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tv   The Ed Show  MSNBC  September 26, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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>> that's right. we might prefer to honor an important social contract as opposed to worshiping at the shrine of selfishness. thank you so much for watching this afternoon. coming up next, "the ed show" with ed schultz. good evening, welcome to "the ed show." let's get to work. ♪ ♪ >> woe know that we can do even more when it comes to export. >> wait a minute. he said something that is very troubling to labor and here it is. >> i'm not there negotiating, the transpacific partnership and now a transatlantic trade partnership. >> it would be far larger than that. >> the nafta debate. >> the deal was engineered by the first bush administration and passed by the clinton administration. >> this has been a good deal
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both have become more competitive in the world marketplace as a result. >> and there is a tooth fairy and there is an easter bunny. >> create a high standard enforceable meaningful trade agreement with essentially two-thirds of the world markets. >> let's look at reality instead of theory. >> it sounds like outsourcing to me. >> the transpacific partnership has giant implications for working families. >> this is another nafta disaster waiting to happen. [ chanting ] ♪ i want to scream and shout and let it all out ♪ >> you need to scream and shout about this one. we're going to have a lot on health care later in the broadcast but we'll get to more lies they're throwing out in the right wing. progressives, we need to pay attention. this is the next big battle on the horizon. now, as our country has been focused on a whacko bird senator
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from texas, ted cruz. this major issue is sitting under the radar screen and should be out in front of every american for conversation. in is not about union labor. this is about american labor and jobs across the board. this will lower the bar. i'm talking about the transpacific partnership free trade agreement being discussed right now in the shadows of congress, not out in the open. if this partnership passes, it'll be the largest free trade agreement in the history of this country. it will be nafta on steroids. the consequences could be absolutely devastating for workers in this country and the environment. outsourcing of good paying american jobs will probably be the result. somebody needs to explain to american workers that this is such a good deal. why aren't they doing that? the partnership could consist of as many as 12 countries including the united states, mexico, canada, japan,
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singapore, vietnam and australia. these are new territories for emerging market, emerging markets means cheap labor and make no mistake, this deal is dangerous for america. all negotiations have been held behind closed doors. congress has been provided limited access to negotiation documents. the obama administration has barred congressional members from discussing specific terms of this deal in public. now, senator elizabeth warren from massachusetts sent the white house a letter calling for transparency on this agreement. here, here. mean while, president obama has not been shy about his support for the trade partnership. >> we know that we can do even more when it comes to exports which is why i'm not there negotiating the transpacific partnership and now a transatlantic partnership that will allow us to create a
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high-standard enforceable meaningful trade agreement with essentially two-thirds of the world markets which is going to be incredibly powerful for american companies who up until this point have often been locked out. >> now, it has to be pointed out that the president made those comments last week at the business roundtable with all the business executives. i mean, this is music to their ears. now, we can get president obama thinking correctly on this. he's done a lot of things right. but we can't let him stray on this one. if this deal goes through, it would be an absolute race to the bottom for workers. corporations would be given free rein and outsourcing could become another major problem, not that it's not right now and a number of unions have come out against the deal including the xhooung indication workers of america and the afl-cio. the afl-cio put out -- put together this web video highlighting the dangers of this partnership.
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>> i feel less secure. ♪ >> take my pay could mean global corporations could pit worker against worker. >> it could be harder to organize workers. >> it could mean more overfishing. >> it could mean we lose our voice. >> workers rights, environmental protection, access to medicines, we urge you to ensure that the agreement will be balanced and centered on people's needs, not simply the needs of corporations. >> critics are calling this bill a corporate giveaway. florida congressman alan grayson said hands the sovereignty of our country over to corporate interests and according to a leaked document, full incorporations operating within the united states would be permitted to appeal key american legal rulings in an international tribunal. what?
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this is according to the huffington post. this tribunal would be granted power over american law. circumventing american law. giving up our sovereignty for free trade, there is no doubt free trade agreements have gone awry for this country and bad for american jobs. since nafta was passed in 1994, it's estimated that 680,000 jobs have been lost or displaced because of this agreement. here's what i want to focus on tonight with american workers out there. this is not about unions, it will affect unions no doubt. but this is about american labor. this is about the bar being lowered, the standards. and let me ask you redneck farmers and ranchers in the middle of the country who think the republicans hung the moon and they're the only option out there politically. why in the hell should i buy your beef when i can get it from vietnam for tinge cents on a dollar?
