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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  August 2, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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start at $1,000. and a saddle for a top tier horse like rafalca, that's more like $12,000. which means that just getting dressed to go into the ring costs a whopping $14,820. horse ballet has many passionate fans, but surprisingly mitt romney says he's not one of them. >> i have to tell you, this is ann's sport. i'm not even sure which day the sport goes on. she will get the chance to see it. i will not be watching the event. i hope her horse does well. >> mr. romney didn't even watch today? he's got an olympian in the family, but he's not watching. at least he hopes rafalca does well. late night comics have become
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fans, however. >> the image of romney as a privileged princeling ends today. now he's your average blue collar fan of dressage. >> there's no begrudging romney their horse or fans of horse ballet, the sport. but it has to be said that there are times that we're facing now when mitt romney's campaign for president seems almost like a satire of a wealthy man's presidential campaign. rather than a real campaign. romney is like a spoof of who the gop would nominate in times of economic anxiety. a time when nearly 50 million americans don't have health insurance. when 12.7 million people are desperately searching for jobs.
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and 15.7 million americans are living in poverty. the highest level since 1965. america is suffering. and this is the gop candidate? mitt romney tries desperately to say he's an every-man. but he is the man who is doubling the square footage of his mansion and adding a four-car underground garage with an elevator like this one. and look how he spent his time off the campaign trail this summer. zipping around on his jet ski. zooming around with 25 members of the family aboard this huge speedboat. yep. mitt romney is in touch with the pain americans are feeling. he knows what they're going through. here. just listen to him tell you. >> i drive a mustang and a chevy pickup truck. ann drives a couple of
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cadillacs. i have some great friends that are nascar team owners. i could tell my story. i'm also unemployed. rick, i tell you what, 10,000 bucks. $10,000 bet? >> this is the republican candidate the republican party has chosen for this time in our country. so how's he going to do it? >> i'm not concerned about the very poor. we have a safety net there. if it needs repair, i'll fix it. >> folks, i'd be laughing if it wasn't so scary. maybe the joke is really on us. joining me now is michelle cato, washington reporter for the daily beast and "news week." and david corn for mother jones, an msnbc political analyst and also the author of "showdown." first of all, thanks both of you for your time tonight.
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>> sure thing. >> it's our pleasure. >> david, let me start with you. we're having some fun there with rafalca, but the point here is very serious. mitt romney for this time in history, i mean, what are we looking at here? >> well, first i have to say those were the most six gripping minutes of olympic sport i've ever seen today. watching rafalca come around the third turn. though the cantering isn't as articulated as it should be. we learned about the sport and the need for undercar garages and how to have tax savings offshore. not for tax benefit, just for the heck of it. but i think your summation this evening, reverend, sort of puts into light all the stuff it's creating an impression about mitt romney. if you look at the latest polls, once again we see the public is a bit disappointed or concerned with president barack obama's
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performance on the economy. we'd like the economy to be doing better and him having more results. when they turn to mitt romney, they see someone who doesn't seem to care as much for their concerns as the president. and they still think of him in terms that are close to being a caricature of mr. monopoly, the one percenter. and he keeps making it worse. >> i think that's the point, michelle. i don't begrudge him being wealthy. some were wealthy and made president and did well. roosevelt, the kennedys to name a few. i think the fact that this kind of caricature and his policies and his awkwardness, i mean, is this a dangerous for him politically? >> absolutely. and as you point out, there have been wealthy presidents. part of mitt romney's problem is he seems uncomfortable with how wealthy he is.
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he knows it is a risk. and he also knows that he has not found a way to kind of address this and convince people that despite the advantages that he has, he feels their pain, so to speak. so it's not just that he's extremely wealthy and has cars in his garages and fancy horses is he actively seems awkward about his status. >> and it goes beyond that, if i may. because he won't explain all this. he won't explain his personal finances. he won't explain his deals at bain. he won't explain his campaign funding as to who his bundlers are. and he won't explain his policies like the tax policy issue that came up with most of the tax cuts that he's proposed going to benefit the wealthy. so not only is he awkward and uncomfortable as person as a candidate, there's a lot out there that we still don't know about him that all points in the wrong direction.
