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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  October 11, 2013 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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passion, but you should respect the rights of the men and women who are here. it is unfortunate -- it is unfortunate that the administration -- [ crowd noise ] [ crowd chanting usa, usa, usa, usa ] you know, the nice thing is the left will always, always, always tell you who they fear. and they fear you.
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they fear the american people. the fundamental problem in washington is washington is not listening to america. and what happened? this fight on obama care, we went and made the case to the american people, launched a national website. don' in a matter of just a few weeks, over two million americans signed that petition on don' it is because of you that the house of representatives has been standing strong, because the house has been listening to the people. it is because of you that for the past two months the country has engaged in a national debate about the enormous harms obama
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care is causing. all of the millions of americans who are losing their jobs, being pushed into part-time work, losing their health insurance. it is because of you that the american people are energized. and we see the obama administration defending positions that are utterly and completely unreasonable. repeatedly the house of representatives has acted to compromise, to fund vital priorities and repeatedly president obama and the democrats have refused to negotiate. now, i will note this afternoon, look, the democrats are feeling the heat. so this afternoon president obama has invited the senate republicans to the white house. so after leaving here, i'm going to be going to the white house.
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i will make a request, if i'm never seen again, please send a search and rescue team. i very much hope tomorrow morning i don't wake up amidst the syrian rebels. but listen, that's true, they'll talk to us, unlike this administration, you're exactly right. listen, none of us know what's going to happen on this obama care fight right now. in my view, the house of representatives needs to keep doing what it's been doing, which is standing strong.
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and that is the model for every other fight. we need no more washington solutions, we need to go back to the american people. the media tells us we cannot win. in fact i think i read in "the new york times" today that hillary has already started her second term. the media wants america to give up and allow this country to keep sliding off the edge of the cliff. but let me tell you, there are two things i have unabiding faith in. one is a benevolent god who loves each and every one of us. and number two is the american people who love liberty and opportunity unlike any nation, any people in the history of
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this world. many of you all know my father, rafael cruz. i am hoping in time i can encourage him not to be such a wall flower. when he fled cuba 55 years ago after being imprisoned, after being beaten, when he came here seeking freedom, he did it because no nation on earth has allowed so many millions of people to come with nothing and achieve anything and achieve the american dream. what does it take to win this fight? it takes the men and women in this room. each of you is called to be here.
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much like esther, you were called for a time such as this. for 400 years, every generation of americans has given to their kids and grandkids greater opportunity, greater prosperity, a greater future. if we keep going down this road, we will become the first generation not to do that. and every man and woman in this room believes in your heart, in your gut, in your soul, that is uttery a ly and completely unacceptable. as ronald reagan famously observed, freedom is not passed down in the bloodstream from one
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generation to the next. every generation has to rise up and defend it, or one day we will find ourselves answering questions from our children and our children's children. what was it like when america was free? none of us will ever have to answer that question, because together the american people, we are going to restore that shining city on a hill that is the united states of america. thank you and god bless you. >> senator ted cruz preaching to the converted at the value voters summit talking about repealing obama care, saying we went over the heads of the american people but clearly he hasn't seen the latest polls from the american people. good morning. i'm chris jansing and we have been watching him speaking and throwing out a bunch of red meat to that conservative base. he just mentioned obama care,
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the risk he's taken to try to defund the law, but meantime pushed by record low poll numbers and increasing pressure from the business community, republicans now seem willing to make a deal that could raise the debt ceiling. as we head into day ten of the government shutdown. now, whether it would reopen the government is still unclear. senate republicans, you heard him mention this, he's among them, heading to the white house next hour, but staff negotiators from both parties have spent the night trying to hammer out a keel. it could lift the debt ceiling for another six weeks and set terms for negotiations over everything else. >> i'm hopeful. i'm anxious to hear from our leadership this morning as to the progress that was made during the night, but i think that i felt good, better than i felt for a few weeks about where we're heading. >> as far as how quickly it can be resolved, it could take days, it could finish today depending on how the negotiations go and how we get a chance to interact with the senate.
