tv Politics Nation MSNBC September 19, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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redistribution he can get excited about. and that's "hardball" for now, thanks for being with us. bomb ticks nation with al sharpton starts right now. thanks, chris. and thanks to you for tuning in. we are live this evening from washington. tonight's lead, fallout. look out below. more damage from mitt romney's hard-hearted words about the 47% of the country. one of the gop's senators refusing to say if he still supports romney's candidacy. others running from reporters' questions. and party insiders openly asking if the romney/ryan campaign is headed to "mccain/palin territory." wow. and what has mitt romney been doing? he is digging in his heels, that's what. he is standing by his attack on the 47% of americans who don't
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pay income tax that would expose in the secret video. today, while raising more big money in atlanta, mr. romney dressed up his comments about ma makers and take wers new language. >> this is how america works. it does not work by a government saying become dependent on government, become dependent upon redistribution that will kill the american entrepreneurship that's listed our economy over the years. >> this is how america works? by vilifying half the country? by insulting the elderly, the disabled, people in the military, those struggling to make ends meet? and leave it to paul ryan to stand by what romney said, even if not how he said it. >> he was obviously inarticulate in making this point and the point we're trying to make here is under the obama economy, government dependency is up and economics is up. >> you think governor romney regrets saying what he did?
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>> oh, i think we have said it differently, that's for sure. but the point still stands. >> the point still stands. folks, let's remember what this is about, a secret tape that was never supposed to get out in which romney told donors paying $50,000 to be there what he really thinks about the other half of americans. >> 47% who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, you name it but that's entitlement. and the government should give it to them. and they will vote for this president no matter what. >> that was no gaffe. no slip of the tongue. this is what they believe. just listen. >> we risk hitting a tipping point in our society where we
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have more takers than makers in society, where we will have turned our safety net into a ham among that lulls able-bodied people to lies and complacency. >>makers versus take rtakers. this is the dominant philosophy of the gop. george w. bush ran in 2000 as a compassionate conservative, but even paying lip service to that idea is out the window with these mean-spirited tea party-flavored republican men. their extreme agenda is now clear. you're on your own. and if you need help, look somewhere else. remember some time ago when romney said, "if voters want more stuff from government, tell them to go vote for the other guy." more free stuff? remember how crowded the republican debate actually cheered at an idea of letting a person die if he doesn't have health insurance?
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>> that's what freedom is all about taking your own risk. this whole idea that you have to prepare to take care of everybody -- [ applause ] >> but congressman, are you saying that society should just let him die? >> audience: yeah. yeah! >> remember all the attacks on the poor and anyone who's trying to help them, like the president? >> i'll go to the convention and talk about why the african-american community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps. obama is the best food stamp president in american history. >> this is ugly stuff. the secret romney tapes have exposed what he believes and revealed what's at the core of today's republican party. joining me now is jared bernstein, msnbc con trib birntd the former chief economist for vice president joe biden and karen finney, msnbc political
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analyst and former communications director for the democratic national committee. karen, romney's sticking with this line. i mean, does it -- does he not get what this country is all about? >> democrats think it is all about government doing everything four, we have heard that line before. if you think argument to be made that we are all in this together, i am my brother's keeper and the idea that you know what if you need a little bit of help, we are going to give you a little bit of help and you're going to do, you know, your part as well. what i find so interesting and we were talking about this, in his mind, clearly, there are different classifications of people who don't pay taxes. remember, there are people who are wealthy at the top who don't pay tax. but they are makers.
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>> makers are loopholes and takers who may have ribbon vested in their own social security. you're just confused? >> that's right. that's right. >> i want you to clear that up -- the break down for us the difference in the top and the bottom in terms of the those that don't pay tax. let me ask you, karen, on the politics of it. we have seen so far three senators, three, from romney's party who have kind of distanced themselves in this 47% rhetoric. senator dean hemmer of nevada, "i have a different view of the world," he says. senator scott brown of massachusetts, declining to say whether he still spores romney. and linda mcmahon, senate candidate in connecticut, saying "i disagree with governor romney's insinuation that 47% of americans believe they are victims."
