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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  October 23, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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dignity. i think romney has a more self-righteous view of america's rights in the world and it's discredited. george w. did that for us. with romney we've been doing what we did before. what got us into trouble before, hoping that doing it the same way would have a different result. there's no logical reason to believe that would be so. that's "hardball" for tonight. thanks for being with us. "politicsnation" with al sharpton starts right now. thanks, chris, and thanks to you for tuning in. we are 14 days to election day and here's where the race stands. a new poll shows president obama with a two-point national lead over mitt romney. 48% to 46%. nbc's battleground map shows the president has 243 electoral votes, solidly in his corner while mitt romney has 206 in his. 89 electoral votes are considered toss ups.
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remember, it takes 270 votes to win the presidency. the latest from the "new york times'" 538 blog gives the president a 78% chance of winning. romney has 30% chance. 5.1 million people have already voted. that includes more than 812,000 people in the key state of ohio. we'll have much more later in the show. but we start with tonight's lead. plan of attack. at a big rally today in florida, the president unveiled a new 20-page plan for the policies he's been talking about all this year. it's his agenda for the future. a detailed look, the american people are not getting from mitt romney. >> in this campaign, i've laid out a plan for jobs and middle
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class security. and unlike mitt romney, i'm actually proud to talk about what's in it. because my plan actually will move america forward. and by the way, the math in my plan adds up. >> i ask folks, compare my plan to governor romney's. see which plan is better for you. and for america's future. >> the president ripped romney's move to the middle at last night's debate. >> now, we've come up with a name for this condition. it's called romnesia. we had a severe outbreak last
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night. it was at least stage three romnesia. his jobs plan doesn't really create jobs. his deficit plan doesn't reduce the deficit. it adds to it. his foreign policies from the 1980s, his social policies from the 1950s. his economic policies are from the 1920s. so everything he's doing right now is to hide his real positions and try to win this election. >> in the next three days, the president will kriss-cross the country in an unprecedented swing state blitz. he's visiting six toss up states from ohio to nevada to florida. he'll also appear on the "today" show and he'll stop at home in chicago to vote. the first time ever that a president will vote early. he'll be everywhere.
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he's even spending the night on air force one on a red eye flight from the west coast. and mitt romney, he's avoiding the media. politico says his campaign is refusing to commit to any interviews. there is only one closing argument for these final days and a clear road to victory. his name is obama. joining me now is michelle cottle, washington correspondent for newsweek and the daily beast and jamal simmons, democratic principle at the raven group. thank you both for joining me tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> michelle, let me start with you. 14 days to go, what's the key in this final sprint? >> well, debates are over, a lot of it is going to come down to ground game in tight races.
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it always does. romney says he's avoiding media interviews. he's going to not commit a gaffe. he's done what he needed to do. he's put himself out there as a reasonable reasonable alternative and now he needs to not put his foot in his mouth. obama needs to get out there to look energetic and engaged like he really wants people's votes. >> now, jamal, i keep hearing this thing about momentum and, yes, the race is tightening but when we look at the poll averages in nine key swing states, president obama leads in five states. ohio, new hampshire, nevada, wisconsin. romney leads in three states. florida, colorado, north carolina, virginia is a tie. now, nbc news poll lit cal unit says if obama wins, just ohio, iowa, and wisconsin as he's currently ahead in those states,
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that that gets him over 270 electoral votes and he wins the white house. so, i mean, you almost get the perception that this is a lot closer than it is and i don't take granted for granted but we're not in panic zone, those that are with the president here. >> no, people shouldn't be in panic zoens. i've been hearing from friends in michigan and other states. friends in michigan want to go to ohio. that's what you want to have happen in the closing weeks of the campaign. you need that kind of enthusiasm from your folks who aren't just saying, he's five, six points up. i can go back to doing something else. you want to make sure that the folks are showing up and the president is doing his job because he's talking about the future, making it plain. people think romnesia is too simple. this president, nobody has a say. this president needs to go out and make a plan so they understand why they need to show
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up and vote. >> and i agree with that assessment. michelle, let me go to you, the woman vote. the woman vote in this case is going to be very important in this race. president obama, according to the nbc wall street journal poll, president obama 51, mitt romney 43. and i think that when you poll saying who is dealing with issues that concern women, president obama even a larger margin, 53, romney 25. is this real, real lead by the president in terms of the women vote, is is ththat going to be deciding factor to you? >> he will with, romney in recent days has been closing that general ger gap a little bit and he's certainly been trying at last night's debate. it was not the war monger romney on display. it was the soft romney, to the point where he got labeled weak. so he clearly understands he has a problem. always the republicans have to deal with the gender gap issue.
