tv Morning Joe MSNBC September 13, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT
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he said one small step -- forget it, one giant leap for frog kind. and then john, first launch. >> the one i like from scott goldberg, ground control to major frog. "morning joe" starts right now. >> after all the effort and time and resources that we put in to help the folks at seaside park and seaside heights rebuild to see this going on as i said at the top is unthinkable. i know how i feel. i can only imagine how the residents and business owners in this area are feeling. my heart goes out to them. that's why i'm here to make sure every resource is brought to bear to help with this problem. washington anchor for bbc
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world news america, splendid in orange today. >> like an orange popsicle. >> it's fantastic. >> friday, the 13th. we need something cheerful. that's why we have steve on with numbers. >> we'll crunch the numbers. with steve radnor. mike barnacle and donny. the frames. the whole package. >> he's very subdued today. >> straight out of fashion week. >> this is a serious show of journalism and sometimes you guys are light and i thought i would bring some gravitas to the set today. >> you always do. let's talk about serious news. the jersey shore, another devastating blow for a place that can't use it. just recovering from hurricane sandy, a raging fire now under control finally after it destroyed a large portion of one of the state's most famous board
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walks. the fire began at 2:00 yesterday afternoon at a frozen custard stand in seaside park. quickly spread to other businesses because of those winds. 80% of the boardwalk destroyed. including 50 local businesses. the fire comes after months of a massive rebuilding effort to restore the jersey shore. governor chris christie as you just saw on the scene yesterday and talked about the fire. >> when i got my first full briefing before i left trenton to come here, i said to my staff i feel like i want to throw up. that's me. after all the effort and time and resources that we put in to help the folks in seaside park and seaside heights rebuild, to see this going on as i said at the top is unthinkable. listen, this is us. as soon as this is over we'll pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get back to work. >> let's go to seaside heights.
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kristen dahlgren is there. what are you seeing there this morning? >> reporter: good morning, willie. it's under control but take a look. this gives you some idea of just how bad this was. we're now about 16 hours after this started. they are still spring it down, worried that there could still be hot spots. it's been raining here this morning. they think this fire was so hot there might be areas smoldering here. they say they will continue to pump water on it. at it's height this was a 10 alarm fire. thick black smoke could be seen for miles and miles and we have at least four blocks here of this boardwalk wiped away. you can't look at these images without remembers it was less than a year ago that superstorm sandy hit and that this area was devastated. it just reopened back in may. i know you guys were down here for that re-opening. they were looking forward to
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moving past sandy. they didn't think anything could be as bad as that and now we're hearing from people including officials this was worst. it's too early to estimate the daniels but the emotional damage you can see the people's faces they lost everything. the governor said they will rebuild and move past this. this morning a lot of people echoing what the governor said, it's unthinkable. >> such a scramble. we were down there around memorial and those local businesses worked so hard to get back on their feet. when we were down there the night before they were nailing the last nails into the boardwalk. completely up in flames yesterday. >> i think kristen said it best, so sad, so tragic. one thing, new jersey they will get back. you knock them down they keep getting up.
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your heart goes out. >> kristen, have they begun to consider any possible causes for this fire yet? >> reporter: you know, they are looking into it. the state fire marshal is here. it's way too early. it appeared to have started around a frozen custard stand here on the boardwalk. that's all they have been able to determine. one thing, you were talking about that rebuilt boardwalk. the way they were able to finally stop this to get it under control they had to move in heavy equipment and actually cut into that brand new boardwalk to board some type of firebreak. they had to do that twice. the first time it didn't work. but that required them cutting into this beautiful new boardwalk. just a painful thing for them to do to cut into what they just rebuilt. but they knew they had to do it. >> kristen dahlgren down in seaside heights this morning. i'm sure we'll be talk towing
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later. it was the winds that caused the problems, 20 to 30 miles per hour. bill karins has a closer look at the conditions the firefighters were facing yesterday. >> reporter: ahead of this cold front that's moving through the region, southerly winds coming off the ocean. these firefighters knew they had their hands full when they saw the gusts going up to 030, maybe 40 miles per hour right towards sunset when the peak of the blaze was. it took 300 to 400 firefighters. they took their time and built a trench. they hoped that would be the fire line. that jumped over that and caused additional damage. then they had to bring in the heavy equipment and tear down that boardwalk that cost millions of dollars. built with hurricane proof with huge bolts into it and they had to tear that down to stop this blaze. they are going to have -- it took them months to build it and they have to build it again. a lot of people that don't know this area, seaside park is to the south of seaside heights.
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seaside heights was hurt much worst. so they can't. win. fun town pier we saw that was practically destroyed by sandy and what sandy didn't take the fire took the rest of it last night. >> fun town pier you can see the sign and everything and it collapsed. bill, stick with us for a minute because i want to ask you about this next story, another big problem out in colorado. severe flooding. while we're sleeping the city of boulder was ordering thousands more to evacuate. the state is bracing for more rain today after what's called biblical rainfall. the fierce flooding has left three people dead. up to eight inches of rain fell over a 24 hour period turning streets into rivers, cutting off small towns in the mountains. a lot of rescues took place. rescuers saved a woman and her baby there in a car seat after
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the car got stuck on a flooded street. cars, some of them fell into rushing water after the road caved in. all three drivers here pulled to safety. officials first coming to grips with how widespread the destruction is. >> we've lost roads. we've lost bridges. we've lost homes. cars. and we're just now beginning to try to assess the scope of the damage. >> so you have a lot of people thousands, in fact, in colorado waking up this morning in temporary shelters. one town hit hard by flooding and then mudslides. >> it was 20 feet tall and crashing and boulders. i mean boulders. it was intense. wow, wow, what's happening. >> so, bill, let's go back up stairs to you. what are they expecting today? >> it does continue. yesterday morning at this time is when the city of boulder was going through 101 year flood. fort collins, colorado who has
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seen the worst of it now. the city of fort collins are urging residents on the north side of andersonville to evacuate their homes by 3:00 a.m. that just passed about an hour ago in the city of fort collins. it's not over yet. four days of this. especially in the mountainous areas a lot of that earthen dam. most dams like the hoover dam having concrete and being thick there's earthen dams. that's giving way because of the immense pressure of the water and those are busting and sending huge floods down the canyons. they are washing out bridges. again, it continues this morning. i got five rivers in front of me on the list, all are seeing new record forecast crests. south platt river, bear creek, the big thompson river near el
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dorado springs. the list goes on. denver itself is fine. colorado springs a lot of the big cities but smaller towns outside that are right near these big canyons that lead to the mountains, the beautiful rockies that's where the issues are. >> brutal flooding. busy morning for your. we got some polls, some politics in the economy. >> try to find something positive? >> there might be some positive. >> a glimmer of hope. there are new polls out today that take a closer look at the recovering economy. nbc news and the "wall street journal" finds 27% of americans think the economy will get better. about a quarter of all americans think it will get worse over the next year. 48% believe that the economy will stay the same. the poll also found a record number of voters now disapprove of the way president obama is handling the economy. that's a 52%. americans are pessimistic about their ability to improve their lives in the near future, 39% of
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working class adults say it's unlikely they will be able to move up to the middle class. retirement savings, rising cost of college and paying for groceries and utilities are among the top financial concerns for most americans. access to health care is the number one area of concern. this data comes as a new study finds the top 1% of americans and 20% of the country's total household income in 2012 that breaks the previous record which was setback in 1928 the year before the historic stock market crash. steve, i said we would try to fine some good news. this is hard to understand, because all we're hearing is there are signs of recovery. >> i have great news for the 1% and even better news for the .01%. you mention ad little bit of what's come out. there's new numbers from income in equality. the news is pretty terrible. what you see is that over the
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past three years if you look at the second bar from the right during this recovery when the economy has been getting better 95% of every additional dollar earned in this country went to the top 1%. 5% went to the other 99%. 32% went to the top .01%, that's 35,000 americans got 32% of all the income gains in the economy. what you see in this chart the green bars are recoveries, the chinn recovery during the '90s, the bush recovery during the 2000s and now the most recent one. in each recovery the percent going to the wealthiest has gone up. >> how and why is this happening? >> a series of complicated questions. a lot has to do with globalization, the top 1% has the skills that allow them to compete in the modern world. the people at the bottom being pushed down by global forces
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cutting wages. a lot of it is financial services which has done very well during this recovery. it's happening globally. happening worst in the u.s. than anywhere else but it's happening all over the world. so if you take a look at what this means in dollars you can see for the bottom 99%, just 2012, for the bottom 99% they actually got an increase. this is the first increase they got in a while. they got 1%. people in the top 1% got a 20% average pay increase. their average speedway about a million quarter dollars. that .01%, 35,000 people, they got an increase of 32% last year. >> this is social dynamite. >> if you want to know why in new york new yorkers were angry, why de blasio did well this is the 99% versus the 1%. if you look at the top 5% during this same period they got over
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100% of all the income gains meaning the average american actually went down. >> donny, you look at tying the polls, 40% of working class adults say it's unlikely they will move up to the middle class. that means they don't believe in the american dream or don't believe the american dream is an reality. >> it's interesting. i think the beginning of what will be the great jaded society. you call it social dynamite. there's a microcosm of what happened in new york last week. if somebody said a year ago on what de blasio was running on you would laugh. you contrast him and bloomberg and then you say where is this going on a national stage. we are becoming a nation of haves and have notes and it is going to have tremendous implications i think as we go forward to the next national election and we have a very, very, very, very jaded society right now and that's not going
