tv Morning Joe MSNBC September 25, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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we asked at the top of the show what you could possibly be doing at this hour. our producer john tower has a couple of answers. >> we've got danny ontwitte itfo my girlfriend to wake up to go to denny's. >> give her a littl nudge, denny's is 24 hours. time's wasting. what else? >> mike richardson, charlotte, north carolina, wife away visiti family, d you know where put my jacket and my wallet? yes,erou wife this morning. it's pathetic you ask your wife that every morning. your jacket is balled up on the floor where you left it and your wallet is in the fruit bowl in the kitchen. i don't know why you keep putting it there. "morning joe" starts right now. .
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the packers playing at the goal line at wilson scrambles to keep i alive. the game's final play, to the te jennings simultaneous, b who do they give it to? touchdown! >> okay. good morning. it's tuesday, september 25th, lcome to "morning joe." with us onhae barnicle, and pulitzer prize winning historian jon meacham. say it with me now because we've said it a million times. >> have you seen how little it is? >> yeah. don'know if i were a man i would show that. >> well, he's the author of the forthcoming book "thomas jefferson" -- >> very little. >> we're going to cgi today to
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see -- >> whahappened to that football gam last night? >> eggiou >>hat ppen? >>s tehe breaking point on the replacement refs. last play of the game. there was a bad call before that. but the last play of the game, a heave into the end zone, looks like the pacrs defender inrcepts it. e ofcial stoow seahawks, and the one on the left gives the time-out signal, so they split it. so they review this play for ten minutes as a monday night football audience waits to see the result of the game. elten-minute review confirms it, touchdown, seahawks win the game, packers fall to 1-2 and are furious. it wasn't just a bad call or two guys splitting the call, it's the fact it took them ten minutes to look at this and come up wita decision. aotms left the field and had to return for an extra
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point. so -- >> okay. >> well, if only the nfl made enough money to pay the refs, we wouldn't be talking about this. that's it. it's got to be very tough. >> raise some ticket pres. >>weouav bake sale, maybe, mika. if we could get a bake sale for the nfl. >> wow, that was a tie. it's bright green. >> what? >> your tie. >> oh, lord >> we have a lot to get to, cludg mayom a bicol. there's a story pertaining to those two things. >> so mayor bloomberg -- >> scott brown is getting desperate. >> can i ask you something, willie? >> sure. >> we understand now in new york city that little kids are being handed out morning after pis. >> we'll get toth. e'si i an going to ask the question. >> that's telling the story, but go ahead. >> they're letting little kids and we're going to show you how they're doing it. giving like the morning after pills like in pez dispenrs.
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myuestion is, do they get detention if theyri their morning after pill with a big gulp? >> that's the double-whammy. the new york double-whammy. mika's gng to explain this story. they put a flyer in your backpack, and it's an opt out flyer. unless y see that youe ngin >> morning after pill is like 40-year-old women couldn't get those things a couple of years ago. >> we're going to talk about that coming up. >> do you know what the pez dispenser looks like they have? it's inappropriate, willie. these are young kids. >> we'll start wit pic okay. >> mitt romney and paul ryan continue their bus tour through ohio today. in an interview yesterday with peter alexander, the republican candidate was asked about his recent poll numbers and why he continues to trail in many critical swing states. >> i'm very pleased with the fa thawe h a campaign that is taking our message to the people across america.
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and look, we're going to win. there's no question in my mind, we're going to win. the polls go up, polls go down, there have been some weeks i'm ahead,ome i'mbehind. you know, all these stateshat d acamastime right now the majority of people in those states are saying they don't want to vote for barack obama. >> okay. what's next? barack obama should be ashamed of himlf. wait a minute. >> go ahea >> pdeba y city for the united nations general assembly. and the clinton global initiative, which we're going to this morning. >> are we really? >> so your boyfriend -- but one of the first orders of business was ting an interview with the women of "the view" alongside the first dy. g etopi, his republican opponents -- >> this guy's not giving serious interviews to anybody -- >> who? >> barack obama, the president of the united states. >> because romney did at a
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really opportune me. >> but he's going tllf e acoime for netanyahu, but time for "the view," time for -- >> no time for netanyahu. >> that was good. >> i know. i know. >> wally from "leave it to beav" was in that. >> was jerry mathers. >>o,t beave. >> asked about the newly released tax returns. >> all right. >> take a look. >> governor romney on "60 minutes" was asked, does he think it's fair that he pays a lower tax rate than somody who mg 0, a year? and he said yes. i think it's fair and i also think that's the way you get economic growth. i've got a different vision about the way we grow an economy. i thk you grow the econo from the middle out not from the top do. l meskyou, jon meacham, do you think the president was more presidential on the view or
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on "entertainment tonight"? >> i think "the view." >> clearly. love the view. >> there's this long tradition ofth remember -- >> fdr on "the view." >> fdr was actually on "inside edition," i think. >> it was william howard taft on the food network. >> unfortunately he wasn't a chef. >> first of al it'en on "the view" and you like doing "the view," i don't know what you're talking about. you reached a mass audience with a lot of really important things you have to say when you go on "the view." >> i'm not disparaging "the view." >> it's not about "the view." >> i le "t ew >> why can't it be a serious interview on "the view?" >> it can. >> but you just said -- >> well, it's a serious interview, i was talking about "entertainment tonight." >> that's really not what you were saying. just be quiet, actually, be t't to hillary clinton who
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was fantastic. and she totally went there yesterday. >> where did she go? >> he was talking taxes, not just president obama doing that. >> okay. >> she weighed in on the issue -- >> -- at the clinton -- >> it's a grab bag. >> her husband's annual conference of world leaders and business politics and philanthropy. take a look. >> and one of the iues that i have been preaching about around the world is collecting taxes in an eabmanner, especially from the elites in every country. you know, i'm out of american politics, but it is a fact that around the world the elites of evercountry are making money. there are rich people everywhere. and yet they do not contribute
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to the growth of their own countries. >> i love her. she's right. >> t areicop evhe ane t >>'s right. >> she's rich. >> what is your point? >> she's rich too. >> that's your -- that's your comeback? >> well, i guess -- >> she might get a challenge from the ia at rich pele are not conutat t e growth of their countries. and i think if she runs for president in 2016, you'll probably see a lot of that clip. >> yeah, i think she probably needs to come off of that a little bit. >> i don't have a problem with that. >> saying it like it is. >> no, that's not like it is. aijob creators, go on a war against job creators. >> come on. >> seriously. >> trickle down. it'll all get to you, don't worry. like never. >> i'll tell you what we do, why don't we spend trillions and trillions ofollars and give it to bureaucrats in washington, d.c.auha hn ar ocomy i four years.
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oh, wait, no, it didn't. it's actually worse now than it's been. mitt romney's also sharpening his attacks when it comes to president obama's handling of foreign policy. the publican candidate keyed in on this phrase that the president udu a miservi when he was asked about the recent unrest in the muslim world. >> i think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democry, universal rights, a notion that people have -- have to be able to participate in their own governance. but i'm -- i was pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road. >> he said the developments of the middle east are bumps in the road. yethyti bumps in the road. we had an ambassador assassinated, we had a muslim brotherhood member elected to the presidency of egypt, 20,000
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pele have been killed in syria. these e not bumps in the road eseanlis, these are developments we don't want to see. this is time for a president who will shape events in the middle east not just be at mercy to the events in the middle east. >> mike, we talk about how mitt romney's out of touch all the time. i would say a president saying that some of the problems inhe midd easre pshe road" is extraordinarily out of touch when you have a u.s. ambassador scraped off the streets of benghazi, 20,000 killed in syria. you've got israel, our closest ally in the middle east inopen, bacallerbafaet their leader and our leader. you can go around the entire region. it's mass chaos. troops getting gned down by supposed allies every day in afghanistan. these aren't bumps in the road. this is an absolut mess. ve feel of tehran 1979.
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i'm not saying it's going to go that way, but you remember 1979 and the chaos that ensued. this isn't it. but this isn't a bump in the road. >> this is not1979. >> so it's not -- paury irf all, how do you know it's not 1979? >> you said it wasn't, and you said it wasn't. >> i said it probably isn't. if i'm president of the united ates i don't do what jmy rter says andall iran stability. the students were racing towards our -- >> isn't the larger issue rather than extracting what the president says during an interview and wt the republican candidate's view o at hsaid, isn't the larger issue that both of these candidates have dismissed about obligation to the american people to talk to us. the president hasn't had a press conference. thpresident doesn't take serious questions from journalists. governor romney doesn'take
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seriquestions from d h any specifics from governor romney or really the president. >> on this issue, though, i think it is a serious problem and thpresident st talks about bumps in the road in the middle east. jon meacham, there's chaos. o decides he has to wait a few days to protest riots in our embassy. you've got the muslim brotherhood seeming to gain traction there. let's hope it tur out well. you've got the president, i believe, making a terrible mistake quesoning egypt is our ally or not. you keep calling them your ally until there's no other option. 20,000 dead in syria, a u.s. ambassador killed in benghazi. all the warning signs, the ambassador's own diary says he was fearful for his safety. the u.s. government giving three days warning that riots could
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ensue and people could be killed in the u.s.embassy. this isn't a bump in the road. i'll tell you, if mitt romney or a republican president said someing ke that, the mainstream media would be on fire. >> that's true. that's true. >> or as willie likes to say, fuego. >> i can't count as many times as willie has said that. to my mind, that's t mos instthing, because i don't think president obama thinks what's happening in the way you've put it are bumps in the road. i don't think that mitt romney really, really belies that 47% of americans he's not going to -- if he becomes president he's not going to worry out. iner -- i think we're in -- at this point in the campaign, we're in a war of phrases. and context is hugely important. and you have to judge these guys, i think, on their whole campaigns, their whole lives, and -- >> so is it safe to say that presidenobams
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aoar n a candidate in 2008 when he told people, you know, if i talked to the leaders of iran. if i'm nicer to them than george w. bush was nicer to them. i'm embarrassed to be an american and the day i get elected, they' going tbe r . waat naive? >> let's find all the wrong words to use. >> yes, the way that's characterized is naive. it's also true, i asked the president once, what would you do about israel if israel wanted to make alal ke i they believed it was in their national security interest. and he said -- i'm paraphrasing now, he said we take no options off the table. i don't think this is a weak foreign policy president. >> i don't think it is. >> i ree, hea foreign policy president. but it is a jumbled mess. >> and here's part of the issue. a front page story in the "new york times," in arab spring,
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obama finds -- you go into the body of the story and find t gr thnsbetween mr. obama and the arab states derived from an obama character trait. he's not built many personal relationships with foreign leaders. "he's not good with personal relationships. that's not whatnterests him" said one united ates diom. bu t mid stho relationships are essential. the lack of them deprives d.c. of the inability to influence leadersh decisions. that, that is at the core, i think, of a lot of what we're talking about. tony bir will be on later. when you speak with ton blr, youan extrt wh h t he has developed personal relationships with leaders in the middle east. it seems this president has been unable to do that. and it's critical. >> he hasn't tried just like he hasn't tried like a lot of members on the hill in both parties. we've been hearing for seval years that thisresint wl goo un g a speech and then leave and i've heard
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from one diplomat after another it's as if he thinks the speech itself is the ends. and not a means to the ends, which, of course, is completely opposite of what george. d tough h entire life. >> i'm not sure your criticism. >> he hasn't done the job that a commander in chief -- >> so he's weak on foreign policy. >> if you're going to jump in to defend a defenseless president, get itright. what i'm talki abo h i tnerk times" is writing, he doesn't build personal relationships. that's hurt us in washington, that's why we have gridlock in washington and a mess in the middle east. whetheyou're talking about bill clinton, the guy who was the master. he was the master. bill clinton, george h.w. bush. when there was time of crisis, you know what? those -- >> those two presides --
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>> i didn't say george w. sh iaieorge h.w. bush and bill clinton. >> the great bush 41 line was what do you do when you have a few minutes in the white house? you call and say how's the weather in the desert. soou ll, ike o and in a hugely important way. and there's a great quote on this, you have to build the science of human relationships. and it is a science. maybe somebody should talk to the president and say, look, this is a scice tmaster. i do think, mika,his afedernance at home and abroad. i do think there is too much anecdotal evidence. talked about the senate democratic caucus and iust read thesila98 rounds of golf. anybody play golf with the guy? and nobody. >> nobody.
