tv The Daily Rundown MSNBC September 20, 2013 9:00am-10:00am EDT
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>> i learned the new president of iran is a good columnist. >> right next to yours. >> i learned there were two ted cruzes. >> very good. with that, if it's way too early, what time is it? >> it's "morning joe." stay tuned for a holiday edition of chuck todd. >> the displeasure cruise. senator cruz gets what he wants with another house vote to defund the new health care law. it's not without drama and trash talk for the senate. we will talk to house in be who is putting on the pressure. texas ranger, outgoing governor rick perry is going out of his way to core businesses to move to the loan star state. it's the most unconventional,
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unofficial early presidential push that we have seen to date. also this morning, how fdr prepared to run for an unprecedented third term when everyone thought he was getting ready to retire. the quietest reelection of the 20th century. good morning from washington. it's friday, september 20th. let's get to the first reads of the morning. 255 hours. that's how long congress has to figure out how to fun the government or risk seeing it shut down on october 1st. any resolution seems a long way off. any republicans are gathering to discuss political strategy. they will vote on legislation that would keep the government running through mid-december. mind you, a short-term continuing resolution, but not unless members agree to permanently defund health care reform at the same time. democrats insist that won't happen putting the two sides on
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a collision course. speaker baper who opposed this strategy said his members are united behind it. >> when it comes to the health care law, the debate in the house has been settled and the position is very clear. the law is a train wreck ask it's going to raise cost and it's destroying american jobs and it must go. >> this afternoon the president heads to missouri where he will discuss the danger of playing politics with the economy and he has warned that he would veto that house bill if it got to his desk. it likely won't make it that far. a bunch of republican senators have said the bill is dead-on arrival. >> we can force votes on obama care from time to time and the american people are not in support of it. no one fought harder than i did. to think we will defund it is simply not going to happen at
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this time. >> if you don't think boehner has a strategy, you didn't fully appreciates it words for ted and senate republicans. the message is this. if this effort goes down, he won't go down alone. >> i and et cetera my senate colleagues to do everything they can to defund this law like the house is going to do. we are having a fight over here and we will win. it's time for them to pick up and get the job done. >>. >> previous times boehner made harry reid his target when he had these back and forths between the house and senate. this time he is putting the senate republicans on notice. even if the senate succeeds in stripping out of health care reform piece of legislation and sends it back as a clean funding bill, boehner still believes he's got a few cards to play. on thursday they said they could put in language that would drive up health costs for members or try to trim out pieces of it like the medical device tax.
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they let the government run out of money. democrats say that's their choice. >> they are simply postponing inevitable choices to pass the bill to fund the government or shut it down. >> this is playing with fire. legislative arsonists are at work when they start using the debt limit. for their own agenda. >> his fellow republicans are not making it easier. take thursday's vote on food stamps. a bill that trimmed nearly $40 billion from the program. he still had trouble getting enough votes. it passed at the bare minimum. 15 republicans opposed it while the leadership is trying to portray it, the headlines have not been kind from "the washington post" to "usa today." this is being portrayed as a cut, reinforcing that they are
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turning their backs to struggling americans. they send it back to the house. republicans could take a hit in the pr war getting nothing out of it and end up with funding levels that they supposedly were against. watch this closely. it could be a blueprint for the budget as well. republicans could win a battle and pass a bill and send it over to the senate or conference and lose the overall war. this is not just between house leaders and the rank and file. house republicans are trading shots with senate republicans now and even folks like ted who suggested that the fight against health reform would be won or lost in the house. they didn't seem to like that. joining me now is tim griffin. good morning. >> hey, chuck. how are you doing? >> i'm all right. i want to start with the reaction you had to ted cruz's
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statement when you announced your plan of tying a defunding measure to the health care law to the continuing resolution on the budget. what about this statement upset you? here's what he said. harry reid will no doubt try to strip the defunding language from the resolution and has the votes to do so. house republicans must stand firm and hold their ground and continue to listen to the american people. why did you take offense to that quote? >> arkansas is playing rut geru. they said this is what arkansas is going to do to beat us. what do you think the coach would do? that's your fight? i have known ted cruz a long time. i have known him since 2000. the bottom line is, friendly encouragement. we saw the statement and i saw the statement. i thought that's no way to begin a fight.
