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tv   Morning Joe  MSNBC  October 2, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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>> same equipment. no technology. in the prime. that's another the fantastic one. i said braid city ver i said braid city verse montana, but they said you can't go quarterback. so i'll take the st . >> may those who possess little or no power an woes lives are made all the more difficult by a failure to work out serious differences. >> finally listening. good morning, everybody. >> thank you, father. >> welcome to "morning joe. kwlths. it is october 2nd. oh my gosh, it's october. willie, are you all right there? >> oh my goodness.
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>> thank you, t.j., ten seconds in. >> with us on set -- >> can we get -- >> it's a shutdown. gridlock. >> everything is coming down. >> pulitzer prize winning historian john meacham, he is the famous author of a famous back book. and sam stein from the huffington post. >> there is no need to laugh. >> i think it's funny? water funny? >> it's just funny, his face comes up, it's obviously so much younger than anyone else. >> are you saying that sam makes us all feel very old? >> yes. speaking of feeling old, it is day two of the government shutdown, seriously and tensions
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were running high yesterday. everybody was afraid. everyone is fighting. even the media, everything. >> the twitter is exploding. look at our graphic. tj can you do that again, move the closed day two. cnn, we just get laughed. one, two, three, mika, day two. >> oh, wow, we have few answers. >> what if we had 3d projection, willie? is that's the same graphic we used in the '96 shutdown. we just kept it around. >> why don't we? >> have a hologram. >> have hans solo and princess lea. >> and tuac. cnn had that. why don't we have that? it will complete your news experience f. you don't have a hologram, how can you understand what's going on in the news? right? am i right?
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okay. don't want tupac's hologram next to the wolf? >> i'd be interesting. >> i don't know what happened yesterday. yesterday, house republicans tried to pass a series of stop gap measure, basically band and is that would fund agencies like the va, national parks and the city of washington, d.c. they all failed to get the two-thirds to pass. >> first of all, i don't think those are just band aids. if you live in washington, d.c.. >> and you work in the jobs. if you live in washington, d.c.. >> i agree with this, eleanor holmes norn last night got on the floor and said people's live are at stake here. she was actually talking to the democrats saying pass this piece of legislation, you guys can have your fight over obamacare, but there are people that could have phyte vital services tomorrow if you vote for this. the same thing goes for the va. the same thing goes with the
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parks. it's the republicans who, according to "wall street journal" even, the republicans have put us here, but make for the mistake of i. harry reed and barak bar barak barobama are loving all o it. it is the reality would be funded today if the democrats did not kill the bill and harry reid didn't have an all or nothing strategy. forget the vote totals. it's the same thing with every, the park services would be opened today if they didn't close last night and the same thing goes for washington, d.c., so again i agree with the "wall street journal." this big crisis was brought on
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by some really -- i'm not going to use the word -- brought on by a certain faction of the republican party, but these are not band aids. if you live in washington, d.c., you need vital services, and there ask a bill to take care of that last night. if are you a vet, a world war ii vet, you go to world war ii veteran's memorial in d.c. and it's closed down and the whole, can i go on and on and on, the democrats were the ones that killed those last night. let's put that, the republicans screwed this up. put this over here. think that box is going to glow a little out of place, flanked by people he says are -- >> would you disagree with me? >> i don't think it can take two minutes at the top of the show, given the bigger picture. but i'm not going to argue that right now. because i think the president makes a good point, himself here, flankd by people who are benefit fisheries of the health care law.
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president obama said republicans are putting the country's economy at risk. >> no this shutdown is not about deficits or budgets. it's about rolling back our efforts to provide health insurance to folks who don't have it. it's all about rolling back the affordable care act. this more than age else seems to be what the republican party stands for these days. i know it's strange that one party would make coping people uninsured the centerpies of their agenda. >> that apparently is what it is. >> yeah. so despite the seemblingly high -- >> well that, will bring them zbloegny point is, which is absolutely introduce, the bigger point you have been fortunately is the president and democrats stript the higher ground fair or not. you don't want to insure 7 million people. okay. then they just --. >> so the democrats do have the higher ground when have you the wroet journal john meacham say,
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hey, we told you this is a stupid strategy. it is such a co lasally stupid strategy, it's hard to physical out how the republicans get out of this colossally stupid strategy. most know it's colossally stupid strategy him we are listening to myself and others beforehand saying this is a colossally stupid strategy, but at the same time, we have all seen this before, the president, harry reed, nancy pelosi, they den want to be too clever. >> you don't want to overreach. >> that's the pulitzer prize. >> i thought it was a high epic fiction. >> it could be that, too. i think there is a really interesting gallup poll this week about how the american people now don't trust the american people. the collective wisdom.
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not only do we have the faith in congress and the president's approval rating is down. i have a jen one confidence that play on both your houses. there may be narrow tactical advantage here in the near short term. i think in the six month, 12-month window here, i don't think yeb anybody will win. >> i think, though, mike, we were talking about this before, talked about it yesterday the day before the republican party was actually making gains for the first time since 2011 ape cross the board in every poll we saw. >> provider to this. >> prior to this. >> barak obama was hot high 40s, lowest numbers of his presidency, you take the shutdown now and what's coming with the debt krolling coming up, to republican, not the entire party, but a couple of republicans of the senate that made this her to calling card,
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some house member was are calling republicans in the senate, history is going to be pretty clear that they did more to hurt their own party than anybody in a long time. i can't think of a parallel. i really can't think of a parallel. >> i don't think there is a parallel. a couple of republican senators. one republican senator specifically basically acted the as speaker of the house if controlling the small caucus of republicans in the house that disrupt the function of government and i would imagine, sam stein, that there must be a level of feeling inadequacy within the congress. i mean, people i think in this country foley that we are at a point where perhaps we are a government given the behavior of both parties in washington and i am wondering how much has seeped down into the elected representatives that you speak
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to. >> very much. so i would survey everyone on this show, can you think of a way out at this point? it's very difficult to find something that house speaker boehner could bring to his own party and say we have a modicum of victory here. >> sam what have you heard? because the wroet journal. i keep going back to it. for people who don't understand why i cope going book to the wroet journal. this is a republican crisis. the republican party is desperate to get out of the crisis of their own making of a couple members of the senate, some members of the house, what have you heard on the hill, from republicans? is there? fwlaus does not appear to be an escape route. there is not. as far as these republicans. >> there is not. what i have heard, basically, they're not going to at this junkture consider a short-term clone cr, i mean something like six weeks to two months and that's pretty much the only escape route. so if that's not on the table, i'm not swhur sells on the table. let's go to the votes yesterday,
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are you right, it puts democrats in a bit of a bind, joe. but there is a reason they were conducted on a two-thirds majority. the reason was that procedural maneuver prevented house democrats from adding a clean cr as an amendment. everyone in this town knows if a clean cr were brought to the house of the representatives it would have the members there. we are there. >> when does john boehner finally say screw you guys? i'm going to put this on the floor. we're going to threat majority rule. we want to destroy the republican party. if you want to vote me out next time, good for you, i'll be golfing, you know, i'll be golfing at pebble beach next winter. have fun. >> that's a nice golf game. maybe that's what it takes. that's the million dollar question. increasingly, when you are talking to lawmakers on the hill, you get a sense this will not be a lasting shutdown. yesterday, i was hearing from
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people. well, it will take until the end of friday. now you will hear, maybe it will roll into the debt ceiling. that's two weeks, three weeks of a shutdown. the consequences are pretty doir. yesterday, the national institutes of health announced they can't take 30 kids with cancer because of the shutdown. those stories aren't insignificant. those stories are significant. regardless of those three short-term stop gap funding bills that the republicans produced, they did not cover the nih. so there are things left out by the republican plan and it will be painful. >> willie that, is so important for members of both sides to -- this isn't going to be a big deal. yesterday, we heard the default is not going to be a big dole. there have been deals and the money that's the national institutes of health is not getting, you don't want to overstate it. you get tired of politicians
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overstating things. people could do i. people could die because the nih is not getting their funding. veterans that have given their all for this country will suffer. real people suffering in a really significant way because of this. again, because there is a handful of republicans who want to shut down the government if barak barak doesn't defund or delay obamacare. it's never going to happen. ronald reagan wouldn't give up tax cuts or lbj the great society. not going to happen. >> the striking things from the outside is that the two sides aren't talking. you think this is a crisis. they're in the back rooms, having long steak dinners, figuring out what to do. it's not happening. speaker boehner and president obama spoke on monday. they're not talking. they're sitting on their side and they don't know what to do
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at this point. republicans now have walked into a blind alley led by certain members of the senate and they don't know where to go next. >> do you know who else is not talking, mike barn cal? republicans. my republican friends and they are plenty are telling me that the leadership is not talking to them. like nobody is talking to anybody. democrats aren't talking to republicans, be you the leadership is not even talking to the rank and file. >> no, they're estrangd from her to membership. the striking aspect of this and i think it's beginning to seep down from coast-to-coast among people is how did this begin? what is the root of this? and the root of this is one small segment of one political party as everybody has been saying in washington. the republican party who have chosen to put a flag in the ground over the affordable care
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act. basically saying, defund the affordable care act and i think people are thinking, you know, well, i really don't know what it is. i don't know what obamacare is. . >> it's not great. there is a sign there is a lot of interest. they could get a lot of people signed up. >> why weren't they ready for that? isn't that strange? this isn't government, i guess. >> no, health care exchange is a part of the affordable care act. >> do you go online? >> yeah, i did. >> you gapped that youtube video. >> i went on and it says we have been overloaded, whatever, please hang in. we will direct you to the site. it took about ten minutes and it directed me to the site and it's
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obvious i didn't enroll. it's a part of the problem. >> i have-to-take that off my track. >> so millions of people tried to enrom or lock up insurance information on health that's the federal website serving dozens of states. the site froze on people filling out applications throughout the day. states running their own marketplace, the department of health and human services says more than 2.8 million people visited the federal exchange yesterday. so -- >> that's almost as much as the guy that wrote the alphabet, willie, under water. >> what? >> that went to youtube, did you see that? are they ready for that? sam stein, why western they ready for that? ? >> you know, for a long time, you know -- >> what was the offer? >> youb youb videos can have 2.8
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million people come in a day, putting spoons up their noses. why wasn't the government ready for this? >>. >> i guess a part of the problem is the people at barn cal going on there. >> how does barnicle have a way -- >> millions of americans visited the new online health exchanges as enrollment opened on tuesday suggesting a broad national appetite for the affordable coverage that president obama promised with his health care law. >> that's a reach.
