tv Politics Nation MSNBC May 23, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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tonight's lead, news on the trial of george zimmerman. re than a year ago on a rainy night in sanford, florida, minutes later, that young man, 17-year-old trayvon martin, carrying skittles, candy, and an iced tea was shot dead. george zimmerman will be on trial fo second-degree murder and today with less than three weeks to trial, there's news on how he plans to defend himself. we're now learning that the zimmerman legal defense includes an effort to raise doubts about trayvon. they released hundreds of photos, videos, text messages and other documents they plan to submit at trial. in many of the pictures, they seem to intend a negative
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portrait of trayvon, including pictures from trayvon's cell phone showing a gun and someone's hand holding that gun. another photo from his phone showing marijuana plants and one showing him smoking. also, a cell phone photo from trayvon showing him with gold teeth. there's a photo taken from a cell phone reportedly showing a fight. and text messages where trayvon wrote about street fighting. the zimmerman legal team also released surveillance video of trayvon at 7-eleven before he headed home minutes before he was shot dead. also released for the first time in public, pictures of pieces of evidence, such as the clothes they wore that night, including trayvon's hoodie sweatshirt with the bullet hole in it. so what's the defense strategy? mr. zimmerman faces 25 years in prison. he's pled not guilty, claims
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that trayvon attacked him and the shooting was in self-defense. but what do these photos portend? there will be a hearing before the trial starts to determine if this evidence will be admissible in court. that will be very interesting indeed. let's bring in zachary carter, former attorney for the eastern district of new york and ken, a former prosecutor. zachary, what is the defense strategy based on what they released? >> well, based on what they intend to represent at trial, based on the disclosures that they made today, it appears that they are trying to establish that trayvon martin was someone whose character was questionable. i mean, they are raising the issue of whether or not he used marijuana, whether or not he may have been in possession at some point of a gun, whether or not he had a disciplinary record at
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school. much of which would seem irrelevant, given the nature of the charges. >> what would be the point of it? >> the point of it, frankly, in a jury trial from a defense standpoint, is to render the victim unlikable. someone who doesn't merit your sympathy and without whom you would not give a benefit of the doubt whether he was the aggressor. >> ken, the problem i have with that and again everyone knows i rallied and wanted to see a trial, i will see which ever way it goes, the problem that i have with that, if that's what they are pretending to do, this gives you a right to kill somebody? don't they have to address and establish that there was a need for self-defense? what does all of this have to do -- we have people high in government that have smoked marijuana.
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i mean, what is that supposed to mean? >> well, you're right, reverend. many people would say that this is part of the defense circus by presenting all of this evidence now to the prosecution with the intent that they are going to be putting it into evidence. it's not going to happen. the evidence code is very clear in florida. the general rule is that character evidence is not admissible. the exception is that if there's one cintilla of evidence that goes to self-defense and george zimmerman is claiming self-defense, he can bring in character evidence of the victim but only reputation evidence, not specific photographs, not specific facts unless mr. zimmerman knew of those facts at the time of the shooting, which he did not. so only character evidence that goes in the form of reputation. so all of these photographs do not go to reputation evidence and therefore any judge in florida would deem them to be inadmissible. quite frankly, i have very, very deep suspicions as to what the
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real motive is to turn this evidence over right now and some would say it's a prejudice the jury. >> it's to prejudice the jury? >> yeah. >> explain what you mean by that. >> some people may see this as a very cunning attempt to put this out in front of the general public and the general public is where the jury pool for this case is going to come from. so the defense may be hoping that this is going to potentially sway a jury pool into disliking or finding the victim in this case to be unlikable or not of good moral character. but the evidence code is very clear. it has to be only reputation evidence. trayvon martin having a propensity for violence. they cannot be specific acts unless mr. zimmerman knew of those specific acts prior to the time of the shooting and he did not. he's already indicating he did
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not know trayvon martin. >> as they try in this case -- and i don't know if you agree or not, to prejudice the public, couldn't you -- >> you do agree? >> sure. >> i have kids. you're going to tell me if one of my kids was photographed smoking or one of my kids had a gold tooth on the side of their mouth, that gives you a right to shoot them? couldn't that backfire? >> that could absolutely backfire and that is why jury selection process is going to be critical, because part of that process is going to be asking searching questions of the potential jurors to try to determine whether or not they have conscious or subconscious biases that would dovetail into a strategy that intends to play the stereotype, to put questions of his character at issue that are connected, quite frankly, to
