tv The Ed Show MSNBC January 19, 2013 3:00am-4:00am EST
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2013. here is hoping it spills over to the next four years and both sides of the aisle make a move to be more social and more civil. and, hence, more productive. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "the ed show" with ed schultz, starts right now. good evening, americans. welcome "the ed show" from new york. republicans are raising the white flag. this is "the ed show." let's get to work. >> they will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the american economy. >> the republican game of chicken is over. eric cantore proposes a three-month deal on the debt ceiling. some democrats are calling it a trap. i'll ask dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman schultz what she thinks. democrats are about to drop the ball. tonight, my message to senator harry reid. plus the american people are
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getting ripped off by a congress that just isn't working. congressman rick nolan, there 30 years ago. he is back now and he can't believe the difference. he is wondering, are we getting paid for this? is it really an admission of guilt if you don't show any remorse? >> it did not even feel wrong? >> no. it's scary. >> did you feel bad about it? >> no. even scarier. >> psychologist dr. jeffrey gardere on lance armstrong's bizarre performance last night. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. republicans surrendered today in one of his biggest fights. president obama warned republicans about taking the debt ceiling hostage. it looks like they heard the message. >> the financial well-being of the american people is not leverage to be used. the full faith and credit of the
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united states of america is not a bargaining chip. and they better choose quickly because time is rung short. >> republicans made their choice during a gop retreat in williamsburg, virginia. house majority leader eric cantore reportedly has plans for three months. in a statement the white house responding, saying, we are encouraged. there are signs congressional republicans may back off their insistence on holding our economy hostage to extract drastic cuts in medicare, education and programs middle class families depend on. the temporary nature of the increase is somewhat troubling. a white house official told nbc news it's a terrible way to run the country. but the aide gave no indication president obama would veto a temporary extension if this is how congressional republicans want to govern, so be it. they already have an approval
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rating of, let's see, 14% from the american people. can they do better than that? maybe they just want to see how low it can go. the writing was on the wall yesterday when republican budget chairman paul ryan told members they need to be prepared for a debt ceiling increase. the attitudes from republican leaders are a lot different today. senator jon cornyn of texas wrote an op-ed said it may be necessary to partially shut down the government in order to secure the long-term fiscal well-being of the country. now cornyn tells the chronicle editorial board we will raise the debt ceiling. we are not going to default on our ded debt. two years ago, they were gloating over their debt ceiling hostage strategy. >> no president in the near future, maybe in the distant future, will be able to get the debt ceiling increased without a reignition, reigniting of the same discussion of how do we cut spending and get america headed in the right direction. i expect the next president,
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whoever that is, will be asking us to raise the debt ceiling again in 2013. we'll be doing it all over. >> today, mitch mcconnell doesn't sound so tough. instead of demanding spending cuts on entitlement reform, here is his new demand. the american people expect the senate to finally pass a budget. this is the new republican leverage. it's a pretty weak hand. don't you think? house republican whip kevin mccarthy was in full spin mode about the new terms of the debt limit fight. >> the senate has never even passed a budget. tts rule of the law that by april 15th, you have to. so, we're saying we will extend the debt limit until the timeline where you have a budget, a road map. so you stop digging yourself in the hole and we get out of this problem. part of not having the budget has gotten us into this problem in the first place. >> the senate is had an operating under the 2011 budget control act. demanding the senate pass a budget really doesn't do anything. it also violates the so-called
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boehner rule, which requires any bill to have cuts equal to the rise of the debt ceiling. republicans are making up for this by saying congress will get paid -- will not get paid unless the senate passes a budget. even republican congressman darryl issa knows it's a violation of the 27th amendment not to pay congress. when told about the plan, issa said that's unconstitutional. he wants a paycheck. now republicans are claiming the plan will just withhold pay for congress. so all of them will get paid, no matter what. what is it? it's just a big sham. it's just a big game. nancy pelosi rejected the plan as a gimmick. she's correct. this gimmick is the only thing republicans have up their sleeves right now. john boehner told everyone two years ago the country would not default on its debt. >> do you agree with administration officials and other economists that defaulting on the full faith and credit of
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the united states would be a financial disaster? >> that would be a financial disaster, not only for our country, but for the worldwide economy. >> and president obama reminded congress the economic damage done by playing games with the debt limit. >> the last time republicans in congress even flirted with this idea, our aaa credit rating was downgraded for the first time in our history. our businesses created the fewest jobs of any month in nearly the past three years and, ironically, the whole fiasco actually added to the deficit. >> republicans basically had no choice but to retreat from their hard line position, negotiating with the american people. if the country defaulted, they would be responsible for a global economic collapse. the new plan for a three-month increase guarantees another debate in the next few months. okay, let's have it. it also shows republicans never had any intention on carrying out their threats. get your cell phones out. want to know what you think tonight. tonight's question, do republicans finally realize the consequences of holding the economy hostage?
