tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC August 21, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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and the deepening crisis in egypt. the court has ordered the release of hosni mubarak. he was overthrown during the swell of the arab spring in 2011. he still faces murder charges. we'll have a live report from cairo. gentlemen, thank you for sharing. >> u.s.a. >> u.s.a. >> wow, that was down in texas. that's the fireworks in the lone star state. senator ted cruz faced an
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onslaught of hecklers. you saw them there in front of a hometown crowd while rallying support to defund the obama care act. will republicans buy this high stakes don't blink strategy? >> if you have an impasse you want to know, one side or the other has to blink. how do we win this fight? don't blink! i. well, good day. i'm chris matthews. >> i'm kathleen matthews. . we're in again today for andrea mitchell. we're following two big stories overseas. rebel spokesmen in syria say the brutal regime led by bashar assad has used chemical weapons in a major attack. the casualties could be in the hundreds. right now any use of chemical weapons is unconfirmed, however,
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by nbc news. meantime, in egypt hosni mubarak, the man a nation pushed out of power during the air ran spring, could leave his prison cell as early as tomorrow. >> of course, he still faces murder charges. this is a momentary release for him. richard engel is live in cairo. richard, it's great to have you on. i'm still impressed by the fact that there's this apparent freedom for president mubarak forward. do people have a sense that he's out or that he's getting a breather as he faces the worse prosecution to come? >> reporter: i think many people in this country are concerned that his release -- he's not been released yet. that could come either very late tonight or perhaps tomorrow. it's a sign that the old regime is coming back. it was just over a month ago that the military intervened, throughout the muslim brotherhood president, mohammed morsi who himself is detained and has launched a crack down
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against the government. those who support the group, many people who were part of the initial revolution to throw out mubarak, they didn't like the muslim brotherhood but they don't like to see the military acting in the same old ways and protecting its old friends. if you look at the military's history, this country has only had a few presidents in its modern history. they've all been from the military, is a dat, mubarak, i don't think the military government here wanted to see mubarak, one of its own, die in prison. >> do you have a sense that he's going to get what is in effect a permanent stay of execution? in other words, that he's going to be allowed to stay free as long as he lives? >> it's hard to know. he is still facing one charge, which is failing to protect protesters and failing to save their lives while his interior minister and security forces were convicted of actually killing protesters and ordering their deaths. he had previously been convicted
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of this crime but he won an appeal. so he has to face a retrial. but it doesn't seem likely that he's going to be executed. he's too old for that under egyptian law anyway. this process could take a long time. yes, he's probably likely to spend his last years in and out of court but not necessarily to die behind bars. >> richard, this is kathleen. can you tell us, what is the view over there of where this puts the united states and essentially our leverage in that region on the future political situation in egypt. the u.s. did not support hosni mubarak when he was thrown out. how does this affect the developments here in washington, do you think, and what the u.s. is going to be doing? >> reporter: well, i think there is a lot of frustration with u.s. policy. it has been seen as incredibly inconsistent, that the united states backed mubarak for days. that after 18 days decided to up end that relationship and throw
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him under a bus. then they supported the military while it was in power, then supported the muslim brotherhood and has now been more or less supporting the government that has taken over in a coup but is threatening to withhold some aid. people here don't know which side the united states is on, what the united states stands for in egypt and both sides are blaming washington but at this point that's part of the egyptian frustration which is about the situation that's going on here. there is a natural tendency to reach out and blame washington for every problem that happens in this country. >> where are we now, richard, in umpiring this use or not use of chemical weapons in the fight in syria? >> yeah, i think what happened today in syria is more directly significant than the release of meuer barak. release of mubarak is symbolically very important, overturn to status quo ante.
