tv Jansing and Co. MSNBC October 11, 2012 10:00am-11:00am EDT
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this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches. good morning. redemption or another route? tonight vice president joe biden could stop all the democrats hand wringing or paul ryan could help continue the momentum for republicans. yesterday congressman ryan appeared confident at a stop for ice cream in st. petersburg. >> what's joe biden's greatest weakness for tomorrow night? >> barack obama's record. joe biden has been on these big stages. it's my first time. but what he can't run from is president obama's record.
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they're just offering more of the same. >> if president obama is sweating tonight's debate, he's not showing it. >> i think joe just needs to be joe. congressman ryan is a smart and effective speaker. but his ideas are the wrong ones. >> mitt romney's debate performance last week re-energized his campaign, but our brand new swing state polls show it didn't change a lot of minds. 92% of voters in ohio and florida made up their minds before the debate. 91% in virginia. overall, the dial did move slightly in romney's favor in florida and virginia, the race is virtually tied. but president obama leads ohio by six points in the nbc news "wall street journal" maris poll. joining me to talk about all of it, e.j.dion and dana milbank. gentlemen, good morning.
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remember the old commercial never let them see you sweat? dana, how much pressure is joe biden under tonight? >> he's been at this an awfully long time. and he's sort of an old pro at this. in fact i think both of them will be pretty good. i'm looking forward to this debate. i think more than last week. here we have two sharp guys who can really mix it up on policy. maybe give us some substance. maybe actually teach us some things. >> there has been a talking point that was clearly emerging this morning from the democratic side. let me play that. >> he is looking forward to tonight. he's raring to go. one of the things that will be important to do tonight is to nail down exactly details of what paul ryan says. >> i think the big challenge for him will be to pin congressman ryan down. you know, he was on television a couple weeks ago and he was asked to explain governor romney's tax plan and he said, well, i don't have enough time to explain it. it's too complicated to explain
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it. well, he has 90 minutes tonight, so hopefully he'll have enough time to explain it. >> you read some of these reports, joe biden has been studying paul ryan's tax plan so hard, he may know it better than paul ryan. but are they right about what joe biden needs to do tonight? >> yoe biden as you said redemption in the lead, i like that word. he really has to shift the momentum of the race and make obama's people feel better. there was almost a suicidal tendency among democrats for a couple of days. it doesn't help you in the campaign. but i think there are two things biden has going for him, one, he really is a good debater. i went back and looked at stuff on the 2007/2008 debates and i wrote a column back then where biden beat all of them. and i led my column with the sentence does joe biden have to set himself on fire to get any attention. he's got the attention tonight. but the second thing he's got
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going for him is that ryan has a bit of a divided heart in this debate, if i can use that phrase. because on the one hand, he's there primarily to help romney get elected and to defend romney's record. but if this ticket were to lose, paul ryan has a long future in bomb ticks or he certainly would like to hope that and i think that's a fair idea. and, therefore, he wants to come out of this with his integrity intact and with his own positions intact. and i think biden will play that like a wedge trying to either get ryan to abandon his own record or to abandon his own record or to embrace romney and then he'll go after that. >> there's one question that in every vice presidential debate i think is the key question for a lot of voters out there, and that is this guy's going to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. am i comfortable with that. and we can have a little fun with it, maybe you saw these
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pictures from "time" magazine today. but i think when you see paul ryan and these are pictures of him working out, it does speak a little bit to what has been written a lot about, which is the generational divide. and experience divide, as well. either really on on the surface or subconsciously, do you think that's a big deal here? >> i don't. i think both of these men have really cleared the bar in terms of capability and experience. i don't think anybody's casting real doubt on either one of their abilities to do the job. i think what will be in play here is the expectations game. now, when biden went up against sarah palin four years ago, she had an advantage in that nobody thought she could string a sentence together. now they're much more evenly matched. everybody knows paul ryan is a capable debater. last week during the presidential debate, romney had that advantage because everybody expected obama to win. so the expectations are more
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even in this case and that should benefit the incumbent. >> i want to bring in james clyburn. always good to have you on the program. good amonmorning, congressman. do you do p 90 x with paul ryan in the house gym? >> no, i don't use the house gym much. and i have not seen the pictures. but i understand he works out a whole lot, even run marathons. >> seriously let's talk about the debate. you're a good sport. your colleague chris van holland is helping him to prep, joe biden. what's his strategy tonight, will he try to land some blowses so some? >> i hope he would just be joe. i know skrjoe biden very well, i can tell you paul ryan is no match for joe biden. >> here's the critique from the
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huffington "post." ryan is always sure of himself and always has a bev have i of numbers to toss in the air. he's a fast talker. he speaks so quickly he can uncork a whole lot of ideas in a very short space of time. are you a little bit concerned about this debate tonight, congressman? >> well, i would hope that he would not be a fast talker, i hope he would take the time to explain the things as i know he can. i'm sure he'll be prepared for whichever paul ryan that shows up. the one who is an author of the budget, sets up the privatization of social security while expanding tax cuts for wealthy people. or the one who has become sort
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of an artist that will sort of shade the issues and parse words rather than laying out a clear vision for the future. >> as you know, there -- >> i don't know which one will up. >> we were talking about the brand new swing state polls that show mitt romney is gaining in florida and virginia and ohio. do you think that the momentum is swinging and that really it is up to joe biden tonight to either stabilize or move it back in the other direction? >> no, i don't think momentum is swinging. i've been down in florida, north carolina last week. i think president obama is holding in north care scare. i'm heading tomorrow for three days in virginia. and quite frankly, i think the debate sort of stalled momentum that was shifting dramatically toward president obama.