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a long hard battle over something we think is critically important and soming that a number of people, no the just senators, about you a number of people ran around in many of our districts in august and said this is the way it has to be done. this is the way it has to be done. we can get it done. we all know that jim demint does not have a magic wand. it will take a lot of work to get something moving and i think the posture that we needed to see was the posture that ted and others portrayed in the press conference yesterday where they said we are unified and we are going to fight. >> a republican anonymously said this. if doesn't help us in the senate to pass a defunding bill, we will end up having to pass a normal cr. it will be pathetic, but i expect him to slam us for it. is that a fair portrayal? >> well, beware of the anonymous
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quotes in washington. the bottom line is this. they have been asking for the ball. we are going to give them the ball. we are still on the same team. we will be cheering from the sidelines. they will have the ball. we will see what they can do. i am not going to prejudge hypotheticals are where we go from here. clearly they have a lot of responsibility. they have rules that we don't have. not it get in the weeds, but you know in the house the majority pretty much rules. in the senate -- i think there is a role.
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to engage and speak. i am not going to prejudge. you sit there and say okay, you pass a bill. at that point you start working on that. some would argue you are sending a message. if it fails, you do what you like to do. i am pretty practical. we will see how things work. i don't want to shut down the government.
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i am very practical. i also learned that good war plans are good through the first volley. everything changes. so i am going to be ready to do everything that we can and be realistic about it. i am not willing to surrender before the battle has begun. >> i want to ask you about the vote yesterday on food stamps. a very partisan vote and all republicans voting for this reform which will turn into a cut in the program of 4 billion $ a year over the next years. a lot of that funding is likely to get restored in the conference committee because of what can get through the senate. so considering that all the headlines today are about house republicans, cut food stamps for the poor in some form or
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another. not exactly the public relations advancement i assumed the party would want. is that vote worth it yesterday? >> sure. i am sure that the headlines at msnbc are different than the headlines elsewhere. >> i look at all the headlines. let me know if you found a headline that said house republicans vote to reform the food stamp program. a lot were cut. >> sure, sure. if anyone reads below the headline and actually reads the article or reads the legislation, then it is very apparent that a lot of the reforms that are put in there are very much like some of the clinton era reforms work requirements and what have you. i think it was a good vote. there a lot of hard votes that we take up here like medicare reform and what have you. if we don't vote for reform, reform ain't happening.
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that's why we have the fiscal disaster we have. as we end up getting into the debt ceiling debate, you will see more talk about reform. will they be easy votes? no. i am on the house ways and means committee and we will have tough votes. that's why i am sent up here. that doesn't bother me. i think there were great reforms in there. let me tell you this. we will be looking in the debting debate and medicare reform. why? because if we don't, we are in big trouble. >> tim griffin, i have to leave it there for time. we will see how your razorbacks do against ruetkers. >> no offense to msnbc. >> all right. >> i talked with tim griffin a few minutes before he went into the meeting that they are in now
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with house republicans. still ahead, presidential procrastination. why president roosevelt refused to share his plans until the last minute. it's a fascinating political mystery and just ahead, a look ahead at the politics planner. you know a lot of this. president in kansas city. you know about the house republicans are doing today. you don't know this one. you didn't know until now that rahm emmanuel will be campaigning with corey booker. that's why you watched the graphic just now. you are watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. we all like? ron: i'm sorry, who are you? jc: i'm your coworker! c'mon guys, i'm driving. hey, you guys comfortable? it's best-in-class rear legroom. no way we'd fit this comfortably in your car, dan. ron: it's ron. jc: ron... and the passat has no-charge scheduled carefree maintenance... wish stevens had "carefree maintenance." right? that guy is so uptight. stevens: i'm "stevens." jc: ron stevens... right...
