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tv   Martin Bashir  MSNBC  February 1, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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terrorist attack. >> right now we are all dealing with our sadness at the loss of our fellow member of our embassy. >> i don't have much detail you but it was characterized as a terrorist attack on our embassy in ankara. >> there is no part of the world that is irrelevant to the united states anymore. when i came into office, did we worry about governments changing in north africa and the middle east? >> it takes a focused effort. it takes perseverance. it doesn't happen overnight, but i would also argue it takes something more than just the drone effort and the other effort. ♪ >> we begin with a crucial state of transition. at this moment john kerry's resignation from the senate takes effect. he prepares to be sworn in by jaws tis elena kagan as the next
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secretary of state. just a short time ago hillary clinton bid farewell to the department and the diplomats she has led for the last four years visiting more than 100 countries and becoming one of the most respected figures around the world in that process. >> i knew there was something really special about this place and that having the honor to lead the state department and usaid would be unique and singular, exciting, and challenging. it has been all of those things and so much more. >> as kerry prepares to take over, he may look back on this week as the last time he got a full night's sleep with a full roster of international crises awaiting his urgent attention. just today a suicide bomber at an entrance to the u.s. embassy in ankara, turkey, killed himself and an embassy security guard. the white house said it's working closely with turkish authorities to investigate what it's called a terrorist attack. meanwhile, violence escalated in egypt as thousands defy a curfew
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throwing molotov cocktails at the outer wall of the presidential compound. police have responded by firing water canons, rubber bullets, and tear gas at protesters. clashes this week have left dozens dead and prompted president morsi to declare a state of emergency in three cities along the suez canal. all of this in a nation that john kerry in his confirmation hearings declared crucial to our objectives in the region. joining us now from cairo, nbc news foreign correspondent ayman mohadine. >> i apologize, go ahead. >> you go ahead. tell us what's the latest from egypt? >> well, is just going to update us really quickly on the news we're getting about the rise in casualty figures. class slashes ha clashes have been taking place outside the presidential palace.
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there have been fatalities. the riot police have been firing tear gas to keep the protesters pushed further back. we also under the profetesters have been fired molotov cocktails. it is a very chaotic situation that is still developing at this hour. >> ayman, our relationship with egypt obviously very critical. one of the things that has been our point of leverage is the aid that we provide to the military, but these clashes, as you mentioned, are with the police forces. what's happening in the relationship between the police and the military as this goes on? >> well, right now egypt's police and particularly the ministry of interior in general is widely despised here in egypt because it used to be the strong arm of the previous regime. right now there have been calls by protesters and opposition forces to reform the ministry of interior to try to bring it up to standards with international human rights levels at least and more modern equipment and perhaps even better human rights in general.
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as we've seen some of the images tonight, horrific brutality that's going to raise a lot of questions. there's no doubt that the united states and other countries that have a tremendous amount of leverage here in egypt have the ability to push the egyptian government to reform its security services. the military since pulling back is still respected, although many people blame many of the country's problems on the military for that two-year period it led after the fall of president mubarak. but many people are looking for more international support in helping egypt through this transitional period. >> nbc in cairo, thank you. let's get right to our panel. with us from washington, michael o'hanlon of the brooginoo brook institute and heather holbrooke. there's a fresh terrorist attack in turkey, a developing situation there. obviously the situation in egypt
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seems to be deteriorating. what do we know about who is behind those threats though in turkey and what kind of threat that may pose to our interests. >> it's a great question because for john kerry, he's going to have to learn how to handle mull. proble -- multiple problems and this is a good case study. the short answer is he doesn't know, he won't know for a while, and it's not really his job to find out. intelligence is going to have to work that problem, and we'll have to learn. in the interim he haings to stay on top of it obviously and worry about security for any other people who might be nearby who are americans. otherwise, that's a problem he has to stay on top of but not necessarily lead to any big rethinking in policy. by contrast in egypt you have very fundamental questions about our policy that are being raised right now by the street protests and the degree to which we try to work with president morsi, the degree to which we think of him as a person we can work with taking in all the new
