tv Up Late With Alec Baldwin MSNBC October 11, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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secret muslim style gangster president who was quite frankly not even born but found under a rock in the sir ran go aheady. this is their -- this crisis is not a normal republican versus democrat fight. this would be resolved by now if it were. what happened is they really handed this one over to the fringe and it means that anybody who is operating under anything that we can learn from a previous political playbook is wrong. there's no way to make predictions about what happens now without understanding where this all started. that does it for us tonight. now it's time for the premiere of "up late with alec baldwin." have a great night. >> thank you so much. america's largest city has been run by a billionaire media mogul for the last 12 years. but that's about to change. my guest for the hour is heavily
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favored to become the first democrat in 20 years to serves new york city mayors. the entire country is watching to see whether bill de blasio will enact the policies he's running on and whether they will work. he was a dark horse to ran to the left of the democratic -- telling a tale of two cities, the haves and have knots. de blasio is promising a real break from the bloomberg era. i was a supporter of his, but the question remains what can any mayor do about inquality on america's home turf. by de blasio tonight, up late. the premise of your campaign
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has been about addressing inequality. and what i'll call the big three points that you made are you want to have universal prek, you want to build 200,000 units of affordable housing in the city, and you want to raise taxes on people earning $500,000 or more. my question is, what i don't see here is job creation. and how do you think -- do you think that job creation is a priority for your administration and how do those things address job creation. >> it's absolutely a priority. i think you're exactly right. the focus is on addressing inequality. it takes many formed in this city. but to achieve job creation is one about a city government aggressively focusing not just job creation but jobs that will reach people less advantaged and accident wages and benefits.
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so it's a bigger conception of job creation than has been recognized in government. and we talk about the affordability crisis in this city. one part of it the dumbing down of wages and benefits. but the other part is the lack of affordable housing. my 200,000 units of affordable housing will help people to have a more affordable lifestyle but in the process, job construction in the maintenance of the buildings and then to make sure those jobs reach -- our traffic is to make sure the jobs reach the residents of the five burrows. so a lot of pieces of this plan come with an inherent element to them. >> the manufacturing jobs have been collapsing and even in the last 12 years we've lost 50%. we were reading where it said 50% of manufacturing jobs have
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ev evaporated between 2000 and 2011. >> well, the quest to ashds inequality inherently means defineding government as a force in the administration. no one who understands history would say that the market inherently takes care of all the issues. it is the roll of government to be the balance, correct. i have a very aggressive vision of how we do that. now the current mayor, michael bloomberg, the free market tier that he always said he was, and the inkwee quality crisis grew and grew. and he did not think it was right for the government to intervene. for example, when i talk about creating affordable housing, i said you need to use our public pension fund dollars. that's using public assets aggressively and strategically. the mayor did not agree with that.
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i think what we're going to be confronting here in new york city and beyond, is a time that the government is going to have to work harder to address a crisis of inequality. when we were coming up, of course there were rich and poor. but there was immense opportunity. what's happened since reagan is a downward pressure on -- clear decline of the middle class. greater and greater income disparity. and then we got hit -- >> we're just a more expensive role perhaps. as wages go down and benefits go down and as good middle class jobs go down, in order for the government to step in and perform that balancing act, it costs more and more money. at what point i'm wondering -- in new york for example, there are people who exist in a manhattan sen assess nexus.
