tv The Ed Show MSNBC July 13, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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officially too big for him to ignore. the candidate made the rounds on five television networkso plain why he wiste as ce esidt, airm, a solehare holr o bn catalor tee yea aere saideleft romn stu t huns in an interview with nb krc's peter alexander. >> in february of 99, ieft ba cital andeft all mageme autrity and reonsilityor t firm i had no ongogctivy or volvent the affrs of in cital because i went out to run the olympics. the president's campaign has be, i think, outrageous in making the kd of crgeshey ha. i ink e kds ofttacre beath eigni of t presency i tnkheresint nds to reinn hi camig and sta abt threalssue peoe carebout. >> that is mitt romney's story and he's sticking to it even though s.e.c. filings lehis one om janryf000 sho
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mi romn'signare o t bain papeork. is rateso aal, a dl th vmm merger corporation. president obama told a reporter in virginia, the buck stops with mi romney when it comes to bain >> mtmerins furef yore t chaman,o, and esidt of coany, tt you are sponble rhat tt mpan ds. mate, mrromney, i think, is going to have to answer those questions because if he asres to be the president, one o the things you learn i tha youe timaly resnsiborhe condt ofour operions >> b rney ctinu to siste honvolment withain aft 99. her an collecting a six figure salary each year. >> after february of 1999 you never attended sgleeeti fobain ausinseeti, ev byphon attding meingegarng bn oain enty z. >> you asked quite a few questions. i didn't involve myself in any
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way with bain capital's enrpri aft febary 19. >>ot parcipang iingl meetg? >> donecal a sgle meetg or sgle parcipaon an iestmt deciony ba or psonn decion. the wor here is recall. really? no business trips, no phone calls, nothing. th ismney oworn stimy in msachetts wn he wunnior vern. the we a nbe o sial trs anbusissrips tha brout me baco massachusetts, board meetings, thanksgivi, and so forth. i returned for most of those meetings, others i attended by tephon i iouldot rern. at srn ttimo simyoes t mch u whhe inteiews at theandite gav tay to fiveiffent networks. president bill clinton w on the "today" show this morning. he said roey's busess bagrou is ntra to romn's cpaig >> a yrork lifefor y rufor predent i leva.
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i thihat wil b leva. am a ltleurpred h onl leased a year's worth of tax returns. that's kind of perplexed he because this is the first te in, i don't know, more than 3 yearthatnybo runng f present snl donat. >> but rneyreined diant onisaxetur today. he does not plan to release any more after the 2011 returns are completed. i puts mucse're ing put ou ce iave aed the - ts ar, d tt's t formion, ges me peoe thansequid b la >> why not be as open when you're returning for president as you were four years ago when you were being csided fo viceresint. i'mot goi to abl t sasfy l of tmandof th obacampgn. >> ts isey int. mneyoesn nee toatis thbamacaaign roey doe't nee to satisfy anybody other than the amecan people. we want to know.
