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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  October 3, 2013 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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about. we've heard a lot from congressional republicans saying they don't want this shut down. there's a simple way to prove it. send the bill to the floor and let everybody vote. it will pass. send me the bill, i will sign it. the shut down will be over and we can get back to the business of governing and helping the american people. >> it could happen in the next half hour. national parks, monuments, offices would all reopen immediately. benefits and services would resume again. hundreds of thousands of dedicated public servants who are worrying about whether they'll be able to pay the mortgage or pay the car note, they'd start going back to work right away.
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so my simple message today is call a vote. call a vote. put on the floor and let every individual member of congress make up their own minds and they can show the american people are you for a shutdown or not? if you're not for a shutdown you'll vote for the bill. if you're for a shutdown, you won't vote for a bill. we don't have to twist anybody's arm, but that way the american people would be clear about who is responsible for the shutdown or alternatively more hopefully they'd be clear that this is something that doesn't make sense and we should go ahead and make sure that we're looking out for the american people. it should be that simple. but as i said, the problem we've got is that there's one faction of one party of one-half of one branch of government that so far has refused to allow that yes or no vote unless they get some
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massive partisan concessions in exchange for doing what they're supposed to be doing anyway. in exchange for doing what everybody else agrees is necessary and they won't agree to end the shutdown until they get their way. and you may think i'm exaggerating, but just the other day, one tea party republican called the idea of a shutdown wonderful. another said that a shutdown is exactly what we wanted. well, they got exactly what they wanted. now they're trying to figure out how to get out of it. just yesterday one house republican said, i'm quoting here, all right? because i want to make sure people understand i didn't make this up. one house republican said we're not going to be disrespected. we have to get something out of this and i don't know what that even is.
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that was a quote! we're not going to be disrespected. we've got to get something out of this and i don't know what that even is. think about that. you have already gotten the opportunity to serve the american people. there's no higher honor than that. [ applause ] you've already gotten the opportunity to help businesses like this one. workers like these. so the american people aren't in the mood to give you a goody bag to go with it. what you get is our intelligence professionals being back on the job. what you get is our medical researchers back on the job. what you get are little kids
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back in the head start. what you get are our national parks and monuments open again. what you get is the economy not stalling, but continuing to grow. what you get are workers continuing to be hired. that's what you get. that's what you should be asking for. take a vote, stop this farce and end the shutdown right now! [ cheers and applause ] >> if you're being disrespected it's because of that attitude that you've got that you deserve to get something for doing your job! everybody here just does their job, right? you know, if you're working here and in the middle of the day you just stopped and said, you know what? i want to get something, but i
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don't know -- i don't know exactly what i'm going get, but -- i'm just going to stop working until i get -- i'm going to shut down the whole plant until i get something. you'd get fired! right? [ applause ] >> because the deal is you've already gotten hired. you've got a job. you're getting a paycheck and so you also are getting the pride of doing a good job and contributing to a business and looking out for your fellow workers. that's what you're getting. it shouldn't be any different for a member of congress. now, unlike past shutdowns, i want to make sure everybody understands this because again, sometimes the tendency is to say, well, both sides are at
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fault. this one has nothing to do with deficits or spending or budgets. our deficits are falling at the fastest pace in 60 years. we've cut the deficits in half since i took office. [ applause ] >> and some of the things that the republicans are asking for right now would actually add to our deficits. seriously. so this is not about spending and this isn't about fiscal responsibility. this whole thing is about one thing. the republican obsession with dismantling the affordable care act and denying affordable health insurance to millions of americans. that's all that this has become about. that seems to be the the only thing that unites the republican party these days. through this whole fight they've said the american people don't
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want obama care so we should shut down the government to repeal it or delay it, but here's the the problem. the government's now shut down but the affordable care act is still open for business. so they're not even accomplishing what they say they want to accomplish, and by the way, in the first two days since new marketplaces, basically big group plans that we've set up. the first two dayses that they opened, websites were comparing new insurance plans and maybe getting tax credits to complete their job, millions of americans have indicated they do want health insurance. more than 6 million people visited the website health the day it opened. nearly 200,000 people picked up the phone and called the call center. in kentucky alone, where -- i didn't win kentucky.
