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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  September 24, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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>> what if mitt was mechanics can mexican? you're in "the cycle" for monday, september 24th. the cleveland browns are a dismal 0-3. the cavaliers and the indians are also at the bottom of their definitions. the bengals don't have a bright future. the cincinnati reds are in first lace in baseball just as ohio is in first place for the political field. no republican has ever won without ohio, and no democrat has won without ohio since 1960. they both need ohio, and right now polls say she hasn't made up her mind but is leaning towards her current boyfriend. this hour paul ryan laurchls a bus tour. mitt romney joins him tomorrow but had this to say today in denver.
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>> we have to take this economy in a different direction than it's been going over the last four years, and that must be done with a leader who is willing to exert leadership in congress with republicans and democrats, and i will. >> president obama is here in manhattan today for the u.n. general assembly. traffic alert on the east side. on wednesday he's back to courting the buckeye state after back-to-back interviews last night on "60 minutes." >> the problem governor romney has is that he seems to have one note. tax cuts for the wealthy, and rolling back regulations as a recipe for success. we tried that vigorously between 2001 and 2008. it didn't work out so we will. >> what's your big idea? >> freedom. i want to restore the kind of freedom that has always driven america's economy and allowed us to be the shining city on the hill. >> let's bring in howard fineman, editorial director at the huffington post media group.
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howard, what freedom do we lack that mitt romney proposes to restore to us? >> well, i think toure, it's the freedom of people who make a lot of money to keep it all, and people who make a moderate amount of money to keep more of it. and he's got a point up to a point, but it's certainly not enough to win a presidential election on it and not enough for mitt romney in particular, given who he is and who he's been portrayed as being. >> that's a strange use of the term "freedom," to talk about letting rich people keep more money. this is not a campaign about freedom. >> well, look, it is if you take it seriously as a contest of ideas. it's a contest about which is central and which controls. the so-called free market, if you grant that it's free to begin with, versus government. the truth is that the market in
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government in america have cooperated as well as fought with each other for our entire history. it's actually the creative tension between the two and the periods of cooperation between the two that allowed us to thrive. that was bill clinton's point so well-made at the democratic convention. mitt romney is setting up a d dichotomy that doesn't exist, but even if existed he's the worst advocate that you can imagine. he's not a good candidate, and his whole life and times we speak in some respects that the cold-hearted end of the free market system. >> howard, i want to play another clip from "60 minutes," that interview with president obama and have you comment on it. let's take a look. >> i'm pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places the one organizing principle has islam.
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the one part of society that hasn't been chroontrolled completely by the government. >> howard, republicans are jumping on various gaffes obama has made from calling the attacks in benghazi bumps in the road to hedging on whether egypt san ally, to demoting israel as merely one of our allies to speaking at the u.n. and not meeting with my diplomats, which chuck todd called odd this morning. tell me. i want someone that i trust like you, howard, to look me in the eye and tell me with a straight face that those are not gaffes, that those are not embarrassing? >> well, i'm looking at you in the camera eye. >> all right. >> and i'm telling you that they are gaffes, and they are embarrassments. i think the president needs to be held to account for them, and i think the whole question of security arrangements in
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benghazi in particularn libya in general, i think the state of our knowledge, the state of our intelligence, our human intelligence in those countries is very much open to question. i think some of the president's assumptions about the arab spring are open to question. i think they're very important issues that the president needs to deal with and should be asked about. unfortunately for mitt romney, to take it back to the presidential campaign, this campaign is primarily about the economy. mitt romney has also insisted that it be solely about the economy. unfortunately for mitt, the first debate in denver on october 3rd is all about the economy. >> to bring it back to america and all about the economy, we're all talking about ohio. both candidates are in ohio today and this week. what is it about the makeup of ohio that makes it the ultimate purple state, the ultimate bellwether state? >> well, it's history and geographic and demographic. richard nixon, the late richard
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nixon always used to say it's always about ohio. >> that's a great intern nation. unkanne. >> it sounds a loot like walter cronkite, too. it's like pennsylvania was in the early days, but once we were more of a continental country, ohio is like the center of the pinwheel that the rest of the country resolves around. it touches the east and midwest and south. it has people from all over the country. it's always been the place where new products are tested. it's no accident procter & gamble are based in ohio. a lot of republican presidents came from ohio, so it's sort of the home of republican party, which is why no republican has ever won without winning ohio. if the democrats can deny ohio to the republicans, that's always been a likely source of victory. the same is true this year. i think paul ryan was picked
