tv Martin Bashir MSNBC July 13, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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so forth." >>oard meetings, tnksging anso rth. e ofhe man queions raed. u s whai mn authe neorknterews bng initab? thgh t dayegan whr. mneyavinnovent a emintoely solely on his surrogates. the junior governor, bob mcdonnell,erics mar, ry ul giulni. rco bio. ulan, conessial budg. al out tren behf o the presed rublinnomie. s, en his former presidential rivals are getting out there. tonight, rick perry will take his cowboy boots to nevada's lver statampe t lso romn pporrs. les he hoesn ste in it anever to h forr tking points. >> they're just vultures. >> i have no doubt that mitt romney w worried about pink sls. whhere wagoin to he engh thandt. >> wting for tompa to t si. dhen the sopn --
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theostheir jo. thr hlthsurae. thost their severance pay. >> they eat the carcass. they leave with that and they leave the skeleton. >>'m telli you, iiscary there withe baittle thtax rashg. it no nderomne heen layi lowntodaynt he hasn faced the public since making his phantom of the opera exit from the naacp earlier on wednesday. now, it smse'll fe the sic d ju leu,e caot wt to see wtomes outf it. t's ingnur pan i waingt. nbcnaly ken finney and michael crowley of "time" magazine. are you in new york,michael? >> no, i love new york. i wish i was. m in washington. >> i soy. thout so. thk u. kare i'm getng vions o mney bton hdquaers lookg li somhingut o a scoo doo isod rambng ofriday the 13th to get away from the ghost of bain by suddenly scheduling five network interviews.
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is that about right? >> how about th. yodon'actuly dfive netwk iervis unss you knowou'r ineal trble. dou ty ha som intnal nuers d seuspion tt is looking at the public polling that this -- these attacks and this line of questioning, frankly, is working and is rely erong bhhe nfidce tteopl he i isampan, n onlin t trt inhe candateutn e mpai's alityo reondnd dlith these kinds of questions, particularly given these are things that have been o there a long time. >> karen, you knohat perice osponng. yes >>miael, miael. he'soinghese inrvie, but mi romy casayhatere lis. it hisax retnshe pple wanto se but is it possible that the reason for why romney was still listed as the 100% own and sharoldeof bai forhree arsrom 19, i tha beuse,n tneand h waed plic fice be ao
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nted prite equy income? he wanted to have it all. and that's why this is what we see. >> think it's poible ian,here clely a oblere. the isat besta graea. i'm t sur is quis damning as the obama camp is saying. some argue that the lguage is boilerplate and not that significt. i think we need to learn me abouthe coext. do tnkhat the pture tt is ergins th romyried to he i -- you ow, trio pathe mosavorle imprsion depending on which audience he was talking to. >> you aost said he tried have it both ways. that'shat i'm putting to u. tha may betrue but also tt heind o cnged hi ehasidepeing o he taing . that tf h thrghou hi pitic reer throh of a l of politicians. >> sure. >> so the story changes a little bit where the advantage lies. that's a character problem. >> karen? >> here's the thinguys
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atare nimu havg woed theriva stor myse, the's lite bfavin it bh wa or hging you betsght? yore dng tlymps a thkingaybefterrds i'm gointo gck. i want to keep my footn there. here's the problem. that is a set of ruleshat is only available to the 1% i this couny. 99%fs, tt's t hoit rks. don geto sa i gng t ep mjobver re andhis pahecknd g seoney ile go ove tre and do this other project. that's not how it works for most people. even at the bare minim, trying to explain this. this is something the romney campai kns. it doe't sndight t mt erics. it nothe w mtfs liv ourves. >> t, kare t iny her i atf rneyad flowe his hero's example, i'm talking about his father, george romney, and released 12 years ofax rerns, all of ts bn sine,llf it, wou hav beenlear up,ouldt ? ablute. >>ere'the oble aears to prer seecy.
