tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC July 24, 2012 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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city olympics, saying the exact same thing to the olympians there and to the folk who is worked on the olympics. you did not get here on your own. you had coaches and you had this person and you had that person. so as the president said, this is politics and this is what happens, but when you start omitting complete, entire sentences to twist the meaning of what was said, you know, it's an issue. and i think the campaign is right to address it head on. >> molly, what's your thought? >> i don't think it's egregiously taken out of context by the standards of these things. look, even in his recent speeches, romney has said pretty much the same thing on substantiative grounds as obama has said. they both are not so insane as to believe that there isn't some combination, you know, of government infrastructure and individual initiative. but they disagree on where the emphasis is. and this is a real substantiative difference between these candidates. obama says, look, yes, we all know individual initiative is important, but what needs more emphasis is the role of government and the role of community support in helping entrepreneurs get there. and romney says, no, no, no, we all know that there's government and that's helpful, but what
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needs more emphasis is the role of individual initiative and is the role of entrepreneurs and they need more encouragement, not less. >> entrepreneurs and business. jonathan, a new poll coming out overnight, the economy. and it's on that issue, specifically. it may be the president's weak spot. look at this right here. unemployment still at 8.2%. and today the we're seeing a new "usa today" gallup poll that we're just mentioning, it shows two to one people think mitt romney's business background will help him make good decisions as president. is that a big ouch? >> it is a big ouch with, but i think it's something that not, you know, you unexpected. the economy has always been the president's achilles heel, as candidate or as president seeking re-election, and it's all been romney's big hope and big strength that his tenure at the head of bain capital, his years as a businessman, his role at the salt lake city olympics, turning that around, that that would be his sort of golden ticket to winning the election in the white house. and you know, every day, you
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know, the romney campaign has been pounding away at the economy and it's why we've been saying, you know, for weeks on end, that every day mitt romney is not talking about the economy is a lost day for that campaign. so this poll just reinforces what we've known for a long time. >> all right, jonathan, molly, stand by. i want to bring in ron mott. you know, ron mott, mitt romney hopes to set up a choice of his own when he speaks to the veteran of foreign wars this afternoon. and ron mott is in reno, nevada. ron, the vfw convention is happening right now. this convention is giving candidates really a chance to talk about foreign policy and mitt romney will be speaking. >> reporter: no doubt about it, richard. good day to you. richard, mitt romney is going to israel and then he's going to romania after that. and you want to talk about president obama, what he had to say to the vfw yesterday. let's take a listen to that sound bite, what president obama had to say about the veterans of
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foreign wars. >> well, when you're commander in chief, you owe the troops a plan. you owe the country a plan. and that includes recognizing not just when the begin wars, but also how to end them. >> reporter: so the president is also talking about defense cuts, which is what the republicans are talking about right now. but the democrats are also talking about saving defense cuts. so, richard, mitt romney is coming here today to talk about a lot of things. he's going to talk about the veterans of foreign wars. he's also going to talk about how the republicans plan to talk about defense can cuuts, spendi what they plan to do about defense. so we'll have to see what he has to say about that a little later on. back to you. >> and we'll be listening. ron mott, thank you. well, you know -- and i'll bring back our panel right now, if we could. team obama is hitting mitt romney ahead of this trip that
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we were just talking about with ron here, jonathan and molly. and on a conference call yesterday, one of the things they talked about is how he'd keep troops in afghanistan longer than 2014. and we all know the backdrop here. the nation clearly is a little bit more weary at the moment. so, molly, is this a strength for obama? >> most of the polling shows that, yes, obama has very good ratings on foreign policy. if anybody's mad at him on foreign policy, in a lot of cases, it's progressives who are upset that he didn't, you know, close guantanamo and that he's authorized things like these assassinations. so, but, yeah, obama mentions that he killed osama bin laden in every speech and it's always the biggest applause line. it's difficult for romney to sort of chip away at that advantage that he has. and you have the obama campaign basically saying that the romney campaign hasn't provided enough specifics. they haven't shown how romney would really chart a different course on foreign policy than what the president has done. >> well, good point there, molly. and to you, jonathan, on that