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information and figuring out how well we think he's responding, what kind of legitimacy he has, whether he can work with his own population. so that requires a lot of thought, and senator kerry, secretary kerry, is going to have to figure out how to make time to have that kind of thought process and not get overwhelmed by the problems like the ankara bombing, while they're important and he has a role, his role on those is not necessarily as fundamental as it has to be on this egypt issue. >> heather, it just goes to show ou how agile the secretary of state has to be. case in point, we have the threat of ji hassists in north africa. we have heard secretary clinton mention the threats in northern africa and mali. wrf does the secretary begin? some have suggested syria should have been at the top of the list. where does he start? >> well, as mike said, you don't have the luxury of starting in just one place. you have to start everywhere at
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once, and so kerry is going to be looking at turkey and thinking about syria, think about the nato patriot missiles that are now there. he's going to be thinking about what the diplomatic and assistance side is of what is going on in mali which he will know quite well because the u.s. has been trying to support the emergence of a democratic government there for well over a decade. so those two crises are both great examples of where, as senator kerry, he traveled the world. he met with leaders. so the challenge that he has is to go from being someone who's able to drop in and then follow in an oversight role to being the person who really has to make the decisions and who has to say, you know, if mali is a priority, egypt is a priority, turkey is a priority, the conflict between china, japan, and south korea is a worry, the worry about a north korean nuclear test is a priority. we could go on and on. a secretary of state's job really is to keep all those balls in the air so, frankly, we're on tv talking about them
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as little as possible. >> right. you know, michael, the other thing that strikes me that now-secretary kerry is going to have to deal with is the changing nature of some of these engagements. it's not just drones and deployments but what's the complement of troops we send? what's the complement of non -- of folks from the state department that we send? the relationship between the pentagon and the state department seems to have changed as well. how will he weigh in on that? >> yeah, those are good questions. i think if i could just take two examples. with syria and also with afghanistan, you have questions of where the united states has to figure out some next policy steps that are pretty big and get to the question you raise, the balance between troops possibly, between diplomatic advisers, development experts, cia operatives, and where policy in the case of afghanistan has to make some changes, but it's generally on a predetermined course but it's going to have to vary quite a bit because we're
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drawing down troops now. in syria i think what we have is a policy for all the good intentions hasn't really worked. and if i were secretary kerry, i would probably commission my best people to do a two to four-week study on fundamentally new options in syria. where i think the united states has to recognize that what it's been doing so far hasn't been adequate and yet the country is in no mood for another 100,000 strong invasion and we can't do that. but we've got to find some nice mix of tools that's stronger than what we're doing now because the current policy is just not working. >> heather, it strikes me, we have sort of an interesting moment in history here. that we have the first time that a man is actually stepping in to feel the heels of powerful and effective women. madeleine albright, cleeondolee rice, and hillary clinton. i remember when secretary albright was first named by
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president clinton. there were all kind of concerns that people wouldn't meet with her, wouldn't take her seriously. obviously she got the job done. now i think we think of diplomacy in a very different way. >> you know, i worked for secretary albright. i had the great privilege to be one of her speech writers when she came to the state department, and i vividly remember writing speeches about, well, what is it like to be a woman secretary of state. what is it like when you go to saudi arabia and you -- will she cover herself collar bone to anklebone or won't she. and then condi rice and the thigh high boots. the nice thing at that level is we didn't hear much about hillary clinton being a woman. she was an effective secretary of state. and one of the things that it has done, which is great and i do think this is a tall order for secretary kerry but i think he's up to it is it's really expanded the idea which frankly we lost in the post-9/11 period, that the secretary of state's job is to be out there talking to people. that in afghanistan, in syria, in mali, in egypt, our best
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tools aren't the military ones. we went through a decade where the military ones were pretty much the one onlies we saw on our tv screens and it's somewhat ironic but also totally appropriate that it's time for a man -- it's time for a man to carry the torch of nonmilitary approaches. the fact he's a veteran make it is even better. >> thank you both. next from kerry's plate to the president's, the agenda for the white house on this first day of february coming up. >> background checks will never be universal because criminals will never submit to them. >> good point. let's pass laws that only criminals will immediately obey. let's do that. what's this thou shalt not kill? jirtion [ female announcer ] does your color have staying power... or just seem to fade away, day by day? don't compromise.
