tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC August 23, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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i think that changes the dynamics and the expectations. >> i don't think -- >> yeah. >> senator coburn says he's a friend of the president's, but he doesn't treat him that way. >> i think it's harder to name one of the members of one direction than it is to name three baseball players. if it's way too early, it's time for "morning joe," but right now, "the daily rundown" and chuck todd. >> i have a dream. my poor little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. i have a dream. >> good morning from washington. it's friday august 23, 2013. i'm chuck todd. this is a special edition of
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"the daily rundown." we're looking ahead to the 50th anniversary of that famous 1963 march on washington. for many americans, 50 years ago feels like yesterday. but of course for millions of others, including myself who weren't even born yet, in an ironic way, the grand memorial of granite and marble that now stands might make that history feel more distant. particularly for many young people today. we remember dr. king's march as an historical event. through grainy film and archive photos. but for each of us, those four words, "i have a dream," have a different and special renaissanreno sans. since then, every political protest in this country has borrowed from what the leaders of the march on washington for jobs and freedom were able to achieve. tomorrow, thousands will retrace their steps. next week, president obama will mark the 50th anniversary of the
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march with a speech on the steps of the lincoln memorial. it was not just the tumult of the '60s. in may of 1963, bolt conner had ordered police to use fire hoses and attack dogs on children who joined in civil rights protests in birmingham, alabama. governor george wallace stood at the door of foster auditorium at the university of alabama to block two black students, vivian malone and james hood, from enrolling at the school. civil rights activist met ger evers had been killed that summer. when a group of civil rights leaders led by a. phillip randolph wanted to march on washington, president kennedy was weary and urged them to call it off. the group of six believed the march on washington would provide the best chance for a safe rights bill. >> we hope that by going to washington by the thousands, sitting in the halls of congress, if necessary, and in the offices of recalcitrant
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congressmen, we will be able to arouse a conscience of the senate so the coalition of southern and right wing northern republicans will not prove to be the legislative incinerator that will again burn to ashes any possible civil rights bill. >> what do you think the effect of the august 28 march will be, both on country and the congress? >> i think the purpose of course is to attempt to bring to the attention of the congress and the country the strong feeling of a good many thousands of citiz citizens. i don't know of course -- i don't know how many are going to come. >> in the end, the organizers expected 100,000, but more than 200,000 came that day. the city was jittery. 4,000 federal troops waited poised for violence. the city's liquor stores were closed for the first time since prohibition. led by randolph, the elder
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statesman of the civil rights movement who founded the brotherhood of sleeping carporters in 1925, speakers from roy wilkins, the naacp's executive secretary, greeted the crowd. the youngest speaker at the march was a 23-year-old civil rights organizer from alabama named john lewis. leader of the student nonviolence coordinating committee. by the time of the march, lewis had been arrested 24 times for his activism during nonviolent protest. >> i want to hear a yell and thunder from all those people who are out there under the tree. let's hear you. >> there is a lot of noble talk about brotherhood. and then some americans drop the brother and keep the hood. this rally is not the end. it's the beginning. it's the beginning of a great moral crusade. to allow america do the
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unfinished work of american democracy. the congress has to act. >> by the forces of our demands, our determination and our numbers, we shall splitter the segregated south into a thousand pieces and put them together in the image of god and democracy. >> we must say wake up, america, wake up, for we cannot stop and we will not and cannot be patient. >> bob dylan played his new song, only a pawn in their game, about the murder of metger evers. peter paul and mary all he formed. and then there was dr. martin luther king. spurred on by mahalia jackson who said, tell them about the dream. will be remembered as one of the most brilliant and important speeches in american history. >> let it ring. from every state and every city.