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they had to have reached to talk for two minutes about the small impact. >> i bet. we are talking about how we don't have common conversations, we don't agree on common facts. >> yeah. >> that's been versus what certain cable networks are saying about this mechanical failure means, exhibit a. >> yeah, but do you think, john meacham, the millions of poem who locked on were people like barnicle checking it out? >> no, i don't think so at all. if are you a democrat, you care about making the government work, which is the guiding impetus of the movement that broke the republican majority in 1992. you make sure the website works. >> you know, the dole, mika and i, of course, we talk to a lot of members of congress, we talk to leadership if congress. we talk to people over at the white house, we talked to some people last woke about this, and the mechanics of it looked very
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impressive. this is, i understand it can be -- this is going to work okay, right? because you get enough, because i said, i am against thissing a. but if you guys can make this run the way you say it's going to run and that's good news for my vet friends in northwest florida because then the va can run efficiently and all these other people can run it efficiently and kaboom, i'm just surprised that the government wasn't ready. >> they had so much time. >> i'm surprised they're not ready to handle 2.8, sam stein, 2.8 million people, including barn cam, going on the website. >> listen. you can't spin it. obviously, the website should have been better suited for the influx of traffic that it had. however, if you had to choose between problems. >> yes. >> one, they had great websites. the other is so many poem checking them out while working, i think you want the latter t.
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good news for the affordable act, we are talking a long time enrollment through march. if there are glitches in the first 24 hours, there is plenty of time to fix them out. what the administration worried about is not that there is tech glitches but they can sustain interest. because the massachusetts model said people signed up early on and they signed up towards the dead loan. so that's when the paeblg signups are. >> they node to get people to sign up, not just check it out. >> yeah, of course. >> i think people would pick up papers in their drug store. >> they said they liked the applicant. i think a lot of people will sign up for this. my frustration actually is not as far as the website correction. this isn't about the obama administration, as far as i'm concerned. this is just about government in general. why is it, pontiac that, government is so dam inefficient? >> at every level. >> at every level. >> that when they new this was coming that the most, that the
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tech gurus and the geniuses and the obama administration that did an extraordinary job in the campaign, you would like to see those men and women be able to go in the government services, whether it's social security or whether it's the va or whatever it is and figure out how to make government more efficient. it's just government is a black hole. why couldn't they even get this right? i'm not saying the obamas -- i'm talking the bureaucracies. >> i don't care where you live, what registry, go onto the state of the motor vehicles, whatever you call it in this specific state. it is a nightmare. i don't know what it is. >> the afternoon off got off the health care site, dmv? >> i did. i fully enrolled in the health care. >> give it a week. >> the guy goes to governmental websites for services he doesn't need. he goes to the dmv health care
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sites. >> to talk to some. >> we need a bio packet. >> it gets to anger and anxiety about government. i don't think people resent paying taxes so much they resent not getting the best bang for their buck. we don't get it. >> the government is just not working. the government is just being inefficient on all levels. >> some of the websites i'm going to later today, i'll show you. >> it goes back to the romeo and juliette question. >> romeo and juliette? >> you got, obama care doesn't work, technically, they lose their glitches, you have a hand. of republicans shutting the whole thing down. i think if you are a normal person, if we -- you would be looking at this going, what planet have we ended up on? >> all right. give eight week before you say it doesn't work. coming up on "morning joe," senator -- congressman peter
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king, senator kiersten gilibrand, bill krisotl. new alefts on the biker highway the case gets more complicated as the bikers them their side of the story. up next the top stories in the political playbook. first, bill kierans has scurried up the stairs. >> did we notice the table wobbleing up there? >> i am a little nervous. i have to say. i am on a diet. >>ly run with you. all right. when we running? >> not too soon. >> exactly. all right, last night in northern new england, i missed it once again, but the northern lights were supposed to be spectacular. here's a photo from the obb servetory in new hampshire this isn't the sun rise, a sunset, it's the northern aroar remarks it was beautiful. fantastic photos. thanks to our friends up there.
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as far as yesterday went, what an incredible period of weather we are in, the east coast the great lakes, ohio veal, it is so warm this time of 84, the humidity is low. it's been going on now two weeks. it will continue much of this woke. then it will finally change as we end the weekend. so as far as the forecast goes, a beautiful day. look at d.c., 87 degrees and sunny. that's summer-like weather there. a few showers and storms, maybe minor airport concerns in the southeast. as far as the feast goes, bottle this up. a top ten day today, guys. this is as warm as we will be until april or may of next 84. what a fall so far. so far, it has a long ways to go. are you watching "morning joe" on this wednesday. [ music playing ] .
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>> 27 past the hour. time now to look at the morning papers. the new york post, there are new developments in that case of road rage that was caught on camera. a biker who was run over by the suv/zrooifr driver may be paralyzed. his mother says he is in a medically indusd coma. the report claims bikers tried to block several ambulance iss to take it over. christopher cruz seeing here is suspected of cutting off the driver of the suv, which seemed to park the whole situation. he has been arrested. now faces several charges. a second biker, allen williams has vol taerd surrendered from the police. >> from the jacksonville florida times union. the jacksonville airport was evacuated for five hours last night after two suspicious packages were found inside a
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terminal in a parking device. one device was quote destructed in nature and deactivated by a bomb squad t. airport has since reopened. the idaho statesman, the search for a missing hiker in idaho has been delayed because of a government shutdown. staffs at craters of the moon national monument who were a part of the rescue were sent home because of furloughs impacting several government agencies. the hiker's family is now asking experienced heekers to volunteer for the search. >> oh, gosh the l.a. times, the rollout of a $1 billion effort to provide every student with ipads in the los angeles unified school district has hit a road block. officials say the ipads have been taken away from students in several schools because students hacked their way on to restrictive sites. there is no word when the devices are going to be given back. also out of california, the sacramento bee, governor jerry brown signed a so-called
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anti-revenge porn bill making it illegal for people to post revealing photos of their exs online with the quote intention to cause emotional distress. >> i did that to willie once, it shook him up a week and a half. he got over it. look at him. he's very good. >> really? >> all right. >> let's see. see, he's trying to do it back to me. it gets ugly when we text around. naked pictures of himself. >>. >> i'm strong, though. i got broad shoulders. i can handle it. >> the offenses qualifies as a misdemeanor with the possibility of up to six months in jail or a fine of $1,000. >> from usa today, a new study revealles young adults are driving less, thank god and choosing other forms of transportation based on how well they can stay connected. the millennials says it allows time for social networking and
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time on the go. the sign says it can hold an iphone in one hand, a dime back in the other. you don't have to worry about the steering wheel. >> exactly. >> two hands occupied. i always drove with my knees, anyway. >> the tea house political co mike, a look at the playbook, good morning. >> good morning, guys. >> so i think the american people will be relieved to know there is one group unaffected by the shutdown, lobbyists still doing their job. >> reporter: that's right. yesterday on capitol hill, the lobbyists were out in force. what are they lobbying on? nothing is going on with immigration, nothing is going on with tax reform. their clients want the gossip. their clients want to know, what is going on. a big problem on capitol hill yesterday was getting into the house office buildings, there were fewer entrance opened because of the shutdown. so lines of hundreds of people, but one lobby identified told us and joe will remember this
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trick. if are you a lobbyist, there is a lean of hundreds of people, what do you do? one lobbyist told us on the record he had a staff moment, drive him into the house garage using the house license plate and took him into an elevator. there is always a way. >> thank you. >> they are so clever. hey, meek, let me ask you more broadly what we have been talking about. where this is headed. as sam was saying earlier, will is no end in sight for this. two weeks from tomorrow we reach our debt ceiling. what itself the way out of this? >> yeah, the pous house republicans had originally wanted to roll these negotiations together with the debt ceiling. the question is, our house republican, are they going to be able to endure the pane that comes from the coverage of this that comes from whatever blowback or backlash and the real life effects in their
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zivenlths willie, one thing politicos are picking up on is the most vulnerable republicans, the republicans that have tough re-election rates next year are the ones who say let's get something done. so it's very possible that there will start to be a push on this leadership to act before themment for now, they've bought time. they said they want a conference committee to discuss it. they did the old trick, a photo op and the empty care that doesn't have the senate democrats on it and so at the moment, people do expect it to take a couple weeks. if it is really hurting republicans, you question. the white house is really leading the democrat ec push here from that end of pennsylvania avenue. >> well, what you guys have been saying about the lack of negotiations is right and the white house is having to make its own tough decisions just this morning, announcing they are cutting short the president's trip to asia, it was going to be four countries,
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seven days, now, he's not going to malaysia or the philipines. part of that is a message ending. part of it is say want the president out with the republican people, this is republican's fault and when the president is abroad, it's a different setting. it's much more difficult to do that. we saw the president four times on monday delivering his message of who is at fault. you saw him again this week. so both sides are trying to frame this before it gets set in people's minds who caused this, whose fault it is. >> it's really working. mike, really quickly, is it not working for the president and democrats? i understand yesterday was the biggest fundraising all democrats have had since the presidential election. this is political gold for them. >> yeah. and, joe, we're hearing the same thing that you were from the leadership. so many republicans are telling
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willie's blind alley, put it perfectly, so many republicans around town telling us that there wasn't an end game, that there wasn't a way out of the strategy and the republican's strategy depend on democrats saying, i give up. that's not a good strategy. >> that wasn't going to happen. it hasn't happened and it's not going to happen. >> all right. thanks so much. we'll see you. >> have a great day. thanks. coming up next the last time the pirates were in the playoffs, george h.w. bush was president. highlights from the wildcard matchup. did they move on? also, michael jordan, i don't know if he was talking trash. he was answering questions about lebron james and kobe bryant and how he would fair in those one-on-one matchups. sports is next.