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one. he's getting ready to the leave for that big trip overseas. do you expect him to make some sort of pronouncement, some specifics as he heads to england, miranpoland, israel to, this as he tries to look presidential. he's going to be meeting with netanyahu. what do you think? >> you know, the romney campaign put out excerpts of governor romney's speech today and it's going to be a lot of the sort of red meat, fiery rhetoric on the foreign policy beat with words like appeasement and, you know, deadlines and how wrong that is. but i think what's happening with this speech, mitt romney is getting it all out of his system before he goes abroad. there's that axiom, you know, that the politics ends at the water's edge. so he's getting it all out of his system, so when he does go over to england and to israel and to poland and he's on the world stage, that he can be seen as a statesman, and not going toe-to-toe with the president on foreign soil, which would be unseemly. >> right, you don't want to
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bring up domestic issues when you're abroad. so molly, you probably know this, mitt romney and michelle obama, they'll be crossing paths while they're in london. on friday they'll both be wishing the u.s. olympic teams well. a little awkward, perhaps? >> i think jonathan is right, this is not the place for politics when you're attending the olympic ceremonies and you're on foreign soil. romney, of course, will be getting a lot of attention for his role in the olympics in 2002, which is generally a positive story for him. i think he'll be evoking a lot of those memories as he attends the olympics in london. i don't think michelle obama is going to take the occasion to beat him up for any of his other foreign policy or for his record on the olympics. i think this is going to be a moment of comity. and let's not forget that there's another reason for this trip for romney. he's going to be collecting a lot of checks as well. it's a big fund-raising trip for him as well overseas. >> that's right. some fund-raising going on there. thank you very much, molly ball and jonathan capehart, as always. two survivors of the aurora movie theater shooting have been released from the hospital in
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colorado today, but there are still about 12 people in the hospital with 10 in critical condition. and yesterday allie young and stephanie davis talked about that fateful day for the very first time. >> she put my fingers over my artery, my carotid artery had exploded when i got shot. so she puts her fingers over there, and then everybody's running out the next thing i know, and she's like, allie, stay down, stay down. i'm like, i can't breathe, do something. she's like, stay down and be quiet. >> meanwhile, the victims' families saw the alleged shooter, james holmes in court yesterday. mike taibbi is live in centennial, colorado, watching that for us. what's the latest on the investigation? >> reporter: the investigation will continue, but there are only a few elements still to be
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investigated. the forensic scene at theater and the suspect's apartment has been completed at this point. they're still checking how it was and by what means the suspect james holmes was able to have some 50 packages filled with all the supplies that added up to his alleged arsenal, were given to him, either at an address at the university of colorado where he'd been a grad student or at his apartment about five blocks from the campus. they're talking to officials at the university about that at this point. the two moisture decisions still being made in the case is whether the prosecution will go for the death penalty. that decision will be made within 60 days after the arraignment. and at that arraignment, the second part of the story, will the defense go for an ngi, lawyers call it a not guilty by reason of insanity, but that keeps the arraignment, which at this point could be months away. after the appearance yesterday in court, next monday there'll be be a former reading of the charges james holmes, and after that a decision of whether he's deemed mentally competent to understand the charges against
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him. that could create delay leading to the arraignment if those examinations have to be carried out, principally at the state hospital in pueblo, colorado. that's all looking into the future. right now he's had his first appearance, as you saw. people have had an assessment of what he looked like and what his demeanor was, next monday before formal charges. >> mike, as you reported yesterday, there was a question of this ammunition, of his arsenal. it cost upwards of some $6,000. did you find anything more about how he was able to pay for that? >> reporter: well, the question was put to don elman, the chancellor at the university of colorado, where he'd been a grad student until he dropped out in mid-june. it could be that the taxpayers paid for all of that. he received a total amount of grants of about $120,000. $26,000 of that were for personal expenses. we donate know what other personal assets james holmes had when he was living here for the past year in colorado, but if he used that money, he used taxpayer money, basically, to arm himself and build his
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arsenal. that's a terrible irony to have to consider, but that may well be the case. >> absolutely, taxpayer money. mike taibbi, thank you very much for your report on that. when sally ride took to the skies, she took her with us. a although she was a well-known physicist, ride will always be remembered as an astronaut onboard the space shuttle "challenger" almost 30 years ago. after leaving nasa, she dedicated herself to a science program that helped tweens, especially girls. she lost her battle to pancreatic cancer. she was 61 years old. es. you know, i've helped a lot of people save a lot of money. but today...( sfx: loud noise of large metal object hitting the ground) things have been a little strange. (sfx: sound of piano smashing) roadrunner: meep meep. meep meep? (sfx: loud thud sound) what a strange place.