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maybe the start of the end of the arab spring. what happened in syria according to many rebels we have spoken to was potentially the worse use of chemical weapons in decades. rebels we have spoken to say that the death toll is now over 1,000. it wasn't a single chemical weapon attack but they say a series of chemical weapons attacks with surface-to-surface missiles launched at around 2:00 this morning on ten different towns and villages to the east and north of damascus. some of the images you were showing in the lead up to this segment we're doing right now were among the most sanitized of the images that i've seen. i've seen a roomful of children, toddlers, babies lifeless, people pouring water on top of them to wash off what they are describing as a chemical agent that's been killing people in large numbers, shortness of breath, constricting pupils. we've shown this video to chemical experts and they have told us it does seem to apply
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the use of a nerve agent. the syrian regime denies it used any chemical weapons and many people, including the white house, are calling for an investigation. >> that's terrible. thank you so much. >> thanks very much. nbc's richard engel is reporting. now former u.s. congresswoman jane harmon is present now and director of the woodrow wilson center in washington. she joins us from los angeles. jane, thanks for joining us. you're a pal of ours. thanks for coming on since we're substituting today. as a policy person how do we see our role there like you? how do we help? can we find the good guys and can we help them win? >> it's getting tougher and tougher. my own view is we should have intervened with substantial aid a year ago but we are where we are. i think it becomes more urgent now. this alleged use of chemical weapons today seems to me very credible. only the government has the
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ability to weaponize these chemicals so let's assume that they did it. syria has the third largest cache of weapons other than the u.s. and russia and has used them on their people before. we need urgent focus here. i agree with richard engel now, that this is the top problem today. the release of mubarak is also fascinating because the irony is that the military pushed him over two and a half years ago and then morsi pushed over the top level -- remaining level of the military and appointed al-sisi who is in charge and who i'm betting is fairly uncomfortable with this turn of events. mubarak may be charged with murder and it's also true, i think, in egypt that the courts have some independence. i6' been there four times the last year and nothing is good about these developments in egypt. >> so, jane, what do you think we should expect in terms of what's next in the short term? is there any chance for
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stability there in egypt? take us through a scenario that you see there. >> let's start out with no good options and very little leverage. riard engel is right that all sides distrust us now. at the wilson center we've had these ground truth briefings with some of the people on the ground and some i have confidence in lining the foreign minister and anwar issadat who' the nephew of anwar sadat. they're urging us now the to call this a coup. they say they had to intervene. however, the military to my surprise is irrigating more and more power to itself and these folks that i mentioned are staying in the government. alberti has left and may be sued. that's kind of bizarre. there is in the short term, i think, no potential forgood news. in the medium term if this
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government which is fairly competent can be allowed to govern and if the military seems to take the right steps to stabilize the economy and provide stability in general and if there is going to be a transition to democracy with the ability to build political capacity so that a number of parties can actually compete for votes, that, to me, is the best path forward. i don't see a better path. and i also think it's critical for this government to include the muslim brotherhood. i think the actions to arrest the philosophical leader that happened yesterday and some of the brutal crackdown are enormously unfortunate. >> do you think the muslim brotherhood will play ball in a minority government? >> i don't think the leadership will but i think some members of it will. the muslim brotherhood is not a monolet. this is true of any political
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party. there are extreme elements and there are more modern elements. just as the salafis who are far more extreme than the muslim brothers are playing some ball with the government, i think there have to be pragmatists out there who see that egypt, you know, egypt's survival is an important thing for them. it's the largest arab country on the planet. 90 million people live there. it's very important how this comes out. and though we have diminished leverage, it is certainly true we still have some leverage and i'm very relieved that the obama administration does have brain cells on this problem. >> jane, if i can take you back over to syria. the president talked about a red line that should not be crossed. >> yes. >> with this chemical weapon allegation, might they have crossed the red line? and what does that force the president having drawn the line to do at this time? >> well, i think probably that red line has already been
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crossed, and i think rolling back the videotape, it might not have been the wisest thing to say there was a red line especially because the opposition is becoming increasingly fragmented and there is enormous infiltration by al qaeda-related elements. i think urging the u.n. immediately to investigate this is right action number one and then, two, mobilizing the entire world community. if there were massive -- if there was massive use of chemical weapons, that should be a rallying cry for the world to get involved is the next step. russia, it seems to me, can't continue to claim that the bashar administration is the good guys if there has been massive use of chemical weapons. so i -- you know, there are no clear answers in any of this. if there were good options, we would take them but it's a choice among less bad options and i think for the moment the
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administration seems to be working its way through some better outcomes, both in syria and in egypt. and we have to understand that there are a lot of local players who have a huge amount of money and ideological stakes in these outcomes. there is a suny shiia conflict that is building, which is destabilizing across the middle east. the countries like the uae, saudi arabia, others who have huge financial resources are playing in that game and we can't compete financially but we can compete, for example, in egypt because we have the best military gadgets out there and we have done the training and we have done the maintenance and we have done the replacement parts in egypt. and they want this stuff. even though it's a small monetary level, we have bigger influence there than some may
