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tv   Morning Joe  MSNBC  October 14, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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>> all right, well, we have the red sox comeback in the 2004 world series. >> yeah. >> i actually remember that. and then remember that. and then we have the broncos come back against the browns. and we also have game six in the '86 world series, wilson hit two strikes and two outs. >> don't like that shot. you can see my back side too much coming into your shot. "morning joe" starts right now. ♪ count three and one. it's a base hit. red sox win it. this series tied in a game a piece. holy cow. >> that changed, didn't it? >> oh, my gosh. unbelievable. >> looked like it was over. >> yeah.
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unbelievable. good morning. it's monday, october 14th -- >> you were there. were you there last night? >> i was. i actually was for seven innings. >> when did the come back start, joe? >> the eighth. >> maybe by leaving. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to "morning joe." that is quite a win for the red sox last night. with us on set here in new york, washington anchor for bbc new york, katie kay. mark halperin. and msnbc policy analyst isra klein. >> we were watching the game and i said i have to leave. built i get to work. you know barnacle is not here. i have to drive through the night.
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so i got in the car and about an hour down -- unbelievable. >> 5-0 when you left. >> it was 5-1. but more remarkable than this and i put this with what in 2004. look, all weekend, willie, you saw this. we red sox fans went through the two most frustrating nights in our franchise history. we were no hit through eight innings last night. all of these strikeouts over the last two nights. no hit. the tigers pitchers set every record in the 112 year history of major league baseball with strikeouts and two games. it was absolutely stunning what happened. the red sox could not hit. in fact, mike and i were talking last night, in the sixth inning said have you ever in all your years watching baseball seen one team so completely dominated. the answer was no.
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and then this happened. >> bases loaded. two out. hard hit into right. back at the wall. big poppy, the grand slam. >> i can tell you that stadium -- i go there regularly, it's like a family there. this was the most depressed group of people over two nights, and it just absolutely unbelievable what happened. so i called joey -- we were all in florida, so i gave joey my tickets, my family down in florida and gave joey my tickets for two nights ago and we were sitting there. again, we will be telling your
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children, grandchildren about this one. >> it wasn't just that the red sox were trailing in these two games, they couldn't touch the tigers pitches. if you lost last night trailing 5-0. >> verlander got three in detroit. started to look weak for the red sox. then it changed. still doing it. same guy ten years ago. >> the guy who is the most clutch hitter in 2004. the game is what, you know, 4-5. responsible firm coming back. this is unbelievable. >> a great turn around for the team. >> mike barnacle is still away. drunk in the streets screaming. >> today is day 14. can you believe it? >> yeah. >> you can? >> i can. the fact that what certain people are saying, you know, ted cruz saying we got them just
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where we want them and really convincing his smaller shrinking group of supporters that things are going great for his side. >> he's campaigning with sarah palin. >> it explains why we're still very far apart. >> all right. day 14. federal government shutdown. three days away from the looming threat of default. global leaders are expressing concern that if the united states is unable to meet its financial obligations it will have an impact well beyond america's borders. at this point any hope to avoid default and reopen the government lies with the senate. talks between democrats and republicans are now focused around spending and how long sequestration cuts should remain intact as part avenue budget deal. democrats want the cuts to last through november but republicans are looking for a longer deal. over the weekend democrats rejected a plan by susan
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collins. yesterday senator john mccain warned his colleagues about the dangers of their strategy. >> we should be sitting down and the president should be engaged and the democrats, they better understand something. what goes around comes around and if they try to you had m yh republicans, it's now time to sit down and get things done. >> it seems some elements of the republican party that put us here, even though most republicans didn't want to get here, are actually digging in. john mccain compared by a member of the house, the members. al qaeda. unbelievable. and as i said before, ted cruz
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telling people at a conservative gathering that democrats are scared, this is the strategy we should employ in the future because it's working. that with our party's approval rating at 27%. >> it's not working. my sense now is no big deal. part of what's driving the dynamic is democrats know they are winning and harry reid and the white house have the attitude is why should we give anything because they are coming our way. they are waiting. there will be no big deal. they will pass something short term. there could be a miscalculation. the senate thinks the house can act fast. the house thinks the senate act fast. they may not have timed this enough to get this done. the next 48 hours, if the market goes bonkers everybody will act fast. it's just a question of terms of surrender. >> the democrats think they are
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winning. if you look at the polls it certainly looks like they are. >> they are probably emboldened by it. >> yeah. you do look at some of the comments that people made this weekend on the right. it seems they are digging in even more. >> look at the ted cruz/sarah palin demonstration outside of the white house. it feel likes the old days of the republican party. a number of international figures were in washington looking at what's happening in america and saying this could be very bad for the global economy. >> we're just talking numbers here. >> that's a real change around from a week ago when we were looking at numbers where republicans were not doing as nearly as bad joe in '95 and
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'96. obama seemed until about a few days ago seemed to be in the tank as republicans. >> in a series of polls. there was an ap poll that now appears to be an outlier from every other poll. they are digging in. >> let me get to what you're talking about with ted cruz. sarah palin and ted cruz join demonstrators at the world war ii memorial protest over the shutdown and obama care. take a look. >> we're here to honor our vets. you look around, though, and you see these barricades and you have to ask yourself, is this anyway that a commander-in-chief would show his respect, his gratitude to our military? >> why is the federal government spending money to erect
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barricades to keep veterans out of this memorial. there are 14 bills sitting on harry reid's desk to fund vital government functions, to fund the va. the senate won't even vote to fund the va. >> all right. what are we missing here? you're an analysis of that. i'll stay out of it. go ahead. >> i don't think you're missing a whole lot on the politics. it was fascinating over the weekend that rally -- that was an affirming rally. it's something we greeted with disbelief anybody would consider that to be much of an important hinge point. for some conservatives they felt like they were seeing a winning message. the big thing that happened this weekend and mark touched on it a moment ago, something you saw
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until you haven't seen to this point democrats are beginning to make demands to. the demand they are making which is a little bit unusual is they don't want to see the government funded at these levels for six months. they will accept six weeks but not six months. they feel if they do that they are walking into sequestration for 2014. they are hoping something will change in the republican party and get to a deal on spending. that's a significant change in this debate for both sides to bring a certain set of policy grabs to the table in order to try to get a better policy equilibrium in 2014. >> what can they give to help republicans save face and get the country out of this deal? what would be acceptable at this point maybe not to ted cruz but to republicans at large to get through this and to get some
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kind of a deal? >> love the idea of harry reid the swagger. i don't think that they want to give up much at all. the thing they are hoping to do here, i think if you want to see how we would like to it play out, markets are opening today. it's going to get a little bit hairy over the next couple of days. whether it gets hairy today or on wednesday it's difficult to predict but it will get rough in the markets. that will force a lot of pressure on republicans to come to a deal. the deal the democrats are looking for here is some kind of budget negotiations. they want those budget negotiations and at this point republicans want those negotiations as well. they break republicans on the shutdown, debt ceiling, get a clean reopening, come to these budget negotiations and democrats hope then because republicans will be so terrified of doing this again, doing another shut down, having another debt ceiling they will want those negotiations to come to a mutual outcome that
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replaces sequestration with mixed mandatory spending cuts and a couple of revenue increases. >> mark halperin right now the white house is thinking, why deal with them? the republican party has fallen to an all time low according to gallup, a poll that has been, you know, as we saw in the past, pretty pro republican poll. same thing with nbc/wall street journal poll. also says the republicans have reached an all time low. there's some at the white house that saw what happened this weekend with ted cruz and the rallies going good. good. let them dig into a position that's going to give us even more power in the future. i mean i don't see any deal being made. certainly not by the white
