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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  August 11, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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good sunday afternoon. i'm craig melvin. here's what's happening right now. you're watching msnbc. i pray for her recovery. i really pray for her recovery. she's going to have a really, really tough week. >> but we have our granddaughter. couldn't ask for anything more at this point. >> safe and sound, a missing girl found alive. she's now recovering in the hospital. her kidnapper shot dead by fbi agents. we're live. also, college sex assaults. the epidemic few are talking about. how schools are failing to protect students returning to campus right now. >> this is the only camp i've heard of where we get to do stuff with our brothers and
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sisters. >> and camp to belong. the extraordinary summer camp giving brothers and sisters a chance to reunite. it's today's big idea. we'll get to all those stories in just a moment. first, though, it was the best ending hannah anderson's family could hope for, but still bittersweet. fbi agents rescued the 16-year-old and killed her kidnapper, james lee dimaggio, in a remote stretch of idaho wilderness yesterday. if she did not know already, she will also soon learn that her mom and her 8-year-old brother were both killed. the teenager's grandparents spoke earlier about the moment they learned hannah was safe. hannah's father called him yesterday and said, come over. i've got news. >> we didn't know if it was good news or bad news. and it was a long drive there. we weren't sure what to expect. and then when we got there, brett greeted us. and he said, hannah was safe.
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and jane was dead. and then hugs. joy. we were so happy. >> let's go live now to nbc joe at the sheriff's office. joe, what can you tell us about the rescue, what can you tell us about the investigation? >> well, craig, today we're getting a better idea of just how hard it was for rescuers to get hannah anderson and bring her home safely. they were actually flying a surveillance plane over the idaho wilderness yesterday as part of that massive search. over 350 square miles of idaho wilderness. they spotted what appeared to be dimaggio and hannah at a campsite near moorehead lake. this area is completely surrounded by mountains, not easy to access. what they had to do is find a place to land a plane a good ways away, and then it took them 2 1/2 hours to hike to that campsite. that is where they confronted
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dimaggio. it is unclear what happened during that confrontation. authorities are not saying if dimaggio was armed or if he fired at them at all. all we know is one fbi agent shot and killed dimaggio. and then they were able to safely rescue hannah. she was taken by helicopter to a hospital, to be checked out. but we're told that she appears to be in good condition. craig? >> joe, i also understand there's another press conference expected to take place in about an hour and a half. what more are we expected to learn in that press conference? >> yeah, we're standing at the adda county sheriff's office, because for the first time we expect to hear from a man who really played a key role in bringing this man hunt to an end. we're talking about the man who was riding his horse through the idaho wilderness on wednesday. and he ran into dimaggio and hannah. he didn't realize at the time who he was talking to. but when he got home later that night and saw the media reports about the amber alert, he thought, hey, maybe that was
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them. he called authorities. that brought all this attention to idaho. they were able to find dimaggio's car on friday, so they knew they were in the right area. in the end they were able to find him and hannah, and bring this whole thing to an end. it will be interesting to hear what he has to say. many people are calling him a hero in this situation. it will be interesting to hear what he has to say about his interaction with them and how he feels about the fact this has come to ab end. >> joe is in boise, idaho, for us. thank you. i want to bring in a spokeswoman for the adda county sheriff's office. i know hannah's dad, andrea, brett anderson was headed to idaho to be reunited with her. do you know if that reunion has happened yet, and do you know if hannah at this point is aware that her mom and brother are gone? >> we don't have any information of that right now to share.
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we just want to make sure she has all of the care she needs. this is nothing short of traumatic for her this last week. now whether it's that she knew then or now, certainly many, many days of difficulty for this teenager. so we are giving her all of the services that we can. the fbi victims services, specialists are with her. they've been with her from the moment she was rescued and we're making sure that she gets the care she needs now and in the future. >> andrea, has hannah told investigators anything about the kidnapping or rescue that you can share with us, to our viewers? >> of course, we're protecting her as much as possible. again, our main priority is to get her the care that she needs. so none of that information is available. >> can you fill in any of the blanks about how precisely the rescue itself went down? was dimaggio, was he armed? did he put up a fight?
