tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC October 11, 2013 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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i will make a request, if i'm never seen again, please send a search and rescue team. >> call off that semple party, a live picture of the white house. senator cruz said to leave with colleagues after a meeting with the president today. as americans are fed up are they any closer to a bill. the president did sign a bill to pay military death benefits, what about 5 million veterans that rely on disability and pension payments. nobel peace prize surprise. the prize goes to a chemical watchdog organization. malala is taking the world by storm and she's just getting started. >> i want to become prime minister of pakistan. i think it's really good.
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good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington where republicans are signaling a new readiness to negotiate. perhaps because of these poll numbers showing how devastating the shutdown has been for them politically. in our new nbc news "wall street journal" poll, majority of americans blame shutdown on congressional republicans. that's only the start of warning signals for tea party conservatives including headliners meeting here in washington. joining me now chris cillizza, msnbc contributor and host of in play. editor mark murray and "usa today" washington bureau chief susan page. first to you mark, this the poll you have studied and gone through. tell us about the first big signals on how bad this is for republicans. >> those numbers you just mentioned that people are
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blaming congressional republicans by a 22% margin. andrea, this is the same poll, same questions we used in 1995 and 1996 during this shutdown between bill clinton and newt gingrich. this margin is bigger than 1995, 1996. that is big. of course looking at the republican party being at just 24% in their favorability, that is the lowest point in our survey. so really big warning signs for the republican party. >> and susan page, when we look at the congressional id, that's another warning sign. >> they have an advantage on the congressional ballot, the biggest they have had since glory days when obama was first inaugurated. there's been what one of your polsters call ideological boomerang. the effect of this has been to improve the standing of the affordable care act. that's not peak what republicans had in mind. >> instead of focusing on the problems they had with the
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rollout, chris cillizza, all the coverage of the shutdown, that was sort of really ignored. >> i think that's one of the big strategic misses that gets missed, andrea, which is from october 1st on, if the republicans had agreed to keep the government open, i would remind keep the government open at sequestration levels, this was a deal they were happy with back in the spring, keep the government open at sequestration levels, we would have spend the past 10 days talking about the problems with the rollout of centerpieces of obama care, the state health insurance exchanges. instead that's been pushed way down the docket and the focus is rightly the fact federal government shutdown, 800,000 workers furloughed and spidering impacts across the country. i think the most amazing thing about it, i believe house republican leaders including john boehner understood the danger that they were getting into, they just couldn't figure out a way to avoid it.
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>> the other thing this poll shows is that the president's refusal to negotiate on his obama care or affordable care act, that has support of 40% agreeing, 43% disagreeing with the fact it should be reopened. mark. >> this maybe, as our polsters point out silver lining for republicans here. essentially split looking whether president obama should negotiate and actually asked should negotiations occur after the debt ceiling has been increased and the government is fully operational. so the country is split with just 3 percentage more saying -- disagreeing with president obama's position here. although it does seem like a lot of maneuvers from the meeting last night he might be able to dapg ell dangle a concession or two to get the government open. >> lets talk about the value summit. ted cruz was one of the headliners today. ted cruz gets hammered in this poll. >> yeah. you know, andrea, his favorable,
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unfavorable, people have a positive view versus negative view, far more people have a negative view. here is one thing i say about ted cruz. people say he could never win a general election for president. my argument is ted cruz would probably worry about winning a general election, he'd take that because it would mean he would be the presidential nominee. i don't think what he's done strategically has helped his party any way, shape, or form. i do think he's slidified himself as the one true tea party figure who may run for president in 2016. i don't know that's a recipe for the presidential nomination but i certainly don't think he's someone you could dismiss certainly as a factor in that race. >> there were interruptions at the value summit by protesters in favor of immigration reform. despite interruptions, he was