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you're an -- you're a nonmanhattan to become mayor since be. ne. but why is it you don't say to yourself or the fathers, the economic fathers, and mothers of the city, don't sit there and say, well, let's just let manhattan become bel aire, california. let them make as much money as they want and you tax that money and chief all the goals that you want to with all the affordable housing. do you believe people have a right or do you want to subsidize their preference to live in manhattan. do you agree with what i'm saying? >> i want to respond and frame it a little differently. it's not a question are we trying to ignore market realities and say manhattan is an easy place for lower income folks to live. it does not resemble the manhattan historically true of
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this city. but i think what i key in on here is bloomberg literally had a vision of the new york city as of high-end of the economy, the industries that we would embrace, tech, wall street, it would be luxury housing, that narrow vision has helped to exacerbate the inequality of the city. as we build affordable housing, we're still cognizant of the market housing. we're not suggesting we can drop that down at any time and any manner. it's got to be in development with what's already happening. with that being said, if we continue on a path in which we constantly exclude poor folks, working class folks, now even more folks that you and i would consider middle class folks, i don't think it becomes a functioning city in the future. i think a functioning strongsy
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is one in which opportunity is broughtly available. >> burrow by burrow? >> all burrows. but the point is there has to be not just a ree alty of opportunities stand are substantiating to expand again in a truly meaningful way. one that we know every person has a chance. many people are in structurely negative place in terms of employment. so whoopz in the bloomberg years it's not all because of him. tourism has been developed and it's been developed around minimum wage jobs, often no benefits, and so people get a job but not a job they can live on. how does government intervene to push up wages and benefits? i think we have a lot of tools to do it. starting with the money we spend
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ourself in government. starting with our ability to decide on firms that get subsidiaries, what kind of conditions we put. >> what's an example of something you change in that area. >> living wage legislation is a great example. it says if you get a government discuss subsidiary and not in the affordable housing or nonprofits, you get a government subsidiary, we're going to require you to pay $10 an hour if they get benefit and $11 if they don't. >> what's the biggest benefit of that? >> a lot of people in the private sector don't want to pay that. if you're getting a subsidiary and getting private dollars to help you do your work, and we're the most lucrative part of the country, so you've got to pay them better so we can function better as a society. and by the way, if we don't do that, guess who ends up paying the bill? taxpayers. as people are failing and
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families can't make it, taxpa r taxpayers have to bear the burden. if you want to argue it practically, if you don't at the front end of the process improve people's incomes and benefits, even just a little, we'll pay on the back end. >> of those three things i mentioned, universal prek and the tax raise and housing, two of them depend in some part on the one, on the tax raise. but you yourself, nor does any mayor have the authority to raise taxes. the state plays a big roll in that, correct? >> of course. >> what's your relationship with cuomo? >> it's great. a very close personal relationship. >> is he going to want to raise taxes? >> we've heard him talk over years on his vision of taxation. today we're here in a new situation. >> what are you going to say to persuade him? >> i'm going to show -- >> or whatever.
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>> i'm going to show -- you're -- >> no no. >> i'm going to show him that there's tremendous popular support. because i know there will be for the notion of asking the wealthy to do a little more. by the way, the tax rate i proposed is no higher than michael bloomberg set it in -- >> to off set the crisis. >> it's a crisis -- to explain for people who don't know, bloomberg raised taxes to 4.9% right after 9/11. >> and i'm talking about raise them to 4.4. so the bottom line -- >> just for good measure. >> exactly. in terms of albany, one it's been popular support. if people are saying, yeah, it is fair to ask the wealthy to do a little more, yes our kids are not being served by the school system and not enough focus on early childhood and we need to do this. point one. point two, i think we're going
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to make the argument that we're falling behind as a city, state, country if we don't focus on early child mood education. and there's a growing understanding in the public debate. look at china, india, germany. they're all running to make sure that they're children get early childhood education. >> and every where i go, i hear people say that that's a life changing thing for them to have universal prek for working mothers. but that's a long-term goal. that's where the dividends will be paid in the long-term, correct? >> long-term. but not that far in the future. goes into prek at the age of four and be in the work force ten years potentially. and if you don't make it soon, you -- simple point. the amount of education that you have determines your economic destiny that is more true today than -- the amount of education needed for economic success has
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gone up intensely. 30% of american children at the angle of four get all day prek. 40% that's all. in this city, 50,000 kids get something less than full day prek. >> when we talk about your raising taxes and are you rur relationship with cuomo in the state. let's say he decides to run for some nationwide office, that would perhaps call into question how do your policies and his relationship with you and your policies play outside the city? ? what happens if bill de blasio wants statewide and nationwide office? do the things that you want only exist in new york city with a lot of -- >> as i'm going to cross this city talking to people over the last year, the profound sense of crisis, you know, you just need to talk to new yorkers for a few minutes to start to realize
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something different is going on now. people feel economically insecure. they know their children are not being prepared for the future. and they feel that government has to address it. i think the combination of saying, we will take this challenge on head on, you're not going to sweep it under a rug, we have to focus on early childhood education if we expect to address the needs of this city and the state and one. and second, that the weldy are now surpassing their previous status and look at the state of the stock market. they're setting records recently, all-time highs. it is fair to ask the wealthy to do a little more. you look at for example some of the polling about this election that we're having here in new york city, striking of number of independents and republicans agree with some of the ideas that i'm putting forward. i think in terms of our governor, i believe that he'll see that there's a growing support for the motion of
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addressing these issues. and i think that will be persuasive to him in the legislatu legislature. [ molly ] honey. whoa! sweet mother of softness. paws off pal. just one squeeze? just enjoy it with your eyes. [ female announcer ] new charmin ultra soft is so soft, you don't even have to squeeze it to believe it. for the first time, you can actually see the softness with our new comfort cushions. new charmin ultra soft is still so much softer and more absorbent, you can use up to four times less. . . . . . .