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>> at the very least ted cruz's speech notwithstanding we have been seeing a real change in tone from the gop following the new nbc news/wall street journal poll. both of our pollsters, a republican and a democrat called these results jaw dropping. chuck todd says it's an unmitigated political disaster for the gop. 53% blame republicans for the government shutdown. 31% the president. that is a 22-point difference. and if you look at how the country is viewing all the political parties, the gop has the highest negatives crossing the 50% threshold for the first time. this is an all-time historic high. i want to bring in our company, josh barrow, politics editor for business insider and irin carmon, msnbc national reporter. good to see both of you. josh, hard to overstate how bad these polls look for the republicans and yet it seems like ted cruz isn't changing his tune at all. is he in an incredibly shrinking minority now? >> was he giving that speech from another planet?
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it's totally bizarre. he's sold the republican party a bill of goods. he went out in august as he described and did all these town halls around the country and convinced base republicans that through this strategy of shutting down the government he could get a defunding of obama care. the whole thing is coming crashing down completely. republicans are preparing to cut a deal. we don't know exactly what the deal will look like, but it's certainly not going to involve defunning obama care. so not only is ted cruz not getting what he said he wanted, he's destroyed the republican party's brand in the process. but there is still this element of conservatives who live in their own media bubble and can be convinced apparently indefinitely that they're winning, even when they're losing. i sort of thought after the 2012 elections when you had all these conservatives who were convinced that mitt romney was going to win and the polls were skewed and they got this rude awakening when in fact the polls were correct and romney lost, i thought that would help them figure out that their media bubble misleads them, but it doesn't seem to have done so. >> let me play for you what congresswoman lynn ell mers had
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to say last night. >> no one here wants to default on our nation's debt, and so that's why republicans in the house have suggested let's just get that off the table. opening the government is a negotiation that will happen tonight and in the hours ahead, and we hope to have it open by, you know, monday in the morning. >> lynn jenkins, my apologies for that. is there a group of conservatives who could still cause trouble as it's clear that the leadership of the republican party, all the moderates in the republican party and some of the conservatives are looking for a way out of this? >> this is a situation that has careened out of control where we have a series of moving goal posts. first it was obama care. you know, they shut down the federal government over that. now they're holding the debt ceiling hostage. i think they don't even really know what they want at this point. we have a situation where paul ryan is looking like a moderate because he's actually willing to have a conversation with democrats. so i think the people who -- the people who are willing to work are now looking like moderates,
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not because they are different ideologically but because they're willing to do something. so i think we'll see what kind of actual resolution. the sides are still very far apart, but at this point the moderates are the ones who are willing to look down the line and have a long-term strategy. if those people prevail, maybe we'll see somebody blink. >> i want to bring in peter welch, democrat from vermont. good to see you, congressman. good morning. >> good morning. >> i know you were listening to ted cruz, who's about to go into a meeting with the president at the white house, and i just wanted to get your reaction and i'll ask you the same question i just posed. is there still a strong enough group of conservatives to shut down whatever progress seems like is being made on getting at least the debt ceiling done, if not reopening the government? >> well, senator cruz is unusual. i mean he's somebody who when he's in a deep ditch, he just decides the plan is to keep digging and that's what we heard. second, on the -- the
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republicans, i think, are ready to work with the democrats and we're certainly ready to work with them. we've taken using the debt ceiling as a hostage off the table. frankly both parties should renounce that because the damage that can be done with that tactic is enormous. second, we've agreed that the health care bill is the law of the land. that means we can focus on addressing some of the legitimate concerns that folks have raised and try to make it work. third, the shutdown we really do have to open up government. it should not be a negotiating tactic leverage, when in fact what you're doing is inflicting an awful lot of pain on innocent people for no productive reason. >> a lot of analysts would suggest it's going to be very difficult to reopen the government without giving something to the republicans. is there any deal that you see could be made so it doesn't look like a total failure for them? >> sure. there could be some face-saving steps that we take. >> what might they be? >> well, you know what, that's going to have to be up to mr. boehner and the president. i mean my view is that we should
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open up the government. we have agreed to their budget numbers so there's been a huge concession. if the republicans focused on the fact that on the budget number itself, which is what a budget negotiation is ultimately about, they have actually won. where they have lost is on the debt seal and using that as a tactic and i think they're going to lose on shutdown and using that as a tactic. if it can be smoothed over so we can get to work. we've got to work with the republicans and they have got to work with us. so i think there's some face-saving ways that the negotiators will be able to come up with that will be acceptable. >> we've talked about how strongly the republicans have taken a hit in our new nbc news/wall street journal poll, unprecedented kinds of numbers but there is plenty of blame to go around. 78% of people think this country is on the wrong track. 60% think all members of congress should be replaced. and the shutdown is really having an impact on people, everybody talking with this picture of the little boy in the bear costume and he wants to go into the zoo and it's closed down.