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now, we need t kn,e ndo ow, atind o enomi mode mit romyould desn fothis untr wh doe h reay bieve your personal finances would help us understand all of that, especially if you have so much money invested erse. bu accdingomneyday, lyesshan o hisoney isiedp i feign invement >> toney tt i have is managed by a blind trust. now you understand that, i hope your reporting will point that t. i n't nageheoney i ve. in ord take surhat di't he a nfli of intest wle ias govnor or whe ias csideng r fo natnal ofce,ad bld trt esblisd. >> that applied for too the caymans, bermudas, a swi acunts >> iappls toll ofhe vestnts me from t fancisclores,
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e ovwhelngjori, 99.5% are in u.s. enterprised. >> hold it a minute, 99.5% of his moneys inmerin vestnts. vani fr rort saiomne ha ateast$30 milonn t cayman islands. that's the conrvative asssme. th'son.5 o h net rth. ifhissue, h iorth someere the neiborhd of $6biion. ybe tt romyants to rethink his answer. either he is overstated the amount of his american investments or he is e six llio dolrman. mneyouldolve af thi sterif h wou relee multleears o tax rurns d beones wit the american people about hisify nances. that's the bottom li. here is the bottom line for all ofs as ters weo car
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abt tis. we ce abohisspecllys libels bausefhe scriny thatresint oma wt thugh theampan in 2008 kingan about his finances or any candidate about his or her fance is sndar eratg procure. amican vors, weser to know get ur clhoneout. toght'esti, wl mt mneyverome cle abo hisify ahis i finances? text a for yes, b for no. you can go to our blog at erics doare outhis ory. is ihy mtomne wt i fronf fiv tevisn camas toda it in e ttterrld, in the blogosphere, it's on every show. people are talking about it all over talradi so arica do ce autth. t's ing inicha stee, nbc kriber a forr c chrmanandugenrobinson,
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pulitzer prize winner lumnt. gen eune, a jrnalt, d mi romy cle an drs day thi sto o doet ntin on i dn'tearnyoors ose. at i hrd was him being very precise in his language in talking about, well, i didn't participate in the bn enterise i dot kn wthatans. on'tecal a sgle instme cisi. i don kno exaly wt tha mes. bu ihink he is slicing the onion awfully thin, and be very, very specific abilityhat he' lingut wne innds- wh he tri to leahe preson tt heft in. i tnk tommo sen esti ishy oarth wld you sign your name to forms to the s.e.c. saying you were ceo and managing dector a everhinglsefhisompa
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if yidn' knonythg abouit if yerenacally respsibland llin to te reonsilityor wt th compy wadoin th wou be a verwise thinto do, and i think mitt romney is more meticulous than that. this doesn't square. we, thiteouse ss toght at ty areot sasfiewithitt mney aners day. eyay tt th sti wanto seeore taxeturndinut fr mney meetings at bain capital. michael steele, your thouts, did he close any doors today or is itore mplited? t's ltle me mplited ere,ed. iree wheune,,he door wen'tclos. i n'tink,s tiglys theyouldike. in fact, they may have been widened a little bit. what you saw today was the romn campaign finally, finally ter at ithis w, two wes ousteall lentss storelli by t oma caaigntry get in fnt of e sty. so he's making it worse. >> exactly, and i think that lag
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time has allowed a perceptiono becread, adeasrounhis weth a wha hs ting to hi andll ohat stu tt you n'tanto he aache youampan at ts stag tached. and now you're trying to get in front of it, and i think it's problematic. can he get around this? yes, he's going to have to i thk,ltimely leas me thanwo yeaorthfax retus. ca h get arod itn the bai si? ye but heas t ceutore asugene said because you're going to haveuys like eugene and yourself asking the tough questions. u'reunning for presidentf thunit stas. wee in tghconoc tis, weadhisattl beten wet an tho whoon't he weth, and u he to sndquar someere. d i tnk tay w t benninof at,ut i think it was a little too late and not enough. >> the title of mitt romney's last book and mbe only book s no apogy. he oeredo apogy tod whsoev. inact,t w aonef
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rogae th thiis a the tax formion u'reoingo ge euge robinson, wouldn't senatorohn mccain be able to offer some kind of insight he? wouldn't he know what's in t taxetur seeghat romy wavett? at aut at? >> i gss h wod. so we suldll bea pat to mcca's dr ansee he remembers what the numbers were. not just mccain but others in the campaign that might have seen a of the tax returns. and ok, rne sayse'll ver tisf the pple who nt me infoatio mor formion. we' notoing dnhat ro. that one exanatn. the other explanation, the other possibility is that there's stuff in there he just doesn't want to b seenorewide, a yo canelie eitr ofhose thin unt w s se evidce. welomne ss that y ow, wastssocted wh bainfter1999, but heays h should get the credit for the jobs that were created by bain after 1999.