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it sounds like we lost andrea dearden there, spokeswoman for the adda county sheriff's office. a news conference expected to happen in about an hour and a half. if there's new information to pass along, we'll do it here on msnbc. the intelligence community continues to respond to president obama's move to enact new guidelines to make government surveillance more transparent. former cia and nsa director michael hayden noted today that the president never actually said anything had been done wrong. >> to me, the most telling thing she said was perhaps something he didn't quite say. he didn't suggest he was going to operationally change this program. i mean, there's no suggestion that what he was doing, and what president bush was doing before him with regard to these programs was anything other than lawful, effective and appropriate. >> on "meet the press,"
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republican iowa congressman steve king stood by his comments about immigrants he made last month, saying that his remarks about drug smugglers outnumbering valedictorians were accurate and new legislation granting the shorter path to citizenship would not differentiate between the two groups. >> my heart goes out to the valedictorians brought here by their parents. but we cannot put our sympathies for people in that condition greater than our love for the rule of law, or the sovereignty of the united states of america. >> the conservative family leadership summit ended yesterday in iowa after party leaders all took the stage. donald trump, who was once again considering his own presidential bid, was also there in iowa. this is what he said about the 2012 election. >> i like mitt romney personally. i think he's a very good guy. i don't know what the hell happened with his campaign. i just don't get it.
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that was an election that couldn't have been lost. it couldn't have been lost. >> donald trump in iowa. let's get right to the brain trust. goldie taylor, and the managing editor of the goldie taylor project. and also an msnbc contributor and political editor for the grio. and the daily caller writes for u.s. news and world report. good to have all of you with us on a sunday afternoon. goldie, the fallout from the nsa leaks by edward snowden, cancellation of talks with russia's president vladimir putin. it has put u.s. relations with russia under a microscope. senator john mccain said this morning that be russia has no interest in maintaining a good relationship with the united states. >> clearly mr. snowden's being granted asylum in russia is a signal of incredibly bad relations between the united
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states and russia. and mr. putin putting his thumb right in america's eye. >> goldie, who has more to lose here, president obama or president putin? >> i think actually we do. at the end of the day, we've been coming to this point for quite some time. in terms of russia, we have seen what they are. lack of support for what we're trying to do in syria. we're watching in terms of what they're doing with lgbt rights, and in terms of edward snowden and nsa. all of those things are, i believe, evidence that russia has no real intent of having normalized relationships with us. you know, it is important to note that several cabinet secretaries, including secretary hagel and secretary kerry, are meeting with the russian counterparts. what we're not going to have, president obama and putin meeting together. i think that's appropriate for right now. >> who has more to lose here, boris? >> president obama has more to
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lose. this continuing general perception that he's weak on foreign policy. that was a real opportunity there to work with the russians to get snowden back. putin, if he wasn't backed into a corner by a lack of american correct foreign policy -- >> really? that's -- >> henry kissinger would have been involved, or someone of that stature. somebody who understands foreign policy. this could have all been avoided. the russians are not acting with them, no question about it. president obama did the right thing by not going to the summit. the question is, what's the next step. specifically what's the next step on syria. >> perry, president obama spending a lot of time in the last few days, friday's news conference devoted to defending the nsa surveillance program. friday he admitted that the program is under review. but again, depending on who you talk to, that's about all he admitted. how did the president's comments -- how did they change the debate over the nsa program? or did they change the debate? >> they changed the debate some.
