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tv   Your Business  MSNBC  July 14, 2012 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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while they appeared sneaker, the braldito tknoti. >>all, elant,oman wked ght er tus lov thaou heleev and coars. ll mthe sty. thas wh i kw the was someing out is bines that's going to work. >> fancy new york was doing something different. nowhere in the collection would you find the coonpleong stplesdresthats mo bres we weing. throok winta inired mforble, pmari tea-ngthdress. the moof our brand was to have a nostalgic approach dressing on your wedding day. >> t busess was areamome trueor t two brhers th ld of dinghe cessn, sven hdledhe sine endhilerego did the desiing. buancy n yor turd out t a roller coaster of highs and lows. highs including emotional thanks from happy bride and a fture mara stert ddin the lo,rett mhverying
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el. >> alwsave wat at my thro forheymen. constantly worried about who is the next person to call me up and say sethi i d or a chk boced. thoh thr desns hav stck achor tiralesave not enobus enoho staithe busessray themlves asala. throths he gen themselveses a six-month deadline to turn things around. if they can't, they'll have to shut down the busine. >>regoill losis retimentfund it go. iille inebor t nt year >>'moing to erythg in my power to make sure we don't get there. >> hi, i'm general. >> jen, i'm grery. ank u f dnghisoast mite. timor a "yr busiss" keov. inrdero gea see othe fancy perice i wen dercer as a bride. under the guys of doing a story about last-minute weddings our
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cameras were there to capture the appotmen i'mot gtingmarrd. and m n en enged. i'm j. raerg d wkith "yr sine" o nbc. ande arere to give you company a makeover. >> to begin the overall of fancy new york, we assembled rese te. ♪ >> w fir broht i bines pracceikemakalowitz, who without them knowing it, has been pouring through their siness for weeks. mike highlhted few area fit t opatio. en tompa srtedn 20 stepn's fe g a j in rkey whenis filyade the international mood, ty decided to hand tell manufacturing there. >> i would have loved to open a shop where i could have hired o seatress a don all of e proctiohere in n york d itasust cos ohibive. >> sit w prlem-ee, u de t dsses and n
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lems >> iish. >> tt's y you did it? >> when you have to ship anything anywhere in the world, you open yourself to a whole game of issues that can happ. >>nd wh th manactung happingovseas sphen spensix mons of t yean tuey wle ggory wor alo n yo. an shpi ctoms headaches and time differences, the distance is a rl issue. >> i'v seen a lot of business, i callt bac elinlogi a lot of desionin sllusinses d biusinses are mad upo thestuatns. th all theogicomesn why they makenseo do it d all the arguments. often a decision backfills the logic because it was a mistake. >> mike then de into their sales stragy. ey crent wk wh 20 tails aoss e cotry, t indditn to tirwn op,hich the man tmsels in n yo, on fou stos are llin tir drees i siifict numbers. >> what we need to do is look at what in your business is working. patterns of success you pursue there's no latide. ery 90 dsour bunessou
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ne to sitownnday wt's woing d wh's n woing. atev is t woing, y ha to quily apossle t riof tt. whevers workg,ou he to as quickly as possible expand on it. >> mike got the meeting with a couple final thoughts. >> we have a lot of fixes coming your way. e gdews ist is aut ing ss. lesshat youe curntly dng d yohaveo he theoura totopdoin 'll owou wha to foc i on t fewhingndour busiss wl tu,prise. >> next we brought in braing expert denise, owner of s3 commicatns. ile e brhersere outf townhe wee bere, dene a sckn to hd a foc grp. >>hat you tnk o tame y as it relates to these dresses? >> i didn't know it was a bridal. i didn't know it was related to ides >> tn wh ient onli,t wakindfard for m t fd itecau the's sany ingsalle fay. >>hat w leaed aut h briderceed t fan bnd was e opening.
