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tv   Weekends With Alex Witt  MSNBC  July 14, 2012 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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timaly rponsle f the condt ofour opatio. >>ell, jning m now forore frt pa liti, msn contributor and political editor for the perry bacon jr. and molly ba. hello toou two. thks foini me. >> tnk y. >>'m gng tplayore. lly, lisn that mr.roey said durghat inrv >> didn't involve myself in any way with bain capital's enterprise after february of 99. >> not pticipatingn sgle meing thern peon - >> d't recl aingl meing or sine parcipaon in a iestmt disio by ba or psonn decion. i left the firm. i was full-time running the olympics in 2002 and in t years leading up to it. >> molly, one ofourates arties i tle omnes clr asud bn exanatn." m gueingou d'thinke nageto crify too mh wh ese inrvie. >> don thi so. i mean, you look at th answers he was giving.
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i mean, he scheduled fe network interviews pretty much siltanusly clelyis mpai felhere was wo t the queionso res and ve hak a bigstatent, a g spsh. instd iteeme lik h jus muddd th wers even more. yo had him say, well, i was controlling investor in this entity and a lot of this st of busiss verage thaas n ve cle. an youknowould say tha thtrutdoes appr te sowhat comicat. th may bherobl t roey ihang, tt it's difficult to boil down in a simple way a complex situation. but, you know,f the idea bend thi nworkpade o inrvie was tffer a cle und te, d't thi h d th. >>ow aut y, perro y thin mr.omnes mea btz will help put this issue to rest or will it fan the flames even more? >> i think it will fan the flames even more, both on the x retnsssuewherhe w
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unuivol oy o tse t yearam iivin ou why n relee me of the records? and the bain stuff, you see the answer we just showed, i don't recall is often a phrase tha inspires rorters t look into, wellyouon't reca, wt do tha exalyan d yo do sethi you jus don' rember youidn' d it whicmeetgs d atte? tnke on oped upore estions with his very legalistic kind of answers. >> how about this, molly? you're you wereith president obama yeerdainrgin. ofes scduleto sak therin an hrrso. ringn iervi on fday h ys hhinkoverr romy ll he tonswethes estis abt ba. does all the bickering over bain just feed partisans on both sides? >> no. i actually think it's only feeding theemocts athis poin yodon'hear aot of repuican youow, ring to mney defse a sang,h, t ofhisck, youow,his gre uff,e're pro o wh h did i buness. >> but why not? >> i think they're nervous. i thinkhat they sense is that
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the obama campaign has don a ry gd joof chaing the bjecre repuican incdingitt mneywanto be talng aut th ecomy. you hrd rney keeryinto rn t pag inhose inteiewsesteay, d he coul't d it because there is a feeding frenzy right now on this bain issue. romney complains a lot about the fact tt obama doe't want to talkbouthe ecomy,ut h hasn beeveryucceful i evenng t demrats and obamfromhangg th sject to this likthis and oer thgs ttomne m consider a distraction but people want to know about. >> i'm going to change tinges i alittle bit. the latt quiipiapolln rgin swsresint oma winng byints do yeeithe camign hang a edg i the state of virginia? >> it's t big swing state, virginia, ohio, florida, they're the swing states they're spending lotf moy, ptty ch tdn tholls oba lea i virnia mor thanther stas t b clr.
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thkey ing virniand why ama has advange i unemoyment there is 5.6%, unemployment nationally is 8.2%. so romney's argent out e ecomy t irovi i har to se in virnia causf ose numbs. erefe, oma h rlly stng aanta in virnia. >>moll yust pted litelly out an hour ago another article for "the atlantic," your title "why obama may be safin viinia >> is extly at pry w sayi. i uld ly a to at pt of e reon thecocnd ploynt picre is gooin virgin virginia, not only do they have jobs but with the government, the federal government in northern virginia and a huge proportion of theork rce mita lita. bo of ose e pele sentlly ttinaychks fromhe uted ates gornme. en ty he rneyalki aboucuttg spding cutting the cope of government, that's not necessarily an argument people in virg sirnlg are receptive to. ere' als vyarge
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nori popatio herin virnvirg it is a staherehe degrapcs arendgn oba's vor. it getng yoger, les whit whe as lot of the states in the rust belt like ohio are getting older and whiter. i think the trend lines are mong tard the obam >>peakg o t yches, eresint i urggongrs toy to pas theax extsion r faliesakiness an $2,000 where do you think this battle is headed? how much do you think this will independent vote? all-important >>his i a gdssueor the pridenfor o ason e, hs ehasing the ft thator 98 o erics, wch aigmber mos peop, of ursehe'soingo kp t taates i place. and then if you look at the polling, most americansctually agree with the idea of raising taxes on upper income lks. theyight dagren wh velonstutespperncom bu esstial theresint i callg foax ineasen 2% amican pos sh mt arica agr
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th t propal. this is a good issue for him to keep pressing on so as we talk about bain and this issue as well, these ar good issues for the pridenbecae thllow him pai mitromn as candate the alth >>o yoee it thaay as we, mly in. ah, soluly. wou a to th, 's sor of a populist argument. nothing is going to happen in congress in a likelihood. the president is framing thiss alln cgrestoo now, acno othisne pce of t expitionfhe bh ta ts. thiss a pitical argument for obama where he thinks he can get an advantage butongress is likely to sit on its handsnd it uil aer t eleion rack actn aartsf the bushax cs. man thks,gu. >> here wt wre asking all of you today. how much does mitt romney's bain controversy of matter to you? here are some of your respoes beginng wit ts --
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in ds not matt. anspency a tru tter resint'sharacter matters. i'm concerned about a candidate that avoids questions. will he be kandity with the amican puic? tt'sain cordnly tter becae heays s buness perice wlelp himreat bs. matrs lot, because it goes to the core of who is mitt romney. ithows his character and also shows he has no proble with jobs going ovseas. epalki to me owitt dcebo. i' be adinmoreater. > newepor sho fmer penntate coa j paterno negotiated one lucrative contract with the school at the very height of the sandusky instigion. e u. tim repts he beg his tks in juary 11, t ve sammont heestied bere arand jur no monsater the $5 llio dl w falized as police closed in on sandusky.
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earlier today i spoke with "sports illustrated" reporter who said there's a lesn f otr schos. t's cessy foothe schosoake frohis and alizthataybe ierna vestatioeriocall are a good thing and maybe ensuring that coaches don't become too powerful a that people don't become afraid ofpeakg ou ainscohes. i tnkhatas a majart this ory. i al tnk 's imptanthat weold ppleacuntae. th fthat the clege present s fednd could be criminally charged is a lesson to other college priden. >> thawas aelann. wee to speal cnsels beg hid t deal with possible ncaa sanctions. west coast headlines are next, "from russia wh love" gh siria' los bame attls ga. > al, cey anony' lif
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e yefterer acitta wel he fro httory w wre wt he calll-a book. let me tell you, i've got lots ofquestions, coming your way next. ♪ d't delay actow supies e ruing t ♪ thiss neyorktate we blt t fir raiay, e fit tre roe to t wes thgreast eires we blt t fir raiay, then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses andreate jobs. a ace ere novaon mes derminion. well today, there's a new new york state. anbusissesead e wod. one that's working to attract businesses andreate jobs. the w neyorkvawos fobusiss.nion. well today, there's a new new york state. find out how it can work for yours at
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the global ready one ? yeah, but you won't need... ♪ hajimashe. hajimashe. jimeshit thanyou muc i'm oked yostok ? totay.
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... d heays, "uer t matess. souse le matelas. ( laughter ) why's the new guy sending me emails from paris ? pas, fnce us, obalata r ju $25 vezon'4g l deves e glal-rdy.
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me heaines ming new on t wes cot,he nap vallegisr has a froage styn ho comnity clege acro the ste m giv prioty rollnt t stunts with clear academic goals. it's part of an effort to encourage successful student behaviors and lp ratio class dung a timf scce sours. onhe fnt pe ohe seale timea sry aboow ske omildfes iiber a eati beaifulunse i
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th pacic northwest. smoke from dozens of wildfires on russia's east coast has climbed into the jet stream and made its w tohe wasngto ste. aiqualy haremaedorma theeattarea we, tsdayarksne yea ofreed for onef amica' mo infous moers,asey thon a jur auitt anthony of murdering her 2-year-old daughter. she walked out of that florida courthouse with her attorney. sh hasot bn snut a abt sinc thattoey, jeaez, thor a n bk"psume guty," givg u loo a a ve unexpected legal victory. jose joins me live. welcome. >> thank you for havingme. >> here come the quesons. rst al cases le rht now, is trenyense o noalcyhere imean doe s go the grery ste? do she go o a abt? at iitik forer daily? >> well, as i write in the book, the last chapter is a prisoner in her own freedom. that basically wtaseys ritw.