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because he doesn't -- he doesn't do the -- >> you think he should be having deep and intense meetings with nenyah >> tce6: the morning, i don't know if you think i'm a 3-year-old, but i'm not even going to waste my breath at 6:18 in the morning answering these false connections. but i will tell you what he needs to do. >>t's also aalse argument. >> it's not a false argunt, mi it's a matter of history. >> when he totally trumps romney completely in that. >> can i ask you a question? >> no. >> i'm going to ask you a question. hothn- >> you want to hear? >> i think this is how we help the middle east is i think we need to get somof these pills from these pez dispeers for
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tweens and send themo the middst. i w 's take on this as the mother of two daughters right in the wheel house. high school girls as young as 14 years old will be able and have been able to get the morng after pill at 13 public schools in new york city without atiswanod onsent. th city's department of education yesterday, although many schools distribute condoms, this may be the first time emergency contraption has been made available. about 7,000 girls get pregnant by the time they're 17 in new rk ,y hoho toe ti parents will have the choice to opt out of the program. critics, though, say schools aren't doing enough to ensu parents are being informed of their children's decision. they put a slip inirds paif s it, you can opt out, but if you're a kid and that's going home to your mom and that's a problem in your
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life, it's not going to your mother. >> if that slip is going home to your mother, you're lucky if your mother is home. fa too many kids goo scol, ngm hh no parents, many of them with single parent, working parent not available, not around and you're right, the slip in the backpack, boom. >> that's what i used to do with my report car. throw them in the garbage. 1%o 2%e opt i understand the argument. i think mayor bloomberg, again, is putting himself if this is initted by him, on the cutting edge of social problems that are really affecting the health of our country. teenage egnancy is incribly big problem. and estrs t pec young women. and he's trying to do something about it. they give condoms out. so it's not like the concept of birth control handed out to kids withoutheir parents knowing it is something new, completely new, but this isprescription. nfedutit.s where i a a little
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>> it's also the morning after pill, there's a lot of religious people -- a lot of catholics that will say there's aig difference between a condom and a plan b. >>hat's an absolute legitimate point of view to ha, ewnt, p o >> yes, it is. >> but in the larger universe we're talking about here is too many people in this country just too many people in this country don't realize that if 14-year-old child from a specific section of a specific city poor, paleorh ar t to get pregnant at 14, it's a double death sentence. for the child thathe will have and for herself. it's a double death sentence. >> yeah >> this is going to create a furo but you're right. >> ink mi absolutely right and should be commended for by saying on the one hand and the other hand, which you almost never hear --
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>> because you're always interrupting her. let her talk. just let her talk. >> i apologize for that. >> i'm sorry. >> this is a reallyomat isha doesn't lend itself to 15 seconds. boom, over -- >> i'll tell you, it's a fascinating issue. i heard on the radio yesterday driving home -- >> willie, if one of these kids want an adl, do they give them the advil? >> no, i don't think you can. >> it's also fair that the mayor is looking at one of the most important city in the world and the obesity rate is out of whack, the teenage pregnancy rate is out of wck, he tr tol t prms. somebody come up with a better idea instead of just criticizing. >> come on. >> i'm not just criticizing, it's a radical plan. >> it's radical. >> it's radical. let's t pretend this i just- >> that's the same as agreeing,
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by the way. >> i don't disagree, but it hurts her to say she agrees. >> is the tie all right? >> i like the tie. and it's knit. >> you don't see that a lot. >> come on, you'r jy >>tst mean? >> i'm saying, i don't want to be the only one here that says this is a little out of whack. >> i would be alarmed if my daughter came home and said i've aoo ais ing plan "b" plans. en former president bill clinton, also former florida governor jeb bush. also former british prime minister tony blair. and -- >> are you uncomftable? >> fr academy award winner goldie hawn. also, the pennsylvania senate race -- >> speaking of plan b, our first
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guess canceled so jim vandehei ay.le here fromhe pic but here's our number one choice every time. >> he's amazing. >> bill karins. he's back and better than ever with the forecast. billy. >> you are entertaing in a very head-shaking way. >> yeah >> good morning, everyone. the worst weathein the country unto ohi valley. heavy rain and thunderstorms this morning greeting people from missouri to illinois. that's going to slide here in to indiana shortly. all of this mess will be in indianapolis, probably during the peak of the rush hour. keep that in mind. ght now central illinois geing the worst of it. anotrllmog. ure the heat's on this morning. all of upstate new york and new england, temperatures this morning in the 40s. it'll be a nice afternoon, though, just like yesterday, plenty of sunshine, temperatures in the low 70s. so perfect fall afternoon. and pittsburgh, slighthance of atftbo:0 o 5 p.m. the deep south, here we've been talking about the cool, chilly
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weather in the northern half of the country, but the southern half is blasting the ac, still in the 90sll the way through arizona. no big weather stories heading this way, though, but iu in darll the way through west virginia, do expect clouds and rainy weather the rest of the week. enjoy the sunshine today. that's a beautiful shot speaking of washington, d.c.
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america's natural gas... putting us in control of our energy future, now. keys, keys, keys, keys, keys. ♪ well, he's not very handsom ♪ to look at [ sighs ] ♪ oh, he's shaggy ♪ and heats like a hog [ male announcer ] the volkswagen jetta. available with advanced keyless technology. control everything froyour pocket, purseor wherever. 's per of german engineering. available with advanced keyless technology. ♪ that dirty, old egg-suckin' dog ♪
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♪ >>time now t takoot thmornpapers. it's time now to look at the morning papers. >> what time is it? >> "usa today," more than 300 retired military leaders and generals are calling for junk food to be permanent removed from american schools. th isantaic ns. thonces t the country's childhood obesity problem is impacting up to 26 million americans who are not fit for duty because they are overweight. >> and, of course, in a related story. >> this is incredibly important. >> seriously, i don't know who is setting u these news stories to suck up tokautouan st it ght no >> no, these are the headlines, joe. this is the cutting edge issue of our time, obesity. >> these are 14-d in the food seion. >> no, they're not. >> that people -- i willsay, though, this is a crisis in the making and this is tirst quon ioiosk
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president clinton at the clinton global initiative. from the "l.a. times," a world shortage of bacon. >> oh, no. >> next year is now unavoidable. >>et's g s u oba >> we will talk to bill clinton coming up at cgi and i'll ask him about obesity and he will see it as one of the key issues. our country's national surity and health. >> i'milling -- >> f qios t laquon >> i've interviewed him on this before. he's really good on it. i'm sorry, it's terrible, i have a problem. >> i'll be in to see how the president addresses the pork shortage at the u.n. today. >> he'll be a lot more concerned row john favro is redoing the remarks in light of the news. i think you've got to lead with this. don't you, jon? >> you lead from behind on the
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pork. >> okay. >> you are -- >> i'm thinkingf a word i can y tevis toumt i think of you all today. but anyhow, i'm sure you don't care. move on to politico. >> how about jim vandehei? he's here. he's not a happy camper. >> they love bacon. >> bacon sandwich. >> did he sep light beuse t ffhe football? >> no, he's enraged. >> nice. >> that game last night. >> it was a joke. three different calls in the final two minutes cost us a victory that could easily keep us out of the playoffs. not only did we have the interception. >> it's third we. he pd ri be he made the interception. before that, we had a crystal clear, clean defse on our db, and they call us for pass interference and that joke o a roughing the passer when we had aninrcepon. ve k. i'neith the nfl. done until we get refs. >> right.