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that's the absolute essence of what the issue is here. >> that's -- >> it's secrecy rather than trsparcy. thas extly ght a i so sgesthat the camign atome poiade cculaon at revling wt wan tse docunts uld moramagg thanakin theits f n revealing. which of course, all that does is make everybody continue to ask these questions. and it ds -- the other big probm thhese guysave and i'suren thenterew 're ing see ler day, romn is gng t t toeem likee's bei vy opend fortomin we'lsee he actlly dst or not and gives any straight answers or not, but the problem is, this all also pla inta cre en potici, a nartive ofomeo whos f abtion agnstaboron, 's foray righ, agnst y ghts a psonhat' bee all ove thspecum i ter of t positions that he's taken, given where the political winds were ing. that's the major problem for this y. >> i want to phis t bhf u. miael fit. ifou we graed tsreat
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portity hav an audnce th t gren, wou dely le tooso, wha estisould you ask him about this specific issue? michael? >> well, first of all, i want to say i agree withkaren. i think reasi the t rerns, en if d notng ong th in, ipens an portity r soany qution i'm re h finces a credly colicad. itill invite hundreds of new questions. that's why he doesn't want to do it. to your specific question, martin, i would say that iould k hiwhatas hanagial inlvemt in the scifi ses thahe oba camign hasdentied wre cpani thain invested in sent jobs overseas or laid people off or saddled companies with debt and kind ofhrew them asick rry wsang, as carsses on t se othe ad. u wod hav aew scifi coanieand yhat s yr nageal iolvent? d y havany iut on t specific decision-making about the fate of those companies and
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those jobs? that's really what this is about. that's really what, you know, the ama campaign i sayg i signicanhe. what is his uerstding o how u rucompies,ow y tre rkerineric wha t luesf ba were. and at rlly is tuestn rk wdon' know right now. what was his -- apart from what's on a piece of paper, what was his day-to-day spefic mageri invveme? >>soluly. kan? >> wld ask h w iise uld iokeisther lacy whent ceso sakin t the acp d talking about his record on civil rights and following that example, yet, he won't follow his father's example when it com to someing erio as trsparcy. micel, i wan youo spulat wit mor oomen agn. >>re. becseomne dn'telea a single tax return when he ran for governor in 2002. so i put it to you, do you think that whenomne wefleing on tsecti, he tught i'llust exalyhee
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thg as didast tim caus rember, he won the lasttime he dn't give any information and he won. so did he go into this presidential election thinking, you know what, i did it last time, i'll do it again and std a goochan of winng is ecti? >> wel he mayhave ife wa dusiol. thpresenti sta is dierenfromven high-profile statewide racin a big state. but i think he had to have advisers who were telling him that this wasn't going to happen honely, don'knowhat s ga plafor ts . he m hav uerstd alalon he h no od tion io thi karut hinge on something. the fact that he's resistant to releasing returns, i don't think there's anything illegal, but i suspect th documentsre ssiv eremeomplated and en tunvorae interetaons. sooas ty'reut,here a ndrenew qution weould ratrake t hitn secrecy. >> there's another thing in here. remember the first time when he ran for the senate, helost.