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but at this point it still looks like obama has a good enough lead on this, that he's got the advantage. >> let me push you on that, though. you talked about the softer romney, not the war monger romney. but how many people over the long run, we've got two weeks of ads, two weeks of clarity. how many people are going to buy that for one performance? because we also are seeing a romney that had done 180-degree turn from some of the things that he said. and i'm going to get deeper in that later in the show. but i mean, how can he sustain that? >> well, it depends on how closely people have been paying attention. i mean, arguably nobody watched last night's debate enough to make a real big difference. but, you know, he has had real issues with abortion discussions and gender right stuff. he has not been stellar on women rights issue. so i don't think that he has the record that's going to impress a
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lot of women voters. at the same time, at this point, the economy is the biggest issue and he is making this appeal to all voters that he's the one who can, you know, get the economy back so that they won't have to worry about putting food on the table. >> now, his argument, jamal, has been that i'm the one that can get the economy back on track, i'm the one that can do better, yet polling suggests that they are really not buying his i'm the guy that can turn the economy around and when you look at some of the record in terms of what he's done in terms of his own business with bain and outsourcing and other things like that, in the next two weeks, if you were handling the obama campaign, would you be putting out the ads of what he's done with outsourcing? would you be playing up places like freeport, would you be dealing with the fact that he will not reveal his last ten years of taxes?
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as a strategist, tell me how you will walk through the next two weeks knowing that the opponents strategy is is to say i'm the guy that can put the economy back on the right footing. >> i'd be interested to see the minute by minute ratings of the debate last night. not many people made it in that entire 90 minutes of back and forth. i bet you a lot of them ended up in the baseball game, football game, or wwe raw. but you're talking about what you do going forward. i think you really do have -- the president's team ought to be using romney's words against himself. the president was very good at that last night in the debate and then you've got to use those words against themselves. so this guy is not only does he have plans that are bad but you can't trust what plans it is that he might have. the poll number that i watched that is incredibly important is who shares your values, who
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tries to look out for the middle class? and even when romney surged up a little bit, you never saw the president fall below when they talk about who they trusted and who they thought shared their values. >> michelle, quickly on this, i have to raise it, there was not a lot of talk last night about central america, south america, immigration. the latino vote has gone overwhelmingly in every poll for the president. president obama, 70%. mitt romney, 25%. this vote, if it comes out -- particularly if it comes out this lopsided, could be critical in some of the key swing states. >> absolutely. and in this case, turnout is what matters. this is where the democrats get out to turn votes are key. you want the latino vote out there for him. romney did not do himself any favors in the primaries and has not made up much ground. the key is getting these voters to the poll. >> how would you get them out, jamal? >> i think the democrats -- i
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was down in tampa a couple of weeks ago and i saw what they were doing in terms of volunteers and they are telling me that they have better votes than in 2008. they are confident about what they are going to do. what happened last night that i thought was funny was how mitt romney talked about mali. he kept going back to mali as if someone gave him that fact. i felt like i was listening to myself in children filling college and filling myself. he was pouring himself in that earn even though it wasn't relevant. >> a guy that went to school with me used to read a word out of thes sar sus every day and kept using that word. and we didn't know why. i felt like that last night. michelle cottle and jamal simmons, thank you for your time tonight p. >> thank you. folks, the electoral college map is getting very interesting and we want to see how you think it's going to play out. go to our facebook page right
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now. that's we've linked to an electoral map that we want you to fill out. when you're done, share it with us on our facebook page. coming up, fresh off your soup kitchen photo op, paul ryan is trying something new. nice try, congressman. and it's all about winning ohio. how good is president obama's turnout team there? we hear live from two key democrats and ask what they are seeing. plus, this gop operative fired by the rnc is under criminal investigation for voter fraud. so why is he still working for republicans? and the president must have done something right. are these guys bailing on romney? you're watching "politicsnation" on msnbc. you can prevent gas with beano meltaways,
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or treat gas with these after you get it. now that's like sunblock before or sun burn cream later. oh, somebody out there's saying, now i get it! take beano before and there'll be no gas. flavor boost, meet beef.