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[ applause ] >> so i know they weren't doing it for me. in kentucky nearly 100,000 people applied in insurance plans in the first two days, just in one state, kentucky and many americans are finding out when they go to the website that they'll save a the lot of money or get health insurance for the first time. so my -- i would think that if, in fact, this was going to be sch a disaster that the republicans say it's going to be, that it was going to be so unpopular. they didn't want to shut down the government and they can wait. nobody would show an interest and there would be two people on the website, and everybody would then vote for candidates who want to repeal it. . it's not as if republicans haven't had a chance to debate the health care law. it passed the house of representatives and it it passed the senate.
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the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional. voters rejected the presidential candidate that ran on a platform to repeal it. so the affordable care act has gone through every single democratic process, all three branches of government. it's the law of the land. it's here to stay. i've said to republicans if there are specific things you think can improve the law to make it even better for people as opposed to just getting it and leaving 20 million people without health insurance, i'm happy to talk to you about that, but a republican shutdown won't change the fact that millions of people need health insurance and that the affordable care act is being implemented. the shutdown does not change that. all the shutdown is doing is making it harder for ordinary americans to get by and harder for businesses to create jobs at
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a time when our economy is just starting to gain traction again. you've heard republicans say that obama care will hurt the economy, but the economy's been growing and creating jobs. the single greatest threat to our economy and to our businesses like this one is not the affordable care act. it's the unwillingness of republicans in congress to stop refighting a settled election or making the demands that have nothing to do with the budget. they need to move on to the actual business of governing. that's what will help the economy. that's what will grow the economy. that's what will put people back to work. [ applause ] and more than that, house republicans need to stop careening from one crisis to another in everything they do. have you noticed that? since they've taken over the house of representatives we have one of these crises every three
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months. have you noticed? and you keep on thinking, all right. well this is going to be the last one. they're not going to do this again and then they do it again. >> i know you're tired of it. i'm tired of it. it doesn't mean that they're wrong on every single issue. i've said i'm happy to negotiate with you on anything. i don't think any one party has a monopoly on wisdom, but you don't negotiate by putting a gun to the other person's head or worse yet by putting a gun to the american people's head by threatening a shutdown. and by the way, even after congress reopens your government, it will have to turn around very quickly and do something else and that's pay america's bills. i want to spend a little time on this. it's called, it's something
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called raising the debt ceiling and it's got a lousy name. so a lot of people are thinking, i don't think it should raise our debt ceiling because it sounds like we're raising our debt, but that's not what this is about. it doesn't cost taxpayers a single dime. it doesn't grow our deficits by a single dime. it doesn't allow anybody to spend any new money whatsoever. so it's not something that raises our debt. what it does is allow the u.s. treasury, the u.s. government, to pay the bills that congress has already racked up. i want you to think about this. if you go to a restaurant and you order a meal. you eat it. maybe you have some wine. maybe you have twos glasses of wine. great meal, and then you look at the tab and it's pretty expensive and you decide i'm not going to pay the bill. well, you're not saving money.
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you're not being frugal. you're just a deadbeat, right? if you buy a house and you decide, man, this month, i'd rather go on vacation somewhere so i'm not going to pay my mortgage. you didn't just save yourself some money. you're just going to get foreclosed on. so you don't save money by not paying your bills. you don't reduce your debt by not paying your bills. all you're doing is making yourself unreliable and hurting your credit rating. and you'll start getting those phone calls and those notices in the mail and the next time you try to borrow somebody's going say no, because you don't pay your bills. you're a deadbeat. well, the same is true for countries. the only thing that the debt ceiling does is to let the u.s.
