tv Hardball Weekend MSNBC July 15, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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rerd abain mscolital alyst did co is whingnurea cef ofothejonesagaze an the auor oshowwn. ck tylas a spokesman for newt gingrich and the pro-gingrich super pac winning our future. gentlemen,ew detailsbout romn's re atin,ost 99 coinueo dr outoday riounewsrganatio port accdingo th testony at hgaveo th maachutts llot cssio in 2002, romney continued to attend board meetings for businesses acquired by bain, including staples. isomes aft repts fm davicornn mherones and stery the bosn glo owedhat rney was sti t o ofain thrgh 22 cordg to.e.c filgs. w whis ts imrtan well, it was beginning in 1999 that bain invested heavily in companies that were pioneers of ouourcg, aordi to he shinon pt." thers evencehat mney andi hasaken hit cent. take looat t latt re clr poticsvera of lls.
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obamhas 2.5 ad over romney now. and today the romney campaign hastily arranged interviews with all the major neorks latehis afrnooomne lkedo nbs per alande >> t predent camign s be, i ink,utraous mark making the kinds of charges they have. the attacks are beneath the gnitof t predenc >> iant clafy ts. afr feuary999 u ner atnded sgle3450ingor in, bines meetg, en by pne attde a mting garding bain or bain-controlled entities? >> you have asd quite a few questions there. so let's go through. i didn't involve mylfn a y wh baicapil's terpse aerebruy o 99. notartipati in sgle etineith inersor by phon >> ion'tecala sile etinoringlartipa in a investment decision by bain or personnel decision. >> rick,our campaign, newt gingrich brought this up in primary ason and he was iticed.
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girichwas. ybeomneouldave bee bett svedf thi was fly litited the primies,nd t thgenel eltion >> ihinkhat'probly rit. it was not fully litigated. in fact it wasn't really fully understood i gi theomnecampgn an ermouamou of edit th wonhe aumenand basilly id battaing tt romn we e atckinfree enterise th ceainl w nerrue t th whe dinan narrative and it won the day. but there's still those same questions that are out there, and obviously, this- these questions have taken romy o himesse, wchsobs d back oma'scono. back oma'storys were stk at.2%. thers a $15 trillion debt and just today he -- the hss is reversing welfare reform,hich was e siaturacevemt o my bs ne ginich d bi clton. >>avidorn,ou he be all ov thistor exain somne w haseen lf payg atttionhe signican of t 19 veus 02.
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>> in some ways it is a phony stinion. t inome wstn't. th's w we' litatinand ghti oveit. afte'99 bn mad se vestnts cerin cpani thatere invvedn outsrcinjobso china, india, and mexico. and so mitt romney is trying to basically claim that he wasn't involved in those sortf decisions. ev thoh hetillwnedhe mpan evethou he stl benited fro tt compy, a evethoue put thcompynhat path, hs yingoeparehimsf fm ose rticar dls and there were some bankruptcies, too, in companies that happened after that stage. that's why he's trying to make februa 1999 thisrighline t i had sto o jus stery, chae ttad inn8 wn roey w the ad oit iesti in chine mafacting mpan that was making money off u.s. companies outsourcing jobs to them. eveprioto ts '9brig linetherare ts oprobms atain d lo of oble
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withis o pernal nanc wi offore mpans. it'surni inta bimessnd i ink at'shy ware t going to see much in terms of tax returns because i can tell you this. i'm getting stuff in all over, ps he anther the's a weth, n inndeda weth ofaterl toeep okinat ter of in dls a mney pernal nanc and ere e qutionwhetr he didn't tell the whole truth on maybe the disclosure forms h has filled out. >> gentlemen, on cbs this moing esidt oba sa a x onomnes rerd abain we entely propate. re'shat saiin pt. i dnot ink allt disqualifies him, but i also think it's important, if that's his main calling card,f h basiremis tha'm mr. fix- on t onom causi ma lotf moy, i thinit i enrely apppria to lk at that record, and so whether, in fact, his focus was
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creating jobs. and he scesslly d th andhen youook theecor therare estis the. >> ri,oou thi tha ts isllpposion sear ornted that it's coming from chicago. that the obama campaign has been sitting on these things for quite some time. askein aiffent mner,ad yourandite nt girich contued wn t pathe w head in e prary,hat u to wou havgott her >>e lo thergumt abt attacking free enterprise. but these things were known back january 15th. i nt o o of tunda ows d tald authe e.c. fingsnd t innsisnciethen see a l to abo noing en. is m seeto ba loto d about nothing now. but let's just talk pure poli c politics here. what the president is successfully doing is he does not want to talk about his rerd. doe't he a cordo ru on theare ing th ts ing th bn th hashe