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accused abedin of having ties to the muslim brotherhood. in an interview with politico this morning, gingrich said "there weren't allegations, there was a question. the question ought to be asked across the board." and then when asked about republicans such as house speaker boehner and senator john mccain, who have condemned bachmann's remarks, gingrich said, "i think those folks are wrong. what is it they're afraid of learning?" well, bachmann is up for re-election in november. her opponent democrat jim graves joins us right now. thanks for being with us. >> thank you very much for having me on. >> well, first of all, mr. graves, what's your reaction to newt gingrich's remarks there? >> i think he's off base. i think these are very damaging, i think they're baseless and i think they're hurting the country. >> well, what he's trying to say, as you had listened to what he remarked this morning is he's saying that these were not allegations, there was a question. so you believe that he is absolutely wrong, and in fact, that when we look at some of the other conservative republicans, they have gone the other way in terms of responses, such as the
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criticisms that have come out so far. so when we look at criticisms that have come from some others, such as john mccain as well as house speaker john boehner, they have said they condemn bachmann's remarks, and in fact, this is a recent remark that came from representative sensenbrenner. take a listen to this. >> let me say that i do know huma abedin and i think that the comments that were made about her in that letter, whether or not they were taken so you have context, were the wrong thing to do. >> so you see, conservatives on one side condemning what has been said. we now have newt gingrich who is supporting what she has said so far. how has this debate helped you in your run to take that seat? >> well, it's brought into focuses, basically, the weaknesses of michele bachmann. she has a history. her modus operandi is to grab
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the spotlight, say outrageous things that are not based on any fact. she likes to distort the truth and make herself a big celebrity. but at the end of the day, she's hurting people. she's not only hurting miss abedin, but also hurting people like keith ellison here in the state. she's making allegations and she's connecting the dots as though she knows more than the rest of the country because she's on the intelligence committee. this is not the kind of behavior we expect or we should have from a congressional member that sits on a very important committee. >> well, mr. graves, politico says this dustup has, if anything, galvanized her base. in fact, a recent democratic poll shows that you're trailing at the moment by five personal points. and redistricting has made her district even more conservative along the way. so as you're going out there and trying to convince voters to vote for you, who are you going after? you're certainly not going after her base. >> no. we're going after the people that are reasonable, that are
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intelligent, that happen to read the news and between the lines. the moderate people in the district are very, very in tune with what's going on. we understand that these kind of comments have no place in america. we're better than that. and i'm going after those independent-spirited folks. and there's a whole grew, about 33% of our district are independent-minded folks. and those are the people that we're addressing the facts to and we're trying to say, look, is this really who we want in our district, in our state, representing us? >> well, she has the brand recognition, which has been mentioned. she has also, by energizing her base, outraged her campaign. he's got $1.7 million on hand compared to what you have, which is $400,000. and some say, you know, you're worth as more than $100 million or more. so when you look at that imbalance, are you going to put in some of your own money? >> yeah, we're going to make sure -- well, we're going to first and foremost go out and try to get people in the district and around the country to support our efforts. and that's very important.
