tv Weekends With Alex Witt MSNBC July 14, 2012 7:00am-8:00am EDT
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ortlbefo iervi hit t air ves. >> ultatel mmmys gng to he t ansr those questions because if he aspires to be president, one of the things you learn, you're ultimaly responsle f the couct youoperions >> aohisorninis week adess, predent oma allin conesso ps the mide cla tax c extension for families making less than $250,000 a year. >> under my plan, 98% of ameran famies won see eir come tes gpt all. thealtest fmerins wi go bk to inceax res th werayinundeill into ifou remeer thawashen r ecomy created neay 23 million new jobs, the biggest budget surplus in history and miionaes weoing ptty wello bo. >> joinge no conessial rerterorhe "waingt po," e'kee a wte use crespdentmy parnz.
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good morning. >> good morning. >> amy, i'll begin with you. as you know, mr. romney, he rarely sits down for tseind intview but did fe i a w t tk aut this bai contvers how pdent ithis for m? >>t's prey unprecedented actually. i've heard grum bling from my friends at the romne campaign coveng h cplainge don't muc of the an they want tsee mor of them keheldolital aag wh y havoxplaou'r losi, he felt like he h to explain. that's what the obama campaign wants him to do, they want to take himff mesge a anhing tt ty c d t evenhim omalki abo e do onom thelleep ing. >> aot omedi sategts suggt heo that, get right at this, ed. do you tnk this is going to help put the issue at rest orphan t flas eve re? >>ore an likyoing t f
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e fmes for tweend, mae in ely nex ek. u cbine t a tthe ama campaign has running now with five televisi interviews where he essentially had to defend himself. then attempt to pivot back to obams hdlin of e ecomy, ye i thi i wl on pride litt mor aatntio escial becse t interviews were given on the network news casts, versus ads onlyeen a f tusan i e stes. th ampfiedhe suati mo thaampe itdo. >> sakin of ing ates present ama is ihewing ate virginia today and thinks governor romney will have to answer the questions about bain. does all of this bkeringack d forth ov ba,oes i feed ptisan bot des? it es. lik e id, it'not gng ayny te so. they are going to keep pressing for him to release his tax
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returns. they think bain -- pushing on bainsoing som -- pusng the numrs to hel tm s ty argointo kee doith. u sahat toy, the jt reased ather anin swinates bically pushing him again on bain and outsourcing. you're going to continue seeing that it's goingo be a pronent stylin >>hat out e last pl showg thpresent lding by fi pois rht no wo ttate i 200 by si how es vgini look thi te around? does either campaign have an edge in your mind >> if you look at the polling it runs between 3 and 8% - 3r pots aad f tpriden if youonsir thfacte di such goojob orgizin i thattate fr yrsgo and alrey ha quihe opetion on troun iirgia a l ofhetherwing states, ohio, colorado, places like that, he certainly has an advantage when it comes to boots on the ground and the fact the ads areunni and t pling shong theare hingn effe on romn. thi cerinly heashe
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advaage ere and heveroes the predentl racebserrs belie wilohatritil senate seat, the race between the former govnor tim cain and orge len. viiniaill big focor bo camigns goi int noveer. botcampgns e tarting itard ght now. ebamaampan an pporrs he spent $12 million on ads there and romney camp has spent $22 million. wh areou heang fro iide thwhithouse autow uciatheyeeirgia as beg f t esidt? it'crucl. i mean hs bee the 1 tis. toy wi be t 1 te nce st apri and they are going to keep pushing on virginia. he actually talked about the importance of virginia yesteay inrontf a crd. sa,f we canarry rgin we' goio whe couny agn. ihink -- expto se himn viinia lo >>ealickl wan t pic up on your latest article, about the outrage from congress over the ralph lauren olympics
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uniforms being manufactured in cha. yolookthis a the ft the's uniedoice here i th thenly tim we' s a partanshromongrs ahd ofhe nembe eltion whe youombi anlectn year with a bad economy and general distaste for china and some really ugly uniforms, you'reoingo ge bipaisanip o citolill. wasrett phemenaow icklitame togher aou ca addreat tv repting too. you saw great bipartisanship, mostly from democrats, not as many republicans arguing about this. wi anying seo it we'lhaveoo wai asee. iuppoener suprt te th olymans, iight car ngre thrgh aust. i fl b tha tbikers was about that the uniforms were manufactured in china. but everybody hasone a sp rtheandayin the aret atacti. it kinof le -- >> i wldn' wea it. i tnk it's t bet tt's
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settg pele off. >> tt and tolo lo on the lapel. >> there's that too. thank you souch. can i k you quickly, pple fer yous nie wt is thatout? weadhe bigstanteng backnd foh. y name is spell ammy, i get lots ofeopl aumin'm a y. its goo se y- >>hat'hy i onl u two tter >>ust . goyod o'keefe. >> how much does mitt romney's bain controversy matter to you. you can talk to me on twitter. ani'll reaour twts rougut t day is mningarry knedy aesteor apparently i.
