tv Weekends With Alex Witt MSNBC July 15, 2012 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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t wn't rponsle f nagent a th's, youow, boom le. joinge now for mor fro ge liti, eleanor clift. and david weigel. thanks for being re. tha you >> elnor, wil beg wh u. thobam cp n bacng a alln t bntack dety cpaigmanar asng re qstio abo it day. at dyou ke ohowhe romney camp had an dld this so far? >> well, i thai that they are trying to dame predent obams brd sing tthis ki ofttack aerting is beats hi theyreot reay rpondg the chaes and their argument is there is a good bain and bad bain. mitt romney was there when it 'twas good bain. w jus tecicaly hi signure onhese dumen afrwar. i ink thawhats gog on heres a raco deneitt romn and tnk t oba mpai israwing some blood
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and really seeing mitt romney for the first time make the rounds of repters lteek vingverydyive muteso sweromef thqution ihink tt ere' bodn thater and it hd for me see how theomne camign can resist the calls for him to reveal more of his tax opon. >> there a difference between mr. romneayin tt h noingo d with bai aer leing go wor forhe -- he up thealt lak winr ga andd gilspie sing ere a lvef absence? i mean, i'm curious? can either of you know the answer? does a ceo with a leave of abnce thinto dwitht? or as bei alled bthe ama caaign, tha en tugh yojust- takyleaf o.nce t yoaretillhe doitheof y he answe that? >> it is really -- it is a situatio on that spin -- has been the prlem. uld ve psibl expined at hapnet ba.
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agai e gilspies exessi whatapped aain becae miomne need to reue the salt lake city olympics. they could have explained this and said it is a complicated rporate process. sheer how it worked and here are how the disio werma. eyecid not d tt. thprobm ty catedasy reondi tovery oba attk out insayin it tolly untr,e had nhing to do with the company whatsoever. there might not a lot of wiggle room. the -- i think you see tod -- the last few days peoehat woed abain sayge wan theorms b -- mehane thght,e codn'tartipate inday--day opatio. bu pticited ltle bit. itasn osiation. it is very rare somebody leaves a company to take over the job of olympics but never explained how it worked. they havbeenodaman eir denls the oped emsees tthes attas. o yowanto adanytng at? wels. thin tacthat mt romn connuedo reive $100,000 a year i you this that
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from bain during this period, to most people, that's a fair amount of mone whatindf capalis is thi youave notng to wit butou a sti getng thishunkf chge? thenalo ty arking, i is leteve jokebs. he was not making day-to-day decisions at apple. apple didn't veer off in any different direction when ste bs wck. i tnk tt t dtincon theyre ting makis ts howhatainiduring ts riodf queson, offsring somhing tt th areot oud . anit ds rae th larger question of what kind of capitalismid romney profit from and what kind of capitalism uld ergizheount wi? heeedso expin wt his planare, ihinkfehoul win e esidcy. wou all leo kn. >>hat'intestinavid you d i re talng lteek by b t latest job numbers which were not all that great. this week it is about bain. do you see thiss as a sn th thebama cps havg grterucce in ctrolng e meage? hey are.
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a cssicarl ve ctic is assi stregy turning the strength or biographical strength into a weakness. this is what was done to john kerry and done in some caseso go. th --eforoter kw mt mneyery we,hey re yingo me it possle f hito expin tha the we de meyn bines was admirable, ethical. they get to the off-shoring on conversation on policy terms, not that mh o a dferee fr wha bark oba dido present,ven en demrats werenongrs anomne wod do dierens inaxlici. its noaolicissu just- insad of letting mitt romney be a businessma who had to -- made money the way all amerans n ma moy, ty artryi t mak hook ke -orro pasef rk rry,ultu pitast. he trygo thaefor opleave at ia o his money. two weeks before the romney's horse is in the limb have fun with that.
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trying to toxify theaye g ri. >>witcng grs n hend i ll binith you, davi th rard to e nepollut in tamtrounstatof orid masodixom. he's leang mr. rom one point. with a thip hypoetic matup o mitt rney aarco bio, at'shen the rublin tick fli andeads by one int. t thver t predent a vi predent whato yomakef sator rubio not givepling romney that much of a bump? at least in this poll in his own state. what are themplitionof at? i'mot rlly su. polik tha i --n jul bere t peoe- on t coenti, gogo be iam th past. i don't know how locked in those voters are. florida has been this tight for three yes. flida impved ltle bit more ecomicay onust justnunemoymeumbe thanhe rt othe couny. anther haseen proem
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en -mney camignhere and tried to coordinate his ssage with rick scott. i think just -- we had -- recent st, vice esidtial ninee who bnedearighy an didn hava to ofperice. ere y abbi o worere. inviduly iis aign ters ven'quitengad ye >> elnor,itt romney sent out an e-mail to supporters yesterday sayg that he would pick a vp candidate sometime soon. how do y thi t romy cp isnteretinpollumbe ke the? doou tnk i wld hav any pactn setor rubis stanng aotenal ve? i tnk whae kwbout mitt romney and corporate-style campaign is they are pretty sk-averse. i think they are going to look at marubiond s hims somedy w iaybe nuite rey t pjecthe grataso beco predentfecesry d h wld-is candidacy with mitt romney would involve some risk. i think these poll numbers don't help if it shows ty wld handly bng fridand tn
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i thk tt wldeall bst s cdentls tt hi -- roeyan w fridahat' a portt sten t wayo what he needs to win the electoral vote. i think that rubio's stock has been falling recentlys pontiaveep >> wanto tnk y bo. od t see yo appriate >> ithanyou. stor vis togypty crety of state hillary clinton wraps up today. met are w the first freely elected president in egypt's histy. she skeithohamd moi stery abt threlaonsh withhe t untrs. we bieve amera's shad stragic intests whgy r ouumbe our differences and we know that egypt's future is up to the egyptian people. >> there were protests against intos vittsid of e u.s. eassy in cai b tse posebyny amecan prence egy. velong n inegyp tre may an ehang ofrisors to frewo americans from
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boston who have been kidnapped in the sinai peninsula. pastor andarisonernd tou guid werabduedy tresmafrom tou bus avelg on moroad linkg cro and the sth centy st cathine' monastery. an egyptian official says they are trying to free a prisoner for a swap for thoseostas. t's t t test whato yo hea abo a poiblexchae fo the kiappeerics? >>eporr: we,gyptn officials are telling nbc in fact, they are working now to release the uncle in exchange for the release of the arica andheir tou guid it ses,ccorng the egypan offials,s we as the ibesthat hwas ary his uncle was arrested by egyptian police and believes he s unjustly arrested and being exploited by the egyptian authitiend eptia auoritsetaid th invidu butave t giv formions to why h
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tnesd orinal arrted d th areow sing ey a workg onleasg him. is bng heln a prison in alexandr alexandria. it will will take so time to release him and get him back. acal kidnappayseill t take the egyian thories r thr rd wan hisncle leas in der ress tamican th's why's nreased the ericostas sofa >>hereas a recent kidnapping of the same type by the- i believe the same group of ibesn. weve wit regd t arica stag, do wnow h ty arbein trted? anydate repter:he knas hav been talng tedia re. they are saying the -- have been telling the egyptian officials as well the americans are being treated well. they are being fed and are acallyt touse o one of e tresme theyreayin theareeing commatedor. th isot aolitally tivadkiappi. evio knappgs ohis nare heaste anhere betwn 48le to 72 hours. and all of those that have been
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kidnapped, tourists kidnapped, are alwa released unharmed. witht a ubtt isery oublg fothe famy of thes rativ and uertaty it,fcose, cses anety. seeheir sittions well. thri, thgh,s thas y meioned, the pastor, he -- is suffering from diabetes. and that always makes it that much moremplited. >> ttsometng tt nds coiste medal tentn. ank u vy mu. a mural of joe paterno has been chand. th hal w remod fm parnot ttore bostor he add ad blue ribbon symbolizing xual awaress. he pnso addandrint o ndus's vtims ithe ar
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ture the age ll sy on e mal d wl snecid wto do wi spanier's image. the former, now ousted,.ate president. awkwardn the k. unmforble ment aft bce ringeen d pau martn sa in lond. rmonand ney. new ticl exanes w and whe th crch oatte day intspendits money. is good business god's business? is inew rk ste. bui theirstailw, thfirstradrout is ine theest,. the eate empes. th, so sai rout we lt ouedget,. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's workingo attract businesses and create jobs. a ple whe invati meetdeteinatn... and sinees ld thworl e nenew rk workfor sine. find out how it can work for yours at
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i don't have to use gas. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. dre arnd tn althe me ing rand anneveeverave ll ugas theity. i ve rarly t ga my evyvolt st te i s at gastati was out.i wod sa.. o mohs a. the last te i went to the gas station must have been about three months ago. i go to the gas station such a small amount at iorgehow putas my r. ♪
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are facing rising financial pressurend experts think cities and towns shoul copend why most won't b goinghat ute. e oland tb sun a fnt pa artle o t gden go-bye. wer the bay aasigge mpans hand o $65 million to executives fired last year. among the company's listed hewlett-ckarand yao. eeninla dai new imrts ange, washgtonsayst l. e fa lhtni lt. maive lt o lhtni ove e strait from friday. it happened during a thunderstorm and that was friday, the 13th. new rort fm bombe sine wee autoney in t morm crchsausi corovey paryecauf e mazine cov a. th picre y areeein showan ige of jn t ptistellg th church's founding from prophet joseph smith to build a burger king and a shopping mall and a hawaiian emeark wh smits answing hallujah moon ps a n ughi.