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house. why would they? >> we've talked about democrats giving republicans an opportunity to save face. i think the white house and harry reid would like to humiliate the republicans and like to send them a message and if you're led around by ted cruz and sarah palin going forward the same thing will happen to you again. they are going for the best, toughest deal they can get. at this point the big variable can they get a debt ceiling extension into next year. republicans know they are on the precipice not only having their party badly divided if they cave but losing any leverage to get the kind of entitlement reform they would like to get. >> ted cruz's strategy has put the republican party at 24%, their all time low, katty. and, yet, there are certainly a number of people, maybe it's that 24% in america that are saying, you know, keep at it, let's go even further. and there's no doubt that if
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these trends continue that drives the republican party's numbers into the teens. >> all the signs over the weekend seem to be the white house and the democrats have the advantage at the moment. so the people who are suggesting that the rally over the weekend maybe what they are calling a game changer, what's the game they are trying to change. how are they taking out of this any positive influence for their party except to say they think that this purest conservative wing of the party is better off without the mainstream of the republican party. that's the only way this could be a possible benefit. >> to your point, senator ted cruz growing influence among conservatives was definitely on display this weekend at the 2013 value voters summit. cruz easily won the annual gathering's straw poll with 42% support from those in attendance. tied in second was dr. ben carson. and rick santorum with 13%
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apiece. followed by rand paul and marco rubio with 6% and 5%. not making the top five, new jersey governor chris christie who was snubbed from the summit. he received eight vote or 1%. the rumored 2016 presidential candidate also addressed what's happening in washington saying quote if i was in the senate right now i would kill myself. >> and this just in. michele bachmann wins the iowa straw poll. >> if you're looking for chris christie this is a dream. >> this is going perfect for chris christie snoompry republican in washington is getting destroyed. the party is the looking terrible. the best possible thing to happen to chris christie republicans unexpectedly don't make gains in the elections in 2014. they should. it's a mid-term. you don't have the president's
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massive turn out machine. the opposition party does better. if they manage to screw themselves up in the mid-term by doing another shutdown next year at that point you might have a party willing to say we need somebody who can win. chris christie is looking at this and chortling with delight. >> chortling. i like it. >> ted cruz comes in occasionally for some criticism but you have to look at chris christie and republican leaders in washington and say they let this happen. ted cruz is doing what's good for him. you can criticize him but republican leaders who let him do what he's done and not spoken out about what he's done, they deserve a lot of blame and they are now dealing from a position of weakness in large part because of their silence and inaction. >> is it really such good news for kris drois be the heard of a party that's so dysfunctional
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and broken. he might get the nomination. but he goes into 2016 head of a party that's as fractured as it is today. can he bring it together? >> he can say what joe says every day, this is not the republican party. this is a splinter of the republican party. i represent the values of you republicans out there. come with me. the thing about the values voter summit, chris christie is against gay marriage, he's against abortion. what do they want from him exactly? he shares their values on most issues. >> chris christie is the first pro life governor in the state of new jersey since roe v wade became law. and he's not welcomed. that's fine. chris christie doesn't care whether he's invited there or not because none of those people in the top five list, i'm sorry i'm going to shock some people. >> here we go. >> they are not going to win the nomination next time. just like it was predicted in
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2012. this really shocked people that sarah palin wasn't going to win. and john mccain wasn't going to win. and rick santorum wasn't going to win. they are not. here's the thing about chris christie. he should be a dream for, you know, tony perkins, guys that i've known and worked with. the first pro life governor in the seat of new jersey since roe v wade became law in 1973. it's stunning. you don't want that guy to come and tell you how to be a pro life leader in states where there are usually no pro life leaders? wow. >> 65% approval in a blue state as a republican governor, pro life. that seems to be that he's crack ad code of some kind, tap into that wisdom. >> while ted cruz and sarah palin are doing their thing there in washington they are missing -- >> so dismissive.
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>> what was it? >> that was dismissive. >> how would you describe it? >> i don't know. i know ezra and i are so insulted by that. >> you are? >> i'm personally very upset. >> it was very palinesque. she would say that. >> folksy. >> i was trying to be folksy. they were completely missing the boat. >> really? >> yeah. >> why is that? >> it's a shame. i don't have time for this story. i can't get to it. all the gichs. >> go ahead. >> i'm sorry. eve mean talking so much about the thingy. like 14 million have visited the obama care site. >> that's good. >> very few have enrolled. so many glitches. there's a story about somebody who tried to get on. there's no time. there was so much republican extravaganza. >> let me try charge through
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this. it was so bad one insurance company executive told the paper these are not glitches the extent of the problems are pretty enormous. at the end of our calls people are saying it's awful. "new york times" researcher registered on october 1st but according to the paper despite trying more than 40 times over the next 11 days she was not able to log in ever. meanwhile in the president's home state of illinois some are facing a costly choice pay higher monthly premiums or face deductibles three times as high. this again according to the "new york times." so if you have some nasty tweets sends them to the "new york times." now this from the tribune. federal and state officials touted lower premiums for illinois health exchange rollout but analysis found 21 out of 22 cheapest plans have annual deductibles 4,000 for
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individual, 8,000 for a family. higher than what many consumers expected. as this story goes on and on. >> there's no time for it or no space. >> so, ezra talk about both of those things. i was about to say these glitches, the "times" are saying this isn't a glitch. >> this is a disaster. i really don't think people should soft pedal what a bad launch this is. they've done a terrible launch. people can't sign up. people tried 20, 30, 40 times. one thing for that to be true in the first two or three days, another thing for it to be true two or three weeks in. they are concerned what if it's not traffic. there's a front end of the traffic. you had to go through a sign up process before you could browse. behind that traffic bottleneck there's now the worry there are deeper more systemic problems in
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the way the different computer systems aren't interacting with each other. i'm not sure. nobody is sure if that will manifest. i think it should be said one of obama's jobs from all of the political stuff we've talked about is run things like this well, run their signature initiative legislature well. this has bean big failure. on the premium side that's more complicated. you have a simple tension between who is going to be able to access it because a lot of these premiums are now because we tell sick people they were cheaper. we tell them you can't sign up. then you have a comprehensiveness issue where we make it where they don't cover things. then you have a question of how much your paying in premiums and how much your paying in deductibles. there's a trade off there and you can have lower premiums for higher deductibles.
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that's not the plan not doing well. that's a market coming in to some sort of rationality where you get honest pricing. the sticker prices you sign up and have about a depression or back pain and rejected. so your cost wasn't in the pool to look at at all. >> this will take a while to shake out. there's going be some positive stories. some negative stories. really not like you said we're not going to know how the market will shake out for six months or a year, right? >> right. >> thank you. coming up on "morning joe," perspective from both parties and both chambers on capitol hill. senators joe manchin and bob corker join us. members of congress, wasserman-schultz, peter king, lawrence o'connell. chuck todd joins us and bill
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ayers. >> it's columbus day. nice spot in some areas that's not so ideal. ocean storm in the mid-atlantic caused problems there around d.c., baltimore southward towards virginia. that's going ling they are morning. i know a lot of you haven't seen the sun in five or six days. north of philadelphia it was gorgeous weekend. another nice day today four. as far as the d.c. area you'll see some sunshine today for the first time in a while. temperatures look nice. pretty mild this week. this is mid-october. still waiting for the big shot cold air. middle of the country where all the travel trouble is, whether you have the airlines flying or driving from the northern plains back through colorado, snow in wyoming and more rain around the dallas-ft. worth area and more to come, san antonio and austin. see the forecast map the heartland has the trouble. florida all the way up the coast to the mid-atlantic. you're watching "morning joe" on this columbus day. [ male announcer] surprise -- you're having triplets.