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imply. >> that's very smart. thank you. i know about that relationship and i've been reading about it today, in fact, jane. i think that's interesting. it's a small lever but that personal connection between our generals and our ranking military people and their ranking military people. it's deep and it goes back. they do want state of the art armored weapons to use. thank you, jane harmon. >> thank you, both. coming up next, the biggest political stories making headlines today in our daily fix, including the president's upcoming road trip. but before hitting the road, the president welcomed the 1972 miami dolphins to the white house yesterday. it was an event that was 40 years in the making. the team led by hall of fame coach don shula went 17-0 in that 1972-'73 season. the only team never to get the celebration. president nixon was right in the
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midst of the watergate scandal. the president had a good time with the season. >> the bears lost once in their nearly perfect season. >> we beat them. >> it happened to be the dolphins. >> this is something we hope you find a good spot for somewhere in your office or in the -- where you can look at it and this about that whipping that we put on that '85 bears team. or 3. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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to sell his domestic agenda in the northeast, there are some really critical developments that we've just been talking about overseas that are also demanding his attention. joining us now for our daily fix is chris dalizza and also here in the studio, editor at large for the atlantic steve clemens and washington post associate editor eugene robinson. let's start with you guys in the studio. thank you for being here. >> great to be with you. >> gene, i know you were at the white house on this road trip getting the briefing on the affordable college and jobs and you have this erupting. how important is this for the president and everybody saying does he know what he's going to do next in syria? >> you know, on one level it's called being president, right? because you can't control when these things happen and this is the president's focus right now. he wants to turn the conversation to jobs, specifically to higher
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education, affordability of higher education. the white house has some ideas about essentially grading colleges and eventually tying federal student aid to what sort of value do they deliver. do they keep costs down? do they graduate a certain percentage -- >> a government u.s. news and world report. >> exactly. you wonder about duplication. >> "consumer reports." >> meanwhile, you have syria today with the allegations of chemical weapons. you have egypt which is perhaps a world historical catastrophe, right, that's going on there now? this is a big, big story and they have to sort of walk and chew gum and put out huge fires at the same time. >> you know, my experience with politics comes down to this. you have to have a big message and a particular product you want to sell. it's about connect being a big
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picture and tying it to something in the middle that they can get their hands around. reagan, whatever you think about his policies were there. he's going to cut taxes 25% over three years. get your hands around it. cut some programs. this president, obama, the question is when he goes out there fighting for the middle class in this populist road trip again, what does it come down to in terms of a middle sized doable bill that he's fighting to? that's what i can't get my hands around. something he wants done that some people oppose that he can win with. what's the bill? >> the president is basically trying to sell a package that i think is reasonable that is about a new domestic social contract with americans saying we're going to rebalance finance and institutions, the role of the government and your responsibilities, you citizens, and try to create something that's fair that takes care of health issues. >> where is that bill? where is that thing that he's talking about? >> i think he tried to do a piece of this in the jobs and infrastructure bill. the just say no to obama caucus
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basically undermined that. he has a number of bills. you are going to see more on the infrastructure side of this. you'll see them continue to sell americans and tell them their tomorrows will be better with obama care and that these efforts to try to derail that are bad. a comprehensive bill that you're calling for they've avoided doing. they've tried to do this in pieces hoping it would get through. you've got this caucus in the republican party in the house that is basically saying no to everything. >> that's the problem. >> but to your point, i think that does kind of soften or dilute the message. it's not a comprehensive bill. >> sundry. >> sundry. >> comprehensive doesn't sell. >> to aggregate these things -- >> theren aren't many successful presidencies to look at. '65, reagan, roosevelt very early on. very hard to find success stories. they usually come down to consolidation, focus of two or
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three things. how do you get egypt out of your mind and sir yeah, we focus on what we can do. >> let's bring chris in because meanwhile the president has the gnats of august swirling around him. ted cruz fighting obama care. hard to keep that message and that solid message moving forward while he's having to swat what he probably perceives as some of the gnats, right, chris? >> yes. staying on message is part of being president. it's very difficult. you have unforeseen things running into what you want to do. i don't know how many weeks we heard from the president this is the week we're dealing with the economy, something else would happen and they wouldn't do it. i think that problem is even more exacerbated now because of the rapidity of the news cycle, because of twitter, because of
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youtube, because of all of the ways in which you can get distracted and off messaging and being forced to respond to things. i always go back to if ever someone told me five years ago kathleen and chris and gene and steve, too, that the president of the united states would go into the white house briefing room with a copy of his birth certificate to say, look, i am important in this country, it is amazing the power of sort of buzz on the internet can have to distract a president from his message or force him to talk about something else. that's a unique thing that president obama is the first twitter era, social media era. >> let's say a prayer for someone i don't even think i like too much, ken kuchinelli. he watched his campaign take a dive that he had nothing to do with really because the incumbent governor is under massive assault now, gene, by all the terrors of hell are