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but after friday morning when the job reports came out, you could feel things were again to go move again. so i fully expect for tonight and tonight's debate and next tuesday's to get things moving in obama's direction again. >> congressman james clyburn, always good to see you. tank y thank you. let's talk about the poll numbers. romney is improving even though by small margins. we've seen him come up in several national polls, as well. how concerned is the obama campaign? >> when you heard all of the hand wringing and unhappiness with the first debate, those aren't terrible for obama. in particular, ohio. i mean, who knew that ohio might become obama's firewall? they put a lot of money in that state. i think they defined romney as the bain capital guy and that was not a good thing in the way obama people put those ads on
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the air. and i think the result is that if obama can hold that kind of lead in ohio, he might come out of this as long as biden does his job and obama is not as sleepy as he was in the first debate, couldn't procenounce dana's wonderful word from the beginning of the show. >> how much does format play into this? both will be seated. nine topics. ten minutes per topic. the questions whether go back and forth between domestic and foreign policy. does that lend itself to more conversation? do you you prepare differently for a debate format like that? >> well, i guess given the photographs you're discussing about congressman ryan, i think seated is better for biden so he's less of an intimidating presence. hard to predict because we don't know how martha raddatz will handle it, will she be passive like jim lehrer, will she try to enforce rules. the best debates are often when
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the two just mix it up there on stage. so it's hard to predict. the danger is they have to cover so many topic, they just dance in and out of each one and they don't really get anywhere with any of them. so hopefully they'll at least be allowed to go at each other on the big issues. >> let me ask you real quickly, what's the one thing you'll be looking for tonight on either side? >> i'm just going to look for time of possession. who has the floor and who is on the offense and who is on the defense. >> i'll want to see if ryan tries to hide behind worses like baseline and how much biden goes after him and says, no, please speak english and explain what your budget actually does. >> i love our guests believe they can use words like that. thank you, guy. appreciate it. >> good to be with you. lance armstrong still
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denying it, but the 1,000 page anti-doping report outlining evidence that the most famous cyclist in the world headed up the most sophisticated doping program that the sport has ever seen. that file includes sworn system from 26 people including armstrong's teammates. his foundation to fight cancer, though, lives strong. donations have almost doubled in the last two months. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... advanced headlights... and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
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hearing on capitol hill. >> this was never about a video, it was never spontaneous, this is terror. and i want to know why we were wlid lied to. >> on my honor, no, none, political pressure was applied to me in this case by anyone in the state department, at the national security council or at the white house. >> at a white house oversight committee hearing, republicans accused of obama administration of a cover up. the committee heard from two men who had previously protected ambassador stevens. they said their repeated requests for more security were turned down. >> we were fighting a losing battle. we couldn't even keep what we had. we were not even allowed to keep what we had. >> it was abundantly clear we were not going to get resources until the after math of an incident. >> joining me is p.j. crowley. good morning. there's been a lot of talk about the number of security
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personnel, about physical barriers. how serious do you think the security problem was in benghazi? >> well, the security problem was very, very significant in the aftermath of the overthrow of gadhafi, every political faction had its own mini army and as we saw in the attack on the consulate, it was a temporary facility that they came heavily armed. >> and i think there are two questions here. one is about how much security is necessary, but there's also sort of a finesse situation that goes on. ambassador pat kennedy said part of the reason you have a presence in a place like libya is outreach to the population to keep lines of communication open and that can be difficult when you're behind high walls and under heavy guard. so how difficult is that balance and having said that, there were requests for more security. so how do you find the answer? >> of course you have to split the responsibility. outside the perimeter of