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wh becae itasevasting his mpai mada songoint out is 19utof pnt beuse 's thapost999 me fre wh a l o tse activities and i'm sure when a lot of the taxes got very complicated with all these various holdings. then he runs for governor and doesn't relseythi. ain, tnkhey'-hey knowhat whas i therven if is lelo th letr o e lat'sust not- it' t gogo loo gdnd n gog toell the story of a guy who was a job creator. it's goi to tell the story of a guy who was a wealth creator. that's aig pie of it. addion th,he oba campgn i ectlyght. itoesnound rht t pple thatou wld sn yo nam to offial cumehatoes the s.c.- doe'tound right to me, karen. i'm sorry, it doesn't sound right to me. >> right. it doesn't sound right. >> in full knowlge and it lives for thr yea but y clm y've pyedo par eve thouou'r10wner othe mpan >>hat'exacy -- the oth thg in commicatns, ving
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beenhrou cris mmunatio a f tim, yo know, it's the drip, drop pieces coming out that kills you. that's part of why, i think, again the romney cpaig i trng tdohesenterews angeearsre causthe- juss i s cong ohe r, buzeed w repoing tory aboew domentthat sayometng else. another story about another guy who said yeah, while he was at the olympics, i reported directly to him. this is gng t connue t op o unls ty can rlly get eir ms aund . 's gngo kl th. >>aren finyndicha crley. falousthe ir oyou. ank u souch. >> tnk y. next, the president admits he's fallible and his critics pounce. ay wh us jusin ce yorien or ighbs an unc jim ws a ttletubbn aeen wahing f new -- [ laughter ] >> he thinks that somehow i raise taxes, let's be clear. we've lowered taxes for middle class familiesince came into fice
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e pridenis ting lot hea fro hpone's caaigntoda allecau of something he said, which is ironic, i think. after all, when was the last time mitt romney said anything that's worth listeningto? >>he miske of m fst coup ofears was tnkin thhis jas jus aut getting the policy right. andhat'imrtan but e nate ohis oice i
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al to tel a sry tthe american people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and opmismespeally durg tougmes. >> sere whave a momt of nestand wt haens? tt'sinio jum all ort ke jaals. mr. romney is nowhere to be found. funny that. let's welcome the panel. msc joae re and mel of e naongazi. thanyou rymuch jo if can -- sryor llinyou anne it a badhat. >> either one. >> thank you. what's horrible and horrific about that statement by the president? >> i'll be honest, you don't do that i potics it i actlly tr. minirati peoe, dpite e fachat tsuy is a terrific communicator, a great speech maker, they really thought they could do the policy and people would figure it out,
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understand theenefsf heth ce rerm. ey wld uerstd th had gott a t t. tholital way wh a t cut woulhaveeen e weorg w. bhid. nd y ack. en y kno i got a tax cut. they did it through the tax de, which is better economic policy because people tend to spenthathen thrgho noalpens. >>uess wh? th dn'teali. >>hey dn'tay aenti to . >>y, iouldikeo sw yo th reshat e pside sai on ts topi ta a lten to this. >> it's funny when i ran, everybody said, you can give a greaspeech, but can u acallyanag the job? d th m fstwo ars, thk thnoti wa well he' be jugingnd maning aot ofstuf t where is the story that tells us where he's going. >> ari, not bei from this cotry,'m hing hardime dersndinwhat so rrif abouthat i thohtavin sne ws refltive thohtfuand
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pense isnsset for a position like president. but clearly not. >> i think it is. rtly, he has to give an answer that doe't selfndic the coref hilici. the's at ge ast. thi thiis tr. stytelngsn't jus aut que-unote narrative in politics. it can be about organizing also. hadn adser, guyamed marsll gz anlabo orgazingn t'60 a 70s. one the tngs ty dos you gepeop togher in a room and talk about -- not talking about climate change or check e box, they wt tonow wt ough you hernd evebody remeershepresent' uni spch. of anlderfr-amecan n wh sai i her becse of ashley. and ashley was that young woman who haened to be white, who happened to be an organizer. wasn't about re or liti. itas aut hingatiol
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puose d uny. i thi it' true i entot ofime onhe plantraving th sator obamthennd dng wt the organizers were doing. i do think it's true both with that model and what the internet allows you to , typ o stytelng a orgizin tha wasmazi thrghouthat caaignnd i got lt ihe fit tw yes. that aransion om mpaier t comndern chie >> let me give you an example of how another president responded to the qstion abo wheer he had made any mistakes himselfment take a lisn t is. you kn, jt - iure something will pop in my head here in this press conference and all the pressure trying to come up with ananer, t sn'tt. you kn, th is - >> ithattter >> t iings- is at beer? >> n the most lf-are cp thatver eeredhe ova ofce. e thg andhe discussion
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we're having and ari is right. it was ironic and interesting aboutarack obama, he's they go atelli theersol rrate, wther hiswn narrive andefleing on msel or gtingthe rrate, wt th amecan oplereeali with th's w heins on t pl questions, understands people like me. they are very wanty. once they got into the office, theyorgo thasart of e jo ofresint i tart - >>an iump in aeeith at. onetheroints pt of the ory he las teeears esn'fit wit wt i tnk barack obama wants to be as president. i think he is actually still optimistic and so in to unity at the type of extmism tha he h feds srye waed t tell that somhinghe bes ustred wh. th rea srys 33 boa to re, re, repeal health care. taking t economy hostage, getting us downgraded fothe first time. >>he arica job ac t dognythg toreat jo onhe pt ongre.