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>> now, i think, michelle, that's what compounds the problem. when you look at the fact that we don't know how many foreign bank accounts he has, his record as a job creator at bain that he told us to look at his record as bain to find that he is a job creator. how many jobs he's sent overseas as a result of his involvement in bain. and how much he paid in taxes. and at what rate. now, he points us to private sector, his entrepreneurial skills. then when we start looking he says but i'm not going to discuss them. i'm not going to disclose them. then you see this lifestyle. all of this compounded i think is what has created this image. i don't think it's the fact that anyone is jealous or envious of someone being successful at all. >> with romney it comes back. the core is missing. people don't understand what motivates him. they don't understand what he believes in. that makes them nervous.
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people like to feel like they know their presidential candidates and their presidents. and he finds that very difficult. >> now, she said that the people are looking at this, david, when you look at the polls. a pew poll raised the question who connects best with ordinary americans? the result, president obama 59%. willard mitt romney, 28%. >> yeah. that's -- >> david corn and michelle cottle thank you for your time tonight. you had a response david. >> that's it in a nutshell there. this guy had any sort of connection and wasn't so opaque and secretive, i think a lot would say we gave barack obama a chance, ill give this guy a chance. but he's too far removed and secretive about too many aspects of his life and campaign. and then you throw it we didn't talk about the flip-flops and
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everything else. it's just a very hard sell at this point in time. >> michelle, you wanted to add something? >> i mean, again, it just all comes back to if he seemed comfortable with his story that he was telling, he could be more comfortable with it. voters could embrace it. but he just can't seem to find a narrative that even he can get behind. >> all right. i didn't want to cut you guys off, but michelle, i don't want to give david the last word. david corn and michelle cottle, thanks for your time tonight. >> thanks. >> thank you. coming up, president obama pounds mitt romney for his ridiculously unfair tax plan and willard has no response. >> he's not asking you to pay an extra $2,000 to reduce our deficit. he's not asking you to pay an additional $2,000 to help care
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for our seniors. he's asking you to pay more so people like him can pay less. plus john boehner thinks he's done such a swell job, he's taking vacation early. he's taking the entire month off. speaker boehner, introduce you to a little thing i like to call you to gopwot. i'll explain what that means ahead. plus the world's biggest cat celebrity has done it again. we'll show you more in today's summer break. you're watching "politicsnation" on msnbc. this is new york state.
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we built the first railway, the first trade route to the west, the greatest empires. then, some said, we lost our edge. well today, there's a new new york state. one that's working to attract businesses and create jobs. a place where innovation meets determination... and businesses lead the world. the new new yo works for business. find out how it can work for yours at mid grade dark roast forest fresh full tank brain freeze cake donettes rolling hot dogs bag of ice anti-freeze wash and dry diesel self-serve fix a flat jumper cables 5% cashback signup for 5% cashback at gas stations through september. it pays to discover. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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folks, have you checked us out on facebook yet? the conversation is going all day long. today's hot topic was what else? rafalca. wayne says quote, it's crazy how they can get a tax write-off for a horse and he wants us to believe he feels our pain. hugh says this dog and pony show from the right and their candidate speaks volumes. we also shared this photo of supreme court justice sonia sotomayor at a yankees game yesterday in the bleachers, the cheap seats. jimmie thinks she's earned a break. quote, get out of the office and have a little fun. you go lady justice. we want to hear what you think too. head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends.
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he's, he's on my back about providing for his little girl. hey don't worry. e-trade's got a killer investing dashboard. everything is on one page. i'm watching you. oh yeah? well i'm watching you, watching him. [ male announcer ] try the e-trade 360 investing dashboard.
