey a conmnin, all dicaons ar ithat it could be one of the worst bloodshed moments of this uprising. luke? >>here are se inrestg deafctd dectiof syrnesidts defeing to iraq. what is the latest on that? >> the two fectnsouad no o th,nes the hig raingplom,nd the othe e syrn oicia pt othe ner guarhenner circle, if you will, of president assad.
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they have both said this tide is someat ifti, bu inerms ofnyind of iernaonal fens, t seoad goes thunit nions and ttoad is being blocked. they still stand by the peace plan which most peoe say h readfail becse itaile to sp t oodsd,ohere is n cle dipmatiendn ghtt ts int. >> aan amondine from cairo, we appreciate it. stay safe. two strgersnppose sideof t piticpectm rn a rd tri lkingt a nebooknsid ciesnd stathat tical g t red and blue treatment in the political world. joining me here in the studio is c ctribe tor mhan
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cain who -wro "america, you sexy bitch." you went to redding, nneccut,dearrn, chig, alarou the couny. weften justere te the ples. ere e aewwing ste the, b ifou'r fmtexa you' a diehard republican. if you're from connecticut, you're a yellow dog liberal. what did you learn psonay ju abo pple inndivual citi arod thount a thr la of aesirto b brded s much >> whe we iervied leral ndre of arica on thi trip, and what virprised me most was people's hesitancy to claim a party. we met a lotf iepenntsnd ife m peoe whsaid'm reblic, itas flowey t. i'a decrat t. don fee likc.s reesenng . whh iseall surprising, because it's easy to forget that maybe politicians aren't
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prestingmeri exaly the watheyant be reprente >> dyou el fmhat y arne oherehat tre i st aendey inhisowno ki ofliceit dic it lel and y, theolks are red, these folks are blue. we're going to put a our effortinto changing the minds of a few and thathat mtali prohitsoverent trygo workhat mht thi diffentl sayg th're l in itorhe figh to a degr? >>ou wld tnkherere n moderates anywhere at all and there are no republicans. if you're a republican you're all these things and if y're a demoat youellhese ings i kn the avegemerin esn'feelhat wa >> y wt o ts tr wit michl ian black, but he had this to say about you, which i thought was fascinating. quote, the thi'm lrnin i that wn o mbernter polical ficehe ente fami ents wi hrher.
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en y runoroffi, it' not enough that you're open to scrutiny. you have to think about any member of your family, their rson ves. itllecom fai ga. 's fascatin becse you seehealibf cdidas w tt ar in fice i lk t lfeopl in thr 3 o0s whore vy successful and you say, why don't you run? they go, not a chance. do you tnk we're going to see lac oandites ving forwd beuse ecruty is so dficu not jt on t peon rningut the wi,he ds, the husbd, the ds, ev if u haa dognour of 2 years ago? >> i think especially with women. women don't want to be put througthe sexism and scrutin that youneviblyetut unr. wh's fasnatis whe we domentverying. everhings ofaceok, erytng isn twitr. whahapps5 years ago when someone runs for office and there's a picture on faceboof emrinkg i colle.
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at'she wor we liv in you ve tbe a pfect pern in oer t run f priden romour nvertion do u fe peoe arnd t cotry ll b mor forging in 15 o 20 years. if i had this conversation with my friends, i would say if people aren't forgiving about faceok msage whehey' 18 1nd,hen wilhave nobo runngor oice re. i agre thinour geratn has l mo op-mindnes when it comes to this sort of thing. i think for whatever reason, older peopleote and think you have to have a perfectife a be a perctpers, puing ur d on e roo is goi t benderscruny,ometng y did higchoo is goi t undscruny. it not a world i want to live in. >> meghan mccain, thanks very much. we appreciatit. up next, our politic nel. can rney getut o ts therg stm ove in? rst,he wte hse sou o the y,oast chiennd vetabl that a vy cssic oor frid. notoo adventurous.
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oh mirks goodness! outcast. you can always follow this on facebook. go pick up a cy o meri youexy bitc" d gethisondeul aum. anccidt don't haveo sl youown. wi betr careplemen avlablonlyith bert mual ao inranc youcar's totaled, we give you the money for a car one del year newer. to learn more, visit us today. responsibility. what yo pocy? responsibility. [ do] we fnd ] on wal wal wal ve twalk yeahwe fnd that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere.