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so, he is even getting a little problem from some of the republicans that's got to run in states that people would say wait a minute what are you talking about? >> tonight of the ticket, paul vine a liability because of his budget and thoughts on medicare, right? now you have got the guy who is supposed to -- coattails you are suppose tonight able to ride potentially dragging down the ticket because again if you are a senate candidate, house candidate, republican candidate, you want to distance yourself from the remarks. what women see happening and we have read about this carp rove is going to pour a ton of money into the house race and senate races to try blur those lines for people. >> now, jared, how do you grow an economy when you're dealing differently with what you call makers as opposed to takers? if we have a makers/takers psychology, which is what we have, it was taped secretly but it was a public gathering, how
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do you greet economy? >> i don't think you do i think it this is not only divisive rhetoric that goes completely against the kind of sentiments i thought karen was just expressing well but very unhealthy for the economy, because there are nomakers -- no makers and takers, everybody is playing that coin through both sides of their life. i think i heard today mitt romney's mother benefitted from welfare benefits while they were struggling. you have lots people with the earned income tax credit, a great wage subsidy that helps low earners do better, folks at the very top of the scale s a corporation a tax break and creates a job a maker or a taker? both. this it is a completely nonsensical division. one thing we have in this town where you happen to be sitting today called washington is a level of gridlock, of divisiveness, of argumentation, of an inability for people to recognize that if you try to get away if you try go this you're
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on your own route, all it leads to is exactly the kind of problems we have now but far deeper. >> you have got to deal with the language of today, if you're rich and get business you can it is a subdidsidy. >> that is a taker. >> governor romney's mother once receive aid cyst tans. so people will not think we are liberals making accusations, let show you a tape of mitt romney's mother talking about this. this is mrs. romney. >> they say since's man of considerable means he really doesn't care about people. >> you know, we have only owned our home the last four years, avenues refugee from mexico. he was on relief, welfare relief for the first years of his life. but this great country gave him
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opportunities. >> now this is mrs. romney, the mother of mitt romney, talking about her husband, who was mitt's father, who had only owned their home a few years, who had to get some public assistance. what -- i mean, so anybody would have wanted somebody to say that about their parents? how does he think people feel about saying this about his parents today? >> mitt romney is fortunate enough, accident live that reality. that was -- clearly, that was earlier on in his mother and father's life. so mitt romney doesn't -- that's part of the problem here, he has no idea how a majority of you americans actually live our lives, how our economy actually works and doesn't work. remember says i don't really care about the very poor. we have got social safety net programs for them. they happen to be the same program he is wants to cut, by the way. so basically their message to anybody not in that top tax bracket is you're a moocher. you are expecting something. >> this also applies to people who are retirees. amongst that 46%, you have a
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bunch of people, modest income, elderly folks on social security and medicare. now, do you want those folk toes have to get back to work? are they moochers? are they takers? many of those people work third whole life. >> i think it shows the divisiveness you talked about, jared, there was a time when you would talk about how you can pull yourself up, as mrs. romney was talking about her husband, explaining him running for office. now, you get beat down for it. today, today, this day, the republicans in the senate blocked a job s bill for veterans. it would have provide ready $1 billion in funding. the jobs would have involved tending federal lands and boll steering police and fire departments. this he block it had today. >> to me, the whole thing is kicking out the ladders. >> right. >> our society, our economy is partly build built on leaders. we will help you put the ladder there you got to climb up. these people want to kick out the ladders. >> you know this as well as anybody, reverend, the lang swan
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the "you" people, those people. >> jared bernstein and karen finney, thank you for your time tonight. real plan to redistribute wealth in america. how romney and ryan literally want to take from the poor and give to the rich. plus, we've got ourselves another secret tape from a republican. this one's from a top elections official vowing to suppress the vote long after the 2012 election. and a new report completely vindicates the attorney general in the so-called fast and furious program. so, where's the apology from the republicans? i'm looking at you, congressman issa. this is "politics nation" on msnbc. [ male announcer ] you are a business pro.
