tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC January 28, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EST
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but stick around, here's chuck! is this the right stuff? big name republicans are on board for crafting immigration overhaul. are these the right guys at the right time to make it happen? or will others on the right convince the party faithful that they're wrong? ofa-fyi. a new new developments today with the newly created group. it's their desire to push the president's agenda in the second term. find out how powerful this massive database of names could be in shaping policy. and geithner's good-bye. the former head of the treasury opens up. >> good morning from washington. it's monday, january 28th, 2013. this is "the daily rundown." i am about an 80% version of my vocal cord version of chuck todd's. let's goat my first reads. an impressive bipartisan group
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of senators will outline an immigration reform plan that include as pathway to citizenship for more than 11 million undocumented immigrants. of all the things on the horizon in the next six months, this was always the easiest for one big reason -- republicans have an incentive to get it done as well as democrats. the working group of eight senators includes democrats durbin, schumer, menendez, bennett and republicans mccain, graham, rubio and flake. florida doesn't border on another country but you get my drift. it's an impressive list of names but griagreeing on some details won't be easy. don't call it a gang, by the way. the senators released a four page what i would call a memo of understanding that lays out the principles they say must be part of any deal and these are the principles they all eight agree to. a pathway to citizenship is
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contingent on first securing the border. by immediately adding new surveillance technology, think drones, more border patrol agents. the proposal would also require a new tracking system to reduce visa overstays. a commission made up of governors in the border states, law enforcement officials and community leaders would assess when enforcement measures had been completed and then the path to citizenship for those undocumented workers. still vague exactly how this commission will decide whether border security benchmarks have been met. were there specific metrics are is it a subjective deal? and when does the clock start on that pathway to citizenship? when it does, in order to gain a probationary status, they would have to register with the federal government, pay a fine and back taxes and pass a background check to make sure they don't have a criminal background, violent history. to gain permanent residency,
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individuals would have to pay more fine, demonstrate a work history and current employment and they'd have to go behind the back of the line behind every lawful green card applicant. it provide for immigrant who is came to the u.s. as children and those who are agricultural workers. they do not have to go back to their home country. the most important i kquestion be answered, do knows who are dead set against amnesty believes this is amnesty under another name. >> i'll give you a little straight talk. look at the last election. look at the last election. we are losing dramatically the hispanic vote, which we think should be ours for a variety of reasons. >> senator menendez said after a handful of meeting the senators agreed a pathway to citizenship must be part of any comprehensive plan. >> having a pathway to earned
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legalization is an essential element and i think that we are largely moving in that direction as an agreement. americans support it in poll after poll. secondly, latino voters expect it. third, the democrats want it and fourth, republicans need it. >> when it comes to immigration reform, everyone is eager to get ahead of everyone else. by rolling out this senate play today, senators can get ahead of the president who will give his first policy speech on immigration tomorrow. another senator who wants to get ahead of this story, senator marco rubio write, "my hope is president obama will use his voice and influence to further this approach. however, if what he offers is a process for the undocumented that is more lenient, faster and unfair to those waiting to completely, it won't bode well for reform." striking a much friendlier tone on sunday, this is what senator
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mccain said of the president's effort. >> believe it or not i see a glimmer of bipartisan out there. >> we have president obama out there pushing a plan. does it help? hurt? >> i think it helps. i think it's important we all work to the on this. >> this will be the first time mccain has signed on to any major obama initiative, though mccain supported fiscal legislation, he opposed don't ask/don't tell and the new start treaty. no one is sure how speaker boehner proceeds, does he violate the so-called hastert rule again? by the way, as for what the president does tomorrow, don't expect specific legislation. there was some talk that they
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might do that. i'm told that the congressional hispanic caucus suggested to the white house that that was not necessary, that they would like to see the senate see how this group of eight works before the white house gets in with details on their own legislation. we'll see what happens tomorrow. moving on, it was a case where the picture meant a lot more than the words themselves. sunday on "60 minutes eye," two former rivals sat down for an interview which would have been improbable eight years ago and talked about their relationship today. >> i consider hillary a close friend. >> very warm, close. i think there's a sense of understanding that sometimes doesn't even take words. >> friendships involve a sense of trust and being in the foxhole together and that emerged during the course of months when we were making some very tough decisions. >> the interview was indeed the