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and she shared it with gregory and stephen. >> basically the nameancy onicly itoolain or gericrmieadior the allyfoard-inki dre thatsou he he. soeame o a f dfere meidea on was hou of nato. and one was nato new york the rst e iolvethe scpt look a youok? >> wow. th's rlly grea >> s t sondptio i ver funky, retro-inspired. and this has a vy strong leerinthatou - t w uld veot of fith loing the winws tough ur dfere drees and thgs. ry ffert. it . it goes to a completely different direction. it's really bold and it's actually kind of fanttic. >> diselso songl recoendegettg th broers t un th vualpinbrd
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sitepieres >> pinterest is extremely addictive. women love it. men are starting to love it. >> she offered to have someone on her teamet them set up s idesould sta pningheir ique dssesn the boar. thnext psonn o maover te is desnerith h own ccesul ne. wn'tong ago tt ayisha sayad was in the same spot as the brothers to pve tha ingsan b mad ecomicay inew rk. >> s hewo drses. is o is of yos, a fancdresneadtuey. >> a ts onesade rig heren n yabout ten blocks from here. i see the face -- >> sohat d ythk? i wld n be abl tll. >> can i ao tlou sothin is one i $46ess tn wh u we pin for tha dre cong fmurke >>46 less? >> no shipping, no headache, no
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e-mail, nothing. >> how many? >> what do you me? >> y can g 10 ma,0 made 'll rk yo >>t thendf th da egorand ephe had lot t nsid. a wameo consider, and photos to get for pinterest. >> and the fourth thing, you ve t hav more fe ti. th mes,sthen,t's tim toove ba. >> tt's ur howork you ed thinkboutll that we'lmeetgain a wan to henswe to l of these things. we have one more surprise tonight. in the mewhile, go home, take a little rt and lkour bt r wn weeet ain. so d sphenndrego lien t ? will the chae t cpany name and lltephoveo n york to fdut those answers as well as what we have in store for them, make sure you hang around for the second part of our makeer coming up. > li it or t, fabook new timeneorma i almt
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he. arch0he n plaorm wille roed out acrs th supe popar sial media site. the changes to the overall lk and feel of the site are significant and will impact how brands talk toustors and levege coent. wha doe tsean f you smalbusiss faceokage? jasokeitis tound a ce of socl med edution coany cialreshnd hs here to give us a primer on the changes and how to customize your page in advance of the launch. great see you. >>hank you for havg. >>he lt thi youant to iso oto fabook oarch thnd s, wh hapned my ge? >> hav no id, leour bsitwentdo. >> extly. th is eat. everyone should know, it is not that hard to change, at least to do lite changes. >> it is going to look different right away butherereasy eps tak t gou rig whe yoneed t be >> ay. ve ge tookt theeopl who ve chaed the sit a otos i me, tre'she b pho acro theop no >> it's a bigchange. it's much more close to a real website now. and the biggest change that most
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people are going to notice right away is the he phoheull wihf th page someusinses y haroub findg an ige tha lge to lo reay ce. andi elent othe fabook pa. >>hat e yo doing between now and march 30th to find something and don't have a designer to do it for you? >> if you don't have a designer, the bgestwoips o use a smarhoneith nic mera thhoto fm th phos ar per gh quity. take pto oustors a oduc andtaffnd try to find the personality of your business and use that as an image. another thing yocan do is go to or tockoto. youan snd moy, $ 5 to$1, youanind highuali ima tose ther >>f you donut somhingn right away, will it be blank? >> it will be blank. you can use photo that is exist on your page. mostf tm wl be urry s toarou wit it. loinoupl ds bor t itchappe and tt io fi somhinghat rks. >> oy,grea anyou n us phos
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rougut t sitas wl, ght? >> if facebook wants you to remember one thing about the change, use more photos. those the most reshared piece of coent on faceok and itte acro the web. pele retuick becse ey a easto conse. a w-guty fact, ty ps themn ickl faceokantsou t get mor reacon ahey nt y to use more photos and they are showing them much more larger in a much more beautiful page with images all ovethe place and a buncof te. >>t's fun for the bnd causit alls y to ll yourtorynd me thrgh t phos. d noyou ve alaceor urhiory. ll uabouat. >>ouenti tlingour stor it'seall excing faceok is giving small businesses a place to tell their story very easily so they don't have to build a website themselves. so the tilineow h its ne caus it h deinks othe de a youan a whahey ll amileone. t a pho wh i t setch fullidthf thpage you n sa we weroundn thisdate. ford has an example where they have the first model-t rolling off the line. important momts iyour
