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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  October 1, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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just mentioned, it's very calming. i'm very thankful to have that and know there's an option for that. >> and many more stories to come. aqualyn laury and stacie ritter, thank you so much. there's millions of stories out there. today is a big day for america. "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening, ed. thank you for handing it over. and thanks to you for tuning in. it's a historic day. millions of americans starting to sign up for insurance under president obama's health care law. it's a transformative moment for america. and we'll talk about it a lot tonight. but we begin with the government shutdown. for the first time in 17 years, republicans forced the federal
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government to shut down because they refuse to pass a budget that funded obama care. taking a stand to try to deny millions of people's insurance. last night, a gop lawmaker explained to me why he's not worried about federal workers losing their paychecks. >> if history is any indication, they will be made whole and will receive their back pay and it will basically be a paid vacation. >> republicans think a shutdown is a paid vacation. no big deal. few days off to relax. easy for them to say. members of congress are still getting paid. these gop lawmakers are pocketing their six figure salaries but taking away money from hard working people all across the country. >> 3,000 johnson space center employees are among the federal workers that were sent home from work this morning because of the shutdown. >> it was devastating.
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>> what's next for you? >> try to make some money on the side, cut some grass or bar tend or whatever. >> furloughs earlier in the summer took $1300 away from their paychecks and forced big cuts. >> they don't lose pay. we do. >> that's right. regular people do lose. 800,000 federal workers have been furloughed. no funding for the women, infants, and children nutritional program has stopped. and the department for veterans could soon run out of benefits. that's just part of what's happening today. this shutdown is no vacation. it's a cold dose of reality. it shows just how extreme and out of touch the republican party really is. >> republicans in the house of representatives refuse to fund the government unless we defunded or dismantled the affordable care act.
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they've shut down the government over an ideological crusade to deny affordable health insurance to millions of americans. in other words, they demanded ransom just for doing their job. >> republicans are demanding ransom for doing their job. and the american people don't like being held hostage. a new poll shows 72% are against shutting down government over the health care law. 72%. that's why house republicans are already back tracking with votes tonight trying to fund the government on a piecemeal basis. it's ridiculous. now republicans just want to pay for the things they like? this idea will fail too. republicans can't avoid the truth. they've shut down the government over obama care, and the american people know it. joining me now is congressman
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chaka fattah of pennsylvania and michelle cottle. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you, rev. >> congressman, let me go to you first. 3/4 of the country is opposed to the republican shutdown. how long can they drag this out? >> well, if we get a democratic president and republican congress, we seem to get shut do shutdowns. when people look at the clinton years, they don't think about shutdowns. they think about the new jobs. when they look back at the obama years, they're going to think of tens of millions of people having health care. there can be no retreat on the affordable care act, there won't be any retreat. i told your viewers a few weeks back that the president was not going to compromise on this issue. we won't. and what they've done now is taken the entire government hostage. >> how long if there's no retreat, how long can they keep in this inflexible position of a
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shutdown where already 72% of the public is against them. how long can they hold out like this? >> i don't believe that they can hold out for long. in fact, as you mentioned on the front edge of your program, they already are offering up opportunities to roll back some of these freezes. but we're not going to go for that. the democratic position both in the house and the senate and at the white house is that we're not going for a piecemeal approach. that what we want to have is an operation of the government on the basis of the republican budget number. we're willing to agree to their number for a period of a few weeks so that we can negotiate a budget for the new year. but we're not willing to have part of that negotiations on the health care program or the debt ceiling. it's not that the president won't negotiate. we'll negotiate a budget, but we're not going to negotiate about the country defrauding on its credit and we're not going
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to retreat one inch for what you see today which is millions of americans for the first time having access to affordable health care. >> and we're not going to see the president or the democrats piecemeal. michelle, the president said he's not going to sign it. they won't sign anything that is not involved. >> he's made very clear that at this point, negotiating with a gun to his head, so to speak, is not in the plan. what you have is every few months we're doing this. and i think, you know, one of the things people have been talking about is unless there was a very fast resolution to this shutdown, would it just go forward until the debt ceiling resolution has to occur. and if not then, you know, one of the things that republicans have tried is to say they want to go to conference committee but with just the temporary continuing resolution as opposed to a big budget deal. which means we're doing this
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again in several weeks. i think obama is trying to make clear that it's kind of government by crisis. funding a few weeks at a time is unacceptable. and in that case, he can't negotiate. >> congressman fattah, you heard a republican refer to it as a paid vacation on my program last night. here's what the president said about people forced to miss work. >> hundreds of thousands of civilian workers, many still on the job, many forced to stay home aren't being paid. even if they have families to support and local businesses that rely on them. and we know that the longer this shutdown continues, the worse the effects will be. more families will be hurt, more businesses will be harmed. >> the president says more families will be hurt. isn't this the message the american people want to hear about how it affects ordinary
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people, families, not this brinkmanship on capitol hill, congressman? >> well, reverend, families with children suffering from cancer were turned away from clinical trials that had to be shut down at the national institute of health today. this is not just government workers. these are people that make a difference every day. whether the national weather service, homeland security, law enforcement agencies. these are people who they didn't go into government service to make a lot of money. they went in to provide services to the public, and they are dedicated. we heard the speaker say he would never negotiate with the president anymore. we heard cantor when he walked out of the budget negotiations and you showed this a few years ago, when he said the president we don't need. we need to work out a deal between the house and the senate and the president either signs or vetoes.
