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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  July 13, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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ownership stakes in staples, maiott, and lifli l tsaper wor sho romy stil oed bai threars ter say he tire fm e mpan w, h opponent in 2002's governor race shannen o'brien hammered h on exaly ts pot. tacts y aretill signg dumen as ceo of t coany ile u weaw. and a mter fac in e suer o2001hen u we leavg tholpicsou actually made a statement in the paper that in the summer of 2001 you were finally relinquishing 100%ontr of ur pitio with bai mney ansr the washe sa as s aner n. de evethin >> i wut in utah full-time. i had no responsibility for management abain capital. i was not running bain capit d theforam not rponsle fo the aions oain cital en i ft. >>w,ain, all ts mters
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becae roey h bee tryg touck rponsility for the thousands of people who were laid off by bain capital during those years. these are the peoe whe voice'reeari in tds reasedy thebama caaign >>t wa le goi toar evy sineda ey we staingory t figure out ways. >> we started having quality issues at that plant. >> they weren't concerned about yo heal. it wike worng itheweat shop of t0s. >>ike a vaire. camin a sucd thlife out us. >>hey mad a mh mon off it as they could, and they closed it down andiled for bankruptcy withoutoncern for the mili of emmunies. baiapit was t majit owne theyired the mageme. mittomnewaseeplnvold inhe iluen tt he exciseoverheseompaes. >> now, these voicesre why mr.
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romney's tet bai tter and neeo geto t aners. joing meows cis hes, st o "up wit chrhayes" here on msnbc and author of "twilight of the elites." d dad bestei fthe stonoeni whoover mneyor a lon ti. bro thi sry bk i 27 en h wtehatomne w still listed as bain's owner long after he supposedly left the company. thank you both for joining me, first of all. tha u. >>avidlet sta wityou. how n romywn aompa b t ha anyespoibily fo it? thapossle? >> sure, it's possible. and he doe sat. wh's bn ki of o i tha hend bn aoth n sayg otalplit tsn
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brua of 99 a tha it s st pap wk and the complexity of the corporate structure and suddenness of him avinis w itoesn aear at w o pap f ather two d a lf three yes. and at's carlyot tr. as aatteof fa,nd thi waseferced at ttlip you sws of shannen o'brien in that debate, but in august of 2001 two and a half year after he left for ut,e hd prs coeren. mittomneheld pss coeren to annncehe desione wagointout es wh bnnd lvehe coany,ot come bkohe company after the olympics. that was two and a half years after he left. >> so he held a press conference two and a halfears aft t te ty're sayghat he lef to aounche w finly avin >> ye say that he s cutng tie an would become a passive investor. and that was sort ofinalized
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by t folwing ar. t iwas tn motnt tha me. so tre'still buestns abouhow ch waseinvoed, did ey csultith hi a hi dihe he autrityo do ingse could hav done? could he have called up and stopped als om gng roug he cerinlyas - i d't ink ere'any dputen is ft tt youan hav- at hwas e r, o, ntroer a was essentially on sort of an informally defined leave to come back when he wanted to. >> now, chris, you've been folling is cloly awell whetr orote had operionahandon magemt no won't kn. bu weo knoe sigd the s.e.c. filings. and you don't sign the s.e.c. filings in advance two or three ars. he sctivy ery yr signg ne ling >> ye, extly. ery yrheyled. he'souchg t rulats
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saying i'm ceo of this company. what's bizarre to me is they find themselves where h see be simtanesly ay fm thcompy an runnghe mpanwowo difrent groups. they're telling the federal government he's still the ceo. all of this has been done so that he has somelausible deniilit in ts dea wit t stlho fir aot o folkand nt the jobov. att steidasn't tt different from anything bain did in the years when romney was actually running bain. i mean, bain was doing what bain was doing which w iome casankrting comniesnd in othases tsouing js beuse tt's wha pvate eqty cpani do he w dng tha the whole way through. they're now caught in this trap by making this distinction what bain didefor 99 a afte >>t wain eect doi the
