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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  July 13, 2012 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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esn' rllytand upo muer. "whingn po" claiming that the obama campaign is blowing smoke here, the weight of evidence suggests thatomne dn fa ectiv mageme of in i1999 tate tha i feral discsureormeigne uer reatf cmina penalties, he said he was a former employee in a state disclosure form as the state commission conuded0 year a thaeid deed lee ban 99. th ishe wl rarde ft chker omthe shinon st." what is your response to that? >> take a look admit romney's own sworn testimony that emerged lastight fm2002 tt rney id h lef st la to aend brd memrs i masshuses. anthe rney cpaig won rease any information about whether romney attended board meetings.
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he's w ts maers, crai mneyas tedo cim cret fo js thawere cated ringhis piod bn fm compies ke staps. t he tryg to avoid responsibility for jobs that were eliminated in the united states, like the jobs mod mea. strentertion wch clos cal -- because the labor costs were cheaper. u take that same economic philosophy and bring it into the al us,is ienti tod is forompaes tshipdditnal bs orsea >> t romney campaign says that the obama campaign should apogiz take a lkt wha -- eitr mt romn, thrgh hiownords aiswn
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signure was misrepresenting his position to the sec, or he wa misldinghe arica peop abo hisnvesents >> is ihatsile? >>hink the qstio isfair d he misrepresent his -- during that period or did he misrepresent himse tohe ameran pplehen saihe ft bnurin thaperi? ihink that aoluty aair esti to rse and hean ear upyleasg the rmalmoun of t rurns for a nominee of a major party. >> there have been those who have suggested that politically, rategically forou gu,t wod iwouleord a adntagus tootleas the ta returns so it could be an issue for discussion for the ne few nths
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t'she mos iortand porfulob itheorld a mi romy is theost creteandite sin charixonn th. he'srefud toleas mor than one year of tax returns when his own father released 12 arsorth of rerns. theyouldlear uuestns out ethehe w athe hel of ts cntryhile it ouou amecan bsnd i coul clearp questions about whether he was avoiding taxes by parking his personal finances offshore in a swiss bank accnt and eaymaislas ana cooratestaishein rmud be asalys,t's plsurehave gre weend. barbara comstock, senior advise for the romney campaign will be here in the next half ho. weill coue beavina mila conrsatn. >>we bng in mbc polical
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analyst, and editor and chief of national journeys hot line. good morning to allf you, alice, we'll srt wit u, you justeardrom n bolt abo amoba's estis suoundg ba. wh areour reacons? hese are sat and desperate attacks from a campaign that's clearly not doing very well >> i dn't mnout youff quilyere,ut y're yinghat havhearfrom lot fol, buthesattas se to worng. >> the polls show governor romney and the president neck and neck in the polls. the truth is that we have had ltip fachecks lk at is iormaon a finit t be unue a unirttac om aiid, a dpera mpai. wh he'tryi to two is distract from his records. and using the president's own words from 2008, saying if you have t useteal sre taccs havpeop run awa fm
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youropnent th's a prey sa cpaig tt he'ruing, becae heoesotanteopl toook a h rordf faid policies that have not made things better for the american people >> you know, craig, any time a candidatisalli litime qutionabouwhy u sned a domenthat difrenthan at y're ying tha y tual fil withese if asng thauestn icare tactic, i mean come on, nobody buys that, and the problem that mitt romney has here, all e spec alicheres a mounin o evincebuilng, budinguildg aut thi candate. 's nust theubsttive issu tt ar in these documents that i think are raised, but also politically speaking itlay into the rrate th thiisot somee yocan ust. can tst a ghat n't answer legitimate questio? most republican candidate force