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to change. >> let me show you one last thing to put it in historical perspective. as you mentioned during the news the top 1% gets 19.3% of all the income in this country. that's taken us back to the same levels that we had right before the great depression. these are 1920s levels of income in equality. during the '60s and '70s it was less than half of that. we are creating that kind of society where often bad things happen. >> what changes this? what is going to be the thing that pushes us back towards some kind of middle. >> there are a couple of things. one is government policy. we had a set of government policies in which taxes were cut for the rich. if you look at the average tax rate for the rich it's much lower than it was 20 years ago. redistribution is an ugly world but there's those who think government has a role to play in
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changing that. when you cut government spending on the benefits for the less well off that create as wider spread. there's stuff government can do to bring them together. sometimes called redistribution. leads to being a class warfare. government has at that role. the second thing is really education and training. essentially dealing with a situation where jobs out there today, woel talk about twitter at some point. jobs out there demand a set of skills that average american doesn't have. if we're serious about this we shouldn't be talking about sequester we should talk about more government money for education and training and giving people skills that they need to compete in the modern world. >> 50 years are a poster against down trickle down economics and higher the spread is precursor to a depression or recession that would fly in the face of nitricle down thought. >> that's precisely one of the
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arguments when you have economies where the wealth and income are so widely spread bad things happen after that. >> it's global too. worst here than the rest of the developed world. >> trend is not political it's been republican presidents, it's been democrat presidents, going on for 30 years. >> if you go back to 1993, the average person in the top 1% has gotten an 85% pay increase after adjusting for inflation. 99% got a 6% pay increase. this after a 20 year period. >> and if we get chaos in the middle east. more on syria this morning. secretary of state john kerry begins a second day of talks with the russians as the two sides try to reach an agreement on syria's chemical weapons. yesterday president assad applied to join the chemical
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weapons treaty. that would require them to reveal all their chemical weapons and location within 60 days but kerry said it's too slow and assad's words is not enough. >> this is not game. it has to be real. it has to be comprehensive. it has to be verifiable. it has to be credible. it has to be timely and implemented in a timely fashion. president obama has made clear that should diplomacy fail, force might be necessary to deter and degrade assad's capacity to deliver these weapons. >> today the "wall street journal" is reporting a top secret unit of the syrian military is already moving its chemical weapons to as many as 50 locations to make it more difficult for the united states to track and that of course is a move that could potentially make an air strike less effective. while the debate over u.s. military action appears to be on hold the one thing in washington
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everything can agree on is distaste for president vladimir putin's op-ed to america. >> he's a kgb colonel who has never abandoned the ambitions, the russian ambitions for an empire. >> i was insulted. >> he's looking for an excuse to show off his super bowl ring. it sickens me we have to sit there and read that. >> he says we're all god's children. i think that's great. i hope i want applies to gays and lesbians in russia as well. >> somebody tweeted yesterday underneath putin's op-ed tom freeman is off this week. he'll return. >> putin has a u.s. pr firm and i just wonder as a guy who comes from that business who would sign on to that to work with putin to take a dump on america. shame on them.
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>> artfully said. [ laughter ] >> our master of communications. from the deutsche empire. >> the call from the kremlin is coming for mr. deutsche. >> it took a minute for it to sink in. >> watching that press conference yesterday with kerry and the russian foreign minister it was odd and awkward. i'm amazed at how the dynamic in the conversation chaend. a we -- changed. why the white house, however this turns out feels that they are in a better position than they were a couple of days ago. the white house at this stage can say listen we went to the united nations it worked. weapon got rid of the chemical
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weapons. that's a win for the president. we went to the united nations it didn't work, the russians didn't play ball. we have to strike and we don't need to go back. >> called stumbling with the wind at your back. >> definitely. they were in a very tight spot. it was bad. nothing good about it. look, if you're getting these reports that the syrians are moving their chemical weapons around the country doesn't show the best of faith as you try to sign up for this treaty and the technicalities of putting these inspectors in the middle of a war zone -- there's so many hurdles, so many details that could still go wrong. politically for the president this has to be where he was. >> john kerry still in geneva today. coming up, barney frank will join us, david gregory and eugene robinson. and yankees/sox at fenway this
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all right. let's take a look at the morning papers. the "wall street journal" in a widely anticipated move twitter officially filed for an ipo yesterday, it's considered one of the highest ipo profiles since facebook. it's a milestone for the seven-year-old company which has 200 million users worldwide. steve is wall street excited about twitter going public? >> wall street will be excited. it's a smaller company than facebook, that was $100 billion market value. here's what's interesting about twitter from a washington policy point of view.
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they are taking advantage of something called the jobs app which has nothing to do with jobs it has to do with companies going public with less disclosure and less stringent disclosure. you have a company being worth $10 billion. manchester united used it when they went public. because the entrepreneurs said it would help create jobs it had broad bipartisan support but relaxes the requirements that will be proved not wise. facebook is now back above its ipo price. >> it took a while. >> you've had two big wall street hits. you had the verizon vodaphone and now twitter. who makes the most money off these things? >> banks, of course. you want a specific bank? >> no. >> the bankers make money.
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and the shareholders and the investors. everybody makes money if it works well. >> what are you suggesting. >> you're up to something. >> steve's charts earlier about the 1%. >> there it is. >> tighten that you want. >> you're trying to bring a whole rhythm to the show. >> "l.a. times," bill raising minimum wage to $10 won approval from the california state legislature. sent to governor jerry brown for his signature. it's the first minimum wage hike the state has seen in five years. projected to benefit 2.4 billion people. the news comes as fast food workers around the country strike for higher wages. will this make a difference to all those stories we've been talking about on inequality? >> absolutely not. it makes some difference. minimum swawage is an important part. it needs to be something like
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$10. that's where it was 50 years ago. which is what california is doing. that's where it was 50 years ago when you adjust for inflation. on the other hand people who say we need a $15 minimum wage are denying the economic reality of what's involved in running a fast food restaurant. >> to say it's a drop in the bucket is an under statement. contrast this with the twitter story and lax regulations. >> you make 8 bucks an hour and get a bump up to $10 an hour it makes a huge difference in your life. >> we'll see. >> you can measure this as drops in the bucket. it's a very small piece of a big puzzle. >> sacramento bee, california state legislature approved a bill allowing undocumented immigrants to get driver's license. nine other states in the united states have similar laws. six enact this year. >> "usa today" an old boys
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catholic high school in white plains, new york is one of the first to go all digital. students can digitally access text books on the laptop or tablet. it costs students $150 for digital access. >> cool. "chicago tribune," united airlines gave away free tickets on thursday paying only the security fee of $2.50. the airline halted sales when they caught the mistake. they blame it on a filing error. united has not decided whether they will honor the tickets and cancel them. >> give them the tickets. >> i bet they don't. no, they will. >> they would have to. >> knew i should have slipped in there. >> you nighted. >> good try. $200 per bag. >> to make up for it. >> a bit more for a glass of water. honolulu star advertiser,
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molasses smell poses a severe threat to nearby sea life. to 30,000 gallons of molasses spewed into the harbor as the sugary substance was pumped into tanks. thousands of fish suffocated due to the high concentration of molasses. officials are working to save as many animals. who would have thought? oil, maybe. molasses. >> molasses spills. >> it's been weeks since we've had a molasses story on "morning joe." >> this weekend's parade, close up with robin williams who is returning to tv since his first series of "mork and mindy." >> those words.
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we'll not let anybody take -- >> he brings it back. >> yeah. >> even with the benefit of time. >> yeah. >> now the chief white house correspondent for politico. >> happy friday, willie. >> we just saw governor chris christie of new jersey addressing that fire down in seaside heights. he's leaving no room for error in his bid for re-election. christie's began airing its first political ad of the 2013 season. let's take a look. >> they said it couldn't to be done, new jersey was too broken, too partisan, but they never met chris christie. working with both parties he made tough decisions. four balanced budgets. no new taxes for anyone. wasteful spending cut. a cap on property taxes that's working. the best job growth in a decade. and the most education funding ever. and when tragedy struck he was there every step of the way.
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chris christie, the governor. >> governor christie currently holds a 26 point lead in the fairlei dickinson university poll. >> this is about building up his image, reminding people of these bipartisan approach, he's working with democrats. this is a well luxury for a candidate to be able to do a positive ad like this as their big ad. governor christie has a big story tell. my favorite words of those ad is the last two words, chris christie, the governor. there's something biblical about it, very new jersey about it. >> looking forward to 2016 if he was to run during the primary phase would this ad slide for him? >> it would, because he's trying
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to tell republicans i can win in a new way. that i can win by reaching across the board by reaching some democrats, by reaching independents and that's the reason the christie forces are very anxious to run up his number in november as willie pointed out, he's safe. it's a question of how much he'll win by. he wants to build a narrative either for himself or for the republican party to say that even in a tough state like new jersey this can to be done and kind of interestingly enough his numbers after sandy didn't go back down. he handled it so skillfully his number went up as they will for an executive in a crisis but they tend to fall back down. chris christie's numbers have stayed high. >> one thing from a marketing point, obviously a wonderful ad and he has a great story, in the jersey ads post-sandy, we've come back, little too much chris christie, where it starts out -- >> that's our guy. >> exploitive. people said that happened with
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thank you orville and wilbur... ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. lecoca-cola is partneringg. with nashville parent and charlotte parent magazines, along with the mayors of those cities, in the fit family challenge. a community wide program that offers free classes
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that inspire families to get out, enjoy moving together, and even track their activity online. it's part of our goal to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make... together. congestion, for the smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the buses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution into the air. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment.