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we will be able to speed up that day when all of god's children, black men and white men, pros stents and catholics will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old negro spiritual, free at last, free at last, thank god almighty, we are free at last. >> joining me now, congresswoman eleanor holmes norton. the democratic dell gat for washington, d.c. during the first part of the summer of 1963, she worked for the student nonviolent coordinating committee in greenwood, mississippi. she was on the staff of the march of washington. also, kweisi mfume. and the national editor for "vanity fair," the author of the upcoming book, "an idea whose time has come, two presidents, two parties and the battle for the civil rights act." thank you for joining me. congresswoman, i want to start with you.
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you have probably some very distinct memories. i was talking about the fact that for people who experienced it, it probably feels like yesterday. for people born after 1963, it feels like ancient history. take us to washington 1963 on that august day. >> well, 1963 was the high point of the civil rights movement in many ways. haven't worked on the staff of the march, being young and foolish, i expected a whole lot of people to come. but nobody really knew how many would come. what was really challenging was the unprecedented nature of the march. there had never been a mass march in washington, much less for civil rights. so if people asked me about what was the -- what do you remember most, frankly, it was not necessarily the speeches. each speech seemed to me to be more brilliant than the next. what i remember, particularly as a native washingtonian, is standing at the monument and
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looking out from the monument and not being able to see the last person, there were so many people there. that was our hope, that was our dream. >> congressman mfume, i know you were a little younger, didn't go to the march, understandably, but what's your memories of it? >> well, i watched it on television, ten-inch filco tv with my mother and three sisters huddled in our living room. and i watched it with a great sense of awe. you know, you're trying to put it all together. i was 14 at the time. but it was significant because of what it meant to the community and the reason i could tell was you look outside and there were people everywhere in other people's houses, almost out on the steps, watching wherever there was a tv what was going on. so it was and is a singularly unique place in our history. it's sort of like a beacon. we will forever look at as a
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reminder of the journey that we took to get to where we are. but i hope also as a challenge. we probably shouldn't lose the ironies of history on this. it was exactly 100 years earlier that president abraham lincoln had signed the emancipation proclamation. after 200 years of slavery and 100 years of legal segregation, this was a pivotal point in our nation in terms of developing the sort of belief that was re, that was manifest in the constitution, in the preamble, that all people would, in fact, enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because they were all, in fact, equal. >> todd, you were working on this book and you've had interesting anecdotes you discovered about the day itself. frankly it seems as if the white media thought this was going to be a violent clash. that there was going to be something that was going to go on in washington, and it turns out the preparations of different news organizations,
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including helicopters, because of what had happened in birmingham partly there was a lot of fear among white news media, the white politicians and -- >> you heard president kennedy who didn't want the march, he was afraid -- >> -- that something would go wrong. they picked it on a wednesday. for a reason. because it was in the middle of the week. the goal was to get everybody in that morning and out that night. "the new york times" was so concerned about violence they chartered a helicopter and put their star reporter up in the air. he said it was one of the most peaceful things. so he went to his own house in northwest d.c. and inspected his shingles. he said everything was fine for the winter, yes. >> congresswoman, do you remember this issue coming up with organizers saying, you know, there's this expectation that there's going to be some sort of clash and so things, you know, were there speeches, were there teaching tools, organizers saying, you know what, you've got to make sure, don't let anybody insight you? >> there was all this talk, especially from the kennedy administration. they were our friends.
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but they certainly discovuraged the march. we found the idea there would be violence not only laughable but at one level insulting. we had conducted for ten years a nonviolent movement against real violence. and yet had not retaliated. the brilliant organizer of the march told the administration that if they wanted to protect the march, they needed to have people on the outskirts of washington because there would be no violence among those coming to the march. we were absolutely certain of that. and of course we believed that many in the congress who talked about violence simply didn't want the march to happen at all. so we were absolutely determined to move forward. and absolutely certain that there would be no violence. our only uncertainty was how many people would come. >> congressman mfume, i think one of the more brilliant organizing tool, of the march,
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and i just put up a flyer one more time so people understand, it was a march on washington that also includes the word "jobs" and it got the uaw involved. the uaw got involved and that gave it a black/white coalition which i assume was pretty necessary at the time. >> it was necessary. it was needed. it was welcomed. it made a real statement. i mean, it had always been jewish support of the march and jewish support of the civil rights movement. in fact, the naacp was forred with the coalition of blacks and jews. to have organized labor make a statement and come forward the way they did was significant. it took the black piece of it away. it became a march of people for people. and, you know, it's interesting. we claim it as our march, as our history. nelson mandela's always been fond of reminding me that while it was america's march, everybody claimed it. he had been arrested exactly one year earlier. in august of 1962 and sentenced to 27 years in prison.