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>>ust a fonth ahe speubliy o balff th keedy an onehal of mar kenny, now she returns to the public spotlight when she was arrested for allegedly driving while impaired by drugs. 91 clers saia whe vecle s dring eaticlyhen llid wit a traor-tiler ouide w yo cit kenny lexus sustained damage in a flat tire and pulled over. when pole found her she appeared to be passed out about the t inred. intatentobc ws, a kenny okesrson sayerri keedy luntily ok breathalyzer, blood and urine tests which shod no drugs or alcohol whatevern her system. ose sts sult aordi t nneds atrneyerrovid by t hoital but srces faliarithhe cas tlbc ne blo and uriests wer soent t a pole l andt
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cod take several days for results to come back to show any proof of drugs in her system. kennedy was mary kennedy's lilongestrien a stra whe marooker o fe, her aest hpeneone y afit w madknowhat hebrher, rert f. kennedy jr., dug up the grave and moved it 700eet from the plo r atrney tlss sheas shen by eccidtut did not susin juri. shis d in cou o tuesy. en aoughime f t t's kennedy family. no way around it. thanks very much, veronica dela cruz. george zimmerm is waiting to fige out i he et a w judg theyelie the curnt jge biaecauimmeanuote flntedhe stemfter failg t disclose certain financial information. zimmerman is charged in the death of trayvon martin but clms he acted inselfefen. >>withwo wks uil t
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olymcs ahories i ldon ar calng i 35roop am a st mutehortallfore an 10,000 security guards. a contractor says it will be unable to deliver those guards as promised the company says the shorte systs fr proems prossin ik alts toughraing and her predur. ndonslrean alend keepg th cyafe i tir top priority. >> this is all preparatory to mae enag cing cle thahe gam wille serend theon't t ne. >>mongheeefe up procuresare navship, surface to air missiles and marine commandos, there are 13 days to gnd y can wch em and all of eompetion righherenetwos o nbc. let go wtherw, re tn 10omes in housn, xas e unrfloodwaters this morning. rescue crews pulled more than 50
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ople to safy aft loc eek flded. llarins he wh more >> gd moingo yo alex is wkendhiseath tter a ltlenusu arod e cotry. still very warm but not the oppressive heat. yesterday notice highs aoss the cotry. many in the0snd 9 what hashang tugh tthe jet reamhich ctrolhere the romes frosustoing upnd dn and up a do, kif lik snake acros the united states. this means a slow moving weather pattern. the air isn't able to go west t st across eountquicy. 's fced toop a dow and at mns st of a stagnt wther pattn. d y'llee a simar te datoda hav aot of moisture that worked through theintermountain west, which is good because of the wildfires, we'll take whatever rain we can get there in uh a toughhe datas, shod ha ahanc of shows ov theext uplef