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treasury pay for what congress has already bought. that's why it's something that has been routine. traditionally, it's not a big deal. congress has raised it 45 times since ronald reagan took office. this is a routine part of keeping the government running. the last time the house republicans flirted with not raising the debt ceiling back in 2011, some of you remember this, our economy took a bad hit. our country's credit rating was downgraded for the first time just like you'd be downgraded if you didn't paying your mortgage. this time they are threatening to actually force the united states to default on its obligations for the very first time in history. now, you will hear john boehner and mitch mcconnell and these other republican epps say we don't want to default, but
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everybody knows and it's written about in all of the papers that their basic theory is, okay, if the shutdown doesn't work, then we are going to try to get some extra concessions out of the president. we'll put a long laundry list, all of the things that we want if we can't get passed on our own. if we don't get it, we'll tell them we won't vote to pay the country's bills. we'll let the country default. i'm not making this up. it's common knowledge. every reporter here knows it. i want you to understand the consequences of this. as reckless as a government shutdown is, as many people as are being hurt by a government shutdown, an economic shutdown that results from default would be dramatically worse. in a government shutdown social security checks still go out on
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time. in an check shutdown if we don't raise the debt ceiling they don't go out on time. in a government shutdown, disability benefits still arrive on time. in an economic shutdown, they don't. in a government shutdown, millions of americans, not just federal workers, everybody faces real economic hardship. in an economic shutdown, falling pensions and home values and rising interest rates on things like mortgages and student loans and all of those things risk putting us back into a bad recession which would affect this company and those workers and all of you. >> that's not -- that's not my analysis. that's every economist out there is saying the same thing. the u.s. is the center of the
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world economy so if i screw up, the whole world will screw up and the whole world will have problems and that's why no one has ever threatened not to pay our bills. it would be the height of irresponsibility and that's why i said this before. i'm going repeat it. there will be no negotiations over there. the american people are not pawns in some political game. [ applause ] >> you don't get to demand some ransom in exchange for keeping the government running. you don't get to demand ransom in exchange for keeping the economy running. you don't get to demand ransom for doing your most basic job. and the sooner that the republicans in congress heed the warnings not just like me or democrats like chris and john, and heed the warnings of the
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chamber of commerce and ceos and economists and a whole lot of republicans outside of congress. they're all saying, do not do this. they're all saying to congress, do your job and the sooner you do your job the less damage you'll do to our economy and to businesses like this one. so pass a budget, end the government shutdown. pay our bills, prevent an economic shutdown. just vote and end the shutdown and you should do it today so you can get back to growing this economy, creating jobs and strengthening our middle class. [ applause ] >> let me chose just by sharing a story i heard as i was getting ready to come here today. many of you already know it. two years ago a mulch factory next to m. lewis, main storage
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facility caught fire and most of the company's equipment was destroyed, causing millions of dollars in damage, but even while the fire was still burning dozens of employees rushed over to the facility and tried to save as much as they could. some of you were probably there. and when they finished cutting fire lines and spraying down the perimeter of their own property they went over to help their neighbors and afterwards, eventual of the employees here at m. louise are on salary and even though the company had taken a big financial hit, sedalia and natalya paid everyone overtime and along with each check they included a personalized note saying just how much they appreciated the efforts of the workers. and sedalia said, everybody says the biggest asset to a business is employees, some people mean it, some people don't. we actually do.
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so this company right here is full of folks who do right by each other. they don't try to see if they can work every angle. they don't lie about each other. they don't try to undermine each other. they understand they're supposed to be on the same team. you pitch in, you look out for one another. when somebody gets knocked down, you help them back up. you don't ask what can you get out of this because you know that success doesn't depend on one of you. it depends on all of you working together. america is no different. i see that same spirit in so many cities and towns that i visit across the country. it is alive and well all across the country. it's alive and well in this community where restaurants and businesses are rallying around
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the regulars and they're looking out for the dedicated public servants that have been furloughed and you've been hearing about restaurants saying while you're on furlough, come on, we'll give you a burger. we'll give you a meal. we'll help you out. that's the american ideal. we're working together, looking out for one another, meeting our responsibilities, doing our jobs, thinking about future generations, and that's why i believe ultimately reason and common sense will prevail. that spirit at some point will infiltrate washington, as well. because i think the american people are so good and so decent they're going to get better behavior from their government than this, and we'll once again make sure this is a country where you can make it if you