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do i have your attention yet? this is a bad deal for america. and it needs to be vetted. there needs to be a debate. there needs to be open discussion. this is a highway to outsourcing and it's going to be unfair to the american system across the board. you know what, labor in vietnam goes for 25 cents an hour. see ya, manufacturinging. i think one of the reasons why other countries are attacking us when it comes to trade and that's exactly what this is, they're going right to the bottom, they don't have the environmental standards that we have, they don't have the pollution standards that we have. what they have done is they have seen what we have done as a country when it comes to the revitalization of the american automobile industry. they know we can do it. they know we can be players and so they've got to come up with now another trade agreement that's going to evolve emerging markets, notice in the countries i mentioned there wasn't china, and there is a china component here too. and there is fear that china is going to go cut a deal with
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every one of the countries that were listed in this transpacific trade agreement. it's been done in secret. 600 corporate consultants have been involved in this. but probably your representative or senator doesn't know very much about it. why is president obama doing this? the white house has to step out and explain exactly what this is going to do for the middle class? and i would challenge democrats across america don't be going home to your districts talking about how you're supporting the middle class and the middle class is the survival to our economic engine in this country if you furnish and you vote for something like this. you need to explain democrats -- you know the republicans are going to be for the corporatists but if the democrats are the progressive movement need to be on the same page on this one. if you vote for this, you will be gutting the middle class. and if i'm wrong on this, then you need to step out as a lawmaker, number one, question the lack of transparency on this and number two, explain to us
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the american people the wage earners, explain to the american producer out on the land with ranchers and farmers how this is just going to be the catch-all for them. it won't be. that's why they're not talking about it. and it was very apropos for president obama to step out in front of the business roundtable and say, hey, i'm really working on this thing. that's exactly who they want to hear. there are corporate executives who are all about a race to the bottom line. we're going to become like them. they're not going to become like us. our standard of living is going to be like them. it's not going to be like us. w who's side are you on? should america give up its sovereign city for a trade agreement. 67622. go to our blog should america give up its sovereignty for a trade agreement.
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at q for yes and "b" for no. it's curious it's not getting a lot of attention. for more let's then to sherrod brown from ohio. senator, good to have you with us tonight. i have have given my commentary. i'd like to hear your commentary. explain this deal, what you know about it, the upside, the downside, the bogeyman in all of this. your take, senator. >> i'm concerned. first of all, we don't seem to learn much in this country. i mean, the public does but the congress and administrations of both parties don't seem to have learned much about trade when, you know, it was nafta, it was pnt with china and a host of smaller countries then it was cafta and since then they promised jobs, each time our trade deficit grows and it's a combination of bad trade law and bad tax law. my three -- first of three concerns, i have, is what this meanings for auto, 5% of the auto sold in japan, my understanding are american made.
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55% of autos sold in the united states are foreign made. we went through a korea trade agreement i thought was a bad idea, voted no but that clearly didn't open -- probably open the korean market for cars made in the united states or other vehicles. so i'm concerned about that and concerned about as you are about investor state where a company can sue -- a company has the right to sue another country to actually sue the government of another country. that undermines all kinds of democratically attained health and safety rules and regulations and i'm concerned about sort of theive kurgs of big tobacco in this agreement and spoke with the u.s. trade rep yesterday and had answers i'm not yet satisfied. i think there is a little progress on our side on that. all we add is the burden of proof is on the administration and the support of this agreement to show congress that something actually about this trade agreement is significantly different from the ones in the past that have been part of the reason we lost 5 million manufacturing jobs the first
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decade of this century and 60,000 plants closed. i don't blame it all on trade agreements but surely they haven't served this country well. >> senator, why is the white house keeping this deal so secret and why have there been so many consultants who know what senators don't know? >> well, there's been -- there's not been much attention paid, the u.s., the administration will tell us that members of congress have access to this if we work to get it. i'm not sure of that but i do know that these trade agreements start off with what u.s. corporations want. it's not about what small business and dayton or springfield or mansfield or toledo, ohio, wants. companies that maybe sell into -- sell into a supply chain, an auto supply chain or aerospace supply chain when a large company move, the small companies are duck back home laying off 3% of their workforce because they lost their biggest
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customer and these serve the largest investors that could move money overseas. the amazing thing about this, never in world history that i can figure or nobody's ever told me otherwise if we have seen the general business plan for hundreds and hundreds of businesses is shut down production in steubenville and youngstown and columbus and move it to wuhan or beijing and then sell the production back into the original country into the u.s., that's never been done to my knowledge. that's what these trade agreements -- that's what it resulted in and so insidious and i want to look at this and i want to know more but the burden of prove is on them to convince the american people this actually is in our national interest. >> okay. so you want more transparency. you want more detail. you want a debate on this. i mean, it would seem to me that the multinationals have got a pretty good grip on exactly where american trade policy is going to go. >> i want -- >> go ahead.