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text a for yes. text b for no to 26239. debbie waserman schultz of florida, chairwoman of the dnc. good to have you with us tonight. >> thanks, ed. good to be here. >> is this a big victory of sorts or is this a trap as some democrats have labeled it? >> it's a little bit of both, because while it is good to hear that the republicans are recognizing that we cannot play chicken with our economy, that we cannot jeopardize the full faith and credit of the united states, this is the party that used to say, for so many years, that the business community and our economy needed certainty. and, i mean, it is the furthest thing from certainty to extend the debt ceiling for three months. and if they ultimately send a clean debt ceiling increase to
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the president with no strings attached, that would be great. but what they need to do is they need to do it where they give long-term certainty for our economy, for our recovery so that we can focus on job creation and getting the economy turned around. that is not what they are proposing, though. >> how do you know the republicans will come back in 90 days and do the exact same thing they did this time? >> i would expect that it would just be continuing to do it in short increments. if they can even get it -- get the support among their caucus members for another three-month extension. what they're doing here is they're saying, okay, we're going to wait for a budget from the senate. the budget from the senate better have the cuts that we're expecting. so essentially they're basically trying to extend the time in which they tie a debt ceiling increase to spending cuts. and as speaker -- as leader pelosi said, that's a little too cute by half. >> wall street reacted well to the news of a republican plan today.
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the dow hit a five-year high. now, do your colleagues finally understand that economic consequences of holding the debt ceiling hostage? all this talk about stability in the economy, today you got 90 days worth of stability and the market did pretty doggone well. >> how many more signs do they need? >> yeah. >> that this is what the economy needs, the certainty. three month sincere definitely not certainty. >> will democrats vote for this? will you get democratic votes on this when boehner brings this up? >> it will depend on what it looks like. this is really gimmicky, gimmicking garbage at the end of the day. the responsible thing to do is to pass a debt ceiling increase because we have to pay our bills. really leaving this uncertainty hanging over our already fragile recovery is irresponsible. and to suggest that we're not going to pay our bills or tie the debt that we have to pay to anything that the republicans want to extract out of president obama is irresponsible.
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>> yeah. the republican that i look to right now is john cornyn. what a reversal. this guy writes an op-ed in the hometown newspaper in houston and turns around and tells the editorial board something totally different. what does that say about their leadership? >> it says they are all over the map. it says they are basically a rudderless ship and it says that they really don't get what is at stake for us economically. president obama clearly does. we've had 34 straight months of job growth, begun to get this economy turned around, unemployment rate is continuing to drop. the stock market is doing well. but the republicans could very easily throw all that into the trash can if they continue to leave the market uncertain and potentially continue to jeopardize the full faith and credit of the united states. >> congresswoman, does this now put some pressure on the democrats to deliver in the next
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90 days? show the spending cuts you're willing to make? >> at the end of the day, when we deal with this sequester, we deal with deficit reduction, it has to be in a balanced way. we have always said we are willing to support spending cuts. we put our money where our mouth is with the debt ceiling last summer. many of us on the democratic side voted for $1.2 trillion in spending cuts and got a debt ceiling increase. president obama made it very clear we are not negotiating over the debt ceiling again because we have to pay our bills. we have to give certainty to our economy and we have to focus on deficit reduction in a balanced way so we can protect the middle class and working families. >> doesn't this give the progressive movement an opportunity in the next 90 days to really send the message to congress, leave the big three alone? get your money somewhere else? it would seem to me that the republicans are going to go after that in the next 90 days, make the case that the
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entitlements are really the problem in all of this. this campaign is going to continue on. >> it will, absolutely, continue on. i think we have to acknowledge that medicare and medicaid is a contributor, significant contributor to our deficit. and there are savings that we can squeeze out. we've already added eight years of solvency into medicare through the affordable health care act we were able to get. in his $4 trillion budget plan for deficit reduction, president obama proposed another 360, almost $400 billion in entitlement savings. we can do a lot better, but we need cooperation. >> thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> on this friday evening. there at the bottom of the screen, share your thoughts with us at the ed show or facebook page. coming up, house republicans are trying to teach their members how to talk to women and minorities. better late than never. i'll ask lawrence wilkerson about the current state of his party.
