tv Hardball Weekend MSNBC July 14, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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who look like disney characters. take ron paul. does he remind you of anyone? how out aude froth nchbk of not dam muchore ere at ce fr onhe sesho we bin wh mi romy's cordt ba. new details of romney at bane, and various newrganatio repoed aordi tohe testony at h ge tohe masshuses coissi in 02 roey ctinuotten boa meetgs f busesse acquired by bain, including staples. this comes from nbc' dav rn inshinon. nowhs th portt? wellit weginng i1999 at ba invtedeavi in compy that is were pioneers of outsourcing according to "the washingtonost." there's evidence that romney's standing has taken ait cent. ta a lk a t lest rea
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earolits of lls. obamhas a 5 leaveromne no andoday theomneampan hastily arranged interviews with all the late networks. late this afternoon romney talked t msnbs per exa alexder. >> t predent camign s be, i ink, ouageo i maakinthe nds chaes th hav thettacre beneath the presidency. >> i want to clarify this. after february 1999 you never attended a single meeting a baineven ausins mting thery phe atba? >> y hav aeduiteew questions there. i did not he anything to do with bain enterise aft19. don' recl aingle mting or sgle parcipaon in instme decionyba or persnel cisi. >>ick,our campaign, newt
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gingrich brought this up in primary season and he was criticized. girich was, mbe romy w beer sved his s litited therimaes a t th genal eltion >> ihinkhat'probly righ it wot flylitigated. in fact, it was not fully understand. i give the romney campaign credit. they won the argument and basically said by attacking mt mneye ar aacki fre enrpri. th wasertaly nevrue but at w in t dinan rrate th wonhey, b thers stl the sa qutionhat are outthere. obviously, this -- these questions have taken romney off this message, js and obams onom bara oba's sryse ar stk at8.. thers a triion dolr deb an jus tode wer -- the hss was talking abouthisith billclinn. dav cornyou veeen l er ts sty. plaito somne who h bee
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yingalfttenon t signican o1999 versus 2002. >> in some ways it is a phony distinction, and in other ws ist. ter 19 romyad se outsrcinto jso rney was saying he was not involved in those decisions. even though he still owned the mpany, evethou he nefidrom e comny a puthe mpan on eth, 's ting toepareimse om tse pticur als. atage. we bkrupicie in that's why he's trying to make february 1999 this bright line. i had a story out just yesterday, michael, that had bainn 8 whe romy was t headf it iesti in a ines mufacring comny at w makgoneyff.s. coanieoutsrcin js to them. so even prior to this '99 bright line, there are lots of problems
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at in and lotsfrobls withis oersol fance withffshempans. 'surni int a bigessnd i thk th's w we e n ing seeuchn terf xetur becse ian tl u this. i'm getting stuff in all over, tips here and there, there's a wealth, pun intended, a wealth matial kee loongt erms o baineals and roey'sersol fancend therare queionsheth he didn telthe wle tthn mae th dclose for h ha filled out. >> gentlemen, on cbs this morning president obama said a tax on romney's record at bai we entely propate. re'shat sain rt. o nothinkt a it disqualifies him, but also think if that'sis main calling card, if his basicremis i'mr.ix itn th ecomy causi ma a lotf ney. i thk its enrely apoprie to loo at tt cordndee whetr, in ct,
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his focas created jobs. and he successfully did that when you look at the record, ere e qution the is >>o you thi ts is all posion sear ornted thatt's comgrom icag thathe oba cpaig h bee sittg on these things for quite some time. asked in a different manner, had your candidate newt gingri continued wn the pate was heed itheimar ttou o, wou he gten here >> wost tumen abo ee enrpri, bhese thin wer known back in january 15th. i went on the sunday shows and talked about the sec filings and the innsisncie en it see a l tdobout thin en. is m see toe a l to out noing,ute'llalk pureolitshere at t psides suessfly dngs heoes not want to talk about his cord. he doesn't have a record to run on. so they are going with this thing wi baithat has the
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dia'atteion d ty a goinwith th. th proem wh tmedi roeys cing o a 00 toght ddreth. i hope does to put this behind him. ultimately the voters will have to decide whether this is a lot to do abo notng owhetr iteans sothin but thin if mit romy gs th behd hi he mtion ck tthepresent' dmal cord othe ecomy. >> miael, canell you -- the reality is as you're pointing out, the president got a terrible jobseport recently and we have not spent the last ten days focusedn th. the nartiveas bn dveny thbainise. lete sw dav cor someing. stery omne camign advir ga thi expnati to polico f wtis boss' role at bain was between 1999 and 2002. quote, romney was on the sec filings becaushe w still tenicay twnerutasn' ansfredwnerip tother paners he w thnicly t owner.