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primarily because as he himself said, he was a catholic deer hunter. that's the phrase he used to describe himself. paul ryan mixed the conservative catholic appeal with the sort of tea party appeal. that was where he was on paper. that's where the head of the ticket should have been, but mitt romney's not convincing either as a cultural candidate or so far as an economic candidate, which is why paul ryan has been asked to carry the load in ohio. if you look at all the polls, right now mitt romney's by consensus four or five points behind in ohio. if he loses ohio, i don't see how he can win. >> one of the things that interests me as a former ohioan is i think there's a strong group of people very upset with mitt romney. they think he is the candidate of the millionaire. on the other hand, you have a group that's very entrenched against obama. they believe that he's un-american and some of those uglier things. it's a place where they make the calculation of the lesser of two
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evils. neither of these candidates really has a great affinity with ohioans. president obama lost the primary to hillary clinton. there's working class whites he struggled with. mitt romney is the capitalist who sent jobs overseas is a poor fit for the state as well. that's one of the things that's interesting to me. to that point, howard, i have another "60 minutes" clip to play for you and get your take on. >> is that fair to the guy who makes $50,000 and paid a higher rate than you do? >> it is a low rate. one of the reasons why the capital gains tax rate is lower is because capital has been taxed once at the corporate level, as high as 35%. >> so you think it is fair? >> yeah, i think it's the right way to encourage economic growth, to get people to invest, to start businesses, to put people to work. >> howard, there's mitt romney saying his 14% rate is perfectly fair, it's perfectly that it's
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lower than many middle class voters. this tax rate issue is a problem in ohio, isn't it? >> it really is. several weeks ago at the rel convention, i was talking to the republican pole ster that does a lot of focus groups. one ad in particular was done by one of the groups allied with the president. they put on an ad where the plant where therm asked to build a stage because bain capital was taking it over. once they built the stage, the bain guys stood on the stage and announced they were closing the plant. the workers said we didn't know we were building our own coffin. according to a republican, that ad alone killed romney in ohio. i think -- i was one of the many pundits who doubted whether a sort of class warfare type campaign could work, because bill clinton didn't run that way. the democrats generally hadn't
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run that way. it turns out obama is running that way, and the reason he is running that way is because of mitt romney and the opportunities, the targets of opportunity that mitt romney keeps presenting to the obama people to work resentment, work the vein of resentment. they're doing it justifiably. mitt romney may have a point in theory about double taxation, and he might be right in theory about encouraging investment through capital gains tax cuts. it doesn't play to working people who are worried about the plant down the street closing. it just doesn't, and the obama people have a tough, new ad on now about the 47% saying that, hey, those are veterans, those are retirees and republicans. i think they've got romney on the run in ohio right now, and you can expect the obama campaign to keep the pedal to the metal from now to election day. >> howard, there's a papable sense among republicans, the most prominent republican voices
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of frustration and maybe panic about where the presidential race is heading right now. it's interesting because the polling average is only about 3 or 4 points right now, the obama lead, but that's a steady, consistent lead we've seen all year. there was a story in politico over the weekend about potentially a few weeks from now the super-pacs and outside money groups that are at the heart of the financial advantage romney has over president obama maybe re-evaluating in october. if they think the promises haven't improved, shifting it back to win back the senate if they could and to hold the house, is there anything you pick up on? are you picking up on discussions take place on the republican side? >> yes, steve, and like you, i'm watching that very carefully. you can win with super-pacs or you can die with super-pacs, because they raent related to your campaign, they aren't tied to your campaign in certain respects. they can unplug any time they want to. i think i haven't totaled up the numbers but my anecdotal sense
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is that a group like cross roads run by karl rove who had questions about the romney campaign from the beginning, they're focusing more on senate houses and house races, and i can see the sheldon adelsons of the world who i think politico reported today he spent something like $70 million already, he may decide, you know -- he's got $20 billion, but he didn't get it by waisting his money. i could see him deciding in mid-october to start putting money elsewhere. absolutely. >> howard, before we let you go, we want to say, first of all, it's good to have you in your dry, nonrain soaked forum. we're going to play a clip here. for viewers who didn't see the first time, howard maze his debut appearance in charleston through the rainstorm. >> look at howard fineman right now. he got drenched watching to his
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post five minutes ago. i don't know if democrats want any part of this tonight. >> there are two or three people working on my suit jacket with hair dryers back there. >> what a trouper. >> i couldn't understand why those people were cheering. i think they were glad that i got drenched. >> they think you are the hardest-working man in the cable news business. >> it's great being on with you kids. >> thank you, uncle howard. >> thanks, dad. >> the romney bus tour rolls on this hour through ohio, and so does "the cycle" for monday, september 24th.
