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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  October 7, 2013 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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today. if republicans and speaker boehner are saying there's not enough votes, they should prove it and let the bill go to the floor and see what happens. just vote. >> luke russert on capitol hill as he usually is. i heard bernie sanders say part is what's happening the club for growth saying, if you oppose boehner and ted cruz on this thing, then we will primary you from the right and take you out, which means we could be in this for a long time. >> reporter: absolutely right, tour'e, october 17th looks like the drop dead deadline for the debt ceiling and shutdown. in terms of funding the government, the two sides are no closer together than they were last week when this started despite the fact there's 22
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republicans that would say they would join democrats. speaker boehner said it is not true and it's open to interpretation if it went on floor. a lot on capitol hill think it would be true and the president offering that challenge. where you see the both sides now, tour'e, they are staking out positions, president obama says he will not negotiate on a grand bargain or large scale compromise until the government is funded and debt limit is raised and speaker boehner saying that's not a position to have. take a listen to what he said on the house floor. >> the president's refusal to negotiate is hurting our economy and putting our country at risk. american people expect when their leaders have differences, we're in a time of crisis, that we'll sit down and at least have a conversation. really, mr. president, it's time to have that conversation before our economy is put further at risk. >> so here we are on monday, tour'e and back to where we
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started last week. both sides holding firm in their positions. what's going to be interesting as we move forward, harry reid wants to put a clean debt limit extension as later in week. how many votes that will get. and john boehner has said repeatedly to his colleagues that he wants to avoid a debt limit catastrophe that would cause a default. they don't want to go down that road by any means. the question becomes is john boehner extract any concession from the white house in order to extend the debt limit and fund the government? so far democrats are saying they don't want to engage in that because it sets a precedent for house republicans to use government funding to extract things. that's where it is. where it ends, nobody knows. if anybody says they know, they are full of it. we've had millions of theories, i can tell you from talking to the rank in file republicans,
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they do not see any way forward to get the government funded or to get the debt limit extended in to solely republican votes. it's unclear from president obama will get speaker boehner to do that. it's a gloomy monday here and gloom y prospect. >> you talk about how gloomy things are on the hill. one last quick question, what do you think you'll see first, an end to the shutdown or buffalo bills winning another football game? >> the buffalo bills play october 13th against the bengals with a quarterback who's a duke graduate -- >> bengals are way better. luke russert, thanks again. harry reid calling senator cruz, the new quote, joint speaker of the house, saying elehelecheleh the house on occasion and saying he's hooking for obama care
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leverage in any debt ceiling deal. >> in my view the debt ceiling, we should look for three things. number one, we should look for some significant structural plan to reduce government spending. number two, we should avoid new taxes and number three, look for ways to mitigate the harms from obama care. >> you think that some facet of the president's health care plan should be attached to an increase in the debt ceiling? >> the debt ceiling historically has been among the best leverage that congress has to reign in the executives -- >> so, yes? >> yes, yes. >> wow. cruz was backed up by fellow shutdown supporter florida congressman ted yoho, you're seeing the tremor before the tsunami here, i'm not going to raise the debt ceiling and added, i think personally think it would bring stability to the world markets. wow. a check on the markets show they
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are all down. jonathan allen at the "washington post," the "washington post" bureau chief at politico is up right now. ted cruz seems to be doubling down in the insanity and telling us this thing is nowhere near over? >> your words not mine, tour'e. but i believe this is nowhere near over. you mentioned ted yoho and yolo, he's taking a risk that republicans will only live once in terms of political fates if there's a debt ceiling crisis. and they are blamed by the american public. similarly for the president if he ends taking the blame, that could hurt his legacy. >> omg, i love seeing you use yolo in your political analysis. >> it's a rainy monday in washington, what can i do? >> you have to find the freshness where you can get it. what i want to ask you about specifically is john cornyn who is the whip of the republicans
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in the senate. and take a look at what he just said, i'll read to you, on the question of a clean debt ceiling he said never has happened and never is going to happen. that was just this week. earlier this year in january he said we'll raise the debt ceiling, we're not going to default on our debt. i will tell you unequivocally we're not going to default. how do we go from this republican senator in january unequivocally saying we're not going to default and now saying not only the opposite, the opposite plus the word never, which is not something you're supposed to use in reasonable negotiations. >> you're seeing a senate republican leader who earlier believed the best strategy for his party was to raise the debt ceiling without actually going into default. then transitioning as he found out his caucus wasn't with him on that. there are a lot of republican senators that at least want to attach something to a debt ceiling increase. i don't think there are very
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many people in the capitol if any who want to see a default. that said where they prioritize raising debt ceiling behind other issues is another question. and i think for some of them defunding obama care in particular is a more important issue. getting something as one congressman said last week without defining what the something was is more important. so -- >> they don't want to be disrespected, jonathan, you can get that, right? why not hold the whole country hostage and credit rating, it's all about respect at the end of the day. you were writing about the conventional shutdown wisdom that wasn't. a lot of people were very confident how this was going to play out and you're pointing out it hasn't played out the way many predicted. one piece of that is conventional wisdom was the house gop is ruled by wall street, once wall street got upset they would have to make a deal. we haven't seen that yet, but do you think the dynamic might change.