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urchpokean issd atemt ithe dertews ying slyheover is reection of the bias and speculative nature of the article itself. narrow and incomplete meaning a od deal of infoatiogive onowhurc reurceare ed. at ihe stoehin the vandecreveholdgs? sh gen ihe senr poticadito for bloberg business week. josh, good day. glad to have you here. >> good to with you. >> cover art controversy aside, article points out some of the urch key bines intests in hding o afoprof vel. ey o evethin fro the wspar weustqued, dest ws tre i stake cyo av staonhat got a spitity business and life insurance company that's very profitable. what does that chunk there tell us about the church's investment chces d how thearnney, ifythi? >> we,his is reay a scining ory. andhe morn chuh i -n adtiono beg a chch, i iseally a business empire. despite the unhappy statement
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you read from the church earlier, they actually cooperated with oeporr on thisiece brout heinnd outo sa ke ty. e waallod tof hepeak to t ceo othe chur's ldincompy anis a fascate oring xwrip the church is a $40 billion enterprise that owns everything from shoppingallso ctle ncheandhemeark in haii. weavehosetatsnd o dictoran towhem u f anyo thawantto ok. itks aut tillis o money that it takes in, $8 billion intying. th chuh dates lshan1% to chary. th hav all ts moy. yet,s y ow, nobynows where financial investments lie in detail. why is it theare so secretive? do you think it may be a reflectionf thormo eolo/the theogy?
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>> crch hasee secrive. longnd percuted history in the united states, as we know. i think that its cooperation with our reporter was an efft to, you ow, do aittlbit thaster ope up d sh why busesse ismpornt to thechch. reas forhatsosepsmh, wh foued moonis bieve tht was more difficult to be spiritually fulfilled if you were materially deprived. anso t idea o iustrand hundust,t iseall at the art of e relion d at'shy tseavehese brd ldin. ke a l ofbuness, ty arnot aubli company and therefore they are not on obligated to disclose any of this. >> i want to bring up something written in "thwashgtonost" ticltalkg aut how the ren'leas withe blmberartie. and eyay tha the d run emoymeserves,hrif stes, od pantes, oer lfarprogms. that's their contribution to charity, as they say. your article also says that
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unlike jaismnd cistiity the morn chuh bievebein insted in lalusinses i allart of d's rk. goousins isasicly d's sine. arthey mging bines wit religion in that regard? >> yeah. i think they are. i mean, part of it -- what you get in the article par of what they are afters tompro lol bu commitie th ia o bng tt tt c proveverne'sot i li, perhs brg tm int the chur, an tha busess c reale mor tha st of raw capitalism but something that can uplift people not just materially but spiritually also. >> okay. i soalkbouthepecics mit rneynd othst ba capil. yo say geo th mmonf urch bilons dlars o chur in ock ldin. thatould include $2 million in burger king, $1 million in domino's pizza. why was thatdone? because isha- is tha caus othehurc thin requemen i mti eed rlie ist goo busiss?
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>> i thiomnes tnly one at can answer that. he said in the past he does tithe. as a church the mormon church along with all other chches gecertn teaks theyon't hav t pay rl estaaxes ey d't he to papit ins iestmts tt a nate as ts burr kitock and mef th othtock wa i is on i would imagine it is a combination. nothing unusual about it. but this is just part of the vast holding that thehurc can y clm to >> iis aascitingrtic. jo gree mananks >> than, ex. > aew aicle say o dital devis ar litally kisazy. do you believe that? first, we get to number five of the first five web orie up, and ay. thiss wha i lked ke i be, egon yesrdays a uplef gs tedo bak e guiess okf wod reco forheongewod-ma clusrallo flht. they had hoped to travel 500 miles and land somewhere in montana. the men were forced to land due to tnderormsbouteven hourinto tt flht.
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rio vista?!! [ male announc ] ...lost. trodingthe sicay enncehtc e x om at. ethi posble. chatchnow. "weend wit ax tt." yoare old soolf yr cell pho is simy a cell phone. two out of three americans that bought cell phonlastight ught smtpho. >>to auickn-thughf toy's mber es. my be land of rainbows. paradise in the states has comes at a high price. hawaii theost expensive states. one reason is the $660,000 avage ice r aouse in nolu. the wsite /7 walstre is raing e topendg
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verteneramera and procr & mbleomesut at top. number two ranked general motors ent st over $3illion las ar. vezon d ou part compy, mcasime fird,$2.5 llioin aertingll o st year >> feelings. we only have room in our hearts for beer, sex, a moeys. >> y mig cal him theing of wecras on utub rayilliohnss th mos bscrers th me tha 5.5 million. taylor swift earns a lot more. she tops forbes's new list of the top rordielebties0 an yoger. betwn ma of lt yearnd is, iftade aidy7 llio stin eber, $55illi raed second. rihanna coming in third with $53 million.
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[ le nouner whas iyoueney drk? ♪ power surge, let it bl your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural gre tea energy... new v8 v-fion us ergy. uld' had v8. new v8 v-fion us ergy. withettecar placentest have . avaible ly wh lirty mutu autinsunce, ifour r's tale to learn more, visit us today. responsibility. what's your policy?
