tv The Last Word MSNBC October 15, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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>> the court, the next president will get one or two supreme court nominees. that's how close roe v. wade is. just ask yourself with robert bork being the chief adviser on the court for mr. romney, who do you think he's likely to appoint? someone like scalia or someone else on the court far right that would outlaw abortion? i suspect that would happen. >> what emerged from the vice presidential debate on thursday mere clearly that was said on a national stage. is that if you believe abortion should remain legal, that fundamental right hinges on this election more than ever. now it's time for "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. less than 24 hours until the
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next presidential debate and only 22 days until the presidential election, and the polls are tighter than ever. are you nervous yet? well, your old buddy rob reiner is here to calm you down. >> today well mark what most be the most important week of this campaign. >> high stakes. >> second presidential date. >> that could mark a major turning point in this campaign. >> especially for the president. >> he has to deliver a more aggressive performance. >> more aggressive president. >> he's going to be more assertive. >> firm but respectful. >> a very close contest. >> this race is a dead heat. >> 49% to 46%. >> a dead heat. >> tighter than the locks on his opponent's car elevator. >> the president has an advantage in ohio. >> the republicans need to win ohio. >> a critical state. >> it's almost impossible for
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governor romney to win the election. >> the president he's lead there has been 5, 6, points. >> the obama campaign is leaving nothing to chance. >> president barack obama. >> former president bill clinton? are we better off? you bet we are. if obama wins it it may be because a former president saved his presidency. >> i am clinton. as overlord, all will kneel before me and obey my commands. end communication. with just 22 days until election and 23 hours until the second presidential debate, a new "washington post" poll shows the number of undecided voters shrinking. nearly two-thirds say they do not need any more information bere election day, and barely
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one in eight is undecided or says there is a chance he or she could change the vote. while president obama spent today in debate prep in virginia, michelle obama campaigned in ohio, where the latest poll of likely voters shows the president ahead by five points. >> this morning, let me tell you what i did. the i cast my ballot early for barack obama. it felt so good right now, my absentee ballot is on its way to my hometown, chicago, illinois, and that means we are one vote closer to re-electing my husband and moving this country forward for four more years. >> fox news chief rupert murdoch tweeted this on saturday. at moment, election looks like coming down to ohio, huge
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spending by both sides, but obama tv buying operation infinitely smarter. today's president obama's infinitely smarter operation released this television ad in four swing states. >> we've gone from pulling into our parking lot, whether i was so depressing it would be two or three cars in this parking lot to a parking lot being full. >> we have a whole second shift that we bought in new employees and we have a future at our plant now. >> when you look the athe president's plan, i don't think there could be any question that we're on the right course for today's economy. >> the president does get what people need and that's jobs and the opportunity to help with themselves. >> stick with this guy. he will move us forward. >> i'm barack obama and i approved this message. >> here's what the star of the highest rated daytime show among young women had to say about mitt romney today. >> governor romney was supposed to be on with us this thursday with p ann romney, we were
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looking forward to it. over the weekend, his people said that he had scheduling problems and would not be come on with us, nor at this point did he feel that he could reschedule. >> mitt romney actually explained months ago why he's afraid of going on "the view." >> "the view" is high risk because five women on it only one is conservative four are sharp tongued and not conservati conservative. >> this weekend paul ryan made a desperate attempt to show how much he cares for 47%. but it was a little too desperate. he dropped by an ohio soup kitchen for a photo op. the president of the charity told "the washington post" today. we are apolitical because the funding is from donations.
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it is strictly in our bylaws not to do it. the photo op they did wasn't even accurate. he did nothing. he just came in here to get his picture taken at the dining hall. the post reports they snapped pictures of ryan washing pots and pans that did not appear to be dirty. three new national polls of likely voters show the race in a statistical tie. a "washington post" poll shows president obama polling at 49% and mitt romney 47%. and president obama in a gallup poll 47% 49%. the poll also serve i'd likely voters in the swing states and had president obama polling at 51% and mitt romney at 46%.
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politico has president obama at 48%, romney at 50%. tonight's nate silver's forecasts that president obama will win 289 and mitt romney will within 249. and president obama's chance of re-election went up to 66% tonight. rob reiner you are not afraid of going on "the view" no. >> i'll be the oldest person ever to be on the cycle. >> you're the only non-host here so good luck trying to get a word in. >> i know you're the calmest man in the approach to these elections when it gets tight and the polling ahmadening, i know you stay calm.
