tv MSNBC Live MSNBC November 10, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm EST
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it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. breaking news on this saturday afternoon. nbc news declaring barack obama the declared winner in florida. that state finally finished counting all of the votes four days after the election. the win in the sunshine state gives the president a total of 332 electoral votes. governor romney at 206 electoral votes. this gives president obama 51% of the popular vote. mitt romney 48%. good afternoon. i'm craig melvin.
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you're watching msnbc, the place for politics. let's go straight to nbc news correspondent kerry sanders from miami. the election is finally put to rest. >> folks in florida have been wondering what is going on. the numbers show that the state did tilt to obama. he got 50% of the vote. romney took 49.1% of the vote. clearly, florida remains a battleground state. the question is, why did this take so long? part of the fact is that early voting was cut back by the republican governor rick scott. if you take a look at the newspaper here, this is the tampa bay times headlines. it says, no apology from scott. he went on to say, what i'm trying to do is improve the way government works. i believe in efficiency. i believe every vote has to count. i want to have a good process that people feel good about. well, the people are not feeling
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good because in many cases they felt that the governor made the decision to push back the number of days from 14 to 8, meaning that there were fewer days for early voting, meaning that people couldn't get to the polls ahead of the official election day and so it backed them all up on actual election day. some people were still in line at midnight. the secretary of state here in florida said that they are attempting to work to improve this system. here's what he told cnn. >> i can say that it was a learning experience. >> are you sorry? >> that we are listening to constituents and that we are going to make a change. i think people expect a change. i think we could have done better. we will do better, and we'll make it the best we can next time. >> the problem is, so many in florida say they have heard that before. >> yeah. >> back in 2000, craig, again in 2004. 2 2000 was the punch cards and
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2004 most of the state moved over to another system which was touch screens. that was supposed to be better but then there was no paper trail. they moved forward in the state to what they call an optical scan. it's like those testses that you take where you fill out the circle and feed them into scanners. in some cases the scanners jammed. each individual voter had to feed in their vote themselves and in some cases, depending on the region of the state that you were in, you had ten pages to feed in there. so it was a real disaster. but you hear from the secretary of state that they are going to attempt to improve things in florida. >> i was down there a couple of weeks ago and one of the things that voters said to me, it was so long and required so much time that that was also -- they said that was another major contributing factor. >> a huge factor. a huge factor. constitutional amendments are always on the ballot.
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but this time the legislature came up with 11 different constitutional amendments. now, if a citizen wants to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot, they are limited to the number of words that they can do. the legislature is not bound by that. the longest one was 640 words. that took up a whole page. then you add in the sort of legalese, the double speak and hu peop you had people saying, i don't get it, does a yes vote mean no and a no vote mean yes? and they were deciding not to vote on the amendments at all even though people were waiting in line and some people had sample ballots and passed them around, it was a mess all the way around. the republican-controlled legislature in the state are going to perhaps reconsider how they do things the next time we have this sort of turnout in florida. >> nbc's kerry sanders, we will check in with you later in our
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broadcast. thank you, sir. we do appreciate you. >> sure. the surprising resignation of cia general david petraeus. the report is that indicative of an extramarital affair, paula broadwell has not responded to our repeated request for comment. kristen welcker is joining me now. what can you tell us about this breaking story? >> good afternoon, craig. the fbi has opened up an investigation into paula broadwell to see if she had improper access to general petraeus' e-mails or computer files. david petraeus is not under investigation himself and they do not expect their inquiry will result in criminal charges. we have, of course, reached out to paula broadwell. we have not heard back from her.