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same thin. >> yeah y loo ahe iactlant whh haseen fturi ads wi anyppont ainst mit romney. that was happening while he was there. outsourcing investments were happening while he was actually ere. bain capital was there to use lerageo me aot ooney r its sreoldsnd nage. wheverhehipsell in tha press,hat'whathey re ing. at w them.o. the entire time. it's ridiculous for him to create this distinction between d bain activities in 19 t 2002nd gd actitie befe at. >> heeeds the dtincon caushe'sryin toay h was t inlvedn lang o works. he notnvold in tsouing. and he says i ought to be judged with my businessperice. t gernofassauset abt bines whene srted lookg, h sttedoing aolital onwa. david bernstein, you wrote in
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2007 that although he claimed to ve serediesith ba, s.e. dumen swed romy reined100% opetion owrshif theompa and bsidrieshrou 2001 and iwas a papformity. e fas he'igni ts to e feral vernnt a the arehing tha hav gon o th t coany. isn'heigni as t cend inffec tohe federal government representing that he, in fact, is responsible as ceo and whether he had dect manamentr no he'the y siing e rert. >>yeah i an, y wou thi so. an the are cerinly tuatn whe isou c cla behewner but not necessarily directly involved in some of the management, but he s also ondesidt. on thi iould s alsis -
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and take chriint, hs coect out theouourcg ises. it doesn't really matter where you draw the line. i think that the problem that has romney a his tea ting toraw tt dtincon i tha therare herhing lely t be bughtnto e coersaon. me of ich inhat artle if i can jus brag about my article. >> knock yourself out. >> but for instance, there's a deal wit aompa cled ddi whh eed up bei instiged b as ptfn vestatiothat lehn othe pdver a blion dollars to settle with having to do with allegedlyain people putting prsure on one side o e lmanompa to jkp thei ring onddi wchehma wa alsandlghe banng for the ipo and one of those kinds of deals. romney's name and signature are
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on those documen oelli bahare inat. t h hlso maiainei had thinto dith tt becse at tk pla whi i w ge evenhoughis me i oit. anso on. and things can be conflict of interest issues and so forth could come up. and are likely to ce us is gs ong. 'd likoraw thi diinctn nobefo tho becoises. chs, ime, clrly ere'a reon f h tory d diancehimsf. but again, i repeat the reason it's important, we're talking about people's jobs. we're talking about a man that wantto b pside of e uned stes en hs ouourcg. antalkg abt a n whhas en dlingn theayma landandermu whis own moy. he the one that told us judge me by my business experience. he sent us tin. we wou hav gdly aed him how gerno msachetts
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camen la inobeati. t heuided u t ba. now we're there. it's too much pain in bain for him. >> it's always been, i thin a dubious argument tsay tha nnina pritequit comny giveyouhe tls youeed to eateobsro t pspecve of t feralgovement the eerpres areoiffent ino ma ways. the values, the stake holders, who you listen to, who is dependent -- who you are dependent up. th're st sh dfere enterise it's dubus gume. ao oped h u to-his tohe airny o th. this is the thing that -- this has been every campaign he's run, this ishat they've attacked him . is i ery time'sun for offi. th is imean is s fun to s tttaclayen th gubeatorl rac successful. >> so surprised. i've got to let it go there. thank you for joining me tonight. david, let me tell you, have a
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eat ekend. ge o trdmiletour tea,nd youatch p wit ris has"naturysnd suays om:00 t 10:.m. th's wt i do. youot it. we have news ahead. mitt romney responds for the first time to the bain controversy toght. >> plu t stregy bind all e bn attks lds tone biqution why ieidin his tax rerns? d te years ago today, something big happened under george w. bush. and we haven't looked back since. but it'sot anvento lebre. yore wchin"policsnion" msn. [ le aounc ] at iyou d thmal ght-sionoggl,
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likin apeci opsissi? yod sp movent, therntelgenc ith nimacolleralamag but rather than neutralizing enemies in their sleep, you'd be targeting stocks to trade. well, at'shat trade architect'heat maps . theyake u a adinassain. tde ahite. tdmeriade'emporing b-bad tring atfo. tde cmissn-fr for0 da, and we'll throw in up to $600 when you open an account.