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it's swanson flavor boost. concentrated broth to add delicious flavor to your skillet dish in just one stir. mmm! [ female announcer ] cook, meet compliments. get recipes at
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"politicsnation" conversation on facebook? today we asked what's the best zinger from the debate last night was and the overwhelming winner is president obama's line, we also have fewer horses and bayonets. everyone was talking about it today. rick says, president obama sunk mitt's battleship with that one. what's your favorite zinger? tell us. head over to facebook and "like" us to keep the conversation that
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last night mitt romney put on a master class in political slipperiness. it was amazing to watch him hide from his own policy position. here he is on the issue of iran last night. >> it's also essential for us to understand what our mission is in iran and that is to dissuade iran and crippling sanctions were number one and they do work. you're seeing it right now in the economy. it's absolutely the right thing to do to have crippling sanctions. i would have put them in place
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earlier but it's good that we have them. >> peaceful and diplomatic means. absolutely the right thing to do so he agrees with the president. but last night that mitt romney was gone with the wind. >> this president should have put in place crippling sanctions against iran. he did not. this is a president who should have instead communicated to iran that we are prepared, that we are considering military options, they are not just on the table, they are in our hand. >> they have to understand that we will take military kin net particular action if they continue to pursue a nuclear option. >> military action. let's get back to war. so where did that peaceful guy go? same thing happened on the issue of afghanistan. here's governor romney's position. >> we're going to be finished by 2014 and when i'm president we'll make sure we bring our troops out by the end of 2014.
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>> 2014. all the troops out by 2014. i guess this mitt romney's gone with the wind. >> in afghanistan, the surge was right. but announcing a withdrawal date, that was wrong. the taliban may not have watches but they do have calendars. >> this is not time for america to cut and run. we have been in for ten years. the president also announced a time certain which made it very clear to the taliban that they have to wait us out. i think the president has made enormous errors in our mission there. >> so it's okay when he says that we're leaving in 2014? this is beyond politics, as usual. he's abandoning policies 14 days from the election. let me be clear, it's a question of character and the question all america wants answered is a devastating one.
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just who is this guy? joining me now is joan walsh, editor at large from and msnbc political analyst. she's writing about mr. romney's performance at last night's debate today and david corn for mother jones, also an nbc political analyst. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> sure thing. >> david, maybe you can help me out. just who is the real mitt romney? >> well, how much time do we have? i think this was early halloween. it looks like he was hip ma advertised beforehand. it's like he's on the titanic and women, children, and convictions go first. it was quite stellar to watch this and sitting there with a lot of other people from msnbc, we kept waiting for him to say anything, anything that had a tether, a line to what he had
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said previously and there was nothing. but this is a guy who said, you know, we don't want any more iraq and afghanistans and he's supporting those stands. i love bob schieffer but i wish the president or him would have said, wait a minute, you supported the war on iraq. are you saying that you made a mistake supporting that? there were so many opening. he turned into a bowl of jelly, quite purposefully, so nobody could sort of hang on to him. >> joan, when you look at him talking about his strategy for the middle east, take a listen to this. >> the key that we're going to have to pursue is a pathway to get the muslim world to reject extremism on their own. >> so his plans for the muslim world is to fight extremism on it is own. he doesn't want another iraq. but listen to what romney has said about the withdrawal of
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troops over the last year. >> it is my view that the withdrawal of all of our troops from iraq by the end of this year is an enormous mistake and a failing by the obama administration. the precipitous withdrawal is unfortunate. it's more that unfortunate. i think it's tragic. the president's failure to secure and maintain 10 to 30,000 troops in iraq has to be one of his signature failures. undermined by the abrupt withdrawal of our entire troop presence. >> now, i'm playing this because i want people to hear what he's saying. that is the complete opposite. and that is not just about he said this and now he's saying that. it's about character. how could someone be so adamantly in one position and be just as adamant last night in the complete opposite position? we're not talking about an