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i mean you have to have no heart not for that picture to touch you. so what do you say to your constituents, and do you think that the democrats are going to come out of this unscathed? because the polls might indicate they won't. >> we're all losers on this. when the institution is so dysfunctional that people throw their hands up and lose faith that this institution that is here to serve them is not functioning to help them, then it really destroys our weakens the credibility that we need to make some tough decisions. so there is no winners here. but there is a common sense perspective that i think is reflected in that poll. the american people know we have to pay our bills and neither party should be making -- threatening a default when they were going to get a refinance but the government agency is closed down. the security folks who work for us and keep the doors open, they're not getting paid. how do we justify that?
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republican, democrat, independent, they are just fed up with those kind of tactics and i hope that's a lesson for all of us here, that our job is to try to make progress on the problems. >> congressman peter welch, always good to see you. thanks so much for coming on. >> thank you. josh, you put out your own plan to end this whole thing that's actually not too far from paul ryan's that he put out in the "wall street journal." reforms to ebb titlements, tax reform, pay down the debt. it is interesting about paul ryan, isn't it, he was sort of in the shadow of ted cruz. now he's being talked about and written about as the person who could bridge this gap and has respect on both sides. >> yeah. i mean i think this is just another captor in this discussion we've been having for years where everybody wants a grand bargain on fiscal issues where you unwind this stupid sequester that's pushing spending down to unusually low levels and replace that with some sort of entitlement reform and tax reform. the problem that causes that to break down is that republicans will not vote for a tax increase and the president always says
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there has to be a tax increase as part of that deal. the thing i tried to lay out is what if we could come up with some things that democrats really want that reduce the deficit that aren't tax increases. and so you could do a deal that would please republicans because it cut taxes and please democrats. the two things i put in there are a public option in the obama care program and comprehensive immigration reform. those are both things that democrats really want. they're also both things that reduce the deficit. >> and also immigration in particular is something that has made a lot of conservatives very skeptical about paul ryan, but we got an advance copy of what he's going to say at the value voters summit and here's just a little piece of it. this president, he won't agree to everything we need to. a budget agreement with this president and this senate, it won't solve all of our problem, but i hope it's a start. i hope we can get a downpayment on our debt. that sounds to me, irin, like somebody who is willing to deal. i wonder if this might come down to paul ryan being a key player here? >> what's interesting is that the democrats as representative welch mentioned have already
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agreed to the sequester level cuts and i keep asking myself, you know, why aren't they making a bigger deal out of the fact that they have already agreed to the republican funding levels that were supposed to be -- or to the sequester level fundings that were supposed to be catastrophic. i think it's because they know that as long as this sort of crisis level situation continues, they don't have to go and make difficult decisions about social security, medicare, it puts off any sort of agreement which frankly liberal democrats don't want. so i think those discussions have started. they have been happening for years. they never go anywhere. it's possible that that will change, but i think we're very far from any actual grand bargain being made. >> irin carmon, josh barrow, great to see both of you. have a great weekend. although i'm sure we'll all be working. although a favorite going into today, molala laula yousef not win the nobel peace prize.
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it did go to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, the group working in syria to destroy its arsenal. we'll talk more about malala and what's next in her fight for education later on in the show. , illuminate dullness lift sagging high performance skincare™ only from roc®. and i had like this four wheninch band of bumpsles it started on my back.