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looking at the numbers. he's a good guy in many ways. he has nothing to do with these numbers. 48 to 42 among likely voters. he is close to that 50% mark. >> as you said, terry mcauliffe, he's not the candidate of virginia. >> he would dispute that. >> he's not colonel sanders. >> exactly. but ken cuccinelli does have a problem. he accepted gifts from governor mcdonnell so that linkage is very hard to undo in voting minds. >> it's a trend in virginia. virginia is increasingly becoming more democratic, more of a northern constituency and --
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>> women. women vote big in virginia. >> the women are behind it. >> he's a very, very, very conservative. he is a diamond in the wool, principled, right web beyond that conservative and that may not be the way to win statewide. you can win local races. >> it's a mistake to think that virginia is becoming like maryland. it took a lot of corruption, a lot of bad stuff for a very conservative state to say many of those people are going to abstain or stay at home or may shift to terry because they don't like it. that doesn't mean that they've changed. >> no. mark warner, john warner state. >> exactly. >> very close to the center, this country. funny, we all grew up with them in the confederacy, last stand, the cause. today they're just about a little more conservative than the country. they're very close to being a leading indicator now. >> conservative to support bill
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clinton. that's terry mcauliffe. >> this would be the first time in modern history that virginia went the same direction. >> maybe a bell weather. >> is that a column i gave you? >> chris, don't write it, huh? >> chris cillizza, isn't that true? fact check there? it's a break with history. >> in modern history, it's always gone the opposite. the most recent example. one other thing, chris, in terms of change. remember that barack obama was the first democrat to win the commonwealth of virginia since lyndon johnson in 1964. that is just mind boggling in terms of how the state is changing. >> well said. you're good, chris. >> historian. >> you're good. >> i'm not so young anymore. it's good. >> you know what's good about you, you are easy to read. you are really easy to read.
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>> i do my best. >> let's move on. >> okay. mr. cillizza. >> thank you, kathryn. >> thank you, steve clemmensen. atlantic is a little harder to read. thank you both. thank you all. >> great to have you with us. we have some new details today on the health of bo biden, the delaware attorney general and son of vice president biden. sources have told nbc's nancy snyderman that he has a mass in his brain. he's awaiting some test results. among the tests being conducted is a biopsy. the procedure is being done to rule out cancer. those test results will take several daze to come back. now a brain mass does not necessarily mean that beau biden could be a tumor. it could be an aneurysm, hemorrhage or something else entirely. the vice president you see remains in houston with his son. a very tight family. our best wishes are with them
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tonight. >> they are a great family. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter... because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. wit's hard to find contractors with the passion and the skill, also available in delicious peanut butter. and that's why we use angie's list. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time with honest reviews on over 720 local services. i want it done right. i don't want to have to worry about it or have to come back and redo it. with angie's list, i was able to turn my home into the home of my dreams. for over 18 years, we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today.
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bradley man, the army private at the center of the wikileaks zanld has been sentenced to 35 years in prison. the judge said manning would be dishonorably discharged from the military and forfeit all allowances and pay. mannings's case will go to the army court of criminal appeal for an automatic appeal at this point. the former intelligence analyst was found guilty last month of 20 crimes including violating the espionage act. nbc's kier simmons was with bradley manning's mother when the sentence was announced. his uncle, kevin fox, called his nephew a hero. nbc news chief correspondent joins us live from the pentagon with more. mick, you've been so good on
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this and careful on this. i'm just wondering about the human thing here. you know, people are not in the military or in espionage, they're always amazed at the classic role of justice where spies are executed even though they're the most courageous warriors. these sort of rules of warfare are so harsh. here you have this guy, this frail guy who doesn't look threatening to anyone, who may be naive beyond belief who couldn't possibly have realized what he was walking into is now going to lose -- spend the rest of his life practically in fort leavenworth surrounded by people who won't like him. that's my question. this punishment is really something. >> it depends on which side of the aisle you're talking about. many within the justice community think that the judge was actually lenient on bradley manning because with time served and a possibility of parole
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there's a possibility that he could only serve ten years. others point out that this is the -- this is the longest sentence handed to anybody who's accused of leaking government information to the press essentially and they're calling on president obama to overturn this conviction and pardon bradley manning. i can tell you though within the military law community and among military law experts, from the very beginning they thought the government had overreached, particularly with the charge of aiding the enemy, and many thought that the military lawyers didn't even prove that the country, the nation was harmed or put at threat by the leaks that bradley manning gave. actually, the government said, look, we've got to make an example of bradley manning to
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make sure that nobody tries to get away with this again. >> yes. >> so so much of it comes down to like with the polard case, the implications, consequences rather than the moral factor that always seems to be implicitly at the heart of a crime. you know what i'm talking about? >> absolutely. pollard has been in prison for more than 25 years for leaking military secrets to an ally, israel. >> yeah. >> anyway, thanks, mick. your careful reporting, it's there. we'll be right back. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. play close. good and close. discover the new way to help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. new beneful healthy smile food and snacks. he'll love the crunch of the healthy smile kibbles.