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media's attention and they are going with that. the problem with the media, romney is coming out at 6:00 tonight to address this. i hope he does to put this behind him. ulmate theoterwillave dece whher is ia lo to dabounothg orheth iteansometng. bui thk ifitt mneyets this behind him he can then shift back to the president's dismal record on the economy and jobs. >> michael, i can tell you -- >> the reality is as you're potingut, e pridengot terrle js rert rentl and havnot ent e la tedaysocus on at. e naativhas en dven the in iue. t mehow vid rn someing. stery a mneyampan adviser gave this explanation to politico for what his boss' role at bain was between 1999 and 02. quot rney was ohe s.e. filis beuse w sll tenicay thwner badn' ansfred nersp tother partrs. heescred h as chnilly e owner. one of the boston globe reporters who worked on the story yesterday expinedhe
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coradiion tweewhathe roey cp is sayi, a wt the rorti by aumbe of outls hauncored. re iis. thelobend oer rorti is n sayg heas ithe board room on a daily basis at bain, calling the shots. but certainly that his records show that he wasnchge, halegarespsibity. he w thean wh ovsigh respsibity f theompa. hocan u rere fm a coany 199but en rain as president, ceo and chairman? so i think that's one of the discrepancies we are reporting and that's really the crux of oustorand e roey pple as ty didskor a corrtiontheye noetti one caustheyaven bee ab to ow tha anyf o rertinwas accute. dav, isn exanatn he on behalf of governor romney that he had to go solve a crisis, that it was unexpected, unforeseen he would have to and vesthimsf, probly bawordchoi, butet acte in t olpicswhenhey re disess? antherore me dailsike thisecamsecoary.
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>> well, you know, he has the option of saying, i departed, it was chaotic and it toous two, ree ars sorthin out but at'sot wt he sayg. he sayg th he d noing do en -i wathe rst rert tt heignedocunts, he sned th. it wn'tusthat h nam w there, he signed documents that enabled a $75 million deal to go through. this is months after he pposly lt thcompy. heeclad o his fincial discsure fo, il hav storabouthis inn hou or sond ilut theink o my twitter feed, but he signed a financial disclosure statement saying that in no way, not in any way was he involved inain eratns aer fruar1999 butherare ese ampl agaiand ain himigni cord w th's bng iolve i'm t sang hs ruing ingsay tday "thbost obe"uy sd, b he s involved. the big thing again is he's not going to be able to put this behind him. my sry yterd abo his
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inesdealinveing a inescompy th's befiti frou.s.ourcg, th areoingo beots des th areoingo be vestated i've got to tell you, mike, a lot of this is not coming from chicago. i got that story over the tranm fr somody o wa tereed iooki a.e.c fings outitt romy ani delopeit m168. so t oba camign rtaiy wantto g thiup, t yo can ep 1 reptersusy om now until election day just going over mitt romney's financial records and bain deals. d i ink ck irighand ne ginich s rit ba en. thers a emenus lbili fothe publan pty he at w nev ful expred ck wn th had chae. >> tnk y rictyle thank you, david corn. coming up, condoleezza rice for vice president? there's a lot of bz that romn is nsiding ce, t ishe rney mpai jus lookg tohangthe bjec aw frobain at'shead. is i"harall. thplacfor liti. over idiffent but nturink comtted
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lcombacko "hdbal" thdrud rept haan ebrow raising headline last night. the coervative website known to have close ties to the romney campaign reported that a rpri veechoi hadmerg as arontunne form sectaryf ste coolee ric few eks o, re vere a roing eecht a therg bigoney donors that was greeted very enthusiastically by people in the audience. but she carries a truckloadf politicarisks. most sigfica is r ti in the sh wte hse a somof heviewon sial sueshat n't ve wh thconsvati basef threpuicanarty foexamshe'pro-oice stl thact thahis is coming out now, and the fact that it's coming from drudge has led many to wonder what's going on here exactly?