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dn't antipatthat >> tt isust- iust iden of e aionsf ngre. th doesn't even get us into the birthism and the ugly stuff going on. that's not a story that barac obamor h aid wand t te. it atory wekn. t al, agai aig parf somef th hdn thi fst termome om uy tngs he don't nt to fus on. >> joy reed, ari mel ber,hank so mh. whthe cndiice r vi pridenis sly abest stayith . ♪ wto g ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i wt torow ♪ iant try ♪ canlmostoucthe y malennouer ] en t plat ha an ompicream dois pud touppo thadrea by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions
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or when nsaids are taken for long perio. said incdingelebx, ncree thchan of riou skior lergc rectio or smachnd iesti probms, suh asleedg anulce, ichan our whoutarni anday cse dth. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had asthma attack, hives, r otr alrgieto airin nsids sulnamis. gehelpightway youave swelng othe ce othro, r trble eathg. ell our ctor ur micalisto and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for bodin mion. woer moments away from the president's remarks in hampton trails. isteelke iith us. iste iear is aittl bi nois i tnkhat' mk wner
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spkingightnow. >> reporter: it is, mark warner, you're slightly right. we expect the president to take the podishtly,arti tim kais gngo tal a trode thesidt. is ithe pridensecon stopodayere in thi key battgrou sta of virginia. and we expect him to talk about one of the key issues he's been touting over the lt twweek inly pusng cgres to tend the bh e tax cuts heill so likyailo som ofis comnts,rtin to t military community here. there is a large community in virginia. it is key toinning this state. anstimated 800,0eters li here sohey' tal aut t impoancef putng vetan ba to rk a ao takg caref the mitar commity. shou tel yo rtin ere'a ltl bit of a counter campaign going on here. earlier today, governor bob mcdonnell and sco walreld an entn whi the
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sentlly cticid predent ama r th seqstereto inteffe aft the end of e year yrember tha seqster is to offset the deb ceiling and will cause deep cuts to dense ending. thwhit hous the oma tea has shedack d sa, look the esidt haropod numb of altnatis to thi quesr anby t way,t wa paed bboth houses of congress. so that has really been the big debate. i don't expect the presint t adess e suest specical. buthat sorof t bkdro hisisithe. main? krienwelk, tnk yo stayith . wel be bac to u a the esidt eaks you stay th us, too. the week's top lines are coming up. lephe ris ♪ hlo.. ♪hat e...hat e... at t... areou sin' is? . ♪h-hu.. uhuh. uh-h... ♪ ud toock e miopho bacwhenur cdit orecoul't g us ♪
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so ght up!♪ ♪ even better than we did before ♪ ♪ yeah prep yourself america we're ck for more ♪ ♪ our look is slacker chic and our sound is hardcore ♪ ♪nd wre he torop rhym abt fr-cret-sce ♪ i'mingi fr-cret-sce-docom narror: fer plie wi enrlmenin ...more talk osocial security... ...but wasngtoisn'talkg themerin pele. [ fele nouer wheit ces tthe turef meicarand cialecury, u'vearne the ght kno ♪ .so at ds itean r yo d yo famy? fema announcer you've earned the facts. ♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. feme anunce] nd y've rned say get e fas anmakeour ice ard on micarand cialecury at rneday.o.
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rig? et. t. extly! real?! [ mo] wh? hut e frt do. ight wp-wo! ankn deno! mannouer ] hey!here orecrem undethatudge oreo fudge cremes. indescribably good. idide? mannouer ] hey!here orecrem undethatudge you're not my dad h!! hehone bacfeelbett, ttleanci toght,ou a me? . scll's prs relie dierentype low bodpain byreatg athe srce soou'ra wholnew u. goro wh dr. scholl's. om m inlacknd t gun tld schlndckta,
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r to lin wee in riews better than a movie. >> a big round of applse. [ plau ] >>e arso --e'veot you send cgresonal disict candate,auler te. we go to down state illinois, small farm towns and sometimes in theig cities, likechago. wre truesse >> can waifor edetes. if at's hainalli cardmr. fix- o the econy. >>o goace feith t priden >>f yore t hdf large equity firm, your job is to make money. >> talks about the nail lady. >> storming the beach chantg tt rney s aloth prlem. >> h mony si vacioni in itzeand d thayma and berma. howany you hava swi ba accnt sm >> iyou' reondi, yore losing. >> the hard truth tonight, billy. >> that's been te ofr.