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if you look back two months ago when the snowden information first came out, he struck a defiant tone. he essentially said nothing's wrong here, no one's looking at your phone records. he sort of questioned what the debate was about. if you look now, there was a voting congress, the majority of democrats said they wanted to defund this program. if you look at these changes, michael hayden is right, the program has not been changed. the president didn't say the program did anything wrong. that said, he has moved to where he's now conceding there's a public uprising, both among conservatives and liberals, and trying to find a way to square the circle, make people who are traditional allies of the president like dick durbin, and ron wyden, he's trying to talk them through that, while defending the program overall as well. >> president obama friday again strongly condemning snowden's actions. this is the exchange that he had with chuck todd at the news
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conference. take a look. >> has your mind-set changed about him? is he more a whistleblower than a hacker? >> i don't think mr. snowden was a patriot. as i said in my opening remarks, i called for a thorough review of our surveillance operations before mr. snowden made these leaks. >> goldie, has the public's perception of edward snowden and what he it, has that perception changed at all as more is known about the scope of the nsa's actions? >> i don't think it really has. i don't think he's benefited from the increased revelations. is this program legal and effective? and is it appropriate? i believe that the president said to us in his press conference that all three of those answers is yes. so did edward snowden cause a greater conversation around transparency in nsa? i would say yes. but did he have an opportunity to go through any number of
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channels to make those disclosures, to impact change from inside this country? i'm going to say yes again. and so at the end of the day, you know, i think this program itself will not change operationally. but we may get to see a little bit more oversight. just a bit more transparency. and our job is to find out where the balance is between secrecy and what we owe this republic that we're governing. >> did snowden force the president's hand? >> snowden is a traitor. and really, he's someone who doesn't stand up to his own words. first he hid in china, now he's hiding in russia. all for human rights records there. he's forcing the president's hand and the president continues to have a bad summer while on vacation in martha's vineyard. it definitely doesn't make snowden a hero or whistleblower or patriot. if we can get our hands on him, he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> perry, this morning,
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snowden's father urged his son to demand a public trial instead of coming home. >> at this point, what i would like is for this to be vetted in open court for the american people to have all of the facts. what i've seen is much political theater. >> ron snowden there. perry, what are the chances that the federal government would allow a public trial of edward snowden? >> i'm not sure. i think if he came back to the sufficient he probably would have a trial. the question would be, he vie laid the law, no question, whether he's a whistleblower or a traitor or something else, he violated the law. i think the question for snowden would be, if he comes back here, he's certainly going to be convicted of violating the law. and a public trial, we're discussing national security matters i think is very unlikely to happen. so i think his father is wanting something not possible. those programs are very secret.
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so the notion of a private -- or a public trial is unlikely to me. >> brain trust, we'll be back later in the hour with more on what could become the start of a new cold war. also, we'll take a look at the sneak peek ahead and give us their headlines. just a few minutes here on msnbc. up next, though, more mondays. voters in north carolina rising up against new laws. the man behind the push will join me live. also, stadium security. the new policy at nfl games after the boston marathon bombing. and which group is now the butt of the most late-night jokes? the surprising results of a new study. and yes, there are people who study such things. told ya. t-mobile's got the samsung galaxy s iii. whew - that is cool. it's only 30 bucks a month with unlimited web and text. even you can afford that one little buddy. who you calling little? get the latest galaxy smartphones with t-mobile's $30 unlimited plan. only at walmart.
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for the first time in more than a century, both houses of the north carolina legislature and the governor's mansion are all republican controlled. and that has led to a rash of new and changed laws in the tar heel state. a law could make it harder for minorities and the elderly to vote. a flat tax, a flat income tax that could benefit wealthy north carolinaians. fewer regulations on businesses, resumption of the death penalty, easing concealed weapons rules, and abortion restrictions as well. one has decided to protest the state's change in direction. reverend william barber, president of the north carolina naacp. he also organizes the more monday demonstrations as well. reverend, always good to see you. >> thank you so much, craig. good to see you and talk to your audience. >> the demonstrations have been a fixture in the capital as now since april. 900 have been arrested. thousands have turned out. you say more monday is a
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movement. it's a movement, not a moment. what does that mean and what do you hope to accomplish? >> indeed, what we're saying is this legislature actually are not even republicans. republicans 100 some years ago were progressive. today they are extreme in their public policy. they attack the pohave attacked. regressive on steroids. it's brought people together across the racial lines, ethnic lines. all people coming total. now we're on the road. with 13 straight weeks in the capital. this last week we were in nashville. 10,000 people in asheville saying we do not want this. they were not all democrats, republicans, a broad cap es tri of north carolina. this week we go to charlotte, we
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go to manteo in north carolina, we're going across the state. >> have lawmakers started to respond at all to these protests? >> what you hope is they will have a conscience. these people are so locked into their ideology. since we've been protesting the legislative leadership, it's dropped to 1 out of 5 north carolinaians agree with them. moral monday is more popular than them. the governor's numbers have plummeted. last week i was in mitchell county, 98% white, 87% republican, in a room of republicans and democrats saying we do not want this and we're going to join the ranks of moral monday, because we want our state to go forward and not backwards. >> you correct me if i'm wrong here, reverend barber, my understanding is it really started, the issue of voting rights was the one issue that started this. and then it blossomed into protests over abortion rights, protests over wages, protests over unemployment, things like
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that. >> that's right. >> one thing that really struck me, we just showed pictures and video, the racial makeup of these protests, a lot of folks in those crowds that don't look like me and you. >> that's right. >> to what do you a tribute the makeup? >> because we're cutting through the myth of the old solid south, white southern strategy. people are seeing when they elect people on these hot-button issues, they govern in a way that urts everybody. when you cut 500,000 people, you hurt everybody. when you cut 170,000 people's unemployment, you hurt everybody. cutting tax credit for 900,000 people so you can give a tax cut to 23 people, and ronald reagan said the earned income tax was good, when you attack voting rights, pass laws that would suppress votes for 300 some-odd people, you hurt everybody. when you cut through that myth, blacks, whites, the lgbt, straight, people of faith, little faith, labor, all come together.