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let me get this straight, going on food stamps because your kids are hungry, that makes you a victim, but oil companies taking billions a year, that's cool? that's wrong. and that's next. she wears the ! [ man ] out! your kind is not welcome here! nor your odd predilections! miracle whip is tangy and sweet, not odd. [ man ] it's evil! if you'd try it, you'd know. she speaketh the truth! [ crowd gasps ] [ woman ] reverend? ♪ can i have some? ♪
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americans are free loaders who believe they are entitled to food. what do they think, food grows on trees? no. we job creators knee there is no such thing as a free lunch. lunch is $50,000 a plate. folks this is not a crisis for romney this is a triumph because mitt nailed it. obama supporters are nothing but lazy parasites. get a job! >> mitt romney's secret videotapes get the late night laugh treatment. those traipse causing headaches for the romney racampaign but m also hurt other republicans running for office all over the country. some candidates are trying to distance themselves from romney. others are refusing to talk about it at all. joining me now, democratic strategist dave "mud cat" saunders, one of the most colorful characters in politics today. he helped virginia democrat jim webb defeat george allen in the
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2006 senate race made famous by allen's macaque comment. he steered mark warner into the virginia governor's mansion in 2001. now, mud cat is setting his sights on ousting powerful house republican leader eric cantor. if he succeeds, it could be one of the biggest political upsets of the year. mud cat, thanks for being here tonight. >> rev, it's wonderful being with you. >> now, let me ask you, how are these romney tapes changing the political conversation? >> well, you've been in campaigns before, rev, and the one thing you always want to establish is us versus them brand. and me, one thing he has done is he has firmly branded himself as them. you know, i couldn't believe it. i knew that he was an elitist,
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but romney doesn't have a whole lot of street smarts and people are talking about this secret fundraiser and there was 150 people there with cell phones. and where you and i come from, we call that street smarts not to say something so ridiculous in front of that many people. >> no doubt about it. well, one of the things he says, let me play this for you one of the things he stayed in that same speech a lot of people are not talking about is when he talked about latinos and his father. let me play what he said there, 'cause this is very interesting, let put it that way. >> had he been born to mexican parent, i have a better shot of winning this thing. but he was unfortunately born of americans living in mexico and living for a number of years and i mean, i say that jokingly, but it would be helpful to be latino. >> he said it jokingly would be helpful being latino about his father w lived in next kind
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his father was in mexico 'cause of his father. i mean, what kind of playing on different -- i don't know what he means would have been more helpful to his father's career to be latino? i knee a lot of late team knows driving around in arizona with his supporter governor brewer's laws that don't think that it's an advantage, but this us against them this playing on the divisions is a very disturbing pattern of mr. romney's. >> well, that's who he is. we call it the land of general trip. the statements like that don't just offend late team knows but they offend everybody where i'm from, the hill bully nation, who have been looked down by what i call the land of gentry. the one thing that's driving me crazy through all of this is the talk of redistribution of wealth and this fear mongering. i mean, you and i both know, rev, there's been redistribution of wealth in this country, i
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mean, since 1980, it's been mammoth. in 1980, 1% of the people had around 7% of the money and right now, 1% of the people have about 25% of the money. and that's the reason that wayne powell, i joined on with him to go against the ringleader of this coin-operated government is because there has been that redistribution of wealth and we got to reverse it because it's all coming from middle class, hard-working and blue collar americans. >> now, wayne powell, your candidate, is running against eric cantor and politico reports house republicans don't even want to talk about romney tapes. "majority leader eric cantor, who your client is challenge, declined comment on romney's closed-door remarks as did house and senate gop offices contacted by politico on tuesday." your opponent will not talk about this?