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certainly the star of the show. lets watch. >> senator cruz, why won't you support a pathway to citizenship for every family. >> thank you, sir, for being here. what we saw across this country -- ma'am, thank you for being here. we have two more, three more. gentlemen, ladies, thank you for your passion but you should respect the rights of the men and women who are here. >> that is certainly not representative, though, of the way he was greeted, because the overwhelming majority of the people there are in his camp. ted cruz was the architect of the strategy that led the house republicans and john boehner refused to exist down this path of tying obama care to their demands for avoiding a government shutdown. chris cillizza, that strategy has really been repudiated in
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and of themselves. paul ryan is out there writing op-eds and speaking at the voters forum at 2:00. he's making the economic, chris cillizza, making the economic arguments that have been the traditional republican arguments in a situation like this? >> you know, i think what ted cruz did was make john boehner's job that much harder, andrea. ted cruz's 21-hour speech in opposition to obama care strengthened the resolve of the republicans in the house idea logically aligned much closer to ted cruz than john boehner. i think in order for john boehner to not get into a government shutdown, he would have had to dloos group. that would have meant if republicans maintained the majority in 2014 john boehner wouldn't be the speaker anymore. he was unwilling to cross that
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bridge in september or october of 2013. a lot of that ted cruz forced that decision. >> susan, one quick fact is that the person, the man who is not at the values voters summit is the same man not at c-pac, which is chris christie. >> while ted cruz solidified his position as leader of the tea party republicans, he has succeeded in splitting the republican party in two. we see this in your poll where ted cruz has a great approval rating among tea party, those not supporters of the tea party, members of the tea party, he has a negative approval rating. this is a big problem for republican party. democrats are now united behind president obama in a way they weren't a month ago. republicans are divided in half. >> thank you so much, mark murray, great poll. fascinating stuff. susan page and chris cillizza. one of those republican members who is not happy with leadership and what has happened is peter king. you've been listening to this congressman. thank you very much.
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you've seen all the signals in this poll. it could not be clearer that the republican party strategy had no strategy for getting out of this mess. >> andrea, this the strategy of ted cruz. going back to mid september i said ted cruz was a fraud, there was a dead-end to this policy and made no sense to follow it. john boehner also told us in early september it would be the wrong thing to do to shut down the government in an attempt to defund obama care. unfortunately we have three or four republicans in the house, cruz republicans, who basically threatened to bring the house down if john boehner did not pursue this policy. john knew it was not doing to work. he felt he had no choice of i understand his position. i'm more concerned about why more republicans around the country didn't join me in denouncing ted cruz. we have people on the sidelines coming forward who we have to take a stand here. we cannot allow our party to be taken over by the likes of ted cruz and rand paul. these are people, isolationists,
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i consider rhinos, don't consider traditional republican principles. ted cruz what he did here, lead the party into an end with no strategy, somehow convincing a number of house republicans we sent this to the senate as far as defunding and closing down the government, he would manage to get harry reid and president obama to back down. he never had a plan. it was fraudulent from the start. we have to cut this guy off now. >> let me play a little bit of what he had to say about obama care. >> right. >> none of us know what's going to happen on this obama care fight right now. in my view the house of representatives needs to keep doing what it's been doing, which is standing strong. >> congressman king, your reaction to that? >> two things. one, reminds me of the guy in the schoolyard, doesn't have the guts to fight himself. holds the coats and tells the other guys to fight. these one. number two, no one has done more to strengthen obama care since
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ted cruz. since he started this maniacal crusade of his over the last 10 days support of obama care has gone up 7% in the country. not because obama care is working, not because it's played out well at all, he's given such a bad image to anti-obama care forces. president obama and supporters of obama care should thank ted cruz because he's their biggest ally right now. >> we can see a downpour at the white house. great weather up and down the coast. you've got republicans going to see the president today. what should john boehner do now? how do you get out of the situation? >> i have a great regard for john boehner. this is the opportunity to go forward, to reopen the government, to raise the ceiling. the cruz republicans, everyone recognizes it's a failed strategy. end it and go forward. you mentioned people like paul ryan. we should be negotiating on the debt ceiling, talking about those issues. we should raise it, take away