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diplomatic posts, the responsibility actually lies with the host nation. and clearly the interim government in libya was challenged in its own right in getting a handle on these various armed militias and could not provide a level of security that we see in many dip will he matt tick or most diplomatic posts around the world.will he matt tick or most diplomatic posts around the world. there was the debate yesterday about would another half dozen security personnel inside the compound have made a difference. i don't think as yesterday's testimony suggested, it's unclear that x number of additional security person they will would have been able for repel the assault on the enclave. i think you can make a blausable scenario that had there been more people in the compound, could you have see fewer deaths or more deaths. >> the second part of the equation is they say the american people were lied to about what exactly happened that
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day. four weeks before an election, is this the time to get answers? did you hear anything that provided some answers to the questions, serious questions, about what with dwe know, when did we know it? >> there are serious questions that were posed yet, unfortunately were poseded a in a political environment. the timing of the hearing i think we can say was politically driven and there are investigations going on and even though we were opposiposses pos appropriate questions, there are still things we don't know. encalling the attack terrorism, did the group act on its own or with encouragement from the al qaeda which puts a different color around that group's agenda. these are things we still need to find out. clearly the state department has had trouble constructing and
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sustaining a narrative. it was only on the eve of the hearing that we had the definitive statement that there was no protest that led to -- that preceded the attack. if this was understood days or weeks ago, that probably should have been the initial account which i think can be accounted for through a fog of war, that needed to be corrected sooner rather than just on the cusp of a congressional hearing. >> p.j. crowley, great to have you you on the program. thank you. and an important story that we have been following here, this 14-year-old girl from pakistan who was shot by the taliban was moved to a military hospital this morning for better treatment. doctors say malala is unconscious, but stable. as young as she is, malala has been a passionate and internationally fighter for the right for girls to go to school. gun in enfrom the taliban shot her on tuesday and they vow if
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could've had a v8. woooo! mitt romney is changing his stump speech. he was talking about a former navy s.e.a.l. who was killed in libya on september 11th. they met casually years ago. her mother says she does not want her son's death to be part of romney's political agenda. the romney campaign confirms he will respect her wishes. mitt romney has another problem, though. google the phrase completely wrong and if you look at the images, this is what comes up. lots of pictureses of mitt romney. a google spokesman told cnn that's just what normal analytics produced because in the aftermath of romney's 47% comments, a few days ago he explained, he was, quote, completely wrong.
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big bird costuming are flying off shelves. demand for the big yellow bird costume has spiked for halloween. and if you think that's crazy, listen to about this. pizza hut is running a deal daring someone to ask this question at the next town hall style presidential debate. sausage or pepperoni. anybody who does can get a free pizza for life or a check for 15,000 bucks. >> and have you ever looked at your dog and wondered what are you thinking? it turns out there is a lot of study on this very topic. the results are riveting and "time" magazine and put all the results into one highly entertaining article called with aor dog what your dog is thinki. maybe new buildings? what about updated equipment?