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one of those yesterday explained the contradiction between what the romney camp isaying and what the reportingy a number of tletsascoved. heret is he glo and oer repting is n sayg he s in t bodrooon dly bas at bainalli the shs, but ceainl thahis records show that he was in charge. he had legal responsibility. he was the man with oversight responsibity f thempan how n yo reti fm a coany in 99 bhenrein asresint,eo a chrman so ihink thas onef th direpaies areeporting and that's really the crux of our story and t romney people as they did and ask for a correction, they areot getng on becsehey e n shong y o oeporng w accute. davi is a expnatiere ehal o gerno romy at hhad tgo sve a cris, at iwas unexpected, unfoseen he would have to go invest himself, probably a bad word choice, but get active in the olyicwhen the wer in distss. d theforsomedetasike
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this bame secoary. >>ell, youknow has t tionfying i part,t wahaot and it took us two, three years to start things out. but that's not what he's saying. he's saying that he had nothing too wh -- i wheirsto repoha h sned doment he die th. his me w not jus ther b he sigd dument enled $75 miloneal tgo through. this is months after he supposedly left the compan he did declared onis financial sclosure form il ha a ory thi in an hou oro d puthe lk ony twier fe, bu higne fanci discsuretatent sayg tt ino way,ot inny way was he involved in bain operations after february 1999. but there are these examples again and again of himigning recos. nothat bng volv. i'not sing 's rning thin d to y as "tosto gle" gid, be wa inlved the g thg agn ise'sot gog toe able to put this behind him. any story yesrday about his
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chinese deal, investingn a chinese mpany that befiti fro u.s urci, ey are goi t be ls o dealthat are gngo be inveigat. mi, th is tominfrom chago. i goed that story from somebody interested in looki at sec filings abt mitt romney and developed it mylf. the oba cpaigertaly wantto g ts, butou can ep 1 reptersusyrom now unt eleionayust ing eritt romney's financial records and bain deals. and i think rick is right and newt gingrich was rig back then. there's a tremendo liality fotheepubcanarty he th wasever fly elore ba whe thead a chce. tha youick tyle thk yo dav rn. coming up, condoleezza rice for vice president? there's a lot of buzz that romney is considering rice, but the romney campaign just looking to change the subject away from bain? at'shead thiss "hdbal" thplacfor liti. [ le nouner whas iyoueney drk?
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>>welce ba to ardbl." thdrud rept haan ebrow isinheadne lt nit. thconsvati webte kwn toave close ties to the romney campaign reported that a surprise vp choice emerged as a front-runner. former secretary of state coolee ric a w wes ag ricdelired a roing eecht a therg bigoneyonorthatas greed enusiaical by peop in e auence she carries a truckload of political risks. most significant is her time in the bush white house and some of her viewon sial sueshat dot ji witthe nsertive basef threpuicanarty r exple,he'sro cice. the ct tt it comg ou noand om ddge s lemany wonr wh's gng ohere
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extly. malika henderson is a political reporter frothe wasngto st. bertstasolital repoer f natnal reew. mali, lemetartith u. ishis diversion to take attention away from bain where that issue appears to have gathered traction in the last couple of weeks? >> it's certainly turned out to be. we're talking abt th sto thathe rney mpai dre ts osuspion om fks re iwashgtonnd eptism. so i oy sees is w divt atttionrom wha eryo haseenalkibout is week, bain revelations, mitt romney's tax returns. so it cerinly has worked out that w, to i thk anher int be de is he waa we whe mit mneyent forehe niona sociion coled pple anwas oed d inome ys it notecesrily incintalhat ys ler, comes out with a story or his campaign comes out with a story ere it see to thathey arvettg ve higprofe afcan-eric andn so
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wa senng t sigl th the reblic par is incsive e. which is a message they certainly need to send to independent voters. >> rober conservate blogger, er erison s quk to daen t spelati whehe wre, ion'tnow o is ttinthe ack ck tight in t rum milbut ndolza ce iprortion. she worked for george bush for eight years. could conservatives look past the social positions that she has, most notably on the choice issue, because they'd be rill to ve aegitate necon arinthaticke firs thi eri isrit, yondhe dgrefences everingl rneyourc've spoken with today has thrown cold water on top of this rumor. they say romney is running his ep search like a consultg prect. 's miculs, t pawnty, ul rn a aart othe nal st. ndi bei floed bthos o we to e ut retat, opleho fnd h speech to be fantastic and they're buzzing
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to reporters. inside of that boston high command, i don't think condi is short lister. t's y shwas outde pickike u sa. i ink cialonseativ woulhaveome ncer the mamake sti at e use stirn thflooy uld but i think the frustration toward the president is so strong thaeven though romney promised he would pick a pro life candidate for vp. he cks meonmild pro chce ariceescres hersf, ihinkhe aer wardthe esidt wod still ge sial conservatives t to the polls in noveer. >> lika, fnd a suortelast nht ofox. rah lin ys s lik the id. i tnk tt coolee ric wod be wonrfulice esidt ancertnly s mo experice tn our sitting president does today. i would certainly prefer presidenti andice esidtialandite w had th resct f allnnoct, priouspurpefulumanife
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d shed tt reect a being a pro-life candidate. we need to remember, though, that it's not the vice president that would legislate abortn and that wld bcongss's role anwe'lkeephat min >> n-mala, ts wod be inrpred ashrowg thlong ba, dot yothin thisoulde li a pin pk in the 2012 cycle. if anything, i've been anticipating that mitt romney will do something very conservati, not politically consvati, buvery consvati in rms the seleion. >> tt's ght. a fe cice. nothg ceainlto oraci the angecal se, ich sompornt itermof ergy. i talked to some top evangelicals today and they were taing about this idea that it could be cdolea rice, >> a-maka, ank u. >> coming up next, many who look like disney characters.