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she wrote a biography called "all in." some people describe it as glowing. it's certainly coming under a lot of scrutiny right now. just to give you a lick tick tock of how this unfolded. the white house learned about this on wednesday. general petraeus requested to meet with president obama on thursday. he explained the situation to the president, offered the resignation and president obama said give me 24 hours to think about it and then on friday president obama accepted the resignation. president obama releasing a statement essentially praising the work that david petraeus has done and also saying that the administration's thoughts and prayers are with the petraeus family. david petraeus wrote this note to his colleagues at the cia. i just want to read it to you. after being married for 37 years, i showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. such behavior is unacceptable both as a husband and a leader
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of an organization such as ours. this sun folding and the obama administration is under scrutiny for handling the attacks in benghazi. david petraeus was set to testify. at this point in time, be that is not going to happen. president obama appointed mike morell, the acting director of the cia. as of this very moment, craig, we expect mike morell to testify on capitol hill about that incident in benghazi. this remains under investigation and certainly sending shock waves throughout the community here in drk c. and at the white house. >> kristen, thanks. we should also note here that law enforcement sources tell nbc news that general petraeus is not under investigation and that they do not expect their inquiry will result in criminal charges. right now i want to bring in congressman peter king, republican from new york and also, of course, chairman of the house homeland security
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committee. he joins us by phone. congressman, good afternoon to you. >> thank for having me on. >> acting cia director mike morell will testify, not general petraeus. are you going to insist that the general testify despite his resignation? >> i'm a member of the intelligence committee. i certainly believe that general petraeus should testify. now, it doesn't have to be this week but it has to be very soon thereafter because if general petraeus is the only one who would be at the center of what happened with benghazi involving the cia, involving theed a handwriting, he would have the pieces of the puzzle and mike morell, he's the number two person but general petraeus came to the capitol hill to brief the intelligence committee afterwards. he was at the eye of the storm. so i think ultimately but really sooner rather than later general petraeus will have to be a witness and to me he's an essential witness and, if not,
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we will not get to the bottom of what happened in benghazi. to say that, he's an outstanding patriot. but in this case, he really is an absolute necessary witness. >> congressman, any concern at this point that this was a development that was concealed until after the president's re-election? >> craig, there are a lot of unanswered questions. i have a hard time accepting the whole story here. to have the fbi investigating or monitoring and surveilling the e-mail account of the director of the cia for four or five months, they would have to get a federal court order to do that and now we're hearing there is no crime involved. for that to go on for a long period of time for something that is not criminal and yet if they go -- if the fbi felt it was important enough to get a federal court order, it's an obligation to tell the president of the united states that the cia director was involved, at least the focus of the investigation, whether or not he was a target, he was involved in
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something that could make him susceptible to blackmail. it's hard to believe that this went on for so long without anybody being told at the white house. i would think that the fbi has an obligation to tell the president that this type of investigation was going on and the white house was told about it the very day of the elections. it raises a lot of questions and this doesn't added a up. >> why weren't the house and senate intelligence committees alerted? >> my understanding is that the house intelligence committee and senate intelligence committee at the very least, the chairman of the ranking member of each committee are supposed to be informed whenever there is an investigation by the fbi of the cia. they were not told. the fbi is saying that this did
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not involve counterterrorism and how do you keep an investigation open for six months monitoring the e-mail account of the director of the cia. and i would like to see how this was handled in the first place. >> really quickly, if every lawmaker in washington, d.c., was cheated on his wife and stepped aside, there would be far fewer politicians in the nation's capital. how real is the chance that the director stepped aside because of exposure? no, again, is raises the
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question suddenly within two days or three days and also, for what it's worth, i think we're getting too sanctimonious on this issue. so to me, if a person is doing a job and does not involve national security and doesn't involve a crime, i think we have to -- going back to the days of king david. no one is perfect. and i think we're pushing too many good men and women out of government. >> congressman peter king, chairman of the house homeland committee, thank you for your time. >> thank you. coming up on msnbc on this saturday afternoon, what winning want. it's not that kind of show. what women voters want. we'll talk about that. plus, from shakeups to showdowns, president and congress have a huge task on their hand in case you hadn't
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heard. before we all find ourselves in another major recession, we're going to dig in to what they have to do. we'll talk about the fiscal cliff and immigration and a whole heck of a lot over the next three hours. this is msnbc, the place for politics. [ male announcer ] with 160 more miles per tank, the distances aren't getting shorter. ♪ the trucks are going farther. the new 2013 ram 1500. ♪ with the best-in-class fuel economy. engineered to move heaven and earth. ♪ guts. glory. ram.
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compromise, both seem to be digging in on the bush tax cuts. >> if we're serious about reducing the deficit, we have to combine spending cuts with revenue. and that means asking the wealthiest americans to pay a little more in taxes. on tuesday we found out that the majority of americans agree with my approach. democrats, independents, and some republicans. >> instead of raising tax rates and accepting the damage it will do to our economy, let's start to solve the problem. let's focus on tax reform, that closes loopholes and lowers tax rates. >> let's bring in reed wilson. good afternoon to both of you. >> good afternoon. >> let me start with you. are we in for a new era of cooperation? is the end to the gridlock behind snus. >> well, i think it's a little too soon to get triumphant about it but certainly the tone coming out of the ee likes was sleetly different. you heard lots of room -- well, i don't know about lots.