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evolution here. >> right. >> we're talking about a total reincar nated view. >> right. i found it really chilling, reverend al, i did. because we're used to him flip-flopping on abortion, on all sorts of domestic issues. but on the issue of how he's going to approach our military might in the world, to see him looking sweaty and invasive, not knowing really what he believes at all, i found it really scary. i wrote today that the man has no soul. to be able to flip-flop like that, this is a guy who got the bush neocon team. donald rumsfeld loves him but he's pretending that he is now a man of peace and we can't fight and kill our way out of these conflicts? who is the real mitt romney is the real question and i would like to see reporters stay on this story. one of the things that bugged me really strongly today and here we are we've got your show, thank god, but i feel like reporters are acting as though,
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be he made a really smart move to pivot to the center because we're all war weary now. but wait a minute. that's a terrible thing to do. it doesn't matter whether it's a smart move. it's a cynical, horrible move and we really need to know what does this man believe about foreign policy. >> join is speaking to what i'm trying to say, david, because it's not even just the politics of it. it's how do you put the lives of our young men and women in the military in the hands of someone that you can't trust their character. that you don't know what they are going to say, what they are going to believe. this is a very deep -- this is beyond partisan now. here's somebody that clearly appears to be able to say and strongly advocate anything, even if it's completely opposite to what he has adamantly advocated just a couple of days before. this is unbelievable to do to
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our country. >> you know, i was talking to some other reporters about this today as we were flying out of ft. lauderdale. it's not just a pivot to the center. it's like he's veering. he's running off the road and trying to make a u-turn while moving at 60 miles an hour and people are saying, maybe this might work. you're right, it gets to conviction. and if you go back to that old 47% video, there was a lot of foreign policy on it, too, that kind of got overwhelmed by the 47% remark. in that instance, he's out there describing that he doesn't believe in the middle east peace process, he's very hawkish, he doesn't believe in a two-state solution and publicly he tells israeli newspapers, i believe in the two-state solution and his ability to have no guilt paths and say one thing to another and
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should make people wonder. >> it's scary. thank you for your time now. i've got to leave it there now, joan walsh, david corn, thanks for your time. coming up, this whole election may come down to owe ohio and in ohio it will be all about the ground game. i'll talk live with afl-cio president richard trunker who is in the thick of the fight there. paul ryan washing pots. he's trying to make us forget it. sorry congressman, we remember. ó americans believe they should be in charge of their own future.
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governor romney is trying to etch-a-sketch his record and now his run aring plates aning mate do the same thing. we heard that ryan is giving a speech on upward mobility and cleveland. we heard this was after visiting an empty soup kitchen in ohio. he showed up too late to do actual work so ryan ended up washing a few dishes that volunteers left for him. this phony photo op won't make
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us forget ryan's real record of contempt for the poor. two-thirds of the country and its budget comes from programs like medicaid, food stamps, and pell grants. ryan's budget gives millionaires a big tax cut. the truth is, paul ryan has a maker versus taker view of the world. just like his running mate. >> you don't want to turn this safety net into a hammock that allows a allows able-bodied people. >> 30% don't believe in the american dream. 30%. this is offensive. this is the same as government help are lazy. >> we can become a society of
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makers and takers. and they believe in the american idea. only 30% want the welfare state. >> we're going to be watching this speech tomorrow for mr. ryan very, very closely. but in the meantime, did congressman ryan really think we'd let a little speech and a little photo op wipe his record clean? nice try. but we got you. ♪ your curves. smooth, rich, never bitter, gevalia.
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or treat gas with these after you get it. now that's like sunblock before or sun burn cream later. oh, somebody out there's saying, now i get it! take beano before and there'll be no gas. for her whites.
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now, up until a week ago she used chlorine bleach. yeah, because before it was salt, lemon, milk. well actually... that part's true. governor romney had a bad case of romnesia last night. it really hit him during the exchange of the auto bailout. when he said he would do nothing to hurt the u.s. auto industry and would not liquidate the industry. it was like he completely forgot telling the whole industry to go bankrupt. the president says he was air brushing history. why? because the auto bailout impacted hundreds of thousands of jobs in a state romney
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desperately needs to win. ohio. without ohio, it will be extremely difficult for him to win. but here's the thing. what he said was full of holes and today in ohio, the president drove an american-made mack truck through the romney magnet. >> last night mitt romney looked you in the eye, be me in the eye, tried to pretend never let detroit go bankrupt, pretended like somehow i have taken his advice. the people don't forget. the people in dayton don't forget. the people of ohio don't forget. if mitt romney had been president when the auto industry was on the verge of collapse, we might not have an american auto industry today. i refuse to walk away from those workers. i bet on those workers.