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economic growth is even worse now and the american people are still asking the question where are the jobs. >> speaker boehner still asking where are the jobs? too bad he's not trying to answer that question. after tonight he and his colleagues are on recess until september 10th. today was their last chance to work on a jobs bill. today surely they put it to good use, right? wrong. instead, they gave us another
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installment of gopwot. what's that, you ask? it's a term i like to use that means gop wasting our time. today's installment of gopwot was congressman king's hearing on making english the official language. that's how you focus on jobs? with a hearing on the english language? that makes no sense. in fact, the only thing that did make sense was how democratic congressman gave his opening. in spanish. [ speaking spanish ] >> the gop razor focus on job was on display when 216
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republicans wanted a bill to ban abortion. but here's what would have passing the american jobs act. passing the infrastructure bill. passing the white house bill to help teachers and first responders. am of this would have put people back to work. but people are suffering because republicans want to play games. let's call it what it is. gopwot. joining me now is congressman joe crowley, democrat from new york and member of the house ways and means committee. and bob franken, feature syndicated columnist. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. great to be with you. >> congressman crowley, let's start with you. what is the political calculation for the republicans here? how is standing in the way of jobs help them politically?
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>> i don't see how it helps them. i love that gopwot. that's a great line. wasting our time. that's what many of us have been feeling, reverend al, for quite some time here in washington. i would suggest that they've stopped at nothing, my republican colleagues, to make it appear as though the president isn't doing his job. because they're not doing their job. they're not passing any meaningly legislation to give to the president to sign into law. they don't want to give this president anything in terms of meaningful victory. we've seen it in so many ways. i did a speech after the first 100 days of congress here in the house floor. it was called the speechless speech. i didn't say anything. i just ripped off a number of note pads. on the end it said i was speechless. because they had no offered a jobs bill. here we are two years later and they have not offered a jobs
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bill. the president has offered a bill that would put people back to work, get americans working our systems making sure they're up to par, hiring teachers and first responders. yet we can't get that bill out of the house of representatives. >> bob, the approval rating for this republican-controlled congress, only 12% approve of it. a whopping 79% disapprove of it. you've seen a lot of congresses come and go. have you seen anything like this? >> well, and i mean this with the greatest respect, congressman. could you guys just stay out of town? just go away. i mean, certainly the nation would be a better place. really about all that you have to do is the appropriation and apparently everybody has decided that it's not worth the hassle so they're going to pass what they call a continuing resolution. and so there's nothing really to do. the fact of the matter is that
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all that's going on right now is that everybody is running this campaign using public money to do it. and perhaps they should pay something to the congress to allow them all this free advertising time. >> i would have to say -- >> bob, in all due respect, i've got to pull you back. because joe crowley is one of the good guys. i don't want him to stay out of washington. >> but he's participating in this. and quite frankly, he made probably the best speech in house history on april 11, 2011. that is the speechless speech. it was sort of an anti-speech. there was no sort of about it. i think maybe right now the time has come for people to just say, okay. let's pack it in. there's nothing we can do. >> well, i would respond to that, bob. i think we find ourselves in what we call the silly season. you know, it typically starts six months outside of the presidential election day. unfortunately, this started about two years ago when the gop
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took control of the house of representatives. and since that day, they've been uncooperative. have not done anything to help pass anything of substance to help get this country back working again. you know, getting people back to work and helping improve the economy. the president can't do it alone. he needs a partner in congress. and the gop simply has been unwilling to be that partner. i've done what i can. i tried to bring attention to the lack of effort on my republican colleagues' part, but it's tough being in the minority. we don't control the agenda. we can't even call a bill up to the floor in the minority. i'm not whining. it's a great opportunity to represent the american people and i take my job seriously. and that's why i want to stay here in congress throughout august to help the people. >> let me interject here. the tone that is set, the speaker john boehner had some very harsh words for the president. he says that the president has