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tonight mitt romney responds to the fire storm autis tim bain capil. anthers ne abo mr. romn's t retns. it allominup. ay wh us braifree ke dette llinhot gs g ofce an-freelinhot gs wash and dry diesel self-serve fix a flat jumper cables 5% cashback signup for 5% cashback at gas stations through septemb. it ps toiscor. ♪ homef thbrav ♪ it's where fear goes unwelcomed... ♪ and certain men... ind way risabov is theand gias. ♪ guts. glory. ram.
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pay l thtaxethatre legay ruire and not a dollar more. i don't think you want someone as the candida for president who pays more taxes than he ow. >> mt romn's phisophn xes. coue the's l we don ow aut roey's tes caushe'snly leas two ars of hetur ahe ntrorsy er h time at bain is on adding to the confusion. it's why the obama campaign is
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renewing its call for himo rease s taretus. wkhrou ectlyhe h did c ts witain pita ifhe s.c.ilin an't accurate, then prove it. if he wast invtingillis ofolla in ell rporionstax vens sss nk accnts ovseas tain a taxvante,hen pve it. provit breleing ur t rerns. >> this morning former president bill clinton also said romney needs to be more trspart. >> aour wkife boreou run for predentsrevant d thi tha wl be relent. mean, i a ltle spris onl releed aar's worth of tax returns. that kind of perpled me. the voters can make up their own mind aboutheth ty thk it's gdhing to -or a pers whoants to pside mimizis o t
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abily by putng the mey oveeas x shters >> now even republicans are starting to worry that his leadership at baiis bafiri. so arelso calng fim t relee mo taxrerns. t vy ast, seeing romney's financial records would shed light on his oversea investments in places like berma,swzerld,ndayma islas. ofoursthis lac of trsparcy i't n for the mney caaign backn00 whe hwas rning forgoveor, cpaign aide responded to questions about his taxes during those missing bain years by saying quote, you're ju goi tave toake my wordor it joinge nows dav joston he's aolumst f reuters and author o the book "perfectly legal: the covert campaign to rig our tax system to benefit theuper rhnd cat
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eryo el." donatn peha, a wter fo"the wasngtonpost and an msnbc contributo thank you both for being here tonight. >> thks. >> thank you. >> vid, letetartith u. shld votsustakeroey's rd tt heasn'hiddoney in ofhore t sheers? no. and why should voters be treated different than john mccain? romney was o of t ve pridenal nonees and jn main' peoe go t hitax retns bk to84 ich is wha've bn calng romy t rease. if hsilli to ge them to john mccain who passed on him, by the way, for sarah palin which does raise the queion of was ereometngccai saw inhoseaxretus,es i thinthemerin pplehoul see ose turn >>now, nath, it intestin tha whe y lk
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at the fact that presidential candidates, president obama released 12 years. gege w. bushightears geor romn,itt mney faer wn hean for predent releed 1 year tt rneynly two yes. so it's not like this is not something that isn't done. even in priries a tt he n had t releeetur a go thrgh the qstio the we. >>rit. s the queion her o anspency a of whether or not as former presidentlinton raised did you use foreign tax plac -- havs toidehe xes. >> wl, rev,hat you lef out inhatitan of t psides and predentl caidat whve leas theax returns, yes george romney, are m romney's father when he ran i the 1968ce.
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heet the predentf returns. before him candidates would give out general views of where their tax liabiliti and thgs. but grgeomnehoug it s portt toand or 12 ars actl taretus sohat folk wou knothatuoteit sn't fluke. also to make sure people understood that he wasn't just showing off where the money came from. mi romy is n flowi the le s by his own fath. d tecon poi he ishe amican people ought to know is where a candidate -- a potential president of the united states rns s moy, h he intas hmily a t ea ttitt mney this he can t ay wh one flear of tax rerns. remberthe 11ax returns he's reased are only
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estimates. that's why president clinton said in the interview today that mi romy haonlyreleed e ar. 's n acceable >> no lete a you,davi whats turpofavin ese fsho coun? are they set up because you heard mitt romney say he's paid all of the taxes thatas owe not eollamo. rehese ofhore accnts legabut u'reble toid taxe i me, wh is e puose hang tm? >>well, there are offshore accounts which are legal and illegal. and there are accounts which allow you t avoid taxes and accots tt dot. ateast som ofisccous are caus aricanorofi vestg inbain invtmen an forgn invtors go through a cayman islands company to avoid filing for the foreigners and paying taxes if they're norofi. anromn getarri tere, a arefhe pfits fromat.