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let's do some sports. we'll talk baseball with peter gammons. but there was a football game last night. jets. this was hideous. jets at patriots late in the first quarter, tom brady, 38 yards untouched much brady continued to find open receivers, they continue to drop the ball. you can see him screaming at him. not pretty for the jets. the rookie threw three interceptions in the fourth quarter. believe it or not the jets had a chance to win in the final minute. down 13-10. gino and the jets come up short. pats win a really ugly one 13-10 and be lucky to be 2-0. >> peter will remember, peter
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gammons looking at the patriots receiver they are remindful of a fellow named dick stewart who used to play first base and his nickname was dr. strange glove. >> let's talk to peter gammons. good to see you, man. >> thank you very much. dick stewart once got a standing ovation for picking up a hot dog wrapper that moved across. >> it's hard to know where to begin. there's so much good baseball. i guess we can talk about the red sox in the american league and this wild card race. i'm looking at the standings. texas and tampa tied. cleveland a game and a halfback. kansas city around at 2 1/2 back and baltimore as well. how does this shake out, peter? >> if we presume that oakland is winning the west, 3 1/2 up and if you presume oakland is in it again, i think the team with the best shot at the wild card of
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those teams is cleveland because they have 13 games left with the white sox, the astros and twins, the three worst teams in the league which would set up a wonderful match-up of terry f n franconia going back to boston. the yankees pitching is so good and with alex rodriguez baseball's worst nightmare hot that the yankees, you know, they just used up alvarez seven times in ten days. now they have to go into boston probably sit him on friday and saturday. that could change some things. >> are you as stunned as i am as a yankees game 11 games over .500 and right on the door step of a playoff berth. many of us written off this season. everybody surety. we'll get people back next year and start over. >> amazing especially without derek jeter. i give a lot of credit to joe
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girardi and the guys that stepped up. not just cano but the curtis grandersons of the world. they've done amazingly well and ravirez has held the team together. this is an interesting weekend in boston. but it's really -- in one way it's a lot of fun, in another way a lot of people are going this is the worst nightmare because every time the yankees win the first shot is going be at alex rodriguez. that's the last thing baseball wants right now. likely to watch andrew mccutchen and not alex rodriguez. >> interesting you mentioned oakland who continues to defy all economic logic contrasted with the angels with that huge payroll and at the bottom of the league. >> well the a's have -- the manager is very smart. he understands how to deal with
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a small market because he's dealt with pitching and a lot of depth. he's a great believer in, you know, 25 to 35 good players rather than having one, two, three stars. when he does his talks, "moneyball" makes him a lot of money, he always starts out by saying is there anybody in this room that can name me four players on the oakland athletics. he doesn't get a respond. tells a lot about his management style. >> we tend to concentrate around here on the yankees, red sox, sometimes the dodgers. when you look at terrific players and terrific baseball players, you mentioned andrew mccutchen, the third baseman from baltimore. talk about those two stories. >> you know, pittsburgh has been down so long, they've been through a lot of phases. they haven't been in the playoffs. they haven't had a winning
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record since barry bonds was playing for them. it's a good story. what it tells is you is how long it takes to rebuild an organization, it takes five to seven years. a lot of patience. great payable town. one of the two best ballparks. the orioles their pitching collapsed on them and i don't know if they can make it. they think they still can. they play as hard as any team in baseball. the 21-year-old is an incredible talent. when you have machado and brice harper in the same game, it's -- they keep developing really good players and what you see is a business model is people look at the angels and look at a couple of the other teams that spend a
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lot of money and go, you know what? maybe we should just develop our own players, let them go to free agency at one point or another, stop trying to sign guys up with 10, 12 year contracts because it doesn't work. >> back to the red sox for a second. it fascinates me when you take a team that's basically the same, arguably less talented than a year ago, you swach manager and they switch more than that and you gate change in the culture and, obviously, the performance, what is the difference if you can single one or two things out going from the worst team in baseball to the best team in baseball? >> the depth is much greater. their model is like oakland's just have as many good players. have more players creating match-ups which they can do especially in september. the biggest thing with them really is the pitching. jon lester turned it around. clay buchholtz was healthy. john lackey got healthy again.
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they had this guy, uehara now retired, 34 consecutive batters. they last scored on him in june. he was the fifth choice as the closer on the team and he's turned out to be the best closer in the american league. it's a remarkable story. >> us yankees just ask the red sox to tank one season. you tank for us this weekend we'll call it even. >> great "daily news" headline, joke is on us. >> peter thanks for getting up early. love talking to you. mlb network will feature the red sox game tonight at 7:00. coming up on "morning joe" rising dangers in the air why we're seeing more and more close calls. how the faa is trying to prevent a potential tragedy. don't go away. we'll be back with more "morning joe".
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welcome back to "morning joe." 6:48 here in new york. disturbing news for travellers regarding safety in the skies. faa reports number of close calls nearly doubled last year. tom costello has the story. >> reporter: across the country the nation's air traffic controllers handle 130 million takeoffs and landings every year. the faa reports today in 2012 there were nearly 4400 cases of planes getting too close to each other, more than double the number from the year before and 18 near collisions on runways. the reason? the faa says a new computer system now automatically records every time two planes violate the faa's flight separation rules. those rules require 3.5 miles or 1,000 feet of vertical separation near airports.
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the new reporting system won't rely solely on controllers and pilots to self-report those mistakes and they are seeing a drop in the percentage of the most serious close calls. in a statement the air traffic controllers union said maintaining the safety of the world's largest most next national airspace requires constance vigilance and focus. >> the number did rise and by doing that now we're going to be actually pinpoint those areas we need to work on. >> reporter: intense focus making sure the nation's air travellers fly safely. >> steve you fly, you're a pilot. have you ever had a close call? >> it's not that common. one of the important points that tom referred to is they changed their system of reporting these accidents. they have a new computer system that finds more of these near misses or violations of what they call separation and so it doesn't mean the planes are less safe and, in fact, the planes in my view extraordinarily safe. you can count on one hand the
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number of times two planes have collided in the last several years. >> not a lot to worry about if you're going to the airport this morning. >> we're more about the weather, lines at security, worry more about getting your coffee. >> that was a good news story. >> there you go. >> bad into good. >> you kind of missed it. >> all right. ahead tina brown announced a career change parting ways with the daily beast. also say good to the man known in many circles as carlos danger. see you down the road. we'll be right back. we went out and asked people a simple question:
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ [ male announcer ] from the last day of school, back to the first.
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he went from pariah to temporary front-runner for mayor of new york and then back to pariah. a look back now at the democratic primary. anthony weiner's bid for mayor. >> i have said that other texts and photos were likely to come out, and today they have. this behavior that i did, was problematic to say the least. destructive to say the most. ♪ how do i say good-bye ♪ to what we had >> you can try to make this
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about something else but this is not about me, this is about what the city wants and the citizens of this city want. [ bleep ] >> i'm going to get over it. honestly. you think you have a right to dominate the conversation because you're not voting for me. >> it takes one to know one. you're a perfect person. you're my judge. >> if you don't want to vote for me don't vote for me. i won't go into the corner and curl up. >> will anything stop you. >> have a feeling i stepped into a monty python bit. >> the candidates were asked widow they prefer, facebook or twitter? >> mr. weiner. >> something dramatic that on i you get to see it. you tell me. i'll do it. i'll do it here in the elevator and no one else will have a clip of it.
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>> the annual west union day parade gets under way. >> what is wrong with you? >> i don't understand the question what is wrong with me that i care so much about the issues that i care about? >> anthony, i think there's something wrong with you. >> i know, you just said that. repeating it doesn't make it any more interesting. i heard the question and i said what do you mean? i desperately care -- >> we'll find out if anthony weiner sticks around. >> yeah, that's going to happen. thank you. good light, lawrence. ♪ to be my sunshine after the rain ♪ ♪ it's so hard >> chilax.
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dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. we are all different but when we ask for tlor's blessings we must not forget that god created us equal. >> [ bleep ] is that? when did vladimir putin start watching oprah? what the hell? >> jon stewart last night on vladimir putin. joining us now the editor-in-chief of the daily beast tina brown. big news. we'll discuss about you in a moment. and moderator of "meet the press" david gregory and associated editor of the "the washington post," msnbc political analyst, the man with many titles and talent, eugene robinson. good morning, everybody. >> good morning. >> we'll get to some politics in thea's news in a moment. we want to start with the fires at the jersey shore. another terrible blow for a community just recovering from
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hurricane sandy, a raging fire finally under control after it destroyed a large portion of one of the state's most famous board walks, live pictures right here at 7:02. the sun has now couple. a lot of what we saw last night was in the dark. now you can see aftermath of that fire. it began around 2:00 yesterday afternoon, frozen custard stand. we don't know how it started. seaside park, new jersey south of seaside heights. spread to neighboring businesses because of big winds. bill karins reported some as high as 40 miles per hour. we're being told this morning that at least 80% of the boardwalk just rebuilt has been destroyed. also 50 local businesses, many of which have gotten back on their feet at the fun town pier an iconic part of the pier collapsed under the flames. >> that's such a sad image. and the building goes. awful. >> the governor, chris christie was on the scene yesterday and talked about what he saw. >> after all the effort and time
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and resources that we put in to help the folks at seaside park and seaside heights rebuild to see this going on as i said at the top is unthinkable. i know how i feel. i can only imagine how the residents and business owners in this area are feeling. my heart goes out to them. that's why i'm here. when i first got my full briefing before i left trenton to come here, i said to my staff i feel like i want to throw up and that's me. after all the effort and time and resources that we've put in to help the folks at seaside park and seaside heights rebuild, to see this going on as i said at the top is unthinkable. listen, this sues. as soon as this is over we'll pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get back to work. >> mike, we were talking the last hour, a lot of us were down there memorial weekend. chris christie was leading the charge. the shore is back.