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pick in office releasedore inrmatn thahi presenti camign s leas. th's ming lotf pele comftablandheacthat ey he noood swer a to why not, other than we d't want to, he's misleading the american people. >> itas bn rease thas whwe'r havg ts scuson. oneear. >> is imrtan to nehat he lef bai i9nd what they're accusing him of is actions that took place after he left bain. he was running the olympics. d now heeing acced o tionthatooklace aer h left >> io wto bngitanto thcoersaon, wan tlay sniet of what former president bill clinton on the "today" show, todayalkeabou onf th tax rurn uff. >> im ltle surisedhat
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he oy leas aar'sorth taxretus,hat reay perplexed me that this is the first time in 30 years that anybody running for psident has only de at. itypichat you rease 10 11ears and ihink senor mccareasedver 2 yea of ta rerns. at suck mes a little odd. >> senator mccain was rich too. here's the thing, reidhale barbras sugsted tt the havell cled o mt roey to relee me tax returns. between bain-omne haspent a lo oimelayiefenn ese st f eks. >> il lve i tolicend kan to date the mits of e aual arment bu set that aside for a moment, and look at the politics of the argument. what will haley barbournd
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herepubcansalkibout overheastew sta befe lkin aut mitromn and his taxnd husins instd of tking authe onom whi isot dng rrib welandt's not exactly what president obama wants to be talking about. if this campaign becomes a rerend on esidt obama, at'sot necsari a gre thg forn iumbe who appral ratg i ls th %. ifhis beces a cice election, that's what obama's trying to do is make this a choice between the two candidates andsquafyin t her gu thith's a smarpolical rate. >>ere'the oblethathe roey cpaig has they kw gng intohis that they had to be able to separate themlves from the activities of bain from 1999 a bend, causthos actitiere the nds actitiehat exactereurce out ohis couny, tte didt mt h
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x oigatns wle cies and counties, their tax base was being lowered. and yet we have got documentation at sws tha he was tual pticitingn mpan aivits aer 99. so if the's a sple ansro atqueson, husteeds 2 ovidit. rath thasayi it'just lel miup. >> reid tensecos, a >> nvoteis gng t cnge eir te one sgle doment thiis pt of larger, broader issue. >> the obama campaign distracting om hisaile reco of 23 mlion arica out ork. e --hos gngo tak the t ofhis he and poll after poll shows they trust mitt mney to createobs.
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>> o fday per pel w neveplayby t timrule kan,licend reid, thanks to all three of you. sundays up with chris hayes, we'll ve a fmer ptnert in capil, eonno w was partr the fm 19 t08. theyillsk himbout t extent of romney's involvement at bain capital after february 1999 agai thas rit he on msc o suay. he oth pitic tal o thedaiguzz aunondi ri, i she rlly ahe top the mt mney vp list? what's next f pn ste? s foball teandhe wld colge spos in e wa o th blierg ror on the jerr sanskyhildex abuse
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scandal. and on the legal size, ts ofillis of dolrs wth o settme ttlen settlements. why should our wallets tell us what our favorite color is? every room deserves to look great. and every footstep should tell us we made the right decision. so when we c feel ouwaythroug, ftes andoscoloul optis... ..crosevery poiblel ouwaythroug, ice nge. .ourudge won be piing e ste. weil more saving. more doing. th's t power of the home depot.