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the "washington post" is reporting tea party congressman could be potentially facing a primary not from the right, not from the further right tea party but from a governance establishment that actually wants to see the country function? do you think that's a broader trend we could see? >> i think democrats and some republicans have wanted to see that for a long time funded moderate candidates against conservatives. that said, i'm not sure it's going to work and it's a small laboratory in one particular district with the congressman whose voting record is unique to say the least. he votes present a lot. i do think there's a situation that washington has failed to grasp, both democrats and republicans. for the longest time it was considered obvious that the republicans were close to wall street and big business and that would drive their party. what you saw i think from the day that t.a.r.p. vote failed on house floor in 2008 on is a
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stronger vein of populism that rejects big institutions, wall street or the government here in washington. >> jonathan, the question is, what price will republicans have to pay for this come 2014? a new polling does suggest that the government shutdown may be hurting the gop and some of these republican controlled districts as we know until now safe districts. democrats need to pick up 17 of those and it's based on these results if the election were held today, a pickup is actually within reach for democrats. jonathan, shouldn't the possibility of losing the house be of serious concern for republicans? >> i think it's something that should be of concern to republicans or any party that holds control of the chamber. but one of the reasons we're seeing this fight play out now instead of at the end of the year last year 2012 or before then in the same terms, i think more than a year removed from an election. there will be a lot of politics to play out before 2014.
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as far as the polling goes, it maybe the republicans are more vulnerable than they would have been otherwise however they are being matched against generic opposition candidates. if in fact that happened, maybe things would move more smoothly. >> that would be nice. >> i don't think you'll see republican punished for this, we'll see them rewarded but we'll dig into that more in the next blog -- >> can i clarify, i meant it would be smoother if generic congressional candidates were elected period, not that set in the 17th district. >> a plus hit from you as usual. we'll take a trip across town to get the view from the white house and talk inside the beltway manual, the options to work all of this out as i wonder what is going on. ♪ what's going on
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president was supposed to be in asia today for the apec meeting but he's stuck in washington as congress holds the economy hostage. chief without correspondent and "daily rundown" host chuck todd is with us. the president is putting pressure on congress to act. usually the closer you get to the deadline you start to see some cracks and cooler heads prevail. but it seems we're moving in the opposite direction this time. >> re. >> reporter: rea torically it
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does feel that way at times. if you read between the lines of what the president said and you combine that and couple with it what jay carney said at the briefing, you start to see what the white house is basically offering boehner a get out of jail free card in this whole shutdown mess that we're in right now. first of all, let me play a little bit of what the president said today at fema. take a listen. >> there's not a subject that i'm not willing to engage in. what i've said is that i cannot do that under the threat that if republicans don't get 100% of their way their going to shut down the government or they are going to default on america's debt. what we're not willing to do is create a permanent pattern in which unless you get your way, the government is shut down or america defaults. >> reporter: so they are in intractable positions.