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any specter of the debt ceiling not being extended. but somehow what we should have been doing six weeks ago, begin serious discussions and negotiations regarding the debt ceiling as far as tax reform, as far as spending cuts, as far as entitlement reform. that can be done in the context we don't have a gun to our head or a gun to the head of the financial markets in this country. i think right now we should reopen the government, go ahead and raise the debt ceiling, whatever period of time can be. talks with traditional republican values, economy, entitlement, tax reform. we can do it in an atmosphere we don't have the cruz people holding guns to heads. >> do you think you have enough members, like minded members within the caucus to persuade the speaker to permit a vote on that kind of cr plus debt ceiling increase? >> i want to be undercutting what john boehner is trying to do right now but yes. there's no doubt there's more than enough people in the house
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who would vote for that. it would definitely pass. i have no doubt. also tell you any number of people publicly supporting the shut down and coming to people like me and others saying, we have to reopen the government. this is madness. when you look at the senate you see solid conservatives like jeff flake, for instance, saying the government has to be reopened. sensible people realize this. cruz led us down a path. again, i would go back, andrea, maybe when you have more national republicans on the program, when are they going to start denouncing cruz by name. we can't say government doesn't work in washington, congress is dysfunctional. no. lets talk about those responsible. it's ted cruz. >> peter king. thank you very much. >> andrea, thank you. >> tell me what you really think. thanks. thanks for being here. as the shutdown drags on, things are really difficult. a lot worse for furloughed workers. today most civil servants see paychecks cut in half.
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this will be the last until government is funded again. in other developments at starbucks you can get an extra shot of politics with "morning joe." ceo howard schultz urging customers to sign a petition posted in the outpost around the country asking lawmakers to reopen the government. even if the shutdown continues, some national parks could open as early as tomorrow if the state governments step in and pay the cost. utah plans to open its national parks while other states are weighing the cost to taxpayers. the national park system loses $50,000 in revenue each day the parks remain closed. [ molly ] honey. whoa! sweet mother of softness. paws off pal. just one squeeze? just enjoy it with your eyes. [ female announcer ] new charmin ultra soft is so soft, you don't even have to squeeze it to believe it. for the first time, you can actually see the softness with our new comfort cushions. new charmin ultra soft is still so much softer and more absorbent, you can use up to four times less. i believe it, but i still gotta squeeze it.
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only kill malala, doesn't mean they can kill my cause. my cause of education, peace, rights. my cause of equality will still be surviving. they cannot kill my cause. >> malala at the 92nd street y last night to the disappointment of advocates for women and girls education around the world malala was passed over for the nobel peace prize in favor of the u.n. agency that helps ban chemical weapons in syria. pakistani school girl began speaking out for the right to be educated when she was only 11 incurring wrath of regional taliban. when she insisted taliban gunman boarded her school bus and shot her in the head. malala was evacuated to england for extensive surgery and now at the age of 16 become a worldwide advocate and role model for women and girls. joining me is nbc news pakistan bureau chief who spent a lot of time not only covering the story but also with the family. great to see you.
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>> thanks. >> thanks for coming in and being here today. tell me the meaning of malala and what she has created and how disappointed she and her supporters are that she did not get the nobel. >> andrea, as you know, there was so much buzz, dutch a buildup to this today. certainly malala is considered a favorite. partly because she's 16 years old. she would have been the youngest recipient ever to receive the award. what she's been ail to do is incredible in terms of the reap, power of her message. back in pakistan she hasn't always had the same support she enjoyed in the rest of the world. a lot of people skeptical about the attention to her one particular message. but when she lost, a lot carried coverage of the decision. it was incredible to see politicians, celebrities gathering together to call her the pride of the nation.