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never created a job or never even held a real job himself. now, of course, the facts are much different. 4.4 million private sector jobs were created in the last 28 months -- straight months. private sector jobs created under this president. but for the speaker, bob, to be saying that he hasn't gained any jobs and never had a real job himself -- and i can certainly take issue with that -- this is the tone we're dealing with in washington, bob. >> well, i think it's beyond silly season. i mean, i don't disagree with what you're saying, congressman. but i think that we've really gotten to the point now that more harm than good is done by congress continuing to be here. you have this kind of comment. it just really highlights the fact that the republicans are using the legislative branch of government to try and thwart the president every step of the way. and that quite frankly is just a
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waste of time. certainly that's not a profound belief when you talk about the polls as you were. i thought the 12% was a little high. it's i think 11% approval right now. and that's really kind of a national scorn about the legislative branch of our government. >> well, bob, i would just interject -- >> i'm going to have to go, but congressman, let me ask you another indication of gopwot. today, the house republicans used a hearing on the hill to rally against affordable care act again. i mean, it's like they'll beat up on anything but jobs. >> i think it is very politically driven right now given our proximity to the general elections in november. having said that, i do think we have responsibility even in the minority to stand up and call them out when we think they're doing the wrong thing. and they're not doing anything. i think the business of the american people is too important. this is a full-time job, being a member of congress.
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we're here, we have deadlines to meet and we're not even meeting those deadlines. we're instead taking time passing one house bill here in the house of representatives on a tax break that only benefits the wealthiest 2% in this country. and neglects the 98% of the hard working american people out there today. and i think that needs to be responded to. bob, that's why i want to stay here and continue to raise these points for the american people. >> all right, congressman joe crowley and bob franken, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. still ahead, president obama goes after the romney tax plan. this will be the fairness election. plus here's a hint. if you're on the run from the police and want to make a break for it, don't do it in a smart car. the world's worst getaway is
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part of tonight's summer break. [ donovan ] i hit a wall. and i thought "i can't do this, it's just too hard." then there was a moment. when i decided to find a way to keep going. go for olympic gold and go to college too. [ male announcer ] every day we help students earn
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questions are being raised about the death of a young man in arkansas while in police custody.
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21-year-old chavis carter was pulled over this past saturday. while police were investigating alleged suspicious vehicle, police say they searched the vehicle of mr. carter and found a small amount of marijuana. they then handcuffed his hands behind his back and put him in the back of their cruiser. a short time later, police say they heard a noise and found carter in a sitting position slumped forward with his head in his lap. his hands were still cuffed behind his back. police have labeled his death a suicide. saying quote, suspect shot himself in the head with a gun he had concealed on his person. carter's mother says her son was not suicidal and wants to know what happened. police have launched an investigation. we're investigating this story, and we'll report what we find. lm you could spend as much as $200. olay says challenge that with an instrument that cleanses
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that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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folks, the romney campaign is reeling from a devastating critique of their tax plan. a plan that literally takes from the poor and gives to the rich. today president obama laid out the facts about that plan citing a report by the nonpartisan tax policy center. >> they found that folks making more than $3 million a year, the top .1 of 1% would get a tax cut under mr. romney's plan of almost a quarter of a million dollars. now, mr. romney claims that he's going to give this tax cut and bring down the deficit. so then the question is who do you think gets the bill for these $250,000 tax cuts? this is a smart crowd. you do.