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it's back in the political conversation this morning. abortion rights and what is mitt romney's position. a day after he told the good morning register that he would not pursue any abortion related renlgs la legislation as president, he told voters in ohio that he would take action to reduce the number of abortions. >> i've said i'm a pro-life candidate and i'll be a pro-life president. the actions i'll take immediately are it remove funding for planned parent hood. >> governor romney has made clear that if a bill comes to his desk that overturns roe vs. wade, that he will be fully soopt differen supportive of it and he will have justices that willover current it and now he's trying to cloud the question when it
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comes to women's rights to control their own health care decisions. >> i'm joined thousand by former arkansas center blanche lincoln and tom davis. good morning. congressman davis, the obama campaign says mitt romney has flip flopped on his views on women's health. are they right? >> i think it shows 50/50 women and men in terms of the presidential race, so they're bringing back abortion. no question the governor's views have evolved over time. when he ran the first time no office in massachusetts, he was pro-choice, but he evolved while he was governor, actually vetoing abortion legislation while still governor. so he's evolved over time as has dozens of members of congress that i've served with. >> is he evolving, senator, and is this being emphasized by democrats who see their poll numbers with women, that gender
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gap, closing? >> well, you know, i don't think it should come as any surprise. the campaign made the comment about the etch a sketch and wiping it clean. and i think the real question voters will be asking is if i'm going to vote for this man and if he were to be president, is he going to be the president with the views and on the issues like he was when he was governor or when he was running for the primary or in the last 20 something days of the election. he's been a very different person on issues in all of these areas. and i think it creates confusion for voters. >> this conversation is bringing back what democrats call the war on women and it did get a lot of traction particularly after congressman akin uttered the phrase legitimate rape. now claire mccaskill has new ads that feature rape victims. >> i'm a republican and a pro-life mother and a rape survivor. in the hospital, i was offered emergency contraception because
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declined. no woman should be denied that choice. i've never voted for claire mccass still, but because of todd akin, i will now. >> congressman davis, is this a losing issue with republicans not just with independent women but with some republican women, as well? >> let me just say governor romney repudiated todd akin right away, so bringing it back into the presidential campaign, i think really is not the appropriate place. the governor repudiated akin from the get go saying he repudiated that. the republican establishment threw him under the bus after those comments. i heard that president obama saying that governor romney would sign legislation overturning row v. wade. he can't overturn a constitutional ruling leak that with mere legislation. it would take a constitutional amendment in many cases. so i think they are hyping this at this point because they find
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losing the women's vote and they're going back to an issue that has always worked. i think the issue continues to be employment and that's the issue most people are concerned about. and i think it shows they've fallen behind the polls that they're bringing this back up. >> is he right about that, senator, and we all know that in every race, but particularly in a tight race, ard shal race, it's all about getting out the vote and that enthusiasm. on both sides potentially is this an issue that could get people spurred to go to the polls on november 6th? >> this is a very -- if you're talking about women's reprocec' reproductive health, it's a very sensitive issue for everyone. but for men and women, you know, they don't want to be backed in to a corner on on this issue. i think the most important thing is to know what candidates are saying and whether or not women are going to have a choice. the woman on the ad clearly made a choice. and people can make those choices. but to be denied the opportunity
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to have that choice is a whole different ball game. and i think women understand that, that everybody has a different perspective and belief on some of these issues. but making sure that everyone can be respectful of that and has the opportunity to make a choice like that is something that's important for everybody's health. because everybody's different. everybody's circumstances are different. so i think it's an issue for people to look at and particularly for undecided voters who want to make sure they know where someone stands on something. and jobs is the biggest issue. tom is right. tom is great, does he a great job on polls and other things and he knows that at the heart of this election it is about jobs. but people are not going to forget about other issues that are important to them. >> sthor lincoln, congressman davis, great conversation -- >> let me just say it's important to note that the governor does not agree with todd akin on this issue.
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tromping him out there as representing romney is just wrong. >> thank you both for bringing on the program. let me bring in todd hensarling. you know that the attacks are out there about mitt romney and his changing positions. the analysis in the "washington post" is that while there can be some dispute about whether he's actually changed some positions, there is no question his emphasis and tone on health care, taxes and other issues have changed. is this potentially a problem, do people know what mitt romney stands for? >> i think the real change is what people are looking for in this economy. they would like for president obama to have a different plan after we have four years of the worst economy since the great depression. so to some extent i see it as the politics of diversion from what is the real issue. and the issue is you've got 23 million of our fellow country men who can't find full-time