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president's idea. he believed secretary clinton happened him unify the party when it could have splintered. he could have become ted kennedy to his jimmy carter and he felt he owed her a thank you. he lavished praise on secretary clinton describing why he picked her as secretary of state. >> her discipline, her stamina, her thoughtfulness, her ability to project i think and make clear issues that are important to the american people i thought made her an extraordinary talent. she also was already a world figure. >> in many ways this was obama pulling frankly a bill clinton, a politically shrewd move, all about the clintons and hillary ace political future. the joke is whether vice president joe biden has been peeled off the ceiling yet but on what may have been the more interesting obama interview published this weekend, the president talked gun control, the future of both parties and
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football with the "new republic" as they tried to relaunch. the president acknowledged getting gun control through congress will be tough and said "if you group up and your dad gave you a hunting rifle when you were 10 and you spent the day whim and your uncle and that became part of i don't are family traditions, you can see why you would be protective of that." ask if he ever fired a gun, the president went as far to say up at camp david we do skeet shooting all the time. the president will meet with law enforcement officials across america. it's looking more and more like by the way, that a background check bill is the vehicle that is most likely to get through the senate. on friday oklahoma republican senator tom coburn told a tulsa radio station he's working on a bill with senators chuck schumer
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and jove mansion to keep guns away from criminals and the mentally ill. think about that, a rural republican senator from essentially the south signing on to a bill with a new york senator on background checks. that would be a big deal. in that "new republic" interview, the president weighed in on something gathers of fathers of young boys weigh in on every week, trust me. how do you square your love for football with the growing evidence that the effect head injuries have on players? here's what the president said. "i'm a big football fan but i have to tell you, if i had a son, i'd have to think long and hard before i let him play football. i think that those of us who love the support are going to have to wrestle with the fact that it will probably change gradually to try to reduce some of the violence," putting the onus on the ncaa. it's the last thing the ncaa needs right now but the fact is somebody has to take a
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leadership position in college football. it's not just about the nfl. and paul ryan previewed the strategy saying the republicans, ready to let the sequester take effect and move ahead on a big debate in the spring and ryan promises he'll have a balanced budget proposal that will balance the budget in ten years. >> we're not preaching austerity. we're preaching growth and opportunity. what we are saying is if you get our fiscal ship fixed, you preempt austerity. >> on saturday ryan gave the gop some advice at a conference put on by the nation review institute telling republicans to be, quote, prudent. >> the president will bait us. he will portray us as cruel and unyielding. we can't get rattled. we won't play the villain in his more raality plays. we have to stay united. we have to show if given the
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chance that we can govern, that we have better ideas. >> ryan was joined at the national review over the weekend by a handful of republican governors, including virginia's bob mcdonald, who had this advice for the party. >> our politics are off. and we need to be honest about the problems that our movement and our party's got. i know it sounds strange but i think we need to be better community organizers. that's funny, i guess five years ago, it's not so funny now. >> put that on the list of things a gop governor with presidential ambitions wouldn't have said a year ago at a conference sponsored by the national review. speaking of mcdonnell, he made it clear this weekend that the republican party's attempt to, quote, fix their problems by simply changing the rules, namely the rules of how the electoral college votes are awarded, that plan is dead in virginia. mcconnell's spokesman said "the
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governor does not support this legislation. he believes virginia's existing system works just fine as it is." interestingly, virginia gubernatorial candidate also came out in opposition saying, quote, i don't like breaking up states. i think winner take all is part of how a state matters as a sovereign entity. our side would have gotten more votes this go-round but i want people to have to fight to win the whole state. and even though rnc chairman reince priebus continued to call this effort intriguing rather than trying to kill it in charlotte on friday, it's clear that anybody who is remotely thinking about how to win a statewide office or have presidential ambitions is shutting the door on what is clearly a ridiculous proposals in stats like wisconsin. scott walker saved he's not ruling it out. >> it's an interesting idea. i haven't committed one way or