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mney- >>'m spris he ly leas a yr's rth tax retus. makg a lfike fath, likeso >> don thi it ountto diley. >> aalf milon dlarshat the vernnt kwsabou >>eld by a blind trust. >> make money, money ♪ >> go for the clascs. >> the bli trust is a e-ol se iyou ll. allhe tax aaid as apoprie. >>e was you thow yr pape. but w'tho us hi >>ou wt aresident who will make things better in the african-american community, you are looking at him. >> take a look at me now. ♪ >> take a look >> y taka lkecau i cat. >> marn, g ald ooursf now. >>et rid overy nossenal pens incding obama care. >> expected that, of course. >> squirrel, squirrel. >> the mistake of my first -- >> wish i had this wrien esti ahe otime >> tnkin thahis job w st aut getng tolic righ >> i sur sethi wil p iny head >> wt -- why?
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wh >> i wt john boehner and mitch mcconnell to come on your show sometime. why? why? >> choing a rningte. i c't tl yo abohe vpif d'd he to com afr yoith m menn bla flashlight. >> i've been listening to allen west ta. >>ondoeza ce wld ba nderl vi esidt. on wsite put i, w g ablute nuts >> l's g rig to r po. eveornai a krystal ball. one half of the brilliant msnbc show, the cycl and the cef iestitive port. krtal,he mia h auall goutsverondoeza ce. thsour is matudge hi soues won'tow. but it's probably not condoleeza rice. take a listen. >> it's not for me
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i ve licy i lovubli rvic i'm yinghereoay tha i ll dthisecau it'eall no me. >> you're not interested. >> that'right. that's right. how many ways can i say it? not me. >> are we rlly tbeliehat tt rney uld wan prchoivp le cdolea ri? >> i thi thas mo of e prlem. me, erybo saythey don't want it. she seems particularly emphatic, i will say. but mitt romney is a g who is woredbouturni ois se tt hean't me awa om immrati picy of selfeportion is hoing to he the crage pic o-chce cdida as when, say, for example, john mccain who wanted to pick joe lieberm didn't uimaty it caus lberm was o-chce. don'thinthers anyw. >>okay n, mtsn't pkingerny morehan 'sicki chr christie. this is a smoke screen and as
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you know, the bain attacks have hit d hurt him badly. hoabout we throw out some tk outice priden distct atntio >>f th washe iende effe to me eent itas beccesul. u'reightn loong ahe urci of is. the drudge report. the romney campaign does have kind of a pathwa direct pathway to t drue rert rougmattwehe t ofcialn t cpaigho had aelatnshiwithrudgback whene wathe rearc rect tothoomatiol mmite aent down to miami and introduced himself and established this relationship and th drudge report, which is very influential in driving the diacye, not jushe consvati mea, h tak theravorle appach towas mt roeyrom thrgh th rublinrimantil toda so ihis case, the drudge report floating ms. condi, vp rur dia grt seice the mneyampan. ste, yowereeminnge th durg th imars, the
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udge rortoure eless cketofxcrent allver wt ggric >>rudgdriv n just does he drive media coverage, but he really drives conservative media coverage. you're talking about a republicanprimy, whaseing sa on lk rao, cservive blog it'artilarl portt. the wathatomen aer soutcarona wn ne girichon a heon big and therwaat scar you ow, i t romney campaign. it was getting away from us. there was a week there where matt drudge took every bit o sicay opsitieseah thatheomneampan h a wasbovehe fd i t page ginich d ts, ngri did that this is has been for 2012 and 2008. his republican opponents, mitt romney's republican opponents complainedbout thi efertialreatnt. w th romy is the nomie, it extdingver the genel eltion >> l's n rget parf why girichon tt prary,e had sucssfuttac on bain capital. there's a parallel there as well. >> i was listening, krystal, to