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. >> all right. it's time for some sports t. pittsburgh pirates are in the playoffs for the first time in 20 years. you remember the last time, sid bream sliding into home base. >> sid the kid, was it '92? >> the night sid the kid slid. last night in pittsburgh, russell martin a two run home
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run in the center. pirates up 2-0. francisco liriano dominant, striking out five. here now the final out in the 9th inning. >> to 2nd. that's it for pittsburgh pirates. they're on their way to st. louis. in the national league division series. a playoff win in pittsburgh for the first time since 1992. >> ernie johnson on the call there with tbs. according to final numbers. the largest paid attendance in the history of that great ballpark. 40,487 on hand. there is the manager clint hurdle with goggles on. they play on thursday, the other matchup, that braves will play the dodgers. good for pittsburgh. great for the pirates. a great ballpark. i hope they march on. tonight tampa bay plays
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cleveland in the a.l. wildcard. also in the american league the tigers take on the as. >> look at these teams, man, what an amazing post-season for baby. this is just for me the most exciting in a long, long time. great teams. great cities. >> great organization. >> great cities, unbelievable. >> new energy in the playoffs, pittsburgh in there, it's refreshing and fun. >> by the way, a couple years ago, of course, when the moneyball movie came out, they're going, moneyball, that doesn't -- man, it's still there. it's unbelievable what they do with so little. >> nothing. you throw the as in there, the pirates in there, a lot of those type of teams in the playoffs. >> yeah. meanwhile the yankees on the other end of the moneyball spectrum, supposed to offer joe girardi a new contract. he's compiled 900 wins, his current deal ends on the 31st.
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>> what do you think? >>. >> he did a great job this year. it's hard to argue against this. >> he seems like a great guy, a great coach. >> that's the report. a terrific guy t. question willie and i were talking, does he want to stay here and preside over a rebuilding new york yankee team because it is going to be a rebuilding team. >> it's the yankees, man. right? >> yeah. >> you finish fourth, no hats what your name is. you want to win. what is he going to do? >> the montreal expos? >> i mean, next 84. >> that's coming back. i'm telling you. i haven't heard a whole lot. i would love it. >> the grossest ballpark the grossest uniforms, those hats, though. expos. >> the great hat. >> as great as the '76 atlanta braves mod uniforms. it may have been the funkiest ever. >> they play in that olympic stadium, the swimming pool. it was like a family center. >> just miss rabl.
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but i miss the expos. i want them back pedro martinez. >> that's right. early on. by the way, while we're just ram himming. sid bream, you brought back such great memories. everybody in the deep south had suffered with the atlanta braves since luma harris started coaching him in 1966. everyone on barnicle remembers that. >> you are watching sid lumber, there is no way. >> i was screaming. it was incredible. one of the great moments. >> remember that, mika? >> yes, exactly. >> the bob horner era. >> bob horner. >> the era where they lose 120 games and can't lose grass. it was loserville for a while. >> you never had to come out and celebrate, sitting there smoking in the tent. >> hit hank aaron, though, baby.
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that was worth everything. >> no better than that. so michael jordan is in the news promoting a new nba video game. he was asked about who he would like to go one on one with the he was still in his prime. >> start off with jerry west. kobe brian in the his prime. lebron in his prime. mello. that's a good start. other than kobe bryant. >> he says i don't think i'd lose to anybody other than kobe bryant for michael jordan to admit somebody could beetle, kobe tweeted this. domino effect, i stole some of his, this generation stole some of mine. >> so not even a complement from michael? >> he doesn't hand out complements. >> by the way, michael is my age, he's talking like he's 78. >> i think he just turned 50. >> i know, my age.
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>> that's remindful of the story of a former major league pitcher who owner owned a bar in san francisco. >> where is this going? >> 1976, he is asked if ted williams were playing today, lefty, what do you think he'd hit? he thought for a second, i don't know, dh, maybe 280, 285 t. guy says, are you kidding me? ted williams is the greatest hitter. he says, yeah, you got to remember, he's what now, 72? that's what that's about. >> oh. more stories. we'll break down the montreal expos. more on the expos. >> sid the kid. >> a must read next. [ male announcer ] this one goes out to all the allergy muddlers.
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joining us from washington, white house correspondent for the associated press julie pace. good to have you back. >> thanks for having me. >> john boehner wrote something in "usa today" maybe he'll try and speak some sense to members of his party and maybe some parts of congress that maybe need to be brought into control. i'm thinking he's going to restore order. so why don't i read this? >> i know where this is going. >> this would be goodment he will speak sense. >> you can see this one coming at you like a freight train out of the mist. >> here's what speaker barney says, i'm so excited. >> right. all right. >> obama owns the shutdown t. president isn't telling the whole story t. fact is that washington democrats have slammed the door on re-opening the government by refusing to engage in bipartisan talks. and as stories highlight the
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devastating impact on families and small businesses, they continue to reject our calls for fairness for all americans. this is a part of a larger pattern. the president scorched earth policy of refusing to negotiate in a bipartisan way on his current funding or the debt limit. >> julie, the president told anybody who would listen for weeks before the shutdown, he just wasn't going to negotiate and it seems like he's keeping his word. >> he is keeping his word. i think what republicans and john boehner especially were counting on is the president in the end would decide he would negotiate. you can't blame the republicans for thinking that. the president has negotiated. democrats have been upset with some of the things he's given up at the end. the reason this time is different and no one should have been surprised is that we are not talking about something like spending levels where you could
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see the white house giving a little in the end. we're talking about the health care law and if there is one piece of legislation the president has passed in the white house that he is adamant about implementing is the health care law and anybody who talked to white house officials in the leadup to the shutdown deadline knew this was something they were not going to negotiate over. >> so help me with perspective, is there a law that has been passed? . >> one of the things boehner wrote, his health care law, it's no longer his, president obama's health care law. it's a law. it's been adjudicated t. supreme court has ruled on it. it's been passed. trying it into law. it's a law. for imof whatever you want to say about it. it's not his, it's ours. >> historically, mika, i can't think of a question. john, maybe you could. this would be like republicans in 1966 if they controlled the house. shutting down the government and try to appeal the voter's light
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act of '65, this would be like tip o'neil in 1983 or 1984 shutting down the house to try to repeal ronald reagan's tax cuts. ronald reagan would compromise on a lot. right. reagan did compromise. we talked about it before. he's compromised on abortion, on taxes, he compromised on guns, but he wouldn't compromise on his presidency any more than barak barak will compromise on giving up ganci he made in the signature legislation. >> promised julie he made, this is the one thing, even at times when he elected doing that. >> the white house says this is something that could have been overturned by the supreme court and it wasn't. this is something that voters could have voted for a repeal on the they had voted for mitt romney as president. now, we've gone through all of these moments where you could have had the law overturned,
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appealed. it didn't happen. no surprise on this piece of legislation they not so hard for and dogged them through so many political fights that they're going to stand firm on this. >> john. >> i don't think there is a stronger example for repeal except something like prohibition, something that's broad but afal gus. there is a great story when ford is told by tip o'neil, he reads the statement. hipp tip says he appreciates the courtesy. they chat. o'neil says, jesus, jerry, here we are talking like this 18 months from now, i'm going around the country kicking your ass in. it's always been this way, except that they believed there was a common smiblt to govern. that's the consensus that's broken. there are people in washington now who believe that the ideological principal is more important tan the basic social contract of governing.
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>> a.p.'s julie pace, thank you so much. good to have you back on the show. >> thank you. >> still ahead, democratic senator tim kaine jones us along with republican congressman peter king. more "morning joe"? just a moment. [ music playing ] we'll be like, "whoa!" wow! wow! weight watchers. because it works. join for free. offer ends october 19th. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] build anything with the new toyota tundra. toyota. let's go places.
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>> coming up next, award winning journalist carl bernstein will be right back with more "morning joe." ready to run your lines?
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. >> you are casting this city precisely where it cannot be cast, as just another federal appropriation. this is a living, breathing city and the notion of holding up our budget under any circumstances
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or not distinguishing between the district of columbia appropriation, which is a budget, a local budget, not one of your 12 appropriations, a local budget and the other budgets is breaking my heart. it puts me in the impossible position. i have a greater number of federal employees than any part of this region and, of course, because i must support this piecemeal approach, i'm leaving them behind. but what am i to do? what would you do if your local budget was here? so i'm asking, keep the district opened. everybody in this chamber ought to be doing everything that you can to get it out of here. >> welcome back to "morning joe." top of the hour, i don't knowing the table. the editor and pub learner of the weekly standard, bill kristol. carl bern stooernlgs award winning author. and sam stein is still with us.