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one of the interesting things about in my lifetime what has changed, all the americans are now in on the dow. >> right. it didn't used to be that way. >> the stock market was a board game played by wealthy individuals with disposable income and had a fascination for that kind of pension and that kind of speculative investing. now all of america has their eyes on the dow. and my point is for the dow to do well, and wall street to do well, main street might not do well. people who are rooting for their pension funds to earn greater income in the stock market are also rooting for those companies to put them out of a job.
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how do you feel, what's it like to be mayor of a city where wall street is such a huge engine and what happens to wall street and how well it does is a big part of how well your city does and your tax base? >> first part, i have to humbly focus on people giving me that job. i'm in the middle of my job interview as we speak, alec. one, your point is so fundamental that when we were growing up, the stock market was an accoubstraction. but the contribution point out is the crux of this to me. and it gets right back to how we have to treat wall street in new york city. a mayor of new york city can only wish for the strongest sector, paying the most taxes, the secondary jobs. i would be right there with that concept. but we've needed reform on wall street since the crisis and before the crisis, in fact. and so i don't want to ever mistake the motion of we have a
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hometown industry but want it to do well. >> but we don't want them to break the car before he drive. >> thank you. i don't know if there's any dichotomy for the mayor of new york city to say, god bless you, creating a lot of jobs and tax revenue, keep doing -- >> go forth and prosper but -- >> but behave and make sure it's done right. and in the same vein, to folks who are wealthy, we need a little more help to fix some of the challenges in our society, there's a consistency in this. i think the analogy you make for to the people for the price to go up, that's a powerful point that we need to think more about the hometown factory at this point in our evolution. so stock prices, of course, and what it means for pension fund is very important. but i'm arguing that our economy is so unbalanced, that people are suffering so deeply, that right now the task of the
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government is to right the ship. and pi the way, look at the last few state of the union addresses. he laid out the core concepts that would put us on the right path and a huge amount of job creation. and the bargain, he's got a republican congress that won't allow him to. i'm arguing at mayor bloomberg's annual conference of cities, that cities and states have to take matters in their own hands as much as possible. and for example, in this city, one of the things that excites me the most is building retrofits. it's right for the environment and the climate and a way to get employment opportunities to a lot of folks that haven't had them. you would love them to be a federal government program. here they come. but it's not happening. >> we can't afford that. >> we have to do it ourselves to the maximum extent possible. >> what's your view on
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legalizing marijuana? >> the one thing i know that i believe in is the legislation is state senate here in new york has proposed that de criminalize the dits play of a small amount of marijuana. and we have a horrible dynamic of the stop and frisk. >> we're going to that. >> if you have a small amount of marijuana in your pocket, that's no illegal. and if you bring it out along with everything else when asked by a police officer, it's wrong. that's crazy. it's saddling a lot of young people, and a lot of young people of color -- >> but you're in favor of legalizing marnl, a, because it's a victimless crime -- >> no, i want to be clear. i'm saying that legalizing the display of a small amount to stop the contribution of a lot -- >> is that your only concern? >> that's my first concern. >> and what about criminals.
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>> of course. it leads to criminal record thads inhibit employment that make it easier for people to end up in a criminal life. so i want to see that legislation passed on me. medical marijuana is something i do not know enough about. that's a serious area of public policy that needs to be looked at. i think what i'm saying is i understand the argument for medical marijuana legalization with proper controls more than i understand the argument for full legalization. but the one thing i can tell you, where i am personally, the only thing i know i fully support is that it de criminal lies the display of small amount. >> let's talk about stop and frisk. >>. let's say you become the mayor. >> i like your way of thinking. >> who is going to be the police commissioner? >> first have to win and go through a very tlur row process. but i have said i want a
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commission that is going to end the stop and frisk -- >> that means kelly is gone. >> kelly is gone. with all due respect but time for a change. >> is that the only reen he's gone? >> no. but a prominent reason. and it will intensify our crime fighting efforts and going to respect the constitution in the bargain. bill bratton was our commissioner, i think is one of the great policing experts in this country. another guy, the chief the department right now in new york city, phil banks who i have a lot of respect for. if the people choose me, that's going to then occasion a very careful vetting. and a very careful process to get it right. >> when you look at stop and frisk, when you look at any number of cases, i am of the firm belief that the overwhelming majority of police officers are honest and decent and want to do a good job.