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john, in the report that came out yesterday, four people
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knowdged kwing hidgn indent iolvi sausky use, fm t iverty, president graham spannier, joe paterno, tim curl, and gar hulzll acced oidin t indentll o tt camout stery. wh to you was the most striking part of that report. patno died kwing anhingboutt an cplety strad fro t -ouie eeh' rt establishes that those men kne about this 1999 report. that totally changes theonte of --id pernoave por knowdge at ts indidual s iolvein sethi a ree o fr years later was
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nonchalant when the second allegation came out? >> wha does this report do for people looking fusti who plano s tiverty? boythe doo jus gotlown en otheicivisuit if yore civil lawyer, you got to feel pretty good about your settlement chances. it's a justificatn, it's a lidation, and rememb,ou d i wer bothere theecon vemb, thiwas sll a ttleit mur. >>on'torgethe oter >> y do wonder what those rioters were think right now. i feel like those victims re- rigow t ft tha that repo, isn acte tempto concl, tt is coveup. d bacallthe sto tha the victs to has noween validated. >> penn state's then predent graham spannier has managed to avd cmina arge
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threpoalls h out a que, flingo cal out chd se pdato for ovea decade. what's the chances of spannier facing chargesoing forward? >>ou just rd t gra jur repo andou he t say th, busthuusly we hlive today, paterno would be facing criminal allegations today. >>e should know tha t tern stienierior owlee of af jer ndus's abus portillurateiter thanyou mucfor you insights. and you can catch the latest issue of "si" iis o on newsandsnd you ipa day. tryg to elinatevery nossenal pense pgram coulnd. thnclusbama car a i goin to wk t form and save --
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>> boo! >> imagine what the romney justice department will look li. >> talf twspeees a t acp nvenon. romney and biden for very different reasons. i they should tak a t ifor, pu themn a bigile anburnhem d stt alover ain. >> th's howou reay feel > ps plang for tmsa but made in china. the controversy over our olympic team's uniforms. follow the wings. t medare bate connuesn waingt...
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.morealk on cialecury... ...b wasngtoisn'talkg themerin pele. [ fele nouer wheit ces tthe turef meicarand cialecury, u'vearne the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female annncer ] you've earned the facts. ♪ wasngtomay t li trait ta, bui do feme anunce] nd y've rned say get e fas anmakeour ice ard on medicare and social security at >tequid hi ear oto use lmos all of his political capital, he prevailed where no president had done before. he was right. he was right. he was right.
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i'going tlimitevery nossenal pense pgram can fi, tt incdesbama re a i'moing torko formnd safe -- >> boo! >> that was mitt romney a vice president joe biden the lkinabou heah car a is we'snaaconveion usto and the livy aienc that often led cheers andoos. i kn you are fired up to talk about his spehes,ut bore et to tt,o i nto pl somhinghat minity leer nanelos sdbo mitt romney's motives. >> it was a calculated move on his part to get into the naacp convention. >> d y agre dyou ink was libete? iwasot aad sttegy etheit'selibate whetr ty're jt snnin it in tt wato sw ot t
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convention to say i'm not afraid, i'm not cowardly, iill go and talk to group of people in a room who aighl like to - too connue to shorupour ba, so is not a d sttegy >> he'stuck o oba care as this renttica exesen. >> iustin o pend i haveee mitromn sak forefric-amecan diens anith the small groups of african-american and very poorly, he did a sort of who let the dogs out moment at one point. and this was reay mitromn hisbest in tmsfe wa msel he dn't fl-flo he cald oba carveryime he lks. alle it the affdabl care act, rather than obama care, i think it could easily become a sound bite for flip-flopping. >> the president wotther of crse, t predentad a
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videappeances youade to the oup,o yothinthat pridenobam shodave gon to hoton,r do you tnk that joe biden did better than the president would have anyway? >> i love, just lik i a post modern way, t ide tha joe bideis the surgate t bck lks om t fir afcan-eric predent i'sorr >> whaveome longay. >> is that the best thing that ever happened? >> we have come a long way. >> the president is going to speak to thurbanleag, wch isuman rigs - thi it'smpornt toetoe ben std thendakehe ce for the president. you have got to have strong surrogates and the president cannot be there at all points and for him to come a makthe gume clelyor wt ts pridenhasones crical >> tontrt bween thewo n, i tmsf tirpeec d hoit was received and i
