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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  September 18, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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i'm s.e. cupp. it's the sound bite haerld around the world. why mitt romney was right to own his hidden camera comments. >> i'm toure. regardless of whether you think the comments are right or wrong, they're all everybody is talking about today. can can mitt goit of his own before november 6th. >> i'm crystkrystal ball. how do they seize on anti-american anger and are we missing the bigger story here? >> we'll talk to a religious studies professor receiving threats herself after suggesting the filmmaker be arrested. >> all that and the discovery channel's mike rowe takes a braet from "dirty jobs" and pulls up a seat at bar. he's pulling up a seat at "the cycle" for tuesday, september 18th. caught on hidden camera.
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mitt romney standing by what he said at a private fund-raiser in may. those comments are no longer private. nbc news national investigative correspondent michael isokoff has the details. >> the video shows romney surrounded by donors in may. it was secretly recorded at a $50,000 per plate fund-raiser at a private home. asked how to convince voters to take care of themselves, romney responds. >> 47% are with him who believe they're victims and who believe the government haze responsibility to care for them and who believe they're entitled to health care, to food, to housing. you name it. that's an entitlement, and the government should give it, and they will vote for this president no matter what. >> romney concedes he has little
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chance to win voters over because they can't relate to his message. >> these are people that pay no income tax. 47% of americans pay no income tax. our message of low taxes doesn't connect. you talk about tax cuts for the rich. that's what they sell every four years. my job is not to worry about those people. they should take personal responsibility and take care of their lives. i have to convince the 5% to 10% that are independents, that are looking at voting one way or another. in some cases it's emotion, when they like the guy or not. >> as forhe candidate himself, romney came out last night and owned what those hidden cameras caught him saying but he admitted he could have said it a little better. >> it's not elegantly stated. let me put it that way. i'm speaking off the cuff in response to a question, and i'm sure i could state is more clearly in a more effective way than i did in a setting like that. it's a message i'm going to
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carry and continue to carry. look, the president's approach is attractive to people not paying taxes because frankly my discussion about lowering taxes isn't as attractive to them. therefore, i'm not likely to draw them into my campaign. >> so let's take it to the table. krystal ball, let's start with you. what do you think? you loved it? >> in a way i guess i kind of do. i think david brooks, conservative columnist for "the new york times" said it best. he said as a description of americans today, romney's comment is a country club fantasy. it's what self-satisfied millionaires say to each other. it reinforcing every negative view people have about romney. there's two parts to the statement. there's the country club fantasy part. i want to look at the numbers here, this claim 47% of people don't pay income taxes, which strictly speaking is true. you look at who those 47% are. 61% of them are workers. they have jobs and there's
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paying payroll taxes so not shiftless moochers, 22% are seniors and 17% are too poor and who benefitted from the earned income tax credit that incentivized work. they can't make the threshold to pay the income tax. that's who we're talking about in the 47%. you have 7,000 millionaires who pay zero income taxes, so if you're looking for the moochers in that pie chart, i would point to those individuals. the second part of david brooks' point is it reinforces every negative view they have about romney. i think it's true. people think he's kond sending, and this statement fills in the blank for them. it seems like this is the real romney. a lot has been said about that. the other part about this, though, is i think the most valid criticism of the president and the most valid kernel going forward is he won't be able to break the partisan logjam, if he wins re-election. so people are looking to see if
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mitt romney could be the guy that could unite the country to break that logjam. these comments solidify the idea that this is not the person. he doesn't -- he's discarded half the nation. this is not the person to bring the country together. >> i agree with that. i see we're in a nation where it's impossible to ascend to a higher class than your parents are in. this idea of personal responsibility, which we keep getting from this ticket, is a total kanard and offensive and is offbase and misunderstanding reality in america. poor people don't lack character, they need opportunity and don't neat to get off the government teet. this blames people for the position they're in is a gross misunderstanding of reality and this class manifest destiny because you're poor you're a bad person and you're lazy and if you're rich that means you're a good person. the other thing that jumped out as me as a literary person, the revenge of the carters, james
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carter, jimmy carter's grandson is part of leaking this. the republicans have used jimmy kar carter as a whipping boy for decades now. here's the carter family saying, see, we'll get you back. >> the revenge of jimmy carter. david brooks' point about how this reinforcing the most negative at aspects of romney's image, that's the key here for the fallout for romney. i was going back and trying to think of what are comparable examples we can think of in modern presidential elections. >> of course you were. >> when you think in those terms, it jumps out how extraordinary this is. when you think of the elements involved here, when you have a guy whose worst attributes are reinforced in an unforeseen way this close to the election. domestic alally of of george w.