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>> that's it. finally got that off my mind. >> willie, can we talk about scott brown? >> boy that scott brown race, holy cow, that's crazy. >> ihought we would have been thiativemen quont aently it's coming back. >> elizabeth warren, senator scott brown is getting personal. it has to do with elizabeth warren's claims of native american heritage. both sides are airing o the debate in tv buys across the e. is message. >> elizabeth warren is trying to put questions about her heritage behind her. >> she admitted to identifying herself as native arican to employers. she's facing tough questions about whether she claimed to be a minority for professional gain. >>ar did give an answer, the problem is, it keeps changing. >> is there anything else that will come out about you that we don't already know? >> you know, i don't think so, but who knows. >> as a kid, i never asked my
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mom for documentationn ta autur native american heritage. what kid would? but i knew my father's family didn't like she was part cherokee and part delaware. my parents had to elope. i never asked for and never got any benefit because of my herige. the people who hired m aai th didn't know about it. i'm elizabeth warren, i approve this message. scott brown can keep attacking my family, but i'm going to keep fighting for yours. >> for people who didn't watch the debate, why are we back on this issue inhe state of massachusetts now? >> because scownro p t of the last debate they had. and i think the reason he did bring it up, you have to pull back the lens on what's happening politics since the democratic convention. the surge you've seen for barack obama and people feeling the country's going in the right direction andemocrats unifying, they'v see tame thta p massachusetts, wisconsin, and some of these other senate races where the numbers have been going down for the republican
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candidate. so scott brown with good favorable ratings in the state butunning in a very democratic state knows that he's downright now. and he ho do shi t ra waen. he has to do something to shake up this race so he went after her on that hard. 's kind of hard to believe th would be the make or break issue in the most competive senate race that we have in the countrthis year, but clearly ulange it.ha >> mike, what's the state of play in your home state of massachusetts. we had a poll that showed elizabeth warren up several points, now scott brown ahead by a couple of points. where are we right now? >> well, as jim pointedt, esident is going to crush governor romney in romney's home state, by 25 to 30 points. that's an enormous hill for scott brown to climb. he raises a point of vulnerability with elizabeth warren's candidacy. the native americanlaimack
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fothn gn about that. his -- the danger for scott brown in this is that as jim again pointed out, he has a very high favorability factor in the state. but he's changing his personality now in the minds of izh rren on this. and it'll be interesting how it plays out. i think it's jump ball right now. >> stick around and watch our next segment, we're going to replay and relive the nightmare of the packer game last night. thanks so much for the politico playbook. the officials a month ago were calling children's pee-wee games, it wasn't that bad. and the finish tt has jim vandehei cursing the officials. [ won ] ring. ring. progresso.
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your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curls! ma basil taitcon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. i want healthy skin for life. [ female announcer ] don't just moisturize, improve the health of your skin with aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. the natural oatmeal formula goes beyond 24-hour moisture. itclalroeno daily to improve your skin's health in one day, with significant improvement in 2 weeks. for healthy, beautiful skin that lasts. i found a moisturizer for life. [ female announcer ] aveeno daily moisturizing lotion. alsoiscover daily moisturizing body wash. for healthy skin that starts in the shower. lom aeno.
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in tgh.eplement refis sy sunday, another one a couple days ago. last night we have a problem. the seahawks and packers, the game decided by the ficials. packers trail 7-6, punch it in there, miss a two-point conversion, up -7 wit jt unniutgo. first play of the next possession, the seahawks quarterback rolls out, throws an interception deep in his own territy. >> that's going to finish it. that's gog to set up a ck be'ot a flag onf t the field. they call this roughing the passer. >> that's not roughing the passer. >> you know what we call that in northwest florida? >> tackle. football. yeah. >> roughing the passer. >> let's get the ball back. skipheo t end of the game. eight seconds left, still 12-7. last play.
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>> the packers playing at the goal line as wilson struggles to keep it alive, the game's final ay to the end zon which is - fumbled by tate with jennings simultaneous, who do they give it to? touchdown! one guy goes with touchdown, the other said no me. it t looked at because it's a score. still have an official doubter in the pile. >> mike tarico on the call on espn. jennings of the packers comes down with the ball, but golden state has a pie of it too, there e tic touchdown, the other does not. it's ruled a touchdown on the field, then the officiating crew took more than ten minutes to review this. they came back here with the call to cide the game. >> the call onhe fld ss,
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hd >>seahawks win in the most bizarre finish you'll ever see. >> mike, i tell you, that's two of the worst calls at the end of the football game i can remember. >> wow. >> but the game didn't end there. the packers head into the ey home out because by rule you have to kick the extra point after a touchdown, so they did that, all 11 packers run back on the field. seahawks win 14-12. even the final page of the times nfses h s one said the seattle newspaper. in baseball, orioles split a double header, yankees win, up a game and a half in the east. >> come on, birds. when we come back, the most powerful women in business. we'll take a look at who's 'ltit andy serwer when "morning joe" comes right back. [ ross ] in the taihang mountains of china,
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hand-carved on the side of a cliff is the guoliang tunnel. what?! you've got to be kidding me. [ derek ] i've never seen a road like this. there's jagged rock all the way arou. this is really gonna test the ats onllevels. de] risthstverf and it gets very narrow. magnetic ride control is going to be working hard. the sho absorbers react to the road 1,000 times a second. it keeps you firmly in control. whoa! [ male announcer ] the all-new cadillac ats.
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live shot of the capitol. a beautifu morning in washington. welcome back to "morning joe" at 46 past the hour. here with us now, we have managing editor of "fortune" magazine, andy serr. the ga's issue is "50 most powerful women." >> what number is mika? >> almost. she's almost -- >> you know what, actually, it's an awesome issue. and she's so awesome. this is great. t. ero want to get another >> i'm just saying, if you're not on the list, it's not a good list. >> why is serwer here? >> i like you. and i think you made great decisions. only time for small talk the candidates tell you that this campaign is about big
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issues. >> oh. >> y bve that, you're being snooki'ed. he's made time to do interviews with leno, davidletterman, and people magazine in addition to kelly and mil. an'el a formal news conference in months but he's found places on his calendar for leno, letterman, and he view." in this jersey shore culture, it's perhaps inevitable that candates wld try to reach voters byhattgut the banal and prurient. >> i think somebody should do a content analysis, though. let's take, seriously, take all iticizing in the pop culture
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venues and compare substantially. >> he doesn't want to get caught. owveasrit toou questions. >> i think that's a snobbish point. >> wow. okay. >> well, i disagree. i mean, why is he shying away from the "new york times," "morning joe," "fortune" and all that. the presidt. >> mea tssfee point. i think -- >> press conferences are kind of huey, i don't disagree with that. but he won't do the more serious news organizations, it's a fact. >> and -- we've been hearing this and complaints from a lot of reporters forheast ar, ar a a hf th he t go to established media outlets and they will all say but we're not going to say anything because if criticize him, then he n't -- makes us look bad number one, and two, we' be on the list where the don't let
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us -- >> although some people say things, chuck todd has written things about the frustration about getting access to the president. what am i missing here. >> that's out there. but it should be pointed out that mitt romney's not doing a ton -- >> ty bh minutes." >> that's what we're saying. "60 minutes," we're talking about serious news. >> exactly. >> have either of them done "fortune?" >> he has. barack obama did last election, not ts ection. ry tec. >> all right. well, let's talk about the "fortune" magazine's issue of the 50 most powerful women. there is, of course, a gigantic asterisk by this list as there would be by any home run -- >> you guys are making fun of me. o the cover. now. >> she's not on this list. but let's talk about number two to number 51. who are they? >> well, first of all, couple
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big take aways. these are serious companies. 20 years ago, women weren't running bigpa lth buu dupont, kraft, hewlett-packard, a lot of technology companies and also a lot of women in waiting. there are people in very serious positions at gm, general dynamics and other companies. so this list is going to -- ginny romete, the new ceo of ibm, the 19th biggest company in the united states. she's 55 yearsold, so me than half of her life. she's work there, the 19th biest company in the world. >>nd o t , she's seen a company dominate the market, be seen as passe and long ithe tooth, and then completely reinventing them. the ibm story is just -- i think it's one of the remarkable rebranding stories in
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american -- >> you know your ibm history. >> and i'm dead serious, it's a thrilling story -- >> it was a near death experience. >> it was a near death experience and they reinvented themselves. not a t of glitz, not a lot of glamor, theyidhing rig aneyw,he looked forward and, wow. >> lou and sam pamasano, it's a great story. >> we write all these stories, fools rush in and talk about all these horrible decisions that bmaortewi m story's a story that needs to be written about more. and number two, holding steady, she's been around for a while. >> she's come under fire. the company has not been firing onll cynderi s i t united states has not done so great, but globally it's big, and mika, she's been focusing on healthier foods. >> yeah. but they still make pepsi? >> yeah, they do.
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>> and you have meg whitman number three? >> that company has yet tourn ern b this is a huge job. >> huge job. she lost a lot of money running for governor in california. and number eight cheryl sandberg lost a lot of money just being in facebook. >> yeah. she's also the board of disney, people don't realize that. >> very quickly, is there -- reading this list, what's the lesson? what do you y? this is a path to success. >> the big thing is, there's this oortunity out there. where there wasn'tn our ra. anf wa young woman going to school, you could maybe look to become the head of hr at one of these companies or the head of marketing, and now you can shoot for the top. and these people will tell you it's challenging. she made this her secon carr that it's ve, verfi aiilnd run one of these organizations, but it can
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with enrollment in wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac manner [ yawning sound ] ♪ i think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do. to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights, a notion that people have to be able to participate in their own
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governance. but i was pretty serve and continue to be pretty certain there are going to be bumps in the road. >> he said the developments in the middle east are bumps in the road. >> yeah, that was my reaction. bumps in the road. assassinated, we had a muslim brotherhood member elected to the presidency of egypt. 20,000 people have been killed in syria. these are not bumps in the road. these are human lives, these are devepments we don't want to see. imeorhe pde who will shape events in the middle east, knot just be merciful or at mercy of the events in the middle east. >> welcome back to "morning joe," jon meacham is still with us and jning us n i t middle east envoy, former prime
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minister tony blair. good to have you here. >> i said make him envoy to the middle east, everything will calm down. >> i know. it's amazing, everybody listens to you and takes yrdeas and placid, beautiful lake in a swanny -- blessed are the peacemakers. >> except in thiscase. >> for they shall be sent to hell. mean, in this case. let's start wh ria. 2000 dead,ssad just showing complete contempt for the civilized world and it seems likee feel leaders in the west that say there's very little we can do but sit back and let this play out. i mean, i can't imagine y a con would've sat back and done nothing in this environment. >> yeah. they're doing a lot to try and support the opposition and create the space in which you can get a solution to it but e real problem in syria is that if this j ces on,
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it'll go even deeper in to what will be a civil war that can spill out into surrounding countries. i think there is a need to look at what more we can do to create, for example, places of safety for the opposition. ttftio me it clear that is a acly that message is being delivered very strongly by your government, the european governments, as well. the other change there is in the region, frany, now there's a lot of support from many of the surrounding countries in the region for a change of regime th act it with something that is democratic and stable. >> what are some of your suggestions to provide the safety for the oppositions. to do some more to provide the space? >> i think what ople are looking at. whetr it's possibleo ce areas within syria in which the opposition can move and we can give them some protection.