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try. thank you, everybody. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. >> the president wraps up his speech talking to a pretty rowdy crowd in l. louise construction in maryland. we have been watching the president take conditions to task on shuttings down the government saying their behavior has been recsless as they're trying to get some type of ransom out of the government shutdown right now and if they go ahead and vote up or down instructing john boehner to bring a vote to the floor for a yes or no vote so they can find out which way the wind blows when it comes to getting the economy back up and running. joining me right now is nbc white house peter alexander, capitol hill correspondent, peter o'donnell. let me start with you, that it was last night that the big congressional power players were meeting with the president and we don't know specifically behind the closed doors and it was a little more stern than
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what we saw presented in rockville. >> thomas, as it was described to us by the parties inside. it was nice and polite conversation. one thing was clear, was there no progress. the president obviously in maryland today is trying to press this case and he used the language that was most significant calling it the reckless republican shutdown. the white house feels strongly that the majority of americans agree with the presidentight now and they are on his side in terms of how we got to this place, but perhaps more importantly, they believe a majority of the members of the house agreed that this shutdown should end. that's why i think the sort of theme of today's remarks was just vote, do it today and they want to put it to an end mocking the republicans in a way, describing one of the republicans who said that we won't be disrespected. it's remarkable, as you consider how we got to this place. today is the president and first lady's anniversary. it was a year ago today that the debate took over in denver,
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colorado, where the president got clobbered, but he won the election in certainly the way the white house sees it on the very topic of obama care that was a central issue throughout the course of that campaign and it's certainly not something they'll back down on right now. >> give us the temperature over on capitol hill, what's happening right now especially since the president is pivoting this whole problem on john boehner's lap and call a vote and see where everyone stands because right now all americans are held hostage to this crisis and we are now in the 60th hour of it. >> thomas, it's interesting to hear peter recall one year ago because the president's event had a bit of that 2012 campaign feeling and you get a similar sense here where we are told repeatedly by especially house republicans, they, too, were elected by the people just like the president, just like the president and just like the democrats who run the senate and so there is this ongoing frustration and standoff and part of what we're seeing today is that the strategy of the
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house is beginning to play out a little bit in the senate and by that i mean this restart the government one section at a time which has passed in part in the house. today the the texas senator john cornyn tried to offer a bill to reopen the parks and museums and senator harry reid who runs the senate on the democratic side objected to that, stalling that idea. so we're seeing a lot of these tactical moves playing out. plenty of talk going on, but not much in the way of progress and there is this expectation that what is happening now, there's plenty of activities and not much action that would reopen the government and this could go on for a while. no sense that it's actually changing. >> thomas? >> explain for everybody playing along and the minutia that goes along with all of this. they have agreed on a budget level at sequestration levels that can kick in and get everything going and it's just the obama care issue being implemented into this bill,
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correct? >> yes, and one of the things they would say is that the health care law is not being applied evenly because the administration prior to this standoff had given some waivers and some extensions for parts of the law to be implemented and that became kind of a new rallying cry for house republicans to say they should have the same opportunity to extend the law, delay it for regular americans and not just businesses. so that's part of what has fuelled this debate. thomas. >> it goes on. kelly o'donnell and peter alexander. my thanks to both of you. i want to bring in opinion writer and msnbc reporter jonathan. >> i do want to play this because we have new sound from senator harry reid from the senate floor this morning, and i want to play that tape and get your read on the back side. take a look. >> it's time for my republican friends to defy your tea party overlords. every day that passes the idea of shutting down the government in order to repeal obama care is
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becoming so transparent and so bad for the country. >> harry reid there, jo know than, calling out the tea party overlords, is john boehner just painted himself into a corner, allowing for this bad behavior to rule the day especially now with the president specifically calling him out in that speech to call for a yes or no vote? >> right. ever since speaker boehner's plan b fizzled last year at the hands of the so-called tea party overlords. he's been weakened. it's not just that he's painted himself into a corner, he's willingly walked into this corner because he won't do anything to defy the tea party, the far right wing of his party, those few people within the republican majority who with are calling the shots. speaker boehner is speaker in name only. what you have happening with senate majority leader harry reid and with the president is that they're making it clear that the problem in congress is
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not the republican party as a whole. it's not even speaker boehner in that he's the big obstacle. it's that these few people within the republican majority are wielding enormous influence as the president said, as we all know, it's all in the papers, people can read about it. if speaker boehner were to defy the right wing of his party and put the clean continuing resolution bill on the floor it would pass. >> msnbc contributor and "washington post" opinion writer jonathan capehart, good to see you. >> you, too. we want to know how the shutdown is impacting you. as always, head over to twitter and keep the conversation going, the #don'tshutmedown. share your thoughts including videos and we'll share those on air. back after this. [ female announcer ] it figures...on your busiest day
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you see the gray. try root touch-up by nice 'n easy. just brush our permanent color matching creme right where you need it. then rinse. in ten minutes zap those grays and get on with your day. nice 'n easy root touch-up. now that we have made the jump, set ourselves on fire and made the jump, we have to -- we