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so you're an american worker, working harder, longer and making less money. why isn't congress? i'll ask minnesota congressman rick nolan, what's changed in washington since his last term in the house? and lance armstrong opens up about his use of performance-enhancing drugs. psychologist jeff gardere joins me to discuss, what is this guy all about and his admission? listen to my radio show on sirius radio noon to 3:00 pm monday through friday. share your thoughts with us on facebook and twitter.
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welcome back to "the ed show." republicans wrap up their retreat today. unless they want to downsize into a further regional party, they had better pay close attention to this very new poll that's out. only 26% of americans have a positive opinion of the gop. 49% have a negative view. by comparison, 44% have a positive view of the democratic party. 52% have a positive view of the president of the united states. it should be a wake-up call to the republican party. four years ago, house republicans were at this very same retreat, planning their obstruction of president obama's agenda on every single issue. this poll, i think, is a report card. it didn't work very well. 26% of the american people think you're okay. republicans lost seats in the senate and in the house and this poll really is a wake-up call.
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if they don't make some kind of change. republicans at the virginia retreat held a panel discussion on how to communicate with minorities and women. the panel included two hispanic women and three white guys. no african-americans were on the panel at all. it was an unfortunate coincidence. the meeting was also being held at the burwell plantation room, named for a slave-owning family. good old virginia. the new chairman of the nrcc, congressman greg walden, said we will be building out further and deeper into the minority communities. we recognize republicans have good answers. we just have had bad communications in many cases. the republican party reached so far and so deep, they came up with a six-member panel with no african-americans to talk about minority outreach? republicans have reacted strongly to the words of former secretary of state colin powell, but i think he is doing them a
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favor by speaking out. >> there's also a dark -- a dark vein of intolerance in some parts of the party. what do i mean by that? what i mean by that is that they still sort of look down on minorities. how can i evidence that? when i see a former governor say that the president is shucking and jiving. that's a racial era slave term. when i see another former governor after the president's first debate where he didn't do well, he said the president was lazy. he didn't say he was slow, he was tired, he didn't do well. he said he was lazy. it may not mean anything to most americans, but to those of us who are african-americans, the second word is shiftless and there's a third word that goes along with it. why do they tolerate this kind of discussion within the party?
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>> former chief of staff at the state department during colin powell's term and currently a visiting professor of government of public policy at the college of william & mary. good to have you with us tonight. you told us something parallel to that on this program the last time you were with us. is the republican party hearing this? i mean, is this a wake-up call? i mean, are they paying attention to what some long-time loyalists of the party are telling him? >> ed, i think people like brent scocroff and moderators are hearing it. i think we've been saying it some time now. with the latest results of the national elections we've been saying it more strenuously and more strongly. the bulk of the republican party seems not to be listening, as you just pointed out. they call it a communications problem or they call it a -- we're just not getting the really hard core message of the republican party across.
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i'm afraid they are getting that message across. and that message is tinged with intolerance for women, minorities, lgbt community and for others who don't, you know, measure up to the mitt romney image of the other percent, the 47% that doesn't count is what republicans simply don't appeal to. >> are they on their way to being a regional party? >> i think they're on their way to committing suicide, very frankly. this has happened before in our history where an existing party has either morphed into another or died and this might just be happening again. if they don't adjust the way they're looking at the rest of this country, if they don't adjust some of their very platform principles, they're done. they're finished. we can put a fork in them. they're toast. i hate to see that. because if it happens dramatically, we're looking at a problem for the two-party system for this country. it will probably happen slowly, it will probably happen over time.