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>> the crowd was right. that report says 95% of americans would see a tax increase under romney's plan. only the rich would escape. the report cuts to the heart of mitt romney's vision for america. one where the poor and the middle class get absolutely slammed. so the response today from romney's senior adviser, quote, pay no attention to this report. >> that report you've referenced is a joke. there are serious flaws with both the authorship of that study and the methodology. it was co-authored by a member of the obama white house, someone who was part of the white house economic team. >> the report's a joke? because the co-author worked for
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president obama? what romney's adviser forgot to mention is that the other author of the report, the other author was a staff economist for george h.w. bush. the romney campaign is also now arguing that the tax policy center is just some liberal group. even though last year the romney camp called their work quote, objective, third-party analysis. folks, romney's claims literally don't add up. the report said romney's tax plan was quote, mathematically impossible. the romney campaign is doing anything, saying anything because it doesn't want to face the facts. joining me now is retired u.s. army captain wes moore. he is author of the book "the other wes moore." and patricia murphy, editor of citizen jane politics and a
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contributor for "newsweek" and "the daily beast." thanks for joining me. >> thanks. >> thank you. >> patricia, let me start with you. the romney campaign's response has been to go after the tax policy center. so saying that it's some obama-controlled liberal biased far left group. is that the case? >> it is not the case. the tax policy center is a think tank that i would call it bipartisan. i don't know if it's nonpartisan. democrats and republicans both work there. they're very well respected and in this case it's a case of killing the messenger. if you get into the details of this report, it's damning against the romney campaign. but the romney campaign will not give details to refute it. so all they're saying is it's not true. we can't tell you why it's not true, it's just not true. but don't listen to those guys. it's not a great response from the romney campaign.
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if they don't want people to believe it, they're going to have to refute it with some facts. >> wes, i think that's right. rather than go for the distraction of going for the statements about the tax policy center, let's deal with the issues. let's deal with their report. but when the deputy policy director was asked about the report and about romney's tax plan, let me show you what his response was. >> it's not a question of today, you know, we've got a 2,000 page tax plan that could be scored and demonstrate this. the governor has laid out a tax plan of the tax program. the goals that are accomplishable. the details that would be accomplished are things that would be worked out. >> now check out the director's
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resume. before he worked for romney, he was a top policy aide to paul ryan. and he worked as a special assistant in the white house of george bush. that's a trifecta, wes. >> the challenge is we've got issues on this. not just on the policy perspective, but also on the politics perspective. and here's what i mean, rev. on the policy, i would love to see definition of something how it's neutral and progressive. i would love to see it. i think on the policy side, you know, when governor romney talks about how wealthy the most wealthy in this country will either pay the same or more under his plan, that wouldn't add up. it doesn't make sense mathematically. the other issue is on the politics side. this compounds a larger narrative that governor romney's had throughout this campaign.
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governor romney earlier makes a statement that he doesn't care about the poor inside of this country because they already have safety nets. when he makes comments like the reason we have domestic disparities, in this case he was talking about israel, was because of cultural issues. when he decides to only release two years of tax returns. there's a larger narrative that i think people particularly middle class and poor in this country have a right to be -- not just be concerned but also demand more transparency from someone who wants to run for the presidency. >> now, patricia, what is this strategy of secrecy? not giving details to his plan. what is the strategy there? >> i think the strategy is clear that the romney campaign wants this election to be about barack obama and his record. they don't want it to be about mitt romney. they're hoping to scoot through this entire election without
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details, very few details about what kind of taxes he's paid. very few details about his foreign policy, what he would do. and given the nuts and bolts of his economic policies, he would reduce tax rates for americans. but also close loopholes. he will not say which loopholes he would close. the middle class balances their checkbooks with those mortgage deductions, child tax credit. those are loopholes that would have to go away if he wants to keep his promise to keep this deficit neutral. there's no way these numbers don't add up. the romney campaign would like to talk about the last three years of the president's record. it's not a bad strategy, but it is their strategy. and voters are going to have to decide if that's enough for them. >> and i'll say, that's a great point. >> wes, is it a sound strategy, wes, to not lay out a plan and keep giving announcements with no real content and hope you
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just keep the focus on the three years the president's been in office? couldn't that backfire? >> it definitely could pack fire. and here's the fascinating thing about it, rev. if you look at the generalties of what mitt romney's talking about. the generalties make sense. he wants to help the educational prospects for all people in this country. he wants to enhance trade agreements. that all makes sense. the problem is it shows he hasn't looked into what the president has been putting in place for the past three years. if you want to talk about trade agreements, the fact you look at trade agreements with south korea, colombia. all done with president obama. >> i've got to stop. >> so the president has a track record that mitt romney's almost trying to use and compound for his own politics. >> i'm going have to let it go there. wes moore, patricia murphy, thanks for being with me tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. still ahead, key developments in the voter i.d.