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she'not bzennougo g t tohe ml orhe oppi --oohoppgt publ's o anyingike tha you know, she basically is in a new prison, and that is pson ofclusn. yea es save frnds? do she reauto yo doou ser almt li a frie toer now? wel y ow, kee in coactith r abo as ch i do wh any other previous client. there's no -- my job ended after the acqutal, an y ow, ofcour, liany oer peop, ar ccern forhe andheoes heeoplho care about her. >> one of those being her mother, which, while not surprising because it's her mother, there was certainly a recoiliaon tre bauseor ahilehey re o t ts. talkbout tirelatnshi w. >>ouow, i- a lf peop wonred y stoed- y i actually let everyone know
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that i stopped representing her. and it was for this purpose. you know, i can't go on sakin for cey a h lif a geing lls ytime thers a sitingr sothinike th. i' whdrarom th. my j was that of a lawyer and that's pretty much what i do and what i talk about with the book, r ce,hat haened >> howbouthis the legaons abu by her faer. lk aut tt. th i man whoepordly attempted suicide. what was all that about? how much do you belie of those cusaons? youkn,n theituaons it's troling caus numr on youav typ of cme at i tostderrorte ime all crimes, and these deep, dark secrets get buried for years. we had mental heal pressials o evaated her and ld uthathe shod assisign ofomeo who w
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a vtim sual abe. an she dn't ceorwand tell me this right away. it took a long time for me to gain her trust, and there were ceain sigterta pnts inhe ce ere, whe s finayid tel me wha she had en roug it didn't come as a great shock to me. >> so is this how you explain th way you describe her at points, which is justivinn heownalit ishis t kin o thi y ink d to th? we, y knowat's intestinabou cas anony, out easey antnyase, at aotfeopl don kw , foexample, the lies. the lies were there for many, many yrs befe caye tual er die yo know theannyad bn i exisnce o year is i gir who got uvery moing,ot dressed, and pretended to go to a job that didn't exist. >> right. >> and got her daughter dress
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and pretended to drop her offt a nnyhat didt ist. r tw yrs. 're talki abo t wes. wee taing ouwo wle ars,aintningthis a circ ofmagiry fends tha so did notexist. so there was a significant amount of issues that we had to crawl through and try and get the tru from >> wtbout tha 1 calhat wee al hea wh sey' moth scrmingnto the pne out wting the pole to come because itmells like there's a dead body in the trunk of the car? and then thatort goes away ta aut thaandow youad to u tha to sti dend you ient >> wl,ou kw, wn w hrd the 911 call, we heard it just like eveone else and evaluated it, and the first thing tt you he wheyouiste to tt , th doenot loogo, escial forur ient butnceou lisn a ltle
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cler, the's poi actually when george walks into the home and cindy tells him that caylee had been missing for a mont and hisirstnd natal reacon iuess w dd lenc and a of e testimony that occurred that night from law enforcement testified that the only twoalm peopl in the house were george and sey, a ndy sasicly hystical >> swhato yakrom th? >>ell,oukn, it's suecti ing. hover, i it were my granddaughter and she were missing for a month, i think i would have reacted more along the les o cdy as opped t th of orge >> shere is theruthere, jo? doou tnk y knoit? >> i have a firm belief -- i believe caylee drowned in the swimming pool. i think this was aery comn
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trajhai pp tragy th hapned an comm gro of ople >> swhy uld ey to cove iup? in book i give various scenarios. >> oh, we're buying the book. don't worr >> tkboutiffent poibilies whyasey didn ste up. ialk aut dfere snari to y gege m notave eppeup. he s forr pole fice >>hat'corrt, he was. you know, that i think played a role in thi se. ihink the a cerin pectionshat u wld he fr somne bwhisex-l enfoementhat disss i thbook and weill nernow all o thenswe in this case. that's what people have to know right off the bat. so there are certa facts that are dispablend ihink once we loo a the ftshat wereeverade puic, man o
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th didt me the news and many of them didn't even make the case or get into the discovery, so there'some signican fac in thi case-wh's intesti is, thbooks 0-sothin pes ng. 's ser ick. i d't cat anydy on the information. so i had to get everything out there for people so they can have one place and try and terme or me tir o concsionas twhat hpene or dn't happ. >>an askou, you kno whetr cas gso see caee'sraveite aays owerr go thet l? >> caylee was yes cighated >> ihere a mori? >>here was a moriaheldy gege and cindy that was highly publici publicized, 1,000 people showed up. i think a year orwoindy teifiethathe sll
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liev cayeasive en aftethatseice. th ce halotsf twis a tus, se tha y jus won belie, a i think that's why it makes such an interesting story for many people. >> author of "presumed guilty," jose ba, suchpleare. anks smuchor sringart it. >> tnks r hingme ightow wlloo the present o jutart spking a srthilego i glen allen, virginia, that of course a big swing state. let's take a listen to the president. >> doesn't mean at some pnt u'reotoing t eeriee toh mes, b it dsean thathe tjectyfople lis inhis couny, ifou rk hd, y c me it and at's what mades special. that's what made us the greatest nationn earth. that's what mad usnconoc supeower now,hen r i 2008, a lot
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of people - we came together not just democrats but repuican inpendts, causwe'rnotemocts o reblics fit, we' amican fit. ane ce togher becse we fe le tha ide hadeen slping ayor too long, for almost a decade people had been working harder but getting less. andhen torst fincial isisn o lifimeshi worseconicrisin our litime milons of pple st tirobs o hes o savings and that made the dream that much harder to rea for. buwhat've leaed ove tse st1/2ears is, enhoug the cris p uhrou som ry tgh times, the american people are tougher. f fos mahaveot knoedown
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sp, buthey t ba up. e csisidn' cnge oe ar itid not change our fundamental character as a people. it hasn't changed our sense of purpose from 2008 r miion ght w,yes, is put peoeack wk and, ye totrenhen theousi mark. orut o purses ao to rebud ouecony so that it lasts. so thatork pay f,n onomin wch eryby, whher u ar staing sine or puning clk, u can have confidence that if you work hard you can get ahead. that's our goal that's ourentr rpos thathat thi mpai's out. that whai'veeen worngn for the las 32 ars. that why'm running for a second term as president of the united states of america.
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w, ianto sath. beuse 'veone tough tough times i think there's a tendency metimes for some of the commentators to say, you know, this time 's rlly difrent 're losig ounumb o stat andll ts stf. i n't y a ofthat we're still by far the greatest nation on earth. and what's holng u bacfrom meing rhallge- at's
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holding us back from meeting our challenges is not a lack of big ideas, it's not technical soluons. you name it, whatever it is, educion,usin the defit, avehe solions i fnt of u at's holngs bacse've goa stalemate in washington that has more to d witust tw cdidas for pside or o poticaparts,it's two fundentay dieren visns abt ho we movhisount rwar thislectn is abo bakin that stalemate. the outcome of this election will determine not justhat happens next year or the year afr th but wt hpens for th nt 2yes. see,y opnent and h aies coress the bieve in a top-down economics. they believe that if we spend trillions ofolla o t cut
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most for the alth eve if weave ayor iy gting educionr gutng j traing pgram or gutng instmes in basic research or turning medicare into a voucher system orncreasing middle clastas, thafe dohat mehoall ofou areoingo nefi thattheiid. ey aoelie that if we roll back regulations on banks and insurance companies and credit cardompaes, regutionthatre meao otecpeop and oonom thatomeh evebodys gog toe mo cure at'sheirasicargunt. they'll spend a lot of time talking, but if you cut through all thstf,hathey' real sayg is, x cut f th alth rol bac relatis. thatssenally tirpl.