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the white house on this firs g
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financial news of the day. that's where the dow ended for the week. moments ago just over 14,000. that is territory that it has not seen since october of 2007. and why not? today's monthly jobs report only confirmed that slowly but surely we're adding jobs to the economy. in fact, those jobs we added in november and december turns out the government underestimated how many there were, and as one cnbc contributor jokingly put it, the u.s. is threatened by job inflation. it's good news for the white house, right? yes, but between gun safety, immigration reform, the sequester, the budget, and a number of the international crises, there is no rest for the weary. in fact, there's a phrase the white house likes to repeat to describe this very fact. >> certainly in my job but i think congress as well, they've got to be able to walk and chew
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gum at the same time. so we can focus on jobs. >> we have to both walk and chew gum at the same time. >> walk and chew gum at the same time. >> all right. joining us now, michelle cottle, d.c. correspondent for the daily beast and "newsweek" whose latest issue profiles hillary clinton, and julian epstein, a democratic strategist. welcome to you both. >> thanks. >> good afternoon. >> julian, how is the white house successfully managing each of these policy fronts and sort of making sure that they are putting out a consistent message both on the issue but then also making sure that supporters of each of those issues continue to be confident that they're going to stay at the top of the list? >> well, i think they've done a brilliant job of doing that. if you look at all the major issues, budget, immigration, guns-down the list, the president is winning the public relations battle on all the issues. i think the president has to get away from the idea that he will be the national solve for our partisan divide and embrace the
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idea that he's really the usher for a new progressive era. while i think the president will never find the bipartisanship in the halls of congress, he is finding bipartisanship in the streets, and the question for the president and for the white house at this point is how do you begin to marshal that bipartisan support that you're getting in the streets. look at the numbers on guns. we're between 6 and 9 out of 10 americans are supporting the president's gun proposal. how do you marshal that support to make the republican obstructionists in the congress to pay a severe political price? i think the white house can do it if they do a few things right. >> one of the ways the president will continue to marshal support and i think julian is right if you look at the polls, most of the american public seem to agree on the president on the things he's out there pushing. his last valuable asset is his time. on monday he's headed to minneapolis to talk with law enforcement. then speak about gun violence. how important is the president's actual time in terms of going to the events, getting out there,
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and selling his proposals to making sure these things -- he keeps the pressure on. >> if you talk to pretty much anybody in the white house, they will tell you that the outside game needs to be played by him. you know, the lesson they learned in the first administration is that you can try to play nice and you can talk a good game and you can try to work around inside, but they think that getting public support and, you know, he has that lincoln quote he likes. if you have public opinion behind you, you can achieve almost anything. if you don't, you're not going to get anything done. i think that doing forward is the big message that they're just kind of pushing on everything. >> you know, julian, talking about immigration, obviously one of the top priorities, we've seen kind of a bit of a fracturing within the republican party over immigration reform, specifically the path to zin, but obviously some other issues. is that going to create leverage for the president, an ability to pick off different members to get something done or is that going to make it harder to get
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legislation through. >> this is what we call a wedge issue. the democrats know this and the smart republicans know this. the republicans cannot, will not win. they will continue to be a permanent minority party if they continue to do as poorly as they are with hispanics. look at the comments vitter made about rubio the other day. i think what the white house is doing intelligently is building this left, center right coalition and watching the republicans twist in the wind. same on guns to your question you asked michelle. what president clinton did in 1994 was to principally build out a coalition with law enforcement, with teachers, with parents, and they occupied the political center which is exactly what president obama is doing right now while the nra occupies the extreme political fringe opposing common sense things that 9 out of 10 americans support. >> julian, let me follow up on that.