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re i is. >>usinseshateelpe crea andelpe sta wen on to cree lsf jo. if y're resnsib f stting busess andt gro an add l o jobs in the comingears, then i'm happy to point out my involvement was helping to get that siness started. >> michael steele, shouldn't he if he'soing take cret f e js eate suldn he t thblam for t layos d ouourcg aaifter 19? >>'m se can count on you. >> he can have it both ways, can he? >> to be fair, and not to split the hair too muchhere, ihink whate w rerri tos tha the comnieshat h word th, ilee w ther th -- it didt spnce le bn. the coanies continued to grow and do what they do. i think that was the reference point. but you do ask a broader and i think justs iorta queion at i the nartivefain d in thercepon tt a of thi has beelomm togeer, ere no saratn betwn wh you srted a
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wh youft. it'sll bai all romney, you're going to have to clean it up a little bit better than it's been cloocleaned up today. >> quickaner, yrst, mrstee. coulthis dp t nomber >>tentlly, s. ge? >> ah, ihink iould unls get a plumbar i there fast. >> he needs one. i wonder if that would be a union plumber? obab no euge, chae tha youor yo ti. remeer t awer toght' qutiont thottomfhe scre. wehareourhougs o twitr at eshow wan you t d that and on facebook. coming up, actress madeleine stowe will join me and explain why majity lder ic cr bador ameca andn troue. yodon'wanto ms it. ay ted, ght ck. [ me anunce] ifou bievehe man cenda
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ondeceer 2t poar sftsillever theart's gvitiona pul an hure us all into space. which would render retirement planning unnecessary. but say the sun rises on december 22nd, d yostilneedo rere. amitra's inestmt coultas ca helyou ild pla thafit you lif wel ev thr in to 00 wheyou en a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans? oug thewereead. hu? [ me anunce] houlve ud rodup. kis wes tohe rt, th don comback roundup. no root. no weed. no problem. roundup. [ feback and ur good driving pg th ,
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can save you up to 30%. you could even try it without switching your insurance. y nogivet a ot? vit prresse.cotoda yep. theonger you stay with us, the more you save. and when y switch from anotr coany us, we en rerd y for e ti youpenthere geus. u gu mushaveoureni. owloyay prram,ight wellwe hesomeing. show her, tom. huh? you shld s novber! oh, ah? coming up, the republican strategy to obstruct the president has backfired and one of teade ohedoothi ngre isocusgbacksh
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om h constuen. >> rublins aim, the cim that thefforble rects a b killer and bad for small businesses. i'll talk to two small business owners who say the law is heing em cateobs a save ney. darryeidsalli r filuste rerm aft sete rublins bcked a bill that would have created a million jobs. richard wolffe joins me for the discussion. she yo thohts th u on cebo andn twier ung e has t ed ow. 're mingightack.
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prestatis. thepubcansnd the hou of reprentaves ted epea it agai 33 votes to repeal the health care bill. all it would takes one vote to make sure that all of youon't see ur tax gp nt ar. yotell mhat wld ba beer u of me. >> predentbaman th mpai tran virnia earlr toy ting a few shots at congress. it's one of several stops today he made in the key battleground states and the polling is iis favoin rgin. 's 8 pntseadf his opnentmitt romn, a ilinagait ado-nhing congss aearso be aood sttegy congss h a 10 appval rating. congress is now less popular than richard nixon during watergate. congress is also less popular thhe durghe oil sll isis and w inhe wld doou g a % arovarang? we, th i ho thiss the fe of the worst congress ever. majority leader eric cantor has led the charge and oosition
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andpposg t present' lici. he up r re-ecti thi yen depding cservive dirictvirgia's seveh. ye it lks le eve hwn constituts are losing confidence in the congressman and his scorched earth strategy appeared to be backfiring. e majityf versaid they uld ppor aandite who workwithhe pside at ast me othe ti. d th rublins wn won,artilarl i virgia, hasaken its toll. voters said they would support a pro choice candidate by a surpsing larrgin 68 to 23 w it goin viinia i'm jned tonht b actss maleinstowwho the ynot speer a a women's strike force event on saturday in richmond, virginia. madeleine, great to have you with ustonight. got to say, bn. greaworkver the ars. >>t'slease to b re. thanyou,ed >> i heo ayou, w hav eneporng o thiar o men d the'seen l of