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time now to take a look at -- what's wrong with you? >> i love great music. let's take a look at the morning papers. we start with the "new york times." statue of liberty is open for business. new york governor andrew cuomo negotiated a deal with the federal government to allow the historical landmark to reopen. new york state will pick up the $60,000 tab a day for operations until the shutdown ends. >> "usa today" authorities are investigating a dry ice bomb explosion that disrupted service last night at los angeles international airport. the bomb was discovered in an
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airport terminal bathroom after an employee heard the blast. the terminal was evacuated and flights were delayed into the evening. the explosion did not cause any damage and no one was hurt. a story we were talking about before, "wall street journal" is reporting netflix is in talks with several cable providers to make its service available as an app on set top boxes. the opportunity would expand access to the service. netflix announce ad similar deal in the uk. >> google plus users will now see their names, pictures and product reviews in online advertisements. the company says shared endorsements will launch on november 11th. critics say the practice is a violation of online privacy. but google argues people tend to trust recommendations from family and friends. if you do not want all your information being funneled that way, opt-out. find a way to opt-out.
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>> if you want privacy on the internet, just never go on the internet. this from the "new york post." michael douglas is changing the story on what kind of cancer he has. he says he was diagnosed with lung cancer. but his surgeon told him it was best to say throat cancer. i rather have neither. >> "philadelphia inquirer," new study reveals a consistent bedtime can improve a child's behavior and development. this is really important. children who went to bed at a different time every night were more likely to be hyper active and to misbehave. those who went to bed after 9:00 p.m. had behavioral problems. the study focused on children between 3 and 7. they need a consistent bedtime. >> how were you with that? >> very rigid schedule. >> really? >> yeah. it's important for the entire
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family, actually. kids to be in their own beds and have a schedule. >> willie, what you? you guys being consistent? >> we're trying. summer was a free for all but once we get back to school you keep it consistent. >> before 8:00. >> we're very consistent on some things and, you know, people would say i'm actually very strict discipliplinarian. for some reason, we've always respected our friends who would say timmy, jane, go to bed. they walk up to bed like it's 7:30. our kids, seriously, up watching conan. i'm joking. some parents are great.
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one area i wasn't a disciplinaryian. >> i'm watching jack trading the markets. >> like that commercial. >> let's go to politico the chief white house correspondent is mike allen. mike, good morning. >> happy columbus day, willie. >> the lead story up on the site the ire next time. describe how negotiating under threat living from crisis to crisis isn't going to change any time soon. >> willie, that's right. both the white house and the different parties on the hill are looking ahead to the next negotiation already because even under the best case circumstance, the best possible solution of what's going on right now, it's just going to extend this for a few weeks or a few months. no big decision will be made. we're freezing the status quo,
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moving it down the road. the question is what will it be like. the white house is trying to avoid rewarding bad behavior by giving into republicans when they push them up to these deadlines. willie, we're there. over the weekend on "meet the press," christine lagarde was saying this needs to be done before the deadline. we're there. the deadline is three days from now. republicans put the president up against it even though he said he didn't want to be in that position. >> any deal we get likely to be short term deal so we'll have another crisis in a few months. >> right. the question is will it be thanksgiving or new year's day. republicans say they are ready to have this fight again. democrats and the white house will tell you, republicans have at least partly learned their lesson that they did so much
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obvious damage to themselves in this fight that they will play their cards differently next time. >> very quickly, mike, how is the energy and vibe changed since jim became ceo yesterday? is he an iron fisted tyrant. >> jim now the president and ceo. he hates being called mr. president, though, so don't even try it. both politico and capital new york, we'll be doing up in new york what we're doing here in washington with capital new york. jim says in his letter to the staff that if you lose your edge, someone else will come in and eat your delicious lunch. our publisher owner says -- >> tough talking from "the politico" boys. >> robert has a great line. he says jim came here as an editor who happened to have entrepreneurial instincts and now he's a strategic business thinker who happens to have
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journalistic instincts. >> willie, jim will be doing the same thing in new york that he's doing in washington. we better hire some more janitors up here. holy cow. >> a lot of mess. >> mike allen give our congratulations to jim. mr. president. >> yes. >> have a great week. coming up the red sox were not the only boston area team with a late come back win. "morning joe" coming right back.
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bases loaded. two out. hard hit into right. back at the wall. that's the game! big poppy, the grand slam. maybe more clutch -- >> we showed you that earlier. big poppy tying the game.
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that police officer cheering as torii hunter goes over the wall, an overnight star. his name is steve horgan a 50-year-old native of the boston area and 27 year veteran of the boston police department. after the game he took a picture with red sox owner john henry. red sox fans had nearly lost all hope. one mike barnacle tweet this. i'm staying in my seat at fenway park and suddenly i feel winter approaching. >> by the way that was at the moment -- actually after the seventh inning he goes time to start tweeting. he gets out and tweets that. and i said so they are not coming back. he said no, joe. you need to get in the car. >> we call that a quitter. >> the thing is, though, you're upset? no. we sox fans are so superstitious that when i got in the car and i
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saw that i was like, thank god i left. >> it was you. >> hope that when i go back to my regular seat they don't tell me to leave every time. look at that. jarrod saltalamacchia. this is a team -- nobody expected this team to finish above third or fourth place. as i was walk ago way from fenway and driving through the night, irreally -- i didn't expect this from this team. this is the boston red sox we've seen all year. let's talk about the tigers for one second. what if you throw, you know, 25, 26 strikeouts against the team in two nights. you only one hit in 15 consecutive innings. 15 consecutive innings. one hit. we didn't get a hit until the ninth inning two nights ago and last night we went five and two thirds before getting a single. what if you go back to detroit
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after two of the most dominant pitching in history -- >> it messes with you little bit. their pitching staff the guy you saw in game one, the game last night led the american league in wins and game three you have the most dominant pitcher in history, verlander. their pitching staff is crazy. tonight the nlcs continues in los angeles. now moves from st. louis out west. dodgers find themselves down two games. >> do the dodgers have a shot? >> yeah. the cardinals same thing, pitching is incredible. so boston and fenway they got the red sox game. meanwhile in foxborough the patriots were coming against the saints. the saints are undefeated. drew brees throws it up in double coverage. touchdown. saints go up four. still time for tom brady to work some magic.
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less than a minute to go. no time-outs. brady puts new england in position for this. >> brady throws to it the end zone. that's your quarterback! >> radio call of the touchdown. they are 5-1 now and right there. >> i was walking, home plate, boston exploded. >> put the score up. >> you can believe that for a night. one of the great sport nights in the city's history. >> you'll look back on this
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incredible era. patriots being dominant. red sox in it every year. celtics winning a title. bruins winning a title. an incredible decade. >> announcer said last night there's some empty seats last night in the patriots game but there will be 200,000 boston people saying that they were at that game and, you know, probably a million and a half saying they were at the red sox game last night. >> incredible night. coming up next, "forbes" magazine editor joins us.
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congestion, for the smog. but there are a lot of people that do ride the bus. and now that the buses are running on natural gas, they don't throw out as much pollution into the air. so i feel good. i feel like i'm doing my part to help out the environment. 48 past the hour. look at that beautiful shot.