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this is not a debate between the house republicans and the president. they have to pass something in the house that the senate is willing to pass in order for the president to be able to sign or veto it. and what they've been unwilling to do is hear the senate majority. the only thing they're willing to negotiate on are budget related matters. they're not willing for any retreat on affordable care. >> michelle, let me ask you, are the moderate republicans cracking? i was going to say it appears to me there seems to be some cracking there, but do you think some of the moderate republicans are cracking? check this out, which is why i'm asking the question. >> i know this is hurting employment in our area, it's hurting our country. i guess the question is do those who think that, you know, a shutdown of a seven or eight or nine days, does that advance for cause? if your answer's yes, then go down that path.
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my conclusion is it doesn't. >> he says it's hurting real people. i mean, what do you start to see some of the moderates openly and publicly trying to back away from this kind of hard line position taken by some of the extremists in their party? >> look, there has been a huge chunk of the republican party that has been extremely eager to avoid this shutdown. you've had strategists going up to the hill, you've had people kind of doing -- putting polls out there to shore up the message this is a bad thing for the party to do. you've had john mccain out there, you've had congressman peter king out there saying we've been through this, this is a terrible idea. it's going to be interesting to see where that pressure leads. but you've had it for awhile now, and it's going to get more intense as this goes on. >> congressman chaka fattah and michelle cottle, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. coming up, more from the
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president on his historic day. the first full day of the new health care law. plus turns out failing miserably puts you in the record books. we congratulate speaker boehner "politicsnation" style. and as 800,000 americans suffer, eric cantor is playing with photography. why this picture's worth a thousand words. and comparing obama care to slavery and crack cocaine? more on their ugly coded rhetoric. and friend or foe, i want to know. e-mail me. reply al is ahead. ♪ [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires screech ] ♪
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have you joined the
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"politicsnation" conversation on facebook yet? we hope you will. today our facebook community was excited about the launch of the affordable care act's insurance exchanges. brittany writes i am now insured through obama care. that's great, brittany, congratulations. nancy says i really think the reason why the republicans are fighting so hard to get rid of obama care is the fact that people can register to vote when they sign up for the insurance. interesting point, nancy. we'd like to know what you think. just head over to facebook and search "politicsnation" and like us to join the conversation that keeps going long after the show ends. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days.
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>> 18 hours and counting. that's how long the federal government has been closed thanks to the republican temper tantrum over obama care. the last time republicans recklessly forced a shutdown was 17 years ago. and this was the cover of the new york daily news. the headline reads "cry baby" with a cartoon picture of the speaker of the house newt gingrich. and here's t"the daily news" today. take a look at this, america. you can read the headline for yourself. you can see the blood on speaker boehner's hands. congress has a 10% approval rating, the lowest approval of all time. so congratulations, speaker
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boehner. congratulations on leading the worst congress of all time. joining me now is richard wolffe, executive editor and author of the new book titled "the message: the reselling of president obama" richard, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me, rev. >> now, we know how it turned out for newt. how will the showdown affect speaker boehner and this congress? >> well, it's going to be worse, actually. we can try to project out how the elections are going here, but we've got to take this back a few years to what the republicans decided to do about the tea party. they could have said, hey, let's leave it like the ross perot guys, some third party that will die out on its own. instead, they took them on board. and now the fear of the tea party is driving the whole republican agenda. which means they cannot break free from them. they are giving life to this tea party movement, and that is destroying their brand.