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paul ryan is in ohio today on the latest leg of the romney/ryan bus tour. the basic format for a vp pick is simple. play backup to the presidential candidate, make sure not to outshine the star, cheerlead for
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the party and do a little attack dog work. in this year's race "the new york times" today reports about a debate within the romney campaign. should they unleash paul ryan? let's put it through the spin cycle. guys, you know, there's always a little of this every year. if you remember when biden was announced, the reception was a little cool. not only did some democrats think hillary should have been vetted more seriously, but they were a little nervous about what biden might say. after gaffe one, two, three, four, you have democrats saying i don't know if this was the right idea. of course, sarah palin was second guessed. >> second guessed is mildly. >> that said as a conservative voter, as a republican, as someone who wants this ticket to succeed, i've got a fever. the answer is more paul ryan. i would like to see more of paul
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ryan not just on the stump at these rallies but doing a lot more media. i also think it would probably work in mitt romney's favor to have paul ryan play a more traditional vp role, which is it should be paul ryan out there on the sunday shows and in the press. >> instead of buchanan, for example? >> i don't mind surrogates. i don't think mitt romney needs to be the one calling out president obama is egypt an ally or not or is israel an ally or not? this should be paul ryan's job. paul ryan should be the one sort of calling out obama, and mitt romney should be running for president. i don't think it's that ryan isn't capable. he is. he's very good at this. so there's a lot of sort of second-guessing as to what the strategy within the campaign is. i talked to a bunch of strategists off the record who had their own takes what's going on here. frankly, as a voter, i don't care.
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i want to see more of paul ryan. >> there's a reason. the reason actually strategically makes plenty of sense for the romney campaign. it raises the question why did you put him on the ticket in the first place? >> i don't have that question. >> here's the problem that ryan's presence on the ticket and the idea of unleashing him raising. there is a gaping gap, if that's not repetitive -- >> yes, yes. i'm with you. >> there is a gaping divide between where the republicans -- the world that the republican base has lived in since 2009 and where the rest of america sort of is. paul ryan really is the embodiment of where the republican base in the obama era is. the stuff about the 47% that mitt romney was caught on tape preaching last week, that is jarring to the rest of the country. that's standard fare for the right. stuff about not ever considering tax hikes on the rich. republican gospel, certainly in the obama era, something that
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paul ryan believes in and something tough to market across the country. repealing obama care has nothing to replace it with. very, very goss per on the richlt this is what paul ryan, attacking the associate safety net at the height of a great recession. you hear that rhetoric on the right. if you're running for president, you don't want to build your campaign around that. you have a romney campaign built itself around the proposition with unemployment the at 8%, they want to throw out the incumbent president and not and questions. the economy is bad, and i don't want to get into too many policy specifics here. paul ryan has a different approach to this campaign and one that they recognize is poisonous to general election voters. any see you as something bgsds a default protestvehicle. >> i agree. i want more paul ryan. >> i think ryan's pick here is sort of blemblem mattic the way the romney campaign has been run
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or not run throughout. he seemed to signal when he picked paul ryan instead of being the generic default candidate, they were going to talk about specifics and play to the base and make the args umt that s.e. cupp wants to here. now he goes in a different drekdz. in the medicare debate they seemed unprepared to answer the questions. they signaled, no, we're going to make the hard choices and talk the tough talk about medicare and we need to reform entitlements. within the week they were attacking the president for being the one slashing medicare. remember, mitt romney got on his whiteboard and wrote solve it on it and that would solve the problem. last week in the 47% debate, there was a doubling down reiterating the point and saying that's what i meant to say. there was walking back i'm the candidate for 100. if you're a romney ally it's hard to back it up when you have
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no idea what direction they're heading. it's random. >> it's funny you said you have a fever, and fever is solved by paul ryan. what i rote down in preparation for this is not too little ryan. that sounds like too little cow bell. >> yes, i want more cow bell. >> cow bell is not the problem with this. kind of what you're talking about is you want more conservativism out of the ticket. i hear this from conservative friends that the next time when we do this again, we're going to get more right word and i highly, highly encourage that. one thing that he's going to have to do, though, is move on from this, roll the full screen from craig robinson, former director of the republican party the iowa. i hate to say this, if ryan wants to run for national office again, he has to wash the stench of romney off of him. >> if some guy in iowa says it, it must be true. >> bingo. >> from gaping gasp to the guest spot.