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i agree with you. at the same time at the same point we're going to need a cadre of republican votes to get these things done. the more they fracture, yes, we can stand back and kind of let it happen. at the same time, we've got to make sure we're able to get the republican votes that we need to make sure we actually deliver on the promise. >> and i think that's exactly right, karen. and i think what you do to my earlier point is you begin to identify those 30 to 40 republicans that you think you can get, and you build out these coalitions in their districts. that can be done in a number of places as we have seen from some of the polling data, a number of republican districts. on guns you do exactly what you did, what mothers against drunk driving did in the 1980s when they flipped president reagan on drunk driving laws. this is old-fashioned retail political organizing in republican districts where their numbers are weak and where they should be according to all public opinion surveys, they should be bucking the republican leadership, which is still beholden, which is still being held hostage by this extreme tea
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party minority that has very little public support out there. >> so, michelle, the president, he's doing well in the polls, they know they got to fight the outside game, they seem to be ready, the american people are with them. he's handling the fight over chuck hagel. it looks like hagel, despite the sort of abuse he got yesterday will be confirmed. but then it's also jack lew. we have heard that may be contentious, john brennan. steven chu announced he's stepping down. that's another opening to fill. not to mention susan rice's. at some point how much of a distraction are these fights and how much political capital do they eat up that sort of takes away from some of these policy things we're talking about? >> well, it's always a risk and it's become obviously a bigger deal in recent years and this is one of the reasons why i think rice stepped out of the running there because she didn't want to become a distraction. obviously any post that has to be filled up will eat up a little bit of your capital, but
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tames there are a lot of issue that is can't be ignored. the sequestration battles and unlike julian, i do kind of think that's a difference between the gun and the immigration battle in that republicans themselves really want this immigration issue off their plates, and i do think you're -- you already see in the house the talk about they're putting together a bill as well with bipartisan support that they want to kind of get this taken care of. so i think there are a couple big issues that even with the nominations that have to be dealt with are going to be front and center going for the next few months. >> i think that's right. michelle cottle and julian epstein, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> thanks, karen. coming up, scott brown out, geraldo? ? stay with us. >> all right, geraldo. >> as always, you're on the top of the news chart. you just have a flair for doing that. good to see you. >> have a super sunday. >> i will, i will. i look forward to the chicken wings.
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♪ former senator scott brown announced this afternoon he will not seek the massachusetts senate seat being vacated by the new secretary of state john kerry. now, this comes one week after brown unleashed a string of late night head scratching tweets, whatever. he announced the decision by text message to the boston herald. he said, quote, you are the first to know. that's right, more cyber shorthand brought to you by the letter "u." more formal statement soon followed in which brown explained his decision in further detail saying that three senate campaigns in four years might not be the best option for continuing in public service. brown also la mented the bittery partisan atmosphere on capitol hill. it sure sounds like a 2014 gubernatorial run for us. let's fire up that pickup truck. stay with us. the day's "top lines" are coming
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you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. from a republican renewal on immigration, to guns, hagel and now geraldo. here are the "top lines" for the week. and what a week it was. >> we obviously have to expand our appeal. >> renew our party, grow our ranks. >> just want to publicly say thank you. >> did she pass out and hit her head? >> i didn't learn anything. >> was she pushed? >> mike wallace is spinning in his grave. >> fox news and i stand out like sore thumbs. >> some of us have dared to speak out. >> insulted him a little bit. >> fox news has the best reporters, the best commentators. >> without a free fox, there's not a free america. >> there's no crying in
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baseball! >> tennessee state senator stacey campfield, i'm not sure he did that well in school. >> the kids have to become rocket surgeons. >> laying out my ideas for immigration reform. >> wants to be part of the solution. or he can decide he wants to be part of a political issue. >> is that guy good or what? marco rubio. >> why the sudden change, republicans? perhaps you looked into your hearts. >> we were losing dramatically the hispanic vote. >> or that. >> what is that supposed to mean to somebody? >> why won't the black man half the country lives in fear of release a picture of himself holding a gun. >> we may end up in a situation that does threaten the rights of law-abiding americans. >> we must do something. >> first bullet went into gabby's head. bullet number 13 went into a 9-year-old girl. >> for women guns are grat equalizer. >> let's get serious about this.
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>> crazy. >> looting and robbing. and raping. >> there are marauders out there. >> overall world view has never changed. america must engage in the world. >> i would like to answer wlt you're right or wrong. >> it's far more complicated. >> you created quite a firestorm. >> you're about to witness a live television event. >> a nameless, faceless, anonymous -- >> you've got to come back. >> all right. let's get right to it. joining us now is toure, co-host of "the cycle" here on msnbc and krystal ball, also a co-host of "the cycle" looking so lovely in red. >>ened you a look nice in red. >> thank you so much. heart health. it's all about the heart. >> that's right. >> krystal. we're going to get to geraldo i promise but let's start with scott brown. >> if we must. >> so much speculation. he was the original tea party darling. he's apparently not headed back to washington. in a statement he released today, he says i was not at all
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certain that a third senate campaign in less than four years and the prospect of returning to a congress even more partisan than the one i left was really the best way for me to continue in public service at this time. and i know it's not the only way for me to advance the ideals and causes that matter most to me. that sounds like a run for governor, doesn't it? >> ding, ding, ding. >> absolutely. you could just shorten that to, you know, it doesn't sound like that much fun. and it doesn't. tough get elected now, have to run again. and it's a very difficult place to be a republican and be tied to the national party in the way that you are when you're running for senate. and it is different when you're running for governor, when you're running for a state office. you can differentiate yourself from the national party, be the politician he wants to be, the more moderate massachusetts republican. >> that's right. >> i think that probably does make more sense for him. >> and i think this makes for sense for the democratic party. the ball bouncing the rye way for the democratic party.