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ere e otristuing ings he s up a numr oompaes for a lightuse in bermuda. he had a swiss bank account. it's perfectly reasonable to qution, well, wha else did youo ding the yrs fm 84 uilow tavoitaxeor dey th? >> w,jonaan, dav cn of "mother jones" reports that bain under romney outsourced to china. let me read from thearcle. romn whe hwasnharg o bain invtedeavi ihine manucturg coany at pend on s. tsouing r itprits. this runs contrary to what romney is saying and what he is campaigning on. >> ah. thers somhing ver iorta re. e rsonhy mt roeyave ese undobin inrvie to fi netrkss yaid a the p o the show, is because we need to go back to when the obama campaign started making
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these attacksn mitromn abououtsrcinnd abois tenu at bncapil. andheritism theresint inis camignas gtingor blaming venture capital. remember, you had new york mayor coryooke cricizg. ani wod smithathe reon witt mney i ging oseinrvie toy, t reon w tt sry i t stonlobeesteay h gained so much traction is because the obama campaign basicallthrough those aacks a coue monsgo sdedhe oundhere tha bosnlobe sty yeerda metortf fundenta tha mitromn ep fward and givome answers to those attacks in that boston globe story. mitt romy isn't answering the queson. we, i tnkou'r ght. i ink als -f you reca,hey id t adnisttionas antiriva
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equi, en antiapitism. now it looks like clearly it's about mitt romney's business dealings not aholeroad stke o the wlendusyr aroadttac on capilism t davcajostononatn capert, ank u foyour timetonit. >>than. > coming up, mitt romney breaks his silence on the avalche of conoversy surrndinhisime a bai pitaand 's ming ws o his x rerns. at'sominup. ay wh us
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>>have you cckeds ouon faceok? thconvsati is ingll y lo. todaour fs we bzing abou mt roey andain catal. ug wonrs w romn'so secrive out s st, the tax returns, bain records, when he left bain, and the computer hard drives he had desoyed. maybdestroyed. ananes sayhe s.c. papeork the bluerryie l ov romy's ce. i coun't agree more. we want to hear what you think about romney's bain record too. head over to facebook and srch olitsnatn" a likes to jo theonveatio tt kes gog lo aft thehow ds.
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[ het being, monir being man:hat youean, meowrs iuran doest cor flds? hearratencrees ] ma a f incs ofater caus allhis? [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. whatou don't know abt fld insunce y shk yo-- incling e fa at arefeed rk pocy star as w as129 year for age, theumbe that appears on your screen.
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usthe ointwe rn witour ti tnkyocard or aelaxg vation ♪ ometes, we for ride in the park. maybe do a little sightseeing. o getome esh r. buthisumme wesed r thk yooint to jt ha out wh a w frnds lonn. le aounc ] thcitihanku vi car edeethe intsou've earned to travel with no restrictions. rewarding you, every step of the way.