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bush in 2000 with the dui revolution. he was elected president in 2000. remember throughout october of 2000, bush was leading al gore to the polls. to the extent there was conversation about this, bush will win the popular vote and may have a problem with the electoral vote. the weekend before the election, al gore passed george w. bush and won the popular vote on election day. we know what happened in florida. maybe it affected it and didn't, but it was a huge thing that came out of the blue. >> he'd been open about his past doing that, and this was a new person we were getting. >> it also reinforced -- the big thing about bush was is he mature to be president. it reinforced it. think of 1992, iran-contra haunted george h.w. bush. he said he wasn't in the loop and there were lots of doubts. a week before the election he's trying to catch up to bill clinton. to the extent bush had any late
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momentum, it was zapped right there. think of reagan in 1984. this was a landslide election. there was a moment when ronald reagan drew blank in a debate against walter mondale. all the concerns about electing a 73-year-old guy president. does he have the mental faculties? he defused it in the next debate. i won't make my opponent's youth -- >> who is gordon brown. >> this is an open mike incident in 2010 when the labor party was trying to hold yoon to the majority they hold for 14 years. he went to talk to a working class voter. he gets in his car and the mike is on and he grouses to his aides about a bigoted woman there. he didn't win.
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>> one, i think the timing of this is terrible. he's coming off of two or three very bad weeks, and being so close to the election, this could be ruinous. he's rung on the numbers, but to your point or the broader, substantive point about the substance of what he said, i really don't frankly understand the outrage, because it seems to me he has stolen a page right of obama's playbook on this. i want to read a clip from a fund-raiser that obama held in 2011 in san francisco where he told donors, as he told people on the stump for a year, unless he's re-elected, we'll have a government that tells the american people, you're on your own. if you get sick, can't afford college, you're on your own. if you don't like a corporation polluting the air, you're on your own. if he's not calling his voters victims, we need a new definition of the word.
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in fact, democrats and liberals in the name of obama support have been talking about how their voter base, women, illegal immigrants, minorities and the lee are victims of the republican parties. i think the message obama has been promoting for a year of two americas, us versus them, we're going to take care of you, they'll live you to die or live in squalor, that's what romney is saying. >> we're going to leave you out in squalor? >> no. >> to me, that's what he's saying. >> he's accepting obama's characterization of his own base, and for that he's being punished. we can talk about this the next break. >> that's not how obama is. >> we've had two today. should the romney campaign fix this, and how? the politics of all this 49 days out from the election as "the cycle" rolls on for tuesday, september 18th. [ male announcer ] for the saver, and a big first step.
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boris, we played at the start, but i want to replay it and get your response to it. >> romney concedes he has little chance of winning voters over because they can't relate to his message of lower taxes and less government. >> 47% of americans pay no income tax, so our message of low taxes doesn't connect. you'll be out there trying to get tax cuts for the rich. that's what they saw every four years, and so my job is not to
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worry about those people. i'll never have them take personal responsibility and care for their lives. i have to convince the a5% to 1% that are independent and looking to vote one way or another depending upon emotion in some cases. >> boris, romney seems to have sort of stumbled into and enlivened a debate for a couple of years now where you have this theme we're hearing in the obama era about the 47% versus 53%. there are a lot of conservatives that absolutely love this message, that love the idea of the takers versus the makers. you have eric rashgson telling romney to embrace it and go tw it. on the other side you have voices that wrote the national review about this 47% don't pay taxes figure. he said worries too much about this number will lead conservatives down an intellectual and political dead
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end, making the point at 47% is partly the result of conservative poechls and income tax credit. i wonder if there's a basic debate on the right. where do you come down on this? should they embrace this or is this poison for the conservatives? >> these comments are out there. the video has been out there three months. is it king big news because the left is so worried where this campaign is? i think so. >> nice spin there. >> boris, i'm trying to get -- >> they had this for a long time, but to your question, steve, as far as where we come down on this, i think those on the right are saying it the right way. he shouldn't walk back these comments. we saw and heard a man who is resolute to win the election talking about a path to win the leak. something that i thought was very interesting is how well he knows the logistics and specifics of this campaign.