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da. mae inhe mid-lant, ditial swersnd orms nogoin to raining all day or be a washout, from new york city to d.c., chance of showers, including philadelphia. i know you had some last night. ththunrsto chae prey good n annio oust and new lean and hstonasotte drehed er t lasouplf da. stil war ihe norwestut slhtlyoolearoueatt wi a slit chaef a shower or storm. and heat returning to phoenix afr a break near 100. finally, your last day of you eken forest w suld wahing temratus onhe rm se on aga, ifot ttinhot arod chico. ne min hea waves cing t . los anchago, three days, sunday through tuesday, a chance of getting near triple digits. >> thanks for the heads up on at. lk aut a tes driv the n carhatomesithay yout d oice potics melsa haiserry o the roles of the haves and have-nots in this election. [ fale nounr ] th iffewetj,
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otheorch ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle, but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads n cln bter in lf te tie so u dot mi a tng. swier. ttecleain hf thtime oryouroneyack. d f dryessebig nd sll try swiffer sweeper vac. every communications provider is different but centurylink is committed bei a dfere kin comnicaons mpan ♪ weink oplend foune 0 coanienatiwide and oundhe wld. and we wilcontinue to free you to do more and focus on what matters.
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n fruaryf1999 ieft bainapit allanagent thory an rponsilitfor thrm. had nongoing activity or involvement in the affairs of bain capital because i went out to run the olpics >> tt was mittomne sakin to c's own petexanr. wel bealki wit h shory. allfhisappe as e fireorm ermney tim a baapit connueso rage this morning. the obama camp is questioning when exactly governor romney was in charge and what role he play at bain pita anromn is dresng t
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corovey, dng iheadon yinghe pridensamp i kingoutreous chges. joing me is rhard wolffe. good morning. >> good morning, alex. >> uniquely mitt romney all over the air waisyestday, fiv levioninteiews did he tak conolf th stor >> herfoance w asstive ancoiden stylticay itas fine b th subancef what he said doesn't just leave unanswered questions, it raises new questions really. when he said as you just hrd thacliphe h no sponbili for this comny at tsti, it' ver har t squa tha whhefficl pape hegned wh mos peoeign oicia papers in this case for the sec, there are statements of responsibility, when you say you're the ceo, maning direor a tt'sour prinpal occution tha impls antates reonsility so eher ose pers wer aninessr whahe sd wa't rllyhe ful story. >> with his business career as
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the centerpiece of the campaign, is the bain controversy methg th mitroey's mp a i vetrs shod ha foseen >> well ok, thiwasaise thugho therimaes a en rsed eve sine contest that mitt romney has had as a political figure. and many of these claim were really litigated in his first run forassauset vern. you kn,heseren'ew ingsnd iact ery te he'somepgain tse thgs, his stemes he add mo confusion bause they tried to be more clear. i know that sounds contradictory but when he says he left the coany,eryclrly, had nothg mo tdoith, it don'track wit oth stemen, li fornstae whe sa befe cam goveor tte wod com bac toosto fro sal lend he would attend board meetings. he said again yesterday to nbc hado rponsilit or volvent. at oer te hsaid he tend boa meetgs.