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you up on. police confirm that there is a 13th victim wounded when someone started firing a gun on chicago's southside last night. the youngest is 3 years old and was shot in the head and is in critical condition. one witness said he heard rapid fire like an automatic weapon. they believe it was gang-related. this was one of 11 shooting incidents over a span of 12 hours. we will bring you the mass shootings coverage when they are unique. chicago has been going through what is clearly, clearly got gang problems there. mayor rahm emmanuel is calling it a senseless shooting. >> still to come, rick perry's unusual campaign strategy for 2016. why his texas touting is about much more than learning businesses. first today's trivia question. how many presidents were born in missouri. the first person to tweet the
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[ male announcer ] when you're sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. find out more at good friday topic. we are exploring what my next guest calls the political mystery. why not? it's only 2013. the election is still more than 1,000 days away. in 1940, democrats were less than a week away from the convention and had no idea whether fdr would retire or run for an unprecedented third term. roosevelt himself apparently didn't know either. they were watching the war develop in europe and american families were struggling in the grip of the great depression. hitler's armies invaded poland and no one was sure who would be the commander in chief let alone how he would respond to the
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german attack. paris fell to the nazis less than a month before. they were preparing for his retirement and putting his things in storage. finally he told a top adviser he decided to run. he was so secretive about his plans that they gave him the papier-mache statue of his head as the sphinx in 1939. he left no memoirs to reveal his whole thought process. why did the longest serving president in history keep so much hidden? they uncovered fascinating answers. revealing findings in his new book. we should call it the third act. we are talking about the third term. it is amazing that we don't fully feel as if we know exactly what made fdr decide to do this if he was leaning towards retirement.
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was he ever leaning towards retirement? >> he was definitely. he made elaborate plans to build a retreat and he was moving files from the white house to rooid park. >> this is being laid out and pretty clear. >> after war broke out in september of 1940, he put a caveat in it. if there was a major war, he had to reconsider. he never finally made up his mind until before the democratic convention. >> what was that doing to the party? >> it was paralyzing. >> for not him, who would they rally around? >> are there was no one. the only people running was his vice president and jim farley who had these delusions of grandure and was not qualified there was nobody else. >> he makes the decision the
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week before. re? >> relief, but they were also disspirited. he was a lot of things, but he was not candid. they contrived this phony draft at the convention. >> to try to make it seem he was called upon. >> there were two types of folks. one is the lion and is the fox. i guess this fox that was not making the democratic party happy. he was cautious, ambitious and arrogant and obsessively solitary. >> he was very solitary. a faimentomously social purpose he was a loner. he was an only child in a remote location and became self reliant as a child and that never changed. his wife, eleanor said he had no confidence. not even me, she said.
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>> no confidants. >> confidants. he was a loner and never spoke to a sole until he asked felix frankfort to come down. >> it was frankfurt. jim farley didn't know. these folks didn't know. >> they sammied that they didn't know for sure. >> what are did this do? he was not sure who he was running against for the longest period of time. >> that's correct. he was on his own track and that's really a separate dramatic story because he came from nowhere. he is one of the great unsung heros and deserves a great biography and about to get one. >>. >> i think he is. at the time he was dealing with a split republican party. >> no question about it. they tried to patch it together during the convention and beyond. he was a new dealer until a year before that. >> then he decided.
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>> he agreed with if, dr. >> give me the synopsis of the fall campaign. >> fdr came out of the convention basically being a wartime president. he didn't campaign. he visited the defense facilities. he was running against him. >> the ultimate rose garden strategy. he was just being commander in chief all over the country. >> exactly. he started to make the campaign about the war. he actually called fdr a war monger. the polls tighten dramatically. roosevelt had to start. he had five dramatic speeches in the last two weeks. he hooked up a lot of momentum. he thought he was going to lose. the secret service agents said it was the first time he saw him lose.
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he saw something in the early return. >> well, i started and it's very good. so many of you writing great campaign books right now. a whole series about the campaign. i'm so excited about that. congratulations on the book. >> thank you. >> update for you. mayor booker's campaign confirms that today's event with the chicago mayor rahm emmanuel has been canceled following the overnight shooting. the mayor is immediately returning to chicago. up next, unlike fdr, there modern day politicians that don't wait a week before the convention to start showing off. they do it pretty early. hillary clinton and rick perry and others are approaching this invisible primary period of the daily race. you are watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. is just a tap away. ♪ introducing at&t digital life...