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the other to it. for me or any other state considering this, you should really look at not just the short term but the long-term implications. is it better or worse for the electorate? >> unbelievable. we'll have bob mcdonnell in studio tomorrow and we'll figure out why he thought being against this proposal was the right for for him. >> our meet the enough member series be continucontinues. the lone star state representative will be with us. plus the obama hands over the keys to the kingdom. first, a look ahead at the president's schedule. got that meeting with law enforcement officials on guns but look at that in the afternoon. lebron and dwyane wade are coming. the miami heat gets its turn at
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i was sitting in class one day at harvard law school, my second year at harvard law school and it was a class of about 30 or 40 people and i was one of the few minorities in the classroom and i was the only latino in that class and it both made me sad because you never want to be the only one but it also gave me a lot of inspiration. >> that was stanford and harvard law graduate joaquin castro, born and raised in san antonio texas. he's the son of a high school teacher, father and politically active mother who grew up with politics in his blood. he won his first election at the age of 28 and would go on to
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serve five terms as state representatives. during that time castro receicr a group that particular underprivileged kids to some of the top universities. castro ran unchallenged in the democratic party and went on to beat republican david rosa and two third party candidates. he got nearly 64% of the vote but he's perhaps just as well known these days as the twin brother of the san antonio mayor julian castro. he of course was the first latino key note speaker of the democratic national convention who joaquin introduced this past september, propelling both brothers on to the national stage. joining me now is the newly elected senator, joaquin castro. >> good morning. thank you for having me. >> i want to ask you about the
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reports you've seen this morning on the bipartisan immigration proposal, four democratic senators, four republican senators, heavyweights in both parties coming together on this. are you comfortable with what you've seen so far? >> i think that it's a great start and i think it bodes well for the issue. as you know, chuck, it's hard to get to this point with any issue in washington these days. so the fact that you have a bipartisan group sitting down, coming up with a serious proposal, the president speaking about it the next day, i think that's a good thing but i do think that the devil will be in the details and specifically as you read off the different items about securing the border first and then moving on to a path to citizenship, we've got to make sure that those measurements when we determine that we've secured the border, that those measurements are objective and not subjective. >> give me an example of a measurement you'd like to see. i apologize for interrupting. >> sure. no, not at all. >> what are the ways you think it should be? >> well, for example, right now we've got more resources committed on the border than at
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any other time in american history. if we decide that we're going to put 10,000 more border patrol or ice agents or whatever it's going to be, some objective measure when we know that we've hit our mark. otherwise you'll have fights down the road where folks are saying, well, wait a minute, let's not move on to the second phase of the bill because we've not first completed the first phase. you don't want to get into that situation five or six years down the road. >> you're entering this congress in familiar territory for you. you're in the minority party of the house. you were in the minority party of the texas statehouse. talk about what were the challenges that you had of trying to get some things done in the texas statehouse? how did you feel you overcame them being in the minority and do you think the same lessons apply to the u.s. congress? >> i think a lot of the same lessons apply. the legislative body in texas is smaller. it's 150 state representatives but we were in the deep minority. so i always tell folks that you
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learn almost in a darwinian way how to be effective without being able to use sheer force of numbers just to overrun folks. it meant in texas if you were going to get anything done that was meaningful, you had to be able to sit down with republicans, with people that you disagreed with, who disagreed with you and come to some kind of agreement and compromise. we were able to do that on a lot of issues. i was vice chair on the higher education econocommittee. we did some great higher ed reform in the years i was on that committee. being able to work with people and understand you're not going to get a hundred percent of what you want but being able to leverage relationships to get good things. >> do you have feel as if the house democratic leaders will be comfortable with you reaching across the aisle on your own if you find republicans to work with? >> oh, i think so. you know, i think that both leader pelosi and steny hoyer
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are folks who understand that people have to represent their districts. i think all of us as democrats understand the principles we stand for but they also understand you have to represent your district and that's what i've come to washington to do. >> joaquin castro, the twin brother of the mayor of san a anton antonio. do people still confuse you? >> every day. >> do you answer to both julio and joaquin? >> i guess i have to. i don't want to be rude so i turn around. >> up next, it's been called the most powerful tool in the history of american politics. it's the president's campaign database. personal information on millions of voters. not everybody happy about how it's being used. we'll get into that.