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buness hiory. oldpice madp ments wn thnfluced e by boom haveun wh it andeall tl an intesti stoo kp peop on ur pemore >> tt's ce bausee ar all trying to tell our story. frankly for people who don't know it yet, this is a nice way to start tnking about it to try totart oanizg yourlf. ay, ssag. t a my mesges? >> msages a newutur the areolli out ailab in the app thaeoplhoul lkt d it allows you to message fans just like instant message. complats off the wall of t pa and geouoreontr er wthowspn th pe andake tseomplnts int ivatconvsatis, wch i whe th belo. >>ot it. okayforhe min stion what's different? >> not everything shows up to on your facebook page anymore so you have more control. not all of youan pe messes a notllhe f meagesill on ewa. inr to mageth, the's e tivi g. log ere, looherend
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edit things and delete them. you can feature them and have all kinds of control. you can sort through stuff. it really makes a lot of sense at wt is gng toe aittl colicad fo peop. g inour admi g to t tivi logndt wil ge yocontl ofhat shopn yo te ne thiisgrt. thank you so much for this primer. everyone go toacebook right now and check this out. get ready for mch 3h. thk yofor ch, jaso >>oprlem. > soalediaan be aasy and me conmingay t mket ur buness he are fe poparwebase serves thelp you levage the power of social media while keeping the time commitment in check courtesy of onetore mketiilea out oblogommessing disq. thcommts plaorm let urs commtsing theavore soal mia netwks. two,uffe is a great way to schedule your social media activity. you can add, ptweetto hav th the aomatally
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strited rougut t day. the, postng let you scduleouroste in advance. it will pool all your comments into one place. four, diafdias fre busiss tl to let youanag your ges,chede connt a tracmesses arom one dashard. d nuer ve, mitor wt' being said about you online using sprout social. the site will also track your social media efforts. so did steen aregoake r keov adce? ick ound awe brinne ofhe bgest nam i fhion prose hhisrida dre compy cachan itsays. as cf were aayscoitteto o supi.
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you owfome, it's really rage,about building this extraordinary community. american express is passionate abouthe same tng. th' onef the paners th i wld ro whetr i's ndin w cuomer , a w lotionfor nexrestrant en and the community reamazing things happen. to me, that's the membership effect. as we saw earlier in the show stephen and greg nato, th owne of bdal desn cpany fancnew rk ndome lp. whene lt tir offes tha fit y, we lefhem wit a t tohinkabt. a nme, nanufturi sttegynearkeng ideas, but we also had oneore big surprise for them. take ok. ♪ hiouguys >> hey.
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>> y botook grea >> tnk you,ou do to >> tnk y vermuch soou gsalke aut how you go a lot of events but you are always on the outside. tonight you are about to be on the inside. when gregory and stephen staed eir bril bines fr yea o, tyad few ctact sidehe fhionndusy t helpuidethem. didedo cngellf tha byskingop dignenanette who manufactures all her clothing in new york city's garment district to beheir ntor ephe andgregy, wan t inoducyou nett ws ryolvenur gment distct. nic toeet yo >> amazing. >> the next day gregory and stephen got down to brass tax starting the morning off with a tour of nanee's n yor adqutersnd stingown r a onon-o coersaon. youave getn tchith the rninsignhat gof , y s something that looks like a potential mistake and you bury it in the back of your mind and it comes back.
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you are like, oh, my go i h thatix sse abo at. fter gtingmu-need enuragent d vice the le witarodexf n exacts and oimistic about the future. >> you're going to do a great business manufacturing here in new york city. i knowit. the facitie are re, y'll ve mecontl. yoll beo hpynd eryon wi s thearmeente ittlg an rdy and able t lp y. >> oh,e aroing to contact them next. >> good. >> thank you. >> theext stop was the much anticipated meeting wh ayesha sad a h mufacring coact,king >> iroug se buys toeet you. hi, neo meeu. nictheeet yoephe >> thiishere the best selling linda dress was made in the garment district for $46 less than it was made at the faory tuey. e brhersroug two mor essefor her to lk, evuatend pce for mafacting nework. w als do sff lethis
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>>ok. >>heroths tn rusd bk to their office to meet jamie hamel, a social media expert from denise's s3 ency heave emoints on how to use pieres tpreaheir iquerand thrgh t pow ctur >>'m gng thow y pinterest, the new hot network. netwk alo is bger tn yoube,hichs amazg. theast op w mting withe on lt teoalk throh thr mewo asgnme andetom awers tohe big picture questn the team asked them earli in the week. first, the name. denise suggested they chae fr fcy neworko na n yo or use of na. >>e deced n t cnge the name we flery songl tt gls don't shop by brand name, our name would have been relevant to put into the logo itse.