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race. and to hope that there will be some members of the jury that will have -- whose doubts will be fed by the stereotypes. >> you prosecuted major cases. does that work? how would you answer this if you were the prosecutor in this case? >> you've got to focus the jury on the facts and the conduct that's at issue here and you've got to reduce this case to its essence and that is that on the date -- on the night of this incident, that trayvon martin, who was by all accounts unarmed. >> right. >> was walking away from, not toward george zimmerman at a point where george zimmerman had already been advised that it was not wise to continue following him, and that he was pursued and that for no justifiable reason -- >> okay. >> -- that is as a matter of
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record, at least so far, that george zimmerman shot him. >> can we also -- they released two photos of george zimmerman in a cap and gown during his graduation ceremony. why were these two photos included? >> those photographs, again, are going to be objected to strenuously by the state. they are not relevant. you have to meet the basic test of relevance. here's the shocking factor, reverend. even though the defense is claiming defense and can bring in character evidence in the form of reputation testimony, the prosecution cannot bring in reputation evidence on the part of mr. zimmerman. the prosecution's hands are tied under florida law and the evidence code. >> now, we've just received news that the defense for mr. zimmerman has just asked the judge for a six-week delay. why would they do that? >> well, clearly the defense
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wants as much time as they can to gather all of their resources and get their strategy straight as to how they are going to go forward in this trial and how they are going to seek reasonable doubt in front of this jury. so delay, delay is always the name of the game for the defense and they are employing that strategy in this case in an attempt to bring this further and further down the road and make the case potentially weaker for the state of florida. >> zachary carter, mr. zimmerman's lawyer was on fox news today and here's what he's saying as to why he feels the photos on trayvon's cell phone were relevant. i want your response. >> because if the issue of trayvon martin's propensity for violence becomes relevant, then i think the jury can consider the fact that he had several pictures of a gun and of course there's text messages that talk about his attempts to purchase a gun. but that could be relevant concerning a propensity for violence.
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>> it is absolutely irrelevant in a case in which it is undisputed that trayvon martin was not armed with a gun or anything else so on these facts that he was photographed in possession of a gun means nothing. >> sure. now, they released photos of mr. zimmerman, some of which showed that he had bruises at the back of his head but his hands show no bruises. how are his hands unbruised? >> not necessarily. it really depends on how the encounter is described. i mean, you can end up with bruises on various parts of your body but i don't think there's any one thing in isolation that's going to tip this case one way or the other. the jury is -- and it will be professionally prosecuted -- they will invite the jury's
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attention to the sequence of events and how it -- the sequence of events is more consistent with the notion that mr. zimmerman shot trayvon martin without justification, without reasonable justification then that there was some conduct on the part of trayvon martin that would have justified mr. zimmerman taking his life. >> ken, when you look at what happened today, what is your take away from today? with the photo released -- >> well, my take away is that there's no argument about what the florida laws are as to reputation evidence in a case like this. you're obanly allowed evidence a victim's character in a self-defense case in the form of reputation testimony. meaning that there has to be a witness that will testify as to the reputation of trayvon martin and he has a reputation for
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violence. that's at least what the defense wants to portray. they can't present specific instances of conduct. it's just not allowed. it's not going to happen in this case and they know that so when they present this type of photographic evidence and these pieces of evidence, knowing beforehand that it cannot be admissible in this trial, the only conclusion can be that they are attempting to put this in front of the public right now for a different motive and one can only speculate that that's an attempt to prejudice the jury pool. but i think floridians are smarter than that. >> i believe that there's reason to hope and believe that that is true but we are all human and the jury is going to represent the public at large and represent that community and we know that there are, in all of us, conscious of bias and there appears to be an appeal to those kind of bias that would cause
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people to draw conclusions. >> which is why jury selection is going to be very important. we're going to cover this case gavel to gavel. we're going to watch and see what happens and thoroughly cover this trial here at msnbc. zachary carter and ken paddawitz, thank you for your time tonight. for full disclosure, george zimmerman has sued nbc universal for defamation and the company has strongly denied his allegations. we'll be right back. [ grunts ] yowza! that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients and carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts... we are golfing now, buddy! [ grunts ] ...all morning long. i got it! for the win! uno mas! getting closer! belvita breakfast biscuits --