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>> i do. >> what do you recommend to the nervous viewer out there? >> first of all, these two candidates are not running for president of the united states. they're running for president of ohio. >> yes. >> so if you could just relax and look at ohio, we're doing well in ohio. i think we will carry ohio. they've said no republican has ever won the presidency without winning ohio and i think we will prove that again this time. >> krystal, he just calmed me down already. >> you feel better already? >> just keep your eye e-r. on ohio. >> that's been one of the trends. the president has a couple of points nationally which is what the polls are now settling too after romney's debate bounce. and ohio is doing better because both the ohio local economy is doing better on the strength of the president's auto bailout and also because they've been so effective at framing the debate and talking about mitt romney and what his career has entailed
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and what his positions are, that it really has actually moved the needle there in a compelling way. >> steve, a lot of photo ops have a certain amount of phoneyness in them, but paul ryan going to the soup kitchen thing, they don't usually back fire that bad. rush limbaugh could have told them because he doesn't want them to disown that 47% comment. >> there are a lot of people who agreed with him when he made the comments about the 47%. so he's got to be very careful about -- i think -- it seems like the tendency is to just apologize thinking that will get it off the table. and it won't. that's just a brand new door opening. romney admits he was wrong. romney admits, romney admits. what else is romney wrong about?
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>> what don't they follow his advice on this one? >> rush limbaugh can't lose in this election. >> he's rooting for obama. >> i take it you're probably not a regular rush listener. >> i have become one because you guys play it so much. >> the clips you hear here. >> look, he can, if romney goes on and loses this election right now, rush limbaugh gets to say it's because he didn't listen to me but at the same time what we've seen for the last two weeks, rush limbaugh's comments not today notwithstanding, most lead rears have been giving him some latitude to run as a moderate from a rhetorical standpoint. so they may be able to get their candidate elected, but if that back fires they can blame it on him not being conservative enough. >> i think there's a danger
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before romney's debate performance you were having people come out and complain about his campaign. >> complaining? >> panic, publicly complaining about it. and i think if he has a poor performance and slips down in the polls, i think you'll start hearing more like what rush limbaugh is saying here. there will be less latitude to move to the center. >> rob, we always say the polls always tighten. >> yes, they do. >> and then when the polls tighten, people are always shocked. >> yes. >> there's something distressingly human about this. >> i know. well, you know, they said before the conventions and before the 47% and all of that, that this was going to be a turnout election. and that's what it's turning out to be. and that's why again, i would say to my fellow democrats to relax. because i believe we have the best ground game ever. we had a great one in 2008 and we have an even better one now, particularly in ohio. so i feel very comfortable about
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our turnout. >> that is the way george w. bush won ohio in his last campaign was the ground game in ohio, a flip of 60,000 votes there and john kerry would have been president. >> the one thing a week ago, two weeks ago before the first debate, there was a possibility that i think obama was ahead by about four points nationally and there was a pobltd with a really strong debate performance there by obama that would have set the conservative panic to the critical mass. at that point what would have come into play was the house. i was getting ready to write that maybe the democrats can rin the house after all column around that point. i think now we're at the point where yeah, obama is still decently positioned to win this thing, the idea having the house and having one party control gone, that's probably off the table now. >> some senate races are going well for democrats where they didn't expect it. >> yeah, still looking strong for the senate.
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i think virginia will be one that as goes the presidential race so goes the senate. overall it looks like democrats have a good chance to hold the senate. >> do you know why president obama underperformed according to some people in the first debate? >> this guy right here. he should have been in debate prep. he should have been directing the reaction shot. >> yes. i mean, gore was with that and the sighing with that and president obama was looking at his notes, didn't seem to be engaged and i agree with steve, when you have somebody on the ropes, that's when you've got to deliver the knockout punch and we didn't do it. it was an interesting article which described the psychology of what goes on with obama and it may be true. he fights better from behind in a kind of weird way, he might have put himself in a position where now i have to fight, which is where he is now. and so hopefully we'll see the
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better, you know, the better obama come out tomorrow night. >> you know, you've been in the audition room a lot in your life. >> yes. >> but it's been hundreds of years since you were on the auditioning side of the audition room. i just want to tell you it's gone so well. >> hundreds of years. >> that we're going to bring you back later in the show for another. >> really? you mean i passed the audition. >> we need you back. >> thank you. >> krystal beel and steve kernake, thank you for joining us. coming up, bill clinton's roll in the campaign of obama. the fortunate son of a republican governor turns out to be an american idiot. no, it is not the idiot you think it is. and later, yes, the award winning actor, writer, director, public policy expert and all
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around political wise man rob reiner will come back and he's going to show us a political ad that he has just directed. that's coming up. i'm so g lad you called. thank you. we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. a great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working around the clock to help protect your money and financial information. here's your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] wells fargo. together we'll go far.