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you're seeing the new south breaking open in north carolina and you're going to see real change in 2014 and beyond. >> what's next for moral mondays? >> number one, we're getting ready to file major suits against the voter suppression. the legislature has committed what we believe are crimes against democracy. and caused north carolina to fall in the valley of voter suppression. we're ready to go forward with legal action if the governor signs this legislation. 10,000 people in asheville will be in charlotte this monday, and manteo. on the 28th, we'll do 13 gatherings in the 13th congressional district. patrick mchenry said, i think, in 2011, that the republican party would in fact use race in order to manipulate the voting. he said that in politico. we'll go into his congressional district and a lot of others and
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continue to build this momentum. >> reverend william barber, always a pleasure. >> thank you, sir. god bless. april's boston marathon bombings have a ripple effect even in the nfl now. to tighten crowd security, the football league banned backpacks, large purses, coolers, and even seat cushions from its games. fans will now have to put their belongings in clear plastic bags instead. ♪
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digital media, turn off your tv and turn on the truth. that's what ron paul wants you to do. it's also what kicks off our political playground this sunday afternoon. the former presidential candidate and texas congressman will launch his own online news channel called, you guessed it,
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the ron paul channel. programming set to go live tomorrow. and you can subscribe for $9.95 a month. we're getting a rare glimpse of the president golfing today during his vacation on martha's vineyard. he was playing with three advisers. the president seemed to miss most of his early putts, as captured here. his first putt was a miss, which the president reacted to by leaning back and kicking his knee up as if trying to coax the ball into breaking right. it did not work. and a new study released by george mason university finds democrats are now the butt of most of the jokes on late-night television. that marks a sea of change from 2012, when republican mitt romney led the republicans to that title. since january, president obama has been the target of 288 monologue jokes, the next most joked-about individual, here he is, anthony weiner, new york
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city mayoral candidate at 120. here's a few from just this week. >> the movie's called too much johnson. when he heard that, anthony weiner said, great, now what am i going to call my memoirs. i already texted it to ten publishers. >> the mars rover curiosity is celebrating the first anniversary on mars. it's sent back 70,000 photos. i know, that sounds like a lot, but it's still 100 less than anthony weiner sent out. >> how many of you have seen the weiner poll? i help support bonz, heart health and muscles. >> that can only be ensure complete. at farmers we make you smarter about insurance, because what you dont know can hurt you. what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage
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and you know what i walked out with? [ slurps ] [ dad ] a new passat. [ dad ] 0% apr. 60 months. done and done. [ dad ] in that driveway, is a german-engineered piece of awesome. that i got for 0% apr. good one, dad. thank you, dalton. [ male announcer ] it's the car you won't stop talking about. ever. hurry in to the volkswagen best. thing. ever. event. and get 0% apr for 60 months, now until september 3rd. that's the power of german engineering. 18 of the 19 u.s. embassies and consulates that were closed because of a terror threat are reopening today. the only one still closed is the u.s. embassy in yemen. the state department is not saying exactly what's changed that led the government to reopen those diplomatic posts. they were originally closed last
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weekend after the u.s. officials intercepted a message from al qaeda about plans for a major terror attack. i'm craig melvin. good sunday. here's a quick look at the other top stories making news right now. three u.s. soldiers killed, several others wounded in afghanistan today, according to the u.s. and nato officials there. the soldiers were killed by insurgents. in a province in eastern afghanistan. one person is dead in colorado where heavy rains have caused major flooding there. the victim's body was found in debris left by a fast-moving mud slide just west of colorado. a woman caught in the mud slide was found alive and clinging to a tree. authorities are still looking for one other person they believe was swept up by the same mud slide. apple will purportedly unveil its new iphone in less than a month, on september 10th.