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likaendeon ia potica repoer f "thwashgton post robe cos is olital port forhe niona revi. mali, leme srt wh yo ishis diveion tak attention away from bain where that issue appears to have gathered traction in the last couple of weeks? >> it's certainly turned out to tha y. he were talng abo ts ory at t romy cpaig prty easynock dn tha and ew ls ofuspion fm folkheren waingt and skepcism so ionlyeemshis is a way to divert attention from what everyone has been talking about this week, bain revelaons, mitt rney'tax turn so icertnly s woed o th waytoo. i ink othepointo bmade is he waa we whe mit romn wenbefo theatiol asciation of color people and was booed and in some ways it's not necessarily coincidental that days later, he comes out with a storyr his caaignomesut wh a ory whe iteemso behat ey arvettg ve higprofe ricaameran a in me ys sdinghe snal at t repuicanartys anncluve
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e. which is a message they certainly need to send to independent voters. >> robert, conrvative blogger, er erison s quk to mpenhe sculaon wn he wrot i d't kw whis hiing e crk ro tonht inhe ror ml bucondeeza rice is pro-abortion she worked for george bush for eight years. could conservatives look past the social positions tt sh ha mosnotay onhe cice ise, bausehey'be thlledo ha a litime neonshing at tket? fir, i ink ic irigh yondhe dg rerences, every single romney source i've spoken with today has thrown cold water on top of this rumor. they say romney isunning his ep search like a consulting ojec he metulou timawley, b rtma plyan tt are pa of at fal lt. ndi is being floed by those people who went to that utah retreat. people who really had found her speech to be faastic, and th're zzinto repoers.
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t sidef tt bton hig commd, ion'thinkondis a ort ster les sashe s anutsi pickike u sa. thinsoci conrvates woulhaveome ncerns they may make a stink at the convention in tampa, they could cause a stir on the floor. but i thk the frustration towa the presint iso stng tt ev thoh roey omis he uldick a pro-fe cdida for,f h pisomeo who iote, ldly pro-oice as rice describes herself, i think the anger toward the president would still get social conservatives out tohe polls in november. a-maika, her is incati of at sial consvatis wod do. . ri fou a surisin suppter st nht ofox. rah lin ys s lik the idea i tnk tt coolee ric would be a wondeul vice president and certainly has more experience than our sitting president does today. i would certainly prer esidtialnd ve esidtialandite w had at rpector a innent, ecio, puosef hum lif show trespt vi
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being a pro-life candidate. we need to remember, though, that it's not the vice president at wld lisla aboion anthatoulde coress le. d wel ke thain md. >> n-mala, ts wod be inrpred ashrowg thlong ball, don't you think? this would be like a palin pick in the 2012 cycle. if anythg, i've be ticitinghat tt rney willo sothinvery consvati, nopolicall coervave, t ve consvati in rms the seleion. >>hat'righ safehoic nothing certainly to ostracize the evangelical base, which so iorta in rms eney. i lkedo so top angecalsodaynd ty we apopcticithhis ide tha itoulde cooleea ri. >> nia mallika, thank you. coming up next, many who look like disney characters. that's coming up in the "shed show." youant t flow me on twter,ou neeo fige out how spe smeonis yore wchin"harall"n
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back to "hardball." now for the "sideshow. fit of the waso shtage outge lt we whethe publan gernoof mne paulpagelast pside oba's althare pla sang, ote,ou mtuy heah surae or pay the new gestapo, the irs. that's right hitr's secret police during the holocaust. laageaterpolozed t lkintoocal pteraul hitz hwiveed fm bacng f hiommes tooublg do. >> what i'm trying to say is that the holocaust was a horrific crime agast humanity and,rank, i uld ver nt seehat peat. maybthe s isot qte a bayet. so u'reayinthe s is adedn thdireion the