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said, i don't remember who was on the show yesterday, but i said to him, mitt romney just never sms t hehat fen hielly wn hs ta to any oup. d th was sittion tha high leved ttn an ereme way. >> joe biden ds have -- it's part of his own condition of putting his foot in your uth. and mt roey doe't d tt and rtaiy f anudiee ke t acphere smuch of r tditirise outf th blk chch, cluding sort of a public speaking with that sort of fire, j biden just stylticay hawon e auencever. >>lway a pasur andf cose y can wch missa harris-perry every saturday at 10:00 a.m. eastern. coming , tatever
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in. >>lso new rums th con rices a topf romney's vp list. huh? but was the timing of this news st a diversion? ♪ [ me anunce] ok so u'reo mathonan. but ankso th htone froat&t ith s but ineatsudio, every note sounds amazingly clear. ...making it easy to get lost in the music... a, we... rivist!! malennouer ]..lo. inoducng e mucall enhaed c onx fr at& rethink possible. inoducng e mucall enhaed c onx fr at& t mehow u sothin i just wish it wouldn't fade away so ft. dr. hman] asoon youeaveere. plaq quily srts groback but w the's way toeep e cln loer. inoducg ne it a cnu that actually keeps your teeth 91% clean of plaque
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at 2 months aftea dental visit. plus, it gives you these key benefits. new est o-hethclicae ope up en y do. so t newrest new est o-hethclicae prheal clical aqueontr toopast
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nstited? illi' caets use gnesm, n inedie thawork re nural wityourolon han imult lative or eecti relf of cstipion thoucram. thanks. good morning, students. today we're gonna continue...
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> baoheattlver bain pita oba saythers serious questions that need to be answered about romney's time at the company. docunts shohatomne w the ceof th comnyntil 02. t --idot mage y of bain's investments after 1999, but he did not formally give up his tit ofwneripntil 1992 rbar gd moing t you. >>ood rnin gooo be wit you. thebama camignas issued
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a pretty damming statement this morning saying, quote, among other things tt romney and bainlaimhat wasot volv witbainut bain a hisortfio cpani und eirequiment ahe s ntinlly certified to the securities and exchange commission exactly the opposite. the campaign for the preside esntiay sang tt mit romn lieand is rhap crimal. ll,t's outreousbut wh the predent and h mpai are demonstratingnce again, is they're gldemonstrati for theast 1/2ear the ere'no uerstdingf th privector >> iointuthat "th washgtonost" in very lengthy discussion that you ted toda
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eyaidhat ty cim thr picchi, beuse 'slear "t wasngtopost fac, democrat bain partners have come out a said mitt romnehad no aiveole wh h ltor thelympsn 19. heentut the ompicin 99 a can tl you it s /7 jo he was out there and that has been -- that is something that the washington po, andact chk.or -fouan'tunnd compy iive days y n't ange ptnerips ando all these complex things in five days which ty don't understand, which is demonstrated by those 3 1/2 yearf aerrie econy. >> l's steast t bai thinfor few momes. the's -- >> t oba camign wants to pivot against this because they
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are false accusations. >>et'slay thi snietnd lk aut ion t oth sid tse typ o ailleheel needo gesolvyhis am vy quickly which is why you d some republicans in quarters saying they need to look at replacing some of th folks on this team t g a litt srper and bter at halingheseings bainapitofhore accots, e t retns, some pnt gan,baara, it becomes more about the narrative than these little microissues. with regards to the ta returns, why hasn't he justimpl leas morears? >>'s reasedverying reirednd auallthatlip ulaye oficha stle, i watcd ithis mningnd i watcd th who gment, no one on there had read "the shinon post" take dow of th acsati. theousefeleges in virgia, d lot of reta