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i am in the middle of a parenting crisis. i'd always thought afs good mom making decent decisions for my 4-year-old, but now i stare down the new york city kindergarten process and i feel utterly unprepared and entirely lost in the whole process. i'm decoding educational buzzwords and reading articles about tiger bombs and enumerating how i failed my child. now my next guest says what i need to worry about is my daughter has enough grit. how do you foster grit in a 4-year-old? what does that mean?
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in the guest spot today is contributing writer of the new york magazine is paul tuft, he's author of how children succeed. he said character traits and not iq determine success in life. hopefully he'll reassure me i'm somewhat of a good mom. talk about grit. what is it and how do we foster it in our kids? >> grit is this idea that a psychologist at the university of pennsylvania named angela duckworth invented as a psychological trait. she defines it as passion, perseverance and the pursuit of a passion. it's about having self-discipline but having a real goal and not letting any obstacles stand in the way. that's a challenge for a lot of kids. >> how do we get our kids to have grit? >> there's a few different ways to do it. partly you start with a young child. it seems like one of the ways to help our kids develop the kind
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of character strengths that make a difference for them is in the first few years of life to just be close, nurturing, attached, loving, all of those that come natural to most parents. actually, that gives kids the best start they can possibly have in terms of developing these character strengths. the reason parenting is so complicated is later in childhood when kids get to be five and 10 and 15, we need to pull back a little bit. being too connected to overly protective of kids denies them the opportunities to develop their own grit. >> so in addition to parenting toward grit and character development and all of these things, how would you recommend we teach teachers to teach to grit and character and all of these seemingly nebulous kinds of ideas? >> well, i think it's about a bigger culture change in our education system. right now we're very focused on test scores, and i think the reason for that is that we think
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that the one quality that matters for kids' success is iq. the scientists and educators are arguing for a very different set of skills. they talk about grit and they're talking about perseverance, optimism and curiosity. they're better predictors of long-term success. part of what has to happen is to give teachers more incentives to concentrate on these other strengths. in fact, lots of teachers knows how to do it but are inclined to do because they're focused on short-term test scores. >> you talk about stresses in the life of poor kids holds them back. what can be done about that? >> part of the book is about neuroscience, and particularly the development of our stress response system. there's really clear evidence now that when kids deal with too much intense and chronic stress in the first few years of life, what some scientists call toxic
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stress, it has a detrimental effect on the way their stress system develops over their lives. that has an effect on long-term health but on mental health and on their executive functions. these cognitive skills at that let them do well on the first day of school. really, what kids need is two things. one is protection from that kind of adversity. they need a better environment to grow up in. the other is close relationships with a parent or other care giver. there are interventions to work with parents to help them develop relationships. >> you're talking about failure for children to understand what failure is to develop grit. i'm thig nking of a lot of pares who are psychotic when it comes to their kids and they're obsessed with giving they are kid every conceivable advantage, being the best in every test, best in every class, get in all the different admissions tests,
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whether it's elementary school or middle school and all this stuff. does the psychology of today's parents allow for allowing their kid to fail at any point? >> i think for lots of parents it doesn't. that's a challenging thing. i certainly feel it as a parent. it's deep in our dna to want to protect kids from adversity the at every turn. a lot of the educators say that skills like grit and self-control are built through fail failure. it's the experience of failing, trying again and succeeding where these character strengths are built. in so many academic environments, no one really fails anything. we don't give kids a chance to prove themselves that wait. >> paul, it's a great book. i'm reading it with my husband. thanks for the insight and for joining us. >> great. >> straight ahead, how far is too far to keep us safe. we'll investigate the crime fighting techniques that they call criminal. [ lisa ] my name's lisa, and chantix helped me quit.