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are now the in the valley of death. we decided to go into the valley. we have to run together. we have to stay together in order to fight the onslaught that's coming from the white house. >> we're not going to be disrespected and so that's where we're at today where we have to get something out of this, and i don't know what that even is. >> that's a sampling there. one house republican criticizing the tactic and another saying house republicans should stand firm when it comes to shutting down the government when it comes to the health care law. joining me now is reince priebus. thanks for your patience this morning and i know we got sidetracked with listening to the president there so thank you. >> that's all right. i heard some of it. >> let me start with congressman stutsman's comments saying he's not sure what republicans really want. bottom line, what is the endgame that they're asking for, you're asking for? >> first of all, i think what he's saying is that we don't know what we're going to be able to get out of it because the
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president hasn't been willing to talk about this issue and negotiate something that can resolve the problem. you just heard the president just say, i don't know, 15 minutes ago there's not going to be any negotiation. he refuses to even sit down and talk to these guys in a way that is in a good spirit and in a negotiates spirit and he called the meeting yesterday and i think he reported on it, of course, he called in the speaker and mitch mcconnell and the others saying there's not going to be a negotiation. they're offering solution after solution. >> he's willing to negotiate with republicans about the law. >> on what? on what? >> on what? >> on solutions and ideas. but why do we need to attach the solutions or changes that go along with the law that has been vetted by the supreme court, by a mandate by the people reelecting the president and both houses of congress. why should that be attached to
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to shutting down the government and as the president is saying basically writing a ransom note and asking for some type of goody bag in response for congress doing its job to govern? >> those are some pretty good talking points. let me just rewind. >> they're not talking points. that's directly from what the president just gave us. >> it sounds like i'm debating the chairman of the dnc here, thomas. that's fine. i'm happy to debate you. >> no, no, no. these are not talking points and this is about what's going on right now in washington, d.c. and why they have to associate the health care law with running our government. why not just do a clean cr and get the government back up and running and then take to task which some republican rs want t take to task the ca. >> you said goody bags. >> that was in the president's speech. >> i should have figured. okay. first of all, let's be clear.
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the republicans in the house are the only body, are the only party that has offered a continuing resolution along with an individual delay, a continuing resolution along with a law that says all members of congress and their staffs ought to be held under the the same laws of all americans which is fair. it's the president which unconstitutionally has -- has changed a law that was passed which is obama care. he, on his own, has delayed the employer mandate of obama care, something now he says that republicans shouldn't be able to do on the employee side, even though employers aren't going to provide the mandated coverage to the employees and it's republicans who are fighting for what we believe is fair for the american people. at the same time that the american people across this country trying to get on these exchanges and in many cases can't get on these exchanges,
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your station included and cnn included. i think market watch tried 51 times and couldn't get on the exchanges. >> as the president pointed out over 6.1 million people that are trying to sign up on health and in kentucky, the president didn't een win signed up for health care. >> the problem we have, thomas -- >> don't you think that shows there's popularity and people wanting the privilege of having access to affordable health care. >> maybe in the universe you live in it's popular, but in the universe that most people live in obama care is not popular. >> didn't the president win by popular vote and didn't he also win the electoral college? that speaks to popularity, correct? >> okay, in other words, under your scenario the republican-controlled house which, by the way they all won, too, should just lay down does capitulate to whatever the president wants no matter how
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unfair it is. >> no think i don't think they should capitulate at all. >> so what would you suggest? >> do you think if we had a republican president in office and the democrats wanted to stick some gun legislation into the budget, a cr, a continuing resolution for our nation's budget, how do you think that would go over? would you approve of that tactic from the left because that's the tactic of the right? >> if the republicans were in the white house we wouldn't have a president that didn't pass the budget. >> just answer the question. >> would you support having that methodology and actually taking the government hostage. >> i would support a president -- >> being implemented and sitting down and negotiating like any other president in america would do. the problem is you have a right or wrong from the washington -- >> the sequestration levels that was negotiated by republicans. they agree on what the money needs to be spent. >> the fact is that the aca has been vetted for the supreme
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court. >> and the both houses of congress and the president was reelected in 2012. >> -- negotiate with any republican in office. i mean, he has redefined being the party of no is all about and that's this president. >> reince, with all due respect and if you're looking at the long game -- oh, you are respecting. keep coming, thomas. >> i know you are with the rnc and you want to keep the house and it would be great if you get the senate and it would also be great if you could get the white house, but when you look at the long game here and when you know what government shutdowns have gone in the past there are consequences that come along with that and some people would speculate that there is a tea party control taking place right now over john boehner. he's afraid to go up against that. so do you support the tea party tactics of what they're doing in the house right now and do you fear that that's going to have consequences come 2014? >> it's not tea party tactics. this is what the american people want. they don't want obama care.