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boehner is not reopening the government until the president is willing to negotiate and white house says they are not going to negotiate anything until the republicans reopen government and raise the debt ceiling. well, we tried to pin jay carney down and ask him how long? what is it you want? you want it to be clean but is there a period of time? is it six weeks, a year, three months? what is it you're looking for. carney would not be pinned down on a specific time period. what does that mean? the cooling off period you can see the compromise is sitting there waiting to be had. you do a six, eight-week clean spending bill and clean raise in the debt ceiling. after this period you have a forced conversation that everybody claims they want to have. if does feel as if boehner wanted to find a way out that allowed him to keep his claim that he stuck to his guns and that the white house would feel as if they stuck to their guns, it's all sitting right there. nobody seems to want to grab it. >> let me get you to weigh in.
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do you think out of this the house will end upturning blue? >> reporter: it's hard to figure it out how it happens but i wouldn't rule it out. the map is a mess as far as how it's gerrymandered and how self-insulated some of these members are. but it isn't -- it wouldn't take much, right? they only need -- they don't need 35 seats, 40 seats. i think they only need 15 or 16 when all is said and done. could you see that scenario? i think you could. if -- if things really went off the cliff and the economy went down and the republicans are bearing the brunt, look, i think there are more swing voters than we sometimes give voters credit for. it would mean democrats would have to win the quote/unquote generic ballot by eight or nine or ten points but that happens in wave elections. it's more possible than some people give it credit for. >> chuck todd with the
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depressing message that the solution may be rescheduling this mess for six weeks down the road. i want to bring in "time" magazine's mike grun wald, the new new deal, now out in paperback. mike, i want to start with your book. sort of the central these sis is that the obama presidency and stimulus act was transformational than it's being given credit for. are republicans undermining the progress with their hamstringing of the obama presidency, under mining the progress that you saw made in the first term? >> remember in the book i described how even before obama took office there was secret meetings where congressional republicans on the house side led by eric cantor and senate side by mitch mcconnell were plotting their conspiracy to be this party of no. we're going to fight everything this guy does, even though at the time that took a lot of guts, at the time he was pretty
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popular. few million people on the mall saying yes we can. they realized most americans don't follow the day to day what happens in washington. they see are they getting along or are they kind of still the same old dysfunctional mess? and one party can make sure it's still a same old dysfunctional mess. and that's happened again and again with the lame duck deal and the fiscal cliff and the sequester and the shutdown and now the default. it's -- it happens again and again. there's no reason to think it's going to change. >> as they say, don't write a tweet you wouldn't want read on national tv. >> as the old saying goes. >> i created myself. >> you tweet, obama is so on stin at he won't even discuss -- underscoring the absurdity of this. there are a number of people asking where is the white house, there's been a real lack of leadership and lack of involvement from the president.
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we heard chris matthews speak on our show last week and here's chris matthews back in august. >> the key political asset is the ability to sit in a room with four or five other people and accept the leadership. he doesn't have that. he never developed, a love, that's the right word, love of politics and other politicians to sit around and play cards and get to know them. nuances and how to get to them, their hooks and triggers and buttons and figure out how to work with some of them. >> obama is good at golf, but maybe he needs to get better at playing cards? >> it's probably a correct analysis of obama but i'm not sure how this gets fixed over cards. this is -- obama has already given in on the funding levels from the sequester? the reason that the united states isn't europe right now is because we didn't adopt the extreme austerity that you saw abroad in 2009 and 2010. but now he's kind of giving in on the absolute spending levels.
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the idea that at a time when the republicans saying, we want to keep the government open and not default on our debt and obama is saying, i want to keep the government open and not default on debt. why should he say, what do you want in exchange for doing that? it's hard to see how that could be a really productive discussion. >> mike, obviously chris matthews has forgotten about politics than i will ever know. i can't stand when anybody brings about -- if only obama were more charming or played month are golf with them. ari did a fantastic piece, obama has played golf with many people and govelfing is not the proble. he play eed poker with folks in chicago. >> everyone knows the answer is to play twister together. have they tried that yet? tell me, mike, have they tried that yet? >> the real problem is the
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idealogical polarization in this country is higher than any time than the civil war. there's almost no intersection between the coalition that elected the president and the one that elected the majority in the house. we only have 17 representatives in the house in districts that obama won. and most of those are still in safe red districts. so that is the problem here really. >> that's right. most of the republicans in congress, right, they are readi reading on the 2012 election is we won, i'm still here. they have to worry about a tea party challenge from the right. that makes it very difficult. after they've spent the last four or five years running around talking about this crazy socialist in the white house who is a monster and tyrant, it's hard to say i've done this wonderful deal and it will move the country forward. it makes it very difficult, ultimately i think probably obama will have to offer some kind of fake concession.