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the uth is what assad is doing is basically using his air power to attack the people, to attack the civilians because he can't ho theerrymon gr. look, i think this is going to be long, drawn out, bloodied. this is the nature of these things, but i do believe in the end he wil go -- >> assad must go and he will go you believe. >> i will go in the end because he's lost the support of the majoty othe le ultimately not able to hold territory. he can go in and destroy a lot and kill a lot of people, was can't hold the territory. >> from syria to egypt, a lot of americans concerned at how long it took morsi to step ouand coemn hes attacks, the vile attack attacks on the u.s. embassy. should we be concerned? or is this a new leader trying to get his sea legs and balance forces? ve come back from my 88th vit to the regi. m t t wti
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you rightly point out that i've produced a great deal of stability there. >> thank god you're there. >> it's going well. it's going well. >> and so what you see everywhere, basically, is a region in turmoil. and the way i tnk is sensible t a struggle between two groups of peoplement one group of people are people who want modern, open societies and open economies, and the other are people who oft be themselves on the wrong-headed view of religion, extreme, narrow-minde and so on d ee iy libya with the tragic death of your ambassador there, it play out in egypt, yemen, syria, iraq. afghanistan, pakistan. this is a battle going on in which i think what we have to do modern mindeselepl side of the it's going to be a very tough struggle in the meantime. >> how much about the way we look at these countries is
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colored by the last decade of re america and great and britain, their civilians have been killed in these wars, we don't have the stomach to put our men and women in harm's way. do you think that colors theay ci sident obama viewshese decisions? >> well, it's always better to have a coalition together. but i think what's happening which is different now in the past couple of years from the previous ten is that we intervein ine intervened, and so on. this time, it is -- these uprisings are coming from the street. these oppressive regimes are being cast off. but what we learned about the societies and i think you can see thisery clearly from ghanistan, from iraq. when you lift the lid of thi es o oom pouring these religious, tribal, ethnic
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problems. the good news for us, by the way, is in each of these countries, there is probably a solid majority for sensible, open-minded politics. but there is a very powerful riftas o warped view, perverted view of religion that wants to take those societies back. i think this is a different form of engagement for us today. we've got to stay engaged. i think as your president's been saying long-term, this will work ort-rm, 's gng t h. but we've got to hang in there and actually support those people who are trying to reach for a better form of life and the type of democracy and the type of values we believe . >> you talk about lifting the li is there any good orlean way out ghta >> again, it is bound to be messy. >> right. >> because you've got these people exploiting the situation. but every time you look at what is bad, you've just got to put on the oth side of the
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equation something mor positive. in afghanian, eseerri kigsre afghan soldiers actually kill those americans or british or nato troops alongside them. and on the other side of that, you've got afghan soldis dying for the same type of values we believe in. in libya, the terrible kilng of chris stevs, your ambaadore,ut t sas of people come out on the street in libya marching in support of america and decrying those people killed him. all around the world, you've got two forces battling it out. i think we're in a different phase w where this is about supporting and engaging these people and giving them a sense that in the end these growing pains, if you like, of a proper, democratic free society are going to be there, but they've t to hang on in there and take thright decisions and we've got toupport them doing it. jon ac nama, sort of the conventional wisdom in the last decade was toward the end of the
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decade. and the end of president bush's second term. our prestige, broadly pu was at a low ebb around the world. and one of the argumenor t was trying to become the current administration was it would raise american prestige and reestablish alliances. assess that conventional wisdom, if you would. >> i think both bits of conventional wisdom are, you know dbt. the rlngor america and this is what i tried to say to americans based on my experience talking to people and being in different parts of the world, you know, if i wereyou, i would sort of give up on being loved. if that's your ambition as the world's -- still the world's greatest power-up, give up on it. it's not going to happen. >> that's a relief. >> yeah. >> can we adopt that personally too? >> well, it's different from me. >> we hadhis conversation last
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hour. >> but acallyon ft uneh a lot of all that sort of anti-americanism, people out in the street burning the flags and all the rest, there'a huge residual respect for america and what it believes in. ushidowoab whether from time to time you're going to get people coming out and saying terrible things about you. actually, that's far more a reflection of them, their society, the way they're growing up over a period of time. understand there are lots of le t, icly indlast region that want the same types of things we want and need support and help to get there. >> so given the conversation we had last hour, how would you describe president obama's approach? not to get into the polics of it, but there's a lot of critism inhisnt githhe ae g on. how would you characterize his approach to these percolating crises across the middle east.
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>> i think his approach is right, which is essentially to say what i'm going to do as the president is support those movents for democra a chge ithegion b'm going to understand that in this phase of change in the middle east, it is the people themselves who are going to create the politics that will take their country forward. and the role of american sense is to support that and give it help and in a wor aca today the role is going to be to try to support those movements of change and allow them to take root so in the end moving forward over the medium term, these countries are the type of free and democratic countries they have to be in >> you were talking about america not obsessing over being liked in that region. you've been there 88 times, you're in a great position to answer this question. last weekend i talked to a lot of people in the state department, a lot of people that had been working out there region for a long time. you said and weit h
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thng, god, they hate us because of the drone attacks, they hate us because of waterboarding. and all of these officials who had been there for more than five years and really knew the region said they hate us because they hate us. they hate us because of like you said, aroup with a warped view ofgi their religion. cultural pressures, peer pressures, and it seems these professionals are saying. just what you're saying. don't obsess on it. don't y to figure out what you did last week. itn' adeotape. it wasn't a drone attack. it wasn't waterboarding. they hate you because this group has hated you forever. you've got to work around it. >> yeah, and also because, by the way, what they represent and we represent are fundamentally different. >> rht. doshth values. the important point i'm sharing with you is, in each of these cases in each of these countries, they don't feel like
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that. the people who go out in the street with a placard, they're not necessarily going to g elecd newe ynoha i' saying? >> exactly. >> there is in the region an anti-americanism feeling that has been fueled over a long period of time. increasingly you do have within the region, people standing up within these societies a saying, no, it's not era's ult av prm. oault we've got a problem. let's sort it out. >> we heard yesterday, mr. prime minister, but we hear every year at this time, president ahmadinejad calling for israel to beip off the map. prime minister netanhu has made very blic pressure on president obama t d meg. p them along. as you assess the situation and relative to past points where we've come close, how close are we to military conflict between aar irannd israel? >> well, it's a huge challenge for us, because iranith a est'delear is
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unacceptable. and iran continues to move towards it. and so we have a possibility of the sanctions and the negotiations and so on bringing pressure to bear on t iranian regime, but in the end, they're going to haveo bf. 's hni in iran is -- ahmadinejad himself is an interesting study because that also is the same type of forces. and in iran, by the way, if there were a free election in iran, these people would be out. they wouldn't be governing. rg number of people, you've got a large number of people who are on the side of freedom and openness and tolerance ando on. unfortunately, they're not the ones in power right now. >> shouldn't the american people think of this as more than rhetoric? are we closer now than we ve i just rhetoric. i think your president means it, i think the world community ans it. >> and we'll be seeing you over at cgi today. you're he for climate week. tell us about it.
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>> we're here to keep the issue as much as w can on the cter age thern the side. and in the middle east and africa. >> all right. tony blair, thank you so much for coming in. >> and congratulations. new castle. playing well. >> we're doing well. absolute. glad you're following it. >>ah, well, i'm actually following liverpool more. it's not really good. worst start in 100 years. what are you going to do about that? i'm not going to -- >>y wife's from liveool, so my wife's a liverpool fan,y oldest son is aiverol youngest son is a liverpool fan. >> so you hear them weeping -- >> but i'm a new castle fan, so i don't mind. >> there actually ar quite a few people across the world that watch this show that will understand about this. but can you -- extraordinary stwehe 96 people crushed back in 1989, a cover-up for 20
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years and justice for the families o tse people. just extraordinary. even the son, even the sun is terrible tragedy, and there was horrible stuff that turned out to be completely untrue. still ahead, we'll talk to former president bill clinton. get ahold of yourself. >> what you talking about? >> also former goverr jeb bush wi be her onse ,ck t and eugene robinson. >> chuck todd, for the record, not a soccer fan. >> no. he makes fun of it. ♪ leaving my homeland
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e polls go up, polls go down, some weeks i'm ahead, se weeks i'm bend. knowallhe ssha voted for barack obama last time right now the majority of people in those states are saying they don't want to vote for barack obama. >> hey, welcome back to "morning joe." a beautiful shot of washington, d.c. it's a shame nothing gets done you know what? we should something. put something on the spot there that can make america a better place. >> one of the greatublic golf courses, haynes point, right there. >> maybe a chick-fil-a. >> they should play instead o exactly, exactly. with us now, we've got columnist, associate editor of the "washington post" and msnbc political analyst eugene robinson. chuck todd will be with us in a nt. he's probably sending a cash ivtymiami recruit.
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we've got an awful lot to talk about. but l's begin since we've got the clinton global initiative and everybody coming in. let's begin with this back and fo between president obama and mitt romney with barack obama describing the events in the middle east as a bump in the road. mitt romney jumped on it. and i would suggest -- and i've got to say f my democratic friends, after weeks of wailing agait mitromney's ineptitude and to foumbling around, i woul say that was a mistake for the president tosay. do i have a point there or not? do you think i've been off? >> i wouldn't have used the phrase bump in the road. buthe ger idea that u.s. policy in the region, the president i think was saying essential hily believes we ve te
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cataysmic change taking pce ther thers as way to charter course through that doesn't involve some trouble somewhere along the line. i think you could have used a better phrase than bump in the road when you're talking an about ambassador that was killed. but if y'real a coinuity of policy and the fact that we're -- there will be ups and downs and -- and sh -- and there's no way for us sitting in washington or in the united states or anywhere else to decid which directionhese coievet aiv day and, you know, the anti-american mob, the pro-american mob, we're not in control of all that and we're not going to be. >> you know, chuck -- >> hell chuck. >> -- who will support anybody on the republin side aacked me this lasteek r criticizing mitt romney's press conference on monday.