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veloentsn viinia with this radical governor. has that connected with voters? what are you seeing in the state? >> fst, ant t say iave a eat al o ieres inhe ste beuse hband is fro virgia. d hintirmmedte famy is a we. ey'rall burdere. we he wched ver carelly what is going on, and it's absolutely stunning and appalling. there is a huge publictcry, i ink govnor mcdonll,ho paed tsltra sndill thequis aomen toave an trasnd borehey deinat a pregnancy has struck a raw nerve. initially, what he wanted to do was something cald a trsvagal pcedu, whi uld ieall basally in trape the wa a hug plicoury, annow ty caven abdominal ultrasound but that is still an invasion, a governmental invasion in a womas right to privacy. >> yensehis is gngo
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motite vots t mak a diffence >> isoing t me he diffenceandhere ather galle hb-1 that would make it illegal for women to get contraception as we know it, to deny womenhe morng aer pi, yo kn,hese bic thgs t iha toontr theibodi andheir fures. 's aajor piticssue a a soal iuef o tis. ll, tumbe show that virginiaens are against these radical measures, no doubt, to the point whe a gentleman that i unrsta y're pporng, wayn well wnepoll, we nt arica to kw whthis ntlen isecaue's goi up agast ericant whos respsiblfor lot of obstruction in congress. he's a vet, pro choice, pro social justice, pro economic justice, yet rativy unknn. wl aouotived t suppt th y? wh abomovi ntor >>irstfaln tms o won's reoducve rits, wae powell went, when there
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were these massive protests and ople arrested for paefrly demonstring ohe capol step way powlent rht the aidnd agedo prest 30en a wen p bono he i a fcal coervave, whic i think serves the seventh district very well. there's a problem with eric cantor, eric cantor is a mho orte who actlly orted u.s.reasy bdsoris o persal fanci gai this is unpatriotic. now, thiis one of two things, either has been givg inside informatn tois wl stet book, o he dsn't hav coiden in s o abity a an aricaleer. u kn, fis onati. he bgainis cotry. to me, this unpatriotic and reprehensible. >> how muc do you think he is the cause ofobstruction? and how mucamag h heone thecotry, in yr opinn? >> l's put ithiswa whe
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johnoehn wasryin t com tms wh president obama to reduce this deficit, eric cantor went full blast against it and he voted,e suprted the rya ll. e ryaillill put the decit triion dperhan aeady are in t next ten years. okay, he has obstructed any kind of pgresin t amecan ngre andn thsena and it'seen realprobm. dsell ow, arica e sk a ted of havg congss d nothg. d ericants the hands of wall street, in the hands of people who are now controlling the major -- pulling the financia lers ohis cotry. andicklou'rn the grou in viinia do y thi he' vuerab? >> he' exemelvuerab. on peoenowhat h interests are in wall street and major corporations and that
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wayne powell is interesting in main straight there's going to big nflarati. >>hankyo comg up, t bigst lie abt sml sine. th replica clahe fordle care act is killing mom and pop operations. we'll uncover the truth next. and aeweport sho condeezzriset top o mney vp st. th coue a pt take the presre o tt's bai probms. r pal isoingoeigh i on that. stay tuned.
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♪ hello...rings ♪ what the... what the... what the... ♪ are y seein' this? ♪ ♪ uh-huh... uh-huh... uh-huh... ♪ ♪ it kinda makes me ms the days whewe ♪ slighit u evebett thawe d bere ♪ and we're here to drop a rhyme about free-credit-score ♪ ♪ i'm singing free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ dot-com naatoroffeappls th eollmt in
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> yo kn, i ts sine, we say we have to go to the source. we're going to do it tonight. we have been exposing the biggest republican lies this we. toght,e'reoingo teou e tthbout the aordae ca actnd h iselpi eric smasinees. firs hers wh rublins wantou t ink. >> obama care is a job killer. >> increasing the cost of health insurance for the american people and making it harder for all sinees t hir new woers. notnly wl thiax pce reardspn sma buness toollo t law. >> there goi to cideo makeverydy ptime becse they can't afford to pay the fine and they can't afford to pay the insuranc >> who wants fou meearsf obamcare >> wknow numr ofmall buness acrs amica, ners would le to he ur me yeaf oba ca. let's talk to a couple of those