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back in may he's talking about rich gro which groups are open to republican and how the obama team will come at him aattacktt him for success. everything he said on there has come true. they have attacked him for his success. >> here's the problem. when you do the number, the 47% doesn't work. the 47% that don't pay federal income taxes don't all correlate with obama voters and democrats. there are a lot who don't pay the federal income tax. when you say romney should embrace this, he's had a problem all year going back to the republican primaries with blue collar and voters. he did great with the country club set. there's a fascinating quote. r rut gerz found a woman in virginia that does not like barack obama and thinks ea muslim. she looked at this election and said romney is going to help the upper class. he doesn't know everyday people instead of the person that cleans his house. she wants to vote for barack
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obama now. aren't you losing conservative voters like that? >> as romney campaign and conservatives we're not going to say we're running on 47% versus 53% line now. we have a view how this country should run. those who work and strive for opportunities should be rewarded and not be punished. those who don't have the opportunities should get those opportunities. no, listen, are we going to he embrace this one rhetoric of 47 versus 53? absolutely not. is this an opportunity to keep driving the message home? yes. let's look at athe posts today after the conventions now. the two candidates are tied, and i go back to the fact the democrats on the left have to be worried. even in 1980 jimmy carter, who talked about his grandson, was leading ronald reagan by 8 points in obtain. this election is tied, and it's bad for the incumbent. >> that's a hysterical bunch of
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stats there. romney is an economy guy, and he should win this thing. he's run a terrible campaign, and campaigns matter. the things that are thrown at you and how you deal with them matters. it's been a horrible couple of weeks for him. some of things not his fault. akin, eastwood, mother jones, is he wrong? >> david brooks is wrong because the facts are against what he's saying. >> he's offense wrong. >> you see mitt romney neck and neck with barack obama. >> you know the why they are so close. >> because barack obama is doing such a bad job? >> the reason they're close is because we have a divided, polarized electorate. as he said, 47% will vote for him no matter what. >> the fact of the matter is barack obama had delivered on promises and done we will, he would be up in the polls by light.
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ostensibly, he would be down, and he's not. this will not move polls one way or another. we have a long time, 49, 50 days until november 6th. this is a blip on the radar. by the time they vote, they say barack obama hasn't delivered and mitt romney has an opportunity to have something new and a real chance for americans to get back to work and vote for mitt romney to be the next president of the united states. >> let me ask you this question because i think boris is committed to a dilutional narrative here. i think this is a very problematic statement for mitt romney. it's wrong on the facts. it shows disdain for about half the electorate. i think he really does need to come out. a lot of good advisers asked him before these comments came out to come out and give a big policy speech to refocus the campaign, to let the american people what a romney presidency would really look like. to me, this is the moment to do it. not so much to lay out a policy position but to lay out his
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philosophy. right now it looks like disdain for the poor and elderly. he needs to be honest about what exactly is his narrative framework? what is driving him? >> he needs to take a quick breath to look like he's delivers this speem simply to quiet the stories around. he needs to come out and give a seerts policy speech that addresses foreign policy, dick policy. i think he need to be the first person in this campaign to really address the idea of poverty because obama essentially ignored it. it's less about connecting and letting people know who how he is and the campaign hinting to give specifics soon. one last question for you going out. how come it's okay for obama to say that republicans will leave
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you out in the cold and we'll take care of you, but it's not okay when romney accepts that premise. >> this was mitt romney in may talking to supporters. they want to know how you win. what's the path to winning the election, and he gave a clear one. there's nothing wrong with him saying that there are those in america who don't pay any income fax, therefore, cutting income tax doesn't appeal to them. that's why this is not a huge issue going down the line toward the election. what you're right about is the campaign is putting out more and more specifics and going back to the 59-point plan mitt romney put out and the book he put out. we're talking about not just his vision but what he brings to the wlous when elected. that will sefshl not to forget about this point. it can be a positive, but to move on and expand from there and say not only do we believe more opportunity in america, but here's how we deliver it. 50 days, 49 days is plenty of time to bring that around to
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success. >> incompete think the easy ansf you accept that framing, that obama isaying they're leave you out in the cold, i would say obama's message -- >> that's not what i said. >> you said when obama is out there telling people -- >> romney accepted the premise he set up about his own voting bloc. >> obama is saying you shouldn't be left out in the cold. the political danger of romney is it sounds like you're out in the cold, and i don't care. >> that's not what he said. >> there's a difference considering yourself a victim and believe the government can be beneficial and do good things in the society. they're a difference there between thinking that the government can do good or -- >> obama is predicating his entire game of victim -- >> on the premise that government can do good for society. >> that you need government to day care of you. that's his campaign message.