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it is stunning how many people in the romney campaign at the top of the romney campaign are going, oh, we made a terrible mistake there. and wee been focused on that. but at sd, back am's approval ratings on foreign policy, actually, are going down. this chaos seems to be filtering through and having an effect. >> well, it does. and i think somebody said it really well. it was onn this sho last is ab. i'm sure it was -- >> it had to be somebody else. it had to be somebody else. when americans lives get lost, the american public tunes in to foreign policy. foreign policy -- when it doesn't get forced into t living room, when they d't see -- d kab at afghanistan. >> sort of when does it sort of get forced in the forefront? when livesre lost. you know, some high-profile american life was lost >> and by the way, they've tuned out afghanistan. >> they have. sg.s when -- which i
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but, when you see a u.s. ambassador killed and dragged through the streets of benghazi, they pay attention. >> they do. and it's interesting here. i think that, i get what the president is doing politically this week, right? which is do no harm, me a less y possibly can. don't schedule any meetings, but it is viking. we went back to check president bush's schedule september 2004, middle of a re-elect. yes, foreign policy was more at the forefront than the economy. he had one-on-o bilateral et wst a, iraq, afghanistan. and, you know, yes you could look back and say politically that made sen for him. it is weird for the president of the united states, all these world leaders in town, not one, not one one-on-one. and u'reikegog, andou en o . again, i get the politics of it and they've made the decision saying, well, we'll take the
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heat from all of you media elites attacking us on this because we don't want to create any news before -- >> it's cynil. ewk s"ti ou said and whathe about today that this president not only does he not have personal relationships with even democrats in the united states senate as your story told and certainly republicans, but also foreign leaders are -ust dot as n bhese relationships and doesn't seem to want to. >> yeah. >> hasn't scheduled a single meeting with a foreign leader this week. >> a really interesting question which we talk about sometimes is why is ithat so many introverts go to politics an do wel and barack obama and jimmy carter, richard nixon, these are folks who get the ultimate prize but are fundamentally introverted personalities, right? president obama by no account would enjoy beingn a big, crd room unless it was with
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some distance. >> i think all presidential nominees have a genetic disorder. >> there is sort of -- >> it could be learned. >> but they're notike lenoetend. it is different. >> speaking of genes -- >> to me, it's a really interesting historical question why these folks choose this business and do pretty well but got the natural kind of tragic mit. >> yeah, itdoes sone w a tpo about the president not scheduling any meetings with foreign leaders? obviously the polar opposite of the guy we're interviewing next hour, bill clinton. >> well, you know, i think there are two possibilities. d i'm not sureuy either one. one is that it is strictly a political decision not to make news. but, you know, the other is that there's nothing to talk about. and clearly, there's a lot to
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talk about, right? with, you know, you couldal ov like the arab spring and afghanistan and this and that with a bunch of leaders, not to mention the world economic crisis. so i do think it's odd that there are no bilaterals, there usuayre bilaterals. and they have potential for going wrong. but they also have potential for advancing u.s. interests. >> you know, chuck, apart from not having any bilateral meetings here in new york this week whilee's here, this white house, though,learly must ha at w, the middle east especially is far different today than it was five years ago. >> sure. and that our role in the world and the middle east has got to change drastically and be reced. ce ell, i think they ar ting anok one of the interesting alliances and
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relationships and we're sitting here talking about presidential relationships he's developed in the middle east is the president of turkey. the turks are making a bigger play in the mide ea, gh n the most important ally that the syrian -- the syrian militants revolting against assad. to go back to this, i think the one where i'm sort of unne me t m- ft politics of netanyahu, that's a whole -- we know that's -- we know what that is. that's rhetorical sort of cynical politics tt's going to campaign politics about should he meet with netanyahu. they do ta all the te. but a one--oneeeti that emcessy toeew president of egypt. that is one. and i can just see republicans saying, oh, my god -- they probably feel like they do need to meet with him, they can't because it becomes this
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litical issue and the republics go, oh, look at the president meetinghhe mubrrh this is an important relationship to figure out. >> i've got a shocking suggestion, meet with each one of them for 15 minutes just to meet them. >> that's whatxpected to happen. >> i met with netanyahu, the new president of egypt, now wod ooe- >> let's take them golfing, that makes a lot of sense. >> i've got to say, there are times you mount good defenses of the president, today is just sheer desperation. >> no,t's not. >> makes me sad, actually. you are -- you are the boston red sox of political analysis this morning. >> were you just talking? >> why are we trashing nfl officials? >> oh, my lord can you believe th? >> frothing at the mouth. i couldn't sleep until 2:00 in
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the morning. >> can you believe that last night? >> that's the meeting the president should be having today, meeting with the nfl. >> that's right. >> and romney or obama, the one that figures this out rries sconsin. >> that is true. that would put wisconsin in to play. >> if only the nfl made a little bit of money they could pay their referees. >> poor nfl. >> just $9.8 billion something like that. come on, pay the refs, get them back on. somedy'soio g h i the problem. they're really going to get hurt and this is out of hand. >> we're going to see you on "the daily rundown." >> we had sound bites. >> really, so you had sound bites? >> which means h hou bites that means what he didn't have, t.j. >> oh, wow. >> well, we did and that was not pretty. >> here we . >> we didn't have sound bites, nothing. former florida governor j
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sotl known fact lieutenant governor as second term goldie hawn next on "morning joe." would bring layaway back.gus actually... that way i could split my payments into little bite-size chunks. i mean you feel me right? yeah. uh, sir... ah... [ male announcer ] layaway's back. earlier than ever. tough december 14th. walmart.
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here witus n, jh hee. gooave you here in the studio. >> thank you, mika. >> you, of course, are here for education nation among other ings. how is it going down there? i heard you're partying late in the night last night. >> talkingbout carr educionher education at 8:30. i don't call that a party. but it was a lot of fun. >> sounds like a great time. >> you started talking about
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education reform back in 1994, you continued it for a long time. i'm sure you were doing it before your first campaign. and educationation comes every year and we talk about it. a lot of times we're talking about this thing. are we making progress? the only measurement that matters is student learning. some places are, somearen. who i dtt? >> indiana, louisiana, florida, delaware, i'm not sure why but delaware has had significant learning gains. these are places where new york city has done over the last ten years has done a good b. >> by the way, the governor of delaware says he'sot a gat relationship with theeachers uniohere thhe wnget there's a partnership. what about florida? what's happened since you implemented your reforms back in '99?
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>> they're looked at as a place you can go and see how you can narrow the achievement gap. our graduation rate has gone up every year for the last 12 years straight. we're more or less at the national average now. but this i like comparingn thndmidgets, you know, being slightly larger than the smallest guy. we should benchmark ourselves to the world. we nee to focus on makin ts lyhi o students after we spend more per student than any country in the world graduate college and/or career ready from high school. >> what do you make about chicago? and what happene >> disapti the union has every right to represent the economic interests of adults and the mayor's got a duty to balance his budget and so it's logical you'd have a
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fight overhis because they have a structural proble there, but where's the strategy to make sure that poor kids gain the power of knowledge? chicago's results are abysmal. when you compare them to new york, they're not cutting it. or compare them to miami-dade county where you have low-income kids doing significantly better. th stregies of learning are goin higher pay and gof greater job protection. >> and in chicago, we've got the highest paid teachers in america and some of the worst results. >> and gets to the point you alluded to, the degree of difficulty, the cultural degree of dfiy inliit k from, you know, sometimes single parent homes, sometimes no-parent homes. talk about that a bit. >> well, the problem is, we see this and we go, well, we can't have the same high expectations for the newly arrived kid or the child that's ling in the i city as weo for parents or
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children of parents of higher income. and we end up creating this dual system and it's completely wrong. it doesn't work. we need thave highe noowarents to be much more engaged in their learning. students need to be more engaged in their learning. and the idea that somehow a kid in poverty can't learn what's expected of them is damning. yesterday it was announced in washington, d.c. they're sking a wvero the race to the top funding where they're going to create lower standards for african-american kids and hispanic kids than anglo kids. you get what you meure. and that perpetuates a problem that is damng fnt i theoretically, at least, aspirational in nature. we can play like we're exceptional, really, b if you limit people's ability to move up and educati now is kind of the leading indicator of that.
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i'm t sure how exceptional that is >> governor, over the weekend there was an interesting piece about what we need to do. and he pointing to returning prestige to the teacher profession, which is to say make it more difficult to become a teacher in college. make it like becoming a lawyer or doctor, pay mor then at the yan, and i understand budgets and i understand the fiscal community, the climate we live in right now. why can't we pay teachers more and pay them what they desve to be paid? how do we make that more attracti for someone graduating college? >> that would art, by the way, in thechoo of ucn e jo oe school of education graduates are not in the top half or t top quartile of the students that entereuniversity so i think it starts on an even earlier bays is. thinou peasre give them the deal, if students learn more, you get paid more. that's complicated, but it's
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doable. particularly now with the new assessment tools that exist. so if a student, if you're in front of 150 students during the vieag gains of a year and your counterpart next door is getting 30% or 20% of the students and is pretty coistent, obviously the teacher that has mastered his or her art should be rewarded significantly. ifouteacng more difficult schools, you should be paid more. if you're teaching science and math, you should be paid more. differented pay is part of the argument that went on in icago. >> why? why? whdo ty figit tcher is willing to -- >> it's called collective bargaining for a reason. >> if a young teacher's willing to go to the inner city and is a superstar and you have massive
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gain for one class from one year to the nex -- ile cct bargaining. that's the answer, and the answer is if you're the teachers they most represent are the teachers that have been in the system longer. the rights to protect a teacher who get laid off and automatically gets placed in another school even though they may t b avihoin learning gains, those are negotiated collectively. the last-in, first-out is fought by the, you know, protected by the union so they can protect the teachers that pay the more dues. this is -- this is economics. this is not -- wshoun't coehe limjo a union to represent the economic interests of a group of people. not just teachers, by the way, teachers union people represent bus drivers and other people, as well. from teaching, it's a totally separate subject. you can play like it is, you know, the same tng, but it is >> is n we g figure out a way to reward the best and brightest teachers, especially those that go in to inner
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cities. make great changes, make great gains. and it is, like you said, governor, it's complicated, but there are ways t measure. >> keep working through it. ow minoritytus the toughest areas make gains. >> and i would argue that middle class families think their students are doing okay because they're benchmarking themselves to the inner city. they're not. we need to benchmark ourlves to the best in the world. and we have to htlayhi should be something of national purpose. and frankly, it's the relatively exciting thing, i'm not -- i'm not naive about this. but this is a place where there's not as much partisan fiting, as well. >> right. >> this is aost switzerland. >>lmoszed. >> former governor jeb bush, thank you so much. >> you bet, mika. >> great to have you in the studio. >> still ahead, we'll speak with rmer president bill clinton. when we come back, actress goldie hawn is here to talk ok.ut her best-selling parenting
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eprihen ni jo now, that's what i call a test drive. silverado! the most dependab, longest lasting, full-size pickups on the road. so, what do you think? [ engine revs ] i'll take it. [ male announcer ] it's chevy truck month. now during chevy truck month, get 0% apr financing for 60 months or trade up to get the 2012 chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $8,000. hurry in before they're all gone! wyokelolo. the best schools in the world... see they all have something very interesting in common. they have achers... ...with a deeper knowledge of their subjects. as a result, their students achieve at a higher level. ledelop ars in eduti let's invest in our teachers... they can inspire our students.