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>> well, i was just going to say i want to know this isn't more of the same. i know what happened in korea with failure. that's what we want to know and so far i haven't been even close to convinced this isn't more of the same on trade policy we saw in the old bush senior days, bush senior days, clinton day, bush junior days and obama days so far. >> yeah. well, it's just the way it seems right now. there's no way the democrats can run around talking about saying that there are proponents of the middle class and then allow something like this go by certainly without the devil in the details being unveiled to the american people. and this goes across a number of different areas. there are provisions in here dealing with agriculture that we have to take so much food and what kind of standards are these food standards and going to have and i don't understand why it's been done in secret, i don't know why the president has been so quiet on this. i think he has a lot on his
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plate no doubt and this to me i don't want to use right wing bullet points but this is not going to create jobs from what i can see. >> well, so far we know that these trade agreements haven't -- i remember hearing president obama and senator obama debating senator clinton in dreefd in 2008 sitting with my wife watching the debate at cleveland state and both of them said, both of them had some pretty good things to say about trade, kinds of things you'd say and i would say and i want to hold the administration to doing the right thing. >> yeah. we have to move the president on this. progressives in this country, we need to move the president on this. senator sherrod brown, great to have you with us. appreciate your time. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of 9 screen and share your thoughts with us on twitter and facebook and we want to know what you think about this. should america give up its sovereignty for a trade agreement. i say hell no. coming up, what the unions really think about obama care. a lot of misinformation out
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there. this has been a major right wing talking point and i'll get to the bottom of it tonight. plus, a new dawn for workers in the golden state. stay with us. you're watching the edwards "thn msnbc. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals: help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle.
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[ man ] her parents didn't expect her dreams to be so ambitious. italy? oh, that's not good. [ man ] by exploring their options, they learned that instead of going to italy, they could use a home equity loan to renovate their yard and have a beautiful wedding right here while possibly increasing the value of their home. you and roger could get married in our backyard. it's robert, dad. [ female announcer ] come in to find the right credit options for your needs. because when people talk, great things happen. time now for "the trenders." the social media nation has decided and we are reporting here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> wait a minute. who is tweeting that? >> the number three trender, follow me. >> a big quiter. >> cory booker gets -- >> he loves social media and his interactions with twitter included a stripper.
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>> is this real? >> she works at a club. >> the first vegan strip club in the world. >> i spend a lot of time tweeting. >> booker wrote, the east coast loves you and by the east coast i mean me. well, now i'm blushing lee wrote with a smiley face. >> the most shocking part of the story was learning that there is a vegan strip club in portland. >> there's no way we'll skip seeing the vegan strip club. >> you want to know the truth about california. >> get out here. we'll show you how we roll. >> the number two trender, gold rush. >> well, let's see if governor jerry brown leads the nation on this one. >> california raises the minimum wage. >> the law gradually raises california's minimum wage of $8 an hour to $9. >> it's a matter of justice. >> then on january 1st of 2016 it would jump to $10 an hour. >> you see by raising the minimum wage, we directly address the growing levels of income inequality.