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they were nailing the last boards in to that boardwalk. tlbl how they rebuilt it from last halloween to memorial day. some of those businesses that looked like they were wiped out forever they got back on their feet and now this a couple of months later. >> so far as far as we know there were no casualties other than the economic catastrophe that's occurred. but you spoke of the boardwalk, you can recall when we were down there they were speaking about how the boardwalk was rebuilt and strengthened against any further hurricane damage and now how hit to be disrupted and partially destroyed in order to balled fire wall. >> up wonder how many blows they can take. >> put yourself in the position of one of those business owners. had their business wiped out a year ago. got the money together to rebuild. got your doors back open again for a few days. >> it's so crushing. it makes you question. is there a god?
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to do such a thing to people, hard-working people being wiped out. >> the only silver lining, they will get back up. and bring it on. that's how i feel today. a year from now we'll be telling another story. >> let's move on. >> next memorial day we hope to have another rebirth of the kind they had this time. tina a couple of order of business with you. first some huge news crossing the wires yesterday about you and the daily beast. you made it official. you'll be moving on. >> will. in early june i went to barry i said i really do feel now i want to move on now. i've been here for five years. what i really want to do now is to focus on my real passion which is building a media company. we've launched four years ago the women in the world summit which is most extraordinary
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success. i love doing these conversational platforms, these events where i can real showcase ideas, people who never get air time and mix them with the people who bring them spot lights. so you may come within a celebrity but you stay and become moved by the stories that we've never heard of before np has bean huge success. also i think it's a real opening now to be able to create what i call flash debates. syria in and out. a show like this of course does an amazing job of it. but it's a limited amount of time. with these debates and new platform i can go out there and create very fast a conversation, be able to bring in all the interesting minds that i know to have that conversation and be able to do this in real-time and very fast. i'm excited about it. in the world of screens, we're tired of screens. live events have become so popular because i think people want to get away from these. they want to go out and meet some warm human bodies.
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>> will you miss it? you've been in journalism and publishing for so long. >> find these live events are really almost what i think of as theatrical stories. i'll miss the daily beast. i want to do this. i get a great passion out of it. it's fantastic. i'll be able to continue with my literary life because i'll be writing my book. >> the concept that you're talking about, the reality that you're talking about, harkens back to an earlier time where we had these forums whether it's two people, four people on the stage it forces information put these away and listen. listen, which is an art. >> exactly. if you can bring into it video and interesting staging and mix the guests that's compelling that's the challenge. you have to keep those eyeballs
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up here and out of here. we're cheating that with our events. i find it exciting. any focus we can bring to the world of ideas and actual issues and current affairs that isn't a sound bite is very exciting. >> i want to give you a chance to respond to something we saw in the "new york post" when we opened today the title "thanks to little tina" accuse ug of handing out only $10 of more than a million you raised for your charity. how do you respond? >> it's a grotesque misrepresentation. i've come to the summit where do we go, we started the foundation which we directed the funds we raised to various charities. this accuses of us only giving away 10,000. we've given over a million dollars in grants and have a balance of that money over $500,000 that we're donate iing.
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we're merging the foundation now with vital force. we feel our mission has been similar and our fundraising can benefit women we're mentoring. i couldn't believe that when i read it. it's so grotesque. sometimes the post is fun and i'm annoyed about it. eve done some terrific work and we've featured women that brought their spotlight to it. >> i'm glad you had a chance to respond. women in the world is a fantastic platform. there's so many stories out there that we don't get a chance to tell. women come here from all over the world. very inspiring leadership we see from these women. >> thank you. let's get other news from around the world. secretary of state john kerry begins a second day of talks with true chance as the two sides try to reach an agreement on syria's chemical weapons. yesterday president assad
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formally applied to join the chemical weapons treaty and that would require the syrian government to reveal all of its chemical weapons and locations within 60 days. but kerry says that process is too slow and that assad's words are not enough. >> this is not a game. it has to be real. it has to be comprehensive. it has to be verifiable. it has to be credible. it has to be timely and implemented in a timely fashion. president obama has made clear that should diplomacy fail, force might be necessary to deter and degrade assad's capacity to deliver these weapons. >> today the "wall street journal" is reporting a top secret unit of the syrian military is moving its chemical weapons to as many as 50 locations to make it more difficult to track. while the debate over u.s. military action in syria appears to be on hold the one thing
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everybody in washington can agree on is their distaste for russian president put's op-ed to america. >> he's a kgb colonel who has never really abandoned the ambitions, the russian ambitions for an empire. >> i was insulted. >> i think he's looking for an excuse to showoff his super bowl ring. >> he's sickened me that we would have to sit there and read that. >> he says that we're all god's children. i think that's great. i hope it applies to gays and lesbians in russia as well. >> and the concept of equality perhaps not applied either to vladimir putin's critics. we have the moderator of "meet the press" with us, david gregory. after a day now of talks in geneva what's the sense coming out of white house. do they think this diplomatic initiative has a chance? >> they do and they are counting on it. this is now a cat and mouse
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game. not so much with assad and syria but with vladimir putin bus putin is assad's patron. russia is the one that can apply the pressure to make this a more comprehensive process, to prevent it from becoming a game, as secretary kerry warns about. putin can apply the pressure. what he's trying to do now is play games with president obama and with the united states public. so that's where we are. you know, reports about moving the weapons around and playing around with inspect jobs all of this crates time, it creates delay, and, you know, the reality is that the political sense here in washington is not one of support for any of this moving forward, for a military strike and it is that prospect of a strike that the administration still needs if they are going to push this prospect along. >> gene robinson you write in the "the washington post" this morning, yes, vladimir america
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is exceptional. you write to me the concept of exceptionalism be underpins obama's argument for taking military action in syria. when we see more than 1400 men women and children killed with poison gas it is not our nature to look away. we ask ourselves whether there is any we can do. we weigh the costs and benefits the risks and reward and we do what we can and the moral case for a strike against assad regime is pretty indicated on the fact that if the united states doesn't do something nobody will. yes, mr. putin you can tall that american exceptionalism. i like it a lot better than nothing at all. it is possible the white house and president have fallen backwards into a diplomatic solution with a little help from vladimir putin? >> it is possible that they sort of stumbled into a solution. you know, look, this gives putin and syria time, i guess, to do
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whatever they are going to do, hide the weapons, or try to make some gains on the battlefield. it also gives time for the administration to try to build some public support for the idea of a military strike if the diplomatic initiative fails and my next question is does the administration set a deadline. john kerry says two months is too long to get this information about where the stuff is. so does he say, okay, 30 days or 45 days or whatever and start a clock ticking? >> that's an interesting point and i think it's a smart question to ask about a deadline because i think the administration wants to do something to set some parameters around the. what kind of a showdown do you see between the president and putin. if the president can't get support and i wonder if more
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time makes the heart grow fonder for a strike or less fonder for a strike in the american public and certainly in congress or getting closer to a showdown in the debt ceiling and shutting down government. can you keep this in mind? >> that's a very good question. i don't really know the answer. you can argue that the administration did not properly lay the ground work for even talking about a punitive strike against assad, didn't prepare the public opinion and that it couldn't get much worse than it has been, right, because huge majority of people are against the idea. on the other hand i'm not sure which way the needle will go. you're right. we'll move on to other things here in washington and maybe the moment has passed for the administration. we'll have to see how much effort and focus they put into this. >> david, i see this right now as a win-win for obama.
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if you stumble back into a diplomatic solution that's great. if by some chance russia and putin have been playing a shell game it gives obama the chance not to go to congress, make the strike, send a message to syria and send a message to putin which americans would be behind. >> i think you're potentially right, donny. there's no question there's a best case scenario here which involves some sort of deal to get the weapons out of there and if the russians are real partners on that then yeah an unexpected opening that russia actually paved the way for. so fine even if he's messing around with america's image and with president obama. but, yeah, the other question is a little bit more problematic. let's say the administration sets some deadlines, your get more support from the international community but not the support from russia does the president still decide to strike? again, i agree with you. i think there's the potential for the american public to say well look, you know, the president gave it a good try
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here to try to work all the avenues here and then decided to take action. he would be in a better position to ask forgiveness than permission. and i still don't think that has been persuasive whether it should be or not is a different argument. i don't think the american people are rally ago round the moral case for a strike after chemical weapons have been used. i think too many americans, frankly too many members of congress are scarred by the experience of the last decade and they are too focused on what happens next? after we get involved in some fashion what happens next? >> david, could it be that, you know, people out there listening to us, listening to public people, politicians, the president, the secretary of state talking about syria, have an instinctive awareness that of two things. one, no one has really in the administration been able to clarify the objective of such a strike that we're talking about.