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it has been a while since we have been able to do this. the road to 1600. these presidential candidates are trying to find subtle and some not so subtle ways to raise support. the soft introduction is fairly standard. in a primary state tour showing up by chance in new hampshire. in fact on sunday in iowa. vice president biden enjoyed all the eyes looking his way. >> it's amazing when you come to speak at the steak fry, a lot of people seem to take notice. i don't know why the hell that is. >> on monday, biden touted infrastructure spending on the docks in south carolina coincidentically a. it's a way to build allies. the new york jets owner is going to host a fund-raiser that
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features chris christie, marco rubio, rand paul, scott walker and rick snyder and congressman paul ryan. they called the late interest groups sometimes. they did that before a literally packed audience and had an unusual compare he made with himself. >> does anybody remember charlie sheen when he was going crazy last year? he was going around jumping around saying winning, winning. we're winning. i kind of feel like that. i think we are winning. i'm not on any drugs. >> then there is the glossy profile of senator paul's mother telling vogue that the prospect of a presidential campaign feels very real and his wife sowning less enthusiastic. saying in this day and age it's mostly about character assassination when i think that they would be aiming at us and our family.
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yeah, that's what it's about. last month the rubios on the cover of parade. at some point i will sit down with my increasingly opinionated children and wife and we will have the conversation. then the current governors like chris christie and scott walker and andrew cuomo who want to use reelection bids to make a statement about broad appeal. >> they said it couldn't be done. new jersey was too broken and too partisan. they never met chris christie. chris christie, the governor. >> then another way to do this is pick your spots approach. that's what the bigger names do. hillary clinton and jeb bush. they have take advantage of a small moment and make it big. then there is the own an issue approach, the senator ted cruz effort or senator elizabeth warren's crusade. the potential candidate mounting the least traditional early
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campaign in this invisible primary is rick perry desperately in need of image rehabilitation after his disastrous 2012 campaign. he is rebuilding by picking fights with blue state democratic governors on the issue of jobs. his visit to a baretta gun manufacturing facility is the latest stop on a whistle stop campaign around the country to steal business for texas. he targeted governors in connecticut and new york. when he zeros in, they buy billboards and tv ads even. he travels there. he picks a fight with the democrats and dares them to fight back. meets donors by the way and racks up unique local press. it's clear perry is enjoying this battle and in case anyone is wondering, he is not ruling 2016 out. >> you fish where the fish are.
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i thought about it. it's an option and in a year or so, i will make that decision. i will be pushing this conversation across america. >> former massachusetts senator is a fellow with the harvard institute of politics. he did well. "usa today's" susan page that covers capitol hill for msnbc. and rnc chair, michael steel. you were married to a presidential historian. >> not a question. >> it's not a question, but we have gone through and you and i have witnessed a lot of these preinvisible types. he is catching my eye a little bit. >> the accelerated pace. we keep accelerating. >> maybe we should hold a primary in 2013. cut to the chase. >> a full board campaign and i have to say covering a campaign
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that might put crews against chris christie. that sounds like more fun than the government shut down. >> i take paul versus chris christie. with what rick perry is doing, can he rehabilitate his image? is this the best way? >> i think it's the best way to do it because it puts you closer to people and gets you on the ground and you can make jokes about your mistakes of the past. more importantly you are talking like in a state like maryland where you are losing them thinking about moving out and you have taxes up the wa zoo. to say there alternatives, people listen to the message. >> if we were having an actual presidential campaign, rick perry and a gun manufacturing place within a day of the mass shooting in washington, d.c. wouldn't have been good politics. >> it wouldn't be good politics,
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but in this environment it's below the radar and no one is paying attention. they are focused on the guys with the big name id and he is laying down the markers and they will come back and play next year. >> what do you see on capitol hill? >> there is a lot of push and pull especially between ted cruz and rand paul. a lot of jockeying behind the scenes. and also rubio. we seeing a rivalry? >> to a certain extent you are. what i find more interesting is they are taking different approaches. as you see cruz is taking a lead on this budget to fund obama care. the push that is alienating him from colleagues in his own party. rand paul is taking a lot more time to build relationships and reach out. that's something that observers say he does a little bit differently than what his father did. >> there was this assumption that he wouldn't do that.