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ce president joe biden's speechesteay. i nicedomeords tte lived. healkeaboucharter, h talk abo cvictns a he taed abolues and fel to -ould be wrong. but it felt to me that it was an indirect but not so subtle way of attacking mt romney and in cital >> j bid has aay o dng at. at ithe sentl ise. most votson't rembethe ins d os o '9 or2001 a the e.c. ling but ey ghe sen tsuy isot bng saight with us. he doesn't say what he means -- th's where the problem com in fhe avege ter. >> ke ho yohink mit romn is goio fare wn h si dow wh c, c,cbs, c thi cnn, all three letter words? do you think hopeful that he can say, looki did all the twor, i'ddreed the sue,ven tugh hightot say athinabouthesue? >> we, it'ertalyoingo beoughor h. thers a lot o pt u
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qution parculay abt bainapit. >>ere's the problem, ken. i'm hearing that he's going to give each othe networks about six or seven maybeen mines ch. n't tt a pfect coroll med evt. th mans n sitngown th u kstalrteveor an ur. 's gng t say i'v runut tim nextetwo. as soon as things get difficult. this is a bit of a joke, isn't it? >> i don't know. i think it's going to be a challenge for the media networks, certainly to be able toake e mosoutfhat time but tnk in tha tim tre's lotfppornityor som toh qutionand meough qutionthatitt mneyas hatroueanerin and so it's much anticipated for a reason. >> final question. what do you think? how do you think he's going t fa day? here beenew veloents thetory andhe crsef thda i waseei befehat the sa pgresas a pre relee fr bairom 99 ich basally the sta of his leave of absence inhich they were characterizing as a part-time leave of absence from bain in which he would continue plan aisor ren
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vestnt. gainhis ory thi rely evold. now u ha a dumen aou n poto estis. rvinas any guide, he gets prickly and defensive any time he's challenged. i wouldn't be surprised to see some of that. >> inde. ken gel, kryal ba, sve rnac. deyour eken mo. cong u ohardll,"hat' ju ahe at 00. ay wh us much more ahead here. i don'tpend money ongasone.
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i dot he tuseas. i m prablyoing to e gastatn abut oe a nth. drivarou towall e ti dog ernds and ver er he to fi up s inhe cy. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. last time i was at a gas station was about...i woulsay... two monthsgo. thlastime ient o th gastati st he be abt the mohs a. i o tohe g staon ch smalamou th i fget w tout g iny ca ♪ > th psideill speang a a momt in hampton, vairginia. that is tim kaine speaking. speaking with mare steve kornacki andryst ba. rgin is you homstat u rafo a sea inrgin.
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>>d. >>ow or wt ds it ten thattate genhatt'so cleor the pside t te it and win it? >> the most important thing is going to be the northern virginia suburb. not themmedtely d.c surrndin ars,ut frfax uown,uburn professionals. it will be interesting. in 2010 when i ran, not the best timing, there was a real republican landslide and it went heavily republican. since th, t predentas beenullieryell in t statand obsved csisttly in the lls. inrestgly,he mn aract th geoe aenas bee making on tim kaine, the senate candidates there, is that kaine is too close to obama. and it'snteresting becae, tual oba i ouolli t kainevenhoug thas t subsnce the atck. ght. >> bt's aery clo rac ere tms ohe nate antimaines speing at t rally right now. it's really a fantastic candidate. also a really good man and smart
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campaigner. the's a l ofrobln swinstat lik virniar io unemoyme isctuay gng down mneysryin tolay ery day about this president destroying your economy doesn't resonate if unemploymen is going down and people do beg toeel bett. >>here somhingo th, ohthers somhing autad onom nsatiolly eedi acrs stelis. ere s a pitic scice studthatookeintothis. i think it's relevant here. they said the effects of state level unemployment news is about 1/of t eect as niona unemoyme new theris aenef ere, viouy, tobam i yook oo or ia o vgini o ateshat 's lerhan tion avege. but it's not as significant as if the national unemployment rate were to suddenly drop half a point between now and november. th would hav a bgeeffe. >>teve knack and kstal ba. ank u both dotorget tatch svend krysl's ow, the cle,