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speculation at this point centers on enhancement to the camera and processor, possibly, possibly, a fingerprint sensor. the iphone has been losing market share to google's android. now to an unspoken epidemic in this country. nearly 1 in 5 college women, 18%, experienced a sexual assault, or an attempted sexual assault since starting college. just this friday, four former vanderbilt football players were indicted on five counts of aggravated rape of an unconscious 21-year-old student inside a campus dorm room back in june. earlier this month yale university released its semiannual report showing that from january to june this year six students were found guilty of nonconsensual sex. none of those students were expelled. just one was suspended. alexander is a yale graduate,
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also a current yale law student, and s. dale carter is part of the national campus safety initiative. alexandra, you and 15 other folks filed a complaint, back in 2011, which found that yale failed to properly report sexual vi rent crimes. where do you believe that universities are failing specifically survivors of sexual assault? >> i think the real problem is schools are viewing sexual violence are looking at it as a branding. they're always trying to keep the story quiet. they're telling people, don't report this violence, don't go to the police. and that means they don't really have the interest of the survivor at heart. they have the interests of the school's admissions statistics and fund-raising. >> how much of this is about a culture at many of these colleges and universities that
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facilitates this kind of behavior? and this kind of response as well. >> very much so both from the student culture, where i think often students feel like you're allowed to make mistakes in college and there are never repercussions for that. when people know that students who cheat are suspended for longer than two weeks, than students who rape their classmates, that sends a clear message that sexual violence is not big a deal. >> there are currently 28 students under scrutiny related to title 9 violations including dartmouth, the university of north carolina, princeton, harvard law school as well. is there a correlation between these abuses, and some of the most prominent colleges and universities in america? >> well, actually, there's 29, under investigation for title 9, another 14 for investigation under the federal cleary act. and what we've seen over the years is that while certainly the ivy league schools are
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getting a lot of attention, this is really an issue that affects colleges and universities across the board. and we've seen that the 2009-2010 investigation by national public radio bringing that to light. it's a widespread issue. >> the sexual violence elimination act, or s.a.v.e. as it's known, daniel, it takes effect next academic year. what will that piece of legislation do? >> the s.a.v.e. expands reporting requirements to include intimate partner violence and stalking. it also expands victims' rights. procedural rights for conduct hearings. and most importantly, it requires institutions to offer primary prevention education. which is basically treating -- instead of treating the disease, it inoculates against it. we want to change the culture
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that tolerates sexual violence so we can actually begin to cut down on these numbers. you mentioned that as many as 1 in 5 females are the victim of a rape or attempted rape during their time at college. only 5% of those are reported. that's because of the cultural barriers they meet. we want to start changing those cultural barriers so more victims will come forward and we can start addressing this problem so we can have fewer incidents in the first place. >> alexandria, you wrote something that i think should probably be required reading for all young ladies about to start college, or university in this country. i want to put a snippet up on the screen. this is what you wrote about. when you tried to report an attempted rape, you say in part, i was told to be a good girl. and for four years, i listened, because of our insistence on the fem nimity of victims, even male and genderqueer survivors are held to the good girl standard. what is a good girl standard?