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business owners. not professional talkers. these are workers, these are smalbusiss ople i wao irodu ppleo thy ok. e rs aet sre irgo, dimbeyuns ariva vestation firm in hermosa springs, florida. i'm going to do a ciras of these inrviews with sll bines owne. yore theirstnes comon "thed sh." alweere omepubcanss thiss aob kier. thy ok, youwnll abo the pets" and you have six employees and you say your tax savings was more than $6,000 under the health care refo. but theepubcansay tha y can'affo it wh's ttrut >>we,heruth is borehe fordle ce ac my ploys conibutg to premium support. and with the $6,000 i was able to take away, they no lonr to ve ctribeoheir preum suppt. th basallyave tm a
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ise,nd inowfther sll busisseshat veaken peop fropart teo full time or who have hired more part time people. i don't know what the republicans are talking ub. i love t hlth car ac >> kimbly,ou r ariva instigion sine wityour husbd. wi itllowou t he mor pele bause replica are ying it's a job killer? >> i todon't understandow the republicans say it's a job killer. oubusiness is rllyardy eressio t no wre singhing tic up a lite bit aith ts fordle hlthare t, we'r lking forward to bringing obnew people. >> cathy, could you employees afford health care coverage befo the affdablcare ac >> absutelot. paid fotheiheal car antheyontrutedart the premm. 's o of the ws dlt with the continually escalating premium. since the health care act, my
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premiums have stabizedthey haveot ireas as ty we incrsingveryear. >>imbeywman wtbout coringour ownon a dahter are ey o you hlth car plan >> mon is a filmmaker in new york city and my daughter is in vintage fashions in st. louis, and both of them have recently graduad from lleg anyou ow, ty're in sitis --y s is freence filakero h esn'haveealtinranc he h to on r po. haveallppreated having these extra few years of them on our policy so we can get them set up until they get in -- unthey g rlly goinin tirareendhey n afrd the o heah care >> y kno wust wan the trh on "e edhow. bothfoueet yrol both of you have deadlines, both of you have obligations. cathy and kimberly, i'll ask you fit, caths t affdabl altharect aobkier? >>bsolely t. it's aob crear. th cal emsees j
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crtors theyre n. mber? i'm telng you, ed, it's going to be -- it's really going to help us be able to afford to bring people into our business. >> i want to tnkothf you r beg on he nigh d i pe dn'tmbarss you saygou'r not pressial lker but thk yoknow wt'm talng abou you' jusavere arica whareuthere running a business, paying your bills, meeting deadlines, meeting paoll,nd y havemplees an is not klingour buness it helngoubusiss, and thk th is a sry tt h toe tol aoss eric cathcook aimbeywman arecie y jning me on the program. thank you. there's a lot more coming up in the next half hour of "thed sh." st tun. >> ipeakith oplef aide nge ockgrnds d view hn btonsiffent tha cooleea ri. s the condie job just a con job? >> if we had done this, the might haveeen a feather i
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rackbama cao no, can'do it got ill ust. >>ndemocts sepubcans ushea milon js dn t toetusto harm t president. now senator harry reid is making news about filibuster reform. that story is ahead. [ mgan righnow wheyou e yo viscar youe enred r a anceo n arip thelymp gam or le. to cer e smerathltes to w hehts, tartg in016... as you experience every moment, every emotion, everyour ars. for e re of ur le. vi. suorti athtes d e olpic mes r 25ears peoe evywhe go th va.
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yeah, that would be cool. ♪ iroducing t cometel reigineniss alta. it'sur mt invati alti eve ssan invati thaexcis. ♪ >>welce ba to he e show mittomneis plinghe o baitnd stcho deve atteion ay fro his bn oble. la night, drudge ran a story claiming condoleezza rice is at the top of romney's vp list. she will not broey's pk viceresint. is i jus a snlty the mneyampan a a dirsiory taic. the's lndry lis of oblems with condie from being pro choice to helping start the iraq war. we remember when she sai this about saddam huein. >> the proemeres tha ereill alwseome
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unrtaiy abt ho qcklye ncqui nuclear weapons, but we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud. >> there's no doubt herecor is aess witepubcansut it goo ns f mitt he h pblemith ricaameran vers d win vors. is nsonveentl hps h inoth of those demographics. this afternoon, a spokesman for condoleezza rice said she's not interested in the job as vice president. ahortime ter, romy td fonewse's sndiny h edgeoick aro-le ruin te. oth wor, engh problems in one day. no more, i have to clarify this. it looks like the condie story on j by t medi let' tn to a bern a kell goff, and michael medved.