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>> wcomeack to lex witt the battle over romney's time at bain capital cess can alating today with surrogates for both ndidates takinto the aiaveso ke up the ght. he s stl ondad shar bute wastespoible r manemen andhat' the - you ow,hat' the btom li. >>e sa chaian, ceo. sole shareholder, president. you can't, as president of the united states, you can't have siur desthatays ne shin >> 8. emplment3illi erics strglin tind work we heecor defits. we have people, you no i, people trying to find the job that can't find one. people that have a job are really worried about losin it. andhe predentoes not he an awer hat f t
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eric pele. as e gornor o ssacsett use taxyer llartooutsrceobs to dia. d no y know, his tax policies now encourage the same type of outsourcing. this is a legitimate discsion about rney'reco in e pa. al wha hantso do nowor this untr >>ime r stregy ta. joing is tonfro, fme ite use duty white house press secretarity and margie amiro. good to see you both. tony,oueard fro rah anue doese nohaveint? wioterbuy t lve o absee excu? >> ion'thinkoterwill voten tt iss thall -- toe host wh you. i think -- what we have seen as a pattern is, you know, every time you get a bad jobs report have you -- obama campaign talking abt sothinthat ppen that - se- y kn, boon csultg fi 20 ars o or 1 yeao, th's n the wayhey e vong. thecono i heang i the ong rectn,eadi int the fall obama campaign has much bigger problems explaining
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what's happening today and wha mitt romney will have explaining what hpene 12 1ears ago. >>hatay wel be, to. an peoe ma nototenhi on ise. buthe submina eroon o peop'srustnd wanng t votedo y worbout that? >> not really. look, you know, again, people vote based on their -- based on their own cditisnd wt ey s a i terf th fure. w th exptheuturo lo andhey dhat bas on, you nknowhat ey s in e ecomy d wi job creation and economic data and what's happening for their own lives. it is not these kind of issues. >> a leer. and uook aitomne and --e can be- be strght th t amecan ople can'be saigh abo the tax rerns dan't b strght out sole a a company where he was the soul owner, soul ceo and president and he has adviser saying he retid reoactely. at'shat hea ts morng. it doe't me see t vots. st a aensehe's hing
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sothin >>hat out is, rgie kevi madnnjoyg a wea ecomic- drawing a weak economic picture. ishe president using bain to take focus off the economy? do you think that wl be fecte bad onhe w ton analed h peoe wl fl whenhey go int tolli bohs? ihink iismpornt - fit of all,itt rney bngs upisenur at bai mehan tenure as governor of massachusetts because he was 47th in the country in job sea nation massachusetts. he brings up bain. is i n somhinghat' d up tt none er hed fore thiss mi romn's mai credtiale cis a- whye shou be esidt. th he owsowo cree jo becae heid it at bain. let's talk about it. this isn't a distraction, this n't an obscure issue. this is what mitt romney wan toalk abou heoesn wan to tal aut toght way tt's- ful discsed d trspart. he wts t talbouttn his own h own way abo a kindf cricis crique or discussion. >> tony, wisconsin governor walker told romney to get off
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his heels. does t predentave himp agnst e rosithheain attas? >>ook,he -you ow, if u bac to -ot o presenti camignsyou e lo opics dcuss inhe sum their have absolutely no aring on the campaign in the fall when voters make decisions. the other thi you always he, al, iet to one of tm thisar. one the gsrom the delis, y kn, sidine quterbks w geto cl playfrom theide,verye haideaon how predentl caaignhoulbe run. the people in the romney campaign excellent peop. edillespie and others. they have an idea what theare doinand knohat e sttegy . les lethemxecu . repuicanwill- ainds of easor h tyhoulru ta autit,ive suggtion thend othe y, it is the romney campaign that will make decisions on what's best for them strategically and tactic. >> i what about ts with the obamcampaign hingreleed o an-romy adyeerda th o thaoes aerainnd e otr shs mi roey's commts authe present. fro hen t, it goi
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toe al aacksall way to move? >> i think it is important to have a discussion. mitt romney wants to be president and support -- important to have a disssio abt hiecor and his charter d he wou ld and ghtow h i sayg he uld ad b keengt wiholdrosetinghe eric peoe have sepate s of les for the ry wealthy, tax havensnd -- swiss bank accounts and rather than fighting to close the loholeand inve theoney ameca. l the thgs a imptant when foc gros -- ty wt to heaorebout roey. thon't kwnoug aut him. is portt toave is scuson. don'conser tm attacks. >> here is another question about the timing here. is the president usingouse best ammunition too ely in the campgn? allememr foears ago we hohn cain gng aft the esidt and a tt tim an labing m a a celeity. at didt work >>yeah. i wouldn't say that this is -- the wrong tomb to use it. this is part of the discussion. and swingoter mak u the
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mindery la. ey a -- u kn, hen washgtone ha thiebat everday, eve --ouow, alweekd long aomat suay lg, surdalo. r a lf swi vots th - just -- only beginning to pay attention, they are enjoying their summer vacation and it is -- >> margie andgree witat. ye >>e ar not on vatio qui yet. uplef meuestns wh yo senar poman me o swinng atheresint stery dung t rbon cuing a nomne vicry office near his hometown. should we readnything into this for the vp ck? >> . ok,oing theamehinghat heas bnoing inrevis mpais. he kws thi steery well he's -- he is a good friend of mine. i respect him a great deal. would love to see him out will being active. and being an excellent senator. at'shat he is focedn no >>e arout tim maie, u getoo toreak no goo seyou. ank u somuch >> floda cowse homeland
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security data to check voters' citizenship. the federal government will let florida use dataace chleng pele's rigs t te ifhey e n.s. tize. thetate cist non-tive citin sides. fo monstas died but gave in when a court ruled in florida's favor. a move as big victory for republicans in the key swing ste. mo on is cing un t xt hour asey thonsorme attoey h a n booabou the ial at ctivadhis naon. e ye agohis ek, ahony waed o of a florida courthouse with attorney jose baez. a jury acquitted her in the death of her 2-year-old daughter. thony has not bee snn puic sce. shs deribeas psonef heown ople isked him aut cdy anony' fraic 91all descbinghe sllf a dd bo incasey's car. >> when we heard the 911 call, we heard it just like everyone else aluad it d - t fst thi tha you
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hearhen u lisn that is- thi dsot lk go. escial for o clit. bu onc you lisn a lite closer, there is a point where george walks into the home and ciy tls h tt cleead en misng f amont d hisirst-is fst and turaretion i gus,as ad lenc and all of -- the testimony that occurred that night from law enforcement testified that the on two calm people in e use weeorg acase d evyone- cin w jus bacall hyeric. >> wt dyou te fm at? ll,ou kn,t is a subjective thing. however, if -- it werey granddaughter and s were ssin fonth ihink i woulhaveacte mor alon the nesf cdys oosedo th ofgeor. >> y can hruchore fro jo bz incding the inner workings of the defense.