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everybody said ron paul didn't, so why would rand? senator said that every u.s. senator looks in the mirror and sees a president. did you ever say i am thinking about it or did you look around and couldn't believe how many of the guys were thinking about running for president? >>. >> i think this is a time to say i will not be answering. >> what did you think of the ambitious guys? >> there were moments here that you say to yourself how many of these people are going to run for president in a few years. you see the energy in the room. somebody who has been in the room, i worry that the focus on the future leaves us unattended to the president. there so many big issues that the senate and the house are not engaged in a meaningful way. i worry this attention to this golden prize somewhere down the road is going to put the country in deep trouble. the rhetoric we are hearing is not the rhetoricry need to hear
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to move us forward. >> it sounds like we are seeing and critique of that he is using this moment that he is using to advance his own ambition. if you blackeda the the blind quotes and on the record quotes, saying ted cruz as far as i'm concerned is carrying out a fraud with the people. a republican on a republican. shawn uf dduffy saying there wa much anger and frustration we have been abused by these people for so long. john mccain, senator can do whatever he wants with the rules of the senate. in the u.s. senate, we will not repeal and defund obama care. it's not rational. >> we are nothing if not good at killing each other in the cradle of opportunity. cruz has this thing and rand paul has his.
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all of this speaks to me of a lack of cohesion and leadership within the caucus. a focus on what the strategy needs to be -- there a lot of pieces here that have not been put in place. we have these shots and ambitions and egos that are driving the conversation. the concern for those in the mind trying to get something done see the wheels coming off or something like obama care or the economy. >> it seems that ted cruz, he had a really bad week. you have blind quotes that are saying this from republicans. he's a joke, plain and simple. house republican nancy approximaty lossy is more well-liked. wendy davis has more than ted cruz. it was rough. >> yeah and you see this fear on the part of a lot of republicans.
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even conservative republicans are heading down a path with no exit ramp that will lead to a government shut down that they will be blamed for. we know the political consequences will be negative. >> is ted cruz self aware? he has to read this stuff. >> he went too far with his statement. he looked at the reaction of house republicans. you saw him yesterday with several house conservatives saying this is now on harry reid. instead of saying this is going to come back to you, house republicans. that may have pushed and he may get less of what he wants because of that. >> he gave john boehner now. we are talking d.c. dysfunction. we will talk about that more later. this sunday on "meet the press," wayne la pierre in the first interview since the navy yard shooting. the white house soup of the day, rajun cajun gumbo. a friday staple these days.
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. we are learning more about what unfolded at the washington navy yard on monday. law enforcement is saying the gunman may have had disputes about specific people he worked with. that's where he headed first after assembling his gun and the gunfire began on that floor, however it appeared alexis started shooting random amly at some point. it appeared he was wandering the halls and hunting people to shoot. his history with mental instability is a key focus and with me now is the author of excellence and the incident should be seen as a call to action. senator, thanks if are joining me this morning. >> absolutely. good to be back with you. >> explain to me and i'm not saying any piece of legislation
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is a cure all, but what about this legislation given everything we have learned about the visits to the va hospital and ended up reporting to the navy of the incident of him hearing voices. what about your bill would at least make it more likely that the system would catch this guy? >> first of all, let me say that the bill we put in are leading this and fill the holes that appeared to me were happening in what happened in rhode island. what we know at this point. under our legislation, there would be community mental health funding if are 24-hour psychiatric emergency center. when law enforcement in rhode island got that call, they would be able to take him to an emergency center who would then begin to focus on what was going on. focus on the treatment and the help he needed.