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ich it? siorembeave aused mitt rney as possibly committing a felony by misreprenting his role. is all of that campaign rheric or legi chge >> we,irst o l, thi dete i't rlly seshow i owtay snd lik it wn we'r tkingbo unemoyme. mi romney's main claim to being able to fix the economy and create more jobs is his time at bain. so thiisn' smahing jus ashen peoe we debing what kinf lear joh kry s or feignolic or tion expienc hhad. it ended up in a strange corner but these are essential qutions. when you say elect meor esidt. en i ces to tsituaon hereherere crical quesons out whas rord ttomne rllyad and that wha thiis abou credilitand what claim he can have for being a job creator. >> that is absolutely up for
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discussion, weave forr pesylvia gernoand pridenuppoer e rdell ll bonaterodays we. heaid e pridensamp h go tooarith t fony lk. you think there's going to be blow back to that? >> there are a lot more worse things thahave been sai a wi be said c domentre n mor pies o pape th arefficl stament and carrlegarespsibiti th tthe fedal gernmt and vests. they are statements that have to be trued by investors. yeah, there aremplications if people don'tign cumes acrate or wt theare yingsn'ttrue i'mot aegal expt a ink st o theases end up civ ligatnnd vy much doubt whether there would be anyind of legal i am my indication here but they are serious statements. for cdidaso fac tse nds queionshen youe talkg abt offial cumes,hat'not of unds aal >> m not b aegal anast
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t yoare obc political analyst. thanks, richard. the new report with the scanl gog on behd t scen. you' heaoutreouslaim ther >>whato mak of e fst promingumbe i sev years? we're going to talk about an incredible journey, a 3-month-old kitten surviving a tripcros theacifith no od orwate itweetittl glat undnsid a freht coniner in cotonlifoia, shied from aoat from shanghai. animal control officers say it has been named by hel i ndar. shll b p up f adoion if on the cat cld ta. what a sty. ♪ ♪ [ acoustic guitar: upbeat ] [ dog ] we found it together. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk.
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let's look athe top econic news, recordrofi deite e wle o a lo. uldt b turngroun a 60ay tt dre ancarm wo wongou wl ri is re t makeensef it l. hey e lking at pfits of $4.4 bilonn lses for th banda nofolk are lking into was there any fraud perpetrated with the trading vuatis how could ey stain sittl inosse d he b prot. ththre gtlemt th top all ohisad the cwack inpay,ad to giv b pay. drew who resigned is offering to give back her pay o $14 million fromast ye. >> wt abt th ldonwhe, e malleglyehinhis
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l, me tsewful tres, at dwe kw aut hi >> he's one of the three gentlemen taking the clawckn pa now e instigion th t sere c isoingeepe whlse iespoible forhe tentf thlossnd h dee doest go ? terms of the hot seat, it's jamie dimon. >> what about signs of life in the houng market. first positive nbersn sev yes. do it an tngs eurni arnd? wou leo se morthan eeaso of gdumbe befo this tnound theuestnss thihe bottom? we have may existing home sales up 10%, that's really big. in terms of inventory, how many homeon t mart, tt'one wadown fm 11 1onth o venty t clor to 6. th's aost noal. in tmsf conructnf new mes,hat' up 26% from last may. so the numbers are good. they encouraging, but don't
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forget we have millions in reclosuresnd almt a thi ofmerins sllnder war. hav a wso g but lea if wnow wre hittg boom,e canlawup >>hat out t details, shoppers can take a new chevy model car on a 60-day test ive? >> y rember tsrom2009 ey a dng i agn. th isouan hav ts c for 60 daysou d't le, you n bng iack aet ur mey back here's the interesting part that a lot of people will be very into. it's a no hassle deal. that means there's no haggling. yodon'haveo negiate on the pri of e car. no for se peoe unli, i li to hae, so'm not afan. if y don le tt pt of th process, you know that's what uyou're going to get it. you can return it in 60 days if you don't have morthan 4,00 les tarndt's t damad. intestin quts amecan il has lost
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another judge. jennifer lopez is leaving the show after two seasons, this me a day after steven tyler annoced 's lving thers spulatn th ray jackn whhas en tre sce e benninmay leang a well why should i try it? my system gets out of sorts but thatomes with age, right? just becse we're in that over 50... at ds th mea arwe de? actia hes relate yo digtivee whenatenaily
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unl i ow tm th. the new oral-b pro-health clinical brush. its pro-flex sides adjust to teeth and gums for a better clean. the new pro-health clical brushrom al-b [ feback you can now try snapshot from progressive free for 30 days. y nogivet a ot? t switing ur iuran. carry on. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. today. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. and en y swih fr anotr coany us,
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> let's go toolitsnow, the wf wds ove mt romn's ptt baiapit seach new hghtsnd n e reblicandite i kingohe air waves to defend the career that president obama's campaign is using against him. spoke with theoverras nighandad quirip gettg do tre a talng withhim. >> to ge you a sens ie been tveliit the cpaig for ght mons andhis the condimehey invited us to sit down.