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we think it's extremely important to have a message that we have a full, plansed backing of everybody in our district. >> so you will put in some of your own money? >> yeah, we have to date. we'll do some more. but at the end of the day, we've got to get the help of the people around the district. we want them to be engaged in our campaign and take ownership with me along the way, so that as we unseat michele bachmann, which we will do on november 6th, and we want to do this for the country and for the district. so i'm looking for people to come on board and join us. >> minnesota democratic house candidate, jim graves, thank you for your time. and on a footnote, we did reach out to congresswoman bachmann to come on "jansing and co." today, but her schedule did not permit that. we also asked for a statement but haven't received one yet and if we do, we'll post it on our facebook page. the renewed can debate on gun laws from the tragedy in aurora got us thinking. is it easier to buy a gun or vote in some states? details ahead.
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and to politics now, where elizabeth warren is fighting back against senator scott brown, who's accusing her of being the enemy of small businesses. in a new ad, brown says he would never demonize businesses. >> you know, the way i see this, this is really about a basic question of how we build our future. the republicans have given their vision of how you build a future. they say, i've got mine, the rest of you are on their own. our vision of how you build a future is you make the investments forward so every kid has a chance. that's really what this is about. >> former congressman gabby giffords is in the french al al with her daughter and husband.
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the next olympic uniforms will be made in the usa. the olympic committee adopted all the measures in a bill he was working on. senator and congressmen on both sides of the aisle expressed outrage when they learned that this year's uniforms you see right here were made in china. and have you heard of the woman who calls herself the diva of the district? meet mindy meyer. and don't be thrown off by this hot pink website. she is, in fact, running for new york state senate. she reassures politico that her candidacy is not a joke. the 22-year-old student is running as a republican and her site is complete, as you can tell there -- ♪ i'm sexy and you know it -- some bumping music when you log on. would you take a candidate with a sexy website seriously? you can vote on our facebook page. "that looks hard" to "that didn't take long". let's break out behr ultra... ...the number one selling paint and primer in one,
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three quarter of a million potential voters in pennsylvania that do not have photo i.d.s to? that 99% of all pennsylvania voters have a photo i.d. needed to vote in november. state election officials dispute that number. they say more than 9% of pennsylvanians do not have photo i.d.s. for instance, in pennsylvania -- rather, in philadelphia, specifically, that's 18%. nbc's mara schiavocampo is live in the state capital of harrisburg, where a big rally against the new voter i.d. law begins in just a can coupouple hours. mara, what do we expect to hear from the demonstrators? >> reporter: things are very quiet here. the rally doesn't get started for a couple of hours, but the naacp says they are expecting at least a thousand people to come out and protest this new voter i.d. law. the law was signed into effect earlier this year by the republican governor of the state, and it will require voters to submit a government-issued photo i.d.
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before casting their ballot. now, vote rights groups are concerned that this will disenfranchise voters, specifically certain groups like minorities, the elderly, poor, and students. groups that traditionally support democratic candidates for president. now, there is also a legal challenge to this law. the aclu has filed a lawsuit. that case gets underway tomorrow. and as you mentioned, the civil rights division of the department of justice has also opened an investigation to make sure that the state is complying with federal votie ing protecti. richard? >> mara, as we both know, voter i.d. fights happening all across the country, in many states. you're there in pennsylvania, a key battleground state. why is it so important there that this battle is happening? what's being watched? >> reporter: yeah, well, you know, like you said, this is happening all over the country in 30 states, but pennsylvania is a battleground state. it did vote for the democratic candidate for president in the last five elections, but many consider it to be a toss-up in this coming election, and people on both sides of the issue think that this issue, voting i.d. laws, can actually have an
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impact on the outcome of the election. and there was a state republican lawmaker who actually caused quite a bit of controversy by saying pl ining flat-out that tr i.d. laws will allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania. of course, proponents of the law say this is strictly about cutting down on voter fraud. >> mara skoochiavocamposchiavoc. as we mentioned, pennsylvania is among the key battleground states with tough voter i.d. laws. in fact, we did some research and wanted to find out if it is easier to get a gun in pennsylvania than it is to cast your vote. take a look. if you want to vote, you need to be registered no later than 30 days before the election. right after, and right away -- you can actually get a gun registration right after being proved to have a clean background. that's an instant check. now, both require a government-issued photo i.d., such as a driver's license, as you can see in this column here. the cost, $10 for a photo i.d. it's $5 to register for a gun. now i'll give you the example of
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florida. another key battleground state, similar to pennsylvania, you need to register about a month wildfire the all vote day. gun permits are issued after an instant background check. now, a government photo i.d. is required for both. that's also similar. the cost of a photo i.d. is $25 in florida. it's $8 for a gun permit. so let's bring in former pennsylvania governor and nbc news political analyst, ed rendell. we're also joined by former newt gingrich spokesman, rick tyler. and governor, since we did have your state as an example there, let's start there. a key battleground state. what's your thought on the comparison of which is easier, voting or getting a gun? >> it's obviously easier to get a gun. you can get it instantaneously. there's no instant registration in pennsylvania, even though there is in a few states. but the bottom line is, this is a very bad law that was designed for one purpose.