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we know that from stories in the hotel, he was causing disturbances and so on. there was noplace to refer evidently. i strongly support that. if you don't have the services, it won't make a difference. 50 different groups including major groups are supporting this. >>. >> you envision mental health emergency rooms essentially. >> 24-hour psychiatric facilities. right now there is two choices. you go to a regular emergency room and sit and wait and it's very difficult. we know how busy those are. the person sits in a jail cell. neither one are good responses. if we strengthen mental health services and fund them at the same level as physical health services, we have a 24-hour emergency facility, at least family members, neighbors,
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police officers have a place to start. >> you mentioned the republican senator from missouri is a coauthor of this with you. if it gets coupled with a background check bill as harry reid said he wanted to do, i assume you lose roy blunt as a supporter of this legislation? >> i do not lose him as a supporter of our legislation if it's an amendment. there differences on the bill. i support background checks and support doing more on gun legislation. this is what i would say. with our without the necessary common sense gun legislation, we have to address mental health. we have strong bipartisan support. >> you don't want to -- let me stop you there. you don't want it coupled if it means this bill can go down to defeat? >> we will look at any opportunity. if it's coupleing it with guns and that gets it done, great.
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if it's separate and coupling it with health legislation, great. we have a bipartisan bill in the house and we have a chairman of a key subcommittee tim murphy talking about things very much in line. we need to get it done. this keeps happening over and over again. people across the country are saying enough is enough. we can do something about it. >> it's an important bill to take a look at. i hope they take a look at it. thanks for coming on this morning. we asked how many presidents were born in missouri. just one. the man from missouri himself, harry s. truman. congratulations to michael diamond. the president is visiting missouri today. send us your trivia suggestions. we'll be right back. walmart asked hundreds of moms... about it's free layaway. here's what they said. paying no opening fee would help my family greatly.
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they have to think about how to engage in the public at large. we were talking earlier about the voting block. millenniums. >> we were talking about having a different expectation of interaction. >> absolutely. that is a fenced off distant, i'm on the pedestal and you are here. it's not going to carry the day. i'm not suggesting that is going to happen. if she is thinking about running, they need to get a handle on this and engage with the public so she seems accessible. >> a small story. with her there is nothing small and it's something her folks complain about. i had flash backs. the controlling nature of the clinton campaign. >> that's why it's not a small story. it fits in with a problem she
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had and an expectation that she doesn't get that frankly in this day and age if you give a speech to a big audience of people, it's not off the record and people are taking your picture. ask mitt romney. >> what strikes me is this is something, mo and i were talking about this last week. the candidate that fits 2016 will seem accessible even if they are phony accessible. we think it's phony accessible. they have to seem like they are accessible. >> it changed so much since she ran just in 2012 and it will change more if she decides to run in 2016. >> imagine that, the 47%, michael steel. the google glasses i think are live streaming. from your back yard. i don't think it's hilly as much
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as the people srnd her. she better be smarter about the people she has around her who understand the point. >> it can't get stuck in the hunker down mentality. >> the university of michigan in the hopes they will beat connecticut by more than they beat akron. >> whatever. whatever. that was pathetic. >> i doubt it. st. mary's college with steve mcman and why democrats are really messed up. >> all right. they win the american league east and i that aric taking my boys. it's fun. i hope the fans are behaved. that's always the scary thing these days. susan? >> we have the sports trilogy. go nats home closer and winning season. they brought winning baseball back to d.c. after a generation. >> how about the dodgers technically being the first team to clinch the playoff spot. the dodgers.
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that's it for this edition of the daily run down. see you back here monday am can be up next. [ woman ] if you have the audacity to believe your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ woman ] if you have the nerve to believe that cookie cutters should be for cookies, not your investment strategy. if you believe in the sheer brilliance of a simple explanation. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do: face time and think time make a difference. join us. [ male announcer ] at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing. some kind of... this is... an alien species. reality check: a lot of 4g lte coverage maps don't really look like much at all. i see the aleutian islands. looks like a duck. it looks like... america... ish. that's a map. that's a map of the united states. check the map. verizon's 4g lte is the most reliable, and in more places than any other 4g network. trade in your old device and trade up to america's most reliable network.
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