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this is the power of malala. she didn't win the award but everyone is still talking about her and her message and her cause. >> part of the reason she probably did not get the award, we have to understand the nobel committee. these are older people in norway who felt she was too young, she had not approved herself in a way. they expressed that. there's a bias. they are supposed to follow the will and the imagined aspirations of alfred nobel, the founder and endower of the peace prize. he believes strongly in disarmament. there is a bias toward disarmament agencies which usually means united nations. that's understandable. the fact that she's been able to do this, there's a new taliban threat against her only this week. she brushes it off. she was on with jon stewart and almost laughed off she is again under a death threat. >> that's right, andrea. she is incredibly composed for any 16-year-old, any adult for
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that matter that we've seen come under additional pressures. i met with her, spent time with her. i can tell you even in person she's every bit impressive as she appears in front of large anonymous audiences. you're exactly right. she hasn't backed down one inch in the face of these threats. they have said they will try to kill her again. they said they would attack any of her supporters or any bookstores that would carry her book, memoir, a 16-year-old, i am malala. she continues to speak out forcefully, publicly, on any platform she's given to speak out about her cause for education reform and a need for all children worldwide to get a basic education. an incredible young woman, just 16 years old. >> thank you so much. great to see you. we were just watching her with the president of the world bank where she is speaking right now. that is a live feed. secretary of state john kerry made an unannounced trip to afghanistan today. he's in kabul meeting with
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president karzai to work out a security deal. problems in the security arrangement that will permit u.s. troops and counter-terror troops to stay behind. the final withdrawal date next year. the u.s. want to complete the deal with month but the talks have hit some big hurdles including the role of counter-terrorism force members the u.s. will leave behind. american guarantees against foreign intervention. senior state department official told reporters traveling with secretary kerry that we're at a pivotal period but he hopes this is still doable. max and penny kept our bookstore
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purina cat chow healthy weight. ido more with less with buless energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind. >> norwegian nobel committee has decided nobel peace prize for 2013 is to be awarded to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. >> opcw is the global chemical
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watchdog group based in the hague run by u.n. it's objective enforce treaty that outlaws chemical weapon. it's been in the spotlight, of course, for the monumental work it's been doing to try to dismantle syria's chemical weapons. the director accepted the a ward earlier today. >> the decision by the nobel committee to bestow this year's peace prize is a great honor for our organization. events in syria have been a tragic reminder that their remains much work to be done. i hope this award and the ongoing mission, together with the united nations and syria, will have broader efforts to achieve peace in the country and the suffering of its poem. >> joining me chemical weapons expert, senior fellow for nonproliferation studies. she's on capitol hill where she's just been testifying. you're testifying in front of
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the house arms services committee on biodefense threats and counter-measures. >> yes. >> chemical weapons a huge part of this. the fact is this is a very important recognition for the u.n. agency that is taking its life in its hands going into a civil war, into a conflict zone to try to dismantle these weapons? >> yes, it is. in fact, a lot of people have never heard of the opcw before. the truth of the matter is for more than 15 years they have been very quietly going around the world making sure that the chemical arsenals of a number of countries have been destroyed and they have been inspecting commercial plants to make sure that the legitimate chemicals these facilities produce are not diverted into covert chemical weapons programs. she deserve the accolades just as malala deserves ought praise she gets for her bravery. >> one of the things we're told by initial reports coming back
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from syria, they have had two missions so far. they are on the second. it has not been as difficult as some preditted. some precursor chemicals not mixed, on the bin ary systems. help me out if i'm incorrect. they are managing to dismantle warheads and to actually destroy a lot of facilities. >> this is very, very early going in this process. i think some of the pictures you've seen and some of the statements you've seen make it sound like it's going to be easy. with regard to the arsenal itself, we only know thus far what we're being told. the inspectors will know more in the days ahead. the weapons they destroyed are probably empty weapons they are able to crush. when it comes to chemical precursors, unitary agent, mustard gas already mixed, any agent in chemical munitions, this is a chemical process in
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part because of the chemical and safety needs destroying these types of weapons. also they are located in facilities around syria in the middle of a civil war. >> how important is the peace price in terms of momentum and international credibility of this agency. >> it's right in some cases everyone worries first and foremost about the nuclear weapons threat. the fact of the matter is chemical weapons are the ones used most frequently. chemical weapons are the weapons that proliferated widely around the world before chemical weapons entered into force in 1977. it's a threat we can't underestimate and we must continue to work to eliminate. this the agency, the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons that's at the frontline of that work. it's very important they are recognized and also, quite frankly, they need the money that comes with a nobel prize because the burden of the inspections in syria is a lot
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more than their current budget alots. >> very interesting information. thank you amy. >> my pleasure. >> edward snowden resurfaced in russia. this the first glimpse we've had of him since he was granted temporary asylum there. he was seen holding an award, a prize for whistleblower, integrity and intelligence by an organization of former security officials. this comes as new results reveal a major red flag missed in 2009 when snowden's former supervisor at the cia suspected the future leaker was trying to break into classified information files he wasn't authorized to see. back in russia, the four others pictured in this picture are ex-americans, ex-intelligence and security officials who support snowden's leaking telling nbc news snowden is settling into his new home. >> he looks very healthy, well rested, centered and grounded.