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in just an hour, president obama is scheduled to hold a closed door meeting with the senate gop caucus on the debt ceiling deadline and the government shutdown. the meeting comes a day after the president met with house republicans. after which, the white house said, quote, no specific determination was made. let me bring in republican congressman trey radle of florida. it's good to see you, congressman. good morning. >> chris, it's good to be with you again. how are you doing this morning? >> i'm well, thank you. better than most of the members of congress who took a shellacking in a poll. as i'm sure you know the new poll says 70% say republicans
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are putting politics first. only 27% say the gop is modeling strong leadership. 47% say the democrats should control congress versus 39% republicans and 53% blame the gop for the government shutdown. what do you do with those numbers, congressman? >> before this i worked as a journalist, so my approval rating was about the same there. look, i'm not here to read polls, i'm here to do what is right for the united states of america. >> but the people are saying what you as a congress are doing is bad. >> i'm sorry. okay. i'm sorry, what's that, chris? >> but the polls are saying that what you as a congress are doing for the american people is bad. >> okay. our budget, let me be a policy nerd for just one quick second. >> okay. >> we're at $3 trillion, right? half of that is what is called mandatory spending. half of it is on auto pilot where every single dollar that this government receives simply goes to social security,
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medicare, medicaid. if we want to save those programs, if we want to save medicare and medicaid for the needy and for our senior citizens and social security for our senior citizens, we need to change something. i think it's a shame that we had to shut down government to ask for something that's pretty simple, which is this. let's have the adults come to the table and just have a conversation. the president has held three different press conferences to talk about what he's not going to talk about but what i'm happy about and why i'm optimistic is that finally people are talking. they're getting together to, i think, i hope, solve our country's problems. >> well, there are a lot of conservatives who think that the way that republicans have gone about this in general, ted cruz in particular, is not good and in fact conservative columnist charles krauthammer talked about him on a radio show. >> how exactly is he going to achieve abolition of obama care.
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explain that to me. has he ever explained it? and where is he now? his side kick, senator lee, said, oh, we're past obama care. we've moved on. i mean, you know, these are the generals who lead people into the battle of little bighorn and then go home and have lunch and leave the troops out there. where are they? where are the generals? what's their strategy to get abolition of obama care? >> was there a strategy? was there an end game here, congressman? >> when we talk about strategy, ted cruz is not running the republican party. we have a republican party with many different ideas. and really all we've been asking about from the beginning is this. delay the fine on americans. now think about this for a second. what the president and this administration is saying is that you have to go sign up for obama care to a website that does not function which you cannot sign up for.
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and if you don't, if you don't do that, you're going to get fined. all we're asking for is delay the fine on americans. and let's keep in mind the president has already delayed that fine for big business. and again, i almost sound like a liberal talking point when i say that president obama is giving big business and big corporations a break but not you, the hard-working tax-paying american. i'm sorry, but that's inexcusable. >> so i guess there are two things that raises for me. is it okay to shut down the government? because a lot of extraordinary amount of pain has been caused by the shutdown of the government and it's growing and it's clear that millions of people are going onto this website who want to take advantage of obama care. the reason it's not working as well as it should and we can argue about whoever designed the software, we know that that was a mess, we can concede that. but the reason is that it was overloaded, there were so many people in desperate need of health care and want it. >> do you know that? has anyone really asked the obama administration?
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because the obama administration hasn't even been able to provide numbers of how many people have really signed up. >> eight million people. eight million hits on these websites. >> the whole thing has been a mess. do you realize that every single month for the past year that a part of obama care has either been defunded or repealed. i'm on bills right now -- let's be clear. it's not just house republicans that are trying to repeal or defund obama care. it's democrats. i'm on bills today to basically pick apart and defund obama care. the thing is an absolute mess. and so all we're asking for, again, to be very clear here, big business, big corporations in this country today have a break. they're not beholden to the obama care rules. but you as an individual, as an american in this country, you're going to get fined, you're going to get fined if you don't sign up for this total failure. all we're asking is can we just have a break from that? is that too much to ask? i don't think so. >> congressman trey radle with the conservative opinion and you
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appreciate you coming on. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> edward snowden posing for pictures and getting an award overnight from a group of american whistleblowers. they praised him for leaking sensitive information about nsa surveillance program. he's been on the lam in russia for three months now and one former justice department worker said snowden is settling in well. >> he looks very healthy, well rested, centered and grounded. he was funny and engaging. he did not seem worried. he did not seem to have lost weight or appear pale or sick in any kind of way. he's been reading russian authors and studying russian history and trying to understand the politics. >> this comes on the heels of a report in "the new york times" today that four years before the nsa leaks came out, a cia supervisor raised red flags abouted war snowden, suspecting he might have been trying to break into classified files.