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and told me about how he and other prisoners admired what was going on. anything they could get into prison to read about the mshgs to read about what happened afterwards, to understand even more the civil rights movement and use that as real justification of the fact that they believed in their own hearts what they were doing to bring about change was, in fact, what other people, particularly here in the united states, were doing. >> well, tone, todd, was everything and speeches were scrubbed. john lewis was one of the speeches that was scrubbed a little bit. there was some concern by some organizers it was going to sound too strident. here's claim of john lewis talking about the changes he made to the speech. >> at the end of the speech, the original text, i said, if we do not see meaningful progress here today, the day may come where we will not confine our marching on washington, but we may be forced
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to march through the south the way sherman did, nonviolently. they said, oh, no, you can't go there. >> and he didn't. he changed it. >> he didn't, partly because the archbishop of washington said if he didn't change it, he would leave the plat for and not be there to give the avocation as he promised to do. you could see all these people streaming into town after all your hard work and planning. what did that feel like as you could see those buses coming into washington? >> that was one of the reasons why i volunteered when the staff asked who wanted to stay in that brown stone, where we organized the march, 135th and lenox. i raised my hand because you know, guess what, i knew d.c. and i can look down and see whether there are people beginning to form. when i saw the number of people at various sites, it was clear to me that this was going to be
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an absolute big success. and i suppose the enthusiasm of the march is shown. by the fact the leaders were in the white house of course conferring with the president and the people got tired of waiting and started marching and the leaders had to do what leaders have to do in this world. you better march to get in front of the people because they're marching. >> they're marching with or without you. all right. we're going to take a break. all of you are sticking around for the special edition of "the daily rundown." live here one of the first events in d.c. ahead of this weekend's big march on washington. the national urban league is hosting what they're calling the redeem the dream summit all day today. congresswoman maxine waters, reverend jackson and the fi philadelphia mayor are among the speakers. the president is continuing a bus trip and he and the vice president will both speak at lackawanna college in scranton, pennsylvania, the vice
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president's hometown today. by the way, for your 2016 watchers, ted cruz is going to new hampshire tonight. [ male announcer ] this is pam. her busy saturday begins with back pain, when... hey pam, you should take advil. why? you can take four advil for all day relief. so i should give up my two aleve for more pills with advil? you're joking right? for my back pain, i want my aleve. ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle.