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i hate to see the party go away. that's why i'm still in it, trying to save it. >> a third party but much more right wing than what we've seen in the past of the republicans? >> very much so. it would split off, be the extreme wing and then those of us who are left would try to rez recollect the original republican party of abraham lincoln. >> those extremists were alive and well this week, calling for the president's impeachment and saying president obama was acting like a king with his executive orders on gun safety. this kind of extremism gets them a 26% rating. do you think that really is what it's all about? or is it the obstruction or both? >> i think the rating is going to go down, ed. i think we're looking at potential for the republican party to be rated in the eyes of the american people much the way the entire congress is rated. do nothing and down in the teens. and as i said, that's suicide for the republican party.
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>> at the same retreat today, republicans were told by a pollster to stop talking about rape. pretty good advice, i would say. is this because the extremism takes over the discussion when republicans do try to talk about issues as sensitive as that? >> in many respects some of them do not know how to talk about it, ed. you heard what colin powell said, what you played there. i've heard what colin powell has said for the past 20 years or so about racism in america, about racism across the country, about what it means, what intolerance means for latinos, womens, blacks and so forth. and the signals that are sent by the republican party tell me that it is still there, it is still there in a major way and if they can't change that, let's face it, the country is going to be brown and black. and there are people in the republican party who so emit that change that they'll never be able to adjust.
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>> colonel wilkerson, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. john boehner and his do-nothing congress, do you know what they are doing, fox? they are ripping you off as a taxpayer, working less than ever and making huge amounts of money. minnesota congressman rick nolan is speaking out. he tells us how congress can get back on track and do it for the people. and later the time for real filibuster reform is right now. will harry reid do the right thing? that is a big question mark. larry cohen is part of the team to get it correct. [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up
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welcome back to "the ed show." how you were getting ripped off as a taxpayer. this is my opinion. but i got numbers to back it up. congress is spending almost half its time on vacation. so when you go to work on monday shall tell the boss i've got to get a deal like these guys have. but that's not how it's going to be for you at home. you see, you actually have to work for a living. you can't, you know, give yourself a pay raise. now we've shown you this chart many times here on the ed show. worker productivity has been going through the roof. however, pay leveled off in the '70s. it leveled off in the '70s. it sure did. it hasn't gone anywhere since. here is a chart of congressional
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work productivity for the same period of time. their productivity is at the lowest level since the 1940s. 112th congress passed just over 200 bills. but take a look at their pay. it's been skyrocketing. right now it's at an all-time high of $174,000 a year. so here is the bills that they've passed over the years. this is where their pay has gone. now you tell me, who's working hard? the man who leads this do-nothing congress makes $223,000 a year. not a bad deal if you look at how many days they actually work. 2012, the house was in session for 109 days. they worked on average about two days a week. now wait a minute, they're really going to be cracking a sweat for 2013. they upped the workload to 126 days in 2013.
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that's an average of about 2 1/2 days a week. eric cantore plans the two-day workweek, makes him $193,000 a year. members of congress now want to tell you they work at home in their district, doing all this glad handing and stuff. but how many federal laws can you pass when you're back home? none. meanwhile, when congress is in session, most of their day is spent doing what? raising money. the huffington post, incoming democrats, so we're bipartisan on this show all of a sudden, huh? here is how they suggest they spend their day. four hours of call time, actually fund-raising, two hours of constituent visits, two hours on committee and floor speeches, one hour of strategic outreach, also known as fund-raising and one hour of recharge the batteries, go put your head down, take a nap, go to lunch
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and raise some more money. they suggest you spend five hours fund-raising and four hours actually doing the job that the taxpayers want you to do all in a two-day workweek. now maybe this is why the congressional approval is sitting at 14%. republicans are worse than this, by the way. our next guest knows how to get things done in congress. i find this to be an interesting story. a blast from the past. minnesota congressman rick nolan was first elected in 1975 and he served three terms until 1981. well, he's back, just re-elected to his fourth term after 32 years of being in private business and doing some other public service work. during nolan's first term, congress passed 588 bills and what was their salary back then? $44,600. the 112th congress was just ended, passed 219 bills and their salary is $174,000 a year.