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they will be not trusted with deficits, with finance, all things they say they're strong on for generations to come. >> now, let me show you this picture. i'm showing you this picture, it sums up this republican house. as america suffers, eric cantor, the number two guy in the house tweeted this picture of the house republicans sitting at an empty table. and he wrote sneeringly we sit ready to negotiate with the senate. >> it's a stunt. >> really. >> who in their right mind thinks the president, the chief executive of the federal government, wants it to be closed? this is what the republicans are trying to say right now. they stand ready to keep the government open and somehow, some reason this president wants to shut the whole thing down. it makes no sense to people who aren't paying attention. people paying attention know that's a joke. >> i mentioned you the 1995
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shutdown. and i want you to listen to congressman john boehner just before christmas in 1995. listen to this, richard. >> quite frankly, we believe it's time for the president to get serious about balancing this budget. we've been making a list and checking it twice. and we think that the president deserves only one thing for this christmas because he's not done his work. and that's a little coal to put in the president's box this year. that's charcoal. it's as close as we could get today. >> now, that was just before christmas '95, the last shutdown. and look at the fallout of what happened. president clinton won re-election in '96, the next year. democrats gained seats in the house both in '96 and '98, and
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finally gingrich resigned as speaker after republican losses. so it didn't work too well when mr. boehner was doing stunts in '95. >> it didn't. and remember, compared to today, gingrich had a better relationship with the man he tried to impeach than boehner has now with the president of the united states. so it's even worse now, they're playing an even worse hand. we could talk about the next election and the one after that, but this is as bad for republicans on the economy, on debt and deficits, as it was for democrats when you look back at the vietnam era. republicans are looking at the same thing right now, and at the moment they're saying this is not just a vacation. we're cutting spending. they are increasing the cost by closing down the government at this point. everybody knows that in washington. they're pretending somehow they're safing money.
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>> 69% say republicans in congress are acting like spoiled children. >> that's what they call hurting the brand. in what sense is that a party ready for government. that's why every serious cont d contender in 2016 is saying that's enough. let's get to work. >> no one wants spoiled children running the government. >> it's not a great bumper sticker. >> and it's not a good way for the brand as you said. richard wolffe, thanks for your time tonight. >> thanks. still ahead, open for business. obama care is here. it's working, and it's driving republicans crazy. we'll debug the gop's new myth about the law. plus rush limbaugh and his cronies on the right sink to a new low. you won't believe what they're saying about people signing up for health care. stay with us. [ man ] this isn't my first career.
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when this exchange is up and running, millions of people will get tax breaks to help them afford coverage, which represents the largest middle class tax cut for health care in history. that's what this reform's about. >> president obama on the day he signed the affordable care act into law. talking about a pivotal process in this country that begins today, right now. right now as we speak, millions of uninsured americans are signing up for health care coverage. many of them for the first time in their lives. it's been an exciting day, a great day, and republicans can't stand it. we'll talk about that next. emen.
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for weeks the gop has been saying they're shutting down the government to crush the health care law, kill it dead in its tracks. only that hasn't happened. has it, mr. president? >> because of its funding sources, it's not impacted by a government shutdown. even though the government is closed, a big part of the affordable care act is now open for business. >> hear that, senator cruz? is that loud enough for you, speaker boehner? the affordable care act is open for business. for a hundred years, u.s. presidents have tried to bring health care to all americans. and today that dream became a reality. a reality for people like leslie boyd whose son died from lack of coverage. >> this is my son mike danforth.
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he couldn't get insurance because of his pre-existing condition. and without insurance, he couldn't get the annual colonoscopies he needed because he was so vulnerable to colon cancer. i actually saw written on his medical record patient needs a colonoscopy but cannot afford it. that was what was thought of his life. by the time they be anything for him, his cancer was stage three. they took my child from me. that's the worst thing that can happen to anybody, you know. >> these stories are what today is really all about. but you wouldn't know it because of the gop. today they delighted in reports that there were snags in the rollout. sure there were glitches, but that's because demand were so high. more than a million people had visited the federal health care site by 7:00 a.m. new york state reported 2 million visits.