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he's innocent. he acted in self-defense from day one. we've always considered that. it is good that we have him before a jury and he's going to be acquitted. >> ice going to be acquitted. that was george zimmerman's attorney earlier today, arguing that his client will beat the murder charges against him. joining me is ben crump, attorney for trayvon martin's family. ben, what is the reaction from trayvon's family from the evidence released today? >> i've just explained to them that it's a desperate attempt by zimmerman's defense team to try and prejudice and influence the jury and it's an old strategy. you and i have talked about it,
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the strategy ofvil ville fiing victim and justify killing trayvon martin in this irrelevant, all of this stuff that they put out today is completely irrelevant. >> now, do you think that these photos will actually be put into evidence before this trial -- when they have this hearing with the judge? >> reverend sharpton, to answer your question plainly, no. these photos are relevant. the only photos that are relevant are the pictures of trayvon martin on the night that he was shot and killed by george zimmerman. >> now, do you feel that there's a strategy behind now the six-week delay that they've requested? i mean, what do you make of that? >> we've always believed that they know if the jury follows the evidence, that they will convict george zimmerman of
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killing trayvon martin. there is so much evidence, overwhelming objective evidence. you know, they try to throw red hairs about marijuana and pictures of trayvon with a goatee that has nothing to do with anything. the police department did not take a drug and alcohol analysis of george zimmerman. we will never know what was in his system even though he admitted to the detective that he was on prescription medication and that it influenced his memory and that's why he had to get out of the car to look at the street signs. now, we don't accept that because we know when you listen to the objective tape, he got out of that car to chase trayvon martin because he said these a-holes always get away and that voice analysis is going to be crucial. that's relevant evidence. everything else -- >> let me make it clear so i'm
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understanding you and the viewers are understanding you. the night that he shot and killed trayvon martin and he was brought in to the police station, he was not -- he, being george zimmerman, was not tested for drugs? >> was not tested for drugs or alcohol use. and unfortunately, we will never know how the prescription medication that he was on that night affected his judgment that night when he killed this unarmed child. >> now, when you look at the pictures that they've released, what are they trying to paint a picture of? because both my earlier guests and now you're saying this is irrelevant. so what are they attempting to do here, attorney crump? >> reverend sharpton, they are trying to influence the jury and it doesn't make sense because you have to really ask yourself, is the defense trying to say because trayvon martin looked a certain way, is it okay for
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george zimmerman to shoot and kill him? these pictures are irrelevant and it goes to that same stereotypical mind set that caused george zimmerman to get out of the car and chase trayvon martin. >> now, you are a florida attorney. tell us about how juries are in florida. are they playing to the fact that in certain areas there may be biases? is this desperation? make us understand how they are with juries in our state and i know your state is different in different parts but help us understand the thinking here as an attorney. >> yes, sir. reverend sharpton, florida is very diverse and it's like most parts of america where you have people who have biases. we all have certain biases but we pray and sybrina and tracy really believe in the trip cal justice system that the jury is going to fall the law and i
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think where attorney o'mara and his team try to do is influence these biases, these prejudices to say we don't want you to focus on the evidence that matters, we want to throw red herrings at you, stuff that is never going to get admitted but we want you to know about it in a newspaper so when it comes to jury selection, oh, trayvon martin, he's not a good person. he's this, he's that. and that's not true. that's not relevant. god help us all if they gave the death sentence to every teenager that smoked marijuana, reverend sharpton. >> do you feel, all things being equal as you know them now, that there will be a fair trial in sanford, florida, on this case? >> i believe in my heart of hearts that the judge is going to work hard to make it a fair trial. we need this trial to be very
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transparent so everybody can see that it's fair and when the verdict comes out we can accept that verdict because tracy and sybrina and their family as well as you and so many others have asked like when they killed tracy and sybrina's unarmed son. >> i certainly don't want us to take the law in our own hands and i want to see justice served. ben crump, thank you for your time. >> thank you. coming up, president obama's historic speech today, a final rebutte to the legacy of george w. bush. >> america is at a crossroads. we must define the nature and scope of this struggle or else it will define us. this war, like all wars, must end.