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don't you feel like you're really getting your money's worth right now? it was the least productive congress on record. so, what it comes down to, folks, is this. you, as an american worker are working harder and longer for less pay. i showed you what the graph was all about. congress is working less and getting paid more. so you know what? you, me as taxpayers, we're getting ripped off. we're not getting our money's worth. certainly they're still great americans, aren't they? how could it be that the work ethic was so strong back in the day but now it's not? because it's all about the money. for more, i'm joined tonight by congressman rick nolan of minnesota. good to have you with us tonight. thanks for your time. you illustrate best what this is all about, because of your experience of 30 years ago in the congress. what's the biggest difference between then and now? >> well, ed, i think you hit the
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nail on the head here. back when i served before, we worked 48 out of 52 weeks. this congress is going to work, you know, 31, 32 weeks out of 52 weeks. we used to work four and five days a week. we would be in committee in the morning. we would be in session during the afternoon. and into the evening. and we got things done. and, you know, when you're getting together and you're working together, you get to know one another and you get to learn where those areas of opportunity are for cooperation, collaboration, getting things done. if you're not going to work and you can't run a business that way -- >> congress isn't governing, in your opinion? >> no. you can't run a business that way. you can't run a country that way. and, ed, the numbers that you pointed out are -- it's good for people to know that. but it's even worse than what the numbers indicate. you know, the number of days that are scheduled for this
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year, you can already subtract one day from that. we were supposed to be meeting last wednesday and we decided not to. and those first days of every week when we work, we don't have any votes scheduled until 6:30 at night. then what we don't finish up that evening, we wrap up the next day and if there's anything else to do, we wrap it up the following morning. >> it's the money, corporate money, isn't it? >> it is. money has really corrupted the entire political process. the sad story, ed, here is that the one with the most money generally gets the most votes. so, people have come to the conclusion -- and, quite frankly, understandably so -- there's no sense running unless you're going to have at least enough money and hopefully more than the other person that you're running against. we need to change the way we do politics in this country. you can't run a country this way, ed. >> we're not getting our bang for our buck, are we? >> no, of course we're not. not at all. >> great to have you with us tonight, congressman.
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appreciate you speaking out on this a lot of people will respond to it. thank you very much. >> you bet, ed. a lot more coming up in the next half hour of the ed show. >> did you feel bad about it? >> no. even scarier. >> coming up, dr. jeff gardere on lance armstrong's strange apology. and the psychology of a liar. donald trump tries to return fire in his twitter fight with dead spin and hilarity ensues. mplth and it's do or die time for the filibuster reform in the senate and harry reid and the democrats, i think, are dropping the ball. >> as women learn less than men for the same jobs, time in the senate ticks by. >> larry cohen and the workers of america joins me for the discussion.
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january 22nd, senate majority leader harry reid has the opportunity to change the rules and fix the senate and end all these filibusters. according to politico, harry reid doesn't plan on advancing the talking filibuster requirement found in the proposal put forth by senators jeff murkley, tom harkin. reid is considering more modest reforms, changes that would force senators to hold the floor in certain situations and require those stalling legislation to require 41 votes. those looking for real reform say it's simply not enough. i have to agree. the heart of the problem lies in republicans' use of the silent filibuster, the push for comprehensive immigration reform, the sensible gun safety legislation we've been talking about in recent days. these efforts will mean nothing if they face the same republican obstruction in the senate. one member of the senate should not have the power to block voting on legislation that
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affects 315 million americans. one of the senate, one member of the senate should not be able to stop what millions of those americans voted for in the last election. how many landslides do we have to have? and democrats can't be worried about what happens if republicans regain control of the senate. this is about now. and moving the obama agenda forward. it deserves to be debated on the senate floor. the senate has a responsibility to fix what is obviously broken. the senate has a responsibility to the americans who want jobs, who are seeing them move overseas and women who earn less than men for the same job and americans still looking for work and people looking for a path to citizenship. how in the heck are you ever going to get immigration reform done if we have to put up with the republicans with all their filibusters? these are victims of what the filibuster has become. if harry reid is going to take steps to change the rules, he needs to make it count.