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pollsters have never seen anything like it. the tea party and republicans have their worst numbers in the history of the nbc/wall street journal poll. there's also a deep divide among republicans on their opinion of the tea party. right now the conservative values voter summit is under way in d.c. we heard just a short time ago from one of the stars of the conservative movement, texas senator ted cruz. >> it is because of you that the american people are energized. it is because of you that the house of representatives has been standing strong, because the house has been listening to the people. >> now, one republican you will not see at the values voter summit is new jersey governor chris christie. he's got a 60% favorable rating, but a christie aide confirms the
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governor was snubbed, not invited. let's bring in republican strategist, former santorum senior strategist, john brebender and political strategist angela wry. john, i don't know how close you looked at this poll, ted cruz took a pretty big hit, just 14% approval. your company deals with crisis management. with numbers like these, what do the republicans do? >> well, first of all, they have to acknowledge that they do have a message problem. i think a lot of times they're right on the issues, but how they deliver their message comes across as too negative, too partisan and doesn't have solutions. so the first thing we have to do is start communicating better. the second thing we have to do is understanding who we're communicating to. we probably have to spend a little bit less time talking to the 100% who agree with us and having more conversations with the people who agree with us 75% of the time. hard-working families, middle class families and we don't do that enough. >> peter hart said if it were
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not so bad for the country, the results could almost make a democrat smile. but who do the democrats do with these numbers? let's just even look at the short term. does this actually strengthen their hand as they go into negotiations to try to get a deal on the debt ceiling and potentially reopening the government? >> well, yes, chris, there definitely is cause for them to think that there is a better deal on the table. in fact the senate gop is putting one together right now. a longer term debt limit increase as well as a process for getting the government back open. here we are, day 11 of the shutdown, and all that the republican gop has been able to do is enact or pass $200 billion of the $985 billion required to reopen the government. so we have a tremendous problem here in this country and i would actually disagree with john. it's not just a messaging problem, it's actually a policy problem at this point and now
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ted cruz and senator lee are starting to see that in their favorability ratings in the polls. >> i wonder if the party needs to have more of a conversation in and among itself. and you made the point, john, about speaking to the converted, which i talked about earlier with the values voters summit and go out there and really listen to americans. i think this poll speaks to that. for example, chris christie was not invited here. would it have made sense? he's a popular guy. he's somebody who has commanded respect on both sides of the aisle. should they have said, you know, come in. let's at least listen to what he has to say? >> first of all, let me speak a little bit to the numbers. i'm finding some enjoyment that the democrats having a certain smugness celebrating these numbers. over 60% said they were unhappy with the democrats and the president's approval is only at 14% so their celebration today over the republican numbers is like a one in four football team making fun of a 0-5 football
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team. >> they do, but the republicans more so. >> well, to some degree a little bit. i would argue that. what bothers me even more is that there is not overwhelming support for obama care. this president wasn't doing well and we turned him from an incompetent president to a victim by our tactics. >> but it's made obama care more popular. no, it has in this poll. it's more popular than it was. more people approve of it than did in the last set of poll numbers. and they're calling it the boomerang effect. this happened on several things that the republicans were pushing for. you talked about the messaging. this is clear proof of what you just said. >> well, look, everybody i think acknowledges that the democrats had a lot of trouble and obama had a lot of trouble with the website and whether it worked or not. i don't think it's been seen as an overwhelming success by any measure. the problem is we've only been critical of it. we haven't gone to the average american and said here's how we
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can give you a better health care plan. so right now it's their only choice on the table. so i think that's a failure by the republicans. we have a vacuum of leadership, of voice, a large megaphone that shows what we believe in. instead we look like the loudest critic in america. >> if a democrat comes to you now and says, angela, look, obviously this is a serious problem for the republicans but we have problems of our own. it seems like people are dissatisfied with congress and pretty much everybody. 60% say throw all the bums out. what do you say as a strategist to democrats? this is how you move this forward, this is how you take some mistakes on the part of the republicans and turn them into something positive for the party and for the country. >> well, chris, the solution is really simple. this is a time for democrats to tout that they have been solutions oriented. john mentioned the fact that there has not been a solution placed on the table by the republican party. republicans had a repeal and replace strategy, which turned