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>> i think in all parts of our lives, both in terms of sexual violence and outside of that, women are always taught to be accommodating, to make the lives of the men in our lives as easy as possible. at a certain point, we have to be loud and angry. that's the only way that we're going to make sure that our future is safer. >> what specifically would you like to see schools do now that they're not doing to help students like yourself, to prevent things like this from happening in the future? >> it sounds basic, but we've got to expel rapists on our campuses. a lot of research has shown that the average college rapist offends six times. >> six times? >> six times. that means taking serious disciplinary action against these students isn't just an issue of justice for previous survivors, but making sure this doesn't happen again in the future by the same students. >> daniel, you hit on something a moment ago that i think bears repeating to a certain extent here. the numbers that we use, these
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are reported figures. we really don't have a clue how many of these sexual assaults and atemd sexual assaults go unreported on college campuses? >> when you look at a college, you need to look well beyond the numbers. you need to start asking questions. that's one of the thing the 32 national safety initiatives will do. they need to ask, do you have primary prevention education? do you have an office on campus dedicated to prevention and response to sexual violence? and these are the types of questions that really need to be asked, not just looking at whether or not a school has high or low sexual assault numbers. because that doesn't really tell the truth. >> with a lot of folks getting ready to return to school, we wanted to have this conversation. alexandria, s. daniel carter, thank you for being a part of it. just under half a million kids are in foster care.
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many separated from their siblings. now, a summer camp is giving brothers and sisters a chance to get back together. it's today's big idea, and it's next. also, mother nature's best light show happens tonight. it's the meteor showers. we'll tell you when to look up. ♪ [ male announcer ] you wait all year for summer. ♪ this summer was definitely worth the wait. ♪ summer's best event from cadillac. let summer try and pass you by. lease this cadillac srx for around $369 per month or purchase for 0% apr for 60 months. come in now for the best offers of the model year.
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there are about 400,000 children in this country living in foster care. more than half -- more than half have siblings they are separated from. but, as kate snow reports, for one week this summer, some of those kids get to bond as only siblings can. it's today's "big idea." >> it's the first day of summer camp. counselors welcome the campers. and for miguel, a special greeting from the older sisters he hasn't seen in months. >> give me a hug.
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>> this is camp to belong, where brothers and sisters separated from each other in foster care reunite. >> it's fun to spend time together, since we haven't seen each other in a long time. >> this camp is based on sub ly siblings which i absolutely love and adore. >> they are three of seven siblings. the boys are in one foster home, their little sister in another across town. >> we get to, like, do stuff with our brothers and sisters. >> for one week, they share bunks with kids in similar situations. the zip line is a camp favorite. >> they're going fast. >> sister and brother cross the ravine holding hands. >> ready to go again? >> three, two, one! >> miguel beats me every time. >> high five? so over 17 years you've had how many kids come through camp? >> almost 7,500. >> lynn price, founder, was
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separated from her older sister in foster care. she wants these kids to have what she missed. >> they get to wake up in the morning and have breakfast together. they get to do activities together, where they cheer each other on. >> ready, set, go. >> they compete with each other like brothers and sisters. >> as part of a sibling connection. >> camp to belong has programs in nine states, run almost exclusively on volunteer power. since many of the siblings can't spend their birthdays together, they celebrate here. picking out the perfect donated gift, wrapping it up, decorating a cake, opening the presents together. and making a wish. one week of memories to last a lifetime. kate snow, nbc news, orange, california. that's a great idea. and it's our big idea on this sunday. and do you have a big idea? an idea that's making a
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difference of some sort? all you have to do is tell us about it by e-mailing us. there's the website on your screen, big idea.msnbc @nbc dot you and a lot of letters. we'll put it on the website as well. it is the year's best light show. it is coming our way as well. the annual perseid meteor shower will send about 70 meteors per hour throughout the atmosphere. perseids are known for their speed, their size, their brilliance. you should be able to see them anyplace where it's dark and away from the city lights. nasa recommends taking a look anywhere between 10:30 tonight and 4:30 tomorrow morning, that will be the time for maximum gazing. business. so we provide it services you can rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure.