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some room for compromise from both the president and speaker boehner and the fact that they are going to sit down and meet suggests that they both want to get this done and you can sort of see where there might be room and as you suggested in your intro, where it remains to be seen, president obama, he didn't say it in his remarks but the white house has said that he would veto anything that doesn't include a tax rate hike on people making -- households making over $250,000 a year and that's the line that boehner seemses to be drawing. he won't do that. he wants to draw loopholes. can either side bend at this point? we'll find out. >> rita, you had a one on one with john boehner. we'll be seeing him again on monday. it sounds at least like his tone is definitely changed. take a listen. >> i remain optimistic that we'll be able to find common ground. i'm the most reasonable and responsible person here in
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washington. the president knows this. he knows that he and i can work together. the election is over. >> did you know that john boehner was the most reasonable person in washington? did you know that? >> no. you said that to me last week. he is sort of the adult in the room in a lot of cases. consider the fact that the members of congress who are freshman and sophomores in their first two terms, the highest number since world war ii, we've got all of these new people coming to washington who don't know how the town works, how the legislating process works and everybody sort of wants to fix everything right away and they wanted to fix it on their own terms. john boehner has been around for a long time and sort of knows how these deals work, how to stitch together these things. at the end of the day, that's what ends up happening. the statesman goes and sits down with the democrats on the other side, both the other side of capitol hill and the other side of pennsylvania avenue. and is able to sort of hammer something out. the question in my mind is whether or not that deal that he
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hammers out with democrats is going to be acceptable to the rest of his republican conference. >> and it would seem to me that he would have more wriggle room with his party. >> you would think so but we'll have to see how the election gets interpreted. they did retain control of the house. on the other hand, and there are some who believe that they lost the presidential race because they weren't conservative enough on the other hand, they can cannot be seen as constructionists. we're going to see what direction that is actually going in. >> code word for tax hikes, generally speaking, how is he going to be able to couch that? how is he going to be able to
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couch that to folks this. >> i think it's clear that he's not talking about tax hikes. this is the problem that mitt romney had when people were talking about lack of specific loopholes. tax deductions are a really popular thing. >> sure. >> tax increases, not so much. so boehner doesn't want to do the tax increase side. president obama does. it's funny that both sides are talking about how they want to try something new. they are open to new ideas and these discussions and the lines they've drawn in the sand are the same lines that they both drew before the election. >> and your paper, democrats see a clear advantage to going over the cliff. in january, once the bush tax cuts have expired, democrats would be free to draft their own plan to cut taxes for the middle class but not the wealthy and dare republicans reject it. are there really a significant number of democrats out there actually okay with going over the fiscal cliff in the short
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term? >> yeah, it seems like they are. if you do that, you're talking about tax cuts, not tax hikes. >> uh-huh. >> and that politically resonates much better. i don't think that we've seen the direction that the white house wants to go in. i think that's where that negotiation is going to go. >> anne kornblut, reed, thank you. hundreds and thousands are still in the dark following superstorm sandy. we'll bring you the latest on the recovery effort in the northeast. also, what do women want? we learned a lot about that from tuesday night's election results. the answer to the age-old question, at least we'll attempt to answer. you're watching msnbc, the place for politics. ♪ [ male announcer ] the way it moves. the way it cleans. everything about the oral-b power brush is simply revolutionary. oral-b power brushes oscillate, rotate
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they made up 23% of the election, up 20% from 2008. democratic pollster and strategist and also stan greenberg, democratic pollster and author of "it's the middle class, stupid." stan, let's start with you. you've analyzed the polling on how unmarried women voted. you put out a new report on thursday. i think we can put up some of the information. 67% voted for president obama, 31% for governor romney. among married women. why were unmarried women so much more supported of the president? >> it's fair to say that they produced this kind of victor. there's a lot of things that went into this election but being one in four voters and their obama vote held up from 2008, it did not drop where