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now,ou kw, it is a plan. i mean, it's a theory. it fits easily on a bumper icker. but re's t prlem. riedt. we tedt fo aecad befe i tk offi. d nwork we tried it, and we turned a surplus in a defit. we tri it, and we hheost uggi job gwth dedes. tri itndourncom and wage on average went down -- went down -- even while the cost of health care a ecati and gawerell gng u d thetulmited i the rst nancl crishat 're illleang u ter. it's n as if w hav't tried their theory. it would be one thing if we hadn't tried it. then they could say, well, let's try this, and mbe erybo wod sa allightthat
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woh trng. but dhis. anit didtwo. we c't aordoo baco top-down economics. we need somebody who believes in a middle-up economics, a bott-up ecomics sebod whwillightor y and workgeopl a acrs viiniandll acrs amica. at'shy iunnior a second term as president of the united states. yo kn,henhe amecan ao instryas aut to uer and oonen wasying let's let detroit go bankrupt, i made a bet on american workers, on american ingeity, a w go magemt an wkerso sit wn a wk tngsou d rit n gm i numr o ain. d th u.s. auto industry is
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back on top. well, let me tell you something, what can happen inhe aut instrynroitthatan ppenn mafacting l acrohis cotry. rhmon and i ralgh a ittsrgh a in cleveland. which is why i've said, let's stop giving tax breaks to companies that are shipping jobs erse. let'giveax bakso mpans threnvesng ght re ithe itedtate of arica andnvesng i amican wkers soe cake american products stamped with those three proud words "made in america." that how w bldn enomy atastsnd that w i'm ruing for a sond ter as priden you ow, . romnas a ffert ia. yokn he invested in companies that have been called pioneers oouourcg. i d't wt a pneer i
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ourcin i wa somsourng. i wanto bng companies back. and part ofhatsakin sur we cnge rax co, parf it i iesti inasiccien an rearch we'v aays en athe ttin ed of chnogy. we'vgot kp th. wee goo maiainat. and, you know, four yearsgo i said i would end the war in ir. beuse our tera, becse of o tstad meadingen a wom in uformwe'vbeenbleo ephat pmise. wee transitioning out of afghanistan and starting to bring our troops ho. soow m attude , aft a decaf r, t's takalf of tseavin on w a let'use tha teduc o ficiand use tther half to do some nation building here
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at home. let's put fol bacto wk rebudingur rdsnd our idgeand r raioadsnd ouchoo autti brdban lin i theural mmunies all across america. that's how we build an economy that lasts. at'sal, b the wayowe takeare ourtera. now ey'r cing ho,hey shoun't ve t fig f a job after they fought for us and they should get the benefits that they've earned. so we'll be fighting anyind tbac on vetans serves. we'vgot te ce o fks whtookare o us. i'm running to make sure our kids get the best education in e wod. u kn, ianto hel our hoolhirend rardhe bes teacrs, pecily mh a
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scnce. wan tive 2 mlion me amicanthe ance to go to community colleges andet trained for the jobs that folks are hiring foright w. wanolles a uversies bng dn tuion you opleren'urdedith debt higher education isn't a luxu, it is a necessity in this 21st centy. wan to me sehat mdle cls filie can finae eir homndave ,000 a ar. th's good for you, but it's also good for businesses because you'll spend that money. i' rning becse i belve wee goto kp gng o t affoableare t. it washe rht thi too keure tt evebodyas heth re. the supreme court has spoken. it is the law of the land.
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we are gngomplentit an becse wre ilemeing ityoun pplean syn eir pants'ealt insance plans until they're 26 years old. and if you've got health insurance, the only thing that's going to happen i you he mor serityndnsurce cpani can'jerk y arou. an30 mlionpeop, incding ose th prxistg condionscan finly g althnsurce. washe right thing to do. we're not going backwards,e're going forwards. i' wppin . everody' wet away st don't tter it too late. those hairdos are all gone.
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>> >> four more years! four more years! four more years! fourore years! fouroreyes! >> lealk abo oneast thin andhat the dicit and thebt. causthe her side ty'll say, ll,ou knowhis ihe most important issue. and what i've said is, you know whatalong with putting people ck tworkwe dneed to brindownr decit d ou debt afte dece of irreonsility wre i inheted a tlliodoll decit,'m rdy trollp my slees an get to work. we've already cut a trillion dollars worth of spending that we don'teed. i'm wiing o mor bause t evy proam rks. gornme can sol eve prlem. vernnt c't hp sebod if they d't want toelp emsees. esn't matter how much money we put into schools ifarents aren't telling your kids they need to work hardn scol.
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buwhat i nillio do wha m oonenopos, ich retend like you're lowering theeficit and then cut taxes for folks like mey $5rilln onop o tush tax csecau we n't aord it. at ie sao coness is, let's make sure that everybody who's making $250,000 a year or less, at yr taxes d'to up that 98 of amican bules aolksike me who can afford it, the top 2%, to do a little bit moreo that we can still help young people gto cl lleg so don tur mecarento vcher syst, we' stinvesng i bac sear, s wean sll bud rds andelp fol wh e housing situation.
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and, by the way, we've tried that, too. a guy named bil clinton tried it and w cated3 mlion w jobs an w h splus insad o defits. d, bthey, ric people did just fine back then. here's the thing i think the otr sioesn undstan wh wking pple do we, evybod dsll. ateansusinses veore customers. that is how werow a ecomy. noby erybo jt loong urt emse t fothemlvesut ball usomin togherndorki hard whether it's bringing manufacturing back, putting construction workers back to work, protecting health care, making sure ouridset the st edution cargor o vetens. yo know allhese thishat
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ke u a mdlelass fe, th all tie together. they're all central to that idea that if you work har you can t ahead. that the prose tt o pantsnd o gra wterent and r eat-andpentsade to tureneraons. some o the cam here as immigrants. some came here not wanting to co. buwhenhey t herll of us,hethheyere worng o fas o wtherheyere workg in min or working in a factory, thaidea that, if i workard w tngsill be bett for mykidsat'shat buthis untr ov the nex fr mths,ou kn, th oth se i goi t spend more money than we've ever seen in our lifetimes on a bunch
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of negateads,nd there goin toryoedal thi onom they th evebody ows trind itidn' work and ncehey ow,hat probablysn't going to sell, really what these ads are going to do is really say the economy isn't wherit feeds to be and it'soba's faul at'sheir ssag ey'lusehe sca vcesn thes , u ow. bu that's basically their message. and that a plan for maybe winnin election but it'sot alanor catinobsr heing e mdlecls. it not plaor rebldin ou ecomy an so i don't worry about the kind of money they're spending because what you taught me in 08, me tng iearnn my rst campgn, what wn dina fol ce togeer,
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whenheyut thrghll the nonsense and they remember what makethis country great, they tap int tho cor amecan valu andhey rembe at's tr abo olive whe y comegeth, nhing cantop yo when you come together, change happens. when y comtogeer,eopl t a fr sho a evebody es tir fr sre a eryby plsy th seet of rules. whenou decide. and that's the choice you have w in this election. so,ou kno i he to ll u, wn rann2008, i tried to make sure that any promise i made i could keep. so i said i'd end the war in
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ir, wended t r. i sd i'd kpour tax down, ani'veoweraxes f mile css famies,600 on average. if somebody tells you i've raised your taxes, tell them, that ain't right. that jus not ue. t thmain prose i madto u, i sai iasn' a perct man d you c ask miclle abouth. and i toldou i wouldn't be a perfect president. but i told you that i'd always tell you wha iough i'd alwa telyou ereii std. sotimeit wn't popur, but d te youhat thout, at ibelied. and d als wake up every single day fighting as hard as i knew howor y, toake ur livea ltle bitbeer. d yoknowhat? i'veepthat prise. i' kep that promise.