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>> unquestionably. >> but when they go through these spasms and someone gets shot or the school craft case and so forth, it seems all the more, you know, luminous in the presence because it is the police and there's a say credit trust there. but do you find that the mayor of new york has a relationship with the police department and the chief of the police kind of similar to the relationship that the president of the united states has with the pentagon and the intelligence community? do they run their own show, the police, and then act respectful toward the mayor of new york but appreciate if you keep your nose out of our business? >> i'll meet your conversational question with a answer that might supervise you. i think the history of the military of the united states of america is a full understanding of military control. i think there is. >> implied one? >> no. i would argue that there's a lot of evidence that senior figures
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in the military, even when they disagree, know that the president is the elected commander in chief. and there's been real consequence to those who disagreed to openly. starting with harry trueman and douglas mcarthur. so the theory has been established that you work for the civilian authority, as it should be. here in new york a very different history developed. it was where one police plaza was self-contained. we've several had commissioners who set a lot of their policies without necessarily overly consulting with city hall. so i think there is a subtle but important dynamic here that we need our police leadership to recognize, that the changes we have to make are crucial to the future of this city. >> you're going to have civilian oversight? >> unquestionably. the people are demanding these changes rightfully. i believe in the independent
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inspector general. >> does he support you on that? >> i haven't had that conversation with him. but it's a reform that we need to have in this city. but the point being, in a democracy, we electric the commander in chief. we electric the commander in chief and that's how it has to be. and i think we have to really evolve a bit here so that policing policy is more thoroughly a part of the public debate and the final decisions reside that much more clearly in city hall. ♪ [ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires screech ] ♪ [ beeping ] ♪ may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] ♪ may things always go your way.
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and watching a lot of your advertising or campaign pieces and we recalled one your videos. it's morning in park slope. it was warm and positive tone to your relationship with your family. in fact, one of us joked about do you and your son every walk down the street together and also break into walking in slow motion together in live action to mimic those spots. you seem to have a very warm positive healthy home life. >> yeah. >> and that you yourself, you did not grow up that way. >> no. >> and i mean a lot of the details of things you've been involved with in your past have come up recently. and my only question is how do you think that those things shaped the policy that you want for the city? did they? >> they did. a personal point, i think if you come from a -- the phrase broken home is a little hackneyed but it gets to the point. mine was definitely a broken
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home growing up. i think it sort of called out for a lot of us the need to learn and somehow get it right and figure out the antidote. and i think one of the things that has made me a devoted husband and father is that somehow i sought a way to respond to what i experienced and my family experienced to somehow get it right. >> you wanted that. >> i wanted it debt prattly. and i wasn't sure that it was doable. >> you you said in one of your pieces that you didn't think you wanted to get married and -- >> you start to worry, is it me? i would say my mother was extraordinary in the face of the challenges. and i think in a way i gained a little faith despite the pain. she did everything right she should under very trying circumstances. so there's not like there weren't some touch stones and guiding star. and certainly my extended
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family, this is why my italian side of my family is so important to me, they were a close-knit unit. and that encounciled me. but it took a long time for me to believe that i could get it right. and when my met my wife, there was some way i always think it was the fourth date with her, it was some feeling came over me that i found the soul mate. and i found the one. and that is something i sought so deeply. >> and i always tell people that i remember during my lifetime i would meet women and it would like god would say to me, now, this woman here is not the one that you're going to end up with. but look at this woman, she's a great woman. take a good look at her. someone like this is going to be put in her life and i want you to recognize her. ten years later, and -- when my wife showed up, do you recognize her now? >> that's well said.
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and i literally felt when i started spending time with her, it wasn't a voice, but i almost felt like a voice was telling me that i had found the one. >> how does it affect your policies? >> deeply. because i think it -- if you wanted to be against us, you got a sense of the underdog and appreciate for the underdog if you go through adversity itself. but it's much more complicated than that. i'm focused on what families go through, early childhood education and after school. there's a reason, because it comes out of seeing the struggle of family and having grown up effectively in a single-parent family. it's not hard or abstract to think about what parents are going through in this city where a huge percentage of the families are single-parent families and think about what we have to do to help and support them pg and my mom went through economic stresses after my dad and she divorced.