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they told us just five minutes, clrly it repsentheack of dire to tal inarge tms abt th, h expienct in capalndersol finces duri ouronveatioand riesf conversations with news media, mitt romney made it very clear that the president should apologize for what romney called absd andeckls alletionagait him. >> rorte in hted campgn tt's bece crealy nty wh predent oband romney's teams accusing each other of lying. romney said it's the president being dishonest to the american pele. theesidt's cpaig has beenhinkoutreousn maki thein ofharg the have i thk thkindofttacre beath e dnity of e presency the obama campaign is trying to raise new qstions about romney's business experience at bain citalspecic cp when hetoppunni the fi. roey ss heetir i 19
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tourn oundhe wter olymcs asaltake city thesdocumentsist him as the chief executive officer in 2000 and 2001. >> i think most americansigure if you're the chairman, o a priden ofcompy, tha you are resnsib forhathat coany does >> if y are oiciayhe ss in tho year why a you still responsible for bain capital's actities, including the outsourcing of jo at that time? >> in febary o1999i lef bainapit and lt all manamentuthoty a reonsilityor t firm ad nogoinctivyr volven the affairs of bain capital. >> if it is the case you left in february of 1999 and some depeentact ccker suesthat thaisxact the caseis i fairhen toake editor js cated by bn pita afthat ti? cayou hav i both ways? >> what i point out is businesses we helped create and start went on to create lots of
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jobs if y're sponble r starng a buness a it growanddds a lotfobs in e cing ars,hen i hpy poiut my iolvent w in helngo gethe busess stted deein it grow over the years. >> romney's psonal finances have also been in question, despite sharing 23 ars tax retus wh senorohn mccn's camignhen hwas veed frptn 20. he iists he' onl p out o yes. >> i understand the opposition research people at the obama campaign want more informati toig tough i puout mucas wre gng tout t. he s al tht lped o a coervave'sebsi rept at c lee rice is a fro front-runner for a possible running mate. >> the obama campaign is clearly t sasfie ptingut a new ollong onterew tt llir iine swi stes, benninin t ds ead, a
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caaignfficl wh t oma campgn sai these are not answers to all of the questions they were looking for. they insist that they still want the meetings from bain mites. theyant seeore x turnndhink the arica pele derve mor traparey onth. i tnkitt rneyriedo ke i ear, thashere hs gog to dra the ne. >> in your interview he's taking credit for the good, the job growth he wants to claim under bain pita en tt wch n bettritedftere lt in 9 b ting t ph t tingsue. >> is whot ofeopl fer soubleanda. it for each individual to judge for himself. the gist being if h left in february of 1999 and some companies creed borehen ntin t gw anhe tes crit f tsejo,tapl one othem oulde ao beespoible r thehat uimaty went bankrupt and more significant to that, never a part in any way, shape or form of bain's activities in those three yea
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om999 to 200hat ve bn inesti. >>eter alexder,any than, apecia it it timorhe fas fiv headnes,isa and masr cd have agreed to pay retailers $6 billion to settle a lawsuit. it alleged card iues cspir fix es. as parof t dea merant cacharustors aeeor usg aredi rd. e solar flare could interfere with electronics, gps and even power grids are most vulnerable. the solar sto mayenere a spla oforthn lhtshis weend. thories os aeles repo no sns o fou pyn the dth o -yeaold sag stallone, the oldest of sylvester is a lo's chilen anutop wl beerfoed. > of uromomerfoed athe striclubnd ao aearen