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obama got 53%. all of the drops came with married. no, unmarried women, you know, who were hard hit by the economy and we're in a country where a majority of the households are unmarried. and unmarried women are kind of the vanguard of that and express in support of president obama who represent their values better, responded on the economy, and protected medicare. >> and why distinguish between unmarried and married? how do you campaign between these two groups differently? >> well, actually, unmarried women are very different politically. married women now identified a republican, unmarried women are solidly democratic. unmarried women see that there is a bigger role for government. unmarried women have been harder hit in this economy, unmarried women to be much more likely
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uninsured, pro-choice, on every way you talk about it, be it stays the same. they are looking for an economy that helps their family, their kitchen tables and for politicians to stay out of their personal lives and for government to be on their side and help, whether it's protecting medicare and social security or protecting -- making sure that their insurance company doesn't discriminate against them just because they are women or making sure the government insurance covers their birth control. they have a very, very different perspective, much more km economically insecure. >> women voted overall for president obama than mitt romney. in 2008, 56% voted for mr. obama. what accounts for the slight drop in was that statistically significant? >> it's married women. married women, by the way, were not hit as hard by this economic crisis. >> okay. >> and have much higher incomes. but unmarried women we know were
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hit as hard as men. and in some ways harder. and in the latter part of this election, they were hit even harder. they were hit very hard. and they are not given. this was not automatic. you know, they and that grew over the last few months. and that made a difference. >> you're credited for giving us soccer moms and waitress moms as well. are you ready to coin a new term, based on the results of this election? >> yes. it's the women on their own and women on their own look to see which of these presidents was going to help them more and which understood their lies and the politician today sitting there showing the perfectly married family and talking about
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the marriage tax credit, they are not going to get these women voters because they are looking for somebody who understands their lies. >> women on their own. we'll go with that. >> thank you. >> thanks, stan. >> they are looking at immigration to deal with that problem. this is much harder for republicans to deal with. this is more fundamental to who they are as a party. >> it's going to be a very interesting debate that unfolds in this country over the next four years. stan, thank you. salinda lake and stan greenberg. we are going to continue the conversation about what the gop needs to -- what is ahead for the grand old party. then later -- >> they don't call it flori-da
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good saturday to you. i'm craig melvin. this is a look at the stories making news right now. more than 300,000 people are still without power in the northeast almost two weeks after hurricane sandy tore through the region. a majority still in the dark on long island and in new jersey. homeland security secretary janet napolitano will be on staten island tomorrow. meanwhile, new york city and long island have put in place the odd/even gas rationing. activists say twin suicide bombings rocked the southern
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city of daraa today. 20 soldiers were among the dead fighting between government and opposition forces followed the blasts. what went wrong for the republicans in the 2012 election? was it the candidates? the campaign? the failed gop strategy after their 2010 congressional victories, many believe it was theirs for the taking. we look for answers in our political war room. joining me now, doug, former adviser to the hillary for president campaign and susan. good afternoon to both of you. >> hi, craig. >> is the gop brand broken? >> yeah, it is. really simply put, yeah. we're having a message problem and that's worse than the gop has to start moving. they have to expand who they
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want new voters and attracting voters. >> here's the thing. how do you do that? >> there's a few things. one, you need and you need to have a litmus test. just because we disagree entirely. and we have to start listening to people who are the voters, not all the noise on talk radio and other places and blogs who are dictating a lot of what republican candidates do and say. it's just absurd. >> doug, according to the washington post, governor romney said that he believed hurricane sandy stunted his momentum. some pointed a finger at new jersey governor chris christie for this image.
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did the hurricane have any effect at all on the outcome of this election? or was this simply strategy? >> mitt romney is living an alternative reality. i agree entirely with the analysis of the brand. i think this is just the right question to ask. because i think a lot of republican candidates are going to continue to have this problem because the party has become so rig rigid idealogically. people are tired of that. they are tired of the social divisiveness. and the talk radio show host, for example, driving the agenda. that stuff is turning the american people off but i think it's going to be hard for the party to change. >> susan, have we seen the last of the tea party? >> not necessarily. i think what the tea party stands for is -- and how it originated, you're always going to have.