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you could call it coincidence or poetic justice as the two-year annersa of e do/fra fincialegulory w apprches wind t big bankonce ain dendi couptpracces, blion of doars loss an the ca oellsfao, a $175 million settlement for discriminating against black and latino home buyers. wh mak illhe mor credle i t idehat mt roey a replica in coressantoepea do/fra andeave tse ban toheirwn devices. congressman john yammish, a democrat from kentucky. congressman, good afternn. do i have thi rit? alst ery de hr aut othebankhat'xposs beg inlvedn illit actitiesromarclsiggi tere rat to jgan chase today saying their losses are going to top $7 billion and yet,
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republicans say, if i get this right, no more regution >> wellou kn, the's ts ki of nartivehat we aost lf jok authathe publans wanto basally ruthe enomy into the ditch to prove that government is ineffective and it looks like now they justant to get government out the of w and kehing wseain. fourears ago wad ts inedib disssioabou t g to il, hhe ban wer o bigo fa. thgs we no transparent and the public had no idea what they were investing in and so forth. that was the whole bas for dodd/frank. now,hen the areewerbas, th arelarg,hey'ven to mucigge --oo mhig otr toail angag in t same actityo a mh gater exnt a n we want to do away with the cops on the beat, take the referees off the field. it makes absolutely no sense. t, ain, thiisart ofhe eolo thawe he in washgtonow tte'd rher
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haveo regutionit dsn't matt wha w do,ustet cooratns r wil and tngs ll g better. of course, we're seeing, again, as you mention day after day, they're not getting better at all. >> the britishreominown rd o barays figgihe liborate whatre t regatoroingo do ir wnhe u.s ban e up ilid in this scandal? what happens then? >> well, it's going to be interesting. again, with no referee on the field right now, thas probmati i wain aeeti wit fed chr bernke t oth d and theye wkingery hdory ant,or stan, a cnge inheay ty sntert tes, standards where it's more of an actual market-based assessment of what rates are than letting the banks just talk abt los tha ty'reever gogo ke, wch i wt the libo sittionwas. bu ain, unlshe cftche commitiefutus trang commsioncan actually set rules that relate to the trading of derivatives that there's a
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essentially a public plaorm r pele tnderand wt ese tes e a wha the pricre andhat the ban are enged in thehere n ingo be anyy toeadff an iendi disaster and you know, we basically, again, don't care whether banks, when they gamble their own money, if ty faily emsees. t th nure of tinanal rlds tt this aon twed tt th wldri wn tntirstem >> the economy last ti. >> exactly. >> republicans repeatedly blame indivials for beg eedy for borwing loa ty coul't ford yet. >> wt doe fdith t wellfargscdal. t iwas t instuti itlf thawasheatg bck and latino borrowers as a matter of course. now, when are the institutions going to behasted f tir ab jtisrerd f the ln e seay tha iividl pele a reptedlby publan poticis,ccusg
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pele obein eedy thesarehe institution, yet they get to walk free, no one mplains about them. >> exactly right. they think the fines of $1 llio jus ct ofoing busiss. 's gng t reqre osecions we aoluty hao hav at. you know the was sveyot tolong agohat they surveyed wall street employees and 25% of them thought that it was necessary to cheat in orde to succeed on wl stre. th'sn irediy- incriblendicent the culte ther sour psecurs havo get vigint, r s.e.c. and our banking regulators have to be willing to step up and take individuals to court and prosecutthemor mfeasce becae th skes are too hig and ey'rnot plang tir own pokga. th're plang wh erybo else mone >>oes it nstonhu, finally, that a presidential candidate has as his major theme no regulation, cut gulaon?