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illinois had more than 62,000. i call that demand. i call that hunger for affordable coverage. the real glitch in washington is one party's desire to rob millions of coverage. >> i know it's strange that one party would make keeping people uninsured the center piece of their agenda, but that apparently is what it is. and of course what's stranger still is shutting down our government doesn't accomplish their stated goal. the affordable care act is a law that passed the house, it passed the senate, the supreme court ruled it constitutional, it was a central issue in last year' election. it is settled and it is here to stay. >> the law is here to stay. and this country's a better place because of it. joining me now are patricia murphy and jonathan capehart. thank you both for coming on the show tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> hi. >> jonathan, let me start with you. it's a historic day.
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now that the law is in motion, how difficult is it for republicans to argue that this law is the boogeyman? >> well, rev, i think every day that folks have an opportunity to actually not just talk about in theory but in actuality go to the exchanges in their respective states and go through the process and go about securing for themselves insurance, it's one more day that the republicans lose the argument. remember, they were fighting tooth and nail up until today to try to get obama care, the affordable care act, defunded, delayed, or repealed. now that october 1st has come, it's going to be infinitely more difficult as the days go on. >> you know, patricia, today the president met with some of the people who are really benefitting from the law. listen to one of the stories he told.
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>> treniece edwards was diagnosed with a brain tumor. she couldn't afford coverage on an individual market so she hasn't received treatment yet. her daughter, a student at the university of maryland is considering dropping out of school to help pay her mom's bills. startsing today thanks to the affordable care act, treniece can get covered without forcing her daughter to give up on her dreams. >> at the end of the day, this is what the republicans in congress are trying to stop. issues and stories like this from being dealt with. >> well, it's going to be very difficult, i think, to stop these stories from coming forward. right now there are 50 million americans without access to health insurance. and of those, about 7 million of those are children. so every congressman in their district has uninsured constituents, people who are
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undoubtedly going to them saying i need health insurance. and now as of today they have access to that health insurance. obviously there are going to be glitches. we're going to have to wait and see how easy it is for people not only to enroll and then to see a doctor. it's a very long-term situation, but just the fact that this huge number of americans have this anxiety out of their lives now is just a major victory for this president. and there's going to be no way for republican lawmakers to say to those people, no you don't feel better. no, you still have anxiety about this. if they're able to get insurance the way this law promises they will, that will radically alter the lives of americans. there is no political argument to change that reality. >> jonathan, both patricia and i have mentioned the glitches that republicans are making a lot of noise about, but the president addressed that with a very interesting analogy today. listen to this. >> a couple weeks ago, apple rolled out a new mobile
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operating system. and within days they found a glitch. so they fixed it. i don't remember anybody suggesting apple should stop selling iphones or ipads. or threatening to shut down the company if they didn't. that's not how we do things in america. >> interesting analogy, jonathan. >> no, and it's a perfect analogy. republicans and especially the ones now crowing about the glitches, clearly these are people applauding failure. they're applauding failure of a website to keep up with demand. as you said at the beginning of this segment, sites were crashing around the country not particularly because they didn't work but because they couldn't handle the demand of the american people looking for affordable health care. and why we continue to -- why people continue to laud folks who applaud failure, quite
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frankly, it's beyond me. >> patricia, the house republicans really don't seem to get it. in terms of the message of affordable health care and people's desire. they held 46 votes to repeal or replace the law. the latest came in the first hour of the government shutdown. i mean, what about this keeps missing them. there's a real need here for some americans. >> there's an enormous need for some americans. the biggest political problem for republicans is they have not put forth any alternative. there is not a good idea coming out of the republican caucus that americans could say you're right, that is a better way for me as an uninsured american to get insurance. there are no ideas on the right. that's why this has fallen so flat. one key thing to watch among the republican caucus is they are also standing in the way of the
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law to make improvements to it. particularly for union members and a democratic congress member told me republicans have mounted a religious war against this bill. we can't make fixes we were planning to make before republicans stopped it. that will be a story going forward. very interesting to watch. so far so good for the administration and people without insurance. it's a big day. >> you know, the rhetoric we're hearing, we've heard before. in the case of medicare, we heard a lot of this rhetoric from even one named ronald reagan. listen to this. >> this was simply an excuse to bring about what they wanted all the time, socialized medicine. >> they want socialized medicine. >> from here it's a short step to the rest of socialism. >> we can continue down the path towards european socialism. >> he will wait for the
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government to tell him where to go to work and what to do. >> the government telling you what you must do. >> this is rhetoric that reagan used that he ended up later working along with medicare and even some on the right say improving it. we've heard almost verbatim these lines before. >> well, right. because -- and you don't hear them anymore on medicare, because, well, people like it. it's working. and that, again, goes back to how people have been trying to defund, derail obama care. because they know once it's up and running in full, people will like it. back to the glitches and things. we're in day one of the final stages of the full implementation of this law. we're looking at a multi-year, maybe even multi-decade effort to work out the kinks, work out the issues. and you can only work out if you actually let the program run.