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i think that we must face the fact that in reality you cannot have economic and political equality without having some form of social equality. i think this is inevitable. i don't think our society will rise to its full maturity until we come to see that men are made to live together as brothers and that we can have genuine intergroup interpersonal living and still be in the kind of
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society which we all long to achieve. >> 50 years after dr. martin luther king called for a more color blind america, just a bare majority of americans believed that dream have been realized. our guests are back with me. congresswoman norton, i want to go to one other topic having to do with the march and that was the role of women. there weren't many women on that stage that day. did you feel that gender discrimination, if you will, as one of the people that were working on the march? >> i'm going to try not to engage in the revisionist history that i'm feeling at the moment. because there's no question it was noted. if i put myself back in 1963, when there was not a single civil rights law, when racial discrimination was pervasive in every state of the union, yes,
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north and south, east and west. when there had never been a march. i have to tell you, that race and racism was the overriding issue not only for the march, it was -- remember 1963, it was the overriding issue in the united states. just as foreign policy is sometimes. just as economic issues are. racism was the issue. so when i think about it now and just a year or two, remember, after that, we had the rise of feminism. and i am a flag carrying feminist. who was immediately drawn to the movement. i look back and say, why in the world did no woman speak as a major speaker? especially since, for example, there was one woman who was a national leader. and that was dorothy height who was the leader of the national
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council negro women. she should have spoken. >> congressman mfume, you got elected to congress about 25 years later, i believe, if i got my math correctly there, back of the envelope math, and we asked this question on our last poll, basically taking the line from dr. king's speech, being judged by the content of the character. you saw the numbers. i just read them. when did you feel -- we did you personally feel as if, other you know what, barriers have been broken down for me as an african-american male? >> well, that's a very good question, chuck. i remember being elected to congress in 186. in fact, john lewis and i were elected together that year. and i remember before going out to take the ought of office how john sort of just broke down and started crying. and in the speaker's holding room. i said, what's going on? he said, i'm just overwhelmed by
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emotion. i can't believe that i'm here. that so many years have passed. i've come back to washington in a different way. he said, my heart still bleeds because i know there's so many people would could be here who are not. so you feel like you've arrived. i felt in many instances that those things had, in fact, been achieved for myself, personally and others. every time i look over my shoulder, i recognize that unless everybody's moving forward, we really are not making progress. and one of the things that i think is really important is that we almost have to be multisyllabic when we talk about the march. we have to talk about it in the context of history. it was great. it was something to celebrate. but we can't be so romanticized that we become intoxicated with the idea of history and not realize that in the other voice, the voice of the present, there are real things that call our attention to what's not right. poverty among black children in this country is 30%. almost exactly what it was at the time of the march. unemployment rate in african-american and latino communities double. when you consider the level of
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violence that's taking place, young people killing young peep people, almost as if it doesn't matter, with no respect for life, those are things that have to be spoken to with this other voice as we talk about the present. i'm hoping that finds its way into the voices and into the hearts and into the conversation of next week's march. >> todd, you're working on a book on the '64 civil rights act. the way publishers work, i get that. take us back. what was the public's reaction when this bill was signed? obviously, the march was intended to sort of jump start. we heard martin luther king talking about this coalition of senators that he was trying to basically overcome. what was it, when this finally passed, where was the country? >> the country was with it. it had taken time. it had taken education. taken the work of people like king to bring the congress along. but as the spring of '64 war on, in the wake of president
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kennedy's assassination, there was public support for the bill. by the time the bill passed, there was strong support for it. it was quickly embraced by the country. the crucial provision upheld. as congressman mfume points out, the economic injustices that president kennedy talked about in his speech about the bill, those are stubbornly enduring. the statistics for black and white unemployment are almost exactly the same. >> as a reminder why the congressman put so well, this is not just history. congressman mfume, congresswoman, especially for you to share your sort of firsthand knowledge of being there, working at this march. it's got to be bringing back unbelievable memories so thank you for being here. >> thank you very much, chuck. our special coverage of the 50th anniversary of the march on washington continues, including a special look at what happened when birmingham's young people took to the streets to protest
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segregation and fight for their rights. first, today's trivia question. who cast the decisive 67th vote that evoked cloture and cut off the filibuster on the civil rights act of 1964? first person to tweet the correct answer to @chucktodd and @dailyrundown gets the on-air shout out. is like hammering. riding against the wind. uphill. every day. we make money on saddles and tubes.
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here's a run-through for those that want to know what's happening over the next several days here in d.c., as we cohelp rate the 50th anniversary of the march on washington. tomorrow, a rally and march being led by the national action network and backed by a number of progressive groups and labor unions. attorney general holder, top house democrats nancy pelosi and steny hoyer, martin luther king iii and msnbc's own reverend al sharpton will speak tomorrow at that march. wednesday, the 50th anniversary of the 1953 march, the let
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freedom ring rally at the lincoln memorial will include remarks by three presidents, including obama, clinton and carter. the program begins at 11:30 eastern on that day. we'll of course have live coverage of all of the anniversary events here on msnbc. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] did you know the average person smiles more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth.