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they want a government that's open. and we've got a president who refuses to lead. that's the problem we have right now in this country. this president is stubborn. he wants to give speeches. he doesn't want to sit down and even talk about a single thing that can create a meeting of the minds when you have a split government. that's what's needed. we've got a president who is not willing to negotiate. that's the problem. >> mr. chairman, when we look at some of the introduce that have been given by some tea party favorites, michele bachmann, it seems like this has been the the plan all along. i just want to show it to everybody. take a look. >> we're really very energized today. we're very strong. this is about the happiest i've seen members in a long time because we see that we're starting to win this dialogue on a national level. >> all right. so starting to win this dialogue on a national level and "the washington post" is quoting grover nor quist saying that he pushed house republicans into
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traffic and wandered away in reference to ted cruz who was also a tea party fife rate who went through the filibuster that we all covered. is this really what the tea party conservatives have wanted all along is to demonstrate the power that they have on being able to choke out the american people? >> not at all. listen, i don't know why we have to keep repeating the same things. we want to keep the government open. >> then why won't they? >> a solution on obama care that the people -- >> why not bring that individually? why do you have to hold the budget hostage to the aca? why con flight the two. >> because we don't think it should be paid for, thomas. we don't think it should be paid for. we don't think it should be administered. we don't think there are significant glitches and significant problems in obama care that people want a solution to. what do you think the the problems are? what's the problem with the privilege of american health care? >> oh, okay. have you been watching the news? have you been seeing that nobody
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in this country in california, for one example has been able to sign up for this obama care that has tried? did you see that market watch tried 51 times to sign up for this obama care? have you been watching -- >> does that mean that obama care is never going to work? >> reducing employees to 29 hourses? >> no, what i'm telling you is that the very least -- at the very least at this very moment obama care is not red for prime time and we have an opportunity under the law to at least delay the individual mandate which is the last offer on the table that the democrats have refused to come to the table on. >> but does the constitution really allow for the republican party to take the government hostage and shut it down? so you're saying -- >> does the constitution allow for a bill to become a law? >> is that what you're asking? >> the takic for allowing the republican party. you don't need a civics lesson
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because i can give you a civics lesson. >> bills become laws, thomas. >> with all due respect. >> thank you so much, reince, with all due respect. >> all due respect, okay. >> the way has been playing out is it constitutionally appropriate for the tactics of the right to take the government hostage over the fact that they don't have a majority in washington, d.c., right now. >> we have a majority in the house, thomas. >> but i don't need to give you a math lesson, but that's one-third of power in washington d.c., reince. so, yes. >> we passed a bill in the house. >> you passed a bill in the house and the senate has a majority. >> and when you talk about the aca that passed both houses of congress and it passed through the white house and veth of the supreme court and the american people elected a president back in office. >> thomas -- >> against the republican option who ran against the mandate w d
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instituted -- >> i think you should apply for a job in the obama administration and the communications. >> no, i'll come work for you guys and help you sort out what's going on because your message is befuddled. what we're seeing is how government is not working properly. there say great dysfunction and you have to agree with that, reince. there is a great dysfunction. >> so your approach should be to grow -- >> my approach would be that the government needs to continue working. >> why would you want to grow something that if it's so dysfunctional, why would you want to grow something that's so dysfunctional. >> is the budget approval on both sides, reince? >> yes or no. yes or no. >> how a bill becomes a law. >> what do you think? of course, but -- >> i've seen -- >> i've seen the cartoon. i know that. >> have a good day. >> this is a law and if the republicans actually want to amend this law, they have to do
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it without trying to choke off the government in letting it run and do its business, don't you agree? >> so we have to capitulate. >> no, you have to govern. you have to govern without taking the american people hostage. >> isn't governance that you have to have a president that's willing to sit down with both sides and negotiate. >> governance is majority rules and the republicans don't have the majority. >> who has the majority in the house, thomas? >> you have one-third of washington, d.c., again, i don't need to give you a math lesson. >> thomas, answer the question. >> who has the majority in the house. >> right now the tea party seems to upon. reince, zee to leave it there. >> there you go. >> oh e sure. great to have you on. we had a lot of time. so thank you. we'll be right back. body in motn tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain