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. coming up on "the last word," the fight over the rules in today's presidential date. joy reid and karen finney will be here. and bill clinton has become president obama's biggest champion on the campaign trail. and women for obama get tonight's last word. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... advanced headlights... and zero gravity seats?
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president obama started with a much weaker economy than i did. listen to me now. no president, no president, not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years. >> that was you know who at the democratic convention saying something that only an ex-president could say. since then bill clinton has gleefully campaigned for president obama. >> i couldn't believe the other day when the president's opponent said that the 47% of the american people who don't pay income tax just want to hang around and be dependent on the
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government and, you know, we just had to wean them off of that because they didn't want to pay income tax. now, a guy with a tax account in the cayman islands is attacking other people for not wanting to -- i mean, you've got to give him credit. >> a well placed democratic operative tells "new york magazine" this about the former and current president. the relationship today is totally transactional and highly functional. the john hileman, i'm so glad you're here so we can talk about this. >> there's no where i'd rather be. >> in your piece you say clinton is revelling in seeing his legacy restored to what he regards as its rightful status a restoration that will mightily benefit his wife if she hurls herself at the white house again in 2016. >> so 2016 starts now? >> it does, look, the democratic
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party is already looking for it and a lot of people around hillary clinton are wondering what she's going to do. every other candidate has to kind of hang fire. they're all frozen in place until she decides what she's going to do because it has a huge impact on fund raisers and donors. and her husband really wants her to run and he's telling her he wants her to run and he's not putting pressure on her but he's going to be her biggest booster. >> you also write the opening premise under most democrats is that if hillary does choose to dive in, the nomination will be more than herself for the taking. it will be handed to her on a silver salver. my understanding from people in the world of both of these people, hillary clinton, andrew
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cuomo, they are both laying the groundwork that they need to lay right now in talking to the people they expect to be pulling in their money from. >> this is the ultimate truth is that cuomo knows that he's frozen. i talk to new york donors all the time. there are a lot of them that love both of them but no one if they have to choose is going to choose andrew cuomo over clinton because it's her last chance. in 2008 democrats were torn between two possibilities, by a hair they went with the african-american. many democrats believe it's time for a woman. she's the most popular woman politician in the country and i think most of the party wants her to have it. they want her to be the nominee and they want her to be president. she's had an incredible run of secretary state and she missed it in 2008. even people who voted for obama thought she was great but that
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he was just better. >> i think you'll find a lot of people felt good about her missing it. they were voting for barack obama from the start. >> yeah. >> you make interesting speculation here about what will bill clinton's role be in the obama world after the election. >> the people around barack obama all say the most important event in the campaign so far was that speech and the most important single sentence was the one you showed. he worked on that line for an hour, just word smithing it to get it perfect. so there's a lot of sense of gratitude towards him. he wants to have a big role. he's felt bad about being locked out for the last few years. he wants it more than obama wants the relationship, bill clinton wants the relationship. he and he doesn't want it to end on election day. he has friends around him saying as soon as he wins, it's going
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to be over. so a lot of people around clinton who say president obama is going to go back and try to get the grand bargain done on tax reform and who's a better validatetor for that? there's no one who can sell to a skeptical democratic party the virtues of deficit reduction, of what a balanced budget would mean for allowing there to be investment in cherished democratic programs. he's the guy. he's the guy who made public investments while balancing the budget, while bringing a surplus on. a lot of skittish democrats would look to bill clinton as a validatetor. >> the very first thing bill clinton did with medicare was cut it. and we just got word today from the treasury that it looks like the debt ceiling will ripen right in the middle of january. they're going to need to raise the debt ceiling which means there's going to have to be some
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kind of deal. >> coming up in the rewrite tonight, we have a new american idiot and he turns out to be of all things, the son of a republican former governor. and like mitt romney, who is also the son of a republican governor, this one likes to make jokes about where president obama was born. america's new biggest idiot is in tonight's rewrite. what's next? he's going to apply testosterone to his underarm. axiron, the only underarm treatment for low t,
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>> in england tonight, doctors are caring for 14-year-old malala who was shot in the head by taliban pakistan because she wanted an education for herself and for all girls in pakistan. malala is at the hospital who has a special unit. it has one of the world's largest critical care units for patients with gunshot wounds. pakistani police have arrested three cyst pekts who are between the ages of 17 and 22. sources say they gave police the name of a man they say planned the attack. [ male announcer ] the 2013 smart comes with 8 airbags,