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rights movement at a crossroads. dr. king and others had enlisted the children in the march for freedom. ♪ ain't gonna let nobody >> i got up with my mind on freedom. >> 16-year-old janice kelsey did not set out to be a foot soldier in the fight for freedom. she'd grown up in segregated birmingham and didn't question the system. >> i thought we were okay. >> a friend told her about the meetings a 16th street baptist church. >> there would be crowds, well-dressed preachers who could fire up an audience. she also said a lot of cute boys come to these meetings. i thought, yep, i want to go to one. >> at that time, it was the place to be. if you weren't there, you were wondering where everybody else was. >> 15-year-old james stewart was at those meetings too. that's where he and janice met a young minister who made them think. >> james bevel was a fiery young guy and wore the overalls, and he had -- sometimes he'd have
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different buttons on. he wore a little beanie cap on his head. >> one of the questions that he asked was how many electric typewriters did we have at our school. i said we had one, but i get to type on it because i'm a good typist. he said, did you know at phillips high school, they have three rooms of elect typewriters? i thought, whoa, i've never been in a white school, so i didn't know. he said you parents can't do anything about it because if they get arrested, they can't take care of you, but you don't have anything to lose. >> james and janice joined the children's crew said. thousands of birmingham's black kids skipped school and flooded the streets in protest every day for a week. >> they told us that the likelihood of us being arrested was very high. >> you knew you were going to be arrested? >> i knew it. >> hundreds were hauled away in
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paddy wagons and school buses. >> the police officer who stopped us before we got to city hall was wearing a gun and he was carrying a stick. he said, if you get out of this line, nothing's going to happen. stay in this line. you're going to jail. going to jail didn't bother me. looking at him did. somebody started singing "we are not afraid." and that gave me the courage to remain in the line, keep singing, and to go on to jail. >> many ended up in makeshift jails because police had more handcuffs than space. as waves of children joined the march, police brought out high-powered hoses and vicious dogs. their chapter in history is now on display in birmingham's civil rights institute.
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it brings visitors into the struggle. an eerie ghostly hall. where visitors are eyewitness to state, standing face-to-face with a real klan robe and a cross donated by the fbi. these are the bars from the actual cell where dr. king penned that famous letter from birmingham jail back in 1963. it has become one of the most popular exhibits here at the institute, as you can see. folks drop often f donations. some bow and pray. others, they kneel and weep. >> you left birmingham. why? >> immediately. i wanted to do something different. i wanted to do get out of birmingham. >> when james stewart left alabama for college up north, he never looked back. janice stayed in birmingham. both are now retired. and proud to retell the story of what they did that summer. >> the march for birmingham was to initiate a freedom that we
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had. because we couldn't do anything. >> i felt that i had been mistreated. and i felt badly that i didn't realize how much i had been mistreated. so i was very determined to do something about my situation immediately. and i had no idea that it would have all of the ripple effect that it did have. ♪ freedom ring >> my thanks to craig melvin for traveling down there for that excellent report. despite thepeople, the violence continue. 18 days after the march on washington, four klansman set off a bomb at the 16th street baptist church. it killed four little girls. the tragedy drew more national attention to the ongoing struggle for civil rights. we've got a special panel with us today. in the second half as well to talk about the march 50 years ago. how much reverberating in today's politics. assistance dean at georgetown
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university, robert trainem. former director of the national black caucus angela rooim. viviana hertano, founder of latino club. and michelle benard, bernard center for women and politics. before the march on washington, there wouldn't be a congress am black caucus. 3 even if 50 years feels long away, it is somewhat transformational. >> sure, and i think even after the march on washington, even after the civil rights act of '64 and the voting rights act of afc '65, it still took time. there were a few members that came together, you know, of a similar mind, had a similar mission. it wasn't till 1971 that they founded the caucus. i think now they would be really happy to see that because of the voting rights act and because of