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boehner will have to accept it and pretend he's actually won something. and then we'll like krystal said come back and do it again in a couple of months. >> you can't get to a deal without a clear policy goal, you can't negotiate a contract unless both know what they want. let me read you a quote. enactment of a cr would contain $64 billion in less spending compared to the current funding levels president obama signed into law a mere five months ago, he would be endorsing a level of spending that wipes away all of the increases he and democrats made while in charge and returns us to pre-2008 levels of discretionary spending. take a guess. >> it's probably a republican leader because they've been saying this all along. it's just like during the 2012 election, when they ran against obama's medicare cuts then two weeks later they were arguing in the fiscal cliff -- >> it was eric cantor one month ago, a republican leader in the
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house. what do you do -- this is our last question. what do you do with someone like that, i want x and we give you x and then he says, no i want something else? how do you know the next thing you give to your point about a symbolic concession, how do you know he'll accept that when he's in fundamentally dishonest? >> this is the story i wrote about in the book and true five years ago, that kind of yesterday didn't matter. you spent eight years blowing up the deficit on january 20th, 2009, you become deficit hawks. it's very difficult. i don't know how you deal with it. you can say this just shows why you can't negotiate with the terrorists, but the fact is you've got to avoid a default. a default would be devastating for real people, not just in the united states but around the globe. that's why hopefully there's some kind of fake solution that can make everybody happy. >> hopefully a fake solution. michael grunwald, the author of "the new new deal." thanks for your time.
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>> up next, another issue fiercely dividing the capitol. if you think shutdown passions are running hot, you never talked to redskins fans about their name. now the president is weighing in as we will when we spin next. every year 750,000 american students set out to earn degrees in math and science. but more than half leave their programs. so we're missing out on 450,000 math and science graduates annually. but if we can help students prepare for these subjects we'll have a stronger workforce for our fastest-growing industries. let's invest in our future. join exxonmobil in advancing math and science education. let's solve this.
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stocks are reflecting shutdown in washington. the dow, s&p and nasdaq all open lower from the start this morning. and it's been the same story since the dow, at one point at a one month low. jack lew said the president will not negotiate with republicans over changing the health law or raising the debt ceiling and we're going to reach our borrowing limit in just ten days. >> we're learning more today about twin weekend raids in libya and somalia that resulted in the capture of a top al qaeda leader. u.s. commandos got anas al libi
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wanted in connection with the 1988 attacks in our embassies in kenya and tanzania. in the somalia raid, it was an attempt to capture suspects behind the mall bombing that killed at least 67 people. the supreme court began its new term this morning. they turned away hundreds of appeals, including virginia's bid to revive an anti-sod omy law. a case deals with the aggregate amount of moneys that americans can give to political campaigns. the suit was brought by an alabama businessman who says limiting his donation dollars violates his first amendment rights. some are calling is the sequel to citizens united. a 9-year-old boy snuck on to a plane over the weekend. he was running away from home. boarded without a ticket from the airport in minneapolis, made it on flight to las vegas. he made it past not one, not two
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but three security check points without being noticed. >> what? >> crew members on the plane became suspicious when they realized he didn't have adults with him. >> that's a good trigger. >> is he a ninja? >> further reporting on that. >> that's an incredible story. the president yesterday took a break from talking about the ted cruz shutdown to dip into d.c.'s actual favorite subject, the local football team. he didn't touch on the low, low, low quality of their play this season. >> sad but true. >> he dug into the bubbling controversy over the team's nick name. >> i don't think there are any redskins fans that mean offense. i've got to say if i were the owner of the team, and i knew that there was a name of my team even if it had a storied history that was offending a sizable group of people, i would think about changing it. >> this has been a controversial issue for a while. several prominent sports
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journalism rist, david king are diving in by refusing to use the team's name in discussing them. i'm going to do that as we spin. it's amazing in 2013 we still have a blatantly racist slur as the name of a major american professional sports team. and the widespread usage of this over and over again only normalizes this idea. i can't imagine any other slur for any racial or ethnic group in america that could be the name of a sports team. this high lights the sort of low level of respect that a lot of us have for american indians in those groups. and this sort of normalization of the word is disgusting and dangerous and a lot of people want to point to polls, look at this group of american indians who would say they are not offended. i think that relates to the ways people can become very comfortable with their own oppression. >> look at that, you have nearly 80% who want to keep the name. >> that's what i'm saying, you have a lot of time.