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and this year is all about new beginnings for me. i lost over 50 lbs on weight watchers and did not have to be perfect to do it. being healthy has become a part of who i am which is great timing because i'm having another baby. i feel like i'm on top of the world. introducing the new weight watchers 360 program. because when a weight loss program
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is built for human nature, you can expect amazing. join for free and expect amazing. because it works. the information gold mine that helped fuel the president's successful reelection has found a new home and it's a group called organization for action. but there's more to this group than meets the eye. the data bank is believed to be one of the most valuable political tools ever built. profiles from 4,000 donors cover personal habits to their likes and dislikes. >> it's really smart technology and data meshed with the relationships and notion that grass roots and organizing people and their efforts can and
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should be at the head of a campaign. the executive director of a nonprofit or ceo of a brand needs to decide that they're going to have a meaningful relationship with the people who are most important to them, their supporters and people they're trying to reach, in our case the voters. >> since the campaign ended, there's been plenty of speculation on who could benefit on all that information. some critics are concerned that people who volunteered information during the campaign weren't aware the information would be shared. former deputy campaign manager stephanie cutter discussed how it would be used. >> the way it's organized legally can't participate in elections, but that doesn't mean that the issues that we're organizing around won't mobilize the american people to vote for things, to vote for that economy that we've been working for, to vote for immigration reform, to vote for common sense gun reforms. you know, i think that we can affect elections but we legally
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can't be involved in them. >> some critics have raised red flags as the group's designation over a 501 c-4. with me is michael isikoff. the designation of a 501 c-4, what is the benefit to do that? >> this is the new route that advocacy groups use, can accept unlimited corporate donations and not disclose where they come from and use them for all sorts of political ads. now, they've followed -- the obama people have now followed the karl rove model and they're openly pitching corporate donations. the opening pitch was sponsored by a group called business forward. a lot of big companies, dow chemical, duke energy --
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>> a lot of tech companies. >> comcast are part owner, nbc was part of it. they say they're going to disclose and that is a step ahead of where karl rove is but what kind of disclosure is the question. when i pressed katie hogan, the spokeswoman for the group, she said that's all being worked out. will we get regularly quarter live disclosures with amounts or will it be simply a list in which people can guess how much each of these companies are kicking into this agenda companies? >> the more minimalist they are, the more likely a bunch of us asking the president will end up shaming them to do more. we're stretching the bounds of the amount of information. once we go online, it's all there. all of this is legal but it's an mazing amount of information. >> the obama campaign in many ways was far ahead of private industry here. they were able to collect an enormous amount of data. they encouraged people to
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contact the campaign through facebook. when they did, all their friends and likes and preferences were downloaded, captured by this database. if you went online, those computer cookies -- >> it's all the kind of to profile a supporter, the type of people who might become supporters. >> they were profiling millions of american voters and they captured probably more information than any other single entity out there. so now that database, which is an enormously valuable tool politically, is being transferred to this new advocacy group. we know what their stated agenda is now. we don't know how it will evolve, how this database will be used. a lot of questions that privacy advocates and others are going to be asking about how this goes. >> i'm going to leave it there. mike isikoff, you can read the rest of mike's article at open
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it's a deep dive into -- coming up next, a deep dive into this prediction. >> when the history books are written, tim geithner is going to go done as one of the finest secretaries of the treasury. >> what the former secretary is saying now about why politics is standing in the way of an economic boone. you're watching "the daily rundown." [ woman ] if you have the audacity to believe your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda.