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time now for the must read opinion pages and joining us now is assistant managing editor from "fortune" magazine and author of the book "end of the suburbs" leigh gallagher, fortune's new issue lists the most powerful women in the corporate world. we're going to the event on wednesday. >> heading down there today. >> i'll see you there. we'll start with maureen dowd. she writes about a mad "tea party" and she writes how awful are ted cruz and his cruzettes? they have done the impossible. they have made americans look back at the bush ii era, the most reckless wrecking ball in american history. with relative nostalgia, with 78% of americans feeling blue about the country being on the wrong crack according to a new nbc news "wall street journal" poll they consider the gop's
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imperialistic unilaterists less loco this afternoon the narcissistic an as archists. >> maybe ted cruz is crazy like a fox. >> that's a good theory. >> maybe 24% is the new 51%. i don't know where to go with questions on this one, because it seems so belatedly obvious that being at 24% approval ratings is not a good thing and yet it looks like they are still driving that train. >> republicans emerged from the last presidential election in bad shape and spent the time in between with few exceptions putting themselves in worse shape. i don't see any strategist how to end this that puts them on the road to a stronger position. they will come out of this
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having to start from scratch in a very deep hole and coming fights won't being a great. president is not in great shape either politically. but the party and brand on the other side -- >> the president was actually -- you look at the president's past year and many inside the white house have expressed extreme disappointment. he hasn't been able to get much of anything done yet his approval rating is actually in a couple of polls going up. again, i got to keep saying ap was low. but that san outlier by all indications. the president's bad year has suddenly gotten better. >> huf had a series of presidential missteps, looking at syria, how badly that was handled. now the government shutdown and debt ceiling. if the president is doing well you have to think it's the reflection of what mark is talking about the republicans are doing so badly. >> let's get to the next one. this is on republican women drive the deal.
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many senators, senator susan collins says her moves reflect another dynamic as well. while male leaders of both parties have barely been speaking to each other much less negotiating republican women have never stopped talking to their democratic counterparts in the senate. in fact, they've kept at it just as they have on other big issues from military sexual assault to mental health and the farm bill. would washington be a different place if the tactics of women senators who make up just 20% of the senate were the norm? democratic senator maria cantwell certainly believes it would. if it were up to the women this would be over already. she said there's still a lot of testosterone going around. >> this is a refrain we hear over and over. christine lagarde said if it was lehman sisters things would be different. women are brought to the table because of their ability to
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compromise. on the one hand you want to say don't stereotype but it's true. studies have shown this. women bring different things to the table in the boardroom at the negotiation table. you see it happening. look at kelly ayotte and others. >> on the flip side if there were all women there would be other problems. you need a balance. >> you want a multitude of perspectives at any discussion table. >> you want it to be lehman brothers and sisters. combination of different opinions. there are now studies that show that women lawmakers propose more bills, get more bills passed, work in a more bipartisan manner and those bills have a chance of getting taken up into law. both democrats and republicans are hearing this message because they are look telegraph 2014 mid-terms and saying actually we want to propose specifically candidates on a basis that they can compromise and get things done and they are looking at
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women to fill that role because women are seen as better compromisers. that's both sides are hearing this message and looking at women candidates. >> there you go. leigh, stay with us. still ahead was kidnapped by somalia pirates in 2009. his incredible story is playing out on the big screen starring tom thanks. our conversation with captain richard phillips is just ahead. jc: lunch at that one restaurant we all like? ron: i'm sorry, who are you? jc: i'm your coworker! c'mon guys. i'm driving. hey, you guys comfortable? it's best-in-class rear legroom. and with a turbo engine that gets 35 highway m-p-g. you know j.d. power ranked passat the most appealing midsize car two years in a row? i bet, uh, dan here wishes somebody found him most appealing two years in a row. ron: it's ron jc: ron... exactly. vo: get 0 down, 0 due at signing, 0 deposit, and 0 first month's payment on passat or any new 2014 volkswagen. for sein a whole new way.
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>> up next msnbc news political director chuck todd joins the discussion. as well as bob corker. "morning joe" back in a moment. our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next.
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pass me that wrench.
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>> i think something hit us. >> oh, my god we're detached. what do we do? >> stay calm. stay calm. houston, houston this, is explorer. we've been hit by debris. we need immediate help. >> houston. >> houston? houston, come in. we're flying blind, houston. please. somebody. >> hello? >> this is dr. janet stone. we've become detached from the hubble telescope. >> mission control, we're at 4% oxygen and dropping. please advise. >> mission control is not here right now but can i take a message. >> what do you mean they are not here? >> this is awkward but the government is shut down. >> it is the top of the hour. >> funny stuff. he's our visual effects.
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we thank george lucas for that. that cost us like what $30 million. >> that was gravity. welcome back to "morning joe." "time" magazine mark halperin and leigh gallagher is still with us. joining the table host of msnbc the last word, lawrence o'donnell. and in washington, nbc news white house correspondent and host of the daily rundown chuck todd. >> so i'm on the twitter this morning. >> how is that? >> that's great. lawrence announces on twitter he's going to do the show without kathy -- >> very personal announcement. >> very personal. somebody who follows me says yeah but can you do it without alcohol for once? no alcohol or coffee. >> bring out the breathalyzer.
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>> should the president negotiate with republicans? >> no. it's all about next one. if you can negotiate with finality you should. >> let's forget the next one. let's talk about the politics of this one. and i say this, i want my republican friends listen. >> to me. you want thome listen to me. >> do i. i want them to think how a partisan democrat is thinking right now, somebody that's been in washington, and somebody who see when is you have an advantage over your political opponent sometimes you keep it going especially if your political opponent doesn't know you have such an advantage over them, why would -- let me ask think it way, why would the president negotiate with republicans right now at 24%? >> to me it is a legislative and governing strategy reason not so much a political reason to do
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this because, if you negotiate now you're simply saying to them okay next time bring something up. just bring anything up you want and then we'll -- so it's hard for this president because i see as someone who is inclined to negotiate in every conceivable situation but i think it would be a mistake to do that. >> by the way, let me just say to people who are still grasping on the ap poll, 37% was shocking. if the president was seeing 37% instead of 47% in his internal polls this would have been over by now. the white house is seeing 47% and seeing republicans collapse internally and republican pollsters are saying the same thing which is why more and more republicans are running in front of cameras saying let's make a deal even while ted cruz and sarah palin say no. >> the question of the democrats or the president, harry reid
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trying to humiliate the republicans. the way you humiliate the republicans or ted cruz you give them a microphone, turn a camera and aim it on them. there's nothing the democrats can do to humiliate people who are humiliating themselves on an hourly basis. >> chuck todd, though, that's what lawrence o'donnell just said is -- republicans, a lot of republicans actually agree with lawrence o'donnell. which is a first. >> i believe it is a first. >> i'm seeing and you're seeing more and more of a divide between ted cruz's republican party and scott walker and chris christie and charles krauthammer and joe scarborough's republican party. >> look, we saw it, it was pretty stark in our own poll and the ted cruz numbers say everything among tea party republicans, the guy is a rock
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star. right? he had a 56-3 fav-unfav among nontea party republicans. he had 33-23. >> i want you to repeat that number again. the first number. >> it really was. it showed the divide. 56-3 fav/unfav among tea party republicans then 13-23, i believe. so a net negative among nontea party republicans. i know ted cruz is worried that we might have oversampled democrats. this is just republicans. >> right. >> only republicans. so, the divide is there. going into this larger issue, i think you and lawrence are getting at sort of where republicans are and i'll be curious to see what bob corker says to you. there's the nontea party
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republicans that want out of this, anyway out of this but they need a figure leaf but harry reid and the president aren't ready to give them one. >> the latest nbc/wall street journal poll doesn't bode well for republicans. 53% of americans blame republicans for the shutdown. senator ted cruz was asked if his movement to defund obama care has done damage to the republican brand. here so. >> the polling has varied. the polling was very heavily weighted with an awful lot of democrats and awful lot of obama supporters and 20% of people polled were government workers. it's not surprising people who work for the government who are supporters of the president and democrats support the president are democrats and blame republicans for the things that are bad in this country. >> chuck todd, i'm sorry -- hold on a second. i thought that it was october of
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2013. this sounds a lot like october of 2012. this is the same whole denying pose that when i tried to tell my republican brethren we were in trouble a year ago -- >> right. >> they said you're not a true republican because you actually believe what the most accurate polls are saying. are we really here again? >> look, i think it's the echo chamber problem is huge again with the "tea party" wing of the republican party. i mean if they are only going to listen to the folks that show up to their town halls and listen to the folks in their conservative twitter feed and only watch conservative media, then they are going to think one thing. the problem is two-thirds of the country is thinking something else. and that's where you see in our poll it wasn't just democrats, it was independents and it was the one half of the republican
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party that doesn't associate itself with the "tea parttea pa of the party. >> what playbook are they using. >> yesterday it was he and sarah palin doing this odd protest and you're sitting there going, what planet are you living on here at this point? it is so far off from where the rest of the public is on this shutdown, where the rest of the public is on the direction of the country. and then he said something that sort of struck me when he said enough of these games. i'm thinking you started this game. you are the guy that lit the fuse. you started this. >> i got to say here sort of, lawrence, a point of personal privilege, i have the battle scars on my back for saying sarah palin when everybody is saying she was the next nominee in the fall of 2010 i said she will never be president. she will never win the nomination.