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you might recall that back before the 47% pandemonium, the convention craziness and yes even before clint eastwood talked to a chair, we were taking turns to get to know each other better and hopefully so we know about each other, too. today at long last we're turning the spotlight on toure, which he, of course, loves. some little known facts about the man with one name. he has two kids and loving wife and he has wrote four books. toure was a writing at rolling stone for 12 years. he interned for the do you kak kiss for president campaign, which steve must be jealous about. his favorite novel is "lolita." toure is very passionate about a controversial practice taking place in new york and other large cities.
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tell us about that. >> i took an opportunity to make the package very seriously. i want to shine a light on something serious and heavy to me. let me take you to my neighborhood in brooklyn and show you what my neighbors deal with and something that i fear. >> up against the wall. come on. against the wall. listen -- >> what's this about? >> you live around here? >> yeah. >> where do you live? >> 31. >> put your hands back up on the wall. 31. what's your name? >> toure. >> it's called stop, question and terrific. it up happens hundreds of thousands of times each year. >> no. they arrest you and grab you. they grab your crotch and turn you around and very disrespectful. >> it's easy find young men of color stopped and frisked. these men are my neighbors. >> at first it kind of makes you feel powerless. >> there were nearly 700,000 stops in new york last year, roughly half resulted in frisks. those who get frisked say it's
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emotional. >> it's a violation. it feeling degrading and makes you feel low. >> cops call it useful. >> it's a great tool that the police department has. it's a great tool that i've used when i was on patrol. >> dennis jones is a retired nypd detective who did hundreds of stock and frisks during his 25 years on the job. he's been stopped by police himself. >> the idea is about law enforcement officers taking an individual that they're suspecting is earither doing a crime, committed a crime already or in the process of committing a crime. getting some information from them, identification, and it's all inquiries. the frisking part does not have to happen. >> police officers say they use stop and frisk to protect themselves and the community, but the ones i talked to do say some take it too far. >> empty the stuff out of your pockets. >> that's illegal? >> that's illegal. >> zaire bap tooes has been
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stopped in brooklyn. >> i got stopped and frisks, and these two officers stopped me. they told me to turn around and put my hands on the car, and i told them no, for what? he turned me around, and he was like open your legs. so he started kicking the inside of my shoe to get me to open my legs, and i asked him, i said cal your sergeant. call your sergeant. i'm not doing anything. call him. you know what they did? they stopped and got in their car and drove away. >> the new york city mayor calls it an important tool in getting illegal guns off the street, cutting crime and deterring would be criminals. >> i believe the practice needs to be amended and not ended to ensure stops are done appropriately with as much courtesy as possible. >> the stop and frisk has grown and in the last five years the
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number of people stopped has gone up 45%. the city's public advocate says that dress may actually decrease safety. >> the 500,000 a year, that only started about five years ago. it has unfortunately created a really negative atmosphere. it just stands to reason you can't be safe if there isn't that unity between police and community. >> officers say a stop and frisk is triggered by noticing a fervid movement. they say is leading to racial profiling. 85% of those stopped in 2011 were black or brown. 90% stopped were not ticketed or arrested. less than 2% of the stops found an illegal weapon. this is why stop and frisk has grown into policing most controversial practices. last month in san francisco mayor ed lee abandoned plans to have stop and frisk amid protests. in philadelphia city leaders settled a lawsuit by agreeing to new training and monitoring for
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the stops. most recently in new york three court rules have challenged it. a federal judge said noshgdz showed deeply troubled apathy toward new yorkers' most fundamental constitutional rights. >> if it was' effecting everyone equally, there would be a human cry for change. >> supporters of the practice like this retired detective say it's not racial profiling but criminal profiling based on geographic. >> geographics is a major part of what you may say is more black or white or asians being stopped. cops may be concentrated in the area where shooting have spiked, robberies have spiked so the numbers are higher. so there are going fob cops there, so obviously more stop, question and frisk. >> empowering cops and aggressive policing sounds good, but who is watching the watchers? >> there has to be policing, and with the amount of violence that we're seeing, that works on one