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she was the only bread winner. if you've gone through economic insecurity in your life, it helps you realize how difficult it can be on people. and now it's not just occasional, it's persistent for so many people. it absolutely informed my sense of how much we have to try to get people to a better place. and if you don't, i also have a pretty clear sense of what happens to people, what happens to families if they don't have that helping hand sometimes. >> in my lifetime when i grew up in the heart of suburban residential middle class long island, one of the things that just vibrates for me in my adult life is all the activities that we had through the school. and if those things weren't there for us, i grew up in a neighborhood where kids who didn't sing in the chorus or play a an instrument in the band or didn't play basketball or went into wrestling or gymnastics, those kids all
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became drug addicts if they didn't have something after school. and do you find that that's part of what drives you in terms of funding things for schools and pre-k that you've got to give kids somewhere to go outside of television? i shouldn't have said that? >> that's okay. i think that's probably another window. the way you ask it makes me think that that's another window that i have from my own experience. if you come up in a troubled family, it's very easy to feel bad interest the world and follow the wrong path. look at kids all over the city who are dealing with tough economic circumstances. a lot of whom are not being given a lot of hope that there's a great future ahead of them. that's another to want to change the stop and frisk policy, because a lot of good young men of color are being told there's something wrong with them. and if you don't give young
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people a sense of here's a pathway, and that can be an afterschool program or a team or band, but if there's no pathway, it's easy to go in the wrong direction. and then a gang or something can look appealing to some kids. that's why in my education plan, the focus on after school. the idea that three more hours a day the kids are going to be in a safe and secure place learning. arguments and culture. these are kids in 6th, 7th, 8th grade. exactly that make or break point. and if we give them those positive alternatives, most kids will take them. >> and i only kind of have a very weak tired analogy of the stop and frisk, these massive nets that they go trolling fortunia and they catch all of the other fish and say tough, it's collateral damage. those types of policies are just
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lazy. there's a hadder work that you need to do in order to balance being tough on crime and balancing people's democratic freedoms that requires more effort and more work. and it seems like in our society have been making excuses as to why things need to be easier. and stop and frisk seems lazy. >> i really appreciate that anal assist. this is a very tough city and it's a tough city to police. that being said, you know, the constitution laid out a tough mission in a time in history, by the way, when things were chaotic dynamics going on. and in this new country born out of a war with the unknown ahead, people said, you know what? we're not going to allow authorities to walk into a house and start searching. they have to get a warrant. and it built the greatest nation in the world. and i would say further, you're
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to help you retire your way... with confidence. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you. ameriprise financial. more within reach. i think that what bill brings to the table, what he brings to the city, well, a few things. one, he's very smart. two, he is a person who brings people together. he's very sensitive and respectful of all peoples. >> your wife seems like a woman who probably the greatest complement i can pay her is she seems incapable of tell a lie or having a false moment. and one of the things is how your wife feels about you. your wife is really very fond of you. and the question we wanted to ask you, what do you think it is about you that your wife loves? >> let me reverse that for a
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second. >> how did you close that deal? >> let me reverse that for a second. the profile of the "the new york times," i would say that profile actually captured a lot of why i fell in love with her. she went through a lot of tough stuff. she came out resolute and strong and full of hope and embrace and life for the people around her and wanting to make this world different and better. she doesn't know how to tell a lie. she's forceful and strong-willed. she never lets me get away with, you know, some kind of contradicti contradiction. and i love all that about her. and i think when i started to realize, even before i realized she was the one, i always say it was love at first sight when i met her. she felt nothing. but for me, it was love at first sight. so i had a sense -- >> it was hard work. >> right. i think we saw something similar
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in each other. we both had been through some difficult stuff. but we both came out still with hope intact. we loved a lot of the same things. one year in 1993, this is a great little indicator, we were still pretty early on. it was about 1 1/keers into our rip. and there was a african film festival. we went to 21 of the 2 films. and in the process, really still in the early development of the our relationship, we found that we wanted to do the same things. we thought the same way and noticed the same things in the scenes. and i think we loved the pursuit of life's interests and the sort of, to quote an album cover of a welcome-known band, "life's rich pageant." there was a sort of joy rile grappling with things in the
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world. >> do you think that new york in is place in the post-racial obama years -- >> be careful with that phrase. the boefl obama years, i don't know that i would say racial. >> but where new yorkers in particular, to me it's post racial in terms of racial politics, where we have a re-elected african-american, do you think the videos would have played as well as they did if your son wasn't half african-american? >> obviously it would be gorgeous to one day have a post racial society. i think you're right, that the election of obama was a watershed moment. now we have to build on that watershed moment. here, i think there was a warmth that people connected to in the videos and ads and just the
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experience of our family. i can't tell you how many people told me after election night what my daughter said when she introduced me and as a parent they felt like pride in her for a daughter to be getting up there and giving that speech. for both our kids and sort of the relationship that we have, i think people have picked up on a very human level. but there is something that's true, yes, it's a indicator of a society that may be healing and getting better. but i don't think we think too ostentationously. we fell in love. and -- >> this is part of a plan. >> and our daughter, to her great credit, she turned to the media spontaneously, it's not like my dad fell in love with a black woman 20 years ago so he could put her on display.