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hower, is noo say tte ouldt twk thme, so it ll bhangg fm fcy new yorkoancy idal >> tugh the nam didt cnge mu, evythi elsdi >>o wroke it down to who are the best selling store and out of the 22 stores,here are ve othemhat dhe bestwork thao the bes sine, th weayo atteion . antheyreoingo bur focu >>nd mafacting,ow d i go? amazing. really, really amazing. so the sample we saw the other day, we brought two additional sales t thenufaurer and imdiaty ritff t b she'ke,hmhat'funn y ar ty dogt thiay in i they stcht undneat it wl rl better. so i was always looking for someone to impart a little bit of their knowledge. and we are so eited aut workg he and jt bei abl r up and gopn and sa he how i it gng? andhe big qstioabou
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stepn mong back to the u.s. from turkey? >> we are making some plans. that october date that i have been talng abo as ocuff poinwill probly b t dat iove ck. wheheyew faory,ew rate, an newontas suenlyhe october deadline didn't feel as overwhelming as before you guys, good luck on evythi thayou' doi and i'goin to be bk hern ocber. tobeyou' goi to sll b arou. >>es, e, ieed. gregory and stephen have a lot to do over the next few months and we are going to check backithhem oobero see w thisre goin in t meanme, kesere withsno wehoul als mtionhate's theuthoof the upcongook "the ppkin plan." and colleen is here from mike, ank u fll you he wit th. >> y're welce.
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aittlitf fra camout myouth wn iaw mel ar aess. i h none ttince coege. >> i so ad y're t wearing it today. thank you. >> you looked great. >> the bill lowow pad of diustiness >> nhenou g int a compy liis,he proems e nothatg. theyre b inerms tha ty needo be chaed and wilmake big changes for your business, but having you come in and denise a ayesha, they were clr fm th ouider persctivit w car y ne to this so ihink theesson pt is, erepreurseed tak st bacand se as you said, what's working? what's not working? really analyzeit. >> almost take a scientific approach. i think that's what you're sang. ese cllensreot insuountle, d if yreak itown d com u wh a analicalayf dlingith em, at c wo. >> the's areatnalo out the, you take off in an airplane from california to new
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york and you are off by one degree, you are ending up in nada theongeyou connue o cour, ev all, you getar fromour deinatn. th doeedo makmall corrtionto g bacther but ey nd t mehem soerathethan late >>he werearpi o is four out of 20 retailers were working for them. yet they were spending all this time on the other retailers. so is harut yust t to t theustorsut. youdo. n ilugy ok? i' eve askgyo'm gng . in"tumpk plan" i tal about a pumpkin vine. if you want to grow a pumpkin, it's the rotting diseased pumpkins you have to get rid of to allow theutritso goo theig pumin. t riof tisead vee. befe y do, ahe why thin areot wkingt. so of wnou he happ custers,ometes ty ar a great source of information. find out what they are not liking so thatan help fix the problem. >> and contacts were so impoant re. ey we manactung i tuey ipart becse onef themoved theut ty codn'to it
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theyouldt fi w to it ct eicielynew yk city whenentroced the to people, suddenly we found it is cost efficient and gets riz rid of all the headaches. and at w jus aut mting pele andneorki. inedibimpoant. >> setim i tnk bines nersave eir ad dnn theusinshat ty d't steputnd dthe tworng at ty suld doing and are not thiing the big cture. they are just so focused on getting through the day. this is reatxamp of how onceou sp outou c jus se it me clrly,ou know >> ty're makg a miste i see er binesownemake whent isot ing,hey t fix it. there's a reason, get rid of it, find a new course. >> i want to throw one thing out to the audience, which is e name. we had dene ce ind try to suest new ne an to suggt aewogo and the gu dece too fmancy n yorko fancy bridal. the suggestion from denise was nato new york or house of nato.