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trial in pennsylvania. we'll tell you about the testimony that is devastating the republican argument. but first, a cat who's putting her best paw forward. she's one of the hottest things on the web today. and she's in your summer break. look at those toys. insurance must be expensive. nah. [ dennis' voice ] i bet he's got an allstate agent. they can save you up to 30% more by bundling your policies. well his dog's stupid. [ dennis' voice ] poodles are one of the world's smartest breeds. are you in good hands?
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we're back for the political pause for the day. a time to relax and recharge. that's right. it's time for the "politicsnation" summer break. we start in japan with maroop. some of you might already know this cat. i'm told he's a bit of an internet celebrity. and he's out with a hot new video shows off his talents. he's got high jump skills leaping on to furniture, even rolling chairs. somersault skills, paper tunnelling skills. and of course he's the master of jumping out of boxes. what a pro. check out that slow mo shot. watch out with moves like these, the romneys might drop rafalca and enter you into the cat ballet event. and here's another engine that could. that's right. it's a smart car.
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speeding away from police in a high-speed chase in texas. reports say there are 27 clowns inside the car. okay, actually there was just one guy. he eventually got caught. so while his car might be smart, the driver sure isn't. and that's today's summer break. it's something you're born with. and inspires the things you choose to do. you do what you do... because it matters. at hp we don't just believe in the power of technology. we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work. if you're going to do something. make it matter. humans -- sometimes life trips us up.
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wash and dry diesel self-serve fix a flat jumper cables 5% cashback signup for 5% cashback at gas stations through september. it pays to discover. we're back with the explosive conclusion of the trial challenging pennsylvania's controversial voter i.d. law. it began six days ago with testimony from lead plaintiff 93-year-old vivette applewhite. she can't vote under the new law. she told me what is the faced in may. >> i think it's because they
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don't want obama in there, so i think they're doing something to keep the black people from having the right to vote. >> pennsylvania's one of 19 states to adopt new restrictions on voting since 2010. new testimony in this trial suggests the law could disenfranchise more than a million pennsylvania voters. a million people. one witness talked about her trouble gets an i.d. when faced with a less than helpful state worker. she was told tough luck. a deputy city commissioner said quote, we have no plan b for voters without i.d. and the republicans secretary of state admitted quote, i don't know what the law says. the court has heard this clip of a republican lawmaker bragging about what voter i.d. would really do. >> voter i.d. which is going to
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allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania, done. >> no wonder those fighting the voter i.d. law left the court today expecting, quote, a slam dunk victory. and saying the state really put up very little defense. joining me now is state senator jayelin leach democrat from pennsylvania. he's been a leader against the new voter i.d. law. he plans to have something repealing it. thank you for being here tonight. >> good to be here, reverend. >> voter i.d. law has been put on trial this week. doesn't it seem like an open and shut case to you in. >> reverend, before i was elected to the legislature, i was a litigator for 17 years. i have never seen a weaker case. they have to establish strict scrutiny. they have to show there's a compelling state interest in
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this law and little collateral damage due to the law, the right to vote. they admitted there's no problem. there's zero cases in any state that they can point to as proof of this voter fraud actually happening. and they've admitted hundreds of thousands of people in pennsylvania will be disenfranchised. they're left to argue a shocking thing. which is that voting is not a fundamental right. when the attorney for the commonwealth said this today, there was an automobile gasp in the courtroom. because everyone believes voting is a fundamental right. but that's the only theoretical way they could still prevail in this case. >> they said in the courtroom under oath that voting is not a fundamental right. >> well, it wasn't under oath. it was during closing statements. what the attorney for the commonwealth said you cannot scrutinize this law as an important right.