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because i see myself in you. when i see your grandparents, i e my grandparents. when i see mychilen, ee yo chdren we are i thistogeer. we ris aall as one naon. i sti bieven you. d ioutill believe in me and you stand up with me and make phone calls and knock on doorand get out the a ornizeith me, wre gngo fish wt we srtedn 20. we'rgoin t w ts ecti. wee gog t w virginia. we're going to put this country on the right track. and we'll remind t world just y it is tthe arica w is wt ishenvy ofhe wor anwe a the gatesatio on eah. d bss u. an godless the united states of america. >> a theou she
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esidt. s tren gn alle rgin. i nt t expin a lite sothin we'vgot me vid t help illustrate this. if you see the president, he's wiping his brow here. that isn't sweat. what happenedas aorreial wnpo a ltle earlr. uan see thevidee on peop'slothg bind m. pele gsoak. th predent moved up the speech, when theyaw a break in the weather, they said, let's head outhere rht now he's at a place with lots of history, the president specifically chose this as a ple topeak aut wte was to cli taccolishhere in vginiit a toupwing ate. hadeen redtateor ma, ma yes, but the president won virginia by six
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points in 2008. right now the latest quinn ip yak points hashe pside u sixointor. it'still veryery ose race i wt t tk qcklyith rmerenn nnoverrd rendl wi meormer a foerrnc chairman and msnbc analyst michael steele. i'm glad you're here with me. we'll talk further after a break, but e i wt tosk y abt th subance ofhat yore hringere. the esidt ssheay t gr tscono is bldinit t frohe mdl n frothe p do. dihe me th poi earl >> i think he did make it clearly. i think he has to campaiombine th me deiled suestis, instinin o frasuctu, instinin rearc and veloent. ose e ththin tt thk arica unrsta, rticarly frasuctu. ey c shose jo. the jobs are created relatively quickly. but, yes, i think he's made the point to people that ickldownconocs ner work. it hast woed ithe lt0
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ars. won worhisme. i'mcuous,chaef you e thverynd ofhe pridens spch aeing a g atitt romney, when he said, look, i told you i would be the kind of man who would always tell you ere i ood. ishatn aackn mit romy fl-flo steotyp and peepti amo many >> we, it's nouc an atta, bu 's jt aubtl mind tha you know'm a straight shooter, you know where i stand, you know what i've said to you before and i'm telling you where we're going to go next, andth's n somhing th youe sn fr my pone whoan'tvenhows athe'sarnenis iome taxe you ow, yeah it's t sulety of what obama says at the end there that furthers the narrative that we've seen play out over the last ten days, which fortatel the romy caaignas bn traing bend a triesteay liany toet i front of but still has yet to do that. >> we'll have more of your
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pert analysis on the other side of a short break. 'll right back. rk ste. e th's wkingo atact buness ans rk ste. a place where innovation e th's wkingo atact buness ans meets determination... and businesses lead the world. e nenew rk workfor sine. findut h it n wo foryourat tnew.
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you get a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more cash -- well, except her. ! bu i'mbouto chge tt. ♪veryittlbabyants 50% re ch...♪ phhh fe, y try. strings breaking, wood splintering ] ha ha. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewardsard. he cd fopeop whwant0% me ca. ♪hat'in yr waet? ♪ at'sn yo...yr...
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>> we are back with strategy talk. ining me,orme penylvaa gornord reell,orme c chrmanmsnb anasticha stle. weome ck t botfyo vern, weeard frothe pridenpeakgn the campaign trail in virginia saying mitt romney only has a plan to get elected, not one to fix the onom do y thi theresintas effeivel elain his pla toix the econy? >>well i wld bxplaing it i lite mo deil. thi he d inheobs bl backn ocber,uton't think in the themes that he's been striking he's quite detailed enough. he shoul go back aalk to peop abo theobs bil becae the w goo stu i e js bill asicha kno,tuff tt repuicanhaveuppoedn thst aost unorml some support for every aspect of the jobs bill. and those things work. there's no question they work. and the president should spell them out a littl bit me
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cleay. hislan to rucehe fici at e sa timwe'r raing renueut spenng, bu iest thehinghat will create jobs in the short run. >> speaking of jobs michael, in virginia the major swistat unploynt oy 5%wellelow th nion' erag how rrieisheromn's campgn aut tselately rongcono inhisnd other battleground states? >> i 30's a genuine concern there. as you reca,he camign enurag gerno mcdonll noto touthe scess of virgia too muc bause if give a chance for obama -- >> you have to feel sorry for him, though. he's the governor of virginia saying, wait a minute, i've done a good job. >> that's tey thg,ex. the rlitys lotf this is do at eandsf t verns of thestat nhe deraoverent. the govnor' policies are the
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predon't nant ones. the work force in virginia is a lot fferent than aotf her ingtate wh mh mo r d, resrchnd delopmt, thnoly fis, and fens ntraors. thers a lthat pusng at enomyn aay thaakes the narrative much more favorable, which is why i think you see the numbers where they are right now inirginia for obama th foromfe. i thk romy h aigge gume thahe canake a theoverrlrea toued o this in tms othependg by this administratio administration, yes, the president likes to tout, we saved a trillion dollars but you spent 5 trlion. we' now tllio in the ho. the arnumbs y can tal abouin tms h thecono habeenhapeby ts adnisttionince 200and at rney wan to do going forward. >> listen, guiys, the live bit with the president has put thi sh fter tn ahrisas he i'veot tget gog.
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thanyou th. neveard tt bere. d't qte . >> we invell o yo watc "up with chris hayes" tomorrow, one of his guests will i be a former partner of mitt mneyn ba. atill be torroorni 00 a.nnbc. back wit "mus s mt avd" ter brea ho of e bre. ♪ 's wre fr goes unwelcomed... ♪ and certain men... fina wato re abe. thiis t lanof gnts. ♪ gu glory. ram. ovider is different. but centurylink is committed to bng aiffent kd of cmunitioncompy byontiing toelp u doore and cu thehing at mter you
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throughout our entire lives ♪ e a y mes 50 is aomple mlti-tam deignefor n's ealtconcns awe a. ♪ it has more of seven antioxidants suprt cl heth. at'one day n's + hlthydvange.
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woma whado y mea homenersnsurce don't ver oods [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this? [ art te ireas ] woma#2: t i n't en le ne theater wh youon'tnow out ood inrancmay ock u -- inudinthe ct that prerredisk licy stts alow $12a ye. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen.
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'reoingo quily ueezin ust s mus oid, for all of us going to see the movies. all the buzz is about the new batmanlick "the dk knit ris" wl hpenext week ere you sak peek gi me dea aut th. thi aust see or must void? >> must see. this is e final installme instlmeneinallmt. i'so eitedbouthis. ne hhawa pys twom, chriian le. u'veot t see. >>hat aut t"iceag
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vie this weekend? >> must avoid if you're an adul it's definitely for children, the dlogue is simplistic, all-ar castennirpez, qun lafah,ustotor us. i'vhear o t "tod" ow, we'd love to keep doing this. >> these movies bring in huge money. if you're actor,it's great. you dot have to do hair or keup go t yrvoicver oth a ge a big eck. >> rit. at aut "eric id"? binewswo ds i arow. bye-bye steven tyler, bye-bye j. j.lo. >> the first episode will be a st see. the restfhe ssonaye muvoid the ratgs are gngown ery year we wanto kw w wle in the jues' rolirst esode is must see. >> randy jackson? >> some rumors, will he stay or will he go? i heard "idol" doesn't wanto pay g mey anore.
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thratin are goido. th wt new flav. >>hankou smuch >> w got i inmy plsure fice politics in nerd land, melissa harris-perry analyzes the meaning of of the first black president. an bsuch bighing in oldriens li. puna o disvere at bbleing hancd boanic oilintour fd, e cahelprighn aold g's nd so he's up to his old tricks. with this kind of thinking going into our food, imagine all the goness that can come out of it. just one way we're making the rld bett pla... oneet aa ti. vrantatury. frm puna o smablen ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win [ breathes deeply ] ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ iant gro ♪ wanto t ♪ i c almt toh thsky [ ma annncer evenhe pnet s anlymp dre.
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w is proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium. soluonis theew oimis™ ♪ thidrea
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this man is about to be soli goheadf yoh customer.woulf instd wead seone goheadf hi d wififtthound dlars coratutionyou e our e miiontcuster. people don't like to miss out on money that should have been theirs. that's why at ally we have the raise your rate 2-ye cd. yocan t a e-ti te ireas ourwo-yr ra goeup. yocan t a e-ti youbankakesou missut, u ne an ly. ly bk. nnonsse.ju peoe see. ourwo-yr ra goeup. according to ford, the works fuel saver package could literally pay for itself. jim twitchel is this true? yes it's true. hois ts poible operire flatn, by ung pper adesf oi yourar rs mo effient, savegas. operire flatn, yocoulbe dng ts rit by ung pper adesf oi now? yei cod, me. effient, savegas. operire flatn, i'slowg yodowns rit by ung pper adesf oi now? s yoare. bad e wos fu sav pacge. just $29.95 or less after bate.