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women, blacks, american indians become comfortable with their own oppression and participate in it. i just think this sort of common sense cal thing, go up to a group of american indians and call them this thing and see what happens to you. then they'll probably tell you, no, no, we don't want you to keep that name in your mouth. >> what are these managers looking at? from a business perspective, a lot goes into changing a name of any big athletic team and seeing four out of five don't want the name changed and majority of native americans don't have a problem -- >> for a time segregation was up for business. is that okay? >> look -- >> what do champions have to do with anything? >> i recognize in a tough position. they were up for debate in 199 p, miami university had the same name and changed it to the red hawks. they set this precedent that people were obviously felt disrespected by this name. they were able to change it.
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it was not a huge deal. but then say where do you draw the line? you can't change names willy nilly, you look at the seminoles or chiefs. >> none of those are slurs. >> dan snyder is thinking he'll make more money if i keeps the offensive name. >> whether or not it's racist is a separate inquiry than if people think it's racist. one thing in researching, one is from the phipps fro clamation, not just skin as the skin of indians but from a proation, for every skin of indian, we'll give 20 pounds for the scalp. the blood on the scalp itself being one of the roots of this name which many critics pointed out should give you chills, it's literally related to gen no side in this country. i picked a couple of
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alternatives. >> you're a solutions guy. >> you know that about me. how about washington lobbyists. they always win. number two, my second idea, the washington tea party patriots, they will break the rules to win. >> excellent. >> my third idea, this is free for the nfl, the washington filibusters, you can't stop them. >> oh, very well done. >> how much better would it be if they paid you. >> look how proud of himself he is. >> did you get a side shot i was resting my hands. >> from the snyder perspective, i bet they could sell a lot of merchandise. >> would you, krystal ball, as a congressional dork, would you get a filibuster t shirt. >> hell yeah, i'm also a washington sports fan and few who would like to see the name changed, i also came up with an
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alternate inspired by ted cruz. the washington whacko birds. has a nice ring to it. they are that the crazy. that's my addition to the conversation. >> you know where we stand. should the team from washington change their name? if so, what should they change it to? jeff suggests, the washington gridlocks. like us on facebook and weigh in. up next, a congressman who is keeping the dream alive no matter what his colleagues do. louis gutierrez takes a seat at the table next and let's play something from my man kid kuddy as we go to break. ♪ good job!
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the talk about immigration reform. it felt like the united states might actually be close to a big important deal for the public interest. and then all of that other stuff happened. joining us now to roll back the clock, is the democratic representative from illinois, luis gutierrez who has a new book out "still dreaming" might also refer to the search for common sense in the shutdown fight and everything else. before we get to the book, let's start with your view as a member of this distinguished house. >> yes. >> you've heard our coverage today and understand the frustration. >> here's what i believe, in talking to colleagues, i'm not going to name them. that would be inappropriate. i want continue to have a relationship with them. there are enough votes to have a clean cr, it's clear there are two dozen republicans and i'm not like some magician that happens to understand. they are there -- >> 22 republicans, absolutely.