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[ male announcer ] the exceedingly nimble, ridiculously agile, tight turning, fun to drive 2013 smart. ♪ in the spotlight tonight the debate, at this hour, this very minute, tomorrow night, you will be being told who won the second presidential debate of 2012. i probably will not be telling you who won, since i usually don't have the confidence that i can read the minds of undecided voters' interpretations of what
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candidates say in these sem semi-ridiculous forums we call presidential debates. you will also be being told at this hour just how good or bad the presidential debate moderator was mostly by people who have never moderated a presidential debate, and despite the fact that the presidential commission designed the debates so that the moderator would be virtually invisible and have no effect on the debit. jim lehrer was criticized for having established the rules to stay out of the way and let the candidates out of the way. and martha raddatz was widely praised for violating the rules by asking follow-up questions. can candy crowley said this. >> it's also very hard to evade a question that comes from a
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town hall person. and the nice thing will be if the town hall person asks apples and they answer oranges, i go wait a second, the question was about apples, let's follow up on that. there's the opportunity to drill down on the subjects. >> they appear to violate the presidential debate comilgs's secret mem up of understanding, a set of debate rules and agreed to and signed by both campaigns. "time magazine" got a copy of that and published. it states the moderator will not ask follow-up question questions or comment on either the questions asked by the audience or the answers of the candidates during the debate or otherwise intervene except to acknowledge the questioners from the audience or enforce the time limits and invite candidate comments during the two-minute
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response period. in the wake of candy crowley's comments, bob bauer and been ginsberg of the romney campaign jointly reached out to the commission that the moderator's comments seemed to be in direct conflict with the terms of their agreement. they sent back word they would discuss the matter with crowley. meanwhile, david axelrod says tomorrow's debate will be one worth watching. >> i just encourage you to watch and show up. i think it will be an interesting debate. >> will he be more aggressive? >> i think he's going to be aggressive in making the case for his view of where we should go as a country. but the other thing he's certainly going to do, we saw governor romney sort of serially walk away from his own proposals and certainly the president is going to be willing to challenge him. on it as we saw the vice
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president challenge paul ryan. so we're going to give governor romney another chance on tuesday to try and square this impossible circle. >> joy reid, the obama campaign responded to the rules controversy today. they said the president is looking forward to the debate tomorrow night, looking forward to answering questions from the american people who will be in the audience. but he is prepared for and is ready to take questions from whereever they come. this is something that i have predicted in the past would have to happen. if one of the candidate tried to hide behind the rules publicly, they would look weak. so the obama campaign rushed out to say no, no, we're not going to fight this whole issue of candy crowley following up. the romney campaign thinks they still want to hold her to those rules. >> working the ref has been a republican strategy of dragging
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the moderator in that you're biassed and therefore anything you ask me that's tough is a result of your bias. i think the president's team does not want to be seen playing that game. i hope candy crowley violates those rules. what are they going to do her? >> nothing. >> it's live tv. >> like right now, you can do anything. it's live tv. >> she should violate the rules. she is not a potted plant. the woman is supposed to be there to do a job and if the idea is we're going to let 70 completely undecided voters who can't negotiate the difference between barack obama and mitt romney after two full years of a campaign we're going to let them do their thing and candy crowley is supposed to stand there and say you didn't answer that person's question we're going to just who have on. >> karen finney, i have a lot of problems with these rules. i think it should be representative of the public,
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there should be some democrats, republicans there, people with their minds made up. and further as i sit here friday night, i think the candidates should absolutely be allowed to bring as many rules or notes, briefcases, whatever they want, as much as they need to read from. because that's the way real life is, you get to do that. they should have at least one staff member if not their entire kitchen cabinet since no president ever makes a decision alone and without advice. and they should get all the questions in advance because i want to hear their most thought-out, careful answer to every one of these questions. i don't want to reward them for how quick they are, how fast they are. this is not the s.a.t.s. i could go on and on, but karen what are you looking for tomorrow night? >> but it's like an oral dissertation. the expectation is that people -- here's what i think is going to be the most important. people are going to ask their questions and frankly, i have to tell you i think sometimes the
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questions that ordinary americans ask are better than journalists ask. >> frequently they are better. >> but they generally ask the things that really matter to them in their lives, which is always interesting to hear. but i think one of the most important things is, you know, despite the roll of the moderator in the next debate, it's really the role of how each candidate treats the questioner that i think is so critical. again, you will have a person who looks like your neighbor or someone you know asking a question and if that person looks like they didn't get an answer or if candy says wait a second, as you pointed out in that clip the question was apples and you answered oranges and tries to bring it back wl requests, that''s going to resonate with voters. can i trust this person? is this person respectful of the individual asking the question? are they really giving a straight answer or is it a canned talking point. so i think that is going to be one of the most interesting things to watch tomorrow night,