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i wod like youoeigh ind eet oro t our faceok ge a lets knohat you ink. knowou hpinis on th. >> i tnkt's a tribl name. i can't say it any other way. and for the same reason that is the focusroup ntioned, on if yo to seah onne, l sortof fan ltingi'm se wi com up pbablone of em aheridasan. d itoesn saynythg abouthesdress. fay is not a word i would use to describe them. maybe nostalgic or vintage or jack o. >> you think the ne is ok. >> thi it oka - thas a lie. >> is tr. ey auys shey donee athe csumesees i' the kin ofadname iletaper entrepreneur is the worst name you can ever come up with, but it's memorable. so i think their job nows if eyovehatame d bieve it in, ty hao te the storto tirmmuny. rig, me i mea somhing th. >>wn i
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if y're ing to kee, own it >>s wasoh futo d and we will again, as i said, check in with them in october. i can't wait to s it. ime wo aner se of yourusins qution mikend colenre wh u on agn. thfirsonesn e-ml fm ron wh writ, i ve aou unue binesideahat i would like to collaborate with existing businesses who might be interested in becoming a supplier or a wholesaler. howould youobout choing e venrs t rticate? gue one of e tngs she s toos geopl tereed iwhaterer ide is >> s mtion uque sine ea, wonderf she's tested it out for any business owner or potential business ner, wou recmend real, foreou snd lot of me, ener andoney jumng int th, te ohis uque bunessdea. itay neometng tt fls. yomayhink is grt but have a focus group, see if it's going to work before you invest a lot in this. >> then when she does t to find these rtne, h doe
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she fou a tm? >>ou he totartsmal yoo b venrsnd say i wa t colbora wityou d wt to help the wil y, whare you? but the smaller companies are willing to take a ri. the smaller vendors looking to take a risk, propose my iand be wling t chae irom llabatioto me oa tritiol vdor retionip. i tnk s wan t wor ques estin busesse a th's areat ia to partner up with an existing business that already has the relationships with the vendors and suppliers, partner up, g yo ownrack recd ahen on you hehataybehose veors d bers ll wk th u. gre adce,hankou, ys, r evythi tod. d ifny oou o the hav auestn four experts, all you have to do is go to our website. the address is openrum.m/yobusiss. ere t thask e sh lin to subt a queion for o nel. agn, t webte i openrum.m/yobusiss. if u'dther e-ml u youruestnsr cmento
5:56 am do you have a new idea o inittivehat eds vetng but u dot ha theime wa weer mths f answs? th che outurebsi of the week tcheit.c getyou dectl tou wit you target market through online chats. after specifying the kind of consumer you're looking for, gutcheckonnes youith alifd pele f one--one chroominteiews if y wan feeack a n lo,o t gutcheck's chat engine. each 30-minute interview will cost you $40. to learn morebout tod's showclicon o webse. openrum.m/yobusiss. u'llind l ofoday segmts ps b-exusiv contt wi morinfoatioto he you busess ow. you can also follow us on twitter, @msnbcyourbiz. and don't forget to bome f thehow cebo. we le t g your feedck.
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xt week you may tnk tre's no roo f tmallusins enepreur i the wld o caetevisi, bu y'd be wron >> i can't own a great big company, all right, but i have the same entrepreneuri spirit. i kno, conol it. mee onef thundrs o all sinewner who o and opeteall-ale blev systs. anhearow ty fnd a w to survive in the world of the giant corporations. until then, i'm j.j. ramberg. and remember, we make your business our busins. theyave names ke idle ti bos ansmasrecos and sma busess turd ey rind nati of t benits shpingmall onust e da 100illi ofus jned mo.
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and main street found its mighagain. and main street found its fight again. anwe, e lols, und deght ain. th'the wer allf us and main street found its fight again. >> aftwo ver badeeks o the camign trl, aer not beinable to cch areak at al wit tseek i paiculettiorse and woe dayy day, today the mitt romney for president campaign did something they have never done with their normally rather interview shy candate. was a wl twalllank thnetwks blif inteiewshe tked toab h lkedo cbealke t nbc, he talked to cnn, fox news, talked to -- no, mitt romney did not lk t msnb buin fiv hasly cled
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inteiewsith evebodyut msnb mit romy repted thou vartionhe sam thing over and over and over and over again toy. he left bain capital in 1999 and left to run thelymps an anyo cticing h f wt in d afthathoul apolize. he sd speficayresint obama should alogize because he, mitt romney was gone from in i 99. in febaryf 19, lef bain capil. nonvolmentith t manamentf ba capalfter febrry o 1999. >> i had no role whatsoever in the management of bain capital after february of 1999. had doole whaoevein th manemen o baiapit afr fruar o 99. renquied manemen authity d ro in in capita after february of 1999. the truth is i left


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