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and representative turzai let the cat out of the bag. in the eight years i was governor, i oversaw the secretary of state's office that was responsible for running elections. two hotly contested presidential elections, we didn't have more than the ten cases in eight years. that's about one and a quarter a year of someone trying to vote on someone else's name or identification. it was a solution looking for a problem that didn't exist. represent turzai said to a republican state committee convention, he was checking off all the things that the republican legislature had done, and he said, voter i.d. law, check. it's going to allow mitt romney to carry the state of pennsylvania. he let the cat out of the bag. this was politics, pure and simple. in philadelphia, it could disenfranchise close to one out of five voters. in pennsylvania, one out of ten. and a lot of these voters are older people who don't even have the means or the physical ability to get in to a pen dot
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office to get their voter i.d. a 91-year-old voter who had voted in 70 straight elections, never had a photo i.d., she went into a pen dot off to get a voter i.d., she had her birth certificate, but that was in her maiden name, and she was now using her married name, they wouldn't accept it. they said get a lawyer and change your name. >> richard, you left out of your setup piece that you need a photo i.d. to get a gun anyway. so all the charges you cited you would have to pay to get a gun anyway. so there is no one in pennsylvania or anyone in the united states, for that matter, who doesn't have the means to go and get a photo i.d. they may be -- they may not have a car, but are you telling me, governor, that the democratic party and their operatives or the campaigns in philadelphia will not go and pick up an elderly lady and take her to the
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registration place to get her a photo i.d. so she can vote? and this isn't about politics. and the governor is right. hold on. it is about politics, the governor is right. the only reason to not require a photo i.d. -- and by the way, why don't you go after the libraries too. they require a photo i.d. is because the democrats want to cover up fraud. that's the only reason that you would ever not want to require a photo i.d. at the poll place. >> rick, you're being disingenuo disingenuous. >> no, i'm not. >> during the hearings on this, they were asked to produce instances of fraud. in eight years, they produced less than ten instances of this type of fraud. the problem didn't exist. we had two contentious presidential elections. there was no element, no examples of this in those presidential elections. i mean, it is a joke. it's pure politics. >> so what's the joke? why -- >> let me tell you why it's a joke. in philadelphia, i mean, in pennsylvania, that's 160,000. if the secretary of state -- >> who can all get an i.d. governor, they can all get an i.d.. >> who many of them don't have
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the physical ability to get to a voter registration office, number one. >> well, then, they won't have the physical ability -- >> no, they can walk down the block to get to their voting place. they can't go -- often it's a 10, 15-minute drive -- >> it's a red herring, governor. >> stnit isn't a red herring. if, in fact, in eight years there were ten instances of this fraud, why do you need this for. >> answer that and then we'll move on. >> i'll answer the question. why do the airlines require a photo i.d. when you get on an airline? must be profiling going on. why do the library require a photo i.d. to get out a book. maybe they're disenfranchising people because they don't want them to be able to read. it is ridiculous, governor. >> it is -- >> governor, i want to show you some data which you're probably familiar, coming from one report. and this has to do with the more than 9% that could be
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disenfranchised because they don't have photo i.d.s to, that's what the report is showing. but the question is really, is that number overblown? "the new york times" says it's more than likely it's really 2% or 3%. >> first of all, it's a 9% figure from the secretary of state's office. the secretary of state is appointed by the republican governor of pennsylvania. i don't think they'd be deliberately overblowing this issue. that's number one. number two, from our knowledge of the voting population in a place like philadelphia and harrisburg and in places like that, it is not an incorrect number. we have a -- i think we're the second oldest population in the country. most older people don't have cars. in philadelphia, i think we have the lowest car ownership city in america. that means they don't have licenses. they don't fly. >> well, apparently they don't have bank accounts either. >> they don't fly. >> rick, i want to bring up another statistic. we showed it on screen a little bit earlier. it's from the brennan center and shows more than 21 million americans don't have