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redistricting processes that worked well, there are now 43 members that are african-american in the united states house of representatives. and one in the senate. >> you could argue at least in the house, 10%, it's roughly at least matching population. robert, she brings up the senate. politically, we're not -- there is still big gaps. >> one would think that south carolina, mississippi, alabama, the south ironically, with large african-american population would have african-american -- but because of racism, because of historically segregation, the chances of that are probably very slim. with tim scott being the exception. the question become, whether or not there are enough african-americans that want to run for office, that can raise the money and resources. unfortunately, historically, african-american candidates who run statewide, as you know this, chuck, do not do as well as their white counterparts. >> it's a reminder, michelle, there's still -- there's not legal segregation, there's still
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segregation in the south. there's still a black belt. i can look at voting precincts. county by county. i know exactly where the democratic vote is. it's african-american precincts. there's still this feeling, there's still a form of segregation that has been i guess sub segregation. >> yes, there's a lot of subsegregation, particularly in the south, and in addition to self-segregation, we know the south is mainly red states. what we're mainly seeing in the south, but quite frankly all over the country, i think the largest impediment we'll see in the future to seeing more african-americans in congress is the ability of black people to actually vote. we're seeing the tide turn back to everything that we fought against. people fought against 50 years ago. it is happening over and over again. we see it in texas. we see it in north carolina. >> i got to bring up what colin powell did yesterday. and colin powell goes down. probably a paid speech. i don't know this. i'm assuming. speaking in front of business
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leaders. does his usual shtick. then he just unloads on what north carolina did. and it seemed to silence a room that was probably filled with more republicans than democrats, business leaders. at the same time, a lot of them streamed out and suddenly felt, boy, if colin powell's lecturing us, maybe something went wrong. >> i think it showed certainly a lot of courage and bravery on behalf of colin powell. but here's the thing. whether it is voting rights, whether it is immigration, for example, which is hot right now, what we need is not just the colin powells of the world but we need the soccer moms of the world, we need the nurses that are tending to emergency rooms and know what it is like to see uninsured populations, of which a very high degree of them are immigrants, standing up with courage, going to attend town hall meetings, attending city council meetings, because it is that participation that dr. king fought for that we're kind of giving up to special interests. >> too much stressivity, you
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think? >> and to very worried lawmakers who are worried about their cycle. >> we'll talk about voting rights, the struggle for civil rights, still reverberates for many americans in politics today. a programming note, this sunday on nbc's "meet the press," congressman john lewis, new york mayor cory booker will be among the guests. there's an important addition. a rebroadcast of meet the press from august 25th, 1963, when the featured guest was none other than martin luther king. i know you want to pknow what this is. it's friday, which means it's some sort of fish, ragin cajun gum bow. we'll be right back. julie! hey...guess what day it is?? ah come on, i know you can hear me. mike mike mike mike mike... what day is it mike? ha ha ha ha ha ha! leslie, guess what today is? it's hump day. whoot whoot! ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico?
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because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. ahead of the 50th anniversary of the "i have a dream" speech we want to know how you're advancing the dream. snap a picture and tweet us with
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#advancin #advancingthedream. we asked, who cast the decisive vote of cloture? it was john williams of delaware. cutting off the filibuster. it ended up passing. remember, it was all but six republicans voted for it. a majority of the no votes were of course southern democrats. congratulations to today's winner, kelly scurry. send your trivia suggestions to daily rundown at we'll be right back. it's back to school time and we're talking with diane about the walmart low price guarantee, backed by ad match. you got your list? i do! let's go! here we go cinnamon toast crunch. yay! a perfect school day breakfast. i know if you find a lower advertised price they'll match it at the register. that's amazing. look at that price. i like that. they need those for school. we're always working to lower costs so you get more savings. now your kids have everything they need. all in one place. re school for your money. guaranteed.