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campbell's chunky beef with country vegetables, poured over rice! [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right. he's going to be one of the most consequential secretaries of the modern era and he's out of a job this morning. a deep dive into tim geithner's legacy, still being written after four years, packed with crisis and controversy. he was tapped by president elect obama -- a lot of people assumed mccain would have tapped him as treasury secretary if he had won. he was faced with an economy in
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freefall. the obama administration passed the tax package. on "meet the press" in the spring of 2009, geithner said the government couldn't afford to wait. >> we can leave it as it is, hope banks will earn their way out of this process over time and i am certain that would create the risk of a deeper, longer recession. again, the classic lesson in financial crises is governments wait to act, they wait too late and that means more damage to the economy, higher deficit in the future, greater cost for the taxpayer. we're not prepared to take that approach. >> it seemed like each time one crisis subsided, another cropped up, a faltering housing market, the european debt market. according to the numbers, the results have been mixed. the economy was losing an average of 651,000 jobs in the three months before geithner was sworn in. in the last three months in his,
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the economy added an average of 150,000 jobs. the dow has gone from 8,000 has gone now to almost 14,000. the number of unemployed has gone from 11.6 million to 12.2 million. geithner told the "new republic," quote, i really believe that given the choices we had at the time with the authority we had and the options available to us that we did a very effective job. and by "we" i mean in many ways this was a bipartisan response across two administrations that will look good against the comparison of what we know about other crises of this magnitude. geithner indicated if he had to do it again he would be just as aggressive. he argued against taking an incremental piecemeal approach.
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with me now is lee who sat down secretary geithner for the interview. i hope i did not mangle your name. what's interesting about geithner, you watched him in the interview. how would you say he changed from the guy who was the head of the new york federal reserve in the middle of a crisis in a different place to the guy who is leaving sntoday? >> i think he's a lot more confident. if you remember when he took over as treasury of secretary, everyone was struck by the fact that he didn't seem to quite have the stature of hank paulson. now four years later i think he feels vindicated. his signature achievement was to stop the financial crisis. >> my observation of him has been how surprisingly enamored he became with washington and the political process. on one hand he talks about what
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a mess it is. on the other hand, seemed to enjoy getting to know individual senators and doing a lot of this leg work on the president's behalf. >> i'm not a journalist but what i observe is he's actually a very effective political player. he tries to understand the other person's point of view. in my interview he talked about the budget debate and he parsed it down into there's a short-run budget debate in the next ten years that's not so short, the medium term and the long run. and he parsed out the differences and i think his ability to do that and to understand where each person stands made him a very effective player. i think it was no coincidence that john boehner wanted him to be -- >> in the room. >> in the room. >> if there was one area that it seemed that no matter what he tried this didn't work, it was
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housing. what did he say about that? >> i didn't talk to him about housing, though i've heard him speak about housing before. andssential argument was that the money used in stabilizing the housing market could be much more effectively used in a fiscal stimulus. so trying to public money into rea reducing foreclosures -- >> they put -- >> they put relatively little amount of money. his argument was that money was much better spent on the payroll tax cut or on the stimulus package. >> the other message was that he said the parties aren't that far apart. they seemed to be fairly close and then the republicans seemed to walk away from that deal the second time. what did he mean by that?