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we're hearing you're going to -- you're convincing some folks. we actually heard yesterday from tampa congresswoman kathy castor that you've got enough votes. so is that true? and, if so, are you able to get this bill to the house to take advantage of those votes and that support you've won? >> right. you probably remember we began building momentum and in roads and support in the republican caucus of the house of representatives when paul ryan came to visit the blue city of
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chicago in which we held a town hall meeting together, and he has been consistently in support of comprehensive immigration reform and we've grown. whether it's valledo in california or webster, we've seen increasing support. there are many other members of the republican caucus ready to vote. look, the question isn't whether or not there are 218 votes. maybe not the senate bill but for comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship and a broad pathway to legalization. that exists. this new rule, there's 234 republicans, 118 members have to first agree before 435 of us can vote? that's pretty antidemocratic, but as you suggest, i'm going to be out in virginia in goodlets district this coming sunday. i'll be with keith ellis in minnesota. the movement out there is
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growing. it's strong. it's broad. and it's very deep. and it's not going to take no for an answer. congresswoman castor also mentioned that business is weighing in. in full transparency i have to say i work for a company that is very much in favor of comprehensive immigration ref m reform. to have seasonal jobs, this isn't weighing in. >> sciu, the labor union, is say let's have an honest conversation. not just this but globally.
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it's critical to ensure that they are affecting choices. the immigration system is so difficult. >> do you think this will be affecting this? >> i sat down with mr. donoughe of the u.s. chamber of commerce, we're in contact daily. they're advocating for comprehensive reform. maria is absolutely right. you have the chamber of commerce and the afl/cio. so you see people who haven't always gotten along and people who are really coming to the middle and compromising.
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the only place we haven't found that willingness to compromise and to reach a solution is in the house of representatives, but you know, we're making some break through. i want to thank my republican colleagues for stepping up. we need more of them to continue to do the same. i know the democratic caucus is ready for a vote. the majority already exists. what the house of representatives and what the speaker has to allow is simply for that democracy to floor rich. yes, we must make the economic, but you know saturday we're going to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the march on washington, a march on washington that allowed me to be a member of congress because it gave us the voting rights act. i'm a member of congress because of that, but you know what, the message then was about justice and fairness and freedom and we also have to understand there are human lives that are at stake. my republican colleagues and all of those who are standing in the way of comprehensive immigration reform are really standing in the way of stopping
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deportations, of really this crippling of our families, this devastating effect of people dying on the border. our people want freedom. they want justice and they want fairness. they want an end of the exploitation of this permanent underclass. we have to allow them to join all of us in our great american democracy. >> let's talk politics for a second, hard politics. you know my politics. i'm trying to figure this out. the congressman was very smart. he said you have 230 votes. that's 200 votes you're not getting. i'm betting almost all of them are republicans. one way they're against it is the way the map has been put together. there's 232 congressional districts, much more than a majority that voted for mitt romney in the last election. the way the districts run because the republicans love to flood the minorities, flood the zone, get them all in one district and grab the whiter anglo districts, 80, 90%. they represent anglos,
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nonhispanic people who are republicans. they're voting their districts, aren't they, when they're voting against comprehensive reform? i'm wondering how you're going to break that. you can say house of representatives. the way they're representing people is representing conservative people. that's my thinking. >> chris, this is -- you're absolutely right. the biggest problem is you have roughly 87 republicans that are tea party candidates that come from districts that are 79% white. the majority of the democratic representatives, they're normally roughly less than 70% white. they're more diverse. how do you fwlaek 87% district hold that basically says we don't want comprehensive immigration reform? the congressman is absolutely right. this is definitely a moral issue. when we start going down this plank and basically saying, look, we don't want to provide a pathway to citizenship, what we're saying is we want their labor, we're okay with indentured servitude but we don't want them to vote.