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government-issued photo i.d. and as you look at the list here, minorities top the list. a quarter of all african-americans don't have photo i.d.s to, 20% for asians, and that works its way on down. what's your thought about the perception of what voter i.d drives then and these laws that have been signed and what the perception might be. >> people that function in a modern society have to have voter i.d., to open a bank account, to get a driver's license, to get a firearm. you have to have a voter i.d. i find it very hard to believe that all of these poeople don't have bank accounts and are working on -- >> but you see the groups outline there had. >> but it's not a trouble to get an i.d. if you can't, i'm sure someone will be glad to take you. >> to show you how absurd that is. >> we have to let it go there. >> it's 160,000 people in pennsylvania. >> we've had a good conversation, rick tyler, governor rendell, thank you so much for your time. i hope we can continue this conversation at a later date. now, making news this
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morning, the british government is deploying 1,200 additional troops to help protect olympic venues. this after the security contractor failed to supply enough guards. more than 18,000 military personnel are now involved in securing the games, which begin right here on msnbc wednesday. that's tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. eastern. we'll have the opening rounds of the women's soccer. so stick around for that. british prosecutors are charging former news international executive rebekah brooks and editor andy coulson in connection with their alleged roles in the phone hacking scandal. they're among eight people being charged. and we just learned brad pitt and angelina jolie, named by british prosecutors as alleged hacking victims. syrian officials are threatening to deploy chemical weapons to ward off international military intervention. the warning is the most direct confirmation yet that syria has unconventional arms at its disposal. the government did say it would not use such weapons against its own people. a jury could be seated by the end of the day in the drew peterson murder trial.
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the former chicago area police officer is charged with killing his third wife, kathleen savio. her death in 2004 had been ruled an accident until police began investigating the disappearance of his fourth wife, stacy peterson. finally, we may have hit bottom in the housing market, again, maybe. cnbc's real estate correspondent diana olick is here with what's moving your money. new numbers out this morning that are giving us this thought today. >> absolutely. but still controversy here. popular real estate site zilo is calling a home price bottom, as you say, but others say, not so much yet. now, home prices on the zilo report were up barely, 0.2% in the second quarter of this year, but that's the first year year over year in home prices since 2007. prices have been up on the zilo index for four straight months. nearly one third or 53 of the 167 markets covered by zillow showed annual increases in home values. the biggest increase came in
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phoenix, where prices are up more than 12%, and that's important, because it's in the most distressed markets. with all that investor competition and low inventory that we're seeing the biggest price gains, of course. now, that has analysts over at another shop claiming that some markets are overshooting and becoming price bibubbles. they say the strong demand in arizona, california, and nevada are pushing prices up quickly and short-term, because they're all cash, they're all investor transactions, and they don't have to deal with all the appraisal issues that other markets do. because we're also seeing prices still dropping in chicago, atlanta, st. louis, philadelphia even. so it's still unclear whether we've hit that bottom. >> those high down payments are still there. cnbc's diana olick, thank you. with less than three months until the general election, attack ads are getting nar ting by the decade. the top negative ads last week, number five, obama's ad called "makes you wonder." next up, number four, president
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obama's "stage." number three, mitt romney's ad, "what happened?" . and then, "these hands." but the most-watched attack ads last week, obama campaign's "firms." the ad shows romney sings "america the beautiful" while suggesting he's parking his money overseas. one is for a clean, wedomestic energy future that puts us in control. our abundant natal gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly producing natural gas. it's not a dream. america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now.