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i refuse to walk away from those jobs. i understood that americans can compete. i wasn't about to let detroit go bankrupt or toledo go bankrupt. i bet on american workers. i bet on american manufacturing. i will do it again because it's paid off for ohio and america in a big way. >> it has paid off in a big way but it's no thanks to governor romney. joining us is richard trunker, president of afl-cio and chris, chairman of the democratic party. thanks to you both for joining us tonight. >> thanks, al. >> richard, let me start with you. how hard is your membership working to win ohio and what's your sense of where things starnd right now? >> we're working very, very, very hard because had romney been president when we needed his help, it would have been a disaster in ohio. one out of every eight jobs
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centers around the auto industry and had he been there we would have lost all of those jobs and a whole lot more. we're working very, very hard and i feel great. the momentum is picking up, the number of people showing up for door knocks is increasing. the number of people showing up at our phone banks is increasing. the number of people out leafleting in the neighborhoods are increasing and i think they are going to reject his hypocrisy -- romney's hypocrisy and they are going to elect the man who stood with them when they needed it and elect president obama for a second term. >> chris, what do you sense on the ground? >> i can tell you right here in cleveland, one of ohio's cities, there's tens and thousands of jobs that are directly tied to the automobile industry right here in cleveland. the president mentioned two towns right here in ohio.
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toledo and lordstown. 80 other counties out of the 88 have some part of the american automobile industry that provide good, honest jobs for ohioans. those four words let ohio -- let detroit go bankrupt. those four words will haunt mitt romney for the remaining days and great states like ohio matter. it's not just my opinion. it's not great labor leaders like richard trumka's opinion. if detroit went bankrupt, ford would have been next. if general motors and chrysler left, honda would have been next. it's the matter of saving the american automobile industry. barack obama put it first, mitt romney, well, up until last night we knew. >> that's my point, richard.
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ea he's evolved from the days of telling detroit to go bankrupt. >> if general motors gets the you can kiss the automotive industry good-bye. >> whether by president bush or president obama, it was the wrong way to go. >> i pushed the idea of a managed bankruptcy and finally when that was done and help was given, the companies got back on their feet. i will take a lot of credit for the fact that this industry has come back. >> i like american cars and i would do nothing to hurt the auto industry. >> it's an amazing -- i've never seen anything like that, the complete opposite. but what he means.
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>> he hasn't evolved. he's a camellion. he will say anything to get a vote. that's why you don't know who is np fro in front of you. the american people are not going to be fooled by it. ne know barack obama will stand up for workers, create and help us with health care. we don't know what he'll do. he'll do. >> chris, the majority of ohio counties voted republican but the president was able to take the state by holding key cities. he won 51% -- over 51% of the vote of ohioans.
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will president obama win ohio this time? >> well, we think he will s we think he will not because he's a great democrat but because he's a great american. is he right on the issues that matter most in ohio and across the midwest. if you think about this, al, 82 of 88 counties in ohio are directly tied to the american auto industry. a supplier, a plant, a business that provides for that important industry. mitt romney said, let detroit go bankrupt. and then he said this, it's a very important point. get rid of excess costs. you know what that means, al? that means pensions, retirement programs. these are the things that mitt romney sees as excess costs. >> richard, let me ask you this. >> along with social security, medicare, medicaid, he'd do away with those as well. >> richard, let me ask you this. you're on the road a lot. i'm all over the country.
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how are you sensing the prospects for turnout? there are long lines where there is already early voting. i'm sensing something on the ground. what are you sensing as you move all over the country and lead millions of members of afl-cio? >> we've seen a great turnout in early voting. we have people out every day trying to get them to the polls. we see that. we see a growing sense of urgency and excitement among the people on the ground, whether it's in pennsylvania, ohio, wisconsin, nevada, we're a raft of other states, more people are getting excited and they are working to get out to vote. i think you're going to see a good vote because i think people know that you've got a very clear choice here, a choits between an economy that works for every one of us or a throw back to the past and failed policies that brought us the 1%. >> richard trumka and chris, thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks, al. the gop operative was fired
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from the rnc for voter fraud. so why is he still working for the republicans? and incredible story is unfolding. we'll talk to the man who knows the operative, the former chairman of the florida republican party. jack, you're a little boring. boring. boring. [ jack ] after lauren broke up with me, i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada... really good. yes! [ jack ] ...and alicia. ♪ this girl is on fire [ male announcer ] use any citi® card to get the benefits of private pass. more concerts. more events. more experiences. [ jack ] hey, who's boring now? [ male announcer ] get more access with a citi card. [ crowd cheering, mouse clicks ] [ male announcer ] get more access with a citi card. [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them. [ thunder crashes ] it doesn't.