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litiing and i g ou no o i wored aboth, theye wried abo t tax increases that president obama is going to bring on them. his democratic ptnerhave call thiinfoatio fae. sohe omaampanqutiserv th an ologto wh i'm onockgn dr this is week, i'm going to be talking about the vision mitt romn s, n getngur naonalefen tha bum nts bri, nllowg u to uurreurce our tion resrcesoffshore. when you have an obama campaign, obama told us four years ago, when you can tal abo you rerd y hav t py gam ke is. hean'talk out eirecor de wilbe hpy to th's tirampannd it' sa and pathetic and delusional. >> before you go, i want ask you about the latest rumors
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rrouing cdoleza re f romn's pick hous morit lear ec caor ge wha souedike a pret resndinendoemen lastight >> i'm a big fan ofondi rice. she bri -- i tnk the's a t ofeoplhat e alifd. ceainlshe uld be alifd. is she a top candidate? >> here's the great thing, on the republican p side as opposed to the democrats,e have so manygrea tenepubcans t the. i'not ivy hevp pic a no osside froitt roey. whenou lk at marco rubio, paul ryan, rob portman, we have a eatalenpool d, youknow at's why, agai the don wano tk abt th turewe'rhappto ta abo theutur
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>>u're nven ansring the condrice esti,re you, barbara? >> because i'm not privy to that. but we have a great talent pool and i'm proud ofll t reblics th areut tre, causwe he aig gro tha req n gout tre a there n lyg abt peop,hey' lkin about the fact s and the prosperity agendthat rney s. ife cod do itorain and th cotry, woun't it b wondfu if we cld all ospe the's lotf rublins w haenefted a giving money to the obama campaign, we want to falk tal- barra yaket ve diiculto c youff. t i' got t cou f. >>'m hapo talbout cts. >> whaveot tmove oto the next segment, but i did want to promise to you that i am going to make certain that every one of my colague he h rea
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the shinon pt arcle. >>hey hn't rd itsf this morng a i'mmbarssed r th. >> what was that? what was that? >> i want to bring in the host ofhe rkal usuay onfrid,e ghrou r vp per ras. you should have barbara comstock on this. >> have you readthe shinon po" arcle? e sa tt non ofy lleaes he re it. >> inow e say ty wod veo tkbout the re, butheyeveroalk abo eir cord wha is that? >> talking about condi rice, this of course all the rage now, everyone's tkingbout , a g drue rort las ght. do y thihathis - >> ts is greppornity fore to aress aomme i de ltwe, whe said,
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essentially that romney suggested that the camp was vettg a woman cdida was a bit a fi iartfly saithat but ndi,s qlifi as s is an cdis fantastic. being pro choice, having bush baggage is definitely not going to be t vicpresenti nonee. youeasong is absutel ght,rooice nerun f an ector ofce,he bh baage,his not aea ory,his let's move beyond a disastrous week for the romney campgn. >>elibatedestctio >> ts isrudg bein th ca ofmney a romylaey, that the rltory he. >> do you guys remember, anybody here, the vice presidential administration of fnk atin doou kw wh fnk kting
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evens? >>es. i000 tig ddg exclive rhe smer was at governor romney's vp was going to be frank keating. >> ty alys wt ito be surise >>nd tyant t cate - onf ththin i d joy, i shoun't y joy,ut one of the things that caught our attention is eric erkson reonse here a qte froric ericon, donnow wt's ssinthe ack roc tonight in the rumor mill. >> i said early on on the cycl if i we mt roey, wou ink abo cdi ri,ecau e bngs a lo the tabl t ion't thi ty'reoing too i bause she as a ris averse. i think she has a lot of appeal
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to an independent audnce. t shs nooingo behe esidtialomin. >>he mht sre uthe se >> tnkhat's intesti about her when a talking about romney's vp selection, she would not shore up a base. mittomnehas moref prlem th tepubcan se,ut geral theomin don't he the be tt mneyes. threstricts who he can choose. >> if we can putt on the scale here, i want you to look at your wer rking thi weekyour powerankgs ts wk, cryslll, timpaen, bobby jindal, they haven't changed at all. >> i think tim pawlenty is a bong, fe choi. thathat mt roey want heot loongor aarrave
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changer. >> your list hasn't changed eier. i mht pawley ave out. >>ou fnd mout. >> yrs is also unchanged. >> i think he's still going to go with portman, i still think paul rn is theest oice mawleys mong uon m listtoo, 's bnery effeive rega >> thi johthune, i think he makes the most sense. he's not getting a lot of buzz right now, for what th's wort rtma seeoo obvusoe e y. i thk ty're goi t do someing rky aometng bold >> dyou thi of risky and bold when you think of mitt romney? >> that's it, this was fun.