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you just spoke a few days ago, i unrsta, tmitt rneynd taed t him aut vp candates wh was you spon and h riculo is e vp tkbout rrouing cdi ce? >>on't tnk it's ridiculous at all. she would be a formidable candidate. the kind of candidate any nominee for presidentants t chse. at kd oandite i at? somedy wre y cansay, don'like the pocies i d't ke t eolo, b s's formidable, capable, kaumptitant person. no o would have a moment's hesition if she whe ve pridenal cdida thashe uld prered takover thwhithous >> non e yuyinthat >> i think the bigger story is why she would decide to run in the vp slot with someone she is moreualied tnn aotf ys. lovehen t medurns methg to b sry tha s be arod f aear.
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wtebout thi lt yeand interviewed a consultant who said gender and ethnidiveity ctorto soces. and hasevin mdenho is mneynio adver to mt ari, wou the romney camp -- all right, just be stupid enough to pick somebody with bush baggage? >> no, and let's be rl re, edheampan i goio pi aorinhite man asheir vpecauhey'oingolay it aafe a possle. eyon't wan somne le ndolzza ce. eoesn he enomi experience, she reminds people of the bush administration. romney is going to go with someone like ohio satorob rt otimpaenty >> hs notoingo g wit rob rtmabecae h has bus bagge aswe. rob portman was budget director for jogeorge w. bush and an unlikely cice.
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>> the's somethi tohe bus bagge ishat y're sayg. conleez ricis seone who tnsces at shhas a torove sappve pitiv ring fro all of the polling that haas been done on her. she's one of the most admid women in america. what stuns me ihy it i whe even consvatis,arahpan, idondoezzaice uld be nderl oice >> tt'she ksf dea ght ere. en cservivesre acknledgg th shes serious candidate, i don't understand why people on the left are so eager to dismiss her. >> let me say this, too. i'm going to chaenge sethi thas sd earlr, ndolzza ce, oati a na le tt is n ting to win e bck vote saw wha hpene anaacp speech. it's about helping him win the independt voters because they like things like diversity and inclusion and clusenes the mont,he gops sor of zo for zern repatiol isesn tha fron >>t hur the go wn y ve aar o votg a a war
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on women and then you have someone like condoleezza rice you're turning to to tryo p pel th othos >> i t mst of ts bai ing, isn she pfect versn? >>he's n dirsio thiss a ve, very real possibility. by the way, bobby jindal is, marco rubio , ihink tt t ceaintthatouavehat mi romy is gngo choe a,ote, benhite guygee, i di't tnke wer supposed to gender and race stereotype. >> let me say this, what wre miss sghat e onthinthat cooleea ri wou bri to eicke irmor for romy anthe gopn terf racl gaes. ich 're ingo see pnty thiyearecau wave already seen a ton of them from gop elected officials since president oba was sworn into fice. so i think there somhing to e fa the kw wh
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esidt oba's likilit tinghey can aordo tack ts manersollynd be sn as cist iant to tkbout t fiv interviews mitt romney did today trying to mop up the mess with bain. i'll ask all of you the question i aed uaneune rinsoand miael eele dihelose door >>ecau i wasroadstin my owsh, i didtearhe tervws, t i - heentgain sworn testimony from his times back running at govnor in massachusetts saying he had nothing to do with bain after 1999 but thedocumentation, i meanhe w vyoldoday o pieade whaver u wto ll . dn' giv a grod on is. saiheidn' hav athin to d wh bn aft 1999. >> there waso seb standive response to the fact he was there three years after he sd he was, and not only at, b ere'justhe pblem rney has tteopl donelie wh hessayi,nde has t ofr so sor o sutande spon andeasoer more than two years of dax
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returns. it's not going to satisfy republicans at all. le anehe pple - >> y sairlie , you suggted e conleez ric was attpto stra fm ba. nest, th baithinis azy attempt to distract from president obama's stewardship of the economy. bainapit hasin'een runng theconohe lthree ars. theidn' filut t fing rorts ere'aeriodiscrepancy here. they took it so far as to suggest a felony. >>ots of people inhe demoaticarty thi tse attas aremrrasng >> the prosss barrsing >> bng the chars. ing . >> key, you have the last word on this. this is supposed to be embaassing? a vetting process? the average amecanerso caansw qstio abo tir ple of emoyme, te o
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emoyme, and tes in o sece. at raises a question for voters. >> ari, kelly, and michael, great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. coming up, ngre is outred tt thunit stas ympiteamunorms areeing de i ina. yo w'telie h mh ral laur is selnghese this for. 'll ing u thnumbs ne. [ ale nounr ] ou sayedhem.