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>> so that was president obama's message to congress just moments ago at a construction factory in maryland. we're 56 hours into the govern want shutdown -- 59 hours with no end in sight. the house gop will be meeting tomorrow to discuss the strategy over the government shutdown. joining me now is congressman gregory meeks from new york and he also sits on the financial services committee and sir, it's great to have you with me. let's dive in and talk about whether or not house republicans can effort getting a clean, continuing resolution. would you concede at this point, though, republicans have already won the spending fight because not only did they get the sequester, but now the president is calling for a bill funding agencies at a level of $986 billion which is much closer to the level where the tea party faction wanted it. >> first of all, that shows that democrats are ready to discuss and work on issues and compromise. the issue before us should be about the budget because that's what the continuing resolution
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does. it's about the budget and it's about keeping the government open. we negotiated and talked about that so that the government would stay open. we do not want the government shut. what the republicans want to do because there's only one reason why government is closed and they are against the affordable care act which should not be germane to the continuing resolution. they're two different things. the parliamentarian, and any time they tried to introduce the amendment and this time the amendment doing to do something to the affordable care act that is not germane. yesterday, for example, the house democrats tried to put what we call a motion to recommit so that we could have a clean vote on the cr. they ruled that to be none germane to another budget bill that has direct -- it's directly the same thing. so the republicans are being disingenuous, completely. they caused the shutdown, clearly pt the only reason the
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government is shut down is because the affordable care act. two, they know, if we have a clean bill, the members, and close to a majority of their members would vote as i would vote and that is to end the government shutdown. so basically, basically the que presents itself is who is the real per of the house of representatives. is it john boehner, or is it senator ted cruz in it is what the republicans are doing on the floor now is his idea and his thought. there seems to be two conferences going on. i know the republicans are supposedly be going to conference now. i don't know which conference is more important, the conference john boehner is having or apparently the conference ted cruz is having with tea parties. it seems that currency is the conference we need to focus on, they are controlling the conference more than john boehner is doing. >> we're living this crisis, the clock is counting down how long we've been in shutdown but it's going forward to the 17th, the
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president brought it to maryland about the debt ceiling that's going to be lumped in and about to become a big mess. the president sat down with john harwood and talked about looming debt ceiling. i want to play a small piece of that. take a look. >> i think this time is different. i think they should be concerned. it is important for them to recognize that this is going to have a profound impact on our economy and their bottom lines, their employees and their shareholders unless we start seeing a different attitude on the part of that faction in congress. >> is the president sending too stern of a dire fear message there, or is that on point? >> i think it's absolutely on point. it's not just based upon what the president has said. i have talked to economists. i know some on the republican side, you can't listen to economists but generally i think you should. i've talked to economists from both spectrum and they say it
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would be devastating. you talk to any ceo of any major corporation or small corporation, they say it would be devastating. when you just look at the numbers, we are headed to a catastrophic event if, in fact, we don't work out this debt ceiling issue. we should do it now before we run out of money. the problem here is you seem to have those same members of the ted cruz conference who don't care about government. in fact, if you talk to some of them, they will tell you they came here to try to destroy government. we could not allow that to happen. i put out a plea to my moderate republican friends, it is time for you to stand up in the fight just like they are fighting. >> congressman, great to see you. thank for your time and being patient as we've been rolling with punches this hour. thank you. you've been tweeting us at the #don'tshutmedown. back with responses after the break. don't go anywhere.
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>> my heart and prayers go out to those 800,000 or so government workers who are on furlough. i pray god keeps you and your family. but my anger goes out to the republican congress. there are people who work very hard and still only able to live check to check. people who deserve health care and people who vote. i have you to remember those things when you are making these kinds of decisions. >> that was one of our viewers, karen, sharing her shutdown story with us. she was caught up with the last shutdown in 1995 as a single mom living check to check and only $17,000 a year. she said she and her son were eventually left homeless. we encourage you to keep comments with video sharing coming into us. reach us on twitter and facebook, #don't shut me down. that's going to wrap things up for me today. i'll see you tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern. alex wagner, joy-ann reid
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