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that's one thing. and secondly, i think there might be an instinctiveness awareness by people if you send rockets from a ship in the mediterranean to a sovereign state depending on what your goal is, that's a declaration of war in that state. >> that's exactly right. what was the run up to the debate in iraq about? it was about we would be greeted as liberators. some in the administration or associated with the administration that said could it be a wake walk. the theory of the case this is lower risk, folks, than you think. we go in there. the opposition is in power. saddam falls. this is a short term operation. ten years later we know how that movie ends. so here, yes, i think people say no you can't say this is going be unbelievable small as secretary kerry did, that you're not going to have an impact on the civil war, that you're not going to tip the scales on the battlefield, that there aren't repercussionses, that things can't go wrong that you're not
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anticipating. that's the level of weariness pop the administration's objective, look they would say the goal is very targeted to deter assad from using chemical weapons again and to degrade his cache of chemical weapons he has now. if he gives up his chemical weapons and verify it maybe you achieve that goal. >> you know, on the exceptionalism point as margaret thatcher said if you say you're a lady you're not a lady. i also am very concerned about trusting putin. to see him as this kind of grand statesman, organizing this so-called new initiative, it's pretty scary. how much do we trust anybody to be telling the truth about anything. but i also thing, there was a brilliant piece today on the daily beast because this is how we haven't had a syria policy. what is the policy now. what are we trying achieve. now we're in a situation where
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we're playing chemical chicken. it's because we haven't had any clear define syria policy and i think this has become the crisis now for the administration, it's played out in full cry. i hope as donny said it will result in a stumbled kind of aversion of a crisis. in the end we never did punish syria. we've moved on from saying we're going actually have any moral, you know, energy behind what actually happened these dead children. and i'm simply let's talk about the fact let's trust he'll get rid of these weapons which on charlie rose he said he didn't have. >> gene, you said this a little bit earlier, what was it, six or seven network interviews this week, national address. it's not clear that the president moved any national opinion, public opinion in the direction, okay now i'm convinced. you made a point.
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you introduced new evidence that we're ready to get behind you on this. that doesn't appear to have happened this week. >> it doesn't seem to have happened, no. and now that there is this diplomatic initiative, does the administration continue to try to work to move that public opinion needle or not. if people get focused on the diplomacy, look they are not going to get the public support they want for a strike. an interesting question is what happens if events in the next few weeks make the president believe he has to order some sort of strike even in the face of public opinion, that becomes an interesting and potentially dangerous problem. >> in the face of public opinion and the united states congress. we'll see. gene robinson, good piece, david who do you have on "meet the press" on sunday?
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>> we'll talk about this in depth discussion. senator bob menendez and others on our roundtable. hank paulson talking about the financial crisis five years later. >> excellent. tina brown thank you as well. congratulations on the next chapter in your life. still ahead we'll talk to the chief of police in seaside, new jersey where we just told you that massive fire ripped through the boardwalk a few months after hurricane sandy did the same. coming up next chuck todd joins our conversation along with andrea mitchell who is live in geneva, switzerland with secretary of state john kerry. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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>> reporter: no movement on the chemical side. they did go over to the u.n. headquarters here briefly this morning and they had a meeting with the u.n. representative, and they've agreed, get this, the stalled peace talks, this isn't the chemical talks, the peace talks on the long term political solution to the war that was supposed to be in may then postponed in june and july still haven't taken place because each side in the war felt they were gaining or losing advantage. now they will talk about it on september 28th or so at the u.n. in new york. talk about when they will have a peace conference. that said now they are back with their weapons experts here talking about the chemical weapons and there have been, you know, fits and starts. they got off to a bad start partly because of the putin op-ed, partly because kerry in the opening remarks spoke at length and i mean at length compared to the unprepared few welcoming comment from the russian counter part.
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and then the russian minister said at the end very tartly, sometimes diplomacy demands silence. so that wasn't such a great moment. then they got down to sitting down, they worked way into the night and at that point after a private dinner perhaps things warmed up today. today lavrov was speaking in english. that's a sign of friendliness from the russian side. assad upped the ante. he's forward going to the u.n. saying now i'll join the international agreement to ban weapons but then he's saying i won't do it if anybody arms the rebels. so that's a nonstarter. russia a little bit forward saying let's talk about the chemical weapons but not nearly saying what they want to do, not putting what they know on the table. there's a lot of concern taos how much is out there, whose got control it and that's what they are trying to find out today. >> andrea it's been suggested by a few people within the administration that the russians
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are equally apprehensive about the chemical weapons falling into the hands of the extremists and rebels as are the americans. what do you know about that? >> reporter: i agree. that's what people here say. that's common sense. that's why putin has even agreed to go so far as to let lavrov negotiate this with kerry. look who might get control of those weapons. they are islamic fundamentalist, al qaeda supported front and others who are very active in the caucuses and chechnya. that's what putin wants the least. they are worried about terrorism. they want control of the chemical weapons. the point here is israel. they announced today kerry is going from here to jerusalem. at first to talk about the middle east peace talks, completely separate thing he couldn't discuss with netanyahu last week or the week before
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because netanyahu is recovering from surgery. now it's also to update them on syria. israel is deeply divided. some members of the cabinet in the military establishment were very upset when there was no military strike against assad. they wanted american action. now they are beginning to think wait a second if this does conclude in controlling the chemical weapons which are on our borders then maybe it could be a good thing. so now they are beginning to look at this russian-american initiative and say maybe this is a step forward after all. >> amazing how dynamics have changed. now israel is coming around. different point of view with us as well. so we'll see how it shakes out. andrea with kansas city john kerry in geneva. >> let's talk about these polls on the economy. nbc news and "wall street journal" finds 27% of americans think the economy is going to get better. about a quarter of all americans think it's going to get worse over the next year. 48% believe that the economy
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will stay the same. the poll also found a record number of voters now disapprove of the way president obama handling the economy. that's a 52%. america is pessimistic about their ability to improve their lives in the near future. 39% of working class adults say they are unlikely move up to middle class. retirement savings, rising cost of college and paying for groceries and utilities are top financial concerns for most americans. health care is their number one area of concern. i suspect amid all the talk about syria, chuck, that's what americans are focused on and still bad news for the white house. >> it is. the whole poll screams stagnation. look at that last question you put up and what worries them the most. job security was actually far down the list. but it was all the other costs, right. it's stagnation that you see throughout this poll. so you have a large majority of
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working class and those who don't think they will move up the economic ladder in the next five years. you have a majority who think that things, you saw, that the economy will stay the same. this isn't a good economy. they are pessimistic. nobody thinks -- there's this sense okay it's not as bad as it was. we know the great recession was awful. this recovery is not, is not finished or certainly not been felt in middle america and that sort of, i guess, when you look at this, at the five year anniversary and we designed this survey to come out in the five year anniversary. when you look at the wall street recovery it's unbelievable and the disconnect opinion we talked about it a lot, the whole 1% business, but to see it, you kind of hope that the politicians see it's like it is really out there. it is -- but it is this sort of, people are starting to accept it and that's what's so depressing about it.
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they don't even think that there's optimism about moving up the economic ladder and that gets at the heart of the american dream. >> what i find interesting there there's this disconnect because we saw how people are not optimistic about the economy as a whole and yet objectively the economy is getting better. there's no question about that. so where the disconnect is that the economy is getting better but not getting to the people who your poll is talking, to average american. the average american's wages are not going up, the 99%, we talked about this earlier they are wages are going up by fractions of 1% each year and so they don't see how they are going to pay for all those things. we know retirement is a big issue in this country in terms of people not saving enough. we know about health care. we know college education is rising far faster than inflation which means i want gets harder and harder for families to pay for those things. the problem is we've had this recovery in which the benefits
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have essentially as we talked about in the first hour virtually all gone, almost 100% of the benefits in the last three years have gone to the top 1%. >> i ask you, steve, why? why can't this move down to the middle class? why hasn't it come, come from there? because the 1% recovery, the wall street recovery, you know, and when you look at the -- when you look at housing, it is the places where wall street people want to either go and have vacation homes or live that the housing has come back faster than frankly in middle america whether you're talking about munc muncie, indiana or any place else. >> if you work in financial services your average wageses are up 5%. if you work in manufacturing your average wages are down by 3%. if you work in autos your average wages are down by 10%.
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and so what you see happening, and this is not new and it's not confined to us people who have those certain kind of skills, whether they be financial skills, whether they being technical skills that make for lots of twitter millionaires when that ipo gets done those are people getting the rewards. the other place rewards are going are into corporate profits because of globalization companies have an ability to squeeze costs, squeeze what they pay their workers and to keep more and more of it as profits. that's the world in which we're living. >> chuck, a guy who has worked a lot of corporations and the dow has double in the last four or five years a lot has been cutting back. the advertising industry and the amount of people that you used to have to service an account versus what you get from clients now to do it is different. so profits are going up. actual costs of labor is going down. >> chuck, before we let you go
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how is the white house feeling about its position on syria now as they watch john kerry speak with the foreign minister of russia and put now at the center of any solution diplomatic anyway for this crisis in syria. >> interesting way to ask the question, how do they feel? i they they feel like they've been through the wringer in some form or another. at this point they are just hoping they get judged by the outcome that in the long term they acknowledge that this has bean messy process that hasn't made the president look very good, hasn't been very reassuring to public. sort of acknowledge all those things but they are clinging to this belief that it will look like strength in the long term if all of this works out. and, you know, we'll see. >> isn't the scary thing in all of this even if the diplomacy work and we disarm the rebels we're still rewarding bad behavior, we're teaching the world act out and then we'll
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come after our adversaries. >> the problem the president had is he didn't have the political will from the public or political will from congress and, you know, this is sort of, i guess the debate that folks might have about what the president should have done and when he should have done which is does he, should he have gone it alone because of the case that he made, because of all the reasons that he laid out on tuesday night, even if it was going be unpopular with public, unpopular with congress. frankly might have even led to somebody filing an impeachment, filing charges of impeachment proceedings or something like that in the house for defying the will if you want to call it that or is he better off at least reflecting where the american public is on this. and that's going to be the -- that's going to be a debate for years when it comes to this decision that this president ended up not making.