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>> well, you've got to remember, you can take romney, and i think this hasn't caught on and i think it is going to catch on in the next 45 days and that is you can take romney, ryan or cantor, they are not really republicans. they are corporatists is who these people are. they have abandoned, you know, all forms of fiscal conservatism. paul ryan and eric cantor beat on their chest about that ryan budget and how fiscally conservative it was. the truth was it raised the deficit, increased the national debt $3 trillion. i mean, let's get a hold on this thing. and i mean, the political gamesmanship that's going on now, i mean, doing another repeal of obama care, another vote, people that need to understand, that costs the taxpayers millions and millions and millions of dollars for him to do this, call it for a vote over and over again in the name of fiscal conservatism. and you know, it's a joke.
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these guys are corporatists. >> now, let me ask you this, the quinnipiac poll says with "new york times" and cbs, they popped the swing state of virginia and it says that president obama is up four points, 50-46. what will that do to politics in virginia if the president holds that lead and wins virginia as he did in '08 and what does it do? >> well, history says as far as politics in virginia, whoever wins the president a.m. campaign, the next year, the opposite party, you know exwins the gub nat tore y'all mansion and you know, that's what it says but the deal is what it says for virginia and this is what we are betting on in the cantor election. i mean, we are in a very red district, plus 12 district, where eric captor is not sitting
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very pretty. we are betting. this is what we have got to bet on, you know, in the presidential campaign that virginia -- instead of voting red or blue, they will vote red, white and blue. and, you know, we have got a history of doing it. i mean, in 2008, barack obama in this tough district we are in got 46% of the vote, but at the same time, mark warner got 60% of the vote. and i think you're going to see -- i think you're gonna see the president continue to pull away because he has something that romney can never, never, ever, ever capture. that's momentum. and he is also likable. there's not a whole lot of difference between a third grade election and a presidential election. people vote for people they like. and romney is just simply not likable. >> well, mudcat, i like that, not voting red or blue but red, white and blue.
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a good sound bite to me. mudcat saunders, thanks for your time tonight. >> rev, i love being on, i will come on any time you want. >> all right. i'm gonna hold you to that. still ahead, the experts call it the greatest redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich in modern history. i call it the romney/ryan plan. that's ahead.
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welcome back. mitt romney's comments about the 47% are a hot topics on "politics nation" facebook page. have you checked them out yet? carol says i worked 39 years, i'm on social security now and i'm a responsible person. how dare romney say i'm a loser. and darryl says, we finally have proof of what the right-wing power elite really thinks about us. fans also loved this feet photo of president obama with jay-z and beyonce at a fund-raiser last night. rosemary stays is a great picture of the talented people all making a difference in this
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oh, hey alex. just picking up some, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it's always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can't let 'em see what you're drinking. you know, i'm glad
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we're both running a nice, clean race. no need to get nasty. here's your "honk if you had an affair with taylor" yard sign. looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office. now save 50% on banners. 47% of americans pay no income tax. so ouressage of low taxes doesn't connect. he'll be out there talking about tax cut for the rich. i mean, that's what they sell every four years and so my job is not to worry about those people. >> my job is not to worry about those people. imagine that line. probably has governor romney now a little worried about his job, or at least the job he's running for. ever since that secret video surfaced, the romney team has been scrambling to change the conversation. they will do anything, even latch onto a 14-year-old comment
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from president obama. >> i think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution, because i actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level, to make sure that everybody's got a shot. >> never mind that president obama is talking about fairness. never mind that this clip is 14 years old. mr. romney found a new shiny object, redistribution. >> a tape came out a couple of days ago with the president saying, yes, he believes in redistribution. i don't. >> of course mr. romney doesn't believe in redistribution, except he does. when the money's getting redistributed from the poor to the rich, romney's plan would raise taxes on those making
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under 30 grand a year. it would also raise taxes on the middle class. but millionaires, they'd see a big old tax break of over $87,000. how's that for not believing in redistribution? now, what about his running mat mate? >> president obama said he believes in redice vib bugs. mitt romney and i are not running to redistribute the wealth. mitt romney and i are running to help americans create wealth. >> they are helping to create wealth for the wealthy. in fact, experts say ryan's plan would "likely produce the largest redistribution of income from the bottom to the top in modern u.s. history."