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harry, you've got to do this. go for the jugular. since when do you trust mitch mcconnell on anything? he will stab you in the back in a new york second, politically. let's turn to larry cohen, president of the coalition of american workers. coalition of organizations that support the reform. we appreciate your time. how important is this? is there a chance if this doesn't happen that the 113th will be just like the 112th? >> there's a serious chance. and it's up to us. i'm glad to say that there are over 1 million americans that have signed petitions into their except tors, over 100,000 phone calls, 50 groups working on this day and night. it's tied to everything we care about. the question is, are we going to have democracy in the u.s. senate, which we actually had for many generations? are we going to pretend there's
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a filibuster that doesn't even exist? one senator calls up from anywhere. you don't even know who it is. there are three or four parts to this that are all critical. you can't get a conference committee. the president can't get any of his nominations through. frankly the majority leader can't even put the bill on the floor. two congresses ago, pelosi congress, 435 items passed by the house that never even got put on the floor of the senate let alone debated. >> do the republicans deserve this after 380 filibusters compared to when lyndon johnson was the senate majority leader where he had one filibuster? >> well, this is the point, right? we have a senate that's frozen, broken, doesn't work. pick your favorite adjective or vertebrae. it's not working. this is not what democracy looks like. it's only on the first day and technically we're still in the
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first day of the congress, two-year period that this can be done by 51 senators, meaning in this case there's 55 in the democratic caucus and we'll take 51 of them. we need all of those 51 to stand up to have a senate that actually discusses the issues of the day. and allows the president's nominations to reach the floor and allows conference committees to actually meet. so when the house and senate pass two different bills there's a way to reconcile that. none of that is happening. >> harry reid said that he has been negotiating with senate minority leader mitch mcconnell to avoid having the so-called nuclear option. i would go so far as to say does mitch mcconnell even deserve to be in the position to negotiate what the senate rules are going to be after what he has done in the last session of congress? why can't the democrats, for lack of a better term, grow a pair and get after it and change the rules and do what the american people want? because the president deserves to have his agenda debated on
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the floor for immigration reform, taxation, education, for more health care and all of t you know what the republicans are going to do. they're going to say no to that and new gun legislation. why should mcconnell be involved in this? >> he shouldn't be unless they were going to come to a fair resolution. there's zero chance of that. i think what senator reid is saying on that score is i've made every effort to do this in that way. doing it by a majority, as the constitution says, house and senate shall determine the rules. you do that on the first day of a congress. this is still the legislative first day. that's been used many times before. we need the democrats, as you said, to move forward. that's what they got elected for, the most expensive elections ever. if not now, when? >> when you've got a party with a 26% approval rating, you have a senate that was retained by, no question, the democrats, and you have a landslide victory both in the electoral college and the popular vote of the president, how much more evidence do the democrats need? give me a number of how many
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filibusters you would actually put up with before you go with the talking filibuster? larry cohen, keep up the great work. you're doing it right. there's no doubt about it. we've got to get this done. coming up, the best tweet ever. dead spin really lets donald trump have it. you won't want to miss the story. stay with us. we're right back.
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yourself. that response has seemed to have hurt trump's feelings a little bit. he spent this friday with tweets. dead spin guys are total losers. they had their story stolen right from under their bad complexions and other media capitalized. dummies at dead spin had their big payday taken from them from others in the media. dead spin will never make it. they don't understand graciousness or money and, finally dead spin's disgusting response will teach me and others, and others, not to be nice anymore. a sad lesson. so now let me get this straight. the guy who has made a career out of heckling a sitting president with his birther nonsense is now in the business of giving lessons in civility. here is trump practicing his nice guy routine.