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oug thewereead. hu? [ me anunce] houlve ud rodup. it kis weeds to the root, so they don't come back. roundup. norootno wd. nprobm. xt, members of congress have spoken out about ralph lauren's foreign madeuniforms. tonight, the company is reondi. >>and theig fish, repuican connue tlock legiatioto hp thecomy. ll tkithicha wole abouwhetr filuste rerm cod behe solution. harry reid talked about it today. and don't forget to listen to my radio show. mond thrgh fray, noo to 3:00 foll me twiert ehow anlike the e shon fabook
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> i thihelymp coitteshou be hamef themlves i thk th shod be emrrasd. ihinkheyhoul tak all of e ifor, put them in a pile, burn them, and start over again. >> outrage from coness has hit ralph lauren. the desner annncedoday the unormsor t 24inter gamein rusa wl be mad i th uted atesfamica. hower, rfle uren itill mang aot of money off this year's uniforms that are made in china. the men's uniform cost a aggeng $10. th men' unorm iselli for $10. do t mat for t530 athtes d rahauresulli in out mlion dolls, n to mention what they'll make on sales to the public, because people just want them. some of the money willnd u in ecutes'ocke hen
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amera. mewhil a gd chk of e moy wot beoing toelp mile cssorke whoeed it he sugglg economy. bad decision by the olympic committee. interesting how congress responded to it, and the republicans haveeen quiet abouit. askouillittomne everome ean out s finces 5%ay ye 95 s. >>omin up,he republicans voting against jobs and helping the economy. now t top democrats sayhey havead eugh. nd o whyheules cld b channg f replica whewe co bac
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youetill unsu aut ethe replicare holng ba tcono ourpoo try durt the esidt, jt lo ahis vote >> finly tonight, the big finish. there's more pro that the republicans simply do not want the economy to get better uer esidt oba. sete replica bcked vo thawoulhave creed jo and booed sll busisses. th tk pce lat yterd on t sate r. e sllusins jobs and tax relief act. sounds simple, right? it would have offered a 10% tax editor m and p opatio tha addoheir paollsand tre's a p,o ly sllusinseould onl benet. itlsoives deduion o major equipment purchases. 100% write off for 2013. can't beat it. this bill would have aedbout
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a miionobs tohe unid stesonom 63000 tho js wldave en cated fmall sinees aoss america. but senator mitch mcconnell, the republican leader and the rest of the republicans, gnnah,e dot wa to th. th did wha tylway. thfilister. th kild till and bcked theob creaon. hay re tolme on myadio ow tay,e has had enough. >> there's filibustering until we have to change the rules. we can't go on likehis ymor i dot wa to t rif t fibust, bui heo tel u iant to chaehe rul and ke tilibter meangf >> replica moued t hight nuer o filibusters in history in the senate over the last two years. it looks like they'll break that record again before the november ecti. les tu to msnb polical anyst rhardolff grt to heou wh us toght. id wt on to sf back ama ts relecdnd of
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course harry reid is still the majority leader, they're going to do something about this. your thoughts on this. what shod -- suld repuicantake note o thi and llt he a efft t motite eher de t go t the pol inovemr whore tensy? >>'m n sur wha harry reid meant by not ending the filibuster but making it more ph meangful but earl it'ineed of rerm. e be timtoo ishen the otr si this there gng to bin t jori. if mch monne is righ ere' a50/50 chance, the time to do is when both sides think they can be in the majority. there's a daer. uanno cngehe rul ck, t carly this n mocric it'ot workg. it undeininthe stems th fnderould have intended it. nobody wanted a vote of 60 to get through the constitution. yes, this is a tim to it, but e ti isactuly wlehe othe se thk they he a