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less spending, lower taxes, et cetera. but what i think you're going to see is that candidates now have to get re-elected and now they've been through a cycle. you know, the freshman class from 2010. they are seeing things a little differently. unfortunately, midterm elections are much different than when we have our general election. our national elections are statewide races where you have to appeal to a large constituent tea. when it's congressional races, you can really focus in and create different targets, if you will. >> doug, one of the headlines that i think emerge from this election, super pacs. republican super pacs spent hundreds and millions of dollars to get mitt romney elected. crossroads spent $104 million. none of who the super pacs supported were elected.
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does it have limited effect? >> it has limited effect if people don't want what you're selling. i think people are tired of the same old agenda from the republicans. i think they need a new agenda and a new attitude. people are being tired of the same ideology that doesn't work. the president gave a very good case about it and people supported his view entirely. and also this attitude. the sort of social divisiveness. i think people have rejected that as well. i think it's a very smart piece of advice to think of a fresh way to speak to their concern of women and latinos and others who can't be a party of a few. and i think that's what all of this money being spent was just throwing good money after bad policy. >> susan, be doug just mentioned women there. they will hold 20 seats in this senate come january. that's up from the record 17 seats currently held. on a practical level, what does it mean to have one-fifth of the senate made up of women? >> it means having a broader perspective on things.
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it lends to more arguments -- more to the argument at hand and leads to better governance, whether it's republican women or democratic women. you need to have that point of view at the table. >> doug, what was your takeaway just in broad terms, your takeaway from tuesday? >> i tell you, i was actually very excited about this topic that we're talking about now. i've worked with the senate a lot over the years and find the women caucus, a group that comes together across party lines, not interested in power politics, more interested in getting things done. i think this could really be a breath of fresh air and a stale sort of polarized environment who can lead to capitol hill where we need the change to happen right now. >> we see a staggering 20 seats in the senate. that is still not reflective of the actual number of women in this country. so if you look at places -- >> more than those who vote, for that matter. >> right. and if you look at places like
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new hampshire, it's become a full-fledged female takeover. >> we're more interested in getting the job done than the power play. >> all right. susan, thank you so much. doug, thanks to you as well. do appreciate your time. >> thanks, craig. up next, we'll tell you why there is more reason to talk about sesame street. that's right. we're still talking about sesame street but there's good reason today. and guess who is back on twitter. we'll tell you why. you're watching msnbc. [ male announcer ] humana and walmart have teamed up to bring you a low-priced medicare prescription drug plan. ♪ with a low national plan premium... ♪ ...and copays as low as one dollar... ♪ ...saving on your medicare prescriptions is easy. ♪ so you're free to focus on the things that really matter. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. or go to for details.
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call humana at 1-800-808-4003. try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. ♪ we just flashed you back to
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1969 and the very first open to the show that so many of us grew up with, sesame street. since then, it's in more than 150 countries. who would have thought back then that the show, along with its network, would become a target in the presidential campaign 20612 after governor romney said that he would defund pbs during the debate. it seems that sesame street is probably safe for now. he's back. anthony weiner whose mayoral bid got side lined by controversial pics. he is back online. his latest tweet, it's a safe one t shows the staggering toll that hurricane sandy took on the residents of rockaway beach. and according to the hill, the new jersey governor called president obama to congratulate him on his win. he picked up the phone. what did he do for governor r m
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romney? what did he do for the man he campaigned for? a condolence e-mail. meanwhile, a commission on responsible medicine wants the president to start scarfing down junk food. still, his enthusiasm for junk food, no match for the feelings that he has for his staff. here's what he had to say about them wednesday. >> because of what you guys have done, means the work that i'm doing is approved. and i'm really proud of that. i'm really proud of all of you. and -- [ applause ] >> president obama getting choked up there. you are now looking at the most circulated image in the history of twitter.
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that photo, posted on president obama's twitter account moments after he was declared the winner tuesday night, showing him embracing the first lady at a campaign rally in august, the subtitle there, very simple, for more years. coming up, the changing face of america and how that will make every election, from now until the end of time, very, very different. you're watching msnbc, the place for politics. transfer! [ male announcer ] free data transfer at home. you just deleted all the photos! you did! no you did! [ male announcer ] or free data transfer when you buy a windows 8 computer at staples. another way staples makes it easier to upgrade. you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you. we have so much technology in our store to really show the customers what's going on with their bodies. you can see a little more pressure in the shoulders and in the hips. ... now you can feel what happens as we raise your sleep number setting and allow the bed to contour to your individual shape. oh, wow. that feels really good. at sleep number we've created a collection of innovations dedicated to individualizing your comfort.