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>> chuck todd thanks. we'll see you at 9:00 right after "morning joe." coming up the police chief at seaside heights, new jersey, tommy boyd joins us live and talks about his town handling another major blow. a report on the massive fire that ate up much of the boardwalk and surrounding businesses. "morning joe" will be right back. with the spark cash card
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welcome backing to "morning joe." it's 7:41 in the morning. seaside heights, new jersey the sun is up and that's a live picture of a charred out seaside. joining us now on the phone, seaside heights police chief, tommy boyd. chief boyd thank you for taking some time for us this this morning. the information we had 80% of the boardwalk have been burned, 50 local businesses. do you have any new information? >> it started down on round stockton avenue in seaside park which is the kohr's ice cream stand which is right by the beach and then with the southeast wind blowing, and people have to remember that these roofs are made with tar. and tar is a by product of petroleum. as soon as that fire starts going on top of the roofs, very,
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very hard to stop. >> tell us about the operation that you all undertook to actually stop the fire. it was painful but you had to cut out a big chunk of the boardwalk to create a break to stop the progress of the flames. >> we actually did approximately three breaks. we did a mini break down in seaside park and then where we came up, up to dupont avenue we did another break and finally the last break that we did was on lincoln avenue, and the problem being that the wind was gusting so hard that these hot embers were coming down and sitting on top of these tar roofs and that was what was causing a lot of the problem. we were having spot fires all over town. >> chief boyd you and your family have been in seaside heights for almost a century now, a lot of us got to know you during hurricane sandy last fall. i can't imagine how you and the community must be feeling this morning, waking up to see your town levelled in some places
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once again. >> well, i'm totally devastated, not just for my own personal effect from being there. i was there from the start of the fire until about 2:30, 3:00 this morning. but to see people work so hard to give everything they had, to get going, and to see everything go that quick, i knew when i got on the scene around 2:10 i knew what was going to occur. i knew this fire was going to go. it was the perfect storm. you had hot tar roofs, you had fire and you had 30 mile-per-hour winds. so i just knew it was going to go that quick. we called out mutual county agencies as fast as possible and i had a lot of calls from a lot of people to get us help there. we knew we had a big problem. or i knew. i knew i had a big problem. >> you have years of experience of working with fires like this. talk to us a little bit about
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the recovery process and how long that's going take from this now. >> well, as of last night approximately 11:00 last night we were standing up on top of a deck off the beach comber bar and had to call the excavator in and make a bigger trench because these hot spots are going to be continuing to flare up. you have a lot of restaurants involved. what's in restaurant, cooking oil. you have a lot of flammable properties that are involved down in deep and once that tar starts smoldering and catches fire it's very hard to put out. so we have crews right now still dousing, it will probably burn at least for the next day. >> chief tommy boyd, you've been through so much already and now reliving this all over again. our hearts with you. i'm a new jersey native. i love that place down there. we're all thinking about you and rooting for you and hopefully be down with you again next summer to re-open. >> willie i remember walking off
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the boardwalk with you. i'll tell you, we're just lucky we got a good governor. i got to give that guy kudos. he was right there. he called me personally, came right down and we got the state fire marshals. it's all about the help afterwards. you got to fight the fire. firemen did a phenomenal job. a lot of people got smoke inhalation. a lot of firefighters got physically exhauftd. one had to go hospital. i'm waiting for the frogs and locusts to come. >> we're certainly thinking about you and as you said we're glad nobody lost their lives. that's some solace we can take. chief tommy boyd, seaside heights, new jersey. thanks so much. we'll be right back.
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[ male announcer ] marie callender's knows that you may not have time to roll out dough for a perfectly flaky crust that's made from scratch. or enough time to mix vegetables with all white meat chicken and a homemade gravy. she knows you may not have a moment to crimp the edges of your favorite chicken pot pie. but marie callender's does. and when she's done, all you need to do is find time to grab someone special, sit down, and savor. marie callender's. it's time to savor. investors could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401(k) to hidden fees. is that what you're looking for, like a hidden fee in your giant mom bag? maybe i have them... oh that's right i don't because i rolled my account over to e-trade where... woah. okay... they don't have hidden fees... hey fern. the junk drawer? why would they...
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crazy. a former oral history of jd sallinger. he is all over the place right now. your timing is perfect. >> danny, i would like you to check my math. >> don't go there. >> i came out with this sallinger book two weeks ago. huge hit. 50 shades of dpra numbers. lines. i think harvey winestein eating a big turkey leg sees these numbers and said get me a documentary and a week later gets this. >> you started this. >> i started this we and he's biggie backing. >>. >> i'm on harvey piggy backing me. it's not going well. >> jz was not serious about walking away. >> jd was. he was like i'm retiring and eight months later i have a new
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album. celebrities love to pretend. they give a cover story in "vanity fair." he was legit. >> explain the book. >> fake oral history about sallinger's life imagining what he was doing. and then hugely exceptional almost as big as the book. he kind of freaked out with fame and moved to new hampshire and became a recluse and he wrote but didn't publish anything. i have been curious and this is an managing talking to friends and the books he was writing and never published. >> if it includes john heilman, it could be. >> fake john. two things. in a book like this, a fake oral
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history my number one worry is getting sued. >> you made so much money from the book. >> my dream team lawyers. i was confident if he did sue me, he seemed like he would not get a good lawyer. he would get a guy who didn't really go to law school. maybe watched matlock or something. >> so perceptive. >> another thing is the scene in the book, he's at a bush fund raiser with sallinger with the booze is blowing and everybody is drunk. a need a political reporter where everyone is drunk. you will not send jonathan cape hart on that. this is obviously all tongue in cheek, but you are a huge sallinger fan. >> yes. i did read a couple biographies to prepare myself. the thing i loved is he face the
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problems that recluses face. how do you meet girls. sallinger would write letters to pretty women he saw in the news including this one woman he dated for a few years. elaine joyce was an actress on an 80s sitcom. >> she was a game show contestant. >> mr. merle in working as a grease monkey in modern day auto shop. we have this idea of sallinger being too pure for this world and going to new hampshire. he was watching mr. merle in and writing fan letters to the blond bill bow. >> that's what you do when you are a recluse. >> is it? >> i hope to become a recluse. i'm not there yet. the book is this would drive him crazy. a phony oral history of jd
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>> after all the effort, time and resources that we put in to help the folks in sea side park and side side heights rebuild, as i said, it was just unthinkable. i know how i felt and i can only imagine how the business owners and residents are feeling. my heart goes out to them and i want to make sure that every resource is brought to bear to contain this problem. >> it's 8:00 on the east coast and 5:00 out west. that's a lock at new york city. back on set caddy kay. let's talk about serious news. the jersey shore with another devastating blow for plays that can't really use it. a raging fire under control after it destroyed a large portion of one of the state's most famous boardwalks. it started at a frozen custard
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stand and spread to neighboring businesses because of the high speed winds. 80% of the boardwalk believe to have been destroyed after just being rebuilt including 50 local businesses. it am cans after months of a massive rebuilding effort to restore the jersey shore after hurricane sandy. chris christie on the scene and talked about the fire. >> when i got the first full briefing before i left trenton to come here, i said to my staff i feel like i want to throw up. after all the effort and time and resources that we have put in to help the folks in sea side park and sea side heights rebuild, to see this was unthinkable. this is us. as soon as this is over, we will pick ourselves up and dust yourself off and get back to work. >> kristin dahlgren from sea side park, new jersey. good morning.
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>> the fire is now under control. they are working on a few hot spots making sure they don't reignite this. really happened at the worst possible time. the worst conditions. the winds were upwards of 30 miles an hour. this pushed this fire out of control at the height. a ten-alarm fire. more than 400 firefighters out here working on it as it devoured about four walks. they had to cut into the new boardwalk they replaced after super storm sandy to try to make a firebreak. they did that twice and finally it work and they were able to get this under control. today the investigation is really getting under way, trying to figure out what started the fire. it's too early now to determine and too early to determine how much the financial cost is. you can imagine the emotional toll here is running very high. these are people that less than a year ago lost so much to sandy. now they are looking at having to rebuild again.
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they talked about jersey strong. they are going to do it, but the task ahead of them right now seems very overwhelming. back to you. >> down in sea side heights. the winds caused the problem. bill karens has a closer look at the conditions the firefighters were facing. hey, bill. >> we had the southerly winds off the ocean. they knew they had their hands full when they saw the gusts up to 30 or 40 miles per hour. right towards sunset. that's why it took 300 to 400 firefighters. they dug a big trench and hoping that would be the fire line to stop it, but they jumped over that and caused additional damage and kristin mentioned they had to bring in the heavy equipment and had to tear down the boardwalk and cost millions of dollars. supposed to be hurricane-proof.