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huh? what so's their argument again? >> he believes in redistribution. i don't. >> mitt romney and i are not running to redistribute the wealth. >> why are they selling themselves short? of course they are redistributing to the wealthy. joining me is aaron mcpike, reporter for real clear polit s politics. let me start with you. annie it is widely known the republican plans redistributing to the wealthy. >> so, yeah. there's sort of two things to talk about here, one are mitt romney's spending plansed when a know he has a plan that is going to cut programs that largely benefit the poor. and then there's the tax side.
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when you ask romney advisers about this, they say they made a promise they won't do that but not clear how them make their tax math add up, one possible tway would happen, they would take away tax credits for middle class family, effectively raise ready the burned, even though they promise they had wouldn't do that there is just a haze of unconcernty over mitt romney's tax plan. >> haze of uncertainty. erin, you know, over theertaint tax plan. >> haze of uncertainty. erin, you know, over the ryan budget budget, governor ryan would pay next to nothing in taxes. it is estimated woe pay an effective tax rate of 0.82%. i mean is that redisvibtributiof wealth? >> there is redistribution of wealth by paying any kind of taxes into the system.
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medicare redistributes money to some of the population f y. if you don't want to get rid of medicare there is stale red -- still a redistribution of wealth the there. >> annie there is always a redistribution of wealth in the picture ann picture. it seem there is a one-sided plan how to redistribute wealth in terms of ryan and his presidential candidate, mr. romney, because 62% of ryan's cuts come from low-income programs. $810 billion cut from medicaid you can $134 billion cut from food stamps, another $166 billion from pell grants. it looks like the cuts are all on the middle class and lower class americans. absolutely. explicitly both governor romney
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and congressman ryan's plans cut what is called in washington the nondefense discretionary budget. a lot of the programs that you're talking about. they are also talking about cuts to programs like medicaid, which is health care for a lot of poor families and a lot of poor kids. so we are pretty sure that that would happen. you know, we have these proposals and true those cuts would be made the question is on the tax side how the burden would fall. and there again, there is a little bit of -- we don't have a ton of clarity about t we do know, for instance, governor romney wants to protect the tax breaks for savings and investment and those tend to benefit upper income taxpayers. we pressed governor romney for more details but we don't have them. >> so, we don't have clarity on some of the things about the middle class and the lower class but we are clear he wants to save things like taxes with savings and things that tend to go to the wealthy, 'cause people tend to save that have money.
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people that don't have money tend to have nothing to save. >> sure. you know, the carried interest loophole that we have heard about governor romney has largely said that he wants to preserve those, those referential tax rates for investment. yeah again that is going to help mostly folks who are higher income, whereas in the low-income side you can not clear, he said he wants to clear a lot of the deductions and credits from the tax code but hasn't been specific, a lot of those deduction and cred detroit there to help working families and lower income people. so again, we really don't know and that's why he has opened himself up to a lot of criticism that his plan would end up cutting taxes on the wealthy and increasing them on middle and lower income households. >> erin, you covered the campaign in the spring and summer and romney and ryan said they closed loopholes in the tax code. annie just mentioned tax code but they just won't tell us which ones. take a listen. >> give me an example of a
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loophole that you will close. >> well, i can tell that you people at the high end, high-income taxpayers are going to have fewer deductions and exemptions. >> don't viewers have a right to know which loopholes you're going to go after? >> so mitt romney and i, based on our experience, think the best way to do this is to show the framework, show the outlines of these plans and work with congress to do this. >> tax loophole also is there a reason you guys respect naming specific tax loopholes? >> yes, because we want to get it done. >> now, am i missing something, because from what i'm seeing, they will not give specifics, so we don't know what they're talking about, other than we know that they are talking about they are going to give a break to those that are wealthy, where it's coming from, how it's going to happen, we don't know and we know they are going to cut the safety net. we know that how do they run on this, erin? >> well, just on monday morning, the romney campaign held a conference call with reporters and said that this week, two get more specific, or this is now