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>> turning that wage into a $10 an hour wage is a wonderful thing. >> he said in a statement the minimum wage has not kept pace. >> it's my goal and it's my moral responsibility to do what i can. >> and today's top trender, false witness. >> canadian senator ted cruz of texas has successfully made it full of himself. >> there's a reason the teamsters are saying this is a nightmare. >> i -- i -- >> some think he's crazy. >> ted cruz twists james hoffa's word. >> it's such a train wreck. james hoffa said he couldn't sit silent anymore. >> unions are not against obama care. >> the truth. shall set you free. ♪ >> joining us tonight john nichols, washington correspondent of "the nation" magazine, the lies and deceptions certainly are abound
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right now in the media being filtered from things put out from the right wing and, of course, as you've seen, ted cruz. john, i want to play this or tell you this quote, james hoffa, president of the teamsters responded to ted cruz and for evoking his name during his attack on obama care. he said "i call on senator ted cruz and senator david vitter and others to cease and desist from misusing our constructive comments in their destructive campaign to hobble the president and the nation." what's your reaction? i think we all know if the unions didn't like obama care they would have never let it pass and the fact is everybody may have a pinch or two with this law, but is it being mischaracterized and are the unions being misused here? your thoughts? >> it's absolutely being mischaracterized and the unions are absolutely being misused. understand this, ted cruz supports right to work laws,
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so-called right to work laws that would take away a lot of union protections. he's been a huge ally and advocate of anti-union efforts and yet suddenly in his speech he is crying tears for whatever supposed damage might be done to unions. here's the bottom line. the unions including jim hoffa or jimmy hoffa has been quoted here have said, look, back off. cease and desist. they have said that because what cruz is doing is taking a legitimate and needed discussion about how to improve obama care and turning it into some sort of anti-obama care initiainitiativ. they're legitimate concerns and ought to be addressed. what they want to make sure is corporations don't gain the system to try and undermine existing health care protections. that should be discussed. but they are not saying that obama care is the ultimate nightmare and it's, you know, basically it's got to be defunded and taken down in the
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way ted cruz is. >> yeah, this all has to do with negotiated benefits, organized labor does not want to go in there and make a case and do a deal and have good health care then all of a sudden have it undermined. i think that is something they'll be able to work on. but can ted cruz back up the obama care attacks with any validity? >> well,, a national site, very nonpartisan, has said that ted cruz's speech is going to keep them working overtime for quite a while. because there were so many misstatements and so many mischaracterizations. he suggested at one point that the spouses of postal workers would be, you know, just forced into the exchanges. in reality it's not that at all. the spouses of postal workers who have other insurance will perhaps go into something else. but he took men scinuscule build
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pieces and exploded them into these condemnation of obama care. the problem is that in his mischaracterizations he creates more confusion and more chaos. that's a damaging thing at a point when people are trying to figure this all out. >> i think it's pretty clear he's trying to pit the unions against obama care because without organized labor i'm not so sure president obama would have been elected or even re-elected. but will they come to an agreement? i mean, there's a number of groups out there that want to make sure that obama care not only starts properly but moves forward. will there be a deal between the two? >> uh-huh. look, i think the unions are right on this. i think they are saying that obama care has to have some changes. nancy pelosi and others have said ha they see a through to make some of those changes, in fact, there are even some sensible republicans who have said they're interested in working with the unions on this. this should be a part of the discussion. we shouldn't be wasting our time, frankly, on, you know, ted
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cruz talk-a-thons and ought to have serious discussions about how to make obama care work. it is the law of the land. and the unions are making constructive criticisms that ought to be listened to. not mischaracterized. >> john nichols washington correspondent of "the nation." good to have you on "the ed show." an obama crash course. he took the stage in largo, maryland. i'll tell you what you need to know before the health care enrollment starts next week and still ahead, why one nevada lawmaker thinks 2014 is just going to be a great year for the righties. but next i'm taking your questions. ask ed live just ahere on "the ed show" on msnbc. ything. i had pain in my abdomen... it just wouldn't go away. i was spotting, but i had already gone through menopause. these symptoms may be nothing... but they could be early warning signs of a gynecologic cancer, such as cervical, ovarian, or uterine cancer. feeling bloated for no reason. that's what i remember.