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in addition to what the answers actually are. >> so i guess i'm alone joy in agreeing with the presidential commission about this wovern thing which is get the moderate torsion out of the way. we don't need them. you don't need them in court rooms, you just need a judge to say that's out of order or sustained. but you don't have moderators in senate debates. in real debates, each side just says what it wants to say, reacts off what the other one has said and no one remembers that there's any moderator involved. >> i think you do need moderators in the sense if you don't have somebody there who is essentially a time keeper. you can just have two guys go on and on and they'll just say they're talking points. but i think one of the other things that's interesting -- >> when has a moderator ever gotten a candidate not to use a talking point in the history of televised depats. >> i would arlg u that martha
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raddatz did it. they know bill clinton walking up to that woman and feeling her pain. it's those intangible moments in those debates. >> the other thing too i would just say when the person asks a question, again, the interaction is so important, but also the moderator's role, i know you don't like the moderator, but yes, the candidate may give those canned talking points, but the moderator kind of helps underscore that point. and again, that's an important point that voters want to see. does that answer the question asked. >> thank you for joining me tonight. >> thanks. >> coming up in the rewrite. the fortunate son of a republican governor shows us what a true american idiot signs like. and actor, writer, director rob reiner will join me to show us a new campaign ad he's just directed. husband.
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lost your appetite for romance? and your mood is on its way down. you might not just be getting older. you might have a treatable condition called low testosterone or low t. millions of men, forty-five or older, may have low t. so talk to your doctor about low t. hey, michael! [ male announcer ] and step out of the shadows. hi! how are you? [ male announcer ] learn more at [ laughs ] hey! since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ coming up, the rewrite is
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next. and later, women remind women why voting for president obama is good for their health. women for obama get tonight's last word. that's coming. >> wow, one take. no rehearsal. keep doing this. >> your job is in jeopardy. >> i know. they have teachers... ...with a deeper knowledge of their subjects. as a result, their students achieve at a higher level. let's develop more stars in education. let's invest in our teachers... they can inspire our students. let's solve this. [ male announcer ] it's time for medicare open enrollment. are you ready? time to compare plans and see what's new. you don't have to make changes, but it's good to look. maybe you can find better coverage, save money, or both.
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idi idiot? of course you don't. but it's too late for jason thompson who officially became an american idiot yesterday. he was probably just a local idiot in wis until yesterday when he said this. >> we have the opportunity to send president obama back to chicago. or kenya. we have an opportunity -- >> we're taking donations for that kenya trip. >> and that is the latest video we have from a republican fund raiser. and like most video we have from republican fund risers, it shows the guy with the microphone being an idiot and speaking to an audience that includes at least one or more idiots. when jason thompson says we have the opportunity to send president obama back to chicago or kenya, the audience is not
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uncomfortably silent, as smart audiences are at the sound of a very, very bad joke. the audience applauds the idea. and one of the idiots in the audience actually says, we're taking donations for that kenya trip. jason thompson is the i haddon son of a republican governor. idiot sons of republican governors tell very, very bad jokes like that all the time. >> now, i love being home in this place where ann and i were raised, where both of us were born. no one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. they know this is the place that we were born and raised. >> we know republicans hate affirmative action. and have high hopes that affirmative action in college admissions will be found unconscious tuitional in a case pending before the supreme court right now. republicans hate affirmative
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action, except of course, when it comes to the idiot sons of republican governors who enjoy having their way paved for them in politics and enjoy their ability to an affirmatively exploit their famous last name's. jason thompson's father tommy thompson was governor of wisconsin when jason was in high school. when it came time to apply to college, jason applied to and very surprisingly was accepted at the university of wisconsin. wow. getting accepted at a university where your father controls the budget of that university. not a whiff of favoritism there. then, little jason managed to somehow get himself into the university of wisconsin law school. again, again, without a hint of affirmative action for governor's idiot sons being a factor in his admission to law school. i know what some of you are thinking, and only some of you. he can't be an idiot if he went
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to law school. the only way you can think that is if you've somehow managed to avoid jury duty your whole life. jason is now a lawyer in the same politically connected law firm in milwaukee that employs the current chairman of the national republican party, who was actually in the room of idiot applauders when little jason said, we have the opportunity to send president obama back to chicago or kenya. the we don't know if chairman prebus was one of the idiots who clapped and we never will. he did issue a statement saying jason's comment was, quote, out of line. of course, he issued that statement only after he was outed as being in the audience of idiots who applauded the out-of-line statement. out of line? not wrong?