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he was funny and engaging. he did not seem worried. he did not seem to have lost weight or appear pale or sick in any kind of way. he's been seeing russian authors and studying russian history and trying to understand the politics. [ male announcer ] this is claira. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her, she's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again.
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they can help, but recent research shows... ... nothing transforms schools like investing in advanced teacher education. let's build a strong foundation. let's invest in our teachers so they can inspire our students. let's solve this. the pentagon says it will start wiring checks today of $100,000, military death benefits that had been halted by the shutdown. last night president obama signed legislation rushed through congress after hearing about the problem on nbc and msnbc. what about more than 5 million veterans and families who rely on pensions and disabled payments every month of the year. those could also be at risk soon if this shutdown continues much longer. near fort bral, teresa and her
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two daughters depends on survivor benefits. her husband was an apache pilot killed when his helicopter crashed in iraq in 2006. >> i am a single mom now. i've been raising my kids alone for six years. i'm in college, you know. i need that in come. that in come is what pays my electric bill, my phone bills, my food bill. people don't understand. we rely on something. we're told we're bog to receive it and now reneged on it. >> from coast-to-coast veterans who rely on payments are angry about the shutdown and scared about what could happen next. 30-year-old joe myth an e4 in the air force. >> we made a deal when we signed the dotted line. you say x, y, z, i said i would pleasure x, y, z. it was done. paperwork documented i did it. where are you at? >> at a legion post in california, vietnam veteran says for many families that military pension is a life line.
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>> there are certainly veterans out there that you miss one check, and within a week there is a shortage of food on the table. >> the veterans administration already closed 56 regional offices furloughing workers of if the shutdown continues all 13,000 workers furloughed stopped $6 billion in monthly checks to 5.2 million veterans, including the most severely disabled and those with low incomes. >> our message is pretty simple. do your job and take care of us. when we were asked to do our job after 9/11, we did it. we held up our end of the bargain. right now the u.s. government is not. >> joining me now to continue the discussion is executive director of iraq and afghanistan veterans of america. paul, thank you very much. you were seen in the story we had written about this about the department of veteran affairs and what they were trying to accomplish. one thing we should point out, a lot of furloughed employees, 78
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so far, are themselves veterans. v.a. tries to give preference to veterans. >> that's absolutely right, andrea. shows widespread devastating impact the shutdown is having on veterans and military community. also about 25% of all federal workers are veterans. they work at the department of defense. they work at the department of education. they work at the dea. often when they come home they go back to work at the government. the scope is unprecedented. v.a. hospitals are closing, v.a. facilities closing the doors. medical services opening. suicide crisis line is open. that's important. we're getting unprosecutes departmented levels of calls to case workers. our community is ju under tremendous stress. this is shameful. our community doesn't understand why washington can't get this together. >> i heard today the national guard members get basically ious compared to regular army, they are not paid during the
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shutdown. is that correct? >> we've been hearing from members across the country who have had national guard and reserve drills kaenlsd. there's an economic impact. they are not going to get a couple hundred they were depending on to pay rent and put food on the table. national security impact. they are not training for war. that's an underreported part of the story. we have folks in afghanistan right now fighting, getting shot at and dying. they should not have to worry about if their families are getting taken care of. we're not interested in partisan victories and battles in washington. we're interested in practical realities. our community is getting hit hard and we should not be immune from this nonsense. >> in oregon, those men and women supposed to go to afghanistan in the spring. their training was supposed to start this weekend. that's been canceled. >> yeah. that's in communities across the country. half of our folks have been in the national guard, reserve, many still there. also thousands of veterans in school right now using g.i.