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his basketball teammate and good friend greg. "time" also had the scoop on the future president's yearbook message to his friend's date. he wrote "you're an extremely sweet and foxy. i don't know why greg would want to spend any time with me at all. you really deserve better than clowns like us. you even laugh at my jokes." these new photos were a hot topic on our facebook page. norma says, "looks like he always had swagger." and marsha says, just head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and "like" us to join the conversation that's going long after the show ends and, yes, when you're done with facebook, please send me an e-mail. that's right. ask rev. i hope to get to meet you.
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like the struggle against communism during the cold war, the struggle against terror will be a generational conflict, one that will continue long beyond my presidency. >> president bush and his generals told us the so-called global war on terror would last for decades. today, president obama said they are wrong. the president redefined america's conflict with al qaeda, essentially saying that the bush era is over once and for all. >> we must define our effort not as a boundless global war on terror but rather as series specific violent extremists that threaten america. in the years to come, not every
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collection of thugs that labels themselves al qaeda will pose a credible threat to the united states. unless we discipline our thinking, our definitions, our actions, we may be drawn in to more wars we don't need to fight. our systematic effort to dismantel terrorist organizations but this war like all wars must end. >> this war must end. the president will keep fighting and killing terrorists when necessary but won't sacrifice our principles in order to do it today. today he announced limits on the use of drone strikes overseas and made a new push to close the terror prison in guantanamo bay. he called on congress to revise the law it passed after 9/11 authorizing what amounts to a blanket use of force anywhere in the world. today's speech was an important historic moment. it was a speech worthy of a man
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who has won the nobel peace prize. joining me is krystal ball, co-host of "the cycle" on msnbc. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. >> how important was today's speech? >> top three speech of his presidency, rev. it was historic, powerful, and empathetic. i mean, when he talked about drones -- and let's be very clear. drones have put a buzz saw to al qaeda, has decimated al qaeda, but there's been collateral damage, as you know. >> absolutely. >> when barack obama said today as president, i will be haunted until the day that i die, about those civilians that were killed, that struck a chord as a
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veteran. i wish more people were against the iraq war. that's what happens. >> and i've been against the use of drones. >> right. >> so to see him do that and as you mentioned earlier about closing guantanamo bay and then authorization for the use of military force. >> now, krystal, right away senator saxby chambliss said the president's speech will be viewed by terrorists as a victory. >> it's disgusting. and the right has used the war on terror and national security as a tool of fear to keep political power and they have used it at times very effectively. what's interesting now is the splintering within the republican party, you'll remember, rand paul stood up and filibustered and there was this whole stand with rand. really, some elements of the republican party they just want to criticize the president no matter what he does on foreign policy. so the stand with rand and his
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filibuster against his use of drones was popular throughout the republican party, even though now the president has come out and said that we're going to limit the use of drones, it's coming from the other direction, without using drones in those circumstances, what are you going to do instead? so, look, the president can never win with them but i want to echo what patrick said here. i think this speech was critical, i think it was historic, and i think it was very, very honest. a lot of americans, ourselves included, have been wanting to know what has been going on in this president's head. how can the man who really ran against george w. bush's neoconservative policies, how could he expand this use of drone strikes and not only the moral justification, that piece is very, very important to understanding how much thought this president has put in to his policy. >> now, patrick, the president was talking about the right way to respond to a new kind of
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terror threat. i want to play this and get your response. >> sure. >> we have to take these threats seriously and do all that we can to confront them but as we shape our response, we have to recognize that the scale of this threat closely resembled the types of attacks we faced before 9/11. if dealt with smartly and proportionately, these threats need not rise to the eve of 9/11. >> now, as the president puts this new focus in, and when he's talking about when a smaller sometimes home-grown threat, is he referring to things like the boston bombing? >> absolutely. what he said was any two-bit thug can call himself al qaeda. it doesn't make it right that we can continue this perpetual war. the president basically said there's no more blank check on this war on terror. so he was very clear in saying, hey congress, we have to refine this.