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the phase of the campaign where they will start to lay out these specifics. one of the very first questions from a reporter on that conference call is will you tell us which of the tax loopholes you want to close? and the campaign advisers that were on that call said, well, we will talk about that later. one thing i would say is this is going to come up in the debates, in the general election debates, with president obama and mitt romney, at that point, probably will have to give some greater specifics because president obama certainly won't let him get away with t it was a tactic he was able to use effectively in the primary and not specify which loop homes woe close but he will most certainly have to be more specific in those general election debates. >> so but they said, and among the conference call with reporters, that this week, being we are at wednesday evening of this week, they were going to get more specific. >> they -- they did say that, of course, these videos that have come out in the last couple of days have taken the campaign off track. >> they could turn the page
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talking about videos and talk about specifics. annie lowery and erin mcpike, thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> thank you. >> thanks so much. still ahead what is it about republicans and these secret tapes? we found another one featuring a gop official vowing to suppress the vote long after the 2012 election. plus, a new report clears the attorney general in the fast and furious program. stay with us. ♪ atmix of the world needs a broader that's why we're supplying natural gas to generate cleaner electricity... that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and it's also why, with our partner in brazil, shell is producing ethanol - a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane. >>a minute, mom! let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go.
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while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. we're back with yet another republican caught on yet another secret tape exposing what he really believes. ohio senator of state john eusted has been a pivotal figure in gop efforts to limit voting rights. to actually make it so fewer people can vote. now, he is setting his sights on the future. eusted was caught on tape at a tea party meeting this week saying ohio needs harsher voter i.d. laws on the books, even
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after this year's election. >> i was listening to a show one flight where they talked about these onerous rules, thighs own nous photo rules in ohio on photo i.d. well, the photo i.d. law in ohio is not onerous. smart, i suspect the jeep assembly will take up a more strict version after what we have been through in this election process. >> he suspects republicans will try to pass voter i.d. laws? well, i isn't it will target democratic voters, especially after hearing about how they are going to make voter i.d. laws even more tough. >> there are literally 12 different forms of i.d. people can produce to legally vote but yet we had some people come into our precinct who either didn't or couldn't or didn't want to produce one of those 12 forms. >> we need to streamline that, because it's really hard for a poll worker to know exactly what
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they are supposed to be checking and i'm quite confident the lemon slach clearwater is going to take that issue up. >> they need to streamline forms of i.d. streamline? we know what that mean he is. it's code word for voter suppression. these are just the latest dirty tricks to fall out of ueusted's sleeves. he is attacking souls toll polls voting days, that typically get black workers the poll booth and punish poll workers for mistakes and even fired two elections officials who backed more voter access to the polls. he is laying the groundwork to disenfranchise voters for years to come. joining me now is nina turner, a democratic state senator from
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ohio and a vocal opponent of eusted's push for voter i.d. laws. state senator turner, first, thanks for being here tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> what's your reaction to these new recordings? >> well, rev, you hit the nail on the head, streamline is just a euphemism for voter suppression and again, voter suppression by any other name is still voter suppression. rev, i would like to say that i'm shocked, it's sad day in the state of ohio and in this nation that we have republican leaders, especially the chief elections officers, using his political clout to suppress the vote. you know, my grandmother use wassed to say you can put truth in the river five days after a lie but truth gonna catch up and rev, the truth is catching up with the republicans this day. >> your grandmother must have knew my mother, she used to say the same thing. you know what is interesting to me? let me run this scenario to you about mr. huested. the cleveland plain dealer called huested a rising gop star last week and wrote, it's no