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>> y kno wha w stotalkg wh we' supsed . >>ome us. >>nd of urse the cle ery weday 00 eternime. right here, msnbc. a possible threatgainst first lady michelle obama inlvind.c.p. deils thain t newnow. ovid is ft t ceurylk isommied toeing difrentind ofommucatis coany connuin helyou mor and focus on the things that matter to you. star witarthtis in ana chce. ke tenolr ta ale, e #1ecomndedain relier borthedicocto. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news.
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cou be e wor day o bldshesincthe risi in ria gan. troops reportedly ran down shells before armed thugs oopein,pecinvoy to fi aan ss he, que, ockeand pall b the reports. a washington police officer repoedlyade a teat ains firsladyichee oba. he sde woing tohoot ama. e ofcer s be plad o administrative duties. three drug smuggling tunnels were discoveredlonghe mexin bder day. they had me th 4tonsf majuaninsi. twere found in california that were incomplete, the third
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was found in arizona. and there's already an ympiized ctrovsy or r unorms ere eyar 'll lkbout th,lus miael rdanersu kobe bryant, which olympic dream team is bter? mpty nesrs a boors e a growt mketor t crse le indury. e aap has tips for cruises. the sun is stronger at se s e hig spfun bloc oid stochugs a novise washing your hands before eating. and only eing fully oked food so, ck tmoreills almo don whe.. ng o
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two weeks to the opening ceremonies and excitement is building as members of the u.s. olpic team get rdyo d thr red, whi aluend heado loon f the012 mes. t ere' gwing trag to aft relatns tthe u. team patriotic threads were made in china. senate majority leader harry reid sounded off yesterday. >> i am supt that i tnk
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tholymc comtteehoulbe hameof themlves i ink eyhoulbe emrrasd. i tnk the shod tak all t uniforms, put them in a big pe and burn them and start all over again. >> rob will ahor our ompic covege rigere o msnb joinme tsrnin e unirms digne byamed eric desne rph uren wer talngbere,ow ds this get out of committee? how does something like this happen? is there no eaking sure at least that the olympi,hat th unirmsreaderen thiscotry? et'startithome othe fact he. ralp laun i a usoc spoor d th usoc unleost ympiteams arodhe world, is funded almost entirely by sponsorships and media rights. so they d't get government funding so they've got to mak moneon snsorips lik is. lph lren eppeup a th're onso as pt ofthat tyakehese unorms the esti isould rph laen he mthes uniforms
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in the u.s. instead of in china. to do that, they would have had to set up aepare manucturg press st for thesnifos ihes., caus evethinelsehat rah laen kes, ifouwn someing i o methg, that madin cha. ttould hav beedone i guess this controversy could have been prevented. >> someone would have footed the bill for that. you have to believe that someone inhis cntry would have id yoknowhat,ur guyho are ing er shod wea unirms wi a me inhe uslabe >> iet i iooks d. >> aot ofeopl don lik the uniforms themselves, the berets. that's another conversation. list, it cou hav bn prevted,s,utt wldn' haveeen ea. l'salkboutat's bemingust big of contvers this dreeam bate this is michael jordan, member of that 1992 dream team, responding to a comment made by kobe yant, who is of urse playing o ts year dre am, r ques deliry.