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only at your ford dealer. so, to sum up, you take care of that, only at your ford dealer. you take care of these, you save bunch of is. > >>ood y toll o y and welce to"weends th ax tt" wre it'1:00.m. re on t easast,100ut west present ama st wraingp vgini cpaign event, he appeared rain-soaked and he thanked the crowd for waiting through the storm, which was pretty torrential. it's the pridensecon tp thetaten as my days les go to nhite coespoent kevieira li from t wte hse wre it not as sgy,t loo lik to me. >> reporter: no. >> he took a beating in the rain. >> reporter: a distant rumble of thunder from that location, it was a pouring rains yoan se theresint soangight roughis srt. ne pnt aer iaxed and
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wad ltle t, picd u a bit, he said those hairdos are gone. obviously supporters of the president, glen allen, virginia th iric ntor learf hoe replica isis terrory,ust ouide of richnd. e pridencontue toamme ho hishemef thi is choi notreferendum, ahoice of economic policies you've heard the president give in his stump speech time and time again. his sondrip tirgia i asany days uerscing thi aeyartf theampans eltora stregy. taing out t gog bacto e picie of thest, top-down economics as he put it. casting it as a choice between two economic theories. the president also hitting mitt mneyn that sourng/osourng, is ntin ragbetwn th mpais wh chaes flyg ba andorth les lien ta ltle bit of wh the predentad tsay st mentsgo. >> but we did this. and it didn't work. we can'tfforgo bk to
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p-do onoms. weeed somody welies in a ddleut enomi boom-up economics, somebody who will fight for you and working people all across virginia and allcros amica. at'shy i runng for conderm predentf the unit stas. >>eporr: a, asou can see,oampifpiri fro the predentr th crow that is his first stop in virginia today, all together there will be five. he heads to centerville, virginia, not f acrs t rivein nthervirgia. theresinturving t ra witabou900therho std wiem thk yoveryuch, mi. good to see you. joing me now for more frofrnlt page politics cha p let andavidnamura glad t heyo >>ood afrnoo >>davi t proapresent
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ys ihe ws virginia you'll win four more years in the white house. he won that state in 2008. what is the sense fromhe wte hous abo theesidt' chces rgin? >>hink t present' caaign fls gd abo rgin. it not aoincencehatwo mont ago wnhe pside offially lncheis reecti camign pked virnl virg and ohio on the same day to sort of make his first speeches. he's back again the last t da. he'll spend a t ofim ther ihink y'll e t pol righnowhowim with a bitf a ad or mt romn. it a the mormpornt pausihinkneighring noh calinahe pside's ing hava lite tough er i'm. it will be nip and tuck and the numbers don't lookgood there. thinthat put memphas on virgia, the dograics viiniare gwing aitore falg t therez d y he opulormeoverr tim kain who wlengaged in a tight vote for the senate there. it will bring out the votes. that's an important battlround state that the pside wilo ck to.
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>> h ccialsheinn virgia? >> thiirgia ismpornt fo t esidt. i dot thk it's tshe must-win category liking ohio or pennsylvania. but it's definitely important. i think there are 13 electoral votes there. the lestealolitsvera sh bark oba wit ree-int gever tt romn. itery coetite. romn has tak camign tri toirgia but not as froektly as barack obama. perhapsecause that's also because the white house is just a few short miles from virginia. but it hhligs wh a impoant ate i fhe priden >>et'switc ges, dad. i wt t tal aboittomne isightg bk abt hitime at bn catal. he's wt mitt romney told nbc's peter alexander. >> the president's campaign has been ihinkutraous mang t kinof crgeshey have i thk th kds of attks are neatthe gnitf t priden. i ink e predenteedso in iis cpaigand art lkinabouthe al iues pele ce about, which relate
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to our economy. >> david, are you hearing any new reaction from the ite house based on what they heard in the five intview mt roey ge yeerda >> i don thihe whi hse llackownrom thi threas is i thi the thi ey'r getng tracon. pos swn switate mt roey i being hurt by some of these accusations whether they like it or not. just this morning the president released anoer tgh aer vertementhatoes fshong a banaccots i the ymanland and tha as ver damang, shs mt rney sinng meri the autil"uper imposed with clips from newspapers talking about these accounts that are hidden offshore i thin likyou id nmatt wh mitromn sayin tse tervws iwon' reay chan the oba cpaigs mi thiss an aaf wknes for ttmney >> a i mentioned these five back-to-back interviews. how unprecedented is something like this for mitt romney? doou tnk thissueill movendepdent votsome vemb? >> thi'serynusu for
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tt rney d s man telesionnterews. theast he'sctuayaken lot cricior not bng as open with the press as some of his predecessors on the ticket. i think what mitt rox ne's campaignante t dwas to shuthe dr on a lf the accutionon in, get r the t iue b talng to althesnewsrganatio and leing allut i topen and m pttyure id t opposite. i think we still have questions. a lot of reporters still want to ask various things about this. anthe obama campgn,s dad poted out,s stl onhe tackboutit. i dot kn ihe cpaig was ve ccesul. i wt to a u, sha,he vern who was on defense about releasing more tax returns. here's what he said about that. >> i understand that the posion rearceopl a the amaampan wtore infoatiotheyan t andig thugh. u kn at? ve p outs mu ase're gointo putut, ce ie add th ar, and that's the information that gives people more information than is
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required by law. >> he released, shira, a t of formionso thmcca campgn i 8 wh thewere vettg his a posbleeep caidat why t reasehe lt fo yes ofax retus? i mn, you kw what it leads people to believe? >> it leads people to believe the worst, al elf. it leads people to believe he is dingometng,heth or t hes. mitt romy i ght, the oma mpai wou lik himo rease s taretus becse it i me oositneseah foer fhemo dthugh. t when heited the requirement by law, the truth is the law doesn't require candidates to release that much about the psona fincial siatio. we aoll cl ghrou rson fincial dcloses r evyembeof cgresnd theyon'tell ttmuch in my ws he i actllot releing at much infmation by just releasing what is required by law. >> david, why not just release more of his tax returns and put this issue t rest? itotikeverydy doe't aladyee h as wethy,
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ccesul binesanhich one uld pecto berefllgted t tex rerns. >> i mes pple wonder what the obama campaign is hitting him on, what els is in the. would it raise more questions if he relsed th? athe se ti, repters stilcontueoo tir vestatin we s sto aft stor "e boon gbe" d twthiseek talkg abt miromn's time baind sort o how secretive some of his dealings might have or have not been. the romney campaign no matter hohardhey y can putt torest >> wt abo ontime rk ntorppeang a a romy caaignente is tt a sn that senator santorum is fully behind mr. romney? >> i'moture aut tt. it beea swurtsp. uslly t nberworunn-up in rublinolits tes t gle mselndeexn line ntor dinity has that title. he was number two runner-up in the primary. it's a very unusual case because it's been this ostanng
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nsiobetwn hiand . roey. i wodn'tall a fullhroted eorsent or anhingike th. 3thk ere'stilten beeen e tw >>o yo think it at least gets ntorum's supporters to throw their support behind mitt romney? >> ihink at's impoant, considatg t suprt ohe reblic sids wh mit romn hasone frlyll. uee tha wit camign nanc donionsndow gettg pele t theollss going to be an important part of it. any of this kind of consolidation and unity on the republican side is very heful. dav and shirhank s ch. than. >>righnowerry kendy i awting crt de f alledlyrivi wle impaired by drs. she connued ono t nex it,ulle ovehere s was portly fnd ptut bind e eel. r atrney telsheas
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akenut n injud. kennedy spokesperson says there were no drugs in her system, but sources familiar with the case tell nbc ns tt bodnd ine tes we sen t a poli lab and iould tak daysor tesuloszom ck thow my typ o pro of drs iner stem w turig tee mey headlines, record profits despite one whale of a loss. could it be turning around? and 60-day test drive. thornd retlnaly is here wh th latt tail niceo seeyou. >> d t s ytoo. >> t's tal aut jpmoan's bott li, wchameut jus ne iheend. >> righ they reported record earnings for their second quarter despite the billions of dollars of trading losses, as you had mentned,he wle o aloss it w de by thirogue deritiveradeut of ndon own theondowhe. and dpite all o tho trading loss losses, the company was reporting better than expected earnings. they said despite they might have some blankg feeinerms
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of ming mon, theanki es mausehemoss gng to t nex quarr,hathey ll auall-hey' ming moreoney witbankoansup 30% this quarter. >> but the word is this london whale, what a name, the word is they've cut him loose. wh doe knoabou hi >> wel hisame -- jus wanto ma sur iett rit -- bnoikse wradi upwards of $100 billion out of london. these arthe types of tras h s do sed tt an bause of t eggioulosst csed morg, the cut h loo as ll aa coue other executiv executives. >> let's get to home sales. there's positive signs for the first time in seven years. do you see theousiarke as finay beg set toounc backg? >>ight wellthe se-sllerinde thfirstimee're sing a potiveoveuprd. youad meione you know,
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almost seven months now. and this is the first time we've seen any sort of pitive movent since tsousi bubb bur. no inay houng -urches of hes had ge u10%ersu st m soat's definitely a good indication. as well as housing ichblttories, that's really the ke youave toookt houng inntors. th areecomg ls on the maet. tre wbackheree art 02 levs? no housg anystsre looking to see us back at those levels. shoers can take new chevy models on a 60-day tes dre? >> tt's ght. m gngo be takg tt chy outo thempto. wan to e whahis ill abt. acallychy, durg th summer, a lot of other automobile manufacturers have these protions to get rid of thr inntors. chy, ts iimilohat
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lud hyuni diduri theeceson whe th alled pple to ke o the cars jus tet oplen th doors. chevy is sing, come in, test-drive a chevy, see if you like it. we can almost guarantee you wi. ifou don, 60ays ter u caretu th. wh irtt no gng toive back- th wil giv bac t pricof the c and some ohe taxe buthey' not goio gi bac somof tees and refinancing fe fees and that sort of thing. >> understandable. very good to see you. thanks. nexis aeyssue in thbatt f t whi hou at cld grely iluen the ouome theresintia elecon a it' nothe onom or heah ca. stayith . u'reatching "weekends with alex swit t vivitt." over idiffet
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but nturink comtted bei a dfere kin comnicaons mpan by ctinug to hp yodo me and focus on the things that matter to you.