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"i" formation! "i" formation! we have got to get the three-technique block! i'm not angry. i'm not yellin'. nobody's tackling anybody! we got absolutely... i don't think this was such a good idea. i'm on it. if we can't secure the quarterback center exchange... you're doing a great job, coach. well they're coming along better than i anticipated. very pleased. who told you to take a break? [ male announcer ] want to win your own football fantasy? just tell us. then use your visa card for a chance to win it. welcome back to "the ed show." we love hearing from our viewers. tonight in our ask ed segment. our first question comes from margaret. she wants to know is ted cruz
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the new sarah palin? two words, absolutely yes. they are prime time attention seekers. they come from the fraternal order of say anything and do anything to get attention. so i think this is good. because sarah palin has never been a winner and i don't think ted cruz will be either. our next question is from shiloh. could elizabeth warren run for president in 2016? what are they are chances of winning? well, first of all, i hope she does run. i hope someone from the left runs so we can have a genuine progressive discussion in this country and i know that if elizabeth warren were to run, she would be the darling of the left because she knows all about wall street and if you want to talk about income and equality, tax fairness and supporting the middle class in this country, if that's all important to you and the fundamentals of health care and education, well, elizabeth warren would certainly keep the conversation honest. her chances of winning, who
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knows? who knows? i wouldn't hold anybody out right now. a lot of crazy things happening in politics. rapid response panel coming up next. >> aim mary thompson with your market wrap. stocks and a five-day losing streak and the dow gaining and the nasdaq adding 26 points. new jobless claims drop by 5,000 last week to the second lowest level in six years. and the economy grew by 2.5% in the second quarter, an improvement from the first three months of the year and pending home sales fell for the last three months dropping 1.6% in august. that's it from cnbc. first in business worldwide. ect. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions--
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welcome back to "the ed show." as we get closer to the october
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1st launch of the affordable care act clearly there's been an unprecedented organized effort by republicans and special interest groups to misinform the public on this law. and right now they're scoring pretty well. this is what millions of dollars will do for you. 62% of americans say they are at least confused about obama care. every american deserves access to affordable health care so we have spent a lot of time on this program calling out republican lies because that's exactly what they are and today the president took the stand again, went on the campaign trail to educate folks about obama care to principal george's community college in largo, maryland, and did some calling out of his own. >> here's one more i heard. i like this one. we have to -- and i'm quoting here, we have to repeal this failure before -- >> before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens --
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>> -- kills senior citizens. now, i have to say that one was from six months ago. i just want to point out we still have women. we still have children. we still have senior citizens. [ applause ] yeah, all this would be funny if it wasn't so crazy. >> it is crazy. but president obama knows the republican effort to repeal the affordable care act is all about politics. >> the fact is the republicans' biggest fear at this point is not the affordable care act will fail. what they're worried about is it's going to succeed. [ applause ] i mean think about it. if it was as bad as they said it was going to be, then they could just go ahead and let it happen
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and then everybody would hate it so much and then everybody would vote to repeal it, and that would be the end of it. so what is it that they're so scared about? >> joining us tonight, bob shrum, "the daily beast" and congresswoman terry sewell. you first, bob. let's get the push in politics on this. why does the president have to campaign for something that's already a law? what do you see him doing here? why is he doing it? >> he's out there really telling people how this law is going to work, calling out the republican lies. look, obama care is not going to be defunded. it is going to be rolled out. there will be glitches by the way as there were glitches with medicare which is now one of the most popular programs in the country and i think the same thing will happen with the affordable care act. he had a great line.
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he said someday they're not going to be calling it obama care anymore because it's going to work. and they're going to say, well, i voted for that thing or that thing is safe with us so i think he's out there making the case to the american people and you have to do it because there's a flood of money on the other side that's -- and a flood of invective on the other side that's distorting the facts and scaring people. >> terry sewell, how invested are your colleagues in this to go home and make sure that the information is correct? how far deep does this really run where it would have an impact of negativity on democrats if there is any? >> i think that it's really important that all of us who are supportive of the affordable care act get out there and make sure that our constituents get the right information so i was very happy that the president was on the stump today. you know, they spent over $40 million in negative campaigning on this. if we had a fraction of that money explaining to people how they can enroll and the benefits
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of aca, we would be doing well. so i just think it's imperative all of us are vested in making sure that the aca rolls out well. >> well, congresswoman if i look at the income levels and the socioeconomic makeup of alabama, alabama is a big state in this. there's a lot of people that are going to benefit from obama care and this health care law. >> absolutely. >> you know, 600 -- over 600,000 alabamans are uninsured and so -- a disproportionate number is in my district. i think we as alabamians should not repeal the affordable care act but enroll our constituents in making sure this works. we also have lots and lots of folks who are -- have pre-existing conditions in my district and know they would benefit immediately from the aca. >> all right. the president made it personal today. take a listen to this.