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>> elliot from d.c. was asking her democratic colleagues to support a republican bill that would have funded the district of columbia. the republicans voted for it. democrats did not. and they're needing two-thirds of the vote and it failed. >> so and here we are. on day two of the government shutdown. yesterday, house republicans tried to pass a series of stop gap measures that would have funded agencies like the va, national parks and the city of washington, d.c. but they all failed to get the two-thirds needed, flanked by the people, he says are benefit fisheries of the health care law -- beneficiaries of the health care care, president obama saying putting the economy at risk. >> no, this shutdown is not about deficits, it's not about budgets. this shutdown is about rolling back our efforts to provide health insurance to folks who don't have it. it's all about rolling back the
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affordable care act. this more than anything else seems to be what the republican party stands for these days. i know it's strange one party would make keeping people uninsured the centerpiece of their agenda, that apparent willcy what it is. >> boehner and reid are going after each other. >> what is something you want to hear? >> it's every 82 week. >> bill kristol. i want to read. >> let's read the "wall street journal" first. >> fine. we will read to different points. >> we are in kindergarten again. >> you are welcome to leave any time you like. >> i am going to read thomas freed man. >> president obama took on the pulpit, with his usual strategy, denouncing republican, even as he refusss to negotiate t. truth is that mr. obama and the gop's own defund obama care caucus put
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beaner and house republicans in a difficult spot f. they now surrender empty hand their ted cruz faction will denounce them as sellouts. the longer they hold out for compromise from an awol public, the public will turn against gop governments. we oppose strategy be precisely because this is so inevitable but now that it's here the question is, what republicans can do to navigate an honorable exit that accomplishes some of tear dpoels, mr. krisotol? what can they do? >> this is the journal attacking. i told them they can do, first of all the situation is all these people are hostile to the republican party. they are so concerned about the fate of the republican party, god the shutdowns could be disastrous, just like in 'in addition, a congressman from the first district of florida voted for house budget after house budget. the government shutdown.
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he one 61% of the vote. it was a bad year with 72% of the vote. i looked this up in november of '96. it was terrible for the country. 1996, a terrible year for the economy. >> personally, i will hanser. >> i'm not blaming you. i'm defending you. >> listen, you did the right ting in '95-96. >> i said on this air, the biggest mistake in '95 and '96 is we didn't hold out long enough. bill clinton was about to crack. in this case, though, there is no end game. >> first after all, it was a good year in 19 necks. politically, what is it? part of it is passing these piecemeal bills like the one if d.c. that eleanor holmes norton was pleading to pass two-thirds vote in the house? why was that big in it was on suspension i guess, they can do it. >> if they do it straight up and democrats can put in a clean cr.
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>> but they're going to do it now i think straight up. >> they should do it straight up. >> they should be able to pass it. if they can. i think it's a tough vote for the senate democrats to explain where they're against funding the most important parts of the federal government that node to be kept opened that other parts will have to take a vacation. just as the military pay act went lou. >> you said something intriguing in your piece yesterday. you said republicans should leave town. >> well,. >> go home, get out of the bubble of washington, d.c., hold town hall meetings and let americans hear what their constituents say. it ain't going to be the same thing inside the washington bubble. >> it isn't the. d.c., we're affected by a shutdown. it can't go on forever. i would have a different strategy. here's the fact that two things holding up funding the government right now are a special exemption to go into the exchanges. that's a hard thing for democrats to defend. they have to vote for it to keep a continuing resolution from
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going through and the individual mandate, which i think is easy to justify suspending. the president suspended the employee manual. the president suspended part of that law. congress is trying to suspend to delay, just to delay here. so what's going to happen, final point? the debt ceiling is coming off in a week. that's a serious fight. this will roll into that. there has to be a negotiation. why? what's the key to the president's strategy on this fight? it's the senate democrats can hold tough and say clean cr. they do not have 51 votes for a clean debt ceiling increase. so there has to be a negotiation. so we're going to have a negotiation in a week or two. this is not going to be a disaster. >> carl bernstein, our democracy is at stake. you make it sound so simple, mr. kristol. how do others think there is more at stake here, this time is different. what is at stake in this government shutdown forced by a rad dal tea party minority is
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nothing less than the principle upon which our democracy is based, majority rule. president obama must not give into this hostage taking, not just because obama care is at stake but because the future of how we govern is at stake. and that is the really scary part. the lawmakers doing this can do so with high confidence that they personally will not be politically punished and may, in fact, be rewarded. >> eric cantor and his republican party are the most dangerous demogogic force since joe mccarthy. that's what this is about. it's about the parts of the republican party that are willing to appease this awful force and i think what we are seeing is a redefinition an understanding of barak barobama presidency, which is to protect frus this dangerous demogogic element on the precipice of
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really having a kind of power that's ruined us in america an ruined us to democracy and the appeasement of people like mcconnell and boehner to misforce your party. i'd like to know who you elected. will. >> i was going to say, joe mccarthy. >> it's go back to joe mccarthy for a minute, carl. the president said. i was going to say, this is how easy it is. >> he said a month ago, we need to go to war, they supported the president. they said, was that mccarthy? did they demagogues it? that's an incredible cheap shot. >> let's stop about cheap shots. i think obama did a stupid thing about saying a line in the sand. i think he back tracked because he knew it was not a wise move.
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>> i'm just saying. the leadership in the republican party. >> let's stop on the cheap shots. i would suggest when you said eric cantor and the republicans were the most dangerous, his republican party was the most dangerous to happen to american politics. joe mccarthy called out columnists in hollywood and government and the truman and fdr administration, some would take that as an insummit. >> he might. >> that's not a cheap shot? >> no, i don't think so. i think joe mccarthy's historic role. >> eric cantor. >> i think you are very comfortable. i think they heal not from fact but wild accusations. >> what's the wild accusation? >> the wild accusation is the government and the people of this country will be in hell if we -- >> is that a quote? >> can i finish? if we have this kind of health care. this is somewhat equivalent. let's go back and look. >> the republicans are trying to suspend two parts of that he can heck law. >> fine, let them try to delay.
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>> they did. >> let them try to delay it without shutting down the government the national parks. >> eleanor holmes norton is saying, let them do it without this kind of demagogery. >> i understand what eleanor holmes norton was saying. >> do you think how a continuing resolution works under -- >> wait a minute. they voted to gen with, their object here, come on, bill, let's be straight. >> they passed the suspension of the individual mandate two months ago, the house democrats voted for it. has that been brought to a vote in the u.s. senate? >> no. >> so what are they supposed to do? they are supposed to suspend this individual pan date harry read will not rick it up to a vote. >> let me look at the procedure and 60 votes. come on. >> so, carl, you are obviously. >> i'm on your side. >> it is the first time i can actually say this in the history
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of "morning joe," you are outnumbered by conservatives. i understand that. can you at least at mid to me how this functional congress is. you did a lot of -- >> of course, you are. >> i was going to say, can you not admit it is also a serious problem that democrats haven't passed on the senate a single appropriations bill this year. >> absolutely. >> bill and i. >> easy admission. >> bill and i will agree with you, like the wroet journal said, they shouldn't have boxed themselves in this way. it was a stupid thing to do. but as meacham said, in shakespeare, not a single appropriations bill has been passed out. >> i agree with you totally except if terms of proportionality. the proportion and what we are talking about here in terms of what one force is willing to do and the other are quite different and that's saying that, look, i think a lot of the democratic party in congress is brain dead.
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but that is different from the kind of demagogery we have seen and the oppositional politics to undermine barak obama in the overwhelm the national interests, going back to when the eric cantor republicans took the economic plan of barak obama and decided that bern anke, the hel with saving the economy. let's go with this us a territory program. >> obama control passed both side of the public. >> he did. and they did unanimously. >> and they were right to do so. >> by the way. >> ronald reagan was re-elected. there is more than re-election involved, bill. >> you are saying it's disloyal to oppose the president's re-election? >> no. >> chief of staff, the education department if '86 or '87. tip o'neil, there were budget
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fights. there were fights of legislative priorities. >> western they repealing laws and do you really agree with that by going this far? we have been asking. >> what itself the principles, bill? the principles is the president suspended the mandate. the senate will not give him a vote. it's reasonable debt. look. i won have done it. i would have had a different set of taxes. why skavent they accept this one year's delay on the mandate and congressional consensus? >> because, first of all, let's go back to social security. when roosevelt got social security, let's say the republicans in the house of representatives decided to shut down the government rather than give us social security. let's work with what this health care system is and try to make it work. if you want to suspend the individual mandate, let's see it pass both houses of congress, go
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ahead, but to do this, to have this kind of scorched earth politics that runs through everything eric cantor and this demagogic party has done is a disgrace and i think you can paint with a broad brush here, because it's consistent. it's not about this individual thing. >> it's not consistent. . >> it's just not reality-based. he had to paint with his broader brush. >> come on. it's been going on 15 minutes. bill, let's talk for a second, preten that carl is not here and nobody else is here for second. is it fair to say that republicans should understand as much as lee's troops should have understand when they were running up tickets charged at any time
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activist government, they're not libber taerns. they don't think like you and i. we want to take care of the people. it's like a sequester. right?+++t,( shouldn't we republicans know going into a fight leak this that we're running up a hill and we're not going to sadly, worry just not going to when that national debate on a government shutdown. >> yes. on the republican party. they would have said this is a little too steep ohill. i don't think it's the end of the world. i think there are ways to get out of this as the wroet journal explained yesterday, we will go right into the debt ceiling negotiation yesterday. it will node to end in a few days. most in a couple of weeks.
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they can take care of the parts of the federal government they need to be taken care of. so i think is it if greatest thing that ever happened to the republican party? is eight disaster? either for the u.s. or the republican party? no. >> you know, i miss willie, mika. >> who was that guy? >> what would guy dos if he were here. >> we were watching and enjoying it. bill, i weekender what you mike, people like tom coburn, peter kai kane was on this show. they say they should be blamed. >> let's not blame people. i don't think the world is coming to an en. i, myself, wrote ten poses. i explained there was a better way to criticize and begin the process of repealing obama care than a particular ted cruz strategy. on the other hand, you can't blame ted cruz, he feels strongly about this.