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and, again, the longer it runs, the less and less republicans have any kind of criticism against it. the american people will not listen to them. >> you know, i've got another more recent example of why i think the republicans are concerned. patricia, i don't have to go back to medicare. massachusetts. they implemented a similar law for health care in 2006. "the washington post" that day said, quote, concern began to emerge. people even called it, quote, a reckless gamble. but now seven years later, 97% of the state is covered, and 84% of residents are satisfied. that is what they're afraid of. once you implement it, people are going to do it and they're going to like it and it's going to work. that's their fear. >> well, and they've been very
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clear that they did not want these exchanges to open. because the exchanges would open today, the problem with their tactic is the government closed but the exchanges are open. republicans think who is in charge here and who came up with this idea? i think even there are moderate republicans who would like to move forward on this plan. their side has not come up with any good ideas. if i were republicans and i thought it was going to be terrible, i would let it blow up on itself if it was going to be so terrible. but once people -- when you have that anxiety taken out of your life, you cannot get insurance for your children and now you can, it's difficult for a politician to come in and tell you they're going to make that go away. >> i'm going to have to leave it there. jonathan, quickly. >> quick point, who was the governor who implemented that 2006 massachusetts health care law? >> his name was mitt romney. romney care in massachusetts.
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patricia murphy and jonathan capehart, thank you for your time this evening. >> thank you. >> and if you have any questions about the new law, you can go to coming up, they managed to compare obama care to food stamps, the drug ecstasy, crack, and slavery. their ugly coded language is next. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online but they didn't fit. customer's not happy, i'm not happy. sales go down, i'm not happy. merch comes back, i'm not happy. use ups. they make returns easy. unhappy customer becomes happy customer. then, repeat customer. easy returns, i'm happy. repeat customers, i'm happy. sales go up, i'm happy. i ordered another pair. i'm happy. (both) i'm happy. i'm happy. happy. happy. happy. happy. happy happy. i love logistics.
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the desperation from the right wing has been remarkable to watch. they've compared the new health care law to communism, to terrorism, to slavery, and now this. >> correct me if i'm wrong, if they sign up to the exchange, then they'll have it. so it's getting them out of the house or the crack house or wherever they are to get it to sign up. but if they sign up, they have it. >> the crack house? millions of uninsured including millions of american children, but they must be crack heads? really? and it's not just one out of touch tv personality saying it. congresswoman michele bachmann says quote, president obama can't wait to get americans addicted to crack cocaine of dependency on more government health care.
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addicted to crack cocaine, comparing health care opportunity to getting hooked on crack cocaine. let's remember this comes from the same esteemed member of congress who once said that obama care, quote, literally kills people. but the nastiness doesn't end there. here's rush limbaugh today. >> school kids, i found out, still going to get breakfast, lunch, snack, ecstasy, whatever else they get. all of the welfare checks and all of the food stamp cards are still usable. they have not been shut down. everybody in obama's base depending on government is going to have a fine day. >> so what's with all this coded language? food stamps, drugs, slavery. is this really about the health care bill? or is it about something more
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personal? and ugly. joining me now is dana mil bank and joe madison. thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> joe, this is a pattern now, so what's behind this talk. >> let me tell you, they just can't stand the fact that they've got a very start, intelligent black man that has outthought them, outcampaigned them, beat them twice without any controversy. the nerve, the absolute nerve to use crack cocaine, something that destroyed individuals, destroyed families, practically destroyed communities, to compare it to something that heals people, that brings families together, that allows them to save money, allows them to be well is absolutely absurd. and rush limbaugh has some nerve. here is a man that even talked his maid into stealing drugs from her husband so that he could have a high. so, i mean, let's call it what
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it is. these people simply have lost their freaking minds. they just can't handle it. >> dana, when you hear people comparing government dependency to drug use and slavery, i mean, what are the implications of dog whistle politics in this fight over health care? >> well, i think that last bit about losing their freaking minds has a lot to do with it, certainly in michele bachmann's case. if there's a defense for her, it's that she says all crazy kinds of things about all crazy topics. there's two things going on here. there is without question an element among conservatives who just have a very personal whether it's racially tinged antipathy towards this president. there's also a large group of americans that don't care for
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obama care. clearly there's an element of sensitivity that they may have crossed the line. just in the last few minutes, they were out there promoting legislation to try to fund the district of columbia. so that has elements of it in there too. >> now, joe, i want to raise this to you. there's a republican national committee man in arizona who mocked the obama administration's decision to delay certain parts of the affordable care act in a facebook post. here's the quote on the facebook post. some people wonder why i cannot figure out why i believe obama is shucking and jiving on obama care. now, he isn't the first republican to use that term. sarah palin and rush limbaugh used it. before i get your thoughts, joe, i went to the dictionary because a lot of people may not know like you and i know what shucking and jiving comes from or what it means.