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ithas re o sev antxidas to support cell health. that's one a day men's 50+ healthy advantage. piling on. add former president bl clinn to the list o pronent decratcallg on mitomne rease mor t rurns and plaing w he h a tho ofhoreaccots. >> i a ltle surisedhat henlyelead year's worth of tax returns. that's kind of perplex me, because it's the first time in, i don't know, more than 3 yrs th anydy rning for pridenhasnly deth. yoknowit's pica thk. aelea , 11years, and i think senator mccain released over 20 years of taxreturns. that, i think, has been -- that
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struck me as a ltle od >> he whave the ladi' brchanel day. michle berrd i pside of e womes cter for public policy, and former senator blanch lincoln, democrat of kans. laes, welce. tnk u. >> l'salk a lite b aut th, miromn's tretus, hi busess expeence it sms tbe lht odder for esidt oba. he said this this morning on cbs. >> it is not that he is disqualified because o what he's done, it is if thasour in cim. sofeoesnalk aut t fa thae's bn govnorf ssacsettfor fr yrs ry much >> o runng the ympi. hen i wt uo make sure that we know what your theory is about how to grow the economy. and thais a qstio tha i thinmost arica wan t knows ll. liz? th'sow it'eing id.
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bara oba goi for this in the jugular. >> i think what's interesting here, look, this is a cenal raonaloritt mney candacy. okt my expeencei kn w t get the ecomy ju-staed agai i can do this, he can't. so because of this, i think the president going after him on bain and going after h ohe ecomy nd o mes sens wh i'm suck i it too theomne cpaig this long to hit back and figure out how to coter these criticisms. >> i want tosk ms lcoln abouthat bause t me it s alst shifng, ttmney strongest point is, well, i ran an economy, that's my strongest point. tur outhese ads a
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mang roadre,ndhis coersaon hts mtromn. >> ihink it' portt. i thk pelere rdy to ow whatt ishesewo cdidas e gog too treat jobs this election is about jobs, it's about the economy, and they don't want to just know what kind of desk h sat at, they wa to ow wt hedid. an i tnk iselevt wn yo tal aut taxe th's a anydy tks aut righno e we goio iasexes, aree gng to decrease taxes? what are we going to do with taxes? i think those are all important and relevant issues to the voters out there, and they're read t hrhatotth mpais argoin tdo t eateobs. can hein o tha sttegy? >> it's not a winning strategy. first of all, mitt romney needs to grapple wit the fact there is absoluty nothing wrong with maki moy. at ithe eric eam. it almts if he aamed at hhas en succsful it ithe ericreamo me moy, tbe abl to tak ce of yr mily, tbe ae t live t w y wan to live.
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he needs to get away from that and release his tax returns and give us an effective way for how he's goi to me the amecan eam ssib for eveone tha livehe. >> wano py alip tha pridenbamaaid s biest miake s his fst few yrs in office. take a lyisten to that. >> the mistake of my fst couple oyearwashinkg at thijob was jt abo ttinthe picyght. anhat's important. but, you know, the nature of this offices also tl a sty tohe aricaeopl thativeshem a ssef uni and rpos a optimism, especially during tough times. >> senator lincoln, you were a casualty i the 2010ectis. wa i bolic oad
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messing ke t pside ju said >> thiou heo rlize theris a balce o tre i term ofpocy. peop neeto ow,nd they need to be told continually the policy nev is peect. people's exptatis are tt whater i goio ce outf shinon suld perft. it's no it nev gng tbe perft, it'slway -- it' ner wk of art'slway a wor in ogre. and there is no doubt that you have to tell the story. we could have used a little help telling the story about health care. althare w the rig thi to d andas iperft? . do weed t connu toocus it and fure o how d we correct the things we didn't get right, how do we extend the things we did get right? but you've got to tell the sty. pele he tonderand. d thr lis arso bus righ n ting tar for eir mili, kee thejob, rkinoutere. ey nd toear fm tir elected officials about what it is they're doing and how they're
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doing it, b their perspective re than anything. >> wt struck me abouthis inteiew,thgh, hs rig thernext t tirstlady 's st of admting fat. it'selli back ama inhe personality in a way to get the mom vote because of that. >> he's sellin his fami. peleikeichee oba. en y tnk aut t fir la, h ima is ry ffert th whawe sour yes ag shs dng a ts cld obesity work, she's good with the kids. it's not just a way to reach out to walmart moms boeachut geral. onof t thisheresint es qte freentls h ways inves rond rean. an i tnk onef ththin th wasissinhe statent gavo cb ns this morning is it's not just the messaging. he was very effective when he came to office in terms of talking about what he inherited om t busminirati. nee to ore efctiv thou, in vi us e visn
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r thfure. rona rgan gav u t shing ci o the hill. >> we have to answer the trivia. we asked, how many of the u.s. paper currency bills currently in production do noteatu a u.s.priden e swer two! exanr hamton i on the $ notend bjami franklin on the $100 note. benjamin franklin's mom was born on ntuckland the $100illsre crent n incircatio th hen't beerint sin 1945. doou have a political question that you think should be on the show? e-mail us atnbcom. 'll rht ck. weaveo goo brk. thris pa. antwo lls. afrnoos ovhaultart withore in. re pls. ipleheckg hyauli. the evening brings more pain. so, back to moreills. almost done, whe.. hang on.tan's doctor recommended aleve.