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work who want it and are having trouble paying their utility bills, putting gas in the car and figuring out how can i ever send my kids to college. we got one in send on food stamps according to the send sis bureau, half of america is now either in poverty or near poverty, and yet the president only offers us a tax increase on small businesses. >> let me ask you about taxes -- >> the real issue about change is the president going to change to pro growth economic policies and there has been no change whatsoever in what mitt romney and paul ryan want to do as far as making the tax code there fair, flatter, simpler, more competitive. >> let me ask you about this. the deduction he favored ranged from make up a number to following bowles simpson as a model. and take the deduction by deduction and make up the
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deductions that way. the day before, a propose that would hit the wealthy. that wasn't the plan either because aides who rushed to point out that this would go along with a movable personal exemption. the tax plan does seem to have some holes in it. people are confused about how he'll make up the money. >> here's the framework. i served on bowles-simpson. by one estimate, you have a third of the tax code that is so-called tax expenditures, spending through the tax code. what governor romney and what paul ryan have said is let's have a fair flatter simpler more competitive tax code, bring down rates and broaden the base. start to get rid of all the different loopholes and all the different exemptions. and so this is how you can have a tax code again that is fair, flatter, simpler and is revenue
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neutral, which of course we have now -- there's at least a half dozen economists, economic organizations, who have said this is true. you've had fact checkers with respect to the president's claim that this increases taxers say that's false. it doesn't. so here is the framework and what mitt romney said is i'm willing to work with both sides of the aisle republicans and sdms to get the details right and t president has never worked with republicans. there is no doubt that the president wants to increase taxes on small businesses, the job engine of america. >> i think there's no doubt we just heard a review what have we might hear from paul ryan tonight. congressman, thank you so much. and on that huge garage collapse in florida, authorities say a third construction worker has now died. a man they pulled from the rubble overnight. the new five story garage
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collapsed yesterday afternoon. rescue crews are rushing to find the last missing construction worker. >> the number of people applying for unemployment dropped last week to the lowest level in more than four years. the labor department says the weekly applications fell by 30,000 to a seasonally adjusted 339,000. the four week average dropped to a six month low. foreclosures are also also down paul to go a five year low. mandy drury is here with what's moving your money. i guess the big question a lot of people want to know, is it possible we've actually seen the worst of the foreclosure crisis? >> we sure hope so, chris. foreclosure filings on u.s. homes for the month of september fell to their lowest in five years as you mentioned. some states are seeing their foreclosures rise, but we're talking about the overall decrease here which puts the combined number of, for example, reports of default notices, scheduled auctions, bank repossessions, all those things at the lowest total since july 2007. it's also 7% less than august's
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rate and down 16% from september 2011. all that together means realty trac at least says we are past the worst of the foreclosure crisis. before we get excited, though, one caveat. and that is it is taking longer to foreclose. the process is getting longer. which automatically reduces the foreclosure numbers. so where he have to be careful with this one. >> mandy drury, thank you. employees sometimes really do say the darnedest things. is out with its list of real excuses folks have used recently to call out si sick. here's a few. i'm too upset to come to woman after watching the hunger games. my dead grand mother is being exhumed for an investigation. there is always the excuse of accidently drinking antifreeze, eating too much after a party, and one employee called out after he hurt his back chasing a beaver. i have a cold, and i took nyquil,
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he is the busiest guy on the campaign trail who is not actually running for anything. this week bill clinton is in las vegas, arizona, california, iowa, indiana, talking up candidates for the house and senate, not to mention the president. let me bring in ann lewis, former communications director for bill clinton. always good to see you. good morning. >> good morning. >> so of course the former president's convention speech was absolutely off the charts. candidates are clamoring to be seen with him. is bill clinton bigger than he's ever been? >> that's an interesting question. you're right, he sort of came back into our political focus at the convention. if you think about it, clinton who had been out of office for eight years has been working at the clinton foundation, at the clinton global initiative, he's been bringing health care and economic opportunity to people around the world. and then he steps into the political spotlight as he it at the convention and we all go
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wow. he has it. he can talk about the economy, the direction of the economy. country. what he says makes such good sense and we want more. >> he has a very impressive campaign schedule. here are just a few. he was in arizona with richard carmona running for senate. and he told one of his stories about how carmona was both a surgeon and on a s.w.a.t. team at the same time. >> part of the time he was head of the s.w.a.t. team. so the head of the s.w.a.t. team is a raw made surgeon. i expect before this is on over to see one of those republican super pacs run an ad attacking him for trying to generate business for himself. only reason he did it was so he could wound a few people and make a job for himself as a trauma surgeon.