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that's undemocratic. they realize because of the democratic changes they have to change their tactic for the latino voter. one way to signal to the latino voter that they're welcoming them is bypassing some sort of comprehensive immigration reform. >> i think you're morally right. go ahead, congressman. >> we're going to make two arguments. obviously we're going to make the demographic argument. 50,000 latinos turn 18 and they're all citizens. united states. that will continue to grow. this is a very important issue to us. but moreover to the asian community and to a broader american community, we've won the argument on this issue, on its merits. look, the republican party can decide if it wants to be a party of provinces, states, localities, it will never be a national party ever. >> you're right. >> you're right. >> they can never win. >> chris agrees. >> i'm with you. i'm with you. look at that map. congressman, you know it better than i do. that map and the way those congressional districts are
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allocated are pro republican. >> it's the right thing to do also. >> that's your argument and it's a good one. >> we should continue to make that argument. moreover, i want to say, look, when i sat down with paul ryan, he said, louis, let's do it. you're catholic, i'm catholic. it's against the moral values. it's very important that we continue to speak to this issue at that level also because that's going to help us break through. so let's make the moral argument, the justice argument, would he have a good political argument to make also. >> best of luck, sir. thank you very much. >> we'll be right back. wow! that's great. if you find a lower advertised price they'll match it at the register. really... yeah, in a "jif". that's walmart's everyday low price. seriously?! yeah! now you have everything you need for back to school. that was easy. more school for your money. guaranteed. ok, here you go. what?!
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recently declassified material. >> well, the secretly recorded phone calls at meetings cover a period from april 9th to july 12th, 1973. that was right in the middle of watergate, and included discussions on vietnam, the soviet union, and conversations with heads of state. during one meeting on may 16th, 1973, we hear president nixon talking to treasury secretary john conley about the u.s. soviet summit. >> these recordings capped the chronological release of 3,000 hours of tapes from february 1971 to july of 1973. i know, chris, when you were writing one of your books "kennedy and mnixon," you listened to a lot of those
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tapes. fascinating to hear the casualness but import of a lot of things that they talked about. >> nixon suffered from the fact he was taped. a lot of politicians i know say things they wish they hadn't recorded. nixon recorded everything. during the watergate mess, he would be talking about how they wanted him to break in to the brookings institution. or he'd talk about organizing a break-in of the republican headquarters they could blame on the democrats. it's horrendous stuff. the anti-semetic stuff. nixon always played to the person across the room. if a guy like haldeman was there, god help us. he was the worst with guys like him. you really get a look at a person. this is not from a fan, necessarily, because i have a mixed view of the guy, but he's
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without a doubt the most fascinating president we've ever had. he may have had a screw loose, but there's parts about him that were ingenious. we'll be right back, on that note. [ chainsaw buzzing ] humans. sometimes, life trips us up. sometimes, we trip ourselves up. and although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you, so do the solutions. like multi-policy discounts from liberty mutual insurance. save up to 10% just for combining
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it's been great co-anchoring the show with my husband chris. that does it for this edition of andrea mitchell reports. we'll see you, i think, tomorrow. >> tonight on "hardball," the fight over the heart and soul of the republican party. it's getting hot there. tamron hall has a look at what's next on "news nation." tamron? >> hey, there, chris and kathle kathleen. coming up, new reaction from the white house on two big stories out of syria and egypt. what the obama administration said within the last hour. we'll play that for you. plus, the family of the college athlete murdered in oklahoma now waiting for his body to be returned to australia. this as police report one of the teenagers charged in connection with the murder thought it was, quote, one big joke.
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plus, the white house comes out in defense of dogs that are deemed too dangerous and are banned in hundreds of cities and even on some military bases. we'll talk with tia torres of the new animal planet show "pit bulls and parolees." it's our "news nation" gut check. [ voice of dennis ] driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. silence. are you in good hands? ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? i took the trash out. i know. and thank you so much for that. i think we should get a medicare supplement insurance plan. right now? [ male announcer ] whether you're new to medicare or not, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. it's up to you to pay the difference. so think about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans,
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