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they had a tear a lot of that down to stop this blaze. they are going to have to -- it took months to build it. a lot of people, sea side park is just to the south. sea side heights was not quite as bad, but that was hit worse by the fire. you can't win. in that funtown pier, that was practically destroy and what sandy didn't take, the fire took the rest. >> that was the most heart breaking image. you can see the sign and evything. it just collapsed under the weight. stick with us for a minute. i want to ask you about this next story. another big problem in colorado. flooding while we are sleeping, the city of boulder was ordering thousands more. the state is bracing for more rain after called biblical rainfall. it left at least three people dead and another person missing
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after eight inches of rain fell over a 24-hour period. cutting off small towns and mountains and rescues took place. they were saving a woman and her baby right there in a car seat after the car got stuck on a flooded street. some cars falling in rushing water. all three pulled to safety. officials first coming to grips with how widespread the destruction is. >> we lost roads. we lost bridges. we lost homes and cars. and we are just now beginning to try to assess the scope of the damage. >> you have a lot of people, thousands in fact waking up this morning in temporary shelters. town hit by flooding and mudslides. >> it was 20 feet tall and crashing and boulders. half the size of that van. it was intense. wow!
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what's that! >> what are they expecting today? is it going to get worse or get re? >> not worse, but it does continue. yesterday the city of boulder was going through a one in 100 year flood. ft. collins, colorado, we got word that the city is urging residents in alta vista and buckingham to evacuate their homes. that just passed in the city. it was not over with yet. this is like four days of this. in the mountainous areas, a lot of urban dams. you think of them having concrete and being thick. a lot of earthen dams made of stone and packed earth. those are giving way under the pressure from the water. they are sending these huge flows down through the canyons. they are washing out brimmings and the emergency workers can't get to these people. i don't know the extent in the
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rural areas, but they haven't gotten to the spots. it continues and i have about five rivers in front of me. all of seeing new record forecasts. near kearsey and bear creek and the big thompson river near el dorado springs. the list goes on. colorado springs and the big cities, smaller towns outside that are right near the big canyons that lead to the mountains and the rockies, that's where the issues are. >> brutal flooding. we will check back with you. we have polls and politics in the economy. >> try to find something positive. >> there might be some positivity. >> if nothing else at least we have steve here to talk about it. polls take a closer look at the recovering economy. they find 27% of americans think the econ mow will get better. about a quarter think it will get worse over the next year. 48% believe the economy will
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stay the same. the poll also found a record number of voters disapprove of the way president obama is handling the economy. that's a 52%. americans pessimistic about the ability to improve their lives. 39% said it's unlikely said they will be able to move up to the middle class. paying for groceries and utilities are among the top concern. access to health care is the number one area of concern. the data comes as a new study finds the top 1% and 20% of the country's total household income in 2012, that breaks the previous record which was set back in 1928, the year before the historic stock market crash. i said we were going to try to find good news. this is hard to understand. all we are hearing is signs of recovery. >> i have great news for the 1% and better for the..01%.
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not such good news for everybody else. you mentioned what came out. new numbers on the fwures of income inequality. the news is terrible. over the past three years if you look at the second bar from the right when the economy has been getting better, 95% of every additional dollar earned in this country went to the top 1%. 5% went to the other 99%. 32% went to the top .01%. 35,000 americans got 32% of all the income gains in the economy. the green bars are recoveries. the recovery during the 90s and the bush recovery during the 2000s. then in each recovery the percent going to the wealthiest has gone up. >> how and why is this
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happening? >> it's a series of complicated questions, but a lot has to do with globalization and has the skills that allow them to compete. the people at the bottom being pushed down by global forces that are cutting wages and things like that. a lot is financial services that has them doing well in the recovery. it's happening worse in the u.s. than anywhere else, but it's happening all over the world. if you look at what this means in dollars, for the bottom 99% for 2012, they got an increase, the first in a while. this is adjusting if are inflation. they got 1%. people in the top 1%. their average pay is about a million and a quarter dollars. the 35,000 people, they got an increase of 32% last year.
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>> this is social dime migynami. part of why bill deblasio did well is this is the 99% versus the 1%. if you look at the top 5% during the same period, they got over 100% of all the income gains. the average american went down. >> it's interesting that i think the beginning of what will be the great day of society. you call it social dynamite. what happened in new york last week, if somebody said a year ago a guy was running on what deblasio was running on, you said where is this going on a national stage. we really are becoming a nation of haves and have nots. it is going to have tremendous implications as we go forward to the next election. we have a very, very very, very
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jaded society right now and that's not going to change. >> let me put it in historic perspective. right now as you mentioned, the top 1% gets 19.3% of all the income in the country. that took us back to the same levels that we had right before the great depression. these are 1920s levels. you can see in the 60s and 70s, it was less than half of that. we are creating that society where often things happen. >> what change is this? what is going to be the same? it pushes us back to the middle. >> a couple of things we can think about. one is government policy. we had a set of policies in which taxes were cut for the rich. it's much lower than it was. those that think the redistribution an ugly word, a
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lot when you cut government spending on benefits for the less well off, that creates a wider spread. the stuff government can do to bring them together is called redistribution and leads to a tax warfare. government has a role. the second thing is education and training. jobs out there today demand a set of skills that the average american does not have. if we are serious about this, we should be talking about getting more government money for training and giving people the skills they need to compete in the modern world. >> more on syria. secretary of state john kerry begins a second day of talks as they try to reach an agreement. yesterday president assad formally applied to join the treaty that would require them to reveal all of the chemical weapons and locations within 60 days. kerry said that process is too
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slow and assad's words are not enough. >> this is not a game. it has to be real. it has to be comprehensive. it has to be verifiable. it has to be credible. it has to be timely and implemented in a timely fashion. president obama has made clear that should diplomacy fail, force might be necessary to deter and degrade assad's capacity to deliver these weapons. >> today the "wall street journal" is reporting a top secret unit of the syrian military is already moving its chemical weapons to as many as 50 locations to make it more difficult for the united states to track. that of course is such a move that could potentially make an air strike less effective. while the debate appears to be on hold, the one thing they can agree on is the distaste for vladimir putin's oped to
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american. >> he is a colonel who never really abandoned the ambitions for an empire. >> i was insultd. >> he's looking for an excuse to show off his super bowl ring. >> it sickened me that we would have to read that. >> he said that we are all god's children. i think that's great. i hope it applies to gays and lesbians in russia as well. >> somebody tweeted yesterday underneath putin's op ed, tom friedman is off this week. he will return. >> i love that putin has a u.s. pr firm. as a guy who comes from business, who would sign on for that. to work with putin to take a dump on america. shame on them. >> has the po been fired? >> artfully so.
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this is the master of communication. >> the cool from the kremlin is coming. >> it took a minute to sink in. >> maybe they wanted to sink in. >> watching that press conference with kerry, it was walk awkward, but i'm amazed at the dynamic in the conversation changed. we were saying will the vote make it through congress? we are dealing with russia and whether or not they will be helpful. >> that's why the white house however this turns out feels they are in a better position than a couple of days ago. the white house at this stage can say listen, it worked and we god rid of the chemical weapons and that's a win for the president or the rugs didn't play and we have to strike and
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we don't need to go back to congress. >> stumbling with the wind at your back. >> they were in a tight spot. it was looking really bad. if you are already getting the reports that the syrians are moving chemical weapons, it doesn't show the best of faith as you were trying to sign up for the treaty. the technicalities of trying to put them into the middle of a civil war zone and a short time frame get them to report back. there so many hurdles and details, but politically for the president this has to be better. >> john kerry is still in geneva. pope francis hints at celibacy for the church. are changes coming or is it just all talk. we have our faith on fridays segment. hank paulson has been credited for bringing the economy back from the brink and now he said
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another crisis is inevitable. where we stand five years after the financial crisis with barney frank. more "morning joe" when we come back. ready to run your lines? okay, who helps you focus on your recovery? yo, yo, yo. aflac. wow. [ under his breath ] that was horrible. pays you cash when you're sick or hurt? [ japanese accent ] aflac. love it. [ under his breath ] hate it. helps you focus on getting back to normal? [ as a southern belle ] aflac. [ as a cowboy ] aflac. [ sassily ] aflac. uh huh. [ under his breath ] i am so fired. you're on in 5, duck. [ male announcer ] when you're sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. find out more at [ male announcer ] when you're sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home.
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save our economy from having -- i have come to the view that it's important that there be a historical record for those who come after me. >> hank paulson as part of the business week documentary, hank, five years from the brink. the former secretary is featured on the new issue. here is the editor. the frank. thank you very much for joining me. fascinating documentary to have now. is this a man living with regrets. he feels they misunderstood almost everything that was done
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during the frantic period and getting t.a.r.p. through. he feels that is his responsibility and didn't communicate why it was important to them and why he wasn't acting on behalf of the bank. it was clear that that was our way in. you go to the treasury secretary saying we would like to make a documentary about you. where do i sit down? he needed persuasion and i think our way in, you need to explain this. let's sit down and get it right. >> was there a rewind button as far as a lot of people think it could have been averted. it was a personal grudge that he had. what happens when you lock back? >> it was very, very clear that he had nothing to do with personal grudges. he explains it in detail.