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i'm not inventing this. obama is tells you you need government to take care of you. >> that's not what he's telling you. >> boris, thanks for joining us. another deadly afak in afghanistan triggers ways in how america trains afghan troops. what it means for getting u.s. troops out. that's straight ahead. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just finished a bowl of your new light chicken pot pie soup and it's so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... ...lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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the u.s. military will stop joint military patrols with with afghan troops following a series of insider ambushes. 51 coalition troops have been killed by uniformed afghans this year. in the mean tieantime a militanp is taking sfont for a bombing in kabul. let's bring in terrorism analyst evan coleman, who is a senior partner at flashpoint global partners.
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how do terror groups use a film or book or cartoon to rally people to chaos? what's the mechanism? how do they do it. >> they issue communiques or warnings or held rallies to gather people around the issues. some have cynical motives. if you look at hezbollah and lebanon, they're rallying people around the issue to divert attention from the fact that it's supporting the regime in syria killing muslims. this is a great distraction for them. other groups like al qaeda are latching onto this as way to revive interest in their ideology, in their organization and actually as a means to hijack the arab spring or hope they can through using this issue. >> we've seen a deadly suicide attack in afghanistan. do you think that we'll see suicide attacks in america? why have we not seen suicide
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attacks in america so far? >> hopefully we don't see attacks, but it's worth noting one al qaeda grub in the arabian peninsula, the same group responsible to the underwear bomb plot issued a communique this week calling on muslims living in western countries, particularly the united states to carry out attacks or hold rallies but to carry out attacks in symphony or chorus with the rallies. you're closer to the enemy than we are. do this and we can claim credit for it. that is one big concern right now, there maybe homegrown extremists located in the united states who may have no prior direct connections to a terrorist group but are going to see this and decide this is a good time to act. this is a good reason to act. this is a good impetus to act. >> nguywe know that al qaeda dr to moments chaos to revive themselves, especially areas where it's perceived the u.s. is
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somewhat weak. as we're slated to withdraw from afghanistan, do you think it's fair to say that post-withdrawal afghanistan will be a prime location for al qaeda to set up shop again. >> that's part of the problem with afghanistan and withdrawing from afghanistan. al qaeda historically looks for power vacuums to thrive. they look for places where there's absent central control, and we've cena in north africa and somalia and afghanistan and pakistan. that's the big dilemma, if we withdraw our military presence in afghanistan how does that affect vis-a-vis tack stan and afghanistan? they leapfrog back and for. do they leapfrog back from pakistan into afghanistan. >> when you talk about centers for power, i wonder in the run job ten years ago when we were dealing with 9/11, we were focused so much on afghanistan.
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where are the areas that the united statess should be particularly concerned about and any areas on our radar we don't talk about right now. >> the two areas we need to be concerned about are the most obvious ones. number one, north africa, libya, algeria and egypt and number two syria. i think that's the big story here, is syria. up until a few days ago, all the chatter taking place on terrorist web forums and on chat rooms was all about syria. about people going to fight there and waging jihad there. there is this idea among would be al qaeda types that syria is the next afghanistan. now, there's a lot of complexity to that conflict, and i certainly don't want to suggest that everyone who is fighting assad is a terrorist or jihadists. there are a lot of very, very extreme people headed there, and the question is is that what happened after they're done in syria? what happens next? what do they do next?