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if he were to rally to make this happen. now the responsibility is to physical out the right way out of this slightly uphill fight. but i think it's a little too much his terria honestly. i like pet ter king. i'm a shuj u huge supporter of john mccain. we have to have a negotiation t. debt blem iran,ish is a serious. there is going to be a good thing. >> sam stein, enough, i'm sure you feel just like bill kristol, there is nothing to see here, right? >> yeah, basically. i mean, the idea that this is not the end of the world and that they're funding the three most important agencies, maybe in your world, it's not the end of the world, i have spent the last six hours last night just surveying local news stories about this. 85,000 people are losing nutritional assistance in arkansas. that's not inside the beltway. that's in arkansas. 13 head start programs are
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closing in connecticut. so for these people affected by these cuts, it is sort of comparable to the end of the world. i understand that it's great to wait it out and to, you know, negotiate from the better platform with more power and the debt ceiling and all. that but those two weeks that you waited out are consequential for a whole number of people. not just in the agencies that the government wants funded. many agencies beyond that. i think we tend to lows that perspective when we have these types of situations. >> i think the republican house should move to fun those relevant programs, but the entire federal government, obviously, from the education department, i have to designate the essential employees when we shut down. i joked to my boss, saying no one in the education department is essential. that's too flip. i understand that before i get lectured by sam the truth is, there are parts that are serious that, are urgent and parts that
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are not. the republican house can move. but a shutdown is not going to be the end of the world. you can't go into the facility. >> unless you are on nutritional. >> it's not the end of the world. the state of arkansas can help out. local titys can help out. churches can help out. i believe no one will start in arkansas because of the shutdown. >> i believe we will open the churches and synagogues for the homeless in america. now we are down to what this is about and the difference between inside the beltway argument and mechanics and real principles. this is an act of irresponsibility on such a scale and it goes to the heart of what our politics has become. incidentally, i'll give you an awful lot of what the democrats have done in congress. but i think it's time to reevaluate it and look at a
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halting mechanism for this demagogic force. >> i got to stop here before we go to break and tell you the only reason ted cruz is in congress the only reason scott walker who is governor of wisconsin, the only reason why this faction and this tea party faction is as strong as they are is because barak obama got elected if 2008. >> i agree with you. absolutely. >> so you can't say he is the leveling wind to the tea party when barak obama's own extremism on the left caused the reaction that elected the tea party. >> these are, my friend the sons and daughters of barak obama. >> i think there is something to be said for that. the angry sons and daughters of joe mccarthy as well. i think you got to go back to t the analogy. >> i am the angry sons and
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daughters of bill clinton. >> carl if you are right, there will be a leveling wind next year. you foe what, i remember talking to jeb bush in '93 saying how sad i was, if '94, how sad i was his father was beaten by bill clinton. it was the greatest injustice that happened in the history of mankind, and jeb said, you know what, because bill clinton won, we're probably going to tack back congress for the first time in a generation. he was right. and i got to say, this is what scares me about what republicans are doing right now. >> you ought to be scared. people understand it. >> but i'm scared because i think they have unnecessarily hurt themselves. >> yep. >> i don't think they're going to be locusts descend frack the heavens. i think we will figure out a way out of it. it's an overreach. i think there will be senate candidates hurt next year. >> all right. we are so over time. thank you so much is there wait,
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we're not letting him go. >> oh. >> thank you. >> round two is coming up. this is round 14. we're getting him out of the corner. the thrilla from manila. >> yeah, baby. senator kirsten gilibrand will join us and representative peter king. and later, former cia officer valerie plame jones us with her new book "blow back." >> up next, democratic senator tim kaine along with chuck todd, the "morning joe" continues when we come back. lyrics: 'take on me...' ♪ .
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. >> consider that a couple weeks ago, apple rolled out a new operating system. within days they found a glitch.
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so they fixed it. i don't remember anybody suggesting apple should stop selling iphones or ipads or threatening to shut down the company if they didn't. that's not how we do things in america. you don't root for failure. we get to work. we make things happen. we make them better. we keep going. >> all right. 28 past the hour. we come back to "morning joe." how we all doing? >> great. how are you? >> you like reading on the side? >> by the way, that was barak obama comparing the rollout yesterday. >> do we have to call him president of the united states barak obama all the time when you used to refer to the 43rd president that blank blank bush. >> really. >> i don't have as to say president obama every time. i can say barak obama. >> i don't say it like you used to say bush. >> oh. >> whoa. >> no, it's true.
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>> i never go called him obama. barak obama. >> no. >> there is. i'll let you guys discuss this it's quite interesting. >> if you guys could calm. we will kind of sit around and watch. >> i usually say president obama. i say barak obama. >> will kristol and i agree on something. >> the president. >> the mighty president of the united states, whose legislation we cannot question, whose leadership we must revere and praise at all moments. he was blessing us with the gift. magnificentlied a menstered by these exchanges. >> the we are building apartments, a loft over here, so i can go with him. critics from washington. nbc chief white house correspondent. democratic senator from virginia, senator tim kaine. i have so much i want to do
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here. i don't know where to start. this is a veritable question. let me go, i'll call him senator tim kaine. >> hi, guys. >> excellent senator tim kaine. >> i'm a former exellency. >> what are you going to do former exellency if you get a chance to do what democrats had a chance to do last night and vote to fund d.c. on a stand alone bill. let say the nih. let's hope we get a stand alone bill for nih. what would you do? >> i'm not sure. it's a missed ton. we ought to be spending and doing the: r at the house's own budget level. that's what's so crazy about this thing. when the house senates their cr, they fund it at their level, the senate didn't like. they had the fund obama care
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piece of it. we could have changed the number to what we liked and pass an immigration bill or pass the farm bill. we didn't, we separated out the non-spending items. we just said we will accept house, we will accept your spending number. that's a huge concession, our spending number for the cr would have been about 50 billion higher. all they have to do is say yes for an answer, so if they want to, every few days, take up a middle eastern little bill and send it over, i guess we'll consider it. but they should just take yes for an answer. i'm happy to see four house republicans, virginia republicans are now on board with the, let's go ahead and pass the spending bill at the house's number, reopen government and then the budget conference. >> all right. chuck todd, what do you i agree out of the white house, did you know that tim kaine won the national spelling bee two weeks
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ago? >> i did not know that. this is bad for the media. >> the word was non-pareill. >> i couldn't even pronounce it. i could spell it. >> there you go. very impressive. i don't see how we are ending any time soon. this is rolling into the debt ceiling t. white house is sort of bracing. i think they thought beaner would basically have conceded by now on the shutdown and moved the debt ceiling. the fact that he hasn't. they're assuming this is going long term. senate democrats are assuming this is going long term. republicans i talked to yesterday foley better yesterday than they have felt about their strategy in three days. they felt like yesterday was a good day for them at least on the pr front. so, obviously, well, because they felt they were able to do
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two things they believe. no. 1, beat up on harry reid, make harry reid look like he's not negotiating. the second thing, they were just all on the same page. you didn't have other than peter king, you didn't have 15, 20, republicans going public criticizing the strategy like you did the day before. everybody seemed to be quiet. does that mean that will be the case today, tomorrow? long-term? i don't see how this ends very well from the house republicans. but right now, there is united -- they're as united as they have been in a few days. i think they're taking some las in that. which means you will not see any movement at least for this week. >> senator, i wanted to ask you, virginia is pretty balanced state on the knife's edge and national elections. what are independents in virginia thinking about all this? >> well, they're very discouraged, john. to give you an example, if you asked where would a shutdown be felt most?
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folks would say washington or hampton roads where the naval operations are. i got a couple interesting calls yesterday from virginia, some of you know it, barrier islands off the eastern shore of virginia in a very red county in -- on the eastern shore of virginia. and what they were saying is they're just devastated by the shutdown because it's a tourism economy. people come to chincotique, the gas stations, the places that sell the shades, they're all very devastated with the closing of the park. the other major industry over there that they've worked very hard to build in recent years is a big nasa facility about 5 miles away. 97% of the nasa employees are furloughed as a result of this shutdown and so this is in a very red part of the state. you won think of it as federally connected. yet, they're reaching out, saying, for gosh say, reopen
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government. can you have the debates about the affordable care act or anything else in the normal way. reopen government, please, so i'm hearing that from all over the state. i thought it was interesting to hear it from a state i wouldn't immediately have thought of and most of us wouldn't as affected. >> bill, i was elected in an area called the most conservative district, northwest florida. he may well be right. but as the government shutdown went on, even my very conservative base said enough. when does that happen, do you think? when does that happen? >> well, if a shutdown would happen fast, in a week or two. remember in less than what 14 days, 16 days, i think, we have the real shutdown. so we're going to have to have a negotiation about that. so i think basically as chuck todd said the shutdown, we have to have a negotiation. i live there. i have a high regard for him. he was my governor. i didn't vote for him.