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>> i remember the fear michelle and i felt when sasha was a few months aeld and she got meningitis and we raced to the hospital and they had to give her a spinal tap and we didn't know what was wrong and we were terrified, never felt so scared or helpless in all of my life but we were fortunate enough to have good health insurance. and i remember looking around that emergency room and thinking, what about the parents who aren't that lucky? what about the parents who get hit with a bill of 20,000 or $30,000 and they've got no idea how to pay for it. what about those parents whose kids have a chronic illness like asthma and have to keep on going back to the emergency room because they don't have a regular doctor and the bills never stop coming? who is going to stand up for them? in the wealthiest nation on earth no one should go broke just because they get sick. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> bob shrum, how do the republicans compete with that? >> well, they don't really. that's why they're telling all of these horror stories that started with death panels a few years ago. this is the fundamental dividing line on this issue. whether you believe health care is a right and not a privilege and whether it should be a right in this country. that's what obama care takes us a long way toward. and you're going -- by the way, ted cruz in that endless filibuster where he said or believation where he said not much that made sense said one thing that was exactly right. that once this thing takes effect, it's going to be impossible to repeal it. it's going to be impossible to repeal it because the lies the congresswoman is talking about can't stand when people are experiencing it in realtime. when they experience it, when they live wit. when they are covered despite pre-existing conditions and buy it at an affordable cost all the rest of this will go away and have republican candidates as i said a couple of weeks ago, you'll have republican
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candidates a few years from now saying, oh, i wouldn't touch obama care. i just want to strengthen it except they won't call it odd. >> exactly. you know, i think it's really -- >> terry sewell -- go ahead. >> no, what i was going to say, i think that what the biggest fear republican colleagues have is the affordable care act will succeed, not that it will fail and from a personal note, you know, my dad struggled with stroke after stroke after stroke. he's currently wheelchair bound and i know that when i campaigned three years ago, i campaigned on the slogan that the affordable care act and health care should be a right, not a fight. we shouldn't be fighting over this. we should be providing health care for all americans. i think it's a no-win situation for the republicans to really be advocating the 30 million americans should be uninsured. it's really i think -- how could you stand by something like that? >> it's just a matter of time before the worm turns and in a big, big way. i don't think you can trump any of those personal stories in the
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president's done a great job of putting a human element on it not only with the fate that his mother suffered but also the experience of his family and his young daughter at the time. i think the president, congresswoman, needs to do more of this. do you think that there are congressional members that want to see him do more of this? >> absolutely. you know, the biggest most powerful advocate we have is the president. so i think that we have to -- he has to continuously be on the stump talking about the good values and the good benefits of the affordable care act. >> all right. congresswoman terry sewell, bob shrum, daily beast. great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. a man who helped steal the 2004 election claims cutting food stamps is the christian thing to do? i'm taking ken blackwell to the church of ed. tonight. over 1 million busines. if you have a business idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance,
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♪ and in "pretenders" tonight for reference there was a book out not long ago a few years back, what's the matter with kansas? well, let me show you what's the matter with texas tonight. republican blaine wizard. louis gohmert. the texas republican took his obama care smear kamp to the low-rated lars larson radio show. my old buddy lars tossed louis a softball which he's known for and he took it hook, line and sinker. >> it'll kill jobs -- >> oh, it is. >> the companies are saying we can't afford your health care so we'll dump you on obama care or we're going to cut your hours to where you don't qualify anymore. what does that mean? is obama care going to redefine full time as 20 hours? >> well, i guess, you know, the senate says their solution is the immigration bill they passed because under their immigration bill, it would just merely -- i mean companies would have a hard
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time not doing what the senate bill encourages, and that is firing every full-time american employee and hiring the immigrants who have just been given legal status. >> wow. when i listen to that gar gadge it reminded me of a scene from the movie "billy madison." >> what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things i have ever heard. at no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. i award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul. >> if louis gohmert thinks his scare tactics will work anywhere but on a low-rated conservative radio talk show, he can keep on pretending. l.