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>> i want your kids to wear a t-shirt that says, "i'm not part of a grand plan". >> right. we fell in love. our family. we always knew we would somehow be involved -- >> like people do. >> but we knew one thing. we met in city hall. we body felt we were change agents in our own ways. we just knew we were about the work of change and it was something we would do together. and when you fast forward to today, there is something in everything that we did that was simply about family. family takes many forms and we love and appreciate all kinds of families. and it doesn't matter, traditional, untraditional. and there was a moment wherefore dante's birthday we went to a restaurant in brooklyn, and right in the middle of the meal, an older woman, i think
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italian-american from everything that i could see, and she walked up and started to talk to him about the ad. and she turned to the table and said, that ad was about family. and then she walks away. and i think that was one of those moments of ngtds. we are talking about, you know, trying to respect every kind of people, trying to have a city and government that actually helps people along that helps them through their struggles, that really loves an embraces people from the beginning point, which is family of every kind. and that's what got communicated. and it was less about look at the different skin colors and it was more about a coheerns and a hope of where we have to go as a society. >> now, i looked at the times video, "the new york times" website.
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hers to lose. >> quinn led polls for month, but more opted for a cleaner break than she offered. >> you were in my mind you scored a defensive touchdown. someone else fumbled the ball on the 10 yard line and you ran it 90 yards in the end zone. >> there's have very vivid analogy. >> it was thrilling. but someone else had an apparatus that everybody else was bullet proof. what happened between him and her? >> as a youth, i always admired deeken jones the defensive end for the rams. and i like your analogy. that's what i envision myself doing if i pursued myself in football. >> stripping the ball. >> i like that. >> you did strip the ball. >> i think the central reality is this mayor, and i could tell you the things i think he's done
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well that we need to continue. he's been great on the environment, public health, smart about diversity our economy. but it's not a state secret that he had a certain thing that grew with time that the closed circle got more closed. decreased. and as he pursued certainly the term limit change in '08 was the break pount point, that ended some of the faith that people had in his independence and reformism and the things that they actually liked about him. and before that, here's a really, really wealthy guy but he means well and he's using it as a vehicle of independent pens in public policy. after that it seemed a lot more self-serving. and it really framed the discussion about whether or not government was going to respond to people or whether it was going to respond to some other dynamic.
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>> two quick questions. bloomberg wants you to have a world class transition. what does that mean to you? >> i think he's been very fair on this point. the people haven't spoken, we have a lot to do. but his signals have been right. >> and as the former city council from brooklyn, are you moving to gracie mansion or are you going to stay in brooklyn? >> we don't entertain that kind of question until the people speak on november 5th. that's all i can say. >> thank you. >> enjoyed it.
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candidate bill de blasio. i hope you'll joy us here every friday at 10:00. what kind of show do we want this to be? i can't give you a declaration of principles like charles foster cain had for his newspaper. i want to find out what drives people. artists an performers to search tore beauty in their work. and why people -- people who will never quit fighting for the right of undocumented workers. >> they don't get to quit and i want to walk alongside them as long as it takes. they have so much courage. >> and next friday i'll ask three-time academy mom me award winner deborah winger what drowned out the call of
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hollywood stardom? >> the background music became larger and that's what i was listening to. my father passed, my mother passed. and i was listening. and i was watching my kids grow up and i wasn't watching them from afar. and it wasn't there wasn't room for acting, it was just i would get a script to read and it was so small, the story, compared to the story that i was getting to live. >> more conversation than interview. more personal than promotional. and it's not allen keys making sense. it's "up late with alec baldwin." i love having a free checked bag with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] having a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country
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