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into a 45-vote later repeal strategy and it still has not worked. democrats simply have to come together and say this is a solution for american people, for working families, for middle class employees and for government employees. and that's all they need to do. they can simply rest on their laurels after that and highlight all of the trouble that exists within the republican party, the division, whether it's from the house or the upper chamber, and focus on the governors throughout the country. this is a discombobulated party. >> angela, john, thanks to both of you. >> thank you. >> thank you, chris. we are waiting to hear from house democrats, by the way, coming out any minute now follow their closed party caucus meeting to discuss the government shutdown. in the meantime we learned that secretary of state john kerry is in afghanistan right now on an unannounced trip to work on a deal to determine when u.s. troops will exit. american forces are scheduled to leave after the nato mission ends in 2014, but the u.s. wants to keep some troops on the
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ground to go after al qaeda. president karzai says he wants the afghan army to do that work. jc: lunch at that one restaurant we all like? ron: i'm sorry, who are you? jc: i'm your coworker! c'mon guys. i'm driving. hey, you guys comfortable? it's best-in-class rear legroom. and with a turbo engine that gets 35 highway m-p-g. you know j.d. power ranked passat the most appealing midsize car two years in a row? i bet, uh, dan here wishes somebody found him most appealing two years in a row. ron: it's ron jc: ron... exactly. vo: get 0 down, 0 due at signing, 0 deposit, and 0 first month's payment on passat or any new 2014 volkswagen.
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"fortune" magazine is out with a list of the 50 most powerful women in business. jenny rometty takes the top spot. she is chairman of ibm. pepsi's chairman and ceo is second. some other notables there. there you see sheryl sandburg in fifth. marissa mayer is eighth and hewlett-packard's meg whitman is ninth. a link to the full list is up the to have g. but after one day's use, dishcloths can redeposit millions of germs. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel. look! a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth, as this black light reveals. it's durable, cloth-like
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researchers compared data from 35 studies involving more than 2,000 depression patients and showed exercise is just as effective as psychological counseling or medication in treating depression. more studies are needed to see if the effects continue after the patient stops exercising. democrats have just come out of their caucus talking about possibly a deal that could be made to move what has been this impasse in congress forward. here's the chairman of that caucus, javier becerra just a few moments ago. >> maybe now we'll see some movement, we'll be given a chance to do our job and given a chance to vote to put americans back to work by letting our government reopen and we hope as well that that we'll avoid damaging severely our economy by our -- >> we also have been mentioning that the republicans in the
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senate are heading over to the white house in just a short time so a lot of moving parts today. we will keep you up to date on msnbc. in the meantime a story a lot of other people are talking about. it's about who didn't win the nobel peace prize today. but malala youssefi says she hopes to become prime minister of pakistan. she spoke about education rights one year after surviving an assassination attempt by the taliban on her school bus. >> they can kill me, they can kill malala, but it does not mean they can kill my cause as well. my cause of education, my cause of peace, my cause of human rights, my cause of equality will still be surviving. they cannot kill my cause. >> joining me now is gayle lemon. good morning. >> good morning, chris. >> the peace prize did go to a chemical weapons monitoring
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group and what is interesting to me is how many people who never paid any attention to the peace prize feel so strongly about this. and, look, congratulations to that because they're doing work right now that's important in syria but what is it about malala. just listening to hershey gave me chills. she's struck a chord all around the world. >> i think she's one voice that stands for so many girls all around the world. i think what is so powerful about her is the taliban wanted to silence her. instead what they did is do what the nobel didn't, which is make her a household name all around the world. and i think that fight for the right to education, for the right to simply sit in a classroom is what she is so eloquently fighting for. and i think she's right, that even if they take her, which god willing they never will, there are now millions of soldiers in this fight to keep girls in school. >> "the new york times" nicholas kristov has been a big part of