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tres onl o dreeam m inio92. th isot a dreteam is i an ompicam. >>owid thi evestart? >> kobe bryant said he thinks his team that he's playing on this year could beat the 1992 dream team. now, listen, i have a lot of specfor kob bryt f sayi tha he's bking upis ammas, showg coiden in e te, yinghat thishey' a od a any tm - looat tharoup >> l'se host,folk there are three guys from this team who would have a shot at making the 1992 olympic team. kobe bryant himsf,ebro jamewoulmakehe teamnd ken dunt. herhanth, the rt o th ster thers nhotny ofhemf makg a tmhats stked th mhael joan, lay bird magic johnson, patrick ewing, david robins, clyde drexr, kl lone at tm w t greest am er asmble her ams ud t a tmor togrhs ding e oot-oundbefo the ga. th's nappeng i 2012 now other teams think they actually have a chance to win a
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game against us. it was good for kobe to say it. i respect it but comon >>hats he gng tsay? i he aedirec esti he ho saitut i n't ink be, if yousked hi in a hest ment reay liev thathis tea cou beat that team. >> enjoyed you. thank you so much. come back. we'll see a whole heck of a lot of you, olympics just a few days ay. n't fget,bc olpicsom fomores wl as t bt li olyics gam -- le corageere snbcnd t networks of nbc universal starting on july 27th. i got toue-tied. i'm so worked up or the bate can'belie th wouven ggesthiseams a gds '9 thatrapshingup fme. ha a gre eken omasober wil be bk on moay,is vatiois ov. "now" with alex wagner is up next. we may have to tear up the rundown to talk about dre tm one rsusreameamtw m ju sayi. whi on i an, '92.
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list, mu respt, muc reect,ut drmy-iteam, perhaps. any way, moving on, can governor romney put the bain genie back in the bottle? iscu his ve, ver ivat equi. andresintbamas in viiniaopinhat ligning stris twe in the old donind h cannceore carrthe ste com nomber we'lbrinyouhe latest when he speaks in less than an hour. plus, did this week's summer heat melt political brains? we will lk bkith a zzli whajustppen. l th and mor wheow" artsn a re 1 secds. e twty bliondoars comtted by wt'gettg . has lpedfu ecomc and environmentalndoars comtted by wt'gettg . recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to supporscientists studying the environment. and e gu is op forusins - commitment to supporscientists studying the environment. e behes e betifu e seood delious st yr, my ars ev rertedecortourm seons. commitment to supporscientists studying the environment. e behes e betifu the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through.
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y're terefor chan to win trito t olyic ges forife. toheerthe summer athletes to new heights, staing in 2016... as you experience every moment, every emotion, ever fouyear.. fothe st oyourife. sa. pporng aleteand the ympigamefor yea. people everywhere go with visa. >.e.cfilis, personal financial disclosure reports, blocker accounts and blind trts. when it bains, it pours. wher can tmomneind cov the dege? quk, call cdoleza re. 's iday jul 13th. frid the3th. is i"now
11:58 am
joing me toda thewall stre joual" ite use coespoent,he lely car le i re. nbc ws piticalys rmer pennsylvania goveor, ed rendell. the great author, jay cineey, d bu feedito chie t aays buzz ver disaointg, bsmh. in t las 24hour the instigion to govnoritt romney's time at bain reached a tipping point. >> the date romney left bains e lincin. it aery factased qution yore eher ere or y weret. >>e wa getngaidver 00,0 as eresint a ceo of bain capital while it was shutting down compies. >> either a lie is bng td w, o a l was td to the s.c. if ere' aalseilin
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th t s.e., trean en be a crinal precutn. >>urelhe romy camign knewe wld get to this juncture. >> this is his achilles heel. >> the achilles heel ofitt romney. >> ts goes to theery hea ofhy yo or doot ve f sobody >> i apprs tthe romy mpai cou beooki to angehe bjec aftemontf remningilen posble running mates, last night, team romney released this e-mail, saying sometime between now and the republican nvenon, tt wl be annocingis cice for vp so insad ofirecy addrsinghe bninguestns abt th vern'sime ba, adsorsre trumpeting an event that will take place in the next 47 days. governor rendell, i ask you firs how bad ishis for mit romn rig now? can put the geni bknhe ttle >> yh, hcan. is ihemmerme. i'd yut of 300lion amican abo six or seven million are paying attention. anything that


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