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bill. those benefits in jeopardy. v.a. secretary said this week, if this doesn't stop, they will have a hard time making payments on the 1st. right now veterans don't know if their checks are coming on the 1st. tremendous stress for a group of americans that have sacrificed so much. it's shameful. >> turning to death bense benefits we're told 29 service members died since the 19. not om killed in action but all those that died. 29 families entitled to $100,000 america one-time death benefits. we're told checks are going out. is there any way we can pinned out if cherokees in the mail or wired today? >> they are usually cut within 36 hours. our understanding so far is that is going to happen or has happened. lets take a step back and realize federal government and department of defense had to be bailed out by nonprofit veterans
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group. fisher house had to step up and provide money to take care of folks. i'm not sure if that's resonating around the country, we're relying on fisher house, no one has done more than fisher family we're in a position now where they have had to bail out the pentagon and it's just really absurd. >> thanks so much, paul. thank you for what you're doing for our veterans. >> thanks, andrea. thanks for keeping an eye on these stories. we appreciate it. >> we're on it. thanks. a sad note, last surviving mercury astronauts seen here with jfk and the carpenter family in that wonderful portrait has died at the age of 88 from complications of a recent stroke. carpenter was john glenn's back-up on that first historic flight into space in may of 1962. he was at the mission control to give this now famous sendoff to john glenn. >> godspeed john glen.
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>> carpenter had his shot to go into space just months later. he became the second american to orbit the earth in '62 at the helm of aurora 7 capsule. he circled the globe three times, up in space for less than five hours. scott carpenter never flew in space again but never stopped exploring. he lived in the sea lab in the '60s. efts part of our coverage team when john glenn returned to space at the age of 77. >> what do you reckon is going on in there? >> i wish i knew, but i don't. >> john glenn is now the only surviving member of the original mercury 7, a crew of genuine american heroes. john glenn is 92. let's go places. but let's be ready. ♪ let's do our homework. ♪ let's look out for each other. let's look both ways before crossing.
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the impact felt in our classrooms across the country where programs from head start to student loans are already closed or rapidly running out of funds. joining me ceo of the national math and science initiative and former secretary of education under former president george w. bush. great to see you again. thanks for being part of education nation, part of what we've been talking about all week here. what is the impact so far? we know some 7,000 head start kids were shut out. that wonderful couple in houston was putting up the money to try to supplement what the government was not doing for them? >> thank you, andrea, for having me. i do want to say there's a short-term impact from head start. your woman from ft. bragg is illustrative of that. college students, the rate double, a lo are living below poverty line. they count on head start and
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wick to take care of their children while they go to college of that's short-term. mine is as the staggered funding for head start shuts down, we have more kids at risk. already this country has less than half its children start kindergarten without literacy. as we close head start we lose the opportunity to put kids in kindergarten ready for the challenge of the knowledge economy. >> and you mentioned wick, women and infant program, nutrition program. this is an important program for prenatal and postnatal care? >> it is. i'm delighted to serve on the advisory council for secretary clinton's new initiative too small to fail. a couple of the research studies we've seen as we gather momentum around not failing 0 to 5-year-old kids is the importance on nutrition to brain and importance of parental involvement and other measures
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to get these kids to have a greater vocabulary. we're aiming at 3 million words and literacy skills. unfortunately kids that don't have vocabulary and numberacy. if you don't have them, you won't make it to college. >> emergency funds, a surplus, budget surplus because of tax revenue, unable to spend it because we need federal appropriation, for the having self-governance. >> exactly. >> part of it is charter schools are going to have to close, charter schools creating a lot of educational choice and diversity in the district will have to close. they will be out of money very soon? >> a lot of the conversation or media focus, that's why i'm grateful you're shining the