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we were talkingbout the president's ability to commicateffeively. ope onhat. i tnk thehallge o thi story srted itheginng, the begningfisnure whene ce into office, he was dealing with t.a.r.p. and then they passed the stimulus. themerin blic nd itas a oing. ey ner reay expinedhat e smulu s. ifhey had put a green construction hat on everybody who had been working on the stulusit wld he be rceid as jobbill nee toy, thiishat w ha ne, wtherr no you agree with us, the american public doesn'thinkhe fedal
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vernnt rks. is iwhate hav do. >>t's notust messaging, it's telling a story, it's engaging or investing or having the eric peoe invt themlvesn wh thiis a out. allsinees, f stan, ey areheumbeneob crtorsthey a thengin of t onom and wther is cesso credit, or whether it's this overwhelming amount of regulations that are put on them. 200 nendiegulions in the peli, sma biness areavin a dficu time anthey areheon. iean60% of the existing skr ini in this country are small bunesses. >>ou tnk tresint doest ushis mesging press sayhat hen the de o sma buness >>hink aut tax cdits e smlusinsot in the health care bill, nobody ever
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talks about that. there's just a lot more of the sties at c betold inerms ossagg, i thinhe haseen ryffecve in expininto u wh's wng th coress thi he's been very effective in explaining what he wants to do and the fact that there is so much gridck,he coness says if iomesutf th minirati, thansw is , we a wlingo skhe life outf th aricacono juo getaracobam unelected. quite frankly that's a problem for him right now and it's a problem fo mt romney as well. it's snahotntime b w ed to see tha shing cy on e hi. >> y sdheonoms a rising vp story. was that a distraction balloon let off by matt ro? >> i tnk ty ha had real bad sttch. so cnginthe rrate,
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thk evy potica rorte ou the when the g mitt's vpthey had kind of a heart attack. >> a shameless plugs will have to wait. >> mony moing, i'm gue hostg miael connl's diow. >> investment heroes, walmt, eat upllcoany,umbe innvesng iu.s.obs. >>avereat weekend. coming up chris jansing, coming up. here's a look atour weekend forecast. we are going to see a lot of
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vis youla lirty tualffic wheran ant n he youind liberty mutual insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? [ fema announcer ] improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotn. thnatul oaeal rmul imoveskin'heal in o day wi sigfica impveme in 2eeks i fod a istuzer r li. [ malennouer ] ly fm avno. >> predentbama haseen askeboutis bgest miske duri his first term.
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his answer? messaging? it's a legitimate ctici llinpeop hasad hd time telng pple wre he ing. the mistef mirstterm uplefars, was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right. and that's important. bu the nuref thi oices alsooell stor to the american people tt gives them a sense of unity and puose, d timi, escial durg toh tis. well mitromn w spoed ve qckly sayi, quot presentbamaelieshat millions of americans have lost their jobs, their homes and their livelihood because they fail t tel aoodory. bein predent i not abo tellgorie isbout
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leadg, a predentbamaas iled t ad, no wonder the american people are losg fai in t predenc whee wa ask tt esti, t predent lost went on to say -- the question of whether he could manage the job, what do you think about his answ to thaqueson, char >> ts isometng tt i ote aut iy las ok, ey havbeen strglinin mmunatio theyav soan comnicaons perts in the white house, not just the communications team. u're talking about a president who's a best sellinguthothe, peop leavidelro robe bbs,ow cld i he be so mesd u fo lo? w tre a oth issues, of cose, and the romney campaign is right to
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