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getting malala known certainly in the united states retweeted this. as much as we love her would it be wise to bestow the burden and responsibility of such a prize on her young shoulders. she also said that it would be more than i deserve. although i have to say for a teenager what she has done is to me is absolutely astonishing, but maybe in some ways her time is still coming and keeps her in the spotlight. >> i think that's right. you can shoot at an innocent teenage girl but you cannot kill an idea. that is why she has been so powerful. she is talking about a fight that every one of us is involved in, which is to create a more educated, more stable, more prosperous world. and one in five girls right now is out of school. one in nine girls will be married before the age of 15. and you think about that. what she's been talking about is this loss is not just pakistan's, not just india's, this is everyone's loss who has a need for talent in this world that really so desperately needs it. >> and what is it do you think
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that she can particularly do? obviously she is a voice out there, but is she going to be able to really bring about real change just by the fact that so many people are listening to her? >> i think she can mobilize and galvanize and energize people in a way that just talking about the issue of girls education never would. i have been in afghanistan a lot and interviewed girls who brave acid attacks and family disapproval just to simply sit in a classroom. she gives a face and a voice and a powerful and eloquent voice to those girls and makes it impossible to look away. these are homegrown opportunity fighters and i think she makes it hard to say this is a foreigner thing or something imposed from outside. she's doing this from within for within. >> great to have you on the program. today's tweet of the day comes from carl reiner. cannot wait for next election when voters get to shut down the congressmen who shut down the government. max and penny kept our bookstore
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12 years ago this week, america began its global war on terror. i was on the air when just weeks after 9/11 t u.s. launched attacks against the taliban and al qaeda in afghanistan. here's a look back at the start of operation enduring freedom in today's "flashback friday." >> the first wave is over but there's more to come as america strikes back against a defiant osama bin laden. >> there is no other way to deal with the problem of international terrorism than to go after the individuals who are killing thousands of americans. >> from the dark of night in the indian ocean, cruise missiles fly from u.s. and british ships and submarines. fighter jets take two american aircraft carriers. >> chris, it was interesting, overnight we got a firsthand account from some of the pilots who were flying those b-52s and the b-1s on their air strike missions. >> i think everybody, no matter what job they had, came out to
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support the launch of the jets. very patriotic, and we couldn't imagine what was going on back at home and we felt very proud. the mission meant something tonight. it was more the underlying purpose of it all. and it was emotional. >> nbc's dana lewis is in northern afghanistan to tell us more about the attacks. >> there was a lot of damage there overnight. we understand from some reports that the ammunition dump was hit there. there was a large fire. >> and on the streets around ground zero in new york and across the country, concern about possible retaliation from the terrorists. >> we will not waiver, we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. peace and freedom will prevail. >> 12 weeks ago -- 12 years ago this week and now we have john kerry in afghanistan talking about the final withdrawal of troops from there. that's going to wrap up this hour of "jansing & co." i'm chris jansing. thomas roberts is up next. >> hi, chris, it really takes
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you back. thanks so much. great hour, have a great weekend. >> thank you. the agenda next hour for you, protesters shutting down senator ted cruz during his speech at the values voters summit in washington, d.c., but the senator still manages to throw in plenty of jabs at president obama and his health care law, apparently not backing down in the face of public disgust at the gop. and next hour, guess where he is going? yeah, the white house. to be part of that meeting with president obama and senate republican caucuses to try to hammer out a deal on the debt ceiling. it could get pretty ugly. we'll bring it all right here on msnbc. steny hoyer and karen finney as well as joy-ann reid will be among my guests, plus the real-life hero behind the hollywood movie getting rave reviews. captain phillips joins me as the film enters today. it's a must-see interview. join me for that and more after this. americans take care of business.
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rep. rokita: obamacare hurts this country much more than any government shutdown. vo: reckless. rep. blackburn: people are probably going to realize... they can live with a lot less government. vo: destructive. rep. bachmann: this is about the happiest i've seen members in a long time.
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vo: the government shutdown is hurting veterans, seniors, and our kids. now tea party republicans are threatening... an economic shutdown. refusing to pay our nation's bills. endangering american jobs. tell them to stand up to the tea party. enough already! after leaving here, i'm going to be going to the white house.


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