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>> i think what he means is that given what we did on spending last year, given this tax increase that we got, we've essentially done three quarters of the problem. the remaining amount is essentially over the next ten years $1.5 trillion. if you break that down, that amounts to three quarters of one percent of gdp per year. another deal of about $100 billion a year. >> we know there was family pressure for him to get out. i get this impression, frankly, if his family were happier in d.c. he might have stuck around longer. what does he do next? >> i haven't a clue. >> he said no to federal reserve, he ruled that out, he was not interested in becoming the next federal reserve chair. did he give a hint he'd like to come back to washington? >> he refused to answer. he said he's going to thing about that. >> liaquat, thank you very much.
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[ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of phyllis's story, visit it's going to be a powerful picture this afternoon of a powerful group of senators announcing their proposal for immigration reform. let's bring in our gaggle. msnbc contributor, perry baker. pete, i want to start with you. you were in the bush administration the last time comprehensive immigration reform was on the table. you look at these eight senators, chuck schumer, john mccain, dick durbin, marco
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rubio. it's as good as it get when it comes to a picture. you throw it in there, it's got southwestern senators. it's as good as it gets for a bipartisan plan. done deal? >> i don't know about done deal. i wish it was a done deal. there's something you expect. you expect lindsay graham and john mccain to be on that list. you cannot underestimate the importance of having marco rube y -- rubio on that list. you see the shift -- >> a little defensive. he's having to play a lot defense. >> a little bit but the fact that he's a part of it and he's so well liked in that segment of the republican party for which is comprehensive is code word for amnesty is helpful. >> maria, that's the big compromise if you will, that these republicans are making. despite all this talk that nothing comprehensive can get done, rubio says, no, no, we're never going to get border
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security without the pathway to citizenship. >> it also shows how mccain is mentoring rubio. basically mccain sat him down and said we need to do something comprehensive. unless they pass comprehensive immigration reform, they're going to have a latino vote problem the next day. they have to craft something smart, comprehensive. >> perry, what the white house says tomorrow, we know they're going to be supportive that the senate is taking action. the question is do they come out in some detailed proposal that's to the left of this to increase pressure or do they give this a chance? >> my sense is they're going to give this a chance, the senate is coming together, john boehner. this is a good moment -- >> washington working. >> washington is working. >> has the voice of the congressional spanish caucus is
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behind it? >> we haven't seen what the house is going to do yes, paul ryan said he's behind it. >> how does mike pence, a former house republican who would have been probably pretty skeptical of an approach like this two years ago, how does he go about this today? >> i don't know about him. i haven't talked to him about it but i think the larger point is to what senator mccain said. so much has changed. we have an election behind us where it was very clear what the american people are looking for and the failure of the 2007 proposal, this has to happen. and i hope it does. i look forward to seeing what they have to say this morning. >> you think republicans are making the politically pragmatic decision? >> yeah. i don't like to get political about it. when senator menendez said yesterday republicans need this, i think our country needs this.
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i didn't appreciate him politicizing the issue. >> i think the unanswered question is the path to citizenship doesn't begin until some metrics are met on the border. what does that mean? >> that's where it's a slippery slope. the republicans have been telling president obama until he completely secures the border, they're not going to come to the table. >> what is completely secure? >> exactly. the republicans need to say we're going to give you some clear principles but when you start talking about the folks crossing the border, it's basically net zero. how do you actually address the here and now of the 12 million that are living undocumented but also what i do contest is this idea of folks saying, well, let's get the folks in the back of the line. jeb bush did a beautiful piece in the wall street journal saying there is no line so let's have a frank conversation with the american people that it's broken. >> it's fun each you say that. as much as marco rubio is trying to assure those fear being amnesty, no, they'll be in the back of the line, exception for
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agricultural workers, which will be a big chunk of folks. there is a way to make sure that everybody sort of gets treated pretty equally. >> maria said, too, the path to citizenship is not clear. what that means to different people is a totally different thing. when it becomes amnesty is a questionable thing. we don't have that agreement reached. until we do, we're assuming an agreement talking about without the most important details to be agreed to. >> the easiest piece of the agenda to get done. if this can't get done by the 4th of july, nothing can get done. we asked which two presidents had the most treasury secretaries? andrew jackson and grover cleveland. both of them had five treasury secretary as apiece. if you've got a political trivia question for us, e-mail us at
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9:53 am
let's bring back our gaggle. perry bacon jr., by the way. we left off the junior. maria teresa kumar. in the last two hours two open senate seats. tom harken. saxby chambliss. i was surprised by that one. >> i was surprised. hints for that for a while, too. we had a whole -- he's in the same place a lot of these veteran senators are. like lindsey graham. a lot of uncertainty about him. tea party angst about him. a little too moderate in their minds. >> pete? >> saxby chambliss may have seen what happened in indiana and said is it worth -- he claims he would have won and beaten any primary challenger. he sound like a lot of what i call legislative conservatives in this town. frustrated both in his statement, took a shot at the president, but also took a shot at congress. >> there's a lot of frustration.