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her oscar winng performance in the 1969 film "cactus flower." nobody finds your entertainnt like tivo. >> hut th goiv and can get the entire goldie hawn catalog. >> yeah, how exciting. >> joining us on the set is the actress goldie hawn and her n book, ten mindful minutes." it's now out in paper back. >> so fun to be back! hi. >> it's an interesting segue. we are talking about the achers and what happens in the sranisik me as a piece of that or a companion to it. >> it was written because the terchs taking the mindup curriculum asked for something for themselves. i thought, well, okay, we are working onur mindup family,
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pant book, which has equely hpenefoem to tg thildn are taking the course but i wrote this first. and it really was adapted to the program. >> what are the ten mindful minutes? what should we be doing as parents? >> parents really, this is about attending. okay? so it' obvious that children attend. what does attention mean? because their brains are frenzied today and it's true. so are ours. so we are dealing with a lot of technology, a lot of things that are stealing, even the intimac rldn are buried inside of these things. their social and emotional skills are compromised because of this. parents are working so you got two parents working usually. you've got some parents aret even home at all. one parent family. ck connection.eangh ao right? connection is what creates learning. when you now move into a
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classroom and you've got a frenzied child that comes into the classroom, whether their parents are breaking up, whether they are alone, whether there are issues with ars, even ot whatever they are dealing with, they are coming to school with an anxiety. you cannot learn when you have that. so when you say what are the ten things you do? firsof all, there are ten results that you can have which re resilience, greater ability to self-regulate and ability to be able to reduce your stress and understanding what it is to connect and have empathy and all of this sounds, yeah, great. mind who doesn't feel this, a mi who is not nnected,his prntarec w teach our children how their brains work because it gives them context to their emotions. context to how they learn. so when they quiet down the bulldog and they are emotional, friend the prefrontal opens and that is where theylearn, thas
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whth th that's where they analyze and that's how they remember so you have to calm down to do it so we are giving these children these tools. >> quiet down the bulldog. >> with all of those issues and they are all out there, i understand that, but whato we douttu doesn't allow children to be children for very long? >> exactly. this is one of the reasons i created the program, because it creates optimism and joy in the classroom. if our children aren't experiencing that in the class where they sense -- have a sense of freedom, they arnot going to learn. ey noio toing t hesc. to school. so we're dealing with a society now where you've got everything for them, where they are growing up too fast, they are not climbing that tree. theyre not doing the things they should be doing. but at least we can manage in og. classroom wsear i happen to love mindup program, we are also in miami and we e all over the united states at the moment. probably 200,000 children now.
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>> that's great. >> and we are all over the world so now we have gone int the uk d cadand australia and asia. the return for children to pull back to a sense of optimism and joy and hopefulness and something we can do in the classroom when t tercacrs embody t progm. wh jsay i right. our teachers have to be better educatored. who is taking care of the hearts and minds of our children and this iwhat is wrong. when you look at my schools are broken butou can sayou can bud a gatchutowre u going to put a child in there who is broken? are they going to learn in that fabulous school? because they are not equipped to learn. so i think we have to look at this from a very -- a systemic problem that we have in t ittaangllye velod countries.
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we have a couple of great areas in denmark and sweden with great areas of education. >> it's much more about one test. it's about anxiety, as you say. it's about being cative and s muoro cin whole child. goldie hawn, the book is "ten mindful minutes." >> thank you so much. >> joe and mika talk to president bill clint coming eoo again, "ten mindful minutes." we will be right back. >> as if 32 acting roles weren't enough for a career, goldie hawn can claim producer and singer d director to her credits. if h veto premier to search the web simultaneously to dial up her entire career in a single minute you could hear her sing in the 1996 movie "everyone says i love you."
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l me ask willie a question here. can i ask you something, willie? we understand now in new york city that little kids are being handed out -- >> we e going to get to that. that was a tease. we are not telling the story now. >> then i'm going to ask the question. >> that is telling the storyut ahe. wel yowy s are doing it. like the morning after pills. like in pez dispensers. my question is do they get detention if they drink the morning after pill down with a big gulp? >> that is t ybl whammy. mika will explain the story. they put a flyer in your backpack and it's an opt out flyer. >> morning after pl is like 40-year-old women couldn't get thos things a couple ofears ag >>ike idarin a that coming up. >> dispenser -- >> as well as scott brown getting desperate coming up. >> it's inappropriate, willie.
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these are young kids. >> but we will startit potics this morning. mitt romney and paul ryan continue their bus tour through ohio today. the republican candidate was asked about his recent poll numbers and why he continues to trail in many critical swing states. >> i am very pleased with the fact that we have a campaign that is taking our message to the people across americaand, lo we g twin. no question in my mind, we're going to win. the polls go up. polls go down. some weeks i'm ahead and some weeks i'm behind. you know, all of these states that voted for barack obama last time, right now, the majority of people in ose states are saying they do t w v for barack obama. >> okay. what is next? barack obama should be ashamed of himself. >> wait a minute. >> go ahead. >> who? >> this is close. go ahead. >> president obama is in new york city r the united nations general assembly and the clinton global itiate wche g s in >> are we really?
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>> so your boyfriend. but one of his first orders of business was taping an interview with the women of "the view" alongside the first lad among the topics -- >> can i ask a question? thisuy is notivinerio inrvieo od >>who? >> barack obama, the president of the united states. >> really opportune time. >> he isoing to all of these polices. no time for netanyahu but time for"the view". >> no time for netanyahu? >> i know. wally from "leave it to beaver" was in that, no time no netanyahu. >> was jerry mathers? >> was asked about the null stak a look. >> governor romney on "60 minutes" was asked does he think it's fair that he pays a lower tax rate than somebody who is
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making $50,000 a year. he said s, i think it's fair and i also thinkhat is the way you get economic growth. i have a different vision how we grow an economy. i think, barbara, you grow an economy from the middle out, not from the top down. >> let me ask you, jon. do you think the predent was more prent o view" or on "entertainment tonight"? >> i think "the view." >> i like "the view." >> a long tradition of is. >> fdr on "the view"? >> you shod ha sn- >>wan "inside edition", i think. >> it was william howard taft on "the chef." ." first of all, it's "the women of the view" and you like that. >> i like "theew ouea mass audience with what you have to say when
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you go on "the view." >> i'm notisparaging the view. i love "the view." >> why can't it be a serus interview on "the view "? u jd is not doing serious interviews when he is on "the view." >> but that is really not what you were saying. i think you ought to rephrase the whole thing. just be quiet and change your tie. >> i like my tie. >> don't worryboutth >>il con fantastic yesterday and she was talking taxes. not just president oma is doing that. she weighed in -- >> this is the worst newscast we have ever had! grab bag. what is going on re? >> h husband's al nfceld lrs a business politics and philanthropic. take a look. >> one of the issues i've been preaching about around the world is collecting taxes in an
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equitable manner, especially from thelites inve country. i'm out of american politics, you know, but it is a fact that around the world, the elites of every country are making money. there are richeople everywhere. and, yet, they do not contribute to the growth of their own countries. >> i love her. she's right. >> there are rich people everywhere and the people is -- >> she's right. >>herich. >> what is your point? >> she's rich too. >> that is your comeback? >> she might get a challenge from the ide that rich people are not contributing at all to the growth of their countries and i think if she runs for ob s a lot of that clip. >> that's fine. you know? hey, bill clinton does. >> saying it like it is.
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>> that's not like it is. if you want to go on a war against job creators, then go on a job against job creators. >>ome on! seriously! it wlll tle. it will all get to you, don't worry, like never! >> i tell you what we do. why not spend trillions and trillions of dolrs and give it to the bureaucrats in washington, d.c.? it didn't. 's wse nown i b mi romney is sharpening his attacks when it comes to president obama's handling of foreign policy. the republican candidate keyed in on this phrase that the president used during a "60 minutes" interview when talking about the recent unrest in the muslimrl t for us to to do to align ourselves with democracy and universal rights and a notion that people have to be able to participate in their own governance, but ias pretty
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certain andti to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road. >> he said the development of the middle east are bumps in the road. yeah. that was my reaction. bumps in the road? we had an ambassador assassinated and 20,000 people have been killed in syria. these are not bumps in the road. these are human lives and developments we not want to see! this is time for the president who will shape events in the middleeast, not je merciful or be at mercy of the event in the middle east. >> we talk about how mitt romney is out of touch all the time. i would say a president with problems in the middle east is bumps in theoad i extraordinarily out of touch whenou have a united at ssor'sai scraped off ben ghazi and 20,000 killed. syria, our closest ally in the
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middle east in open basic verbal war fare between their leader and our leader. 'sas chaos.around the region. our troops are getting gunned down by supposed allies every day in afghanistan. these aren't bumps in the road. this is an absolute mess. pa ryan is right. this does have theeel of tehran, 1979. i'm not saying it's goingo go that way. >> . >> butouemr 1979. >> yeah. >> the chaos that ensued and this isn't it but this isn't a bump in the ad. >> but this is not 1979. >> so paul ryan is not right. >> first of all, how do you know it's not 1979? you just said it wasn't and you just saidt wasn't. > id i pbly isn't. >> but we don't know that yet. if i'm president of the united states i don'to what jimmy carter says and call iran a sea of chang like jimmy carter did in 1979. the students were racingowar r assembly.