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with the kerry pick we're po worried about the most popular republican in massachusetts will have a chance to replrekerry. . >> scott brown won't be taking a seat in the senate, if i could just read this, but her ral low rivera running for senate in new jersey. do you see it happening? >> no. >> come on. not own a run? >> i think he's going to run but is he going to win? is he going to matter? i disagree with krystal, her ral low rivera is a joke, especially going to a serious political context. a total joke. you talk about pro-immigration, pro-marriage equality, pro-choice. that doesn't sound like a republican to me. i don't know how he even gets off the ground. just in general as a person for what he's been in american public life for 20-some years, he's been a punch line over and over and over, and i think this
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makes a distraction -- the process into a total distraction. >> you make a very elegant argument but he did not sound like he was joking in this clip. let's play it. he was -- >> i really do believe as a modern republican that there is a point of view that is unrepresented in states like new jersey. >> you're right. >> there can be a new vitalization of the republican party. >> you got a republican governor in the state, a very popular republican governor. i mean, it sounds like his chances are a little bit more likely than toure suggests. >> i mean, he's not unlike chris clity in his demeanor, right? brash, direct, straightforward. i don't know that he would win. but i do kind of like the idea of him being out there. i like the idea of having more voices of republicans who are pro-choice, which used to not be an unusual thing in the republican party. pro-immigration reform, which is becoming more common, and pro-gay rights which is also becoming more common. having those voices out there
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vocally in the republican party, i think it's a good thing, and i'm not going to be the arbiter of who deserves to run for office or not. if you have that passion, he already has fame and attention, he doesn't have to run for office, if you want to get in there and serve, god bless you. >> you don't seriously think geraldo can turn the party around on issues -- >> no, but i think he can be a voice out there, and maybe slightly shift the party. that's not a bad thing. >> let's be honest, it could make for so much fun -- >> oh, oh, oh, it will be fun for this show, for "the cycle," but, you know, it's a side show. >> so let's stay in new jersey more serious matters. we have story on the front page of the "new york times" today about new jersey senator robert menendez and his ties to a florida eye surgeon whose offices were reportedly raided by the fbi this week and it comes just as senator menendez is taking up the chairmanship of the foreign relations committee. he's also part of the bipartisan
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group on immigration reform. you know, to some degree this is going to go its course in serms of an ethics investigation if that's what happens but to some degree what strikes me is this is just the kind of distraction democrats in the senate do not need when they have such a full plate in terms of the policy agenda they're trying to push through. >> absolutely. senator menendez was standing out in front in immigration reform push. to see him distracted in this way is really disappointing because we need immigration reform. we need to get america straight on this issue, and this sort of this side show -- we're full of side shows today on this segment, this side show is not helping with that. >> we should just call it the side show. >> then the cyclists would be on the side show. >> really? >> okay. we'll be serious. it is a very serious investigation, and i do think krystal, it could create -- you know how these things go. things leak out, that creates the opportunity for lots of
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stories coming out. regardless of whether or not half the time it's true or not, it's the distraction, right? it's the feeding frenzy that it creates that really becomes a problem. >> it's that endless drip, drip, drip of allegations, what's true, what's not true. let's face it, the american people do not really trust politicians so they are apt to believe whatever they hear, and as toure is pointing out, it is damaging to democrats. it's damaging to the democratic brand and it's a distraction not just from the policy agenda now but democrats are going to have a hard time holding onto the senate in the next elections. republicans have a lot of seats that they could pick up next time. the last thing we need is snore se -- another seat that could be vulnerable. anytime you have corruption associated with a particular party, the republicans will certainly try to make it about a culture of corruption within the democratic party. how much -- >> that's not a fair argument. >> but they will try to make that argument. >> i think a lot of it in the
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end will depend on how the par party -- so far senator reid is standing by nen mendez. how the party handles it is a lot of whether that becomes part of the brand of the party or not. we have to leave it there. thank you toure and krystal ball. >> thank you. neck, the president prepares to take his message on guns straight to the heartland. stay with us. >> so on a train, a plane, or a llama, rolling a 44 at bowl a ra mades pit your nice white kansas mama, comma, they do not like you barack obama. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em!