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gesto? do you he a sense of what the gestapo actually did during world war ii? >> yeah, they killed a lot of people. >> t irs is heing the dictio theirecon o killg a t ofeopl >>eah. >> a youerio? >>es, ry sious >> i'm just as incredulouas that radio host. no surprise the do-over caused more uproar ahe governor has issu a new apogy for hi que, inssitityo tord gesto. sensivitwoulseemike oneeck an dersteme, dot yothin xt, st asoons the wordcameut orick santorum's mouth backn march regarding mitt romney and health care reform we knew it would comeack bithim wn t li. >>hy wld wput meonoff who uniely,ick y otr reblic in e cotry,e is thworsrepuicann th country to put up against barack obama. >> santorum was in iowa this week and a local reporr asked him about the whole worst repuicanrgumt.
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and re'shat sai justecau i sd heoulde the rst rsono re u ainsbara oba in electi doesn't mean that he wouldn't be far better than barack obama if he was elected. there's a head scratcher for you. what a way to set the stage for santorum's first campaign event r mi romy scdulein nnsyaniahis eken d te romy mabe oati theame ndi the sear for vp,ut iwas anotr meer othe bush 43 team that d romney's back last night. dick cheney hosted a fundraiser for e candidate in his hom ste ofyomi. indditn tohe ctingt of norstherwereroteers e sce. accoing the.a. mes,ne n weing dartvademask held sigwithn arw pointing to the direction of cheney's house that said dinner on the "titanic." another protester sign said, 1% wardthe lf cplexnd 9 towa an entrce to t gra ten naonalark. anpictes tcommoratthe enin , thevenwas osedo th press and one possible reason is
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cheney left office with a 13% approval rating. a snapshot of the duo might not behe bt seing int. nall evewatcd a clasc diey mie a sai y th chacteremin me meon wellthe lks the huffgtonost d so match-ups. let's look at some highlights, all personalities aside. barney frank, look for his look ike,hinkoofyut lal coanio howboutr. se om per p. all e coressn nes is th hatnd is a ne dl. en tre'sarahalin. we he se thisnapot before the hint? her disney twin transitions from ladylike to the wild ways of her husbd wh theget rrie it janport frotarz. i gsse cld s theboth wentogue xt isharl rgel. mocr fronew rk. his best friend is literally the light of his love. give it up for cogsworth from "beauty and the beast." best buddyo luere. stlyron ul, s diey doelgaer ianytng b n-long.
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hid tstorsain aracr in a crchell ter for yrs aer being tasked with raising him. it's claude frollo from the hunchback of notre dame. i think that one takes the cake. that's "hardba" for now. comingp ne, "yr buness with.j. mber malennouer ] is irudy himorng stts wh arritipainand o pis. afteoon'overul srts th me pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brings more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang o stan's door remmend ale. it c keepainway l da withewerillshan leno th is dy. o swchedo ale. antwo lls for day ee opain ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for reli from tough headach.
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revitalizing the economy and american express open is here to help. that's why we are proud to present "your busiss" on msnbc. hi there, everyone. i'm j.j. ramberg and welco to "your business" wherwe give you ti anddvicto hp yo busiss gw. a uplefeeks ahe sueme urt held the afrdab cart. t th hasot eed the debaurroding the w, a whether it's good or bad for small business. those in favor of it say that health careosts will go down. and more small binessill havehe abity torovi althnsurce f tir ploys. the onhe oersi, tho agait the law, s actuly costare ing gp a is igointoe a big burden onmall businesses already struggling with so many other issues. at the same time, the debate er exteinghe bus taxuts ges .
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