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>> you talk about him connecting and he does it in that way. does he sit up all night trying to figure out these stories? it really is one of the most natural things that has ever been seen in modern politics the way he tells those stories. >> you're right. and when you see that, you understand why more and more candidates are asking him to come to their district. i have heard from people, i hadn't heard from for years, who are hopingky put in a good word and i'm not part of his political operation now. i think there are two things that make bill clinton so effective. and the first is he really cares about these issues. he cares about the direction of the country. he spends a lot of time thinking about it, thinking about economics, thinking about which policies will make sense. but the second part is he enjoys it. he likes going out there and campaigning. he likes this chance to meet people, to listen to them, to talk with them. to think about how he can best explain what's at stake to reach the largest number of people. and that enjoyment comes through. >> so it begs the question, how
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much is it bill clinton just loving to be out there on the campaign trail and how much of it collecting chips just in case hillary clinton runs for president? >> i have to go he back to my first point which is that he knows this election is important. there are a lot of things former presidents can do. a lot of them are more relaxing than being out on the campaign trail. bill clinton believes that the choices we make in this election are important for our country. that's what he told us the night of the convention. that's the single biggest reason. that's why he does it and that's what comes through. if this were just a political maneuver, he would not be so effective. >> put your strategist hat on for just a minute. there was an op-ed in the hill that said the president should fight to the end to defend bill bird, but if he wants to be reelected, she stand as close as possible to bill clinton. and i'm wondering how does the obama campaign use him best? where is bill clinton, how is
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bill clinton most effective? >> i think we've already seen some very, very effective operations with bill clinton. and of course that begins with the convention where you can see the numbers moving as bill clinton spoke. you've seen him going into target states, working with candidates who in turn will turn out the vote that will make a difference for president obama. and he is also and not so incidentally in a year in which democrats are facing this flood of post-citizen united super pac money, bill clinton has done fund-raising with the president, he's been doing fund-raising alone. he's been a real partner every step of the way. >> ann lewis, good to have you. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. today's tweet of the day comes from chelsea clinton. she writes happy 37th anniversary to my mom and dad. and put up a picture of them at their wedding. there it is. research suggests ch plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants
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in addition to his uncontrolled ver bossity, pie deny is a gaffe machine. can you reassure voters in this country that you would have the discipline you would need on the world stage, senator? >> yes. tonight it is the prime time showdown between joe biden and paul ryan. and while this will be their first and only debate, the two have tangled before during a white house health care summit in 2010. >> i'm always reluctant after being here 37 years to tell people what the american people think. i think it requires a little bit of humility. >> i respectfully disagree with the vice president. we are all representatives of the american people. we all talk to our constituents. and the american people are engaged. and if you think they want a government takeover of health care, i would submit you're not listening to them.
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>> this is fascinating to me. so you have joe biden 69, paul ryan 72, a baby boomer versus a generation xer. we saw some feistiness there from paul ryan. tell me what you're looking for tonight. >> i think the psychology of this debate is very interesting actually. because it tells me that it's really not about the two people debating really. it's about how they project themselves and their personality to the top of the ticket and how do they propject for the two-ma team. so that's kind of interesting right off the bat. i think it's easier if it's one to one, but in this case, they have to project out and go to the top of the ticket and promote that. >> and two guys who are used to frankly being at the top, i mean, obviously joe biden's been vice president. part of what has been written a lot about is the split screen. and people -- a lot of people in the debate world don't like it. they feel it makes them feel uncomfortable. you always have to sort of know
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that there's a reaction shot there. i want to read to you from the "new york times" article about that. their biggest fear, the dreaded split screen so the this has long be deviled presidential candidates who no matter how many times they are reminded seem to sometimes to get that they are still on camera even when they're not speaking. last week president obama became the latest to fail to put on what people in the television business call neutral face. a warm but flat expression that be trays no hint of whatever feelings might be simmering inside. how important is this? >> it's kind of important. it's a factor. your body language and how you present yourself is important. for example, with biden, has some very refwlek difference eyes. if he's staring down at ryan, you're going to get a really good picture as to what he's thinking about when ryan responds to a question. in particular if ryan is telling the truth.
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and in ryan's case, i think he has sharp edges that works for his personality. but how his facial expressions come across is really important when you have a rough personality. >> we'll be watching a along with you tonight. it will be really interesting. thank you so much for coming in. and that will come it for this hour. richard lui, what will you be looking for tonight? >> social media, that's right. we'll be watching all of the comments. a good day to all of you. next hour, ed schultz joins us live. can biden give the obama campaign a much needed shot in the arm with a knockout performance and will this be the night that he gives the red meat to the base that went to sleep disappointed yesterday. and debbie wasserman schultz joins us. will women's issues finally take center stage tonight. and we'll crunch the numbers on a slew of new polls. but plenty of hope left for team obama. ah.
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i'm in for thomas roberts. topping the agenda, the battle in the blue grass. tonight joe biden and paul ryan face off for the first and only time before election day. with team obama effectively on the ropes, can the current vice president deliver a knockout punch, avoid any bidenesque gaffes and serve up a much needed democratic thrill in danville. >> he is looking forward to tonight. he's raring to go. >> harry truman said i don't give him hell, i just tell it like it is. and they feel like they're in hell. >> well, tonight will be paul ryan's first time debating on a national stage. can he go toe to toe with a debating veteran and block any possibility of a joe momentum? >> one of of the
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