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what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. thank you toure and krystal white kansas mama, comma, they [ manager 1 ] out here in the winds,
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i have to know the weather patterns. i upgraded to the new sprint direct connect. so i can get three times the coverage. [ manager 2 ] it's like working in a giant sandbox. with all these huge toys. and with the fastest push-to-talk... i can keep track of them all. [ male announcer ] upgrade to the new "done" with access to the fastest push-to-talk and three times the coverage. now when you buy one kyocera duraxt rugged phone for $69.99, you'll get four free. other offers available. visit a sprint store, or call 855-878-4biz. president obama travels to minneapolis on monday to meet with law enforcement officials and deliver an address on guns as he continues to follow through on his promise to make sure that the issue doesn't fall far from the headlines after the
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massacre at newtown. this week is senate gun hearings on capitol hill as a backdrop, the president stood firm. >> if we're not doing something to try to have an impact on that, to lessen it, even if it's not perfect, even if it doesn't work every time, even if it doesn't save every person who's a potential victim of gun violence but we save a few, you know, if we don't do that, shame on us. >> nbc news white house correspondent kristin welker is live at the white house. kristin, we'll get to the trip to minneapolis in a minute, but i understand you've got some breaking news from the white house. >> reporter: that's right. according to multiple sources, secret service director mark sullivan will announce his retirement later today. he has served with the secret service for more than three decades. i am told by sources that this decision comes after the inauguration. this is something that he has been thinking about given the length of his tenure at the secret service. of course, during sullivan's time at the agency, he had that
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scandal, the prostitution scandal with the agents in cartagena who were accused of soliciting prostitutes while they were there. it led to a dismissal of a number of agents. sources tell me he believes this is a good time to leave. it is after the inauguration. remember, you just had that dhsoig report which found that the secret service handled its own internal investigation of that cartagena scandal properly. that they followed all of the measures that needed to be followed. so, again, this decision to retire i am told by my sources who are close to this announcement say it comes after what sullivan believes was a long career and one that he is ready to step down from at this point in time. >> kristin, switching gears to the president's trip on monday, what was it about minneapolis -- it's a great thing obviously that they're making sort of the outside game. we know that's been part of the strategy, but what about it specifically in minneapolis? >> reporter: right. well, it's no mistake that the president is traveling to minneapolis because law
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enforcement officials there have actually started to enact some of the measures that president obama would like to see enacted nationwide, including a violence prevention program for youth, but more broadly they have expanded and improved their background checks, including information that they collect at the state level of people who are suffering from mental problems, people who have criminal records. so president obama will go there on monday to talk about some of his own proposals to stem gun violence, which, of course, include reinstating the ban on assault weapons, limiting high capacity magazines and universal background checks which then n recently said that is something they oppose. president obama and vice president biden we expect them to hit the road to talk about this issue of gun safety. it's a part of their broader plan to get congress to sign on with some of the legislative changes they would like to see happen. >> well, clearly as you point out, it does not seem there's a
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coincidence to going to a place where we're talking about background checks given the attention that background checks and that issue received this week end. that seems to be where the white house is going to really have -- that and a high capacity magazines, those may be the two issues the white house has to fight the hardest on. >> reporter: absolutely. because the ban on assault weapons is something that i think if you talk to folks on the white house and the hill, they tell you that's going to be the most difficult piece of legislation to get passed. the white house believes that they will have a better chance in terms of limiting high capacity magazines and getting universal background checks. that seems to have more broad bipartisan support. having said that, of course, all three will still be a challenge to get through congress and then, of course, you have president obama signing those 23 executive actionself weeks a sv ago. that's also part of his tactic in this case. in order to get those legislative changes enacted, he
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and the vice president will be leaving the white house and taking their message on the road. >> nbc news white house correspondent kristin welker, thank you. >> reporter: thanks. next, what's next for former secretary of state hillary clinton? but first, amanda drury has the cnbc market wrap. >> quite a day in terms of a rally for wall street and we did close above 14,000 on the dow for the first time since those heady days of october 2007. the s&p was up by 15 points. the nasdaq was up by 36, and a 149-point gain for the dow there on the back of some encouraging economic data. and that's it from cnbc. we're first in business worldwide. [ coughs ] [ angry gibberish ] i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ angry gibberish ]