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> ba to ardbl." now r th"sidhow." first off, there was no shortage of outrage last week when the reblican governor maine blted esidtama' hlth re pn sang, "you musuy heal insancerayhe new geapo, the irs." that's right hitler's secret police during the holocat. he later apologized but talking pauhineyestday, he iveld fr bking off his mmen tooublg do. >>hat m trng tsay th theolocst w a horric cme ainstumany and, frankly, i would ver want to see that repeated. maybe e irs is not quite as bad yet. >>o yore sing e iris
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adedn thdireion the gesto? doou he a nse whathe stapactuly d durg worlwar ? >> yeah, they killed a l of people. >> the irs is heading in the direion,he decti of llina lotf pele? yea >>re y serus? yesveryerio. jusas ireduus athat rao ho, nourpre thduo caus morupro andhe gornorssuea neapoly for his "insensitivity to the word gestapo." sensivitwoul sea le one ck on undetatent n'tou thk? next jt asoon as the wordcameutfick ntor's wds i mar rerdin mt romney and healt care reform, we knew it would bite him down the line. >> why would wput meone off o isniquy, pk anothe reblic in e cotry,e is e wot reblic in e cotry putp agnst rack obam sanrum s inowis we and loc repter ked him about the whole worst
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republican argument. and here's what he said. just because i said he wld b e wot peon tsqua up ainsbara oba in ecti doe't mn th he uldn be r beer tn bara oba if waslect. the's headcrater f you. wh a w to t the stage for santorum's first campaign event for mitt romney scheduled in pennsylvania this weekend. > an tm romy may b fltinghe ne condn the archor avput iwas othememb of e bu 43 te thahad romney's back last night. dick cheney hosted a fundraiser for the candidate in his home state of wyoming. in addition to the contingt of donors, there were prosters on the scene. acrdinto t l.atime one man arina dah var ma held sigwithn arw poinng tthe rectn of chey'sousehat id dner onhe tanic. another protester sign said, 1% towards the golf complex and % towa therand tonatiol pa. y picres cmemote t
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evt? , t eve wasloseto the prs anneossie reason is cheney left office with a 13% approval rating. a snapshot of the duo might no be the best selling point. nall evewatcd a assidisn mov andaid, hey at cract remds mof soone? ll, e fol a t huingt posdidome tch-s. t's ok a se highlights, all personaliti aside. barney frank, look for his look alike, think goofy but loyal coanion, how about mr. smee from peter pan. all e coressn nes is thatat a it'a do dea > th the'sarah pan. hav snhisnapst befo. he disy t transitions from ladylike to the wild ways of her husband. jane porter from tarzan. they both wtgue. nextt's crlierank, demoat fm neyork the ght hisife. give it up for cogswoh fr
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"beauty and theeast last, ropaulhis sney doppgang is ythi but fun-ving he hd inhe crch ll ter afr beg ca witraisg him. it'slaudfrol frothe huncack not dam that one takes the cake. that's "hardball" for now. coming up next, "your business" with.j. ramber [ female announcer ] the power of green coffee extract is now in our new starbucks refreshers™ -- a brethrough inatul engy. madwitrealruit starcks fresrs™ are licis localoe drks youan fl go abo. ♪ rethink how you re-energize. ♪ gea bot ofatur eney th aew stbuckrefrhers™, inthreways natal ergy om een ffeextra,
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hi there, everne. i'j. mber andelco to our bines whe we ge yo tip anddvic t hel you bunessrow. fe mths a wamecros a sll bridal design company right here in new york. it was an interesting company with what i thought were really fabulous designs, but something theusins si smed bessin and ound outhathe compy wain oubl th's w we dided ttepn d ge t oers a "your business" makeover. ♪ >>hen broerstevend grory staed therida deess coany, fcy n yor in2008 ty coun't belve e initial
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