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pornography to make ends meet. four people were injured and no one was gored over the course of theight stampedes in spn. e bls got the betr o 38 opleho needed go the hoitalthat incdesour peop w we gore >>in tswe's oice poticsi talk with our own melissa harris perry, her teaching style and health care reform and eleio nig 28 gra par i ben byskinabou t99 vers the1%ndhe eecthe ves dave-ts cld he the presidential election. >> my bet is that it won't be what it comes down to. obousl oupyall seetad an amang capityoaptu at sse onxiebout gring ericineqlitynd hea abo theiddl class and about tax cuts and about sort of where should we focus, sort of ourconocolic
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maki. thprobm wh t -1, i th w auall donote -1. rit? asuch thamighbe a relevant kind of economic category, it doesn't capture what american politics is like. we've never bn a country focud pmary olassased polics. m incned t thi me tradiona demrat rublin sohern nther a race and lingistic groups will be more important than a 99. >> the politicof division, uld at b dgeroine to gtowas? doou tnk iwoulil? >> don thi ehe mocrs or rublins e up wi ainni pitic rate by claing tre's a class war fair. i think americans still have -- despite a lot of evidence to the corary ver airatnal sensof thselv,hey undetandheossili tha theikids may do better than they are doing. that's actually counter to the i
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am per cal evidee which suggests oids an'toing bett thawe e. ah, wlome migrgue thathe hop and chaeas n olvese wld he imagined. is there disappoint to some degree that president obama has not delivered on that? >> you know, iuppot penda l on who youk, whher nothere sappnt. hink for folho undstoo pe a chaeo equmac, en s,here lot of disappoint. >> there was a lot of magic in grant par >>t fe likpie dusnd thisomen whemeri is a its ry btseemgly. an rembeeveneall liki jnccain on the night of the election, sort of his speech about, i've lost this electionut this is a great moment in american hiory. u hahat sse o paioti. >>ood int. >> b ihink f fol may
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moober abo t reaties ofhe enomirisi wwere facing, war on two international fronts, continuing realities of domestic terrorism, that i y ok a a ccumsnce wreou ha a pside finlyetti majo hlth re rorm legiatioafteevery present ior to him had also worked on it, really since the turn of the century, i think that's an awfully big hope and ange but isotgic. >> h d yxplais succstoing tt wn viuallever pl in t cotryhows majityf ppl polled at least are against his health care mandate? >> well, part of at i have und scining therowi perctagef pple who a supptivefealtcareefor sinctheupre cou decion. tho pol aot o tim folkaregain oma care, particularly when it's phrased as obama care or health care
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reform but like individual pieces, yo child being able to stay onntil theare 2ears old neexiingondions denis, tt st ofthg, i thinthers a gat deal of misinformation of what health care reform is. >> how tough of a grader are yo >> i actlly aeryough grer andt towsstents. i'm verice presso >>ou'r nicnd apoachle, i'surehey le ltenio u. oh mygod,he's so hard. >> yes, it's base he canally like it's always a love affair in the first four weeks of class then the firstaper -- >> fir te. >>nd ihink tther thi is a havoet cfortle wi th, tchinver 15 year stuntsouldomeo me d saut i worked so hard. and they weren't lying, they may have worked -- and some other kid may not have wked hard a all t the proctwi jt beer. juswas. >> s's gighstdard wh cane y?
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mo ofur conrsatn wn we ta abo something surprising that melissa and mitt romney have in common. you should watch her show in a upleurs, :00 easrn on msnb >>the falltn the pen stat scandal, will it bring changes to sports? ♪ ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i wt torow ♪ iant try ♪ canlmostoucthe y malennouer ] en t plat ha an ompicream dois proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium.