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ancef scess bausehen you ve ambinntert i doinit. nody wts t be filibustered that much and republicans will have paybk if they take over under these ruled. >> ts was sntanus acti. th reay dn't thi tt the rublins we gngo fibust thi one bausehis wa alamunk to helmall busissesandhiss exaly wh theepublicans love to tell the american people that they are the champions of small business. is was the time to do it, wasn it? >>ououldotomep wit mo favable clectn of rds thouayin mothhood applpie, a sllurry imal itmall sine,t's jo, it's tax cuts. what is the problem here? and the problem is that nothing can work in this situation. everything become a tes of othe bate a bger incil,nd tha priiple i we lt t las eltionnd we ntedo wi it. anyou cnot funio a a democracy like that. not with this system. you want to play lie
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parliamentary rules, you need a parliamentary syst. at'swhau wha weaven th coury. howanymerinsigur out whatilibter is. i ink my donow at i is. an obsucti ihat there putting up with. mitt romney did five interviews today. did he close the dr to the in problem or is this goio contue tdrip >> if y loothe surfe, u y,y,e lked nfidt ande was firmive. youisteto wt he id, it ds n tck whhe cts. oesn track with the signature he put to his own official documents. most people say when i sign a piece of paper, i takin sponbili for methg. tolc nsodayhat he hanorespsibity, teray, tt's at hsaid noespoibily fowhat haened a ba. that just doesn't track with people's life experience. either the paper meant nothing, the papers that he signed to the s.e. sayg tt heas chaian a chi ecuti and erytng el,ithe tse perseantothi or t tervw met nothg.
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th is goo perrman on e fa of , b yon't ha toook har to s there are many unanswered questions, the story is far from over. >> the obama campaign n backg of e whe hoe sanghey ren'satiied witis aners. ey wt me tturn me,ittomne isominff a spoiled rich guy who always had authority and nobody has told him what to do and damn it, this is the tax rurnls and you'reot going to get more. that's the way heame f toda >> iheas doi whaheas doinin tsocumts f the year evejourlist outherill getheir han oth invted docents and ever sine o of the wl b a sryow because of what he has just said in these five interviews. every single one will be a story all e way throu to the coention. th's wt heet u day. neeodayut out his o doment he ndedonswevery qutionnoto a -mine inrvie thatime is ing com becae th camign cant sustain another month of these stories. >> and ifhe reporting earlier is correct about how much money
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he has fseand wha mit romn saitodaabou the perctagefoney he' gotn thunit stes,e clde rth illind tt denite wou makim the richest ndidate in the history of the country. intesting. >> the one thing we donow is he sup wethy. at i yond ubt. h can b ffee noubt. charwofe,reat t haio us. that's "the ed show." >> have a good weekend. >> i wl do that. i'on orders to do at. ll d. hankndhank tou at homeor syingithsor the xt ho. afr teryad wee o t campgn traifter reayot ing le t cchreakt l,ith ts wk i particular just getting worse and worse and worse day by day, today the mitt romney for president campaign did somhing ey have ner deithheir noallyathe inrvie s caidat it w a waloall blaet thtworlitz of
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tervws. goveor rney tkedo c, he talked to s, he talked to nbc, he talked to cnn, h talked to fox news. he tald t-well , tual, mi romyidot lk to nbc,utnive hasty caldinteiews wit eryby bu msnbitt romney repeated without variation the same thing or and over and over and over and over again toda he lt bn capal i 99. lef t r t olymcs. and yboditdizingimor at bn did aft99houl apologize. mr. romney said specifically that president obama should apologize because he, mitt romney, was gone from bain by 19. >> i febary of 99, i lt bain catal. >> h n invveme whhe nagent oain cital aer bruary of 1999. >> i had no role whatsoever in the management of bain capital after february of 1999 iado rol
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