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hand. but if you don't police the people that are doing the policing, then you have problems. >> they do have to, you know, police a street and make sure that the criminals are off the street. not all of us are criminals because we wear our hat backwards or sag our pants. >> they say this breakdown in the social contract between police and neighborhood damages the fabric of the community is is ultimately counter-productive for police. >> when stop and frisk is overused, i think it makes it harder for the police to actually do their job. to have the information they need about what's happening neighborhood by neighborhood, to have that kind of partnership with the community. >> in may the nypd announced steps to increase oversight and training and from march to june the number of people stopped and frisked dropped 34%. but it doesn't look like stop and frisk will end anytime soon. >> stopping it i think would be a foolish tactic for if you want to reduce crime. >> justification is always going
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to be that there is crime, and as long as there is crime there's going to be stop and frisk. >> it's a complicated issue. i think about the time i got stopped for real you saw a dramatization there. once i got stopd for real and it made you feel like you're guilty until proven innocent. you can see more on our website, later this week you'll hear bill explain why stop and frisk affects him personally. up next the award show you didn't see last nature. we're bringing you the emmys cycle style. [ female announcer ] ordinary lotions aren't made to treat eczema, so it can feel like you're using nothing at all. but neosporin® eczema essentials™ is different. its multi-action formula restores visibly healthier skin in 3 days.
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if you're as big a fan of moving pictures shows like i am, were glued to your set last night as our favorite stars got their statue things. who can forget this guy's performance in this show, or this group when they acted so well together? or when she played such a good character? >> it sounds like mitt romney. >> they truly had a magical night for all of us. since we're all such tv aficionados, we decided to give out our own emmys for best political performances. sort of broad criteria here, but we asked everybody on the show to think about politics and think about television and come up with a word that you would like to be handed out at "the cycle" emmy awards.
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i thought about this. there's a show on showtime called "shameless." it's a very dysfunction al low income family in chicago. william h. macy plays a memorable character. i give him the award for the best tram maization of tea party psychology. he steals from the government and his family and doesn't hold down a job, but he's convinced that he is a victim. when i watch him, it reminds me of this woman who got up at one of these events early in the tea party era that said keep your government hands off of my medicare. not saying they don't have a job or something, but there's this mentality that you see in that remark. i think i see some in frank gallagher, so i thought i would play a clip of that. >> if you're an american, where is your passport? >> i don't have one. i told you i never had a
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passport. i don't want a passport. >> shut up and sleep it off, okay? >> why would i come to canada. so your national health care could make me wait 60 years for a new kidney. whole country is a bunch of parka wearing [ bleep ] cowards wo didn't have the balls to stay home and fight vietnam to preserve our american way of life. >> interesting. >> the and award for the best political satire goes to -- "saturday night live." >> that's why i chose the one brand of tampons created by the people that know my body best, the gentlemen of the republican party. it comes from being a 60-plus-year-old conservative man. with the sleek shape and sharm design it expands perfectly in
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any fallopian tups. >> wow, i missed that over the weekend. that was great. >> when it comes to dramatic political moments, there's only one choice. newt gingrich. this is why this year for best dramatic reenactment of an actual press release, the award goes to john report drafted by tyler who is now working with one todd akin. roll the clip. >> a lesser person could not have survived the first few minutes of the onslaught, but out of the billowing smoke and dust of tweets and trivia emerged gingrich.