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the concern is they could take part in operations across the middle east targeting u.s. interests as well as syrian interests. >> evan, one of the president's strong selling points this election cycle is how tough he's been on terror from taking out osama bin laden to taking out any number of high level al qaeda leaders. is al qaeda actually weakened? >> al qaeda has been decimated. i mean let no one be mistaken about that. al qaeda is not dead, it's still there. they have been decimated and lost 90% of their top leadership and have lost almost every single person around for the last decade. all their new leaders are new guys. they have been decimated. their capabilities have been did he go des matcimated. you should follow it up with the recognition that al qaeda is different than in 9/11. al qaeda is a multi-faceted franchise organization. it has franchises across the middle east, and it's an ideology.
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people out there follow the ideology, even if they make no direct contact with zawahri our osama bin laden or whatnot. as long as you have these different franchises and this problem of homegrown extremism, there will always be an al qaeda terrorist threat. if you're asking has the terrorist threat subsided since the presidency of president obama? 100%. he's done incredible damage to that organization obviously with the support and good work of law enforcement and u.s. military. >> hthank you. >> thank you. up next an ivy league professor says the maker of the film should go to jail. you might be surprised how much free speech advocates responded to her free speech. ♪ ground control to major tom americans believe they should be in charge of their own future.
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constitution, the freedom of speech. when does it go too far? the supreme court has ruled that there are limits. youtube has now blocked access to the anti-muslim film in four countries. that was blamed by some for triggering mass protests around the arab world. does it cross the line of protected free speech? one ivy league professor has become a lightning rod. she tweeted how soon is sam bacile, the name behind the sflim going to be in jail, folks. i need him to go now. when americans die because you are stup. within hours her comments went viral and sieved thousands kwliven aattack. her contact information had been to be taken down after violent threats against her and her colleagues. ironically the video and her tweet prove words, in fact, have consequences. where she we draw the line?
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joining us in the guest spot is that same -- do you stand by that tweet, and what were you trying to accomplish by saying that? >> you know, what i was trying to accomplish by saying that is my frustration when things like this happen that the people who actually do these films or make the statements or burn a koran or whatever it is, it makes it very hard for all of us. particularly religion professors who try to talk about this and try to in my case put fortd religion dialogue. it was a frustrated tweet. i didn't want him to be really arrested, but it comes to turn out he was on probation and maybe shouldn't have been on the web. that's a moot point after everything that happened. it just was really interesting in the midst of trying to block over, i don't know, maybe 5,000 people, that, you know, basically the same thing that was happening in the middle east was happening on a smaller scale
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to me because i said something that people didn't like. >> let's go to that core issue of the freedom of speech. we think of this as like an absolute right, but, in fact, there are limits. the classic example is you can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater. in this global world where a video clip can get spread around like wildfire, is it, in fact, going too far? is that beyond our constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech to put out such a hateful video and then promote it around the world? >> that's hard to say. let me put it like this. every time you do something like that, there's a response. now, i think in this particular case there were unintended consequences to what happened with the video. and whoever originally decided that that video should be dubbed into arabic obviously wanted some consequences to happen. perhaps it's that person or the series of persons we should look at. i don't think those people were
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here on this continent. i think the important conversation we should have right now in america is that where are these limits of free speech? sometimes what we consider an individual right hurts us in communal kinds of ways. that's the piece that nobody wants to talk about right now. is that we have individual rights, but individual rights sometimes have community or corporate consequences. >> well, on that point you talk about the encitement effect. when we look at this from a global standpoint, where you deal with countries in parts of world where the understanding of freedom of speech is not the same as it is over here. so the effect of a video like this could have that sort of incitement. when you take that same principle and impulse and try to apply it domestically, do you see the potential for similar incitement here with posting a charged, political message within the united states? is that something you worry
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about right here? >> what happened to me this week makes me realize not everything you can say, because somebody can pick that up and use it as a way to make an aattack. that happened to be this week, was a coordinated attack, and it was designed to inflame people the way the tweets were cherry picked in order to do that. most everybody in my time line moved on, but whether the wave came, it was crazy. i worry about that a little bit, but at the same time i'm respectful of the first amendment. i live in philadelphia and am down the street from the national constitution center. how can i not be for free speech. >> i love twitter and you love twitter. it's not always a great place for nuanced, intellectual thought. there's a lot of binary thinkers on the twitter. it was a coordinated attack, a bully leading a mob to attack you. a coordinated attack. what do you think about twitter and the way na a bully can use