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♪ >> go aheaanda in today's the and now, newt gingrich and his love for animals. we saw him visit several views ring his run for presidt. justast wkereat aut meing me fbi dog bacn 95, most noby in washgton kwe huch a sospot thats unl aspeak he ok aomen to share his feelings on the house floor. he's ancerp
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>>i seonce for ephan t arson may this beusefy own phique i ha a pticur afftion rhe rye rho. thepeak in pporof danged amals as eer ahe ito aut a answ theudge he uld therave worlwithhino tige and elephants. the chamber was stunned. few knew of the speaker's affection for the animals let alone spending money on them and in theirhock they voto fundheanims. >> hey,ook w w flingn for mokaw in010 coness gav$3illi to hp fu 54 rhino conservation projects. are you going eye crazy? there is a report that looks at hothe digital culture is reringivesnd alting rsonitieand is not alwa forhe bter. e stists a stagring toda the arageeen ts o send3,700 text messages a
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month. a third of us get on to our smartphones before we get out of bed. th's the top of thi monts ewswk"over sto - iczy. good do you. iellyou, we are all going it is like you are talking to me. its scary. >> talking to all o us. it is. t's lk abt,irst ofal the evence it ia gring byou cef theffes o web adevis onur hlth. sang therain o intnet addi tur outooks lehe brains of drug and alcohol you a dikts. >> absolutely. there is growing scientific coensuthathe eectsn the binf oururre dital culte is -- the eects are masse. th splyanno be undetate many areot ping enough attention to what a massive change both associate oriole logically andemionay, neurogicly ts n
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lifeyle on us asociy. >>ye i heoay i rembe -- sevel yes ba, bngith myothetreaura, a seeing a group of attractive young teens. one was a celebrity and i won't call her name out because i'm not trying to slam her. but they were all likeis. just le this not taing. vinglunc not en talnggeth. >> absotely. ishatevel of dissoctionhat the scntis stuingt a gater left. that's when our cover story has taken a closer look at there is a thai psychologist in the article that ss the digital deces creat sani. let'qualy that >> s. no o sayg tha oka you are ing twitr,exts a you e cckin yr-mai regurly. therore,ou a goi to g insane. no. that's a gross overestimation. however, for peoplehat a already sowhatroneo menl illns,heffec of rding a modn digal - lding mode digal leould lea u mu cseroevel of sere mtal instability. >> there will be further study
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on all of this. china, taiwan, soh korea, they officially recognizehis readas aagnos. i me, thes antert dictn dinosi >>here is st sevalases in wch ere re seve mental breaks. as a result of a very extended time spent on the intnet. >> h do u diinguh fr e expts 'anyintf vw what ldingo cra a jt pure enymen >>ellotf it-hink it i-- saf to say tha lot usoot u texts, e-mails, twitter for enjoyment. many of us feel that there is pressure to constany be plugd inndn modn soety. thi tt- t lineall ha to lien seense wit eachf . wh's yr --our threold? when do you start feeling a bit unstable after being on the internet for a long extended period oti? e on --eighned levf mindlnes pay tentn toourmotial
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ate. e yo staingoeel vere presd,set, unhappy? have you been inside on the internet ail day? are you constantly checking your e-mail aunleo conct wihe peoe arodu? regier tt anit i te to ke brea >> was o vacioneceny and didot chen aall. what i got from people all over the place reaction was good for you. th's awesome. >> absotely. >> it felt great. i ve t sa ites >>ll righ thanyou ry mh fo pluing wit . >> y're ver lcom >>e ha beeaski all o yoday, newrtic sayg ouigit deces are making us crazy. do you believe that? here are some of your tweets. depends on h youse th. metis ting reak is od. t aot of peoe won'can' do. th areine enhey rk. it ithe noworkgnes at ivee azy. yeah. totally agree. i would say the author is all
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wet. whatever that means. azy? . unsoableye progss c't b stped. aloughnome ys icoul desty us i wi geto mo of ur eetsatern. > nberournur fir five web stories. cut off by curfew. atn happ cwdt hyd park ltight aer bruce springsteen and paul mccartney were silenced aft defying the soundrfew mcrtneust joid spngstn. "i s htandg the." itheperfmer d a ance to tnk t cros. spngstn knn fohis ser ng sws playing for more than three hours and had exceeded the kur tie by a half an hour. there it went. not ce imy le did everhink i uld ve hrt dease e ju didt fithe ofil of hea eve vicm.
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e's alth sheatsropey. i s puing twoids in strler when i had my heart event. i've been on a bayer aspirin regimen ever since. [ male announcer ] aspirin is t appropriate for everyone. be re toalk youdoct bere y beg an airinegim. i ow ii ta myayerspir i ve aettechan livg a althlife [ le aounc ] arn w torote youhear at i am proheart on facebook. [lap! slap! ] [ le aounc ] yr fariteoodsightg yo fit ba faswithums caium ch ms es tworkn sends. thinworkfast. ♪um t tumum ts and deposits at the same time. for paying your friend back or lch..rom your tablet. for payys tgger with sine ta for ecki youline thenheckg yo porolio for making atms and branches appear out of thin air.
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maganes amina cris i u.s.ility. at a ratf one day u.s oopsre dyin t onheattl flds afanistan but at home far from enemy fire. the issue takes a hard look at the latest shocking rates of suicide for active duty members the.s. mitary ile e re leledff in 10 a 20, now the is a almingise. inheirstive mthsfhis ar, re arica serce mberkill tmsels tn were killed in combat. suicides are up 18% from january through may. and for veterans of allrs, e numrs a frse. on suide eve nute joing mes conel jabs, recient the u.sedal of honor. very sober good day to you. >> sad news indeed. >> what sit about thi timor it diffent,his armin suice ra? ift , wh wh's dfere abo the culte, t kind oars ty arghti? >> thine otheeaso i th the kdf war ware fiting when i was fighting, we fought
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toe to toe with the emy. i felt as if -- you were scare outf yr wi. t --ou reay fe as i you uld ve - actllyave potive impt ohe tcom yowereore lesin crge of yr fa. etheor n youid a gd job or bad job had an folk the outcome, whether or not you and your friends would survive. that's not the case now. th large proportionfur casutiesnraq and afanisn he be exosio. imovis expsive vice th's t rest o dvi downunsecured roads which you are told you are not supposed to do. we do it for aide variety of reasons. when y areoinghat u fe asf you he aoluty no impa on etheor n youre gog tourvi o get you le blo f. thamean tse m a wome comack toeali he in t stend jt --imple things like driving down a road can bring up flash backs. it is hard to deal with the reity of a relivel sure envinmen >>eah. u arinn insere
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viroent. u aroveras wh yoand ur fendsubje to grea dealf vionce a you could not affect it. there is no doubt about the fact you have a feeling of helplessne when you- cogne th no mter wt youdo, n mter h taccall corrt yomayberivi dow th roa yay g blo up >> h abohe way that veterans are being received as they return here in the united states? because i'm really proud of what nb and our networks a tryg do. areryinto g outnd ke se thpeop offobs thistraed enomi viroent d doheirest to whe of e vetens'eeds rjo. that jusone element. we are just one group that's doing that. it is tough for them. >> the good side is we love the troops these ys. eyidn' -- noby led the troo becsehey reubje theraft bk th. an nobyikedhe w a the trps - bachen i w fiting >> wdo. t linghemnd actlly doing for them, putting your money where your mouth is.
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>> that's something altogether. i think thatheres a rl probm ttou -ointt. the isigapetwe the pele tt ar serng and ople bei seed. ave- less than 1% of the american public in uniform. for most americans we fectely tsoued, comptelyoutsrced o defee. wh kid we inhe cbat nes spe the - risd eir lives to be with others, to sacrifice for their buddies, in annvironment in which you are in a community and y are all llinfor e athernd woing th onoth, wn u ce bk t t unid atesand scov thaou havead aperice,om pleay unli evebodyse's wh youreackn the unite states, there is not that sense of community. people don't look at you that way. >> people can't relate to you. >> like you a cing om a diffent -- i'mol we e of me. i ha to k thi queson. wery to fureut t
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soluons d wod taed aut th befe, ts isot t fit time this issuhas come up. as we do that, is it maybe that -- we need to look more inward into the groups ofeopl thatork th the pplehat feel badl othe sdier get gros le that to thenes a hp soe thrrobls bause theyan rate em? >> yes to the extent veterans administration i working better and better in tay to address the problems. you are also talng aut the counits tohich the peop beng. ihinkt ishe resnsibity peoe wre- hav t ldie, saors andarin in thr cmunities a it is thr responsility to make sure that they are taken care of and that means mtally an asciate orio logically a physallynd onomally you ow, well bea t reonsility for tinare ofhose peoehatave defeed u hav to do betr b. were n doi y borki on i >> i agree with you. thank you very much. >> thanks, alex we should note there are several services available 24
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hos a day fembe othe lita andheir famies i ey tnk a lov o ofheir at ri,allhe milary cris hotline. office politics and melissa harris-perry her take on the nspapape eech her favite guiy plsuren tv don't ve t taklong. m de. i'm gonna...use these. ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike mops, swiff cananeuver to ghtpace anits t moing othsan cln beer ihalfhe te. m? ♪ ahhh! ahh! it mom! [ fele aounc ] sffer bett cle in lf t tim or your money back. ♪
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> gdayo aul upust pa 1:0p. hen teast tecloa in the west. new comments to share on mitt romney's tenure at baen capital from psident oba's cp day. mpai chaman and ccago yormanu tooon t ndi candate'clai he s noin chge wn thfirmoutsrced bs. he said chairman, ceo, sole shareholder. you can't as president othe itedtatehave sigon your dk tha say ge fiing. isasicly tucktops
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the. joing mno nbcews ite use crespdentike vieira goodun tyou, mike. rahm manuel, hardly the only suogatout thehi morng taing brai let'take lisno this >> tk aeavefbsen fro bain. and ft a le h lov to hel aount he les me to se thlymps and he s not respsible for day-to-day decisions and not participate in day-to-day decisions on part of the magemt coany tha time he w on lee. okay heas oleavere. >>eave on ave. weentn to say mit romy rered troaivel froain 1999. in other words, those sec findings and controversy that swirleded over the course of the last seval ys, theast wee reab ectly wt mit romn's duts wer a bn pitafrom tt peri, 12 to 2002 thatas bn thttac o -- of the obama campaign. why is it important? i'm going to let you listen to
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dick durbin. he was on "meet the press" today. he explains t docrac reasing hindhesettac. >> we ed tget wn tthe boom lere. y is mt rney rningou a wafromis compy, bn capil, le a scaed cat? because there's -- abundant evidence that under bain capil, they werexporng amicanobs tlowage untrs. heoesn wano bessocted with it. it imptantoot tha aot mhndepdentact checrs,, wash post, they studied this issue and said any claims mitt romney was part of any company, eitr thugh in b extsion throh ba, tha ouourc the jobs, i n suprted b the fact bu rney surgate are all er t airves day sayg th but nody, youow, message is simply not getting through. they have a new tv ad out. you heard mittomney if n a series of interviews friday with e tevisn nworkayin he wtsresint oma t apogiz welllateodayr i sulday eayhis moing, resnse o
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cal c affiatenide ter,virgia, they asked president obama whether he was going to apologize to mitt romney and he says no. i'm not going to be apogizg. itets. ighting, srlin contversthisorni in washgton >> oy. onthat n liky too an timeon. no. man thas f th. >>let' now bring inavid and amy gardner from "the washington post." good morning to the two of you. >> health go david, i will begin with you. the obamaampot bacng o the intack re iait me fro esidt oba's depy mpai maner toy. ouaidhat t -- mit romney either misled the securities and exchange commission when he filled out rms out at h sta w ba citalrsledhe amicaneoplandou saiif sled the suritsnd exchge commsione was iltyf a lony thas -- >> which would be a fell. >> i would be a feny. >> but -- >> felony, david? that's what we areari now.