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secret that republicans are grooming him as a gubernatorial candidate if only he can avoid a major hiccup allowing the way. you look last year, husted was opposed to voter i.d. laws that he is supporting at the tea party conference this week. just last june, he said, same guy, that we caught on these tapes, i would rather have no bill than one with a rigid photo identification provision that does little to protect against fraud and excludes legally registered voters' ballots from counting. so is this just politics? he has gone from opposing rigids through now he is championing them. is he lying in the far right to get a nomination for governor of ohi ohio? >> rev what a difference a year make. these laws they want to enact no
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proof these laws do anything to deal with in-person voter fraud. as a matter of fact, in 2010, there was one instance, rev, out of 3 -- out of roughly 3 million votes cast, of in-person voter fraud. that is 00000025.0000000025%. people see report more ufo sightings than they do in-person voter fraud. reverend, they are pulling out all the stops to suppress the vote to confuse. they do not care how they win this vote. they are rigging the election and it is absolutely a shame that they are doing this in ohio, but we are not gonna stand for it, reverend. you have been here several times and you know there are fighters on the ground in the state of ohio. the democrats will system to stand up and champion voting rights in this state. >> when they are limited early voting, the fact is that early voting has proven to work in the
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state of ohio especially after having contentious results a couple of elections cycles ago. they want to pull back on it when it effectively worked in counties that needed this, particularly for people that work? >> and rev, let us not forget that secretary husted then was in support of the turn around the state did from deet back. le of 2004 to ensure that folks had more access to the ballot but again, funny what 2008 will do to have republicans reverse course and try to steal this election. it makes no sense, rev. and for people who are homeless or elderly folks who may live in a nursing home, you know, people may think it's easy to have access to these i.d.s, but it is not. and until you are one of those who are in the greatest need, we are turning our back, reverend, this country, on poor folks, on people of color, on working class folks, all under the guise of voter protection. but reverend, it is nothing but
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straight-up, pure, unadulterated voter suppression, but we are going to continue to fight. we must not relent on this. >> ohio state senator nina turner, thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. let me say that one of the things this country does all over the world is preach democracy. and here at home, whether we are talking about limiting you early voting, whether we are talking about strict, rigid voter i.d. laws, not the i.d. that we've always use bud new laws all of a sudden that are unnecessary and stop people from voting, whether they are wi we are talking about ending sunday voting that works, how do we preach to the world something we are trying to limit at home? we need to look in the mirror and pledge to keep democracy at home. it makes the country great. we will be right back.
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[ voice of dennis ] silence. when you take a closer look... the best schools in the world... see they all have something very interesting in common. they have teachers... ...with a deeper knowledge of their subjects. as a result, their students achieve at a higher level. let's develop more stars in education. let's invest in our teachers... they can inspire our students. let's solve this.
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new report finding no evidence that attorney general eric holder knew about operation fast and furious before 2011. the report also found no coverup, though two senior officials did leave the agency today because of their involvement in the program. 14 face disciplinary reviews. the gunwalking program began under president bush to track the flow of weapons to mention can drug cartels but republicans repeatedly blamed holder for the death of a border patrol agent that happened before his knowledge of the program. it is a point the attorney general explained time and time again. >> when you became attorney general in 2009, were you aware that atf had this long history of gunwalking in its phoenix office? >> no accident become aware of gunwalking at all until the
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beginning of 2011. >> despite holder's testimony, republicans have levelled a barrage of disrespectful attacks against him. >> how many more border patrol agents could have had to die as a part of operation fast and furious for you to take responsibility? >> you're well known in this town for not reading memos. what does that say about your leadership and management? >> you either lied or you were grossly incompetent in your actions. >> you can't play liar's poker when you're looking for who killed somebody, when you're looking into this kind of a crime. lying to congress is a crime. >> remember these republicans held the attorney general of the united states in contempt because of their false allegations. it is the first time that ever happened to a sitting cabinet member. so don't forget their names, anna marie
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