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social media to target you when you try to talk about free speech? >> i think it's an awful thing, but i think that people who aren't in the position that i'm in, you know, can really suffer from that. you can't get your reputation back. it's very difficult to stop these things once they get started. i write, i positive blblog and tweet. my followers know who i am. for somebody who is attacked on twitter, you don't have a lot of recourse. there can be all kinds of lies said about you that aren't really true. >> i think we can make a broad statement here, and i guess i'll make it on behalf of the table. a tweet, sam bacile makes a film and egypt protests. these are acts of free sfeech, and i would stand up and fight for each one of those to happen, for butler to tweet and for sam
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bacile to make a film and for egypt to protest the film. is this really about a film? is this really even about free speech? what happened, for example, in libya, i think, has nothing to do withed film. we've seen this happen over a cartoon or a myriad of other explanations. the film is the excuse, and i'm not sure why we bother trying to teach gauzy lessons about free speech and religious tolerance to a group of people who clearly aren't interested or hold the same values. >> let me put it another way to you. i don't think it's gauzy. part of what's going on is a lesson in what we need to sometimes do overseas. granted, i don't think this film is the only reason that the violence happened. however, when korans were burned inadvertent inadvertently, there's a moment where we have a conversation about there's certain things that might make-believers upset. >> why look inwardly when
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something happens accidentally and then other people respond with violence? >> i'm the religion prof. this is my question as an intellectual and academic. i don't see that's for everybody else to do. >> i'm asking that from a masters of religious stud i didn't say. we're on the same ground here. why do we always need to look inward when another group reacts violenting to exercises free speech or something inadvertent? >> exactly. i don't think we have to, but we need to be aware that not everybody's culture will receive the same things we value culturally, period. that's it. at the end of the day it's that sentence. that's it. >> thanks so much for that conversation. >> you're welcome. thank you. up next, he's trading in his dirty jobs for drinking shoes. talk about an upgrade. discovery's mike rowe is here with an exclusive sneak peek at his new series, "how booze built america."
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i'm giving my spot at the table and for s.e. really. >> the revolution, oh, boy. winning the west. the fact is our country wouldn't look anything like it does today but for booze. time for the entrepreneur of the week. joshua davis knows the frustration of looking for funding. after being turned down by a number of venldors he contacted a community group making loans to small business owners. he got the money he needs and he's back to focusing on flavors. watch it sunday morning at 7:30 on msnbc. frdz it's eb. want to give your family the very best . in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. want to give them more vitamins, omega 3s, and less saturated fat? it's eb. eggland's best eggs. eb's. the only eggs that make better taste and better nutrition...
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and then treats day after day, block the acid with prilosec otc.. and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. welcome back to the american revolution brought to you in part by booze. >> i'm not just being a smart-aleck. booze really did help cause the revolution, and it's all over the battlefield at lexington and
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concord. not just the rum in these red coats canteens. it goes way back. it says so right here on our fancy time line, starting with the pilgrims' landing all the way through to the shot heard round the world. we'll show you step by step how booze helped change history. >> that's right. the birth of our nation like many unexpected conceptions was fueled by alcohol. you got an exclusive sneak peek of the new series that i can't wait to watch. "how booze be built america" and our next guest takes on a liquor-infused rise through history from plymouth rock to the moon landing. you've seen him on "dirty jobs," and here at the table now is mike row. he's host of "how booze built america" tomorrow at 10:00 eastern on discovery. how do you like that? >> honestly, as intros go, that's pretty good. >> are you blushing? >> inside i'm about to faint. i tell you.
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>> i know you get into the founding fathers proclivity for a pint. i'm assuming and hope you get into nascar and prohibition and all of that. >> of course. >> tell me, mike, how did booze build america? >> the bigger question is how didn't it? you can't think of one major piece of legislation, not one war from nascar to the moon landing, every major touchstone is linked back to our relationship with booze. there are no exceptions. people think of the boston tea party and go i guess we were upset over the tea. it wasn't about the tea. it was about the molasses tax in 1733 and then the sugar tax all of which rebounds to the business of distilling rum. so we fought a war over tacks and rum basically. >> was this a labor of love? are you a big drinker? are you drunk now? >> honestly, i can't even see you as i sit here.