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we have to redefine this so president and future presidents don't have this blank check to act because it's critically important that we don't over estimate, we don't over react. i mean, it is a pre 9/11 level, as far as the threats against our country, so why don't we get our military spending in conjunction with that and start nation building here at home. he talked about another point. when he talked about guantanamo bay, it cost the american taxpayer $150 million a year. it's $1 million per prisoner when on average on a prison in pennsylvania and elsewhere, it's about $48,000. so let's get -- and some of those folks, you know, are going to go back to their countries to be detained elsewhere. >> when you look at the fact, krystal, the president has now addressed guantanamo bay, which some of us that supported him were disappointed in, and drones, which i've disagreed
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with, he's now moving closer to where even some of his own base has said we're with you but these things we're not with. i think that this gives a sense that maybe the president has not only ended the bush era as we knew it in these policies but began to turn the corner where foreign policy and where we're dealing with questions of military and defense in this country is going to go. >> i think that's right and i think the point on guantanamo is really important. i mean, not to go back through the history of all of this, the president made it a priority. he tried to close guantanamo bay and ran up against a political road block and decided his political capital would be better spent elsewhere. in a second term we're seeing more willingness to not just say we want to close guantanamo bay but really put the steps in place and put the pressure on. one thing that i want to underscore here which i think is really important, this is the president.
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the executive himself reigning in his own power that. is remarkable and incredibly unusual. >> well, another great speech you can believe in. congressman murphy, krystal ball, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> be sure to catch krystal right here on msnbc at 3:00 p.m. ahead, a top republican governor naming an accused white subpoenai supremacist to her re-election team. so much for minority outreach.
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remember the hero in cleveland, charles ramsey? after freeing women that were held for a decade in captivity? his energetic interview went viral. >> i was at mcdonald's, i came home, was in my living room eating my big mac and heard this girl going nuts. >> let's play attention to this part. >> i was in my living room, eating my big mac. >> that big mac comment set off a frenzy on the web, like this graphic. eats big mac while catching
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kidnappers. and it inspired the ramsey burger, which is on the menu at the restaurant ramsey works at as a dishwasher. today we're learning about a big reward for the meat lover. more than 12 ohio restaurants are offering ramsey free burgers for life. he's been issued a single edition "chuck card" good for life. it's a nice tribute for the hero of cleveland. reverend al gives you a patty on the back. protect your family... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪
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supremacist ofr supremacist on her campaign. garcia-quinata is a lifetime member and current board member of the council conservative. an accused white supremacist on the campaign team? let's move on to pennsylvania. governor tom corbett. here he is showing off his outreach to latinos. >> staff members that are latinos? >> no, we do not have any staff members that are latino. if you can find one, let us know. >> even though there are close to one million latinos in pennsylvania? wait. there's more. donald rumsfeld is comparing gay marriage to polygamy. >> do you support same-sex
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marriage? >> you know, i'm of a generation -- i listened to some of the supreme court justices and one of them said, what's next after that? is it two people? three people? >> but you're a strong supporter -- >> but if all this wasn't enough, republicans are still going after women, too. republicans yesterday in oklahoma's state senate voted to defund planned parenthood, doing it under the radar by not posting it on their agenda for the day. so here's a recap of all of the republicans that have managed to offend in their big rebranding effort. african-americans, check. latinos, check. gay people, check. women, check. way to go republicans. you're the big winners in the campaign to lose huge chunks of the american voting public. congratulations. joining me now are dana milbank
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and joe madison. thank you both for being here tonight. >> hi, reverend. >> dana, let's start with nikki haley and her situation. how can she put an accused white supremacist on her election team? reverend, a patty on your back because i think this is significant. let's give governor haylley som credit. white supremacists are a minority. this is a problem. the conservative citizens council has be deviled several republicans for some long period of time going back to trept lott and before that. you would think that they would be wise and go through the database and avoid this sort of thing but it's -- part of the idea is you want to play footsy
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without crossing the line but this is what tends to happen when you do that. >> joe madison, the southern property law says that garcia-quintana is a lifetime member of the council of conservative citizens. among other things, their statement of principles say they oppose immigration of noneuropean and nonwestern peoples in the united states. they condemn all efforts to mix the races of mankind, believe u.s. is a christian country and its people are a christian people. that's their statement. >> this is the equivalent of abraham lincoln being appointed. except she's not abraham lincoln. they keep going back. they keep going back.