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the republican tries to figure out its first move. a demographic time bomb blew up in the gop's face on tuesday. the president won just 39% of the white vote. that's actually down from 2008. but enough to win re-election. given his overwhelming support among minors, 78%, nearly 8 in 10, backed the president. what does the gop do to catch up with the changing face of the
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country? let's bring in reed wilson, and sandra joining me here in the studio and anne. florida, once again, top of the broadcast, president wins florida. we know that the influx of the hispanic voters in places like purple areas helped tremendously. it's an area that george w. bush won four years ago. georgia could even be at play here in the next eight years. i know you wrote an article on this. what are your thoughts on this democrat gra demographic time bomb? >> it's incredible. when you think about that compared to the fact that in places like central florida, for example, the puerto rican
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community has grown and that makes such a difference in terms of how you talk about policy, immigration, and a lot of us say that when it came to that, the race was won with blinders on. there was not a lot of soshtd sort of talk about how it came to latinos and rhetoric. >> and let's take a look at the other key voting groups here. blacks, no surprise. also, voters under 30. politico this week asked in the gop has become too old, too white, and too male. what does the republican party have to do to become more competitive with these particular groups? >> well, i would start by saying one thing, which is, we've talked a lot in the last couple of days, since the election, about minorities and different subgroups that the president won. i think it's also worth
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remembering that a majority of his support did actually come from white voters and i think it's important to remember that both parties have to do similar things but in different ways. they have to win across a broad spectrum. neither party is going to be able to win the presidency based entirely on one subgroup. they are going to have to at least make inroads. obviously what we are discussing here is what the republican party has to do with minorities because they have a lot on the white vote and although not a complete block. and we'll start to see immigration that i know that the white house wants to see in the months ahead and they are going to have to figure out how to talk about that consistent with conservative val yous. they have to do if in a way that doesn't alley general nate these groups like it did this time. >> the president support came from white voters and that's a
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salient point. i'm glad you made that. and on the melissa harris-perry show this morning, let's listen and talk about it on the other side. here it is. >> the messaging was loud and clear. people rejected it and now plan b, which they are going to, is promoting candidates such as marco rubio and saying, okay, we're going to dress up these policies that no one likes with a brown face. >> see. >> that's still not going to vote because latino voters vote for policy, not for co-ethnic. >> is that true, reed? >> i think what they are going to have to deal with is that there are differences in their own party on immigration and some of the other issues that come along on the policy side, specifically marco rubio has a
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slightly different version of the dream act than democrats do that he's introduced. the question is, whether or not other republicans, who were not marco rubio, are going to go along with this. there was going to be 234 to 235 house republicans in congress next time around. are they going to go along with a dream act when they are getting heat from their activists back in their home states? lo look, the republican party can't just come to d.c. and do immigration reform. they have to go home on the weekend and when they do, it's like, have you ever talked to a republican party activist in iowa or arizona or new hampshire or south carolina? these are not people who are terribly interested in comprehensive immigration reform. there is an activist class that has a real stake in the party. >> let's talk about the political implications of immigration reform. what happenses if this issue is taken off the table? >> we wrote about that yesterday. i interviewed a congresswoman, a
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cuban-american from miami. she said i'm for immigration reform, my colleagues are for immigration reform but she said, honestly, the folks just elected to the new house that will start in january do not feel like me and she was worried -- she said maybe some piecemeal things are will be passed but dealing with 12 million undocumented immigrants may look difficult. >> again, if this is still on the table, one would assume and interestingly enough, the mandate and two-thirds of all voters in this country, when they had exit polls, talked about that the fact that they wanted a path to citizenship. it's interesting. the mandate is there. i don't know how much patience folks are going to have for years and years on the delay. >> sandra, anne, reid, thank
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you. appreciate you sticking around. >> no problem. still to come, the resignation of david petraeus. more pieces to the puzzle and what the vacancy at the spy agency could mean. plus, 52 days now until america heads to the so-called fiscal cliff. what is this fiscal cliff that we've been talking about? and we'll talk about what it means for bipartisanship. in america today we're running out of a vital resource we need to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone's ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at
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