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hess a good governor. >> when are you going to learn? >> what did tim kaine do? he had a lot of republicans, a lot very conservative. he negotiated with them. honestly, i'm not being partisan here. i'm surprised be i the degree to which president obama has let this get. we have met pretty conservative guys. mitch mcconnell is used to negotiateing. they pulled the chestnuts out of the fire t. degree to which president obama has decided unlike president clinton, president bush, president reagan, its not his responsibility ahead of time to work things out to some degree at least with the leader the speaker of the house, of the majority of the house. it's shocked tim kaine didn't get everything in the water. we never got to this situation. >> tim, senator. >> what i would say is i don't think the senate is the problem. the president and senate are working very well together. i would agree with one part of
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what bill kristol said, i don't think beaner is the problem. he's got a faction that will continually pull towards the, you know, let's burn bridges rather than build bridges. and so the issue is, you know, how do you negotiate when have you this faction that wants to pull away and they're actually sort of rev eming in what's going on right now. that's why i'm happy the virginia republicans yesterday, four of them in the house all came out and said, look, let's just do a clean spending bill. let reopen government. we can have a policy decision separately. that's the kind of moderates we need more of. >> senator, if they are rev eming in this, it is a muted party. they're paep happy, i can tell you. a lot of house republicans that are very concerned right now. but, hey, senator, thank you so much for being with us. we greatly appreciate it. in bill kristol's eyes, you are almost famous. one of these days he may vote
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for you. >> now that he knows i'm a good speller. >> there is a new quinnipiac poll coming out, on the republican side, senator rand paul is in front with 17%. chris christie isn't far behind with 13%. marco rubio, jeb bush and ted cruz and paul ryan follow. it is hillary's polling at 61%. vice president joe bind 50 points back. clinton holds the lead. she peet's out chris christie 49 to 36. rand paul 53 to 36. ted cruz by 13 points. 51 to 31. >> chuck todd, how remarkable is it in the age of obama, can you have guys that get elected, senator, before they even move into their office and get all the furniture, they're running for president. here you look at that list. you got ted cruz, you got rand paul. you got marco rubio.
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come on. >> hey, rand paul and marco rubio are veterans. hey, you know what, put that mooim primary back up again, i did a little quick math. it's interesting to me, right? add up christie, jeb and ryan together. then add up paul, rubio and cruz together. the reason i say that is, there is your two primaries. we will lump them altogether. i think i came up with quickly 39, 35, something like that. where the more conservative tea party when of the party ahead than the more establishment republicans when you put them together. that's the way to look at 2016. all those guys aren't going to run, what you will have. it will be the establishment versus the conservative grass roots tea party wing. right now, look who is ahead. if you look this, the tea party conservative grass roots guys get more support than the establishment guys. i think that tells you right now where the direction of the party is. it explains why it is a standoff right now in capitol hill.
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>> bill kris otol, off what chuck told us, indicated, we get the two tiered primary, a prospect. where does the republican party go on that two-tiered primary? >> it's been going on a long time. reagan verizon ford. reagan verizon bush. 2012. romney against the field f. there had been a more plausible conservative, it's quite conceivable you would have had a showdown between a serious, more conservative populist republican than romney. i think the good news, that whole list, you look at that two ways, hillary clinton dominated, extremely well known, formidable candidate. you look at it another way, what six republicans in their early 40s the oldest person on that list is christie, probably, except for jeb bush. don't you want to be the party with a younger generation as opposed, mrs. clinton, former secretary, former first lady.
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i like republican prospects if 2016 with that kind of field. they're have a vigorous primary dewitt. that's happened before. >> they're doing a good job prepping themselves. >> thank you. we'll see you, not on the daily run. i tend to like experience. >> that's why you were a big supporter of barak obama if 28. >> i was the one to say very first on the set of "morning joe" that you all were idiots to laugh at the concept of him running for president. republicans did not know what to do with him and they did not. republican congressman peter cane will join the conversation. more "morning joe" when we come back. here's the plan.
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. >> coming up, valerie plame will be here. up next, republican congressman peter king. we'll see if we can finally get him to speak his mind. we'll see, i don't know. we'll be right back. customer erin swenson ordered shoes from us online
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. >> with us now republican congressman from new york. representative peter king. all right, peter, welcome back to the show. everything okay? >> water up? >> how is it going? >> anything going on? anything to august about? >> the last thing that happened to me, i bumped into mika at the airport on saturday. >> you admit you did not have any clue who i was? you were horrified. >> i heard it was the opposite, i heard it was you thought it was someone else. >> i had no makeup on. it was path bad. >> peter, the republicans the "wall street journal" says they have backed themselves into a corner here. how do we republicans get out of that corner? >> yeah, you know, i have said this in the stock. many others have, sam coburn, jeff blake, carl rogue, if this was doomed from the start. having said that, i'd be very critical of republicans as have you on this, it's also time for the president to come in right now.
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i can't imagine ronald reagan standing on the side lines while government is shut down. he's the president of the united states? how do we get out of it? if they somehow combine this agreement on the debt ceiling, the president put something on the table regarding the political device tax, but again, i'm not negotiating for the party. something has to be done. we have allowed 30 to 40 people to hijack this party. to me, this is not a conservative issue with some of the most conservative people in the congress and the media said this is a bad idea. conservatives have not threatened to bring down the situations. that's what's happening here. >> chris, obviously, there is frustration on all sides. we all republicans are all concerned about the republican party. but at the same time, we're h e asking would linden johnson
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stand on the side lines? the president called john ban tore tell him, i'm not going to compromised, the president holds press conferences, i'm not going to compromised. >> like i said, i was chief of staff, it was shut down once or twice within i was there. ronald reagan and the democrats and congress worked it out pretty quickly. i agree, this is not a huge difference the suspension for one year, right now going in the barring anything position is could we suspend one year the individual mandate as you, mr. president, can we get rid of this special deal in congress? they would like democrats would like to repeal, that an impossible thing to work out? >> don't you think, pete the president called up boehner, he called up more conservative members of congress in the hour, i'm not sho sure you couldn't have a deal and fold it into the debt ceiling discussion. how do you think that plays out? harry reid can't finish it clean with only democratic votes,
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right? doesn't there have to be a negotiation in the next two weeks? >> especially on the debt ceiling. bill, to be honest with you, we have people the certain ted cruz wing of the party. i don't think e i don't know if they are willing to make any concession at all. they will have to make it clear they will not make a move on john bohner, if he gets 180, 190 republicans behind something and put it on the house floor and need democratic votes to pass it. i don't want these guys bringing down the speakership later on, it's like a double gun they're holding. one is the government on the shutdown. the other is the republican leadership in the house that we don't go the way of these 30, 40 people, they will basically know what's going on. that's the implied threat here. >> sam stein. >> there is talk on saturday night. is there a possibility of a group of moderates saying let's
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get it to the table? >> i don't consider myself a moderate. i am a blue collar conservative. what i said is -- >> i love that he said conservatives have resoelt, moderates have quasi-revolts. >> what i said was on saturday night, 20 or 25 people said they vote against the rule. 20 or 25 said they would. having said that, that's the first time anyone broke a rule and 12 voting against final passage. there will be meetings held with a number of people and we have seen conservative voices coming out from virginia. he tweeted out or put on his website that the time has come
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to open the government. i can tell you, you have been there. there is well over 100 who are fed up with this policy and they are afraid of a primary in their district. they want the government to open. we have so many issues to raise against this president. he sort of needs a life rope. >> congressman peter king, thank you very much. see you at the airport. >> you have a beautiful daughter. >> thank you. i do. >> she seemed intelligent. >> she is brilliant, thank you very much. his durt is her teacher. >> that's right. we just found out. >> she is being indoctrinated. >> educated is the word. ♪ 'take me home...'
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up next democrats reject an offer to partially funding the government. why funding the parks couldn't even muster a vote. also, new developments in the case of road rage. caught on camera in new york city, arrests have been made and we are learning more about the bikers involved. more "morning joe" when we come back.
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>> may those who possess power here in the capitol be mindful of those who possess little or no power whose lives have been made difficult by a failure to work out differences. >> good morning, everybody. >> thank you, father. >> 8:00 on the east coast and 5:00 on the west coast. we take a look at new york city. time to wake up on this beautiful day. welcome to "morning joe."
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john meachem and sam stein are with us. sam is in washington. day two of the government shut down. seriously? tensions were running high yesterday. everybody was afraid. everywhere was fighting. >> the twitter is explodinexplo. can you move the closed date to? we get lapped here. ready? one, two, three. day two! >> we have few answers on how to break it at this point. >> why don't we have 3d projections? >> that's the same graphic we used in the 96 shut down. we just kept it around. >> why don't we? have hans solo and princess leia. >> and tupac. >> and we don't we have that? >> talk to phil.
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>> complete your news experience. if you don't have hologram, how can you understand the news? right? am i right? don't you want tupac's hologram next to wolf? >> i would take tupac's shut down if that's what you are getting at. >> yes house republicans tried to pass a series of stop gap measures, band-aids that would only fund the va, national parks and the city of washington, d.c. they all failed to get the 2/3 needed to pass. flanked by people who are beneficiaries. >> i don't think they are band-aids. if you live in ush with wash. >> and work in those jobs. >> if you live in washington, d.c., elmer holmes said people's lives are at stake here. she is talking to the democrats. saying pass this piece of legislation. you guys can have your fight over obama care, but people can
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have vital services tomorrow if you would vote for this. the same visit for the va and the same for the parks. it's the republicans who according to the "wall street journal" even, the republicans have put us here. make no mistake of it it. harry reid and barack obama are loving every second of it. president obama is squeezing it for all he can. it's an all or nothing approach. make no mistake, it is the reality. you can look at the votes. the va would be funded today if the democrats had not killed the bill in the house and harry reid didn't have an all or nothing strategy. we have the vote totals. it's the same thing. park services would be open today if the democrats had not voted no to open the parks and the museum last night. the same thing goes for
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washington, d.c. again, i agree with the "wall street journal." this crisis was brought on by some really -- i'm not going to use the word. brought on by a certain faction of the republican party. but these are not band eded as. if there is a bill to take care of that or if you are a vet or a world war ii vet and you go to the world war ii veteran's memorial and it's closed down and i could go on and on. the democrats killed those last night. let's put that republicans screwed this up. let's put that up. i think the box is going to grow. >> a little bit out of place. >> do you disagree? >> no,i don't, but i don't think it can take two minutes at the top of the show given the bigger picture.