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and i've decided we need a new terminology. they are not neocons or even truly republicans. they are regressives, just like we may be progressives, the opposite of progress is regress. i think they need to be labeled as regressives. these people are regressing back to an era and a time that we fought against, back to a time and era that we -- that which don't ever want to see again. and i am absolutely amazed. they are regressives. >> let me know when you are right there. back to a time. let me show you, dana, what this gentleman, garcia-quintana said out of his mouth. this is the person that governor
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haley has put on her re-election committee. >> we in the south will rise again. it's already rising. i feel it is rising. our political correctness has allowed immigrants today to come and expect them to continue their culture. we ever not a multiculture society, ladies and gentlemen. >> the south will rise again. we're not a multicultural society, ladies and gentlemen. >> right. and the irony, of course, is that one of the new nonwhite houses is the person giflg him his province here. if you look at the debate going on in washington, you see the democrats and republicans on their heels because of the scandals that are coming up but underneath all of that, you have something that is not changing in the long term with women, with latinos and gay americans.
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you can just see that there's no coalition that you can't have a coalition of white southern men and win elections. >> well, i think that's why they have very serious problems and these scandals are not amounting to much. they are not scandals at the presidential level as of yet. but let me go back to you a minute, joe, when you look at governor corbett, he can't find a latino to put on his staff? >> it reminds me of what, again, the former governor of massachusetts, the former candidate for the republican party said maybe he needs a binder of latino names to help him. from what i understand -- i may be wrong -- that i think he does have latinos on his staff.
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you know, you know what this is? it's a lack of socialization. this is a party that wants to talk multicultural but they lack socialization. their leaders really don't know people who look different than they are. >> well, joe, a lot of people say i'm not bipartisan but i want to help the governor. i'm putting up his name and contact. if you are latino or know a latino, this is how you can go and let be know or go directly to the governor and get the jobs since he has such a hard time. just look at the screen and please help him find a qualified, energetic latino, and make sure you tell him, reverend al asked you to help him out. >> you won't have to look far in
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south carolina. >> i'm sorry. that's right. >> let me go back to you. republicans have their problems, you say. elaborate. >> well, maybe that will help governor corbett there. what i was saying is, if you are looking at the political situation of the moment, all kinds of hearings up on the hill, the debate is being dominated by republicans going after an administration on the defense. but if we're looking at not necessarily last year's election or the one after that, but if we're looking at a broader sense, the republican party has not done anything to reverse this huge demographic problem that it has and losing the women's vote and vote of latinos in such large numbers and look at what is going on with immigration and how they are getting ready to knock down this
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compromise, that's going to be devastating. >> all right. we have to leave it there. dana milbank, i don't care what they say on "snl." >> i appreciate that. >> joe madison, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. coming up, ask rev. i ask you and i hope you did. that's next. i should be arrested for crimes against potted plant kind. [ clang ] my house is where plants came to die. but, it turns out all i was missing was miracle-gro potting mix.
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of your senators. you can also click on contact government. you can find your lawmakers listed by state with their e-mails and phone numbers. good luck. james asks, "i would like to know, why is it that you persist on cheerleading for a president which i voted for that is clearly not doing the job we hired him to do. don't worry, i know you won't answer this e-mail." well, i'm answering this e-mail. i am cheerleading for the reasons i supported this president. health care, people with pre-existing conditions, young people that could not get insured, millions of people that will get that. i'm cheerleading for the job creation that is done in the private sector and fighting to make sure we get into the public sector. i'm cheering for what he's continuing to do to fight for voter rights. i supported the president for reasons and i'm cheerleading those
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