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i said the same thing about herman cain. i said the same thing about michele bachmann. trump. on and on and you sit here and wonder, when are some people going to learn in the party that this -- that we -- if we want to beat hilary in 2016 we got to actually start looking at where 50.1% of the country is. >> yeah. and how do you tell you are losing in american politics. sarah palin is standing right beside you. that's how you tell you're losing in this game. it's amazing to see what cruz is doing. i don't think cruz has a chance of being the republican nominee. >> he won't be. he won't be. you look at those numbers. i do think there's a very real chance that he'll run off and start his own independent operation because he won't win the nomination because chuck's polls show that. i'll tell you, mika, what i've
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always said and i said it going back to walter mondale's campaign how can you tell who is losing in american politics look for the guy that's attacking the polls. seriously. seriously. every time somebody says i don't look at the polls that's because you're losing. >> like seriously what strategist or who said, you know what, let's do an event with sarah palin? >> sarah palin said i would like to be there. >> let's bring in right now republican senator from tennessee, a member of the senate banking committee, bob corker. bob, help me out here. i'm a republican. just like you're a republican. and i would like my party to win the presidential election in 2016. i'm not ashamed in saying that. and yet things -- we're at 24%. what do we do to get the mainstream of the republican party back in charge?
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>> well, i think that's going to happen, joe. look, we're in a bad place and let's face it we all know that the house republicans strategy and that came from a few senate republicans was a strategy that took us to where we are. on the other hand, over the last couple of days let's face it, democrats have overreached by wanting to bust the spending caps that we've had. so i think we'll solve this problem over the next few days. i think today may be a very good day. but back to your political question and i'm more of a substance policy guy but to your political question -- >> you know me, bob -- >> not -- i'm talking about you're multifacetted. >> there you go, bob. >> i think obviously electing someone, nominating someone that is, again, focused on those things that make our country stronger. i think we're going to do that.
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i really do. i think there's going to be a crop of really great candidates that care about national security, that care about making sure our country is stronger by focusing on those fiscal issues that we know have to be dealt with and i think these are all shiny objects that candidly -- we're going to get back where we need to be. some of this is aiding that, actually. >> i think he's talking about certain members of the party are bright shiny objects. let's hope that's the case. mark halperin. >> senator i want to ask you about senator cruz. what your saying his two main accomplishments since joining the senate? >> i'll let you guys deal with that. you know what -- >> bob is a friend of ours. >> i'm curious. >> it's uncouth of one senator
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to pile on that way. we ended up in the box canyon that i proclaimed we would end up in several months ago and that was a successful effort, and we now, those i'll say this, i think we're back on the right page. we want to get back to where we are. i think all of us now are talking about spending which is where we should have been in the first place. i do sense tremendous amount of unity within senate republicans to focus on those things that joe was talking about earlier. that is to get back on those things that matter so deeply to our country. so, you know, this exercise, we've taken a little bit of a rabbit trail to a place that wasn't helpful but i think we're back to where we need to be and we need to stay there. that's where our strength is as a party. obviously, look, we put something in place a few years ago that has lowered government spending for the first time since 1955. this is good terrain for us a
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place for us need stay. >> leigh gallagher is with us. she has a question >> you're the ranking member on the foreign policy committee. to what degree has this impacted our ability to respond to a crisis, to what degree does it put our national security at risk? you mentioned this but expand on that a little bit. >> i think any time our steadiness as a nation is questioned, it harms us. i was at a dinner on saturday night, typically i'm in tennessee on the weekends but i was with a bunch of foreign ministers from around the world who is here for the world bank and imf. look any time we place in question our ability to move ahead as a nation it hurts us and causes people to begin to look other places. i was earlier this year in china, japan and south korea as we first had new elected leadership there and i have to tell you, again, our inability to wrestle with these issues in
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an appropriate and regular way causes allies to question whether we're going to be there and so now you see japan as you well know looking at the way they deal with their military operations in a very different way. south korea is concerned about whether we're going to be there for them down the road. raising these questions is not a good thing for us from a national security standpoint. >> all right. >> senator bob corker thank you. >> you all have fun today and over here we'll try to solve this problem so you can talk about other subjects. >> we want to talk about s.e.c. football playoff. chuck todd, obvious frustration. and, you know, identify always sort of laughed at the main stream media because when republicans do the same thing that democrats do for some reason it's always called a civil war. i'm not prepared to call this a republican civil war but when you have the divide that you
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have in your poll, when you have the majority of republican senators feeling way they do about this strategy, when you have a house member comparing john mccain, saying john mccain supported al qaeda, the vision, the fault lines are running pretty darn deep right now. >> they are. look, i think mcconnell and boehner, history will show that they were desperately trying to prevent a civil war inside the party. that that's, you know, they have made decisions that i think have frustrated the white house, frustrated harry reid, frustrated some democrats. but when you look at what they were looking at in the moment and a lot of times essentially just trying to survive the week, just trying to survive the month, just trying to survive a quarter, and it's been about trying to prevent, prevent this, prevent anything from becoming the spark that does create, i
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think, what has the makings of a very bitter -- something that will make ford and reagan in '76 seem quaint. >> lawrence -- >> i'm not one that thinks john boehner does a bad job. he does the only job that's available. every single time i've watched him make a call during his speakership i didn't see an alternative he had, including a bunch of calls he's made which he clearly thought were stupid things for the house to do but that's what the votes were telling him he had to do. and, you know, the way out of this is guys like corker, secretly, secretly want the president to not yield on anything. they want the so-called humiliation of the ted cruz wing. if republicans come out of this getting absolutely zero then mcconnell and boehner, they are
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in a much better position the next time they are talking to the nuts. >> the nuts. >> well shorthand, joe, for i guess you call them the tea party -- how many are there? >> in the house of representatives how many do you think are unreachable? >> you know, i'm funny that way. i always think there's a deal to be made. i understand what you're saying about john boehner, but a lot of people want leadership. a lot of people will follow as you know, a lot of people will follow a strong leader like tip o'neill, like ronald reagan. it's not all over. >> that's another time. leaders can't be scared of the people they are leading. >> they can be deposed too especially by that group in the house. >> i know a lot of them. i don't feel the same way that you do. >> we can respectfully disagree.