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gin whahapped frears ag andf y cane brie r. doou n fin tha toniing? it absutel nd-bglin it's basally being totally insensitive to what's going on in the world around him. and if you're trying to become the leader of t lgest onomand the mt perfu naon ithe frerld, y beer he som bas undetandg ofat's haeninin tt rld. heoesn seem to. >> congressman john i can't remember moout of kentucky. thank you for joining us, sir >> thank you. we'll be right back. mrshutcson friy nit haalwa been all fun and games here at the hutchison household. but one dark stormy evening... there were wo things i could tell: sh need a od ml nd aood mily so gavher wht ouothecatsove, puri chow mple. it'the st bauset ha soethi forll oour ts!
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like all standardized medicare supplement plans, ansaveou uto tusan in o-of-cketosts requt yo freeecisn gue. finout re, call or go online today. after all, when you're going the distance, it'sice to have the experience a commitment go ong th y. keepreamg. kp dog. go lg. speaking in mpton, virginia. his second majorventf th da of urse torro he lle eaki inhio h connues
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withhe cpaig and a we me wardthe psideial elecon. but it's time now to clear the air. i take great interest in reading about the polital hisry o thisreatount. asou mht exct, the's goodeal at ie g t lear for stan, wh washe lt timee s reayraze a racaiting in a u.s. presidential election? the obvious answer, even for an office such as myself, in 1988, the gol sndard i i gue of pugnt ra baitg. th wileorto ad dn't com from a actl candate a geor hw bush had complete deniability. not so with the great ronald reagan. in 1980, the gipper was campgning for psidentn iladphiassisppi, the sameown wre thr civ ghtsorke werurded ss tn 20ears earlr. reagade pirid ce for stats rits t the good people of philadelphia, which struck some folks as a ltle
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unseemly given thath murders ren wakin exacy th se case yway thashe mosecen amplthat cou fin of anytng tt mated mt romn's sntn houon this week. and stunt it was. because when mr. romney marched into the annual meeting ofhe naac he s abt to perrm a ncedthateus havbeen rkinon forweek kne ful wl tha me th 96% of those present were unlikely to vote for him. he knew full well, that referring to the president's rerm o heah casbama care reatey wod be insuing he audice. t thas h int. >>f yant a president who will make things better in the african-american community, you are loong a hi you ke a lo. >> y e, by pvokihe audice - aou hrd the os-itt mneyasn' doi
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anhingbrave. he was performing a carefully choreographed dance of race baiting. and how do we know th? becauseater o tt verame y atundrser inmonta, roey ge t lie ay wn he id th. "wn i menoned am gngo geridf obama care, they weren't happy. but i hope people understand this, your friends who like obamre, youeminhemf th. ifhey wtore stu fm vernnt, ll tmo goote fo t othy. mo fre stuff." >> in other word what mr. romney was really sayin is this. i ied reanith them rlly did. t y knowll the wan i othe fre luh. er t las fmohs, wve comeo learn that mitt romney has a problem telling the truth. that he's been a highly secretive presidential ndide. th heoesn hav a
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consuctiisiorolic beyo his tiousalki ints but thiweeke leaed methg new abo mromney. that there's an odious side to this man, which mnt that he dreamt up a scheme to pandero racis wheddreing t od pplf thaacpnd that lo en fohim. thanor wahing "hardball" is next. bain, bain, go away. let's play som"harall." geeng, i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia for chris mahews leading of toght,hen y'r exaini, yore long. rit no mt roey i plaing. d he reay lee bn in 99? y do his namppea on bn documents subsequent to that?
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and why does it matter? because accurate or not, the bain mess casts doubt on romney's principle argument tha it hisusins expienc that mt qlifi him to priden the amaampan dted mney stngth,arl re codn'tave ne a bter job. rhapit w because the romney camp was so eager to change that subject that the let slip to ddgehat condeezaice emeeds aop ck. ere e lof rsons t belie th is thin me an a sny bght ject t takeur atttion off o ba. t shwoulhelpomnelug a number of holes. plus, president obama says his biggest mistake is putting policy over storytelling. i talked about thatwo nigs aghe. wh doe't t predent do a tterob o telng peoe at hs accolish. d wh hapns t penstat theake othe sdusk repo? wi it giv t naacp's deatpenalty, a ban from playing football for at least a year? finally, courtesy of the huffington pos piticns who lo lik dney chacte.
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