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i am sober as a judge. it is a labor of love. my grabbed dad was a laborer. he was a skilled tradesman. in a lot of ways "dirty jobs" was an emblem for work and it was an attempt in my career anyway to show that work could be fun, at least on tv. there's not much as big and broad and universal as work but history is a topic that suffers from the same sort of dismissal as work has for many years. so the idea here is can you make history fun? can you infuse it with a genuine enthusiasm and distance a tv show from i call them the correctors, which are people who sit back quietly in their tweed coats and glasses and the patches on their arms and just tell you, no, wrong date, wrong day, wrong, you're wrong. >> sounds like -- >> there's no tweed, but really people wonder, producer pull their hair out and say why can't
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we get people really interested in history and the answer is because you made it stink. you made it boring. >> so add some booze. >> "dirty jobs" is a great show. you give dignity to real people and you make tv look like real work which is hard to do. but let's stay on this subject. what is the most surprising historical fact that we're going to learn about the relationship between booze and this nation? >> okay. it's not so much the facts as the way you can tell a story because like we were saying during the break, there are no new ideas. let's face it, in history it's about stuff that already happened. it's not like we're going to make stuff up. right here in new york, fribs, in 1904 a woman named carrie nation walked into a bar called sullivan's. john sullivan was the bare knuckle bocks champion of the world. she walks in with her hatchet and her purse full of rocks and does what she does, which is namely tear the place to pieces. she had been going on these hatchetings for years. carrie nation became part of the
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temperance movement. prohibition led to everything from nascar to the mob to the fbi to csi to getting us to the moon. why? because all the money that was made in rum running as well as the legal selling of spirits, a lot of it was made by joe kennedy. joe kennedy had a kid named john. he wanted him to be president and a couple key swing states like west virginia, millions of dollars -- joe kennedy is worth $500 million in 1958. john kennedy gets in office because of that. john kennedy gets us to the moon and i contend if that carrie nation hasn't walked in sullivan's with her hatchet. >> do you have an opinion, is there like a quintessential american drink? >> no. >> no. >> i mean, look, right now in the show i drink sam adams because he was a founding father and he brewed it and i went to boston -- >> how do you keep getting nithe
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awesome jobs and is your next one ex poring the seedy underbelly of sobora bora hotel. >> yes, it is, and i need a co-host. are you in? >> i am. >> take her with you. >> my thoughts on the important moment being overshadowed by romney's hidden camera moment. ♪ keys, keys, keys, keys, keys. ♪ well, he's not very handsome ♪ to look at [ sighs ] ♪ oh, he's shaggy ♪ and he eats like a hog [ male announcer ] the volkswagen jetta. available with advanced keyless technology. control everything from your pocket, purse, or wherever. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ that dirty, old egg-suckin' dog ♪
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yes, mitt romney's latest gaffe is the big news story today and i'm not surprised folks on the left are so eager to talk about it.
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while we hyperventilate about the latest thing to sink his campaign the real headline gets buried. despite statements from susan rice who seems to blatantly disregard common sense and the intelligence coming out of libya by insisting that the murder of ambassador chris stevens was unplanned. it's becoming clear that the ben daz i did attack was not spontaneous and was not over an amateur video. putting aside what actually happened to chris stevens, why it happened is getting obscured by this administration which still clings to the story that this is about a movie. the problem with the tale of the tape isn't just that it ignores evidence that the attacks in benghazi were spontaneous, it's not just that the tape excuse perpetuates a lie or that we seem to have fallen for it. the problem is that it puts president obama in the very awkward position of insisting that we are, indeed, at war with all muslims. to believe that the uprisings around the world are over a tape that no one had seen, you'd have
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to believe that the whole of the muslim world, even those who live in western societies like australia, germany, and the uk, would respond with the kind of attacks we saw in libya. you'd have to believe that all muslims would see an offensive portrayal of the profit muhammad and seek retribution. you would have to believe that if a couple muslims would kill the u.s. ambassador in the name of islam, that all muslims would. if the tape is truly the catalyst, then it should be catalyzing similar assassinations around the world. so when obama, clinton, and rice talk about that video that sparked this middle east meltdown, they're promoting a narrow view of muslims that we americans have long tried to dismiss. we aren't at war with all muslims but with a group of radical extremists who look to exploit chaos and agitate anti-western sentiment in advance of their own goals. a truthful understanding of the war on terror implicates a few. the tape implicates everyone. okay. that does it for "the cycle."


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