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>> i'm going to stop things like pbs, big bird, and i actually like you, too. but i'm not going to keep spending money to borrow money from china to pay for it. >> and i really think romney is serious about this. check out this video. >> mitt romney said that even though he likes big bird, if elected, he would stop the subsidy to pbs considering mitt is such an excellent muppet name. >> i went to a number of women groups and said, can you help us find folks and they brought us whole binders full of women. >> binder of women, book of broads. >> our navy is smaller now than any time since 1917. >> you mentioned the navy, for example, and he that we had
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fewer ships than 1916. governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our military has changed. >> whereupon john kerry tweeted that the president sunk mitt romney's battleship. >> sunken battleships, binders full of women, big bird, what a long, strange trip.
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a republican political operative accused of voter fraud in florida and several other states. nathan is being investigated for phony signatures, fake addresses, and even dead people registered as republicans. all this work earns sproul more than $600,000 last night in payments from the republican national committee and the virginia state gop. republicans say they fired him,
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cut all ties with him, but the l.a. times recently reported that sproul's new company is hiring workers for voter canvassing operation this fall in as many as 30 states. he's paying $15 per hour seeking the higher grassroots canvases to identify conservative voters. how is this disgraced operative still at work in this election? who's paying him? what is his relationship to officials in the republican party? democrats in congress have repeatedly sent letters to the rnc demanding answers but so far they refuse to come answer about their ties to nathan sproul. just one question. with all of the voter fraud, where are they on this? >> joining me now, thanks for coming back on this show. >> great to be here, al. >> jim, the republican national
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committee says it has severed ties with this man do you believe they have really done that? >> no. because he's good at what he does and they accomplished the goal of getting out to register people. there are a few bad apples in their organization, we have to take that. in 2008 when they had the issue with a.c.o.r.n., the republican party said we have to indite people, we have to put people in prison. there was this big uproar from the gop but you don't really hear that anymore right now with this situation. you can't hear a peep about people going to jail, we need to indite people. >> where is the outrage? you're right. i do remember that with a.c.o.r.n. but where is this outrage and where is this outrage when it comes to sproul or anybody? >> sproul is one of these people that is intertwined in the national republican party and works with state republican parties, has been doing it for
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years, has made millions of dollars. they are not about to jettison him. they are just going to use him in another way, funnel money through another avenue. in florida and many other states -- >> funnel money? what do you mean by funnel money? >> in florida and other republican-legislative led states they've created all of these mechanisms, campaign committees, the victory fund, the state victory fund, national victory fund from the rnc. from my experience i know that there are many ways that people can get paid and it will take you a long time to find out how they are getting paid if you are looking for it. >> now, let me show this because he's under criminal investigation now on voter fraud. his consulting firm though profitable over the years from gop dollars, just as you said. since 2003, he and his firm have been paid $21.2 million by the
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rnc candidates and super pacs. this year he and his firm were paid $3.1 million. last year he and his firms were paid $72 thourk by the romney campaign to do some field consulting. i mean, this is a lot of money, a lot of connections at the top levels here for a guy that is under this kind of continual questions and criminal investigation from a party who was so concerned about voter fraud. >> yes. when they were throwing all of these rocks about voter fraud, the rocks came back to break their own glass house. the voter fraud issues as i've said before is simply a marketing tool but in this case there may be some voter fraud and the evidence suggests it's
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being done by people who work for the republican party or affiliated with the republican party. this gentleman strategic allied consulting, he's been working with the party under this company name and other company name for years. they are not going to get rid of him. they are going to find another way to pay him so that the reports don't necessarily show up right away. he's good at what he does. you know, this other gentleman working for him, i think collin small that they caught last week discarding voter registration forms, you know, he better look out because he's going to become the fall guy. he needs to talk about what he was educated in and he told him to do what. >> we're going to stay on this on sproul and on the republicans. jim greer, thank you for your time tonight. we'll be right back. >> thank you. begin.
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