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the dictionary of american slang says about shucking and jiving, it's black slaves sang and shouted gleefully during corn-shucking season and this behavior along with lying and teasing became part of the protective and evasive behavior normally adopted towards white people in traditional race relations. that's the definition. >> boy, you are too smart for television, al. i'm telling you. you broke it down. like my grandfather used to say, put it where the goats can't get it. that's an old country term just like shucking and jiving is an old country term. here you have these folks who primarily live in these lily white congressional districts for the most part, and then they're trying to use black vernacular to try to sound like they're hip and that somehow
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obama is just too black to be president of the united states. look, i'm about calling it like it is and speaking plainly about this. but, you know, the reality is -- and they also said crack cocaine. now, wait a minute. didn't you just say in the last segment 97% of mass residents have what amounts to obama care. they just called it romney care. so that means that they're crack addicts. it also means since congress passed the law, house of representatives are crack at dikts, the senate are crack addicts, and the supreme court that voted it was constitutional -- >> and folks in the general election last year. >> thank you. >> i don't want to get too far away from this ugly coded dog whistle politics, because a republican state lawmaker in new hampshire compared obama care to the fugitive slave act of 1850. listen to this.
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>> what is obama care? it is a law as destructive to personal and individual liberty as the fugitive slave act of 1850 that allowed slave owners to come to new hampshire and seize african-americans and use the federal court courts to take them back to slave states. >> you know, last week even the president mocked that comparison. listen to this. >> you had a state representative somewhere say that it's as destructive to personal and individual liberty as the fugitive slave act. think about that. affordable health care is worse than the law that lets slave owners get their runaway slaves back. i mean, these are quotes. i'm not making this stuff up. >> dana, i mean, it's so
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outrageous the president addressed it. but all coded language. >> i think we left out when ted cruz was in his 21-hour bladder buster on the senate floor. he was basically suggesting he was on the side of the union fighting the confederacy. so at least he's taking the right side of the whole thing. we can't -- >> well, at least he's saying that. i've got to go. we're going to stay on it. we're going to be watching the language. just keep up, joe and dana, thank you. keep watching us. i promise you we won't be shucking or jiving here. we'll be right back.
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republicans have come up with a brand new talking point for why they've been so obsessed with obama care. here's senator rand paul earlier today. >> that's their new excuse? there's been no debate on obama care? no debate in the three and a half years since president obama signed the law? no debate inside the supreme court? really? did we all just imagine this? >> that's right. the supreme court had this debate. and upheld the health care law.
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the presidential candidates had this debate on the campaign trail too. >> it's obama care. we're going to repeal it and replace it. >> don't worry, obama care covers pre-existing conditions. >> here is how you repeal obama care. >> we passed obama care. and it was the right thing to do. >> the candidates even debated the issue during the actual presidential debates. >> number one, i get rid of obama care. >> i have become fond of this term obama care. >> obama care was a central issue during the race. and on election night, the american people spoke loud and clear. president obama won the debate. so did senator rand paul think we wouldn't remember his selective memory on obama care? nice try, but remember this, we got you. ra. new max volume wire brush sweeps lashes up and out for bigger, longer, 3x the volume.
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are doing in forcing the government shutdown is wrong. i respect them fighting for what they believe in, but they need to know when to quit. there was an election and they lost. my new book is called "the rejected stone" and in it i talk about the need to move on when it's time to move on. here's a clip explaining that chapter. >> the need to know when to quit it is about we all have a purpose in life. we all have a mark we want to make. and you've got to know when you've made that mark, you've got to know when center stage is over for you. and now you go head to the wings to protect your legacy. if you stay too long, you can undo the good you have done. >> see, in this country


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