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today marks the end of hillary clinton's service as secretary of state. surrounded by colleagues, she reflected on her time leading the state department while joke being how much she's going to
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miss them. >> i am very proud to have been secretary of state. i will miss you. i will probably be dialing ops just to talk. i hope that you will continue to make yourselves, make me, and make our country proud. >> ann guerin is diplomatic correspondent for "the washington post" and kiki mcclain is a strategist. >> nice to be here. >> here is what vuk me in that speech. we both worked for hillary clinton. when she talk eed about callingn to ops just to talk. what is she going to do next week? she's really been in the spotlight since 1992 going from first lady of arkansas to first lady of the united states to running for the senate to running for the presidency to being secretary of state. come monday what is she going to do? >> i think she's going to sleep
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a little. she's been pretty clear about that. i mean, one of the great things about hillary clinton is her dedication to public service. and she has never been without the understanding that there are many ways to serve and it may come in small moments and big lenses like she's just experienced. i think the chance to refresh herself a little bit, both physically and emotionally and frankly intellectually will lead her to make decisions about the role that she believes is the most important one for her to play in the community in which she lives, be it the small neighborhood or the large world she's a part of. >> i would like to think she's going to sleep in, but knowing hillary i think she's going to wake up early and start -- >> take a walk. maybe she'll take a walk. >> she might take a walk. she used to love to do that in the white house with her little cap on. ann, you wrote a piece looking at the legacy of hillary clinton and one of the things you talked about was the personal stature versus her diplomatic skills. talk a little bit about that. >> well, i mean, she brought both to bear in this job.
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she leaves office without huge accomplishments like a middle east peace deal or an opening to china but with enormous goodwill around the world. higher probably personal ratings than any secretary of state has had for a long time. certainly the highest in the obama administration. she's one of the most recognized women in the world, one of the most admired. some of her greatest accomplishments really were just showing up. the old woody allen line. she went to places no secretary of state had gone. she went bucketing about back roads through africa and all kinds of places that a secretary of state might not necessarily be seen to do kind of retail diplomacy. she brought i think a politician's flair to this of kind of glad handing and handshaking and doing a personal style of diplomacy that people
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around the world and certainly people at the state department really appreciated. >> now, kiki, i know we don't like to speculate about 2016. i know. i know. >> why not? >> i know, i know. >> it's so fun. >> kiki, i want to ask you a question. one of the things that strikes me, everybody sort of says, well, if she gets in, she'll be the nominee. this idea of inevitability i actually think was harmful to her the last time, and so i really personally don't like that conversation, but it seems like it is not going to go away until she herself makes the decision or makes a formal announcement about 2016. >> well, i think you're right in your analysis it's not going to go away, and i think the good news is regardless of what task she takes on, hillary clinton understands better than anybody that it's hard work. i would push back a little on ann's story and say this is a woman that helped lead the restoration of our image around the world.
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she brought diplomacy and smart power and technology together frankly in a way that helped lead the charge that everybody on the face of the earth can live up to their god given potential. that is an argument that she made and a challenge that she met and when you look at that kind of work, that describes the kind of stick to ttoativeeness. >> two things that have struck me as hillary's tenure. number one, really elevating the role of usaid and development as part of the tools of diplomacy. that's something she did as first lady. that seems to have been a hallmark. number two, here she is one of the most popular women in the country, one of the most popular figures around the world. she has really elevated the conversation about women and the role of women around the world in a way that i think we have not seen previously and i certainly hope going forward
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we'll continue to be a part of our own diplomacy. >> she lost no opportunity to really bring the cause of women to the fore in just about every ven sue, and she also made it kind of a habit to say the state department and usaid, all one sentence, all together. those things do go together. the development community loves her and certainly women's organizations are very grateful for the spotlight she trained on the plight of women around the world and the success stories where there are some. >> i personally will never forget being with her in china when she talked about women's rights being human rights and seeing that come to fruition has been quite wonderful. ann and kiki, thank you so much. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back.
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