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>>welce ba t oliticsnation." we've got a big birthday to celebrate today. bust out those party hats. cut yourself a slice of ke, becae it' feraldefit's nth bihday at'sight thiay i2002heush admistraon geirtho a decit. e fir one in years. bush's policy helped the little deficit grow to this milesne e ofen. folk who aree kiing? this isn't a day to celebrate. no wonder nobody's shown upo is pty. he ltit a $1rilln defit. heavesassi taxreak r thich and two wars that
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were unpaid for. failed policies caused this mess. a point president ama drove home today. we ied . we ted ifor st othe st dede. and what were the results? we turned record surpluses into record defits. ges,ncom agnad. b gwth uggi. no if you tedometng a itoesnrk, why wld you try it again? why would we want to go back to that? well whoould wan to ba tothat willd mitromn es. aprente's rea to cebratforeficirthy parts. hi ecomic policies will be just bush's jt upted. lastight he aende fd
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rais thrn bicchey. at dk eney thenehatelpe elode the deficit. at the event willard called cheney quite a man, quite a leer. andeorgbush l a righ righoff iff. joingeow i melissa harris-perry and ezra klei messa,hy noarty hor day' tenniveary? whe's eha >>ou sdobod showed up, i was like i'm here. i like this point, because as soon as we say it's ten yrs old,hen we remberhat of ursehebamaresincys onlyhree and hal yea old. for isefic t l at the feet of president obama, it would have to basically be in
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preschool. but instead this is a school-age fici an thasecauhisefic bega und predentbu. it has to do with tax policies. and it is those tax policies that romney is suggesting brgingack. >> slaed topalkiax poli. he smmedhem for refung t lp t mideclas onl t ri. ta a listen. >> they basically want to give $5 trillion in new tax cuts mostly for the wealthy on tf the sh t cuts don'thinp-do ecomics work i beeve thawe gw th ecomy om t mide ou from the bottom up. i believe the heart and soul of th cntrys makgurehe workg pele c fee surit inheiddl cls. ande're grong o mdle
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clas >> ezra, it is really about two differing opions about how taxes ought tbe brohtnto vernntrreived on saygrick wn,he herayin fro tiddl expa. >>harp dierin d on tng that frustrates me about this conversation is we only have been talking about taxes. whateverou do onheax side s anqual andppose reacon othpendgside takehatitt mney wano do. he wts t psrillns of x cutn t of that. tax cuts that are aggressive. that money comes from somewhere. it could come from the defit. but velglyutf spenng. whe do teder gornme end? dense,ecuryor tow come folk aecury for ederl now, romney said he will increase defense spending and put a floor on it above where it is now. so we're not going to be cutting
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there. ich mns we'utti spdingn thpoor a the elrly. causromn hasaid a lst for e ne t yea hs not ing cpendg on the elrly,e're cting spending on the poor and lower middle class that benefits from these things. that by the way includes the affoable care act which takes a l o mey fm tax f thrich a mov itnto suidy t hp ler ince folkget althca. >> and tt'she reapot, liss >> i'd agree with ezra. and there's another area where government expentures come from and that's jobs. cuing vernnt oen mea ttinpeop's jo. d wh wnows -- >>welloverent i too big. >> thooverentjobs tho od gernmt jobs knowhoasse jobs. they are vastly, not predominantly, for people of color and for won. ere e mo wom and peoe of coln tseposions. taing out teacrs, youe lkinabou a lotf wom and ten men lor. stalwoers, fireghte.
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thesobs that are government jobs either at the local level, state vel, or federal government level that thas rt o spding you nt pple be rkin >> ah. t le mskou this ra. the psideants tich to pay a little more. romney would give them a huge brea he giv$7,716 arage bre tohe t. th's triion in new tax cuts. explain to me how romney will pay for this. >> he hasn'aid and the tth is h pbabl cat. thers noay toet t mey at wld b slabl to g it. now,hat he c do andhat publans metiso iay thagic of tax cut generated growth will generate so much new revenuet's going to p for
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itse. its --now,herere reasable pois andery hig tax rat w areot at wre ose uld ck. were nhere nr ther unss youe gng gimck economics or what george h.w. bush called voodoo economics -- smoke andmiors. no w to eabli h thi i gointo bpaid f. >>o. onhe enomy si, wave decade where the top 1% has been doing very well. not good years forhe economy at all. if the only thing you needed to gr the enomy wasor ric t ge rich,e'd see gre ecomicrowt we'r not. thissot a ecomic they th's gng tork eier. u cat rlly appl that de in order to close your ref knew gap or in order to close your economic move. >> now, melissa, let me bring up another pointheop kps runng. th connue s tha endi expded uer esidt oba. en wgo tthe fas. 's ntrue.