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>> they are there and probably more. they want to settle this. give us a clean cr and let's go back to the budget. the president ace original budget was $1.2 trillion. i think paul ryan's was 975, we're like 9 -- that's where we made the budget. they've come an enormous way. we are in sequester numbers. why can't they just say we won and move on. >> i think they are a little afraid of being primaried from the right and going home to become private citizens again. immigration resform, extremely important to you and extremely important to the country. it went to the house and it seemed to be starting to die. would you and other folks who are believe in this bill, who i would be willing to soften it or weaken to get the republican support you need to get it revived again? >> there's conversations going on, it's two, three, dinner and
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breakfast, let's get together and let's talk. those conversations are ongoing. the reason i say that is because it's always the fact check in washington, d.c. i'll say it there are 45 republicans ready for kprens i have been re -- comprehensive reform and there's at least 180 to 190 democrats, more than ever before. so we have the votes. all they have to do -- >> but like obama care, they have been demagoguing against this for so as long as, this seems it has going to be hard to get republicans to turn around unless we change what we're proposing. >> i believe there are sufficient numbers to do exact, some of the -- let me go to the chase. i want to get to conference. that's where it's at. let me just in 2007, i remember going with the chairman of the judiciary committee and going down there and finding senate democratic senators, begging them, do it we're in the
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majority. let's get to conference. we have to get to conference. i think that is the unique place. what do the house -- you know what they say? conference equals amnesty and that means conference equals justice equals fairness. >> they call you the unlikely congressional duo. worked together for comprehensive reform and gotten hits from democrats how can you work with someone so far from you on issues like the budget. where do you find the trust? >> you're a catholic, i'm a catholic, we cannot have -- that's values. he says he's for a pathway to citizenship and eliminates underhe's working with long with others and that's what we have to do is build that trust. here's what happens, the very extreme right spends hundreds
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and thousands of dollars against them during the august recess. i go back to my democratic caucus and people look at me, what are you doing? we got to get the majority back. i keep saying we have to stop the deportations. >> yes. >> and we have to stop this incredible. >> and doing my job what you can tell them. >> there were 201 democrats, we can't do it. >> you've got to work together. >> would you do us a favor and bring your bff paul ryan back and we can talk about immigration again. >> let's do it. >> the book is "still dreaming." we have school yard power and politics, there's been a lot of talk about mean girls and great movie under that title. we are going into a tough reality for a truly vulnerable group in our country today, boys.
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cents, ala mean girls and lindsay lohan. based on a new book, boys may actually have it worse. they are far more likely to struggle with a learning disability and do worse in school and decreasingly earning bachelor's degrees. one fact that's sad and surprising, boys commit suicide five times the rate of girls. all while hiding their feelings and saying everything is fine. here as part of the nbc's special education nation series is roselyn wiseman, queen bees and want to be, inspired the movie "mean girls." already a new york times best seller and clearly communication is part of the problem. how do we begin breaking down barriers when society reinforces the problem. >> when i did "masterminds" i
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had boys help me, from fourth grade to 12th grade and they told me about things bothering them why it's so hard to talk to adults, from parents and coaches and teachers. what they are really telling us is they need to be respected. in that they've got complex lives and friendships that are difficult and need guidance. what's so hard so that often times we say to them, boys are simple, they just fight and it's over. when we keep seeing that to them, boys them we can't go to them for help because we will not believe them. >> part of the problem you point out in the book in the chapter talking about why doesn't batman ever smile? icons that boys gravitate towards because society pushes them toward them, are icons that have very limited emotional range. you talk about halo and other things like that and athletes, peyton manning and lebron james and other sorts of people. they never express sadness or fear or anxiety. it reinforces the idea that boys should have a limited emotional
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vocabulary. >> my boys love a lot of those guys you just mentioned, my own sons and there's nothing wrong with being confident and strong willed and getting up after you've been down. all of those things want to ins. but at the same time, just like you said, when i talk to boys about batman, batman's face never changes. it's always about being disdainful or angry. and so what i ask boys, what does it look like when batman is in love or enthusiastic or really, really sad? how does that -- how is that expressed and the boys say exactly the same, always looks like he's angry. >> ross lynn, i have a 5-year-old little girl but i now have a baby boy so your book really touched me and spoke to me. what advice do you have -- >> there he is. gratuitous baby pic. what advice do you have, though, for parents about -- talking to their boys, when you should intervene and not. what would you say? >> well, you know, honestly, one of the things that's most important is please do not freak out. the boys -- sometimes parents feel like they're being well meaning and being the mama bears