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this morning a new report says former coach joe paterno cameegotting a luctive coracthe mth befe he stifd athe gnd jy and thscho i preringorma reonseo touis eeh rert o t sbuse scandal. they said we're deeply sorry for the failure to protect these ung boys from the pain and guisheyffer. cod th chae thfutuf colle orts ininme nows lal anast chae mann. >> good morning, alex. >> give m the way you see it in
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terms of the effect it will have on college sports? >> i eecti thi goi t haveweepg efct. thin the ncaaill meure th's tse. thisnvesgati b lou freend his aocias shod a msiveover up a pen state, the fact a coach was so powerful he was able to help engineer a cover-up of some of the worst crimes iminab. rlly thi is necsary for her sools to terom is and reaze tha may intealnvesgatis piodi chire a good thing and ensuring that coaches don't become too powerful and people don't become afraid speing ouagait coacs. at w aajor par of e ory. >> ts isometng j terns soescred it, jay sa ver oft peoe csest to seoneike ts ahe ones that miss it. we aren't the only ones who ssedt. evyonef usishe w cou ha caut sothinabou it >>o yhink ts mtali
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of coveup, ithatoingo chan because of morality or honorable code or will it change because therwas money withdrawn from theniversity andundi andonatnshe like is tt wh you tnk wl be the inctive here >> ihink tha cld bpart o it. gh sool uden seniors in the fall, are they more or less likely to app to penn state? i thk ls kely the wi beeal csequces for e scol. and als thi is imptant th weold ople accotabl e ftheolle predent wa fir aoulde crinally charged is a lesson to other college presidents that they bette be sure the school isn oer a tynew abo orad rean to belve the crim wer occuing,ndhey d noing r s lo. it'sealloral outreous >> wch cld rultnhe ncaa iosing what ty call the death penalty should they investigate and decide to take
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the school, just shut down the athletic program for a year. doou thi tt'sssib? iohink it'ssib, ex. ticl 4 and 10f th ncaaonstutiomake i vy cleathat coaes a athletic officials have to be ethical. that clearly wasn't the case here. now some will say, that the ncaa ouldt inlve self in sothinlikehishat crinal iould digree th was cri pertrat t by an assistant coach and some of the crimes took place on penn state's campusn the football team showers. if the sndal had come out fore, iwoulhaveurthe otba am. i bieve theaaashe rht an pbabl shodo someing. >>ll rit,port lustted'michlccn. anks so much. >> thanks, alex. up next, new polling from the swing states and the impact advertising is havg inhose battgrous. arbus reeshe™- a bakthugh n naral ergy mae wih re fru, stbuckrefrhers™ a delious w carie inks
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yo caneel od aut. ♪ rethink how you re-energize. ♪ t a ost natal ergy with n arbus reeshe™ the wa. nauralnerg fromgreecoff extct, ly fm stbuck woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cor floods? [ art te ireas ] man: fewncheof wer usedll ts? [ het ra incas man : bui dot ev liv nearhe wer. whatou d't kw abt fld insunce y shk you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year.
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r angentcallhe nber thatppea on ur seen. ou'linevablfindoursf on desateighw in your jeep grand cherokee. and when you do, you'll be grateful for the adaptive cruise corol that automaticly adstsour eed wheapprchi sler taffi and or t bli sp monirin hat lps minyou thatheighw miht n be delate. ... you thought. ♪
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what mayeosturprings at a impact the advertising ads may have in the battleground states, which may dece t ecti. les gerigh to itith a od mning to yosan. >> hey,ood rnin alex >> h are tresint a tt rney acki up inhese swintateasell a the res of t couny? >> it could hardly be closer in the swing states. 47% for barack obama in our poll, 45% foritt romn. an cler,nd thed be tied ifou lk a theon-sng atesa lile b mef a ed for pside oba,% t 44%. but we kw we should be focused on the dozen swing states because that's where the election is going to be decided. ablute. thentertingnglehatou talkbout aave cnged thr mi abo a caidat youave 76uppoing t priden 16% suprtinmitt roey. at is it about all this that you think has the president
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seemingly winning the ad war? >> this was really a surprise to us, ex,o see spsid sultn thffecf t barre ofdshateopln thswinstat are heing. both cpaighinkhis mns th the's jusot -- it's a lot easier to define mitt romney who's not well nobody to a lot of voters. yo can't rlly defearac obam thebama cpaig and ama s be aingor ads, 30% more ads in the swing states than mitt romney seem to be having an effect as definingim asomeby qutiong hi reco as gerno o masshuses an of cour, thisost rect aack on his tenu at bn pita >>ut you mak a pnthat ose mocrs th are in favor of barack obama are -- they are democrats. they've just kind o come back under the fold. 's necesrily gtingo thndepdentoters ch, ght? yeshat' cerinlyrue.