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>> we are. >> chuck todd, thank you so much. we'll see you at 9:00 on "the daily rundown". >> good luck with the dodgers tonight, man. can you believe that game last night? holy cow. >> well, the red sox did what the dodgers didn't do. >> there you go. >> which is, you know, win a game that they had to win. now the whole series -- >> it is. leigh gallagher thank you as well. good luck. >> it will be live streamed as well. >> so exciting. >> mark halperin. >> there's an app. of course. >> lawrence stay with us. is that okay? >> yeah, sure. >> okay. our next guest says the tea party has lost fight over the government shutdown and that's coming from a republican, congressman peter king joins us along with congressman woman and dnc chair debra
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wasserman-schultz. we'll be right back. the american dream is of a better future, a confident retirement. those dreams, there's just no way we're going to let them die. ♪ like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that's what ameriprise financial does. that's what they can do with you.
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>> i respect senator cruz. he didn't make any bones about what he was going to do when he came to washington. the question is should we follow that leadership or should we go in other directions and coalesce the majority of the american people? look, i guess we can get lower in the polls. we're down to blood relatives and paid staffers right now. >> oh, my, 25 nufrt. joining us now from long island, republican from new york, congressman peter king and here on set chair of the democratic national committee and florida congresswoman deborah wasserman-schultz. is she's out with a new book "for the next generation a wake up call to solving our nation's problems." so you brought up a concept that
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you've been talking about with republican women. tell peter and let's see if he agrees. >> peter, if we put all the women, republican and democrat in the house together the consensus from all of us is that we would get this done in a few hours. >> peter? >> well i don't know. i think you should put sarah palin in there also, debbie and that would also -- >> i would argue that even if sarah palin were in the room that we could find a way to get to yes that's usually a woman's goal. >> peter, how do we get to the end of this and how do republicans save face and democrats give a little without giving into extremists? >> yeah. there's two things here. one i've been speaking out against ted cruz and this whole crazy movement since it started. i think, first of all, right now no doubt the democrats are winning. they know it. but the president is also the head of the whole country and
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i'm saying he has to play a more aggressive role. get people in the room. show this is serious. at the same time show we as republicans have to anticipate there's going to be another one of these in six weeks or eight weeks or three months whatever it is. we can't have republicans criticizing the system or saying this is the wrong decision to make. we have to anticipate ted cruz is going to try to do this again. ted cruz and 30 or 40 people in the house and we have to start going after him by name. i've been doing it all along. i wish i had more company. what will happen is months from now after this is resolved he'll say republicans are on the edge of winning but they lost their nerve at the end and cave-in. this entitlement will work and rewrite history and we have to make sure he doesn't do it. it's time to speak out against him. there's 30 who iv in the house that will go with him. we can't let john mccain and erick cantor be put in this position again. >> mark halperin why doesn't
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peter king have more company on calling out ted cruz? >> in part there are not a lot of members from his party left in the northeast, maybe. and the party shifted its focus elsewhere geographically and ideologically. you know speaker boehner, explain what political predicament he finds himself in and how he should get out of it. >> i differ with lawrence slightly because i agree with joe this is about leadership. the speaker needs to stop caring more about staying in power and holding on to his leadership goal than he does about leading and making sure that we can stop living crisis to crisis. what we have to -- the rule in order to get a bill on the flurry have to have a majority of republicans agree. peter would agree that there are enough votes in the house to put a clean spending bill on the floor, we can put that crisis
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past us. obviously, sorting out the debt ceiling is a little bit more of a struggle but we got to start. we do have to start talking. we have to do that without being in the midst of crisis moments and without jeopardizing our full faith and credit. i'm the chair of the dnc. obviously i'm partisan. i care about our agenda. we can't do this my way or the highway. the president understand this. we have to put this crisis moment aside and come together. that's why i hope people read the book, mika, because that's a lot of what i talk about. >> i want to ask peter king. congressman king if you were speaker of the house in the last couple of months what would you have done differently? >> well, my style is -- what i would have done somewhere along the line i would have rolled the dice. you have 30 or 40 people threatening to bring the house down. once we got to september 30th and they showed they weren't
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willing to compromise -- i'm not questioning john borne. he has a very institutional view of the house. he wants to keep the party together. he didn't want the whole thing to collapse. i don't want to be critical of john boehner. identi i've never been in that position. leaders in the party, even though mark says -- i'm from the northeast. i don't care where you're from. what ted cruz is doing is affecting the entire country. republicans all over the country will suffer and the country will suffer. >> katty kay. >> if you could get the women in the room 80 congressmen and women signed the letter. four were women. that doesn't suggest, though, that women are less ideological about their political position or less committed. >> no but less dug in. the reason that i would suspect only four republican women signed that letter is because
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they understand that they are not leaving themselves enough room to reach across the aisle and work together and find a way to get out of this crisis. if you put your name in ink, black and white for all to see you're solidifying yourself to a hardened position. women may take a firm position but leave themselves some room because in a negotiation a woman doesn't want to ruin the person on the other side of the aisle or the table, they want to make sure they can find a way to have them feel good about the final outcome and also make sure they get out of the negotiation as they can. >> the book is "for the next generation" and debbie wasserman-schultz, thanks so much. congressman peter king thank you as well. always great to see you. coming up in one of her most famous attacks against barack obama the candidate sarah palin told voters it's all about the
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company you keep. >> our opponent is someone who sees america as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who target their own country. >> she was referring to the one time leader of the weather underground bill ayres. he'll join us ahead. at a ford dealer with a little q and a for fiona. tell me fiona, who's having a big tire event? your ford dealer. who has 11 major brands to choose from? your ford dealer. who's offering a rebate? your ford dealer. who has the low price tire guarantee, affording peace of mind to anyone who might be in the market for a new set of tires? your ford dealer. i'm beginning to sense a pattern. get up to $140 in mail-in rebates when you buy four select tires with the ford service credit card.
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coming up next, our good buddy senator joe manchin from west virginia joins. we could talk about the government shutdown. i suspect we're just going to talk about alabama football instead. keep it right here on "morning joe".
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all of us now are talking about spending, which is where we should have been in the first place and i do sense tremendous amounts of unity within senate republicans to focus on those things that joe was talking about earlier. that is to get back on those
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things that matter so deeply to our country. so, you know, this exercise, we've taken a little bit of a rabbit trail to a place that wasn't helpful but i think we're back to where we need be and we need stay there. >> that was republican senator bob corker moments ago here on "morning joe." here with us now another senator, a senator from west virginia, joe manchin. joe, good to have you on board this morning. >> hi, mika, how censor >> your hopeful too? >> before you answer that, chris christie said something this past weekend that most governors that have become senators have eventually repeated. chris christie asked what he would be doing if he was in the senate. he said i would kill myself. you got to be like locking your gun drawer at night, right, so you don't sleep walk and get it.