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or daddy bears when they go and fight for their kids' rights or get mad at the coach or mad at a teacher. i have to tell you that our boys are very, very clear that if they see us freaking out on people, they are never going to talk to us when there is a problem. and for this -- this isn't just about a book. what i really want to do is change the conversation that we have about boys, and how we talk to boys. so there's a book for parents and people who love the boys -- the master minds book but also "the guide" that's just for boys so they can have their own thing that when they're walking down the school hallway and running into a problem and feeling like i can't ask for help, i'm too embarrassed, they have something that boys around the country wrote for them. and that together we created this thing for them that would help them. and that that also helps them talk to the adults that they love and care about. >> that's really powerful, because we definitely need to change the conversation around boys. you have this phrase that seems to be thrown at young boys all the time. act like a man. and, you know, in terms of being strong and taking
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responsibility, that's valuable, but ultimately it gets to have a narrow emotional range. and that's destructive. boys, you know, are not encouraged to talk about their feelings and get them out. >> well, the most powerful thing that boys want is they want men in their lives who not only role model being really good at fixing cars and really good at doing all the things that we think about, about, you know, being masculine and macho and all those things, capable, strong, independent. but they also want men, those same men, to be able to speak to them about what they care about. about relationships being important to them. about being able to say when they're too afraid. you know, they want to ask for help, but they didn't know how and they felt overwhelmed but they did. and that friendships are important to them. those are the most meaningful relationships to boys. and they want them for the men in their lives. >> rosalyn, great book. out now. who knew, boys actually have emotions. thanks so much for joining us. up next, the shutdown explained only as toure could,
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sometimes i wonder why some people are in media. do they view themselves as doing what rachel maddow does, trying to increase useful information in the world? or do they see themselves as a sort of window through which both sides of an argument can be seen, so the public can make up their minds for themselves? that journalism as window approach is appropriate some of the time but sometimes
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presenting both sides with equal weight is journalistic malpractice that increases the amount of confusion in the world. as thomas man and norm wrote, a balanced treatment of an unbalanced phenomenon is a distortion of reality and a disservice to your consumers. both sides in politics are no more necessarily equally responsible than a hit and run driver and a victim. yet in media we too often see what is referred to as, quote, the strong tendency to give equal time and credence to varying sides of a story, even if one of the sides is objectively true and the other made up. he gives this great example. the governor says the state has no legal power to declare war on iran. critics say he's being weak. that's like some of the coverage we have seen in the shutdown, portraying this conflict as partisan gridlock or a failure of leadership or congress being less than adult or it takes two to tango is nothing less than a failure of journalism. we should not simply proponent both sides and let the people decide. the new npr ethics handbook says
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their goal is not to produce stories that create an appearance of balance, but to seek the truth. a report characterized by false balance is a false report. to call this an obama and cruz shutdown is a lie. to blame this on dems and republicans equally is a lie. or, perhaps, a misunderstanding of the situation. and if you're going to misrepresent all this, you might as well do it in an interesting way. one that says, okay, this is ted cruz. >> here's, johnnie! >> and this is the hostage-taking house republicans. >> following people are to be released from their captors. the nine members of the asian dorm. i read about them in "time" magazine. >> to which obama says -- >> my offer is this. nothing. >> and harry reid says -- >> you get nothing!
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you lose! good day, sir! >> after which the media limps in to say -- >> great story. compelling and rich i'm ron burgundy. >> no, the media is not a window. the fourth estate plays a critical role in creating an informed public who can respond to what's happening. false equivalence leads to a misinformed public and contributes to hyper partisanship by comforting those behind the extremists, lulling them into a fantasy that their party is not currently led by a bunch of ideological extremist zelot thugs perverting the process in a historically unprecedented way. america needs the media now as much as ever to tell the truth and to report on reality, because lord knows, there's a gang of republicans who are out there, trying to repeal reality. that does it for "the cycle." now for more reality, it's time for martin. >> the reverend toure there preaching. thank you so much. good afternoon, it's monday, october 7th. and the president has a message for the speaker.


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