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e gnshat predentbama has d has com sprortiotelyrom democrats who may be a little disillusioned or disappointed in his tenure and the ads have convinced them not to thi abt mi romy as a alteativ it h notad mucf anffec on wningepubcan vot becae th rublins a pretty united behind romney. >> the majority of swing state voters are prettynthuasti abt th eltion ishere aindition abo wh or whi cdida wil nefimost fro the thussm? weound tepubcansave ined slitdgen enusia. but, you know, it's not so much they're enthusiastic or excited about mitt romney. it is that ty're unitedn opsiti to esidt oba. so isortf nny. weee docra ergiz caus thereoraracobam and find rublins ergid bause they're against him. when we ask people in swing
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states, are you ready for the mpai tegin o b over id i reaor it to be er. wow it notover that nrighther rig? >> wtbout the veep stakes? we've been hearing about it on a couple of fronts. what are youarg, san? itowooks -- t sig a th hll aounc h vp caidat at e end of the olympics and the beginning of the republican convention on august 27th. the window do so before the ympi see toe closg. w, ocour, the pern w rely kws imittomne wh he'goindo buwhenouook ahingthat peop in eampan yingnd sedul of t mpai are putting out, it looks like we're going to have a more traditional announcement sometime shortly before the republican coenti. >>okay sa tay"usanpa, als a easu. than so much >> tnk you.
7:55 am
>> tt's wrap be sure to join me for a two two-hour edition. up next,olitalalkith chrihaye 's stingightcrosfrom me [ en ♪hey,ey, y ♪ [ tires screech ] [ male announcer ] with fuel economy that's st in class and better acceleration than camry and accord, u'lwishou d t ro to ursf. [ tes seech t's r mo innativ alta ev. nissn. nnovion at eites ♪
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nissn. nnovion at eites brave knights! as you can clearly see from this attractive graph that o sales have incrsed by. sorr my ege.learly see from this attractive graph honely. sales have incrsed by. ousalehavencreed b20%. whats th myscal vice e bere m it's an ultrabook. he signed the purchase order.
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with an ultrabook, everything else seems old fashioned. inoducg thultrslee it's an ultrabook. he signed the purchase order. ultrrespsiveltraok. wholnew ass comterspored int. good morning from new york. i'm cis hes. tt rney dieslayi ro deste dumenhat nad hihairnndhi exutiv unt 2020 president obama is expected to hammer away. we'll have pitic alyst jas carlle t dcuss the ba capal aegatns ler the progm. ritow i'm jned b fd columnist mark bittman.
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debby palacios, a volunteer for the food stampoueach i new rsey pasoodtamp repien herlf o'sppli agn. joel berg, author of "all cow can eat:how huny i amera." greato he yuys allre. on trsda theouse ricuure mmiteoted t t $15 bilonrom e program. the congressional budget office estimate 2/to 3 million people ll le thr befits this incdeslmos0,00 ildr whoould beligle fothe fe lchprram. mocric rreseativjame sct fr geoia laid out the stakes on wednesday. >> when you look at food stamps and you think of the recipient of foodstam, y neeo thenof tt cld out tre that
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