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♪ werurge le it ow yr mi. malannncer for uitsveggs an natal gen t eney... w v8-fusn pl eney. could've had a v8. hey. hey eddie. i brought yo stuff. you don't ha to do this. yei do i nt y to ep ts. it'de wed. ta car yotoo. [ sis ] so how did it go? he's upset. [ male announcer ] spend ss time atas stion wi be inlas fueecony. 's o mostnnovive timaver. ♪
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pf. a threjudgpaneis cidi texas vot i. w. tes haued the jtice depamentor bloingts new law that, like similar measures in indiana and georgia, would require government-issuedhoto i.d.s at the polls. opnentofhe l sayhey diropoionaly aect ack d hpani vots a vlate theandmk 15otingight act. omar van honey has been covering the voter i.d. laws, thanks for join being us. >> tnks f hing. >>ake lk aourates arcle,t loo at e impts ofheoter.d.awsn the pridenal elecon. how big of assues ts for esidt oba's campaign >> they're taking it very seriously. on the campaign already subtly and overtly they're going and telling pplenheseeall
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in-bed gups at y taed out, ricaamerans, hispics t aloungoter dispportnate ated th, theed tn out, african-americans at even a better rate than they had in 2008, and ere'sonceshat ese vot i.dlawsn so swg stesould he a rl effe. >>e' tkingbout hany balegrndtate whe ts mighbe eecti? >> 's really a handful right now, but there's places like pennsylvania, for example, wch yo canvenuestn i 's a battgrou sta, mtolls sh iteani to obam ltle titer is tim arnd, b you lkt th nber in nnsyania therwas recent study that the pennsylvania government did and youave basally 180,0 ju inhilalphilone decrat stnghoajory ricaameran cy thon't ve t two mt cmon ste
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i.d.s. >> wow. so if you talk about nationally, how many people do you think we're talking about here? and do you think'snougto swinthe ecti? doexpec the ectio to be thattigh well tlectn i goi toe ver tigo the is reon tbecoerne natiallyou'r talng abo 20 million people, according to a brennan center sty, of the number of people that don't have ate d.s. 20illi peop? aut % -- aordi tha thbrenn ceer, s. anat's natnwid lot thetate aotn play texas -- the case in texas i think is extraordinarily interesting. texas isn't going to be a play in election, but texas is a stateat's grong hispic. thopulion i boomg. th is steat's bee tritiolly publan, t in matt of les tn a y generation, democrats really think texas could be a state they could play in. >> aside from the justice depamentits, wt hathe
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ama minirati, reecti campgn, at a the dngo coat tse laws are eyetti outherend gisting fol aetti l thleared up? >> absolutely. they've gone out and registered folks. th've been -the first lady even and from t fst rlyn s bn rindioth ricaameranvors,oung tersall vers rllyut partular wheshe' tking to tse grou,y, get your snuff order, because you've got to get it done now. this could be a problem if these ting laws end up bng - holdg up and bein pl comeovemr. soet idoneow. kesurewithoung vots at lleg, yo havour driv's license with the correct address. make sure everything is up to date. >> ocourse there areany tha arelamonghis ieing don inntiolly try away the te. youee evidce, douee ooff th? we,itintestin back i pennsylvania again, the house republican leader of the
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state assembly ther younow, he sd wh he salki to reblic sta coittee was ongs frids b h mentned at, u kn, he tick off lis of rsonshy thstatshouo to romney. among the things he ticked off was the voter i.d. law there. >> okay, well thank you very much fm "a toy" aume thanyou. >> tnks r hang . >> sll ahea offeolits withelisarriperr oner cle e te partier andheritage. i'm not kidding. it'sery inrestg. wel ta abo iextn "weendsith ex wt." onee in tsouing job supports tax breaks overseas. tax ts f comnieshatbrinjobsome. tsouing rsusnsouing. itatte.
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i'm barack obama, and i approved this message. r,a rath run
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in aolutperft ysic contion ani haa het atck righout thelearlue. heas jt... "gete anspir"... yeah... i knew that i was doing the right thing, when i gave him the bayer. i'm on an aspirin regimen... and tak bar chable [ me anunce] asrin not propate r evyone be re ttalk youdoct bore u ben anspir regen. soe's a suess ory. [ ughs 's msuccs sty. [ male announcer ] learn how to protect your heart at i am proheart on facebook.
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> let'oow t toy's apsh of s and dns ginng wi mor ney. forteagaze ssthe's reco amot o money in circulation, $1.1 trillion, 75% of it in $100 bills. get this, $30 million i cash is ciulatg in dominionsf $5 ,000nd 0,00 bil. sene o thocent? t so much ls of shaholds o groun stk i selling. it hit a record low this week, shares down about 60% since groupon went public st novemb. >>now aopt. this line no run o t lhou ca ubsshe cat may of th ta keen na, alaska. he's held the honor for 15 years, he's come a local tourist attrtion. noing un pfect sce taki ofce, t whado y exct fm a t? how low wlhe go in octom perrmed lt nig a flodatrip club.
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she didn't take it all off, we're told. she has also starred in poography to pay the bls.
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yep.he lger u st pele fostayg u and when you switch from another company to us, we even reward you for the time you spent there. ah, niuseni. yoguysust ve yrown yaltprogm,? huh? you should see november! oh, yeah? giving you mor now that's progressive. ll oclictoda
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this is new york state. we built t first railway, thfirstradrout this i theest,rk state. the eate empes. th, so sai rout we lt ouedget,rk state. we tod, the's new new rk ste. the eate empes. e th's wkingo atact buness an. a place where innovation meets determination... and businees lead the world.
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e nenew rk workfor sine. findut h it n wo foryourat tnew. busyay out there in times square. welcome back to "weekends with alex witt." time for your fast five heline secrary sta hlary clinn ha aivedn cro th h feir meeng wit present hamm rsi. > inaris today, pomp, pageantry and patriotism, it's baille day that markses the ginng of t fnch reluti in 89 amonthefeivits, a rachehowhat dve one parauterff b a hf mile. he wound up suffering a sprained knee. back in this country, visa, mastercard and several of major
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banks have agreed to p tails abt $6illio ttle a lawst. as pt of thedealerchts are ing be allowed to charge customers a fee to use a credit card. we'll talk more about that. the effects of thursday's masse sar fre cld inteere thlectnics powe gdsre mt vulnable e sar srm ao m genete a dplay of northern lights this weekend. and in the year's final running of the bulls a bit earlier today, foureople were injured but no one was red. er t couef t eig ampes the in spai the bus go the bterf8 opleho ndedo g the hoitalwhicnclus fr opleho wered. dhose aou fast five headlines. new reaction today defending new york city police a its controversial stop and fsk pocy wch cld set ttage for eest otheuntr just yestday,ew york may miael oombg sa saito
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rtaigrou of oplequot evything the police does is wrong. the mayor argues stop a frisk saves lives but nubz don't rely showhat. opnentsay i fair taets minoties joinge is ranlph mclaughlin. thank you for joining me, professor. as wealked about the mayor defending the stop and frisk program, as you said in the "ne yorkimesartiehisweek dgesead ewspars,hey t th detls o afhis kindf picy. so d y tnkhe cousre like to op i >> t cous ha so far stopped it on two occasions. two young african-americans were arrested, stopped, frisked. they actlly found guns on ese two indidua and the pelle crts tew o tir convtionand rerse. thers a fedal jge rht w in mhatt who has ceifie alass action lault essenti lawsuit saying it appears she's thinking the policy violates the cotituon.