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wanto kn -- steanie sd e is not sugstinmitt romn is t foowinthe la ere is heed? youhinkheain iueas stayg por unl noveer? >> i think it absolutely has staying power at least million mitt romney makes news and picks his vice presidenal caidat i me, it rarkaehat st a wk ago, wte wer lkinabou as aobs repo, otheisma job port t obaminirati, suld have been on the defensive talking about. here we are seven days later, and their campaignas been able aktll aut bai a mitt rney a nomin for abou wha hisole s. notreasin h xes. they rlly hav the romney campaign on the defensive. and i think you have to end this week with the obama campaign. >> okay. amy, whayou out wt do u maf thomne mpai's rpons to this s iteen fecte? hodo ty cngehe rrate, inot? well i tnk tt's whae arhearg ev replica lkinabouhisweend.
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you kn, we- scott walker, governor of wisconsin, quoted in the column this morng saying is time for mitt romneyo go tffenve and to sta artilati betr anore clrly s ow mesge aut e ecomy d authe way in wche belves esidt obamfail t natnhese past fouyears. he hasn't been doing that as david said. he has been on the defensive not only on the bain b why hes t reasinhis x rerns. ing ck fther so iall ntrites the peepti 'sot aweri qutionand t bng fohcomg abtome of e sueshat the oth se is asking him to talk about. >> david, you know, republicans are blasting mr. romney for not releasing more of hax retus. threpuicanoverr to alama, stinghe rord raig folwinghe rort the on comnts tt h me abt t issu of gd beney ss i bieve thransrenc and i personally choose to release my own returns each year. there was no effort to imply mr. romney hasnythgo hi.
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i so bieveuch othe rhoric srounng t rson finces notng re tn anttem by mocrs todistct frohe realssue of e psideial campgn. t --avid why do you think romney is refusing to release more of the tax -- look what he did en being vetted for the tentl noings08 wh jo mcca? ght. heaid ininrvie tha h da youkn, h doe't wt thobam-- tm goi thrgh d pking through his tax returns for opposition research. what coulde in there? you know, offshore accounts, maybe lightly tax inco. neingore infmati on bn oesn want o the. e pblem is y he consvati crics ens lates that morning coming out. bill kris, george will saying this is unacceptable. he is going to he toome rwarand relee mor tax retus. so ion'tee h he n go om n fro theext fou mont and not d tt whenou ve mber --embe ohis n pay and alls sayg that come forthnd get this off the
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table or it feeds into the impression there's just something foreign about mitt roey, c't qui g inde wt h mivesare. >> y, if y areooki at -- yoow, cing fm a ses agnst e biestide of ncerwoulbe tt o inpendts. youet aensef h thi issue is ristering with them? >> well, mean, i'm not sure that the american public is clamoring to see mitt romney's tax turns but i tnkha vid ys i ght. is i spl tt'soingo ntin toauntimecau thothesides goi to hau m wi. if h doe't dl wh it. it sms te the wl be poteially short-term pain in the release of the returns. but -- theonger he goes without leasingem, t me thbamaampan can connue sugst tt'sidin methg. anthatits to a larr rrate abt mt romy tn 's n aweri som of e estis in aore forthcoming way. that can be damage. >> i want to talk about swing states wit both of you. amy, your latest article, you write about the fight ahea and n thewing staf rgin.
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we h theivefeed po guyot skeds did mt ofverydy d ere. wassoaked. how about the battle there? how is that shaping up? >> well, you know, virginia had been a republican solidly red stat iresintiaaucu ing ck unt 1964 lt te a demrat w thestat thathang in 08 ocour en pside oba won it i not blustatnow. it is very much a purple state. it is in play. both sides have the opportunity in virginia. youow,bamaasdvange wihe larndrowi minoty pulatn i t stercitindvirgia, chmo, ti war. mneyas aanta wh th stil lgely vy conservative republican rural south and west in the state. s what in play a t depeent versf th omin surbsand, y ow, lita famies tid wate theyre gngo bot ses ght ry har forhose votes. >> okay. want to get to the state of ohio with you, david. the president is campaigning in
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cincinnati tomorrow. but overall, theates qunipi pol tho t present leang bine pois or so, oth pol sho tace a b oser wh do uxpeche pside say in cinnnat torrow >> i tnk y will see a lot more of the outsourcing argument thate carried into virginia the last two days. the presidtoesn rlly meion in scifillyn t campgn trl. bu heoesalk authatitt mneynvesdn bines wh ouourcjo. that will be an argument you hear repeatedly. partularly resonant in ohio which oious haseenard hitith manactungloss. is i anoerssue tha mitt romn -- ahough h did fiv inrvie witthe netrks idayhink tha he wil ve to explain mor about what his role at bain was because if you don't know what bain is now, if you are justunin in vors a goi to ow or e ne coue omohs, ink. >> iustant tate ather qutiono yoabou oo becae w heenat r
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portn camigni hisome ste the th weend. he ishae saiesteay in cincinnati. >> i am going to tell what you i think. i think he isunni a camign th - sti wit me her -no frh ids. wh youave campgn wit no fresidea youse sta taics sca vors. y hav no recd t run , you paint your opponent as someone to be run from. guess who iust quot? >> barack obama. >>arack obam ur yrs ag >>ith theenat bei ohe shorlistf vpicks tentlly,ha kd ofmpac youhink h wld hen threpuican tket? i d't tnk tre ia lo ofvidence the vice presidential pick sways voters 'opinions on who on vote for. they vote for the top of the ticket. of course, senator portman is a bi ass i ohio crital, cticawing ste. repuicandon'un a whi hoe wiout nninoh. i ao tnk satorrtma h pontial to put romney at ease. they are like-minded, serious policy folks.