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100,000 people show that the more coffee you consume, the lower the risk for contradicting basel cell carcinoma. caffeine is the agent lowering the risk. the house is expected to begin debate on a bill that would allow for the audit of the federal reserve. just a week left before the august recess. what's on the congressional to-do list before the august recess. nbc's capitol hill correspondent, kelly o'donnell, joins us with a look at that. hi, kelly. >> reporter: hi, richard. not much time left, which means there will be deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. and the bill was from ron paul who made that a big issue when he was a candidate on campaign trail, debating that in the house. also, trying again, house republicans are, to move forward with the keystone pipeline project that the president had put on hold. there's a lot they need to get done before they head off for the big summer recess, when so many of them will hit the campaign trail so hard. part of what we'll also see is a
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lot of debate this week about the middle class tax cut. now, much of that will be happening on the senate side, where majority leader harry reid says he will bring forward the idea the president has, which is to continue the current tax rate for those who earn $250,000 a year or less. now, republicans would like to see all of the tax cuts extended, or at least a vote on all of that. there are some questions about what it will mean to the economy if those tax cuts expire, and there's of concern that it may, in fact, keep getting moved forward and possibly into the new year, which would mean there would be some kind of tax increase for everyone, and could they fix that. so it's that time, richard, when there are complicated issues that they're trying to get done. also, things like the farm bill, which provides a lot of funding around the country. that is counting down as well. and there's some dispute about how much the government should spend, where, and how at a time when there is so much drought happening in the country. so lots of key issues are being debated. a lot of political points, of course, always being scored.
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but there is some real deadline pressure, and many members want to get things accomplished before they go home and hit that intense period. >> a lot to do in a short amount of time. we've heard that story before. kelly o'donnell, thank you. >> good to see you. >> joined by democratic congressman, charlie rangle. as kelly was saying, congressman, a lot to do in a week, much less by the end of the 112th congress. let's start with what she started, and that has to do with a debate on the hill today, on a bill that would allow the audit of the fed. do you support the bill? >> of course i do. and there's so many other things that i and other americans support. but it's unrealistic to think that in a week, these things are going to happen. and this is especially so when the republican leadership has decided that they're not going to do anything until after the election. they've made it abundantly clear, the question of the farm bill, the taxes, the question of food stamps, the uncertainty
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that we have in our country and the world, that congress has taken off for five weeks. and the only thing that's going to stop that will not be democrats screaming that the republicans are irresponsible, it will take the american people to come forward and demand that the congress stay here and work and get these things done. >> congressman, house republicans don't want to have to vote on two tough bills, and they were brought up by kelly o'donnell there. and you hinted to it. one is the farmers, coping with the drought. another one has to do with the post office closings. how time sensitive are these to the budget and to the farmers if they don't get done in time? >> they don't care. they don't care. it's very time sensitive. we've got post office people, that god knows what's going to happen to the small businesses if they can't depend on the delivery of their services. >> well, we have until september 30th before the farm bill, so we do have some time. >> and that expires, yes.