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how bad, joe, how bad it is? >> they haven't put us on suicide watch yet but they are concerned about us. >> of course. can you even believe how bad it is in washington compared to what it was like when you were governor. think about all the governors, republicans and democrats alike across the country this morning getting things done with legislatures with the other party because they have to. >> i miss the good old days i'll tell you that. the bottom line is this, i just never thought i would ever sign up for public service and then you see agencies that you sign up for have self-inflicted pain on the people you take an oath to serve. i can't believe it. it's beyond my conception this can happen. so it has happened. we've reached out and susan collins and i have been working 12 days ago when it shut down we didn't believe it happened. he thought we should start talking i'm not sure how many people are talking and working
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together. there's 12 of us, six democrats, six republicans. you had bob corker on. we're looking for a big fix. i still believe in a bowles-simpson template. it was bipartisan three years ago still bipartisan. i don't know why people don't grab something that's attracted bipartisan. that's why susan's plan that we've worked with together and all of us working together is a good template. i want takes into consideration everybody's needs and concerns but does no harm. it really helps move the ball forward. the leaders have to come together, joe, and basically decide on what dates with the cr and debt ceiling, what numbers. we're concerned about some of these numbers being so low because the 967, it's the law, same as affordable health care is the law. we put in this whole agreement of ours a budget conference. you got to go budget. we can't figure out why our colleagues, our friends on the republican side have not been
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attracted to going to conference. this puts them in conference. they will sit down and work out a bigger fix. they need to sit down and start working on this. this will do that. we have a good template. >> both sides have, i think, enough reason to blame the other if you look back a year or two and look at how negotiations have gone in the past. having said that of the five things we just put on the screen including the medical device tax is that realistic >> medical device tax is something that both democrats and republicans have agreed upon. the republicans wanted a repeal of that. the democrats said wait a minute. that would take away the funding mechanism that might be needed to give obama care or affordable health care a chance to work. we come to a two year delay. that works fine. that's a compromise. and you look at the verification. we don't want fraud and we don't want people getting benefits that they shouldn't get and they can afford and scam the system.
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we're looking for language there that protects the system and doesn't allow people to scam it or fraud it. that's something we all agree on. rather than saying we can't talk about anything on the affordable health care, if you agree on it it's simple to hold your line. on the other hand, we have draconian cuts going in that could affect the readiness of our troops. that needs to be worked out in the conference. we can't do that arbitrarily. katty kay. >> katty kay here. it's monday morning. by the end of the week america risks defaults. what's your best estimate? do you think we'll manage to raise the debt ceiling in time? >> i really believe -- there's just -- it's unconscionable to think we're even here going and pushing it down to the deadline. markets need certainty. people understand that we are the greatest nation on earth. the whole financial world is looking at us now. we can govern ourselves. we just got to put our country first. we came here for a purpose.
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if my country is strong, my state will do great, west virginia will be just fine. you let this thing start tumbling down we affect a lot of people. we can't let that happen. bob corker knows that, susan collins knows that. >> do you think a bigger deal involves increasing taxes on individuals and businesses? >> mark, i think basically you have to do an overhaul. corporations should be paying their fair share. they shouldn't go offshore. they need to pay their fair share. we don't need to raise taxes. we need a definition for what income. if we define income basically saying any time you get an extra dollar in the treasury you get reduced rates. that's crazy. if you have sufficiencies and competitive tax rates and dynamic growth that should go to extra money we now have. how do you spend it? should go towards debt
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reductiontion and infrastructure. democrats and republicans agree on that. it's not that hard. >> what duo you say to your democratic colleagues that say any compromise with be republicans will show no matter how small even on the medical device tax that that will show republicans that extortion works and this is the time to break "the cycle" of extortion? >> first of all, extortion can only work if you meet the demands of what they are asking for. what we're doing if we come to an agreement and have a divided government and we're unwilling to talk about certain issues because we've moved to the hostage taking side. that's wrong. i've never been in a situation where i'm not willing to sit down even in the most extreme demands. bottom line you can see what's happening here. that's unreasonable. here's some things we do agree
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on. we'll start talking about that and come to an agreement. you can't let them hold them hostage. you think i don't want to talk about an energy program that's all inclusive using the coal we produce in west virginia in a much cleaner and better fashion. this is not the place for it. i can't hold the government hostage or country hostage and inflict pain on innocent people. i won't do that. >> senator joe manchin, thank you very much. >> thank you all. >> lawrence, you as well. >> we're not on suicide watch yet. stay tuned. >> we're hopeful. we're hopeful, buddy. thank you. >> well, lawrence we'll see you tonight. >> what your talking about tonight? >> surely some news. >> no senate deal today. >> you think there will be a senate deal today? >> boehner case, passes the senate deal on wednesday. >> oh, my goodness. still ahead his epic story of
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survival is the inspiration behind tom thanks latest block bust per. captain phillips joins us next to talk about it. ut where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions-- it matters. ♪ a man who doesn't stand still. but jim has afib, atrial fibrillation -- an irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts jim at a greater risk of stroke. for years, jim's medicine tied him to a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested.
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four pirates on board. four pirates. down the main deck. walk down the bridge. listen up. we have been boarded by four armed pirates. you know the drill. we stay here no matter what. i don't want any hostages. >> that was a scene from captain phillips based on a true story of a u.s. ship attacked by somali pirates in 2009. it opened at number two and it's not every day tom hanks plays you in a movie. >> you had to explain a few things. i think it was eddie munster. >> it's not every day you survive being held hostage by pirates. captain richard fill i7s sat
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down with us to share what it was like to see his story play out on the big screen. >> captain phillips, it's great to have you here. it's great to have you anywhere after that experience. did you suffer any nightmares or ptsd and do you now endure anything as a result of what you went through? >> no, it was pretty much over in the days after. i went through a period of waking up out of a dead sleep and crying like a little baby for a few days and i talked to someone and it went away. really it's a closed door behind me and don't have dreams or nightmares anymore. that's really about it. >> the scariest moment was in the life boat. to me it struck me as a little twitch and a decision on an
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impulsive basis and your life would have been over. it seemed so random to get through that experience and not be killed. >> i did think it was not going to happen and there were times they made it evident they really didn't care about my life. one of them who i called the young pirate with the young charlie man who likes to sit across from me and smile at me. there were times that stretched on. it was tense. >> what are creative license was taken in the scenes shot especially as the pirates were looking for the crew and you were providing distractions. how much is reality-based? >> it is a movie and it does compress five days into two hours. i think they did portray it very well, the tenseness and the stress level.
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i went around the ship four times. the first time he was armed and after that he wasn't. they constantly asked me where is the crew in where is the crew? i said could, he doesn't care, take them. we walked through the boat and we would go into the galley and you can see the coffee boiling and the breakfast raeady to go. they couldn't find anybody. >> how do you feel about the movie portraying the pirates and the back story with the compassion that the lives they are coming from. they make horrible choices and what they put you and your crew through. it seems you were compassionate as well. >> they were portraying the
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situation in i good versus evil story. it was a choice they make like many of the people in our games and urban america. they make a choice and their goal is irregardless of your life or intentions. >> how do you think tom hanks did? i heard a little accent come out when he said that. >> alabama! >> that's an accent. >> i don't think i have an accent. >> i do think i have an accent. he's a pretty regular guy and that enables him to do the multiple roles. the only advice i gave him is to put on weight and get better looking. >> what was your advice?
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>> he's a pretty straight forward guy. he said okay, i'm tom hanks. let's get it over, take the pictures. he said i don't want to know the story, i read the story and i have the script, but he was interested in my life transferring back and forth from taking the work hat on and home life and nomenclature and vocabulary of the ship. would this ever go on and would you ever say that? he was weighing in on me and getting a feel for me. he did a good job. >> he never saw the actors through the first scene. the first time he had seen the captors in the first scene. >> they arranged that and all of them did an excellent job. >> he was true to form and if you look in his eyes, you can
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see how committed he is and dedicated. he will do everything he can. >> captain richard, thank you very much. more "morning joe" in a minute. ♪
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♪ hey lady! noooo! no! [ tires screech ] ♪ nooo! nooo! nooo! hey lady, that's diesel! i know. ♪ ♪
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>> holy cow. >> that changed, didn't it? >> oh, my gosh. unbelievable. >> it looked like it was over. >> unbelievable. good morning. >> were you there? >> i was. i actually was. when did they come back? >> the eighth. >> good morning, everyone and welcome to "morning joe." that is quite a win for the red sox last night. here in new york, washington anchor for bbc world news america, katy kay.