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d inhat respt, iohink that t ve pridenaluck imptantf its sebod who rtneell wh t presenti no,a'am m and mas hi mor comfortable on the stump. that could be an as set to governor romney. good to see you both. thanks so ch. tha yo >>she pubcly sport pridenobamin t lt ecti butowhe iitti downithitt romn. the que o tk mith m roey, s wif fda f an interview published in "owe" magazine. campaign aides didn't divulge the topics of the interview. we are tkingbout opr wirey. testolitalheadnes, firsreadpdat day. logo t fitreamsnbcom. mingup, mefact mor fire. that's what our next guest says president obama needs to win the battle over taxg t ric what he an bthat ficeolits. the rly edicons portt thshowwn inoveer.
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st sean s thgul's st urisseas in ars. in fridae ha mo sunns.. in abamae hamore betifublo. iin mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. st season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. and w is greut to deme tstar. oubeates a en me rexing. thfishg'grea soick ur forit ot othe lf.. and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home.
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there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. respsibity. at'sour licy le in speal o mison? u'd ot memen gath intligee with minimal collateral damage. but rather than neutralizing enemies in their sleep, you'd be targeting stocks to trade. wellthat's wha tre aritecs he mapdo. th makyou tradg asssin
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raderchict. ametrads emweri web-sed adinplatrm. radeommiion-ee fo 60 days, and we'll throw in up to $600 when you open an account. the fight over extending bush tax cuts sin ten tieg wi predentbamaakin his casehis eken >> wt hav see t coness iset'sakeure tha eryby's makg50,0 a ar or less and then your taxes don't go up. that 98% of erics. t l's ask folike meho can affd , the top , too a lile b mo. >> t new article from "newsweek" spells out what the president may have to w the
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issue in november. and joining me is the author o thatartie. weome. at hhaso d toinat. miael, thas f bnghe. u wre abo the taxeali th no onealksabout. under president obama's proposal people would only pay a higher tax rate on the income amount above $2,000 not e tota soor auickxamp if soone mes $0,00 youre lyayinn $5000. y ar peoeo consedy is? we,t stas because presidt obama doesn't quite phrase it the right way. and -- it would help if he would. the media wasn'talking about itheight way eith. e pceesed crea is t on peop, dlars eard ave a rtaiount yosaidt exaly rit. onlyheolla earned above $250,000 would be subject to this additional tax. and then, again, there i another point,t is oy taxaeinme. at is,ncomfter dedtion eken,omeoersh
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deduionsndthereducons e taken. if a couple makes $300,000 and they take $30,00 worth of dections, theiraxabncom $270 a the wou be ping hier re onl on 0,00 the dlarsbove $10,00 i'm hap t hav t portity comon national tv and say this. >> no. i'm glad you did. you absolutely say it even better than i did. is portt pele u tha arte ofilli threold, udded u canake you deduionsdeeg dthemnd wh's remningf at, it even sllermoun pple willave the -- this new tax would go into or the -- lack of extension of bush tax cuts would affect that amount of mone e numbe o extdinghe t cu overl 5ss2% ofoter sa the wanll othe t cutsexteed, 43% wan tm exndedor tncom uer $250,000. what's your take on that? do they not understand? are people saying between can't put any more ofur cash int
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th genal potther ah. i n't know thatumbeurpring me. itoesn jivithost oth lls i he se. st pollou s-eopl in the 65% range say that we agree with raising taxes on the dollars above $25000. gues i-wa to knomore abouexacy hohauestn waaske becse i see le anutli tik an outlier to me. but, you know, i guess it just proofs that -- if that's -- at all sentiment out there, it proves that obama has to go make this case more forcefully and -- more smartly than he has. >> okay. can i ask you about the other article you wrote this week about romney's tax returns. do you think he will be forced to release more tax returns? >> i think eventually he's going to have to do something because every candidate does. every candidate has. going back to house father as many people have observed. but ever since then, candidates released tax returns. barack obama released seven
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years of tax returns in 2000. george w. bush released many years of his tax returns. john kerry also released many, many years. same with john mccain. you just don't run for president and get away with not releasing your returns. now, what i suspect, alex, he might do is he might pull something i have seen in my years as a journalist. other really rich candidates do. they don't pass out copies but they -- invite reporters to come sit in a room and look at it for three hours and can't make copies. you can't make heads or tails of anything. he might try to pull something like that. >> what's inning to me, this is a very intelligent man. released all his tax returns while being vetted by potential vp pick by john mccain many years prior. then have you these four years where he's clearly on the public stage. you would think -- even though people are suggesti ining he ha something to hide, you think he knows better. i keep going back to why aren't you just doing it? i mean, he has been on the
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public stage and probably had aspirations to run for the presidency four years ago. you know, i mean, he knows what he is doing. >> he does know what he is doing. and it is true. you make a very inning point that the people who run mccain 2008 campaign are sitting there 20 years worth of returns. steve smith and others on that campaign, they know what's in them. it will be interesting to see if they have anything to say about this. at any rate, you are right. he does know how the game is played. and -- it just suggests the obvious thing. there's something in there that's -- unflattering he doesn't want the rest of us to see. >> okay. always good to talk to you. thanks so much. >> my pleasure. up next, dramatic rebound in the housing market. are we really home free of the housing mess? here is hoping. this is new york state. we built the first railway,
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new report suggests one of the biggest causes of the economic weakness has rebounded. "the wall street journal" declared the housing bust is over. nearly seven years after the bubble burst. they sought convincing new evidence including increase in home sales and 10% more homes were sold in may than last year. "money" magazine reporter amanda is joining us to break this down. welcomed news for if it is true. do you agree? >> many economists are indeed saying that the moment has finally come. that -- we are in the early stages of a recovery. we have turned the corner and the housing market is on the mend. but on the other hand, have you to be careful. you don't want to overstate the strength of the recovery. because, in fact the market is still very weak. even if we are in the early stages of a recovery, we are still a long ways away from having any type of normal market. we are probably not going to get
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there for three, four years. good news so many economists are saying, hey, we finally are on the mend but we just want to be careful not to overstate it. >> sit safe to say we hit rock bottom? do you think we can ensure that? >> one of the nation's largest homebuilders. ceo's in the earnings release said in june before the market hit bottom. that's base you cannily what the economists are saying. and i think what's interesting this time around is -- lot of people have been saying that over the past couple of years. i think it has been more anecdotal and -- it may have been happening in one market of the country but not another. but what's happening now is -- many economists are looking at the country as a whole. and saying -- okay, there's mounting evidence that we finally have the numbers telling the stories. if you look at home sales, housing permits, start, median home price are indicating that the recovery is here. >> if the epicenter of our downward trend economy has do with the housing bubble which
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burst is it safe to say that with this, you know, at least bottoming out, slowly heading uphill, there is expected room for improvement in the economy overall? >> i think it is definitely good news for the economy because there is not a lot of positive news coming out of the economy right now. housing is, in fact, one of the areas, one of the few areas that is gaining strength. definitely. if the housing market continues to chug along, the slow and steady climb, that's good news. >> what can you see as something that would be uh-oh, send it off again? >> if we went into some type of recession, that could. but i think -- biggest obstacle facing the market right now is tight credit. we hear these record low mortgage rates, 30 years at 3.6% -- >> if you can get them. >> that's the problem. banks have very strict standards. there are a lot of people had a with like to buy and are not qualifying for the really low rates. that's one of the biggest head
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winds today. federal government clears the way for florida to resume its hunt for ineligible voters. that could have a huge impact on the election. talking about it next here on "weekends with alex witt." thoug. huh? [ male announcer ] should've used roundup. it kills weeds to the root, so they don't come back. roundup. no root. no weed. no problem.