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where are we today in advancing the dream, michelle. we went back through some numbers. we just talked about congress. five african-american members of congress in the 88th congress in 1963. 42 at the start and now senators, hasn't been much change. none then and one now. there will be a second african-american senator in a couple of months. but i went through business, too, michelle. it's interesting here. there are only, when don thompson assumes his new title of ceo of mcdonald's he will be only the six active african-american ceo in a fortune 500 country and the first was franklin reins in 1999. a long time in some parts, entertainment, culture, integration moved quickly. >> yes. >> politics a little slower. business, very slow. >> very slow, but what we see that i think is quite fascinating and is exciting, although the numbers could be and should be much better in terms of black ceos of fortune
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500 companies and we see many thriving african-american owned and operated businesses all over the country and it shows us that african-americans are entrepreneurs and when somebody puts a stop sign up in front of we have a tendency how do we get around the stop sign is in the one thing to do that is be the owner of your own businesses and we have businesses to pass down to our own children. >> i have a dream or the march on washington was the march on washington for jobs and for freedom. >> yeah. >> what dr. king symbolized was lincoln, he was sad and hopeful and he was optimistic and also militant. when you listen to his speech it was all of those things but the essence is jobs and freedom. to michelle's point that is an interesting point. >> the one thing that i'm struggling with here, though, is on the jobs and freedom portion. robert johnson has a rule that he has named the roj ruled
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modeled after the nfl's rooney rule and people of color are interviewed for positions. >> i knew it wasn't going to be a great statistic. it was lower than i thought. >> when you look who is represented on these corporate boards, we have a problem. even with the great successes of minority firms we have a diversity problem across the board whether we are talking about media, technology companies. we have a massive problem. until we have jobs and freedom economic prosperity, we will continue to suffer in that regard. >> yet, what we have and this is where we can look back on this 50th anniversary how is it relevant today and the future? we can vote. we can vote with our pocketbooks and remote control. if there isn't a justice we perceive as far as not having enough adversity of our culture, we can speak and we can speak very loudly. >> one unifying color is green, right? >> yes.
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>> there is truth to that. >> michelle spos to that. >> you do see -- that's right. but you do see viviana, look at why things are moving faster to reaching out to hispanics. gee, there is a dollar attached to appealing to hispanics. >> absolutely. it's really interesting because in this sense, i think the business community and even the media community has been the leadership has been incredibly savvy and they realize this community is topping 1 trillion in buying power and the focus is on the women because we control the buying decisions and influence our kids. that said, there is a problem with immigration reform being stalled right now and that really is taking the oxygen out of the -- >> part of the integration of baseball was a decision. we are running low on time. all of us have a chance, if we are healthy enough, to maybe watch the 100th anniversary. what i find interesting interest the 50th anniversary, we see
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there is a lot of work tog to be done. a hundred years from now, do you expect that this event will feel as if like, you know, will it feel like as if it's -- >> the revolutionary war? >> to people? >> no. hope brings eternal and what the message of jobs and freedom and the march on washington is about. it's about rights. the question a hundred years from now what is the next frontier for freedom? it will always be for human dignity. >> it may be majority brow -- it's going to be majority, you know, more mix. >> right. it definitely will be a country of the melting pot will be a lot browner. i think that the one thing that i'm concerned about is if dr. king were here for this 50th anniversary, what would he say? and i think that the fact that his speech talked about police brutality and voting rights and people can vote in mississippi and now that is north carolina
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and texas. that is a huge problem. i just hope that for the 100th anniversary and at that point the 200th anniversary of the emancipation promise la medication is free. >> i think by the time we get to the 100th, my hope is if we get to a point in time where in the united states our education system is no longer based on your zip code, then at this point in time we will be equal and forced to be equal on all measures and it will feel like ancient history. >> i hope that we are voting fully and participating fully in our society at every single level, not just the federal elections but like i said earlier, city councils. that is where it's at. >> if there is cable television, maybe the five of us will get together. whatever. we will be in our motorized scooters! that is it for this edition of "the daily rundown." we will be live from the
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