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part of the problem, you have to capitalize that and provide it. they were in complete denial and didn't listen to him and invested wealth in lehman brothers as it was going down. he was a good man and had no intention of blowing up his own firm, but he was not dealing with reality. >> it would have been nice if he spoke the way he spoke there with the american people and kerry concedes the presidency, he has his best speech and romney. i will throw this to mr. frank as well. it's a little bit of a stretch, but it was hard to see people dying with no blood. it's harder to explain about a financial crisis when it hasn't happened. how hard was it to get across to congress how dire the krks were before they were dire? >> very hard. you make a central point about
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politics. one of the most important things you can do is to avert damage. you get almost no credit for it. tarp is an example. that will go down as the most highly successful and wildly unpopular thing we ever did. i felt it myself. i want to make one ancillary point here. you accurately described the three weeks. that happened when the democrats were in control of congress a month and a half before the presidential election. the most sought political period on the american cal endar. we cooperated with the public administration. i want to say this notion about what about the bipartisanship. rack brack won and they decided to go south. i take pride that we collaborated with them and did something we knew would be unpopular. two other factors here. we did insist over hank's
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objection initially and tried to put restrictions on compensation. he said he was afraid the financial people would be so offended by the notion he wouldn't participate. that might be as patriotic as i can imagine. not enough until we pass the bill two years later. one of the things i promised was mortgage relief for not those who borrowed irresponsible low, but many people. i think he did a wonderful job. there was a twist here. the first 250 billion went out and felt the important thing to do was to keep the economy from collapsing. we then had the right to put out a second 350 if they asked for
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it in congress. paulson said he would do that after obama has been elected and take office. he said he would do it if obama said it was okay. obama said i can't make that decision because i'm not in office. this transition, people were aware of how that hurt us. we did not get the mortgage relief i wanted and i was very frustrated by that. i know he was trying to save lehman because i was in contact with him when it failed. i went to bed with the assurance that barkley's services authority sensibly missed and vetoed the deal. >> ben bernanke is a key player this this. >> one of the things we show is that they spoke about mutual trust. there was this unbelievable
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relationship. respect and pragmatism. when they had to do something behind the scenes, they were syndicating. they were figuring out this was yours. hanks, get out in front of the cameras. take the blows. whatever tough questions come, you will absorb them. they spoke about transitions. i don't know if we can still do this, but there was a transition from george bush to barack obama. hank was persuading the team this is not about politics. this is about the united states and western economy. you are staying. they would come in later and say what do you think, boss? is it they said not yet. stay where you are. >> american hero? >> i think so. we wanted to have his say here. the journalist and make sure everything is correct and for him. one of the reasons we wanted to do the cover and the film, when
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you are a journalist and can correct a misimpression and change the record, it's gratifying. >> thank you very much. >> great job at this point. barney frank, thank you very much for joining us and coming. congratulations on the blom berg business week. on news stands right now. hank, five years from the brink will stream on netflix on september 16th. coming up, we have pope francis trying to shape things up in a big way. what his recent comments on priest celibacy can mean. faith on fridays is next with father james martin. [ male announcer ] these days, a small business can save by sharing.
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>> only judy can judge me. number eight, i just purelled, don't kiss the ring. we get it, tebow, we like jesus. you got smokes if are grant pa. number two, we should tell the authorities about this and the number one thing never before said by a pope. will the congregation please twerk. >> he department quite say that,
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but some recent comments that have people wondering about a new direction for the catholic church. father james martin is the author to real life. thank you very much for coming in. he is six months into the office and taking the institution of the vatican and shaking it boy the neck. the power of leadership. >> he does it not only for the things he said and writes, but driving around in his renault and moving around the palace and living simply. people are seeing he speaks with a great deal of authority and authenticity. >> you are right. people find it so refreshing. an incredible change and a potential great change. institutionally, you are in the
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vatican. do you think there is much push back? >> there is little resistance. someone said if you are a cardinal and driving a limousine and he is driving the renault, you have to get rid of the limousine. they are talking about reform of the name of the vatican governance. that's a huge change. it's not the symbolic stuff, but institutional change. >> father martin, forget about the public relations element of it. it's amazing and impressive, but how difficult will it be to effect real change like the marriage issue or anything else? it has been a long time since we had major changes like that in the church. >> some things are not going to change. the church is not going to change, but the newly appointed secretary of state talked about priestly celibacy and having
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married priests is something that is open for discussion. he said the church and the world are becoming more democratic. >> how would you change it? do you have a vote among the cardinals? how does that actually change? how would it work? >> i'm catholic. >> i don't know the rules of the vatican. >> it's a good question. something like that would have to be done in consultation with the cardinals. the group of eight is something they will talk about. change does happen. he met with the founder of what's called liberation theology. it has been kind of in the doghouse for a while. he is doing things gradually. if anyone can effect change, pope francis can.
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>> i'm an ag gnostic and not jewish or catholic. i wo wonder if there not more conservative members of the church who look at the pope and feel concerned. a lot of us feel this is change and it's exciting, but even the possibility of talking about celibacy makes them feel uncomfortable. >> i think that's accurate. people are wondering. i would say to those people as jesus said more times is fear not. this is a guy who has the best interest of the church in mind. he's a very holy person and trust that the cardinals that were electing him were following the will of the holy spirit. >> you personally are a jesuit and now you have a pope that talks about the roots of the church. woe are all poor. you personally, how does it make you feel? >> incredibly inspired.
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the pope made me want to be a better jesuit, a better priest and catholic and a better person. i can't think of anybody who is more inspiring. >> not even father o'brien? >> maybe after father o brian. >> we new we could find good news today. we found it finally. father martin, thank you very much for coming in. >> my pleasure. >> twitter's ipo and the lessons learned from the facebook fiasco. the pope tweets that could shake the giant strategy. more on "morning joe" when we come back. [ male announcer ] progress isn't about where you've been.
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>> we have data points out, guys on retail sales. plus 2/10 of 1%. it is supposed to be a half a percent. it is basically flat. it's not negative, but worse than expected. does it have imoccasions of pulling back bond purchases and what does it mean by growth? it it's not a positive day. we will talk about twitter and earlier this summer, they filed and moving towards going public and able to keep that quiet. valued@least $10 billion. their shares have been trading with the investors and people who work with the trade. they are trading on 16 or $17. all the people who stop trading and the value has gone way up. they were maybe anticipating this. facebook was a disaster. they are getting past what the
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ipo price was. they learn from that mistake and this company wants to be the news wire for the world and there will be a lot of demand for it it. i think if i would dps, it would be low 20s. they would raise less than facebook. you want the growth to be in the results that you post and have no losers. the bank will make a little. inside holders make a little and we will see how the company does. >> sorry there a commercial value for twitter? is that a service you think the company wants? >> are they have been profitable and up and down because they have been reinvesting. they can make money. the question is how much. >> and can they avoid. face box fiasco. he may have finished in fifth place, but anthony wiener came in first for providing count countless memorable moments on the trail. we say goodbye to the man.
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today they have. this behavior that i did was problematic to say the least. destructive to say the most. ♪ >> you can try to make it about someone else. this is not about me, but what the citizens of the city want. >> i'm going to get over it. honestly. you think you have a right to dominate the conversation because you are not voting if are me. >> you are my judge? who taught you that? >> you do not want to vote for me? don't vote for me. i'm not going to go to the corner and curl up. >> would anything stop you? >> i have a feeling i stepped
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into amonty python bid. >> they were asked if they liked facebook or twitter. >> mr. wiener. >> only you get to see it. i will do it. whatever it takes. you do it here in the elevator and no one else has a clip of it. >> the operate gets under way. >> what is wrong with you? >> i don't understand the question. what is wrong with me that i fight for the issues every day? >> i think there is something wrong with you. >> you just said that. saying it again doesn't make it more interesting. i heard the question and i said what do you mean. i desperate le care. >> we will find out if anthony
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>> i was watching it on the endless loop. that's why i'm loopy. >> did you like it? >> it was something unusual. >> i thought it was something unusual. >> do you understand why we feel like there is this problem? >> i understand this is complicated. >> that's what you say when you feel like people are stupid. the public is not stupid. my question is were you drinking late at night to talk about whose principal was more off message. >> i don't think the president intends to start a war in the region. >> he just wants to am bo somebody. >> the president in this week goes out and as a press conference said it wasn't about me. i was walking past and a war started up. i have nothing to do with this. >> according to a survey, 8% bring their parents along to job introduce. >> my mom brought me today.
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>> with your elmo lunch box. >> no, it's power rangers. >> i love this quote. >> is that a misquote or didn't really matter? that's kind of going in the basics. >> it's a shutout. >> putin is no russian juniorist. >> you are right. i don't see that being much different than "morning joe." >> an undisclosed coffee shop. where are you some. >> i'm at the cafe. crema cafe. over and over again. i will it know to get free coffee. >> if you haven't already, that's the problem. >> what was the moment where you just sort of had to stop and pinch yourself and say i think i made it? >> maybe right before i came on. looking at the donuts you had.
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>> 7. >> from where we come from? you are a scratch golfer. >> to work with putin is to take a dump on america. shame on them. >> artfully said. >> i remember when willie swam the english channel. >> that was hot. >> we got ten feet from the end and he stopped and said i'm out. that's why. >> i could do this. >> you could, but you have ten feet. you don't ever see this. >> okay, so what have we learned. >> it's a good show. we are here. i don't watch the show. >> brian? is it we had the fifth anniversary. you see people like paul and barney
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