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president reagan likes to kid around, even about serious subjects. a lot of people are saying tonight that a crack he made before a microphone was no joke. >> flashbacks of this day in
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1984 when president ronald reagan made some off the cuff remarks while preparing for his weekly radio address about outlawing the soviet union. that joke turned into an international embarrassment, increasing tensions in the already fragile relationship with russia. sound familiar? are we witnessing the start of perhaps a new cold war with russia? the brain trust is back on this sunday. goldly taylor, msnbc contributor, perry bacon jr., msnbc contributor and boris epstein. thanks for coming back. i didn't get your take on russia, perry. 201, we see tensions building between president obama and president putin. this is senator jock mccain's take. take a listen. >> we also need very badly to understand that mr. putin does
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not have united states/russia relationships in any priority and treat him in a realistic fashion. that's the way to treat mr. putin, not just cancelling a meeting. >> what does a frosty relationship with russia, what does that really mean? >> it has big implications. the most important, of course, is russia has a big role in the united nations. they can veto resolutions that the u.s. pushes for. take syria, for example, the u.s. is concerned about what's happening with syria, when russia feels differently and they could veto something we think about in order to end the violence there. russia can block things we want to do on foreign policy. that's why having a good relationship is much better than having a bad one. think about this, 12 years ago, the american president, george bush said, he looked in vladimir putin's soul and deemed him straightforward and honest. >> that's right. >> look at where we are now. obama didn't criticize putin.
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he criticized him on a comedy show, jay leno. it tells you how far things have come. >> i forgot about the soul comment. perhaps his soul has changed, perry bacon. the headlines for the week, gold did i ta goldie taylor for next week. >> my headline is president obama in for a long, hot summer or should i say summers? i think that what's happening with larry summers as the potential nod for fed chairman is wrong-headed, misguided for any number of reasons. but i think he's close to this president. he's shown quite a bit of loyalty as part of this inner circle and may very well get the nod. that will in fact upset the president's base in ways i don't think we can cal late. >> it sounds like you're a yellen supporter. >> yes, i am. i think this is, as the president said, one of the most
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important economic decisions he'll make during the duration of his presidency. this will live beyond his presidency. i am behind yellen on this one. i think that larry summers' track record albeit a good one in terms of business may be in terms of checkered in relation to academiacademia. he's had controversial ties he's made that he'll need a clean exit from before he enters a job like this. >> if the president doesn't go with yellen, most experts have concluded it's essentially between these two. if he does not go with yellen, is that going to be another decision that causes his base to throw up their arms? >> there's going to be frustration among the base. don't forget, summers has been a loyal democrat. we know he started while working for the reagan white house as a young academic. there will be frustration from the left. larry summers is someone who's well accomplished, he knows what he's talking about. yes, right now he's out there in the money-making circuit, there's no question about it,
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beyond what he's doing at harvard. he's also on a couple of boards, working with citibank, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. there will be frustration. should obama be making the pick based on the frustration from the left or be doing it based on who's best for the job, which might be summers. >> perry, who has the inside track, yellen or summers. >> summers has the inside track. he worked in the white house, president obama defended him a couple different times which tells me he likes him. he compared him to susan rice who got the big job later on. that's who has the inside track. my headline is, mayor twitter books his tick tote washington. >> that's clever. that's clever, perry. >> thank you. >> that's cute. >> so corey booker, likely to win the primary in new jersey for the senate and on tuesday and, therefore, put himself on track to win the election in november. only three african-americans have been elected to the senate
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before. he would be the fourth. he would make history in that sense. the less important but interesting thing is a lot of centers don't use e-mail or computers. we're going to now have a senator here who's like uses twitter all the time and is technologically savvy. i'm interested in how he takes thatt ebrand to washington. >> he has a startup that's popular. 30 seconds your headline. >> first mideast summit in five years gets under way amid tensions over settlements. israel announced new settlements in which palestine considers to be their land. >> you're a better writer than headline. your headline was a bit borg. >> you like that? >> i'm not good with the mayor, the twitter, the booker. i hope he loses anyway. >> we'll have to end it there. goldie taylor, always good to see you, perry bacon jr., boris epstein.
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thanks so much for being part of the brain trust. thank to you as well. next saturday, 2:00 eastern. first, "disrupt with karen finney." have a great evening. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec® love the air. an arm wrestling match that mr. clean realized the way to handle bigger, tougher messes was better leverage. that's why he created his new magic eraser handy grip. it has a handle that firmly attaches to the eraser so you get better leverage and more oomph with less effort. it's the perfect magic eraser for making stuff that's big and tough not so tough, after all. mr. clean's handy grip -- the newest member of the magic eraser family. in all purpose and bath. [ engine revs ]
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