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>>the's bee plicoutc, opsitidiscsion posion rche do yhinkhat wlnfluce thayor a pd? i don tnk anye wl inflnce e mayor or or kelly except a federal court order that orders them to op ts bacall uncotituonal- it'startg to lk le a cist poli. >>asoingo a you abo that uncotituonalecau of th? artherraci ovtone here you can point to and really say that's what it is definitively? >> there have been 685,000 sto in one yr one, 2011 thisear ery mon 200. 87% t iividlstopp e aicanmerin an latinos. they've stopped more black men, young men, in new york city than ere are black young men in new yo ty. okay no tre a my peoe w y neyorkityesidts a e mar wlayhis ishat th're claringr, wchs toeephisity saft a
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costs. >> here's what the facts really show us. of the 685,000 stops, 1%f ose ops rested i a g ing ken ohe stre. so y hav a gater likihoo of gting gunake fenff the reetyando stops not these kind of stops. here's what's going on. they are literally stopping and friskingeoplin the strts ofew yk athe rat of 200 aay. wesedo he picy cled mmuny lici. nowe'rolicg th commity. that whagog on >> how do you see this being different or similar than that which goes on at the airport. you look back at 9/11, aow licy cngednd at asto is pnt w havbeenept feecauf wteoplay arenvase picie t ma. >>ll, e airrtecuryr court security where you have to pass through a metal detector, that's a limited situation. what we're having in new york is, you esstial are iminizedy beg bcknd
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walkg onhe seets o new yo. th're oppi y whoutny spicn yove cmitt a cre or are auto coit cre. act,n tir forms they check off, we stopped him because he's in a high crime neighborod. essentially if you live in what they consir a high cri ighbhoodyou' liky to t sppedndrisk in e stre. >>nd dyouindhat ofhose statticsou'r ptingut therthe majityfeopl gettg stoed arisk it es hpen in areas with a higher level of cre? >> it's happening in african-ameran communies -- ere y be highe lev of ime. wh'sritil y wangood pocingn themmunies. >> h doe tha ce out? we ed bterducaon f poli offers out at ty shld blookg fo he's wt you need. you need community policing. you need the police to engaged with the community, not as an occuing rce, arrestind frkingopleut you nee em tongagin t comnity becae thcommity ows o thrimilsar anthe whootio ofust raomly stopping people on mas
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is not resulting in any better policing. >> how do you see this pying t? >> i tnk fedal coun new rk cy wiule tha is picy it taolic -- is uncotituonalnd ty will strike it down. >> do you think as some who look to new york will look to new york and how new york goes may e rest o theount go >> ihinkhe rt ofhe untris wtingnd sing see at auall hchesn th cou cas d i ink ce t fedal urt riket's dow whi i lievit ll, we' s the stop of stop and frisk as we know it. >> pace law school prossor thanyou muc >>the amampan ha leasd a new attk a taetinmitt re an outsrcerhile rsing estis t overseas accounts. ♪ purple mountains majesty above the fruited plains♪ ♪ ameca ameca g sd h
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gracn the ♪ >>nd a n galp pol shows governor romney's wealth could cost him votes while 75% of voters say it doesn make a diffence, 20% say ty a le lelyo votor h beuse it >>inhiswe's offe poticsi talwithur o lissarri p i about coup o tngser fans may find surprising, her family's mormon heritage and her tea partier uncle. plus trigi oeryo's fariteash g ner nd. but aopoke aboresint oba an her thohts abo a post-racial america. >> i whatthink what's important he's both african-american and a democrat. the qution of how impoant is ce btselweould oy ve kwnad the fir afrin-amicanresint n bemocr. sofric-amecansre ging morehan % oheir voto the democratic party since the 1950s, the fact that the fist
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black president is also from the decrat par sgest to m th'slmosovertermed w mu blauppoou t. hahe fir bckresint been colin powell or somee else from the republican party, then i think the question o how ch oit w a rist a w coulhavenownyying noallyepubcansget, say, 10of tvo,hisime the t 20% othe vo. the wa tt sof %hat was clelyust about race. >> what about the post-racial america? i mean -- >> is it here whi iour swer tat? we sll lkingorit >>'m nooki f i beuse fehe goa i po-ract, ght, where we would be able to talk about racism and racial inequality as someing of the past. ieall ley raclstor i caremeer durg th imars in 20 i wld get callfromeporrs bause wa ver muct th poi jus
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acontbuto and lks uld y, a you supporting hillary clinton because she's a woman or are you supporting barack obama because he's black? and my respons w alwa, i suorti mit romyecau 's rmon d itbecae,ou kn, i' taed aut ts on t ow, mymoth's pplere rmon myothe graatedrom brigham young university. so my story is, yes, i'm a woman, yes, i'm african-american, yes, i als have mormon herita. alof tse thisre tru and soyou knowiouldt wt anofhato bome irleva. i uldn wan aart of w moecom post. at i am excited about is the possibility of moving towards a world that is postacial inequaty. it' intesti youring th upboutourothe and tha youid a artle ght oundothesay wre u tkedboutpele's surpse a hringth. my jaw,ke, what? >> yeah. my uncle fred who is one ofy dearest -- i mean, this is an uncle who from the time i was a
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litt bit glas -- i in e te ptynalifnia, ght? ally and y're auall aitti that >> and ian rembe whe -- when president obama gave as a candidate the race speech in 2008 in philadelphia and he talked about what happe when u'ren ratiohipsithf inticy wheopl who are ffert th yo you andmher,our bes iend ere --thers a t alits ofhe structures of race, but a lot of that falls away when it's like, you know, your uncle fred who sent you one ofouravore of gtshen you re 7 yrsldor yr bihday part hps to pandur ia o who is lik and w can w fdome poinof commonality with. >> it seems like your mother has influenced you in so many ways. >> my mother- my mndad re n tethen my chilood, altughhey we ve muc par of raing me. myom w bical sgle rentho, youow,orke i nonpfit orgazatis, w was
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herself an activist within early feminist organizations. so, for me, the really cool par of t ceerave now i get t d ltlef my m a ltlef myd, a ltle o thedvocy aheadems. it'sort of pcolangy young in you. that was like your dinner table conversation if your entire world. you're doing exactly whayou e dog. expt w do uall neland >> ias havg a conrsatn forehe sw lnched wit a "nework mes"eporr a onof m procers jamil, as soon as he saw it, nerdland, that's our hash tag. we are neland we le inew oeansonda throh thsday thenamesnd m dauter ce up o fday nigh >>fterhool >> aerchoo and wor the y up. ando, you kn, tha mea thate i -- he's on single daddy duty all day friday, getting her packed, getting her on the airplane, getti her to new york. they have had se stoes, u ow, or thtime >> he you eve had one of
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oseay youepnd getng read forknd sayoh, at be is new orleans! you have to lun two houses now. that's hard. >> every once in a while that happens, it's true. bureal i t to essp fo the hoend wn'm iy caal le in n orans,ven pfessial essendso muc me sual >> a shsol, too. more of my conversation with melissa tomorrow at this time when she talks about mitt romney's speechhis week athe nc c c-- a be re twatcher ow torromorng at 10:0a.m.eaern. xt wh tig thre tt romn'sedialitznd a battle over bain. does thou protest too much? wheyou e yo viscar youe enred r a anceo n arip thely gam or le. to cer e smerathltes to w hehts,
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starting in 2016... as you experience every moment, every emotion, eryour ars. for e re of ur le. vi. suorti athtes d e olpic mes r 25ears people everywhere go with visa.
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i'veot aice ng l. big plans. so when i found t medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insuran plan. [ ma annncer if u're igib fo, yomay ow itnly versbout0% e re is to u. call and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized dicare supplement plans, itouldave u thsand in o-of-cketosts ur fe desione now i know i'll be able to stick with him.