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but what happens in august? we won't be here! and so it's almost like saying it's going to be next week. no, the whole idea is to cause embarrassment to the president. and i've reached the unfortunate conclusion that even if the ship of state, the united states of america, is going to suffer fisc physically, as long as it embarrasses this president, they're prepared to do it. i'm saw that with the debt ceiling and i'm seeing it now with the tax bill. so americans are going to have to just step up to the plate and demand more of us than just saying it's going to be embarrassing. it's going to cost people's lives. that's what's going to happen. >> congressman rangel, thanks so much for your time. >> thank you. and after covering the tragedy in colorado, chris jansing boarded a plane bound for london to cover the olympic games. that's where she is today. the tweet of the day comes from chris with this caption, "made it to london, passing buckingham
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palace, gorgeous day and city. seems well organized." chris, safe travels. [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away
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close encounter, river golf, and kissing the queen. let's go down to the wire. a little too close for comfort when a fisherman got up close and personal with a killer whale. richard ellison was spear fishing nine miles off the coast of san diego when he shot this video. but the whale seemed to enjoy hanging around him. another close call for this one for a 16-year-old utah girl. she crashed her mother's car, dropping down an embankment, landing at a 45-degree angle on a mat patio. it was whenedge so tightly it h to be removed by a cane but the teenager was not hurt. and balls hit off a river barge
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in order to support their sport's inclusion in the olympic games in rio deja narrowio. normally a big no-no, no one kisses the queen or even touches her unless she extends her hand. but the couple in question is actually related to queen elizabeth by marriage, so all was okay. >> well, thomas roberts, that was real close, one it? >> the royal protocol, almost broken there. glad you cleared that up for us. >> that's it for this hour of "jansing and co." i'm in for chris today and thomas roberts is up next. >> hi, everybody. the agenda next hour, details on the extent of the case being built against james holmes in aurora, as announcements for funeral plans are forthcoming for certain victims, others that survive, now being released from the hospital. we'll bring you full details from out west. mitt romney's big week abroad. how the republican hopeful will be received in countries like israel and poland. and will it give him credibility
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in foreign policy for american voters? and sally ride, america's first female in space passes away and post humongously humas a very personal secret. the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new york works for business. find out how it can work for yours at
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[ rodger riney ] at scottrade, we give you commission-free etfs, no-fee iras and more. come see why more investors are saying... i'm with scottrade. good morning, everybody. i'm thomas roberts. topping the agenda today, a face of evil or illness? new questions today about the mental state of the alleged shooter in the aurora, colorado, movie theater massacre as debate rages about whether he should face the death penalty. today, authorities in aurora working to answer some very troubling questions. who is james holmes? and what was behind his bizarre courtroom appearance? meanwhile, holmes' family is vowing to stand by him while offering condolences to the families of his alleged victims. and two survivors of the aurora movie theater soting are out of the hospital. 21 others remain hospitalized, ten in critical condition. and the families of those killed are making funeral arrangements.
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among them, aspiring journalist, jessica ghawi, whose remains will be cremated in denver and then flown back to texas for a family memorial. nbc's own mike taibbi is in centennial, colorado, and he was inside that courtroom. mike, when are we going to know the type of defense and the charges that are coming ahead for holmes? >> reporter: hi, thomas, how are you? we're not likely to hear that until the arraignment itself, unless one of the defense attorneys from the public defender's office gives a hint. at the arraignment, he has to offer a plea, and the only choices are guilt, not guilt, or ngi, as lawyers call it, not guilt by reason of insanity. and we'll get a sense of that and learn whether this suspect, this defendant is cooperating with attorneys. he didn't speak to the police since his arrest. he's been in solitary confinement. if they feel he's not able to assist in his own defense or understand the charges against him, they can, of course, call for a psychiatric examination.
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and generally the state hospital in pueblo, the state can have its psychiatrist examine him to see if that's, in fact, the case. and after the arraignment, the plea would be entered, and 60 days from there the prosecution would have to make the decision of whether or not to go for the death penalty. those decisions are down the road a bit. >> nbc's mike taibbi, thank you. prosecutors deciding whether holmes will face the death penalty say that they won't be making that decision alone. arapahoe county district attorney carol chambers talking about how it will be determined yesterday outside the courthouse. >> victims will be impacted by that decision in an enormous way for years, if the death penalty is sought. that's a very long process that impacts their lives, for years. and so they will want to have, and we will want to get their input before we make any kind of a decision on that. >> capital punishment is rare in
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