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>> isn't your line of issues rather than extracting what the president says during an interview and what the republican candidates view on what he said is, isn't the larger issue that both of these caidates have dismissed a obligation to the american people to tal to u aut what they are doing? the president hasn't had a press conference. the president doesn't take serious questions from journalists. governor romney doesn't take serious questions from journalists. we don't have any specifics from governor romy or really the president. >> but on this issue, thoh, i ink is serusro when the president just talks about bumps in the road in the middle east. jon meachem, there is chaos. you got the leader of egypt who decis he has to wait a few days to protest riots in our embassy. u've g mm herhood seemingly gaining traction there. let's hope it turns out well. you have the president, i believe, making a terrible mistake, sequestering whether each is an ally or not.
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you keep calling them yr all until there is no otheropon. 20 d i syria. a u.s. ambassador killed in ben ghazi. they had all of the warning signs. the ambassador's own diary said he was fearful for his safety. the u.s. government given three days' warning tha riots could ensue and people could be killed in the u.s. embassy. this isn't a bump in the road. i'm telling you, if mitt romney or a republican president said something like that, the mainstream media would be on fire or as willie likes to say, in vuago, baby, in fuago. >> i can't count how many times willie has said that. to my mind, that is the most interesting thing because i dot think president obama thinks what has happened in the way you've put it are bumn th. i don't think that mitt romney really, really believes that 47%
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of americans, if he becomes president, he is not going to worry about. i think that there is -- i think, at this point in the campaign, we're in a war of phrases ateel important and you have to judge these guys, i think, on their whole campaigns, their whole lives and -- >> so is it safe to say that president obama was exaordinarilily naive as a candidate in 2008 when he told people, you know, if i just talk to the leaders of . yes. >>f iot nicer to them than george w. bush was nicer to them, because i'm embarrassed to be an american and the day i get elected because i live in a muslim country, they are going to be nicer to us? was that naive? >> i think that is evil. let's find all wng words to use. >> yes, the way thais characterized is untrue. i asked the president once what would you do about israel if they wanted to make a ulateral
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paraphrasing, we take no options off the table. i don't think this is a weak foreign policy president. >> that's why -- >> no, i agree. he's not a weak feign policy president but it's a jumbled mess right now. >> here is theueou r here. "the new york times" today. above the fold, ara finds unrest. the tensions between mr. obama pls fhaerlf statesoth trait. he has not built many personal relationships with foreign leaders. quote, he is not good with personal relationships. that's not what interests him, said one united states diplomat but in the middle those relationships are essential. iteprives d.c. the inability for leadership decisions. that is at the core, i think, of a lot of what we have been
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talking about. >> we have been hearing, jon meacham, the president will go to a country and give a speech and tn leave. i've heard from one dloma r another he thinks the speech its itself is the means of an end and the opposite of what george w. bush did throughout his entire -- >> i'm not sure what your iticism is. >> my criticism he hasn't done a job that aommander in chie needso >>isk foreign policy? >> mika, i didn't say that. if you're trying to jump in to defend a defensele president, get it right. i'm talking about what "the new york times" is writing. he doesn't build personal lationship and hurt us in washington and why we have a gridck iastond a mess in the middle east. whether you're talking about bill clinton, the guy who was a master! he was the master. bill clinton, george h.w. bush. they weren't afraid to talk to other politicians and leaders in way that build relationships so when there is time of crisis, younow?
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those -- whoa. >> those presidents -- >> ji say george w. bush. i said george h.w. bush and bill clinton. please. >> so skip one. >>please. >> the great bush 41 line was what do you do when you have a u cn imir somewhere and ouse? say how is the weather in the desert? so you call some imir principal and it worked out. a greatnk roosevelt and you have to build signs. this is a science to master. i do think, mika, that has fected governance at home and abroad. there is too much andotal evidence. we talked about this the senate democratic caucus and a senator walkg in said, i just read that the president played 98
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rounds of golf. i play golf. you guys play golf. anybody here play golf with the guy? >> when we come ba, we wi run across the streeto clinton global initiative so you and bill can suck to up each other. >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> coming up, former president bill clinton will join us. here is bill with a check on the forecast. were watching the worst weather in the country this li, louisville and over towards cincinnati we are watching showers and thunderstorms breaking out this morning. could see some possible airport delays in this region but the st. louis airport as of right now not reporting anything. the lightning strikes up to 6,000 or so. veht wh the cell crossing the ohio rain. 1 to 2 inches in the lower ohio valley and beneficial rains for this region and should last about two day and eventually some of the wet weather will make its way towards washington, d.c. and pennsylvania but not today. a warmay acros the sther c atle cool on the
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west coast. seattle all the way down to san francisco. next two days in a row, actually, highs in the six and some of that wet weather tomorrow has a chance of ming its way to theas seaboard. so enjoy your day. ♪ leaving my homeland ♪ playing a lone hand ♪ my life begins today ♪ ♪ fly by night away from here ♪ ♪ change my life again ♪ ♪ fly by night, goodbye my dear ♪ ♪ my ship isn't coming ♪ and i just can't pretend oww! ♪ [ male announcer ] careful, you're no longer invisible in a midsize sedan. the volkswagen passat.
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the world is collecting taxes in an equitable manner. especially from the elites in every countr yoknow i'm ofri politics, but it is a fact that around the world, the elites of every country are making money. there are rh people evhe anyet, they do not contribute to the growth of their own countries. >> maybe we should start there. welcome back to "morning joe." we ran across the street. we are liv now at the clinton global initiative. joining us now is fmer idbili. tve o the show this morning. >> thanks, mika. >> there is only one elite and only one topic to start there. >> what is that? >> i think probably is pressing on the president's mind more than anything right now. >> do you think joe talks too
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mu? he arkansas razor backs. it's bad down there. you have to go down there and coach. what do they do? >> doesn't seem like they have muchf a line either side of e ball. that is what it looks to me like. aracdee great a gat receivers and nobody else playing real well. >> it's too bad. >> they have two great really good running backs and they are not doing so great this year, so i think it looks to me like a line problem but you know when you change -- i don't care what anybody says. you n'teehe same system exactly and work the same way if you change coaches and all of the things that happen to them. so i just think the defense showed weaknesses the first game that they won handily. they would have won the second game if they ht knock the tek a now they played two good teams and couldn't win. >> chuck todd wants you to resolve our nbc news political analyst and political director
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wants you to resolve a very important crisis and that is, of course, the referee strike in yhicg can take that one on? >> no, but i would not have called that last play they did in the seattle/green bay last night that they did. i think the packers will wake up this morning and say we should have won about two touchdowns and go on. itlly c >> obviously, a lot -- so much going on in the world. over the past six months to a year, especially in the middle east region that you know so much about. but let's talk, first, about yourocus here at cgi. ws to attack poverty, to attack disease with an emphasis on women and children. let's start there. how do we do that? >> well, we have some interesting commitments this year about what we try to do is rgha if you think about
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what you're doing in the first place, if you design these programs from the outset to deal with the shortage comings of the past, you get better results. 's a lot better than fixing them later. and that is true in the private sector as well as the public seor, we enedp the new president of the world bank, jim kim, who is partner with partnersn health and he talked about designing good health systems that take into account women and the kids. over the world if poor countries you go one place to get your aids medicine and another to maternal health and another to be treated for malaria. there was no system so we started building health care systems for people you go one placand everytngld b tan cof we had an interesting commitment this year by a group called daylos about they talked about they would work in america to
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redesign work spaces to solve health problems before they created to ma themealter in beginning. we have a lot of commitments this year working on training and preparing women for the work force wherever they exist and their countries, and gap, for example, has done a really intereing thing aom r t work forces going right into the factories and training the women about how to handle their finances and how to move up into management from the factory floor, was something we don't think of women doing in poor countries. so there is -- what ware trng to geteopleo do is to thabhe sms wo from the beginning. don't wake up ten years from now and say, we better go back and some of these women might have been really smart working i our plant, maybe we should have given them a chance. just have a management training program. e edted ewher up everywhere i . >> you know the old coninstruct,
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obviously, was we saw a country in need and the federal government would just send aid. but now cgi, with the gates foundation, you have all of these public private partnerships a bill gates, i read lt ek, decideinstd ofusitch to end malaria, he tried to figure out a way to put together a plan that wou actually make it sustainable in the marketplace. >> yeah. >> and so -- >> we work -- we workedn that, u , use e prlem wiar is the old medicine almost everywhere in the world now, malaria is a determined malady. it morphed to rebut or repel the medicineso no almost all maaor rre a much more expensive medicine. so we know we can prevent it with bed nets, as long as the mosquitoes only come out at night. now increasingly, they are
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coming out in the day time. tourutow to e worke whhe lower the cost of that malaria medicine and distribute it better the way we did with aids drugs. and it's a ltle more difficult because of a lot of things. there are not as many gic firms using the materials to make the generic medicine. in rewanda -- rwanda, you talk about u.s. aid. you were in congress. younois a lot of times congress will get upset about wondering about whether the aids -- so they require this or that or the other study to be done of all these programs but the net effect of it is th observe half of the money the taxpayers put up for foreign aid which is less than they thinkhey, h of e budget, doesn't go to the country it's intended to, so we got 13
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american medically schools to work, listen to this, for two years for 7% overhead. >> wow. >> 7% overhead to set up a n the entire rwanda health care system with a program they can afford to run with their limited resources. nothing quite like this has ever been done before. so we are also trying to help governments get more for their d norwegians asked us to work and think the islands will be overrun by rising oceans if climate change keeps getting worse and we work for them for viually no overhead. like we got to go raise the moneto work for them, but if th is better than taking xps y nd on an ngo from another country instead of investigating it in the countries where you're trying to have an impact. >> mr. president, recognizing that you're in a unique position to comment on current event, given that your wife is secretary of state, and you're a foer president, i would like to ask yoho a t
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helines pertaining to the middle east. the president has received criticism for his comments saying the words bump in the ad and paul iran even says his presidency is harkeningk 19 how would you say he is handling the problems we see percolating in the middle east? >> first of all, i think they have done pretty well in a vy chaotic situation. the arab frame would havum inhed oharou wt to call it. in libya situation the loss of our ambassador and the other americans, it's worth pointing out just a couple of things. first of all, most of the libyan people who are away of what is going on like the united states ey le th ft t w aggressively supported them in their desire to replace the gadhafi regime and decades of control and repression and move