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you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patien. us, ere e noetwos, and u ner ne a rerra e whmillns opeop ve aeadynrold inhe oy mecareupplent inrancplan endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. >>'s tim nowor the big the antodas picsthe in ge, w'saxesre gng
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, a beseek worwi. wel bri iy pan right now, "washington post" columnist dana mill bank, msnbc contributor susan del pcio and bc conibutnd docrac stragisteithykin hi gu. susa i'lbegiith you. 'll ar whhe bai ge here mitt romy doing five tv interviews on friday saying that he ended his management involvement with bain capital in 19. do you tnk tt w the rig ve tke? you tnk tsenterews e goi toelp clo took this oare the gng t fan e flas enore? the shodlosehe boo on it unless someone finds more documents that conflicts with what is said. as long as the romney team is confident this is everything out therand ey w't hav to plaiit ain, ey'lbe ne. e otr thg isaybe i willeep gngor aeways but thi ijuly i d't tnk athe e o ofhe d it' goio hav any al influence on the race come november. >> keith, you know, the obama camp really focusing on the bain attacks, accusing m roey of
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bein anouourc. here is e pridentoda i viinia les lien. mr.omnehas diffent ea. nvesd in comnies that have been called pioneers of tsouing. on'tant pionr i outsrcin i wa somsourng. wantoring cpani ba. >> so, keith, let's say in november the economy is still flat. is this going to reayecom an iue? ou tnk the oba cp is tryi to eateome sor of diractn fr t onom it dinity workg, pecily i you lk athe swgtate wheroey's peeption is starting to wken because of these ads. you know, you have today president obama out there in virginia campaigng in the rain whe mittomne is ais 11cre tatenew hpshi relang. uknow the cpaigfor e ama amhey areot letng up. ey p o new a justoda
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which was relentless, using mitt romney's own word singing "america the beautiful" against him? i don't thinkhis is a ssagtheyl ge un causi thk th're seeg thameran pple eeactg tohis d th wl coinue to ph o. >>o yo thi,na, the indenden versill i sona with the ceovemr if the economy doesn't tick up substantially by then? >> this is potentially dangerous to mitt romney because this is th sil seanetwe the primies d thonveions whenhing reayet gngn rnes is i tort of te wn sothin lik ts iftbts eme kind of comes up. i think this is what's happening, that the obama side is trying toswifoatomne th bn an oth this. thecony wirobay b all-cisi innomber b ama unexcted gning thedvange at this early stage. so i do think that this is toing to be something that's enduring that we are gng to see rig thugh vemb. >>xcep da,ouldt cal
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it swtboang. woul s it'sissbting becae thswis bkccous are vingn pact >> rlly good, keith. can i ask you quickly, susan, before we move on, with regard to what keith brought up, the ct youaveresint oma woing rd, he'sut tre i thrainndere' thi cturof mt rneyangi t in aelately prilege enronmt the. y tnk tt mitomne ght w is hunkering down and trying to figure out his next move? doou think it's just he's frying to figure out how to g ouof th? >> i thi wha y menoned eaier,hey d a sies of ve tevisnnterews stery tout i out the. th'reoing to l i sele. itakesenseor tay toe y o. t a t news settle, let anyone ask any more questions they'll possibly ask. there's no doubt mitt romneyas haa ve aggssive cpaig scduleoingack t primies. onehink hs jt layg ck a ting ey at al so i tnk the'sothirong th h tak bei aay, tting the news settle.
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>> dana, our next topic we'll go to now, whose taxes wilgo , whh pend here morf the predentn virgia toda wha ieaidoongrs , les meurehat eryby whsakin $250,000 a year or less, that your taxes don't erybo o isakin $25000 o lesa year you taxon't gup. bu letsk fol lee w caaffo itt the t 2% to do a little bit more. >> so dana, if congress doe't act, the tesil eire f eryo onanua 1st do y seeuch om f coromi on is iss? >> ion'tee cgres actg this or any other issue. i don't know anybody on capitol hill who thinks anything will t onhe tax issu thinthiss a abo polics athe mentnd w has e adntag aft t
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ecti ihat lam duc ssiowher thell havto haer osothin i ink e sma mon says everybody is briefly going to get their current tax rates extended. >> keith, everyone ss t t cutsill rt t tecomy, sohy neephe tax cs for eryo? >>e tnedthe oer way i th cntondmintratn wh thhigh tax re and we created 23 million jobs. the reality is everybody's taxes are going to go down under present oba's pposa i dot thk he expined thisery ll. evenilliaireand llioireset a taxutn the 50,0 ofheir inco. 's the income above $250,000 that don't get the tax cut, so he needs to make that more clear. so if you me 50,0, u'renly ttinaaxn 250,0. susa whawereousang? iteems theonsient oblewithhis admistrion the comnicaon issues. they couldn't explain health care, they can't explain what they're proposing here, which
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kind of tells me if they can't explain it, may it's not the besthingor u to oing as auntr >> mbe mitromn cou plaiwhy w't relseis xes. e guhas l ofxplation oble goi on in tast week. he's not really the one who should be making the charges. >> i think everyone agrees the is a uniform pblemithhe ympi. >>omin , wotenhe st a theorsteeksut ere. [ le aounc ] n't ss r lober's ur crse afoofeast,
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just $.99. start with soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees us dessert fr pfectcoures, st $.99. me io relobsr ansea od dferely.
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> were bacith the big it tim t fdutho h the steek andhoadhe rst ek. we'rbrinng bk ihe pal. dana milbank, susan and keith boint on. keith, who did you think had the best and worst weeks? the bt week wasarac obamaftehat s aeall bad uneloymt numb. heurne the wee arod mehoand maned t fus it theersoho h theorst we, whh wamitt romney. >> why do you give him the worst? >> because here's a guy who spent all week struggling to explain his taxes, struggling t plaibain thesarehe isss tt we
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supped tbe his song sus, thecony,he fanci thgs, d hnds u sndin thwhol wee o t dense. i'veeveree t demratse so aggressive before as they have in this campaign. >> dana yur, you're next. best a wors >> i think the bes gs t ndolza re whos jus ttin the bng pressial, eoyinhe weher. e don'tanto be ve esidt, but everye is flattering her right now. she's having a terrific week. i think the worst week goes to the cayman islands. this haseen pitic huicanfor em. is butif sli ofarade is rlly ingbusehis ek. at'sot ir. thas arett picte, thgh. sun, we' finhith you. how about your picks? >> for best i gave it to senator lieberma he stood up to his conference and said we're not going t take easyayut aust oposomeax csitho dealgith e dicit probm. fo staing on incie, i gave it to them. the worst has to be the olympic
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uniforms. not only do they not look good, i think ey created the only partan aeeme in waingt thiek,hichwas, ey we ma in cna a at'sotgo. iate tdo it, but t berets, not good. >> that's a wrap-upf "weekend with ax witt xt we ve"rocente wh ian llia." ♪
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malannocer youe rehed e ag where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why let ertile dysfution getn yo way talto yr door abutgra. 20 mlionen aeadyave.
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askour ctorf yo hea is althenou forex. doot te vira iyou ke trat forhestain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to oid ng-tm inry, eek medie mecal lp foan ectio lastg mo thafouhou. st takg vira d ca youdoct rig awa if y expienc a suen dreasor ls in vion heang. thiis t age taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. >>tonit onrockente -- brkingway. katiholm mayave nagea swt ex frothe bit scientology, but former insiders tell katsnow that when some members try to leave the church n pl rou. >> whad wholdrilthat inlvedp towo den pple tount wn a finthe rsonconfnt tm, a persuade them to return. >> reporter: he's a foer senior scientologist who claims
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the chur useextre meures ainspeop likhim. >> ce onmart doou he anhingo sa >>his undsike vie uff. i'm rry,artythisound o colicad toelie. i mn, ion'tnow at t tell you. can you handle the truth? also tonight, richard engel with a view we have never seen foref thupring iide ria. madthe ip wh a bel mmanr fitingo lirate his meto. >>t's 00 a. anali kran is saying good-bye to his parents, possibly for the last time. he's on the front line of a rpring n syria few tsids ha glised. say "thregi conols onlyheret kes ittank that it. and the "costa ccordia" is still submerged after six months. and some pasngers who d to ght r thr lis that night say w th're rcedo fit fotheirigh. harrsmithas storeverne o's er csided a uise nes toee. >>t's totay dieren


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