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i'm disappointed that herman cain's not going to run for the seat. that would have been entertaining for all involved. but with iowa, harkharken, it's great opportunity for republicans. it's been a good 72 hours for us politically speaking. >> we'll see on that front. maria, watching tom harkin, i've had some democrats argue to me, bruce brayly is the democratic nominee. might be a better candidate for them in this environment that they expect to be running in in 2014. you don't want to be an incumbent. you don't want to be entrenched washington. you want to have a little more leeway to run against washington. >> coming out from the outside it actually provides what you're saying. it gives them that balance. i think what the biggest problem right now in washington is that you have all these senators, these lions that basically remember how washington used to work. nonpartisan -- in a bipartisanship manner. they're getting tired. what message does that say for the next generation of leadership? >> perry, it's interesting.
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they're free votes now. tom harkin running for re-election, where would he have been on guns? saxby chambliss, where's he going to be? >> he might be someone who plays a big role in somebody who compromises on the debt, deficit. that's what he wants to do anyway. he can now behave as he wants to behave. >> how important, pete, is it that these guys announce early these decisions? >> it's huge. especially for primaries to try and hopefully clear the field if you can. >> good luck with that. ultimately, all of these senate races are going to be about what does the republican party look like? >> right. >> democrats clear their fields pretty well. >> yes. >> shameless plugs. >> con frajlations to two hoosiers with new jobs. katherine watkins starts with congresswoman susan brooks tomorrow. my friend chris creighton has a new job with hathaway strategies. >> we're launching our immigration campaign. ready for immigration reform. please sign it up. >> today is my six-month wedding anniversary. i love you, ann. >> wow. don't start marking it by months.
9:56 am
you're going to get the rest of us in trouble. that's it for this edition of "the daily rundown." tomorrow on the show virginia governor bob mcdonnell will be right here. next up is chris jansing. see you at the white house with the miami heat. bye-bye. here's a look at your business travel forecast. travel delays are expected. in some cases major travel delays. especially the great lakes and through the northeast. we'll watch the wintry mess heading into the region. most areas starting with snow over to freezing rain, rain later today. roads through pennsylvania, jersey, southern new england very difficult later on today. safe driving and safe travels.
9:59 am
very good morning. i'm richard lui in for chris jansing. two big pieces of president obama's second-term agenda moving forward today. the president and vice president are meeting with sheriffs and police chiefs from across the country to talk about guns at the white house. in just over an hour at least three of the chiefs handled the shootings in aurora, colorado, oak creek, wisconsin, and newtown, connecticut. this afternoon a bipartisan group of senators will unveil a plan to deal with immigration. that group there includes four democrats and four republicans. >> we are committed to a comprehensive approach to finally in this country have an immigration law that we can live with. >> i'm cautiously optimistic. i see the right spirit. i see things that were once off the table for agreement and discussion being
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