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welcome back to "the ed show." this is for the folks who take a shower after work. more than 47 million people in this country are using and accessing food stamps. that is, my friends, one in seven americans. the line between charity and government intervention is spurring a pretty hot debate. former ohio secretary of state ken blackwell says taking food
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stamps away from the poor people is the christian thing to do. he called house republicans ten year $40 billion cut to the food stamp program an act of compassion. blackwell who is now with the family research council recently told the christian post there was nothing more christian than not locking people into a permanent dependency on government handouts. he continues saying people can, quote, break from the plantation of big government. i want to know where he learned christian compassion. bible verse matthew 25:35 said for i was hungry and you gave me food. for i was thirsty and you gave me drink. i was a stranger and you welcomed me. for more on this, jim wallace joins us.
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good to have you with us tonight. is taking food stamps away from poor people the christian thing to do? >>. >> you know, when i hear something like that, it makes me feel very sad. it means someone has gotten the facts wrong. but even deeper they don't know the faces behind the account fas. in the process they get the gospel wrong. recently said jim, i'm worried about dependency. i said what do you mean? he said like food stamps. i said do you know that 72% of all the families who get food stamps have somebody working in the house and they have kids. and they're on for usually less than a year. it helps them get through a hard time. did you know that? he said you should get that out. so we're trying to get it out. these cuts that they're proposing would cut 2.1 million families who are working with kids right away. and 200,000 kids would lose their lunch programs because
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they wouldn't be on s.n.a.p. so they would cut $4 billion per year, that's about the value of all our church feeding programs altogether. all over the country. these cuts would wipe us out. >> now, thi is a moral program. this program set up by a country of compassion now being attacked. i mean, and i don't really have a question. i just have a comment and your response on this. this seems to attack -- this approach seems to attack the moral fiber of our country. your thoughts? >> well, i wrote a column today saying pope francis please come to washington. he should do a retreat for our members of congress. he did two tweets. let me read the tweets from pope francis. the measure of the greatness of a society is found in the way it treats those most in need, those who have nothing apart from
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their poverty. what you read from matthew 25. then the second tweet, god will judge us upon how we have treated the most needy. matthew 25 says at the end of that text that you read, as you've done to the least of these you've done to me. so i want to say cutting those poor kids and their families, taking food away from them is what we are doing to christ himself. that's what the text really says. >> what do you say that taking people -- taking food stamps away from the poor is the christian thing to do and goes on to talk about the level of dependency. your thoughts on that. i mean, is there fraud in the food stamp program to the point that would justify these kinds of cuts? >> well, apparently fox news found a blond surfer in california who cheats on food stamps and surfs.
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you can always find someone cheating the system. but the face of food stamps is not this. these people are not working enough to make a living for their families. and food stamps are temporary to help people get over a hard time. when the economy starts to recover, food stamps will go down. this is to help people get to self-sufficiency. this is really helping to get them on their feet again. again, the faces. those of us who know the faces, who do the work, i don't know any pastor who knows people who get food stamps in their congregation, in their work who knows the people. none of them were for cutting food stamps. it's only those who don't really know who we're talking about. so stereotypes and surfers and all that emerge. we're talking about those people hungry and poor. and pope francis says how we treat them is how we treat christ himself. >> well, there's no doubt the pope has got a renewed or
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certainly a different intensity in focusing on the poor and income inequality. he actually spoke of income inequality last weekend. finally, i know you're from detroit. it seems that metropolitan areas are going to be effected by this more so than other parts of the country. what do you think this program -- this cut would mean to the people in detroit? >> well, actually, on inequality which relates to detroit, here's what he said. while the income of a minority is increasing exponentially, it is crumbling. my hometown of detroit is being divided and crushed. this effects -- my brother works every day with people on the street who are getting food stamps. and so he would say, mr. blackwell, you must not know them. i like the pope. we should invite him to come here. he should do a retreat for the members


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