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once again ready to lead those who won't be intimidated by the political elite and are ready to take on the challenges america faces. >> i miss newt. >> so good. that was a real press release. he wasn't making that up. that was real. >> that was an actual press release. >> so my award goes to best fictional character of this election cycle, and i have a second runner-up is, hey, girl, it's paul ryan. if it's possible i like that paul ryan better than the real paul ryan which says a lot. my first runner up fictional character is the life of julia, obama's favorite welfare state poster child. she taught me what my life is going to look like when i'm 60 years old. and my winning best fictional character of the election, herman cain.
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you couldn't -- i mean, whoever wrote this character is at genius and deserves this award. >> was it the pokemon quotes that sealed the deal? >> how could you choose among the best moments? >> herman cain or the fictitious character herman cain came out and said if i were the republican nominee right now, i'd be winning. >> i'd be winning. that's what i'm saying, whoever scripts herman cain, amazing. >> and it seems like an actor doing a sort of trick on us or on the american political -- >> it is, it is a fictional character. he's not real. >> a fictional character who briefly led the actual republican nominee in polls last november. >> that's correct. >> to point that out. we want to get this in before we finish the segment. that's one consensus award we all agreed on. we would like to hand out the first annual howard dean award for unrestrained self-expression
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and that goes to former michigan governor jennifer granholm seen there in charlotte a few weeks oo ago delivering a mesmerizing address, certainly fired up the faithful in that room. >> sponsored by red bull. >> one that looked a lot different in television than it did hundreds of feet away. i was in for quite a surprise when i got back from the convention and watched it. >> and watched it. >> but that's -- >> manufacturing is rebounding! why? >> that was the money shot right there. that's where she clinched victory in that moment. >> so there we go, one award we can all agree on i think. >> absolutely. >> anyway, still ahead, toure talking about mitt, the mexican. >> what? ♪ you do ♪ something to me
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and while his dad was born in mexico, he, unfortunately, doesn't get the full benefit of that. >> i have a better shot of winning this. he lived there for a number of years and i say that jokingly but it would be helpful if i was latino. >> you can't do that. you can't make the joke, and then immediately double down on the seriousness of the premise. hey, jimmy's mom, what a whore, right, of course, of course. i'm kidding. but seriously, she earns her living having sex with people. >> it's so rich mitt romney
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thinks things would be better if he was miguel romney or mitt rodriguez. he means latino voters may sway this election and i'm getting crushed by 40 points among them and if only i were one of them, they'd vote for me and we could start measuring the drapes in the oval office. not so fast. if the flap of a butterfly's wings in brazil can set off a tornado in texas, surely ranging mitt into miguel would have myriad implications. we have to do the whole back to the future historical mine trip on this one. imagine, please, mitt rodriguez gop presidential candidate. he's not quite a magnet for latino votes. they're not a monolith and he feels arizona's papers please law is a model for the nation and promises to veto the dream act and talks about self-deportation. rodriguez is not much more popular with latino voters than romney was. rodriguez also had some trouble with some white voters. some political scientists say race cost obama three to five points in '08. rodriguez is fighting the same
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problem and a birther smear campaign for people who don't believe's oon actually american citizen. rodriguez is having problems because he can't get to the far right on immigration, because he grew up knowing the sting of discrimination and fearing some family members would be deported. let's go back in time to rodriguez at age 25. he wants to work in the financial industry, but it's not easy for hispanics to get in. his chances of becoming a multimillionaire are a fraction of mitt's. let's go back to baby mitt and his father jorge who knows if they even get into the country legally. doesn't seem so rosy, does it, mitt? romney is someone who has been cocoons in the warm embrace of white privilege all his life, wishing to trade those advantages to become a person of color now is incredible. some white people think they are the real victims of race simple. a 2011 study was called whites see racism as a zero sum game that they are now losing. privilege is great at making people think they don't have it, which may be why m


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