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in clinton's first term, it grew 3.2%. in inton's second term, i grew3.. wh bus ceooffi, i grewy7.. it gw b8. in sh'secon term but under president obama, it's grown just 1.4%. >> and in fact, i think many prresses a in ct thi so of t wk tt ez's rearch h sho ihat th's ectlyart ohe probm. wehouleeeinreat spding greater stimulus, and then in fact when we saw it get cut back is really after that 10 midrm win by ngreionarepuican so wwereovin ihe rht dictio we we acally movg to a acehere we reeginngo donougstimus sndin to make difference in the economy. 2010 happens, the republicans come in. they stand in the school house door refusing to do anything. really resingoake ls a l. bu cerinlyctuayakin thin wor iermsf o
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econy by the rusal tdo thkindfpendg necsary to kick start the economy. >> do you think, ezra, when the president said that he regretted he hadn't inspired the country re tt wreoing toee h allyakehis btlefhe trkle dow ainsthe mdle clasroading t. ishat ere has t spire americans to understand what this election is about? >> yes, that is where they're going to have to go now. that is where they're going to now fmhat i uerstd from fol inhe wte hoe. phe on was gting peoeo undetandho iitt romn, at h his eeriee lked li. at h his pas loodlike anphaswos saying this guy has an economic theory, has a set of policies you'reot going to like. that are not tight dictio viouy th oba admistraon pferso ru on beerobs but i thebsen of tt whasoingo haen w ishey' goi to rn t tt rney'econic policies. say why has ts guy who's done so well thinks the way for him
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to get the economy back on tck is f himo p mhess and meonon medaid le benets. >> tnk y bot for joing m thisveni. bo of u he a eat eken and n'tiss melissa harris-perry every saturday and sunday at 10:00 a.m. right here on msnbc. we he bakin new on bain comg up. tt romn's d'tecal fensin bnd new inrvie withbc ns. st witus.
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is irudy who itch to eve. d twpill foa dafreef pa. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches. > la tod predentbama gave ha-hitnginrvie o mitt romney's shadow years at bain capital. the president called him out for taking no responsility for in layof durg t yrs en he s sti lisd as t compy's o anpresent. hry trun sa theuck ops th y. now, my understanding is that mr. romney attested to the s.e.c.ultipleimes tha he s thchaian, ceo, a esidt o bn catal. d i ink stmerins figu ifou'r the chaian, ce and president of a company
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that you are responsible for what that company es. timaly hsoing to he t answ tho queions if haspis toe esidt, one the tngs youarn, you' ultatelrespsibl for e couct you operion. >> we'll have mitt romney's response next. hey. hey eddie. i brought your stuff. you don't have to do this. yes i do. i nt y to ep ts. it'de wed. ta car yotoo.
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mt romney has bronis lencabou theontrersy overis te atain pita w clde he lt bn a at t samtime stie the bosst ba? cing fire storm, the campaign hastily arranged inteiews with five media outlets late today. he's wte tolc's pet alandejustinut ago >>ou sd tt y retid fromainapitn febaryf 99ut tre a e.c. filings that list you as the chief executive, president, and managing director of bain in
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2000 and 2001 so i youere offiall t bo ihose ars, w are y stilrespsiblforai catal' aivitsnclung thoutsourcing of jobs at that time? >> in february of 1999 i left bain capital and left all management and authority and respsibity f thefirm had n goin aivitr invoemenin tffai of ba capal bause wenut toun the olymcs. if february of '99 i became the full-time chief executive officer ofhe olyic ornizi comttee aftethat i h no wk whsoev wittheainapit peop. noespoibler aivit wit e mageme atain capil. anhat'eenocumtedvery dependent fact checker that's looked at it says you're absolute right. and the president' campaign has be, i ink,utraousn mang t kinfharg the have i thk thkindof aacks are neatthe digty of t esidcy. thinthe esidt ndso
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re in his campaign and talk about the real issues people care about. >> i want to clarify this then. ter brua of 1999you nevettend aingl meeng for in. a busesseetiven bhone atndedeeti rardi bainr ba-conolle enties. >> you asked quite a few questions there. i didn't involve myself in any way with baincapil's enteriseaftefebrry o 1999 >> nartipati iingl meetg? >> don recl a sine etin or participation in a decision. i left the firm. i was full-time running the olympics in 2002. and in the years leading up to it. eskecau t salrake trune 21 ttou sai w deced i officially separated from bain capital. but you insist there was nothing at that time. >> iad n manemen respsibity oactity