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not malicious? just out of line? not fanning a demented racial animous toward president obama? what political speak what prebus is saying is what jason thompson said is true, but you should not get caught publicly saying it and if if you do, i will have to say it's out of line, but don't worry. the i won't say it's not true. just out of line. jason's father is now running for senate in wisconsin where he is trailing democratic congress woman tamy baldwin. he began the race heavy favored to win but tammy has rewritten the resume to include some things wisconsin voters might not have known. >> this pill helps prevent heart attacks. for the v.a. it cost $1.37.
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but under medicare it cost taxpayers three times more. why? tommy thompson. he cut deals while working for george bush. then tommy made millions at a d.c. lobbying firm working for drug companies. tommy thompson, he's not for you anymore. >> tammy baldwin is doing her part to rewrite the image of the thompson name in wisconsin from political winner to political loser. everyone thinks jason thompson will some day make his move and finally get his name on a ballot. and then it will be up to wisconsin voters to save us all from this american idiot. >> we have the opportunity to send president obama back to chicago. or kenya.
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>> i want to talk to you about women. >> and about mitt romney. >> mitt romney is for ending funding to planned parenthood. >> including cancer screenings. >> he said he would overturn roe v. wade. >> we have republicans trying to redefine rape. >> if you think that this election won't affect you and your life, think again. >> vote. >> vote. >> vote for barack obama. >> is responsible for this advertisement.
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>> you know what i wonder when i look at that ad? >> what? >> who directed that. >> there's a good thing there's a chance you might find that out. >> i think it's probably somebody like a really heavy weight big time director, this guy like oscar nominated kind of guy. like rob reiner. >> yes. >> it has that reiner touch. >> but i also want to give a shot out to my wife who produced the ad. >> you teamed up on this? >> we did team up. >> how did it come about? >> we were talking about the fact that, you know, obama had such strength amongst women and then we saw that strength starting to erode in a lot of -- >> tightened the gender gap. >> we felt this was an issue that needed to be talked about. i'll tell you why in a second how critical it is in terms of the election. >> these polls are tightening, and martha raddatz in the last
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five minutes of the debate, brought up women's health issues. and it had not been brought up in the first debate and all through the second debate. and for the first time, we saw an area that the republicans could not dance around. this was a clear distinction between what the republican party stand for and what the democrats stand for. and you know because you've been on the hill, you've spent a lot of time on the hill. you know how difficult it is to get legislation passed, especially with, you know, the filibuster-happy senate. the one area, which is tax policy, whether it's energy policy, whatever. it's going to be difficult and they're going to have to negotiate. the one area that a president has real power is in nominations to the supreme court. an area that never gets talked about in presidential debates. how critical that is. >> it is on this show officially
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the number one reason to vote for a president. the selection of supreme court justices. >> it is. and particularly for this issue. because romney is on record, he wants to overturn roe v.wade. it just takes one justice to change the balance of that court and it will be gone. so if you're concerned about protecting your reproductive health rights, then that's the reason. and you can debate about the tax policies and all of those things and they're going to be, you know, compromised and so on -- >> it's harder, the abortion discussion i think was the he'siest part of the debates to follow. >> yes. because romney can obfuscate all
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he wants and he could say i'm didn't say 5 trillion and i'm going to close loopholes and nobody is going to really check him even though, you know, no study has shown that that math works out. we know it doesn't people do understand oh, you mean, you're going to tell me what i'm going to do with my body or not? that's a very clear thing and people can understand that. and we're very close and we've taken out some, move on has taken out some spots in virginia and in colorado and these are areas where if we can -- iths very tight in those states. >> you can target this kind of advertising very specifically. >> yes. and this is targeted for women. we bought on women's shows -- if women do care. if you're a woman and you care about your choices, reproductive choices, there's no way you can vote -- >> you're the father of a
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