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and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches. welcome back to with the kwkds with alex witt." well, the feds are giving the green light on a right to vote challenge in florida which means that the state can now use a homeland security database to check on whether its residents and non-residents have the right to vote based on citizenship status. all this is playing out in the midst of a close presidential relationship in the battleground state. steve is joining me now. good day to you and thanks for joining me. >> thanks. >> tell us what's happened to allow florida to move ahead with the voter purge. >> for most of the past year the governor here, rick scott,
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republican, has been ardent in miss belief the states should do everything kit to prevent noncitizens from voting. there's very little evidence of that to ever occur. they are having a handful of cases we found. but the state was using outmoded and bad data to try to catch noncitizens on the voter registration roles. with this latest development, by the department of homeland security, the state now claims it has much better, much more current, comprehensive data on non-citizens in florida that get benefits like food stamps. then they are going to run that list against the voter lists and check for more non-citizens that may have voter cards. >> okay. so -- we are talking how many people affected by this decision, steve? >> yeah. they have gone -- there are about 11.2 million registered voters in florida. >> wow. >> and, of course, we are headed for a high turnout presidential election. and the number of people who might be on the homeland security list who are non-citizens is yet to be
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determined. the first list if state created, again, based on bad data from the department of highway safety, was about 2700 people. so small number, but rick scott is determined to see to it that no non-citizens get to cast ballots. >> 11.2 million. i thought that you were going pull me up with that number as being those that may be affected by this because apparently across the country, there are huge numbers that may be affected by this. i mean, it is not just florida state that we are talking about here. how unprecedented is this? >> well, i'm not sure what the states are doing. but the florida -- florida is hoping to set an example for other states to do this. but there is the high likelihood of a lawsuit here. because democrats and voter advocacy groups have insisted all along this is a vetter suppression tactic by rick scott and republicans to try to tamp down the turnout in florida. the people who have been -- who
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surfaced on the first list, the state created, were are overwhelmingly hispanic. and so we are going to -- have litigation with us of a federal law that says you can't systematically review voters from the voter roles less than 90 days before an election. so this situation, episode is far from over in my judgment. >> i agree with you but what was it that made the department of homeland security change its mind? it has been appealed to prior to release these roles that they have. they said no. what changed? >> right. the -- department of homeland security has not answered that question. however, obvious fab tore was the fact two weeks ago, the department of justice and other federal agency, lost in federal court, in tallahassee, the department of justice trying to get an injunction to stop these purging efforts and the judge -- judge, by the way, parenthetically, bill clinton appoint he said no, no. the state didn't continue to look for non-citizen voters.
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i think when the federal government lost that important round in court, they decided to throw in the owl and let the state have that. >> what if they find there are thousands of non-citizens on the vo voter polls? what does that do in terms of going to law enforcement matter in immigration? >> absolutely. i don't know if that will happen. they find -- i think that -- you can expect the governor here and the republican leadership to say even if they find one noncitizen on this role they made hair point. if you find a lot of them, it is up to a local prosecutor to charge someone with a third degree felony. it is a crime to state on a voter registration application that you are a u.s. citizen when you are not a u.s. citizen. that's a serious crime. >> it is an interest conversation from the tampa bay times herald. thank you, steve. i appreciate. >> it okay, thanks. in today's office politics, i talked with melissa
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harris-perry about her vision of bringing her classroom in front of the cameras. the hidden view of humanity in her favorite guilty pleasure tv shows. but first, i asked melissa for her reaction to mitt romney's speech to the naacp and her early prediction for the election. >> i actually initially thought it was a great speech, that then went bad at the end. weird, sort of racial, cultural way. he also didn't flip-flop which is re -- has been the thing he has been criticized for. he came and said exactly the same things and says to every audience. i am here to cut taxes. i am here to stimulate the economy. and i am here to repeal obamacare. and use the language of obamacare. right? for from my perspective -- >> the boos. >> here comes the boos. mitt romney's biggest challenge is he has been called a flip-flopper. had he gone to the naacp and said well, you know, i'm considering the parts of -- affordable care act i like,
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everyone -- including naacp wouldn't have called foul because it would not be consistent with his message. i thought he was fine there. then he made the little comment in the press pool afterward. he said the thing about if you want free stuff go vote for the other guy. and that, i think, was where he went wrong. he really threaded the needle even with the boos. i think had you to respect where he stood. and then that last little dig felt like -- well, now you don't get it. mitt romney is a very disciplined guy. he is not natural. he's not sort of -- easily affable. but he -- he is disciplined. and competent. i suspect the real question of what happens in the debate from the fall, disciplined at that time. i cannot call this election. i have to say it feels like an absolute tossup to me. >> still? >> yeah. maybe it is because it is still july. >> yeah. >> i got to watch how they
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perform in their respective conventions. gop convention can be much more excite thing year than the democratic convention. democratic convention is like fireworks and light and happiness. then the republican convention with sarah palin which was fascinating dash hard for me to imagine either can be as interest thing year as they were four years ago. but it will be meaningful because these candidates will have to come out of that. here's something you are really good at on your show. that's speaking your mind. even if it stirs up controversy. why do you do that? what propels you to do that? >> you -- i felt like it was a good mission statement as given when i came to the show. my conversations with phil griffin was that part of what they were looking to do was to provide an opportunity for opinion and analysis, voices. so we have some great news reporting that happens on the show. on this network. we also have some really smart
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an -- analytical opinions on this show. this is sort of the -- whole thing we are going for. it is -- you know, all of those years spent in the library, all those years of, you know, serving the tenure committee is so you can eventually just really say whatever you want to say. within the bounds of -- reason. what's it about this show i love? what sit that makes me feel at the end of it that was a good way to spend my 30 minutes of my life or something? and with those kind of shows, it is always my sense that i have somehow felt a sense of humanity from the people i'm watching. where i really -- it is mr. granite counter tvs but also about people and the way we live and what we think of beautiful and what counts as space. >> do you consider yourself more of a green thumb or decorator? if you are into hgtv.
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>> it is -- decorating part. yeah. i love it. >> what do you want to do this w this office? you know. >> i gave up -- this is really -- this was a management choice. the staff is very lean and mean. i could have an office but no collective space. i'm only here friday, saturday, sunday. my staff is here wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. i gave up having an office so that we collectively can have -- >> you have the shoe. >> yeah. >> i like those. >> they are my shoes. i forgot to ask her what size they are and whether i can borrow them. anyway, for more of melissa harris-perry be sure to tune in to her show every saturday and sunday at 10:00 a.m. right here on msnbc. in next week's office politics, i'm going to be talking with that guy, andy cohen. "watch what happens live."
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and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through. it is time important the big three. today's topics are the blowup over bain. swing state smackdown. this weekend's must reads. let's bring in my panel, reporter from real clear politics, erin mcpike. robert trainum and columnist for the hill, karen finney. good to see all three of you. it is awesome to have you. >> hello. >> i will begin with you, erin. first to the blowup over bain here. a former partner of bain appeared on "up with chris hayes." he asked him after 9:00 when mr.