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the president makes a good point himself here. flanked lie beneficiaries of the health care law at the center of the shut down, president obama said republicans were putting the country's economy at risk. >> no, the shut down is not about deficits or budgets. it's about rolling back efforts to provide health insurance to folk who is don't have it. it's all about rolling back the affordable care act. this more than anything else seems to be what the republican party stands for these days. i know it's strange that one party would make keeping people uninsured the centerpiece of their agenda, but that apparently is what it is. >> yeah. despite the seemingly high stakes -- my point is given the point you were making which is absolutely true, the bigger point unfortunately is the president and democrats at this point have the higher ground. >> they do.
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>> you don't want to insure 7 million people? okay. >> the democrats do have the higher ground when you have the "wall street journal" who said we told you this was a stupid strategy. it is so stupid it's hard to figure out how the republicans get out of this colossally stupid strategy. most know it's a stupid strategy. we are listening to people like myself and scott walker and charles beforehand saying this is a colossal's stupid strategy. at the same time we have all seen this before. the president, harry reid, nancy pelosi, they don't want to be clever by half. >> right. you can overreach after you respond to overreach. >> exactly. that's why you win the pulitzer prize. >> there was a poll this week about how the american people now don't trust the american
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people. the collective wisdom. not only congress and the president's approval rating is down, there is a jen rgenuine c of confidence. i think in the six-month or 12-month window here, i don't think anybody wins. >> the "wall street journal," i keep going back for people who don't understand it. this is a republican crisis right now. the republican party is desperate to get out of the crisis of their own making, of a couple of members of the senate and house. what have you heard on the hill? what have you heard from republicans? there does not appear to be an escape route for these republicans. >> i heard it basically but they are not going to at this jinkture consider a short-term clean cr. something like six weeks to two months.
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that's pretty much the only escape route. if that's not on the table, i'm not sure what else is. let's go back to the votes that took place yesterday. it puts them in a bit of a bind, but there was a reason they were conducted on a 2/3 majority. that maneuver prevented house democrats from adding a clean cr. everyone knows that if a clean cr were brought to the floor of the house of representatives, it would have the majority to pass. it's there. >> when does john boehner say screw you guys, i'm going to put this on the floor and we are going to let the majority leader -- if you want to destroy the republican party vote me out, i will be golfing. i will be at pebble beach next winter. have fun. >> maybe that's what it takes. that's the million dollar question. when you are talking to
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lawmakers on the hill, they think this is not going to be a short lasting shut down. yesterday i was hearing from people that it's going to take until the end of friday. now you hear it's going to roll into the debt ceiling fight. that's two or three weeks. the consequences are dire. the national institutes of health announced they can't take 200 clinical patients including 30 kids with cancer because of the shut down. those stories are significant. regardless of those three short-term funding bills that the republicans produced, they didn't cover the nih. it will be painful. >> that is so important for members on both sides to know. a lot of people say this is not going to be a big deal. yesterday we heard the default will not be a big deal. they are big deals. the money with the national
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institute of health is not getting, you don't want to overstate it. you get tired of politicians overstating things. people can die. people could die because the nih is not getting funding. veterans that have given their all for this country are real people, suffering in a really significant way because of this. again, because there a handful of republicans who want to shut down the government if barack obama doesn't defund or delay obama care. it's never going to happen. ronald reagan would have given up tax cuts. it's not going to happen. >> the two sides are not talking. you think this is a crisis and they are in the back room and they are having steak dinners and smoking cigars. it's not happening. speaker boehner and president
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obama spoke for ten minutes. if you look at the reporting, they are not talking. they are sitting on their opposite sides and they don't know what to do. republicans walked into a blind alley led by certain members of the senate and they don't know where to go next. >> you know who else is not talking? republicans. my republican friends and they are plenty are telling me the leadership is not even talking to them. nobody is talking to anybody. the leadership is not even talking to the rank and file. >> they were estranged from the membership. the striking aspect of this and i think it's beginning to seep down from coast to coast among people. how did this begin. what is the root of this? the root of this is one small segment of one political party
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as everybody has been saying in washington. the republican party who have chosen to put a flag in the ground over the affordable care act. basically saying defund the affordable care act. people are thinking i don't know what it is, i don't know what obama care is, but it's an attempt to give people health care. it may not work, but let's find out. >> they were trying to find out yesterday. >> how were the numbers? >> not great, but there is a sign of a lot of interest and they could get a lot of people sign up. >> why weren't they ready for that? isn't that strange? this is government, i guess. >> health care exchange as part of the affordable care act. >> did you go online? >>. >> i did. >> you have the you tube video? >> harry and lose. >> i signed up and it said we have been overloaded and hang in
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there and we will direct you to the site. it took about ten minutes and it directed me to the site. obviously i didn't enroll, but -- i got a laugh track off my computer. >> so millions of people tried to enroll or look up insurance information on health, the site froze on people filling out application. states running market places had a lot of problems. the department of health and human services said more than 2.8 million people visited the federal exchange. >> that's almost as much as the guy who put the alphabet under water. on you tube. that went to you tube. did you see that? why weren't they ready for that? for a long time.
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i'm just saying you tube video is going to have 2.8 people coming a day putting spoons up their noses and up their ears, why wasn't the government ready for this? >> i don't know. it's curious, right? i have no idea what it takes to build a website and i assume it's hard. you build it and you bring in people to build it. part of the problem is people wanted insurance and took up all the band width. >> how do they confusion that site with a porn site. >> you have your way of looking at it where you said it doesn't work, why weren't they ready? here's the "new york times." millions of americans visited the new online health insurance exchanges as enrollment opened on tuesday, suggesting a broad national appetite for the
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affordable coverage that president obama promised. >> that's a reach. >> it's not a reach to talk for two minutes about a small impact. >> we are talking about how we don't have common conversations and we don't agree on common facts. that has been versus what certain cable networks are saying about what this mechanical failure means. exhibit a. >> do you think that the millions of people who logged on yesterday were reporters checking it out? >> no. i don't think so at all. if you are a democrat who cares about making government work, which is the guiding impetus of the now democrat movement that broke the majority in 1992, you make sure the website works. >> and the deal is mika and i talked to a lot of members of
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congress and leadership this congress and people in the white house and people last week about this. the mechanics of it looked impressive. this is going to work okay, right? i said i am against this act, but if you can make this run the way you say it's going to run, that's good news for my vet friends because the va can run efficiently. ka boom. i'm just surprised that the government wasn't ready. they were not ready to handle 2.8 million people on the website. >> listen, you can't spin it. the website should have been better suited for the influx of traffic, but however if you had to choose between problems and one was a website and nobody checking it out and the other
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was so many checking it out it wasn't working, i think you want the latter. >> kirstin gillibrand will join us and the political playbook. police make their first arrests in the case of motorcycle road rage in new york city. the bikers tell their side of the story. first, bill has a check on the forecast. bill? >> good morning, mika. someone needs to tell mother nature it's october. this was one of the warmest starts to the month we have seen. yesterday it was 81 in kansas city and denver was 74. our friends in minneapolis are watching the leaves change with shorts on. we will do it all over again today. a lot of clear skies. we don't have many weather issues. washington, d.c. is 87 and sunny. the southeast is warm and the only cool spot is the northwest. that's where the next storm is
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coming. focus your attention today. 65 today. you drop to 55 and rape moves in. a classic fall storm with 87. rain and snow in areas of the dakotas as we head through friday into saturday. if you are in the midwest there will be a big storm because of severe weather and snow as we go throughout your friday. st. louis. none of the white stuff for you, but storms in the days ahead and continue to feel like summer. you are watching "morning joe." [ male announcer ] this is karen and jeremiah. they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in love,
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time to take a look at the morning paper. new developments in the case of road rage that was caught on camera. a biker run over by the suv driver fleeing for his life may be paralyze. he's in a medically induced coma. the post also reports the bikers tried blocking several distances to the highway to take it over. christopher cruz is suspected of cutting off the suv that seemed to spark the whole situation. he has been arrested and faces several charminges. a second biker surrendered to police. >> the florida times union, the jacksonville airport was evacuated for five hours after two suspicious packages were found in a parking garage.
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one was destructive in nature and deactivated by a bomb squad. the airport has since reopened. >> the the idaho statesman. staffers at craters of the moon national monument who were part of a rescue were sent home because of furloughs impacting several agencies. the hiker's family is asking experienced hikers to volunteer for the search. >> my gosh. the l.a. times, the roll out of a $1 billion effort to provide every student with ipads in the los angeles school district hit a roadblock. they have been taken away because the students hacked their way on to restricted sites. there is no word when the devices are going to be given back. >> also out of california, the sacramento bee, jerry brown signed a so-called anti-revenge porn bill making it illegal to
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post suggestive photos of their exes with the intention of causing emotional stress. >> look at him now. he's very good. >> really? all right. >> he's trying to do it back to me. it gets ugly. they are successing around snte pictures of himself. i have broad shoulders. i can handle it. >> it qualifies as a misdemeanor with the possibility of up to six months in jail or a fine of $1,000. >> a new study reveals young adults are choosing other forms of transportation based on how well they can stay connected. they prefer public transportation because it allows time for public networking. >>. >> i have been wondering why my daughter wants me to drive.