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light on education, not really having an impact. time lines are short. if we look at funding prafrts between now and middle of november or depletion of resources or those that will run out on december 31st, we're putting a greater percentage at risk. theable to process student loans for low in come students making their way through college or resources we count on on race to the top or charter school programs. we really need to keep the longview. i know when i served in the administration in 2008, everyone was thinking about the credit crunch impacting banks and impacting mortgage holders. we also forgot that there were $70 billion worth of student loans going out to 14 million kids, the majority of whom were low in come that qualified for aid. we started planning in march for the following fall. we need to start having conversations about what's going to happen between october 15th, november 1st and post november 1st as funding runs out for critical programs putting youth
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at risk in school. >> thank you very much. thanks for shedding a light on all this. >> thank you, andrea. >> this worth in from the pentagon. the top air force general in charge of the stockpile of nuclear missiles in the united states has lost his job. this is a rare instance of firing department of defense officials tell nbc's pentagon correspondent jim miklaszewski major general michael cary has been filed. he was relieved in response to an investigation into personal misbehavior, unspecified. for seeing your business in a whole new way. for seeing what cash is coming in and going out... so you can understand every angle of your cash flow- last week, this month, and even next year. for seeing your business's cash flow like never before, introducing cash flow insight powered by pnc cfo.
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multielement plan that would allow us to reopen government and have a short term extension to january of next year of the debt limit, repeal or delay the medical device tax, introduce more flexibility for managers to deal with sequestration subject to congressional approval, and also make sure that there's income verification for the obama care insurance exchanges to prevent fraud. the president listened carefully. he said that some of the elements were issues we could work on but he certainly did not endorse it. there were many conversations on the long-term debt problem. many members expressed concern about raising the debt limit without having a specific plan to deal with our $17 trillion national debt.
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it was a good exchange but it was an inconclusive exchange. >> chris cillizza is back with us. is the repeal of the medical device, about a $30 billion revenue item, that a nonstarter with the white house? could that be part of the final negotiation? >> i would say i don't think there is a nonstarter outside of sort of the things that president obama has been on the record as nonstarters. it feels to me, these things can go side ways as we've seen over past few years. it feels things are coalescing, we know the house republican conference will meet at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning to talk about their options going forward. certainly this is about both the clean debt ceiling proposal as well as what to do with the continuing resolution and reopening the government. it feels as though we're moving toward compromise ordeal of some sort, but i think what remains
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to be seen and senator collins outlined that, are there concessions the white house is willing to give to senate and house republicans that they can go back to members and constituents and say this is what we got, this is how -- this is a demonstration of how we can negotiate and how committed we are to bringing down long term debt issues? >> chris, thank you for everything this week. what a week it has been. remember all of our government workers and all of the people affected by the shutdown as we go into the weekend and stay on msnbc for all of the coverage. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." follow the show online and on twitter. tamron hall has a look at what's next on "news nation." >> we'll play much more of the republican reaction, senate reaction to the meeting with the president. talks just wrapped up and white house also expected to update us as well.
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the republicans who attended the meeting include ted cruz who joked he may never be seen again. we'll have more about our summit with conservatives. serious negotiations continue with the house taking the first vote to extend the debt ceiling as early as tonight. the frantic search for a missing autistic boy last seen running out of his school unnoticed exactly a week ago today. his parents accuse the school of negligence. we'll talk with holly robinson petee using social media to bring attention to this case. parents of an a gymnast are outraged after an official who suggested their daughter's victory at the world championship was due to her race. all coming up on "news nation." hey, you guys comfortable? it's best-in-class rear legroom. and with a turbo engine that gets 35 highway m-p-g. you know j.d. power ranked passat the most appealing midsize car two years in a row?
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