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romney left to run texas salt lake city olympics. >> he is the chief executive officer during this time. >> legally on documents i suppose, yes. he's not attending any meet. >> no meetings at all. he never showed up at any meetings. >> i will tell you this, it was ten years. can i remember every single meeting? no. but i remember mitt was gone. we had a management teamworking hard to manage the company. we had to negotiate for terms of mitt's departure and everybody's departure at that time and it was difficult to get any time from mitt to get him at -- his attorneys said so do that because he is so busy working on the olympics. >> okay. when you hear all of that, does that clear anything up? or does it open the door for more questions? >> well, with gray area like that, of course there are always more questions. so perhaps he was on a conference call at some point. if he was on a conference call, did he provide some sort of advice that led to another transaction? we don't know. maybe he did go to a meeting. that man doesn't remember all of
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them. basically, alex, the romney campaign and bain capital have been kind of messy in their responses and it was originally billed as he was not part of bain and -- after 1999, but now he was -- still legally head of bain until 2001. it has been messy. >> yeah. robert, senior adviser at gillespie, describing it as a leave of absence even though mr. romney's name appears on the sec filings after 9:00. what is it? did mitt romney misrepresent his role on those sec filings? >> i don't think we know. i think that's the murkiness 37 going back to erin's point we just simply don't know. i agree that the romney campaign has been a little sloppy in handling this. and look, my advice to them is just to tell the truth. because dash obviously the coverup, as you know, as we always know, is always worse than the actual crime. i'm not suggesting that governor rom new broke the law or anything like that. just completely tell the truth and if, in fact, it was an error
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say that. i think that's the main reason why, alex, why we don't see governor romney's past tax returns as -- that could conflict with the sec filings or complement them. there's a lot of murkiness out there and that's why a lot of republican governors are saying look, mitt, please tell the truth. please be transparent. and let's talk about the economy which is the number one issue that americans want to talk about. >> here raes so's someone tryinp in here. >> in communication strategy, robert knows this well. it is the -- fact -- your question to erin, so there's one new piece of information from had guy who says -- i don't think he was at meetings. but then we saw additional reports from the boston globe friday that again contradict what has been said. there are documents coming out every day that say something different. over the last couple of weeks, we have gotten different pieces, almost every day. they all contradict one another. that is the problem. you they, these kinds of things, you have to get it all out. have your narrative, explain it
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and then -- you can't keep -- interest can't keep shifting like this because they are not going to be able to move past this because they are raising more questions every day. >> we have a brand-new ad out. let's take a look at it. >> when the president was elected, he talked about hope and change. whatever happened to hope and change? now it seems he's coming right out of the box with these -- old fashioned negative ads. >> starting negative by going extremely tough and extremely hard, conventional. running ads that are inaccurate. >> barack obama's campaign more negative ads against this republican nominee in 2012 than ever. >> give me a reaction to the effectiveness of this ad. >> you know, i understand what they are trying to do. classic tactic to say, you know, you hear surrogates saying obama does want to talk about the economy. nothing could be farther from the truth. in every single speech president obama does and every surrogate out there is talking about the record -- record on the economy
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and job creation. and the things that he wants to do in the second term. i mean, he has done that very clearly. you heard joe biden do it to the naacp clearly. lay out a second term vision. it is a classic tactic to try to say the only reason, you know, you shouldn't care about my tax returns is because -- you know, obama is just going negative. again, mitt romney, fundamental piece here, mitt romney himself said my record as a businessman at bain capital is a primary reason for to you consider me for president. now we are asking questions -- the fact he's not prepared for these questions is problematic a. and b, the fact that these -- answers to these questions don't seem to line up with one another and don't seem to line up with, you know, new pieces of information that keep coming up. that's a real problem. they can try this tactic but in the long run it is not going to work because people still at the end of the day will say how -- you were ceo but were ceo. you were in the bahamas. it doesn't make sense to people. >> let's move up to the next topic. robert, swing state smackdown
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now. president obama heads inform ohio tomorrow, cincinnati. latest polls show the president with a slight lead in both states. so how does the romney campaign compete here? what's his strategy? >> first of all, i love the whole smackdown comment. i love that. at the end of the day. >> swing state smackdown. >> i understand. look, i think at the end of the day -- slightly disagree with karen. i don't think most people wake up in the morning and say let me figure out what bain capital has done today. they are still interested in the economy. they are still interested in the economy and how it troelts them. i think what governor romney needs to do, doing this, speaking to the independent voters specifically and dash in virginia but also in southwestern i on owe and saying i'm bet other the economy. i'm trying something different. southwestern ohio is the way -- where governor romney needs on speak to. but also the tide water area of virginia. that's where the real battleground place, if you will, is in the two states. >> erin, what -- what about the
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new mason-dixon poll? shows mr. romney leading the president by one point. you want to throw in the hypothetical matchup and you add marco rubio as the vp pick. then it flips. just by a point. republican ticket leading over president obama and vice president biden. what do you make of these numbers? what does that tell you about a possible romney/rubio ticket? basically, do we need to be talking about this combination? should we not? >> well, look, yank it says much at all because either way that's a tie. one point a tie in both directions. despite that mitt romney said he's -- thoroughly vetting marco rubio, between don't see much evidence that marco rub wroe is very high up on the list. he is not campaigning with mitt romney really. we haven't seen what they are -- relationship is like in the chemistry they have. i would say marco rubio is still very unlikely as potential running mate for mitt romney.
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>> you guys sit tight. must reads for esteemed victory panel coming up next. ♪ [ male announcer ] ok, so you're no marathon man. but thanks to the htc one x from at&t, with its built in beats audio, every note sounds amazingly clear. ...making it easy to get lost in the music... and, well... rio vista?!! [ male announcer ] ...lost. introducing the musically enhanced htc one x from at&t.
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we are back with the big three. it is time for this weekend's must reads. bringing the panel back in. erin, robert and karen. i will go to you first, erin. how do you see things? >> there's a great story in "the washington post" today by amy gardner about virginia. we were just talking swing states and the swing state smackdown, virginia is ground zero for that. she has a great story about what the state will look like this fall. >> i have to say i agree with you. we had her on the show earlier and talked about that interview. good job there. how about you, robert? what's your must read. >> great story in politico. republican governors are concerned that mitt romney is not smacking back forcefully with the obama campaign and with the strategist. they are very worried. push back and push back hard. >> thank you for that. karen, we will finish up with you. what's your must read? >> "boston globe," one of the many stories coming out, again with this conflicting information and why it matters is that it is hard to make an
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argument you are bet other the economy when you may have played as a businessman undermining the economy. >> can i ask you really quick, is bain going to stay with us through november? what do you think? yes or no? >> in ads by the obama campaign, absolutely. >> okay. robert? >> no. >> okay. karen? >> absolutely. they don't have an answer. >> okay. there you have it. thank you so much. appreciate you all being here. and before we go, tonight the premiere of an msnbc documentary looking at a controversial court case that gripped this nation. casey anthony trial. her former lead attorney, jose baez, is out with a new book as we approach the one-year anniversary of her release. you are going to hear about the inner workings of the defense and a whole lot more to be on the documentary "defending casey anthony." it airs tonight at 9:00. it is definitely must-see tv for you. that's a wrap-up of this sunday edition of "weekends with alex
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witt." we will have headline updates and news as it happens. up next, "meet the press." stay with us. i'm alex witt. have yourself a great sunday. this is new york state. we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at
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we link people and fortune 500 companies nationwide and around the world. anwe will continue to free you to do more and focus on what matters. this morning we'll discuss the president's efforts to define his opponent. again the hot topic is mitt romney's tenure at bain capital. is his private sector experience his greatest strength or now a political weakness? with conflicting reports about exactly when romney left the company, the campaign's traded attacks about whether he was there when the firm began to outsource jobs, and whether romney was dishonest about his tenure. >> i think the times in the past are beneath the dignity of the presidency. i think the president needs to rein in his campaign and start talking about the real issues people care about. which relate to our economy. >> a new pretty negative turn in the campaign. so can romney clear the air
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about his bain record? we'll have more information about his personal finances and investment accounts and in the end is this what voters care about? with us senior adviser to the romney campaign, ed gillespie. then, the tax fight for the fall. will rates go up? and for whom? the president sets up a fight over the middle class. >> the fate of the tax cuts for the wealthiest americans will be decided by the outcome of the next election. my opponent will fight to keep them in place. i will fight -- >> a debate here this morning with two key senators, assistant democratic leader senator dick durbin of illinois and assistant republican senator jon kyl of arizona. and our political roundtable later, with insights and analysis, including the veepstakes for mr. romney. with us, republican strategist mike murphy. president of the naacp, ben jealous. anti-tax
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