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to a more democtic system. the president ofibya has asked to meet with mime. we are going to have a nice visit i think tomorrow. libyans who lost their lives in that attack trying to protect americans. and that is a different thing. i don't think -- that has, in my opinion, no relationship t wha happened in iran which was all ca u with where the shah was going when he left iran, what is the reaction would be and if we had security. the ambassador did not wanto be holed up in the embassy in tri tripoli. when you get of an old regime, you know one of the things they try to maintain control of was their security services for ovens reasons. every dictatorship does, right? so they took down the o sety sercehey hadn't
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really -- had time to build up their own and there was a lot of weapons floating loose in the country, but i think the american people, for all of the tragedy here, could take a lot of comfo in the fact that an citizens stormed the offices of some of these militia groups to get the weapons out. they are trying to fix it. >> they forced a couple of them to shut down. >> yeah. >> they had peaceful sit-ins. >> absolutely. so i thinkhat - t story coming out of libya, we don't know how it's going to come out but the american people should be encouraged about that. the citizen rose up after the murder of the ambassador and said, you know, we don't wan you to wreck our future. we wanthepo ba. yti an the president is also getting some critici for for tnot meeti with netanyahu at this point in
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the game. >> i don't know what the facts are. it depends on whether there's something ty hatiscued theeo ised i person. but if there isn't, i think it's understandable that every president and every israel pme minister normallwants to kee eir options open. d i lks t me like -- didn't they say they talked for an hour on the phone just the last couple of weeks? i mean, i don't think -- there is a difference between symbolic and real -- i have not talked to hillary about this because i neverant to know anything that i shouldn't be talking abo on television, itustkso ik reading things that they have been talking about this a lot and that -- that both the united states and israeli security operations areully conversant with whatever the facts are on iran and whater they intendo do for the next several weeks. looked to to me like, gwynne,
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just fm observing it, the president was reluctant to have one meeting in a u.n. schedule where normally he'll have 15 because of the nearness of the mpgn. >> what youo 96 you, obviously, met with leaders. >> i did. but i -- i didn't just mee with one. i think i spent the regular day here. but the campaign was in a different position in '96. me, we- the survey said it wasn't that close and we were trying to get some specific things done in various countries that i thought it was -- >> so you don't think it's a mistake for t presidento not ke mtings? >> ihink -- i think -- not necessarily a mistake if you're going to have a no-meeting policy just to go and leave. i think it may have cost the
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united states more notto. and we know, f am t thaveno their ears in conversations with the egyptians over the aftermath of that. we know the president had a long talk with president morsi about the upsurge of the demonstrations in cairo over the film trail and we know it proded some relt k muc firmer stand after that conversation. and he is coming here today. the president of egypt. it will be interesting to see what he says. >> it's amazing. >> cgi. >> i was going to say cgi is like the a smith nn yoot cdas cong here. you got mitt romney coming this morning and right after that, the president. >> i invited him. i called him and invit him. we did it four years ago, remember? senator mccain came a brought governor palinithim. andfoo whatever you think about his tax return, given a substantial amount of
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money to charity, he might want to talk about that today. >> i heard what the secretary said yesterday about elites not payi taxes. are youomfoable with a l hekt'en going on, the democrat primary? and even at the democratic national convention that seemed to border on class war fare when you yourself said if america wants to be more competitive in the 21st ntury, we are gng to have to lower corpote t s. me iore competitive in the 21st century, we have to look at how we make this country more competitive -- >> i think lower the corporate tax rates but i think it's worth pointing out that of the 33 countries and oe,heup of wealthier nations, only chile and mexico take a smaller percentage of income and taxes than we do. it's worth pointing o if you have a lot of money and you earn ich is radically lower than %,
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the rates that any other advanced society -- >> should capital gains rates go up so there is notuch a discrepancy between warren buffett -- >> it depends on what you do with the personal rates and atks nal tax reforms and h ho pna tax rates go up? >> the sense from both commission recommended that we bring down personal tax rates but eliminate the difference between personal rates and capital gains. and, you know, i thinkt's good to have a little differenceo encourageeopl toin. ihink the corporate tax rates -- that's different, because when i raise corporate taxes, to balance the budget, i raised it to a rat that was exactly in the middle of the global average. i was trying make us competitive and bring the debt down. now, the global average has dropped to about either 25 or 26%. we got to be around there somewhere to be competitive.
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and it's easier to do what both candidates have urged, which is lower e ras and ben the tax base and much to do in the corporate sphere than the individual sphere. >> so you mentioned that you invited the president and mitt romney here today. you invited them and they are coming. to touch upon a conversation we have been havi all morning, ere e se tee t president didn't reach across the aisle enough and doesn't reach out and invite the other side for drinks, coffee, golf, whatever to workn the connection to ultimately making a deal. the same narrative applies to his relationships around the wod, according to some, and th sayt psident could learn a thing or two from you. is that fair? and is his approach t -- >> my guess is -- i think he lod, a i said, i think --q
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i could see the impact of the conversation he had with president morsi who really, in fairness to him, had what was a pretty unprecedend situation on his hands when they found the film trailer on the internet somehow and made it look like it was american policy. keep in mind, the average egyptian, you know, has had -- never lived under a situation where there was separionf wealrc a state from the mosque and the state. first and in the navaric years, a governor agency approved or ve they got a quarter of u the vote. they don't understand it so it was easy to persuade people who didn't know anything that, of course, we knew about it and, of course, it was sanctionedwhen,
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in fact, it was a film, a trailer on a film that was never even made, that everybody thought was pretty d. so i think that that kind of conversation is going on. he played golf with speaker boehner and i'll make you a prediction. i think -- i'll tell you what i thinis really going on and how i think he should see this tax ise. i think the president concluded that if he just gave up one for one more year on the bush tax cuts and dt let them expire that he didn't get a budget deal and that what would happen is after the election facing a budget cliff, will have a very interesting post-election lame duck session of congress, they willid tsicl and productive a budget agreement either in this lame
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duck session or in the first couple of months of the next year. that's what i think will happen. >> is part of the company every year that drives mika crazy when i talk about how we all sh in the 1990s, workedth itome pretty tough differences. >> we did in 1995. we had a pretty rough '95 eye. >> 95 was an ugly year and a cole of other ugly years. >> the other ugly years we already had a modus opan yookt is accomplished in '98 and '99 and 2000. they were good years. the only desert year we had was '95. >> i talk specifically about 1999 because people will poke at me when i talk about how you and the republican congress work , you should look at 1999 because even in the worst of times, the president's people were talking to leaders of congress. >> every day. >> and somehow even in the worst of times, even in the
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constitutional crisis, government work. pele pouad of their own party in the day-to-day workings of the capital. >> but i think that should give you hope if the president wins the election and i believe he will, that something like that will happen next ti legok lot lypein 's. so we have this -- you know, '94 was contentious but things got done. and then the republicans won the congress. '95, hardly anything got done we did get the bgetsut o - in, the only year we didn't get the budgets out on time so there were two government shutdowns. then public opinion shifted strongly against that. the leaders of your caucus in congress decidedhat it probably would win in '96 and we stted working together because the shutdown for an action forcing event.
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this time, after the election, there will be less gridlock if governor romney were to win, he just wouldmplement the agenda that he campaigned on. >> right >> andf t pde w re-election, which is what i think will happen, it no longer makes sense to have you number one goal defeating him for re-election because he can't run for anything. and i believe,nd he willo ere a h number one goal drawing distinctions between himself and this party that says they want to beat him. they both will have a dramatically greater incentive to get stuffone. >> will the rties allow that to happ? yolook what happened in the 0sl bhest admit it that i didn't see some things coming. i would say democrats didn't as well in '93 and '94, i campaigned on the tax increase and i got elected because of the tax increase. i thought it was going to wreck theeconomy. it didn't wreck the economy.
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and '95nd6, a o tougher decisions by republicans and a lot of cuts that were unpopular with democrats, as well as welfare reform. we heard all of the horror stories. you look at the tough decision you guys made in '93 and '94 and the tough decisions we made sometimes that you agreed with and sometimesou'tak together, those were three or four pretty dramatic years of political leaders stepping up and doing unpopular things. >> but that's what -- >> can we do that? 2013? is wasngtostilcapae of th >>re i whappen. i think you'll have, just like we did then, you'll have people out here and out here that won't agree with that, but i think you'll have an operating majority to do something. i really -- i believe that will happen. you have dick durbin out there shopping some sort of prelude to it a budget deal and he was viewed for most of is career as one of the more liberal members
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of the senate and he's out there, he knows that this debt is going to eat us alive as soon as growth returns to the economy, wt ndor robust fashion the next two or three years and interest rates start to go up, it is going to eat us alive so he is doing that. that should give you hope. we are going get something done. when this election is ov, you will see breaking log j. rentilcln, thanks for having us here at the clinton global initiative. nice to see you two together again. >> thanks. together again! >> together again! >> yes, yes. >> the glory days. >> we will be right back with much more "morning joe." ♪ amcareayad k f bter future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries.
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let's get a check on business before the bell with cnbc brian sullivan. we send it across t river to cnbc headquarters. what is up, man? >> you can't hate the player, just hate t game and i deliver oc futures looking pretty solid this morning. not a lot will move the pattern and i think a holding pattern until the election. watch facebook today. the stock could get slammed again and it got crushed yestery and some concerns out there that people are poing, u , atess tha are somehow appearing on their wall slamming their sister-in-law and it's suddenly there for everybody to say. maybe the users made a mistake,
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yeah, watchthat. all of the attention i know is on apple. watch google ogto qlyakinff the last two months and at a record high which is huge. and "wall street journal" reporting that more younger people are saving for retirement than ever before. 44% of thosender age of 27 now contributing to their 401(k) plans. ey aca a tar vinghich ultimately is probably a good thing. >> that is a good thing. that google price is incredible. so the ipo price for facebook was 38 and we're down to 20 bucks a share. how low can this go? >>barron said a 5 stock and they had a cover story over the weekend. if you're looking at facebook on the web is one thing. a lot of screen real estate for ads but if you're checking facebook asasically half people do from their smart phones, there's no real estate there and no room for rten eias willlickn and that is
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basically their revenue model so facebook has some challenges ahead. >> that my problem. i have a limited phone, not a smart phone. what is this facebook thing? i've heard of it. >> or as belichick called it, my fa -- or myfa >> my facebook. >> oh, by the way, the nfl, fix your problem! >> no kidding! >> what is it going to take? how many more monday night debalkld debacles do we have to watch? coming up, what did we learn? i knew it'd be tough on our retirement savings, especially in this economy. but with three kids, being home more really helped. man: so we went to fidelity.
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