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>> rosie o'donnell is disgusting, both inside and out. the unwanted and really disgusting porn star, anthony weiner -- somewhat of a loser, lonely, unhappy, very miserable and her sound enhanced and computer enhanced music doesn't do it for me. >> said that he thought it was absurd. >> he's a political hack. >> and karl rove. >> these are three people, i have to tell you, they're hacks. steve schmidt is a lightweight, a guy who did a horrible job running john mccain's campaign. >> i always said the worst president was jimmy carter. guess what. jimmy carter goes to second place. barack obama has been the worst president ever. >> oh, donald, little advice here tonight. don't take your frustration out on dead spin. they only told you what the rest of the country has been thinking for years. tonight in our survey, i ask you, do republicans finally realize the consequences of holding the economy hostage? 31% of you say yes. 69% of you say no.
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this week lance armstrong decided to confess his lies to oprah in front of about 3.2 million viewers. he admits he cheated so he could win seven tour de france titles. he says he would do anything to win, including bullying other riders to cheat with him. >> were you a bully? >> yeah. yeah, i was a bully. >> tell me how you were a bully. >> i was a bully in the sense that you just -- i tried to control the narrative. and if i didn't like what somebody said, and for whatever reasons in my own head, whether i viewed that as somebody being disloyal or a friend turning on you or whatever, i tried to control that. that's a lie. they're liars. >> he is confessing, but he's not really apologizing. in fact, regulators and fellow cyclers think that he's talking to the wrong person about his crimes. >> the right place for mr.
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armstrong to come forward and be truly contritional is an appropriate authority where he makes a full and frank, sworn statement covering all the bases. >> as she always does, oprah winfrey conducted a great interview, but armstrong knows her living room is not a court of law. reporters and fellow cyclists and fans say this talk show interview is simply not enough. >> i think he confessed the minimum, the minimum that he might have thought that the world wanted to know is that he used performance-enhancing drugs. he certainly left out a lot of details. >> to get that second chance you have to earn it. and you have to be magnanimous and contrite and sincere in your apology and i'm not sure that was. >> he was very good on sound bites but his actions always spoke of a guy who was lying and cheating. >> i thought he would step up
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and say yes, i was the head of this scheme, you know. it was wrong. i do apologize. i didn't hear apologizing, an apology once. >> joining us on "the ed show," dr. jeff gardere, clinical psychologist and teaching at toro college here in new york. great to have you with us. >> great to be here, ed. >> was that a perfect conditional confession? >> it was very conditional in that he told some truths, but we saw a lot of walls that were up. it was so dispassionate. and, as we know, clinically, if you are going to confess, if you are going to come clean, the emotions need to be there. and strangely enough -- or maybe not so surprising -- the emotions just were not there. it was something that was done by the numbers. it seemed to have been planned. the fact that you have a script in your head that your people put together as to putting your career back together again somehow just doesn't ring true for something that should be
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coming from your heart. >> what makes a person like this tick? >> i've worked with people like this. sometimes we have to look at the narcism. instead of saying, listen, what you're saying is false, they do more than that, as he did. he went out and attacked people, not just fellow riders, but also had personal attacks against those who were trying to tell the truth about him. so srnl was a bully. we have to give him credit for saying that, but it hurt a lot of people. >> did winning become addictive, like a drug addiction or a sexual addiction or any kind of addiction? what about that? >> people are asking why he did this. it was for the same reason that he doped up. winning. it's always about winning for lance armstrong. even the confessions now is about winning, because he wants to rehabilitate the image and
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compete once again. you can't blame him for that. but again you see it's something that is a plan that has been put together by his team. >> the fact that he was raising a lot of money for cancer and has done a lot of good things for people, was this his justification for his operation, the way his behavior and the way he was competing and cheating and lying? >> again, we have to give him credit that he wanted to help other people but in many ways that becomes a rationalization. we use that as a way to shield ourselves from the cold, hard truth that perhaps we are cold and hard by doing these things that may not be from the heart but to help us as far as the public perception. >> personally, does he need rehabilitation? >> this is a man who i truly believe needs to feel what's inside. i think he has locked out a lot of those emotions, a lot of feelings, brought in his own hype about winning. that addiction you talk about, i think, is very, very real. like anyone who is addicted, he
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