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>> you can hold an iphone in one hand and a dime bag in the other. >> you can't drive with two hands opened. i drove with me knees anyway. >> the chief correspondent has a look thea the playbook. good morning. >> good morning, guys. >> the american people will be flood to know there is one group unaffected by the shut down. lobbyists. >> that's right. the lobbyists were out in force. nothing is going on with immigration and nothing is going on with tax reform, but they want the gossip and they want to know what's going on. a big problem on capitol hill was getting into the house office buildings. there were fewer entrances open because of the shut down. lines of hundreds of people. one lobbyist said one secret and
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joe will remember this trick, there is a line of hundreds of people. when do you do? on the record, hooey he had a staffer meet him and drive him into the house garage using the house license plates and bypassing the security line. always a way. >> adorable story about the lobbyis lobbyists. >> thank you. >> they are so clever. let me ask you more broadly where this is headed. sam was saying earlier there is no end in sight to this. two weeks from tomorrow we reach the debt ceiling. what's the way out of this? >> the house republicans wanted to roll these negotiations together with the debt ceiling. the question is, are house republicans going to endure the pain that comes from the coverage of this that comes from whatever blow back or backlash and the effects in their districts? one interesting thing they are picking up on is the most
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vulnerable republicans and republicans who have tough reelection races next yore are the ones who are saying let's get something done. it's possible that there will be a push on this leadership to act before. for now they bought time and said they want a conference committee to discuss it and did a trick with the empty chairs that doesn't have the senate democrats on it. at the moment, people do expect it to take a couple of weeks. if it was hurting republicans, who expected that? >> who is leading the democratic push from that end of pennsylvania avenue? >> what you guys have been saying about the lack of negotiations is right. the white house is having to make their own tough decisions. this morning they announced they were cutting short the president's trip to asia. it was going to be four countries in seven days and now
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he is not going to malaysia and the philippines. part is they want the president to be out reminding people that this is the republicans's fault and when the approximate the is abroad, it's a different setting. it's much more difficult to do. we saw the president four times on monday delivering his message of who is at fall. he could be out again this week. both sides are trying to frame this before it gets set in people's mind who caused this. >> this is really working. mike, is it not working for the president and democrats? i understand yesterday was the biggest fund-raising democrats have had since the presidentia will election. this is political gold for them. >> and we are hearing the same thing you were from the leadership. so many republicans are telling
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us there wasn't an end game. there wasn't a way out of this strategy. the republican strategy depended on democrats saying i give up. that's not a good strategy. that wasn't going to happen. it hasn't happened and not going to happen. >> thanks. up next, democrats stand firm to offer new deals on the government shut down. kirstin gill brand joins us next.
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. which plan do you support? obama care or the affordable care act? >> affordable care act? >> what about obama care do you not like. >> i don't agree with the whole obama care policy thing that's going on. i don't agree with it. >> you disagree with obama care. >> yes. >> do you think they should exclude people with preexisting conditions? >> no. >> do you agree that young people should stay on their parents's plans until they are 26? >> are they should, yes. >> do you support obama care or affordable care act. >> i don't like anything that
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has to be forced if are everybody to buy. it's not good. >> the affordable care act is more affordable? >> obama care and the affordable care act are the same thing. >> no, they are not. >> that's america, ladies and gentlemen. >> oh, no. >> 35 past the hour. here with us from capitol hill trying to help these people. democratic senator from new york is kirstin gillibrand. speaker boehner and his colleagues are saying the white house's position on all this is hypocritical on the shut down. is there room for negotiation here? trying to keep some parts of the government open? >> i think that's a gimmick, mika. this is what i deal with with henry in the morning when he
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wants candy for breakfast. give me my way or we will shut down government. the zob is to keep it functioning. this is not a place for negotiation. this is what we should be doing. it's part of our jobs. >> so where is this going? >> i think being unreasonable, they have to be hold no and come back to the table. if john boehner allowed a vote today, he would have bipartisan support, democrats and republicans to vote for allowing the government to stay open. a clean resolution. that's what they should do. this is a fight between republicans. it's between common sense republicans who want to do their jobs and those who just want to say no, it's how government works. it's not the way the constitution was designed. we need to have a vote and let the house vote on this measure and keep the government open. it will pass overwhelm lg on a
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by partisan basis. >> as you know, speaker boehner and the republicans have this ala cart whied that you can vote incrementally to keep the parks open. we had senator tim cain on a while back and asked him the question how would you vote if that hits the senate floor and he said i don't know. what would you say? >> i would absolutely no. you don't pick and choose the parts you don't like. government functions on behalf of the people. we need a functioning government. they shouldn't say today i like this and tomorrow i might not. it's a gimmick and should be disagreed with. >> senator, you have been in the chamber for four years now. was it better when you started or have we been on a glide path?
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can you give us a sense of how you view the functionality of the government since you started? >> i do think government is broken. washington is broken. you can push through it when you start with core common ideas. the only times i have been able to bring legislation forward is when i start on a bipart san basis. work on tonight ask tonight tell together. bringing the 9/11 health bill to the floor. those prove to be successful, but you have to start with core common values. this approach we have of bullying and my way or the highway. being so severe is not good government. we have to start from a place of commandali commonality and move outward. >> you have been working hard on an issue as it pertains to chain
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of command. >> this is an example of bipartisan support for a significant reform. we want their voices to be heard and they don't trust the chain of command. we had three generals say this reform will protect victims and create an objective justice system. we also had the panel that recommends to the dod policies that benefit and help women recommended to support the reform that we suggested, taking the decision making of whether to go to trial outside of chain of command. it is moving forward and we are having good steps along the way. >> i congratulate you on that. thank you very much for your effort and it was great being honored with you in washington. how is your son feeling? >> better. he had bad allergies. >> thank you. we will see you soon. up next, valerie plame join us
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to talk about her new novel. a spy for the cia. something she might know a little about. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the new twin turbo xts from cadillac.
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>> further down. >> the cia with his wife. >> as an agency operative of weapons of mass destruction. hoe went ahead and did it. >> does this run overseas? no, that's colin. is it syndicated overseas? >> it's everywhere. >> god!
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>> that was a clip from the 2010 movie, fair game, based on the real life story of covert cia operations officer valerie plame. valerie is the coauthor of a spy novel. great to see you again. how are you? >> are doing really well. thanks if are having me. >> celebrating the book. >> it was a lot more fun to write and do than fair game. people need to read a good spy thriller while they wait for the government to reopen. >> good sell. any similarities to your real life? she is described as gorgeous. life. >> it is informed by my experiences in the cia and i wanted to make a female officer
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who is much more realistic than what you typically see in popular culture. lots of guns and sex, but it's not realistic. i wanted to do something entertaining and showed female opes officer in keeping with real life. >> what is real life? i understand what you say about how they are portrayed. >> yeah. >> what do you think the major differences are that would surprise people? >> it's not just a lone wolf career. pop culture tends to show it's just one person pursuing espionage. it's a team effort and takes patience and sometimes for years of patient, good operations work to be successful.
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that's one thing. there is a lot of downtime and a lot of waiting. if you put that in a book, people put it down in no time. i tried very hard, sarah is my coauthor. all the trade craft in there is very realistic. it driveways me nuts when i see shows where they have cell phones and cia headquarters. no. >> let's get back to real life. first of all, while the government is shut down, that might be twice as long. >> i hope not, but if they want to read it twice and buy it again. >> the real life aspect of it, what's your take on the snowden release and the amount of damage you think that is done in real life terms to intelligence gathering. >> i have been following this closely.
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the tension between security and privacy is fascinating. as more revelations come out, there is an undue attention on snowden. i am not prepared to say whether he is a whistle blower, hero or traitor. it's irrelevant at the end of the day. there is a collective strug saying i'm not a terrorist. it doesn't matter what the government has. it matters dopely. political shenanigans can play a role. the amount of information we now know and there is more coming out every week in terms of meta data being collected. it goes to the very core of the fourth amendment and how much are we willing to give up of our privacy in order to say we are safe. i foal like our leaders and politicians are saying trust us. we will keep you safe.
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you don't worry your pretty head about that. >> iran is a big part of your book. do you think that's our largest security threat at this point? >> my expertise in the cia was on nuclear proliferation. it was natural to build the premises around that. i am pleased to see that for the first time since 1979, imagine that. imagine that you have some sort of diplomatic relations with your enemies and friends. >> trying to do that with congress too. >> the whole issue of nuclear proliferation is the nexus of terrorism and nuclear weapons. it's the most determinous thing whether it's in pakistan or north korea or iran. i feel that if you don't get that right, none of the other stuff that you talk so much about today, the government shut down and any of that will be
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small potatoes to a nuclear weapon going off anywhere in the world. >> the new book is blow back. thank you very much. happy pub date. thanks if per being in town. we'll be right back. before they sat down, one more time, just for themselves. before the last grandchild. before the first grandchild. smile. before katie, debbie, kevin and brad... there was a connection that started it all and made the future the wonderful thing it turned out to be... at bank of america, we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is. your husband left his cell phone on.
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>> the white house is tweeting photos as hamsters and papdas calling it the adorable care act. >> it feeders cute animals alongside messages of support for the health care law. that one i believe is a mouse or a hamster, i don't know. >> could be a mouse or a hamster, i don't know. thanks to obama care, it could be a ra the that had gerbil reassignment surgery. sick stuff. i'm starting a campaign called the abominable care act. i picked my own doctor and he cutoff my balls. thanks, obama care. >> if you missed any of the show this morning, go to our website.
8:55 am to see the best interviews. >> it's great. i'm sorry. >> also go to the afternoon mojo section for a web exclusive interview with a man behind big text start up companies including the social news website, read it. that's at afternoon mojo. up next, what if anything did we learn today? in the nation, sometimes bad things happen.
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with pepcid® complete. >> closed! >> we learned a lot today. the only to went to health and i'm learning to run a website. >>. >> i learned when valerie plame saided the cia is not just about sex and guns, your face fell in a sad and moving way. >> you're kidding me.


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