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thinaincapil. now,s a oer iouldave come ck. you ve t ownship poteial. coulhaveoneacknd ten over, but i didn't. i left and went on to run the olympic games. that's where i spent all 34i time. the managementf the firm was taken over by the 1r s partrs tt we the. >> jning meow isynth cker pitze pri winng syndicated columnist. and back with us david bernstein, political reporter for "the bton oeniho fit brehis bai sto. thk yobothor jninge. >> tnk yo davir. rney say h le bain capital in 1999. that's that. end of story hesays at's yranysis >> well he noweems tbe ying ye dtay on technically as the owner and
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technically as the o a esidt an maningrect. bu iidn'havenythg too wi ythi. heeems to choing wds cafull abohat he had nothing to do with. he says he doesn't recall having any meetings, meengsy phon yoknowpeopre goi t ve t jud thior themlves smse's admting t fac shwasechnally the gho s in charge of the company for that perd ofti. d wenow hasn' dirtly volv dayo da the's ispungat. thuestn iheth had sponbili, wheere had any actity bac a rth. and rig nhat we have is his word for it. you know, as youeiscued mames, setim hord isot10 reable
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so pplereoingo hav t ok fthernto it the'soing tbe qstio abt spifiching that went on where he's going to have to answer specifically about did he kn abois. uld u hetopp ts i yowant to >> i't tha rlly the poin did u kno abo the outsrcin did u kn abo the j laffs? d cldou hav de something about it and looked into it? all the other stuff is really immaterial. let me ask yousomeing, cyhia. sainhistervw tha weust w onbc tt head thinto d wh psonnr anything. yet romney said he left bain '99. but backn ttme, stake held trine rorte in'9 quot i'm reangrom tir sry in 9. ey sdeill stay on as a part-timer with bain. providing input on iestmt
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ankey psonndesion buteilleave rning y-toay oratis t ba's execive mmite. so thieporn'9 dirtly conflicts what he just said. >> well, that's not the only time tt the was anfli. whenean for govnor o maachutts estlish redenc helso said tte ca bacor business meetings. whatther business did he have? he remained thewner of bai compy. yomeanoell me as t se owne heeft l thmajo decions somody se? have har te bievi at. well, david, you've been covering willard mitt romney for a long time. if heameack to maschusts foa bines meing,hat her busess cld he hav d? hewnedain catal. onof t owrs.
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saie camck. at heldim to accomplish redency to run. was he lying then or is he lying now? >> well, one of the thingss he'soto much busessoing on i so myiffentntits justithi bais we as y her invtmeneagtave d rsonly, 's har to say. plus he did come back to meet with did dell sarooayo hias h bee rorte in t pa toay toim i nd you to re-u yr olyic onsohip. if i lose these sponsors, my political career is goingo be de. >>ould that quafy resency thgh? i d't kw abt th. heaid ahatimee did com back f staes mtingand others like that. we just don'tknow. he won't outline those. >> we're going to have to leave it there. we're out of time.
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tlear he' g a l of plaing texpln. nthi cker didbestei than for yr te ni bothf you he areat weend. ank u fo watching. i'm al sharpton "hardball" starts right now. > baaino awa let'playome ardbl." od enin m mhaeler conshn phadelia f chris matthews. leading off tonight, when you're explaining, you're losing. right now, mitt romney is explaining. did he really leave bain in 1999? whdoesis ne apar obain domentsubsuento th? anwhy es imatt? causaccute onot,he in ms cas dot on roey'srincle aumenthat it'sis binesexpeence thatost alifs hito b present.
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the obama campaign dented romney's strength, karl rove couldn't have done a better job. perhs it was bausehe roeyampan waso eer to ange theubje thahey let sl to ddge ttondoezza riceasmergs t v.p. pick. there are lots of reasons to believe this is nothing more than a shiny brighobject to take our attention off of bain. but she would help romney plug a number of holes. > psresint oma ss hi bigstmiakeas bn ttin polyvertory tellg. i lkedbouthat o nits aghere why esn'the esidt do better job of telling people what he's accomplished. and what happens to penn statin the wak o the ndus port ll ie givhe aa's deatpenay a b fm pying otba fort lea a year finally, courtesy of "huffington post," politicians that look like disney characters. take ron paul. es hremi youf anne? w abt clde fm th nchbk


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