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if you do, we're going to lose. you have to assume, it's not a right at all. it's more of a privilege or a discretionary thing. in which case we don't have to proou much. they've proved nothing. >> i think that that is very important. most of us on this issue saying it's a voting rights issue, he's answered it. they don't feel that people have the right to vote. they feel it is a privilege. and correct me if i'm wrong, if this case if the state loses in pennsylvania, could we not use it as a precedent going around the country to the other states that we're all now traveling in trying to turn these laws around? >> certainly. especially because pennsylvania has the most restrictive law in the nation of all the states. if we lose in pennsylvania, that would make it easier to argue that other states with slightly less restrictive laws meet constitutional muster. it would be a disaster according
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to a number of studies, millions of voters around the country who disproportionately vote democratic would be disenfranchised. whole states could be swung in the presidential election. this is about winning elections. and it's obscene. >> it's serious. that's why we're on it. a ruling is expected by august 13th. and we'll be watching for that decision. daylin leach, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. >> we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] hey, isn't that the girl
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who tore out your still beating heart? [ bowling pins ] ok, how's this gonna play? mi amore. [ chicken clucking ] [ male announcer ] bit needy, g. ok don't sweat it. just do your thing. hey! hey! [ male announcer ] definitely a little bit epic. stride. throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. riding the dog like it's a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment!
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mitt romney has a big night ahead of him tonight. he'll be rubbing elbows with karl rove in colorado. politico reports they will meat with high rollers and governors in a closed door event. yes, you heard right, folks. the republican presidential candidate and the head of one of the largest conservative superpacs just happen to be
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hanging out tonight. there is no way they're coordinating their attacks on the president, right? that would be against campaign finance laws. so what are they going to talk about? horse ballet? give me a break. it's these shady dealings that prove how much super pacs and secret money are playing into this presidential election. this week president obama's campaign spent more than mr. romney's campaign on tv ads. but when you factor the money spent by the party, committees, and super pacs, republicans are outspending democrats by nearly a two to one margin. make no mistake. the flood gates have opened and won't be turned off before the election. even the president's been warning voters about the attack ads and calling on democrats to get up and get out and get active in this campaign. >> the other side will spend more money than we've ever seen
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on ads almost all of them negati negative. they'll tell you the same thing for months. if you're willing to organize with me, i promise you we will finish what we started. and we will remind the world just why it is that the united states of america is the greatest nation on earth. >> come january 2013, the president in the white house should be there because their policies and they raised the most votes. not they raised the most money in the undisclosed spots and bought the white house and not cared about our house. thank you for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts now. invasion of the body snatchers. let's play "hardball."
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good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with this. overnight the battle has escalated between obama and romney. before the question was fairness. is it right to give big tax breaks to the rich? today the issue has sharpened. is it suicidal to give tax breaks to the rich while raising the taxes of the middle class? is it simply class warfare to give tens of thousands in tax cuts to the top having to pay $2,000 for those in the middle. the middle class faces a tough enough burden these days. do we want to weigh them down further with this still heavy burden of this $2,000 in new taxes, romney xes, so the better off get the best deal of
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their lives. that's the new state of play. to assess the politics tonight, bob shrum. gentlemen, i'm talking about this decision. the obama campaign is taking this new study that's just come out showing a romney style plan. helps the rich at the expense of the poor. and they're running with it. this bar graph you're looking at right now shows how various income bracts are affected. and clearly the poor get hurt and the rich gethelped. today the obama campaign made this. the center piece of a new ad that will air in eight swing states. let's watch it. >> you work hard. stretch ever penny. but chances are you pay a higher tax rate than him. mitt romney made $20 million in 2010. but paid only 14% in taxes. probably less than you. now he has a plan that would give millionaires another tax break and raises taxes on middle class families by up to $2,000 a ye


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