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mark halpern and columnist for the wash post and msnbc analyst, ezra kline. >> i'm going to have to leave rather than sitting and watching the internet. i have to get to work. >> you are committed. >> that's right. >> i got in the car and it was unbelievable. >> it was 5-0 when you left. >> it was 5-1. more remarkable than this, i put this with what happened in 2004. all weekend, you saw this. we red sox fans had the two most frustrating nights in franchise history. we were no hits through eight innings last night. all of these strike outs over the last two nights. no hits.
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the tigers pitchers set every record in the 112-year history of major league baseball with strike outs in two games. it was absolutely stunning what happened. the red sox could not hit. mike and were talking last night in the 6th inning and said have you ever in all the years of watching baseball seem one team so completely dominated? the answer was no. then this happened. >> bases loaded. two outs. hard hit into right. back at the wall. the reds win! >> in that stadium, i go there regularly, it's like a family there. this is the most depressed group of people over two nights.
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it's just absolutely unbelievable what happened. we were all in florida and i took my family down to florida. the last two nights. we were sitting there and again, we will be telling our children and grandchildren about this. >> it wasn't just that the red sox were trailing. they couldn't touch the tigers pitches. i had to think that they lost last night. >> then you had verlander. >> verlander in detroit for the red sox and it changed in one inning. >> the crowd exploded. >> doing what he did. >> in 2004, the game was four and five.
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responsible for him coming back. this is unbelievable. >> a turn around for the team. >> mike barnacle is still away, drunk in the streets. >> no turn around in terms of the government shut down. today is day 14. can you believe it? >> yeah, i can. the fact that what certain people are saying, ted cruz saying we have got them just where we want them and really convincing his smaller shrinking group of supporters who think they are doing great. >> campaigning with sarah palin. >> it explains why we are still very far apart. >> all right, day 14. federal government shut down. three days away from the looming threat of default. readers of expressing concern that if the u.s. is unable to meet obligations, it has act well beyond america's borders.
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any hope to avoid default lies with the senate. talks between democrats and republicans are focused on spending and how long sequestration cuts should remain intact. democrats want the cuts to last through november and republicans are looking for a longer deal. democrats rejected a plan by susan collins who raised the debt ceiling for repealing the tax on medical devices. senator john mccain warned colleagues about the dangers of their strategy. >> we should be sitting down and the president should be engaged and the democrats better understand something. what goes around comes around. if they try to humiliate republicans, things change in american politics and i know what it's like being the majority and minority. it won't be forgotten. now is the time to sit down and
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get this thing done. >> mark halpern, it seems they are further apart than what put us here. even though most republicans who didn't want to get here are digging in. john mccain compared by the members of the house to members of al qaeda. unbelievable. ted cruz telling people that democrats are scared and this is the strategy we should employ in the future. that with our party's approval rating to 24%. >> it's not working. part of what is driving the dynamic is democrats know they are winning. harry reid and the white house have the attitude of why should we give anything because they are wavering. we will still pass something
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short-term, but the senate thinks the house can act fast and the house thinks the senate can act fast. they may not have timed this well enough. that will be clarified as the markets go bonkers. everyone will act fast and we can get a short deal. no long deal. it's a question of the terms we are under right now. >> katy, the democrats think they are winning. if you look at the polls, it looks like they are. >> emboldened by it. >> yeah, but you look at the comments people made this weekend on the right and it seems they are bigging in even more. >> you look at the ted cruz, sarah palin outside the white house and it felt like the old days of the tea party where they felt they could drive the agenda and put themselves further away from the party. it was striking the number that
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was gathered in washington what's happening in america saying this would be seriously bad for the global economy and not just the americans. >> can we show that poll one more time. >> that's the change around from a week ago when we were looking at the numbers in 95 or 96 where the blame was on the republicans and clinton came at it pretty well. obama until a few days ago, he was in the tank as much as republicans. that changed in the last few days. >> it has in a series of polls. there was a poll that now appears to be an outliar from every other poll. they are digging in. >> with ted cruz, then we will go to ezra. sarah palin and ted cruz joined demonstrators at the world war ii memorial protest over the shut down and obama care.
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take a look. >> we are here to honor our vets. you look around though and you see the bear karricades and you to ask yourself and say is this how a commander in chief would show his respect and gratitude to our military? >> why is the federal government spending money to erect barricades to keep veterans out of this memorial? there 14 bills sitting on harry reid's desk to fund vital government functions. to fund the va. the senate won't even vote to fund the va. >> what are we missing here? your analysis of that? i'm going to stay out of it. go ahead. >> i don't think you are missing a lot on the politics. it was fascinating.
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that rally, he has been one of the best supporters. that was an affirming rally. the folks came out and there was a lot of excitement. a lost them were greeted with disbelief that anyone would consider that an important point. with conservatives, they felt like they saw a winning message. the big thing that happened that mark touched on is something you saw that you haven't seen to this point. democrats now are beginning to make demands too. the demands are a little bit unusual. they don't want to see the government funded at this level for six months. they do that and they are walking in to sequestration and if they do it for six weeks, that gives another opportunity to revisit it and hoping something will change and they get to a deal on spending. that is a significant change for now for both sides to be making
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a policy on the table to get a better policy equilibrium for themselves in 2014. >> with that newfound swagger if you want to call it that, what can they give to help republicans save face and get the country out of this deal. what would be acceptable do you think maybe not to ted cruz, but republicans to get through this and get a deal? >> i love the deal with harry reid and swagger. i don't think they want to give up much at all. the thing they are hoping to do. if you want to see how he plays out, markets are opening today and it will get hairy the next couple of days. i think it's very, very difficult, but it will begin to get rough in the markets. that will force a lot of pressure on republicans to come to the deal. the deal the democrats are looking for is a budget
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negotiation. they want the budget negotiations. at this point republicans want the negotiations as well. they break republicans on the shut down with the clean reopening with the budget negotiations and the democrats hope because the negotiations are doing this and they really want the negotiations to come in and they have requestrations and spending cuts. >> right now at the white house, why do this? the republican party is falling to an all time low according to gallup and the polls that we saw in the past. it's a republican poll. same with the "wall street journal" poll. one of the two or three most accurate polls in 2012 through the whole cycle.
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through an all time low. there some at the white house that saw what happened with ted cruz and the rallies going good. let them dig into a position that is going to give us more power in the future. i don't see any deal being made, certainly not by the white house. why would they? >> we talked about republicans and democrats saving face. i think harry reid would like to humiliate the republicans and send a message. if you are ted cruz and sarah palin, the same will happen to you again. they are going for the best and toughest deal they can. they want to get a debt extension into next year. the republicans know they are on the precipice of having the party badly divided, but also
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losing any leverage to get the entitlement reform they would like to get. >> ted cruz's strategy is to put the republican party at 24% at anna all time low, katy. there a number of people, maybe that 24% of america who are saying keep at it, let's go further. there is no doubt he will continue that to drive the republican numbers. >> everything over the weekend where the white house had a game changer. what is the game they are trying to change? how are they taking us into their party except to say they think that this purist conservative wing of the party is better off without the
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mainstream republican party. that's the only way they could be a benefit. >> senator ted cruz's growing influence among conservatives was on display with the 2013 value voter summit who easily won. the annual gatherings straw poll from 42%. tied for second was dr. ben carson. rick santorum with 13% apiece. followed by senator rand paul and marco rubio with 6% and 5% respectively. not making the toppive foo was chris christie who was snubbed from the senate. he received just over 1% report. they also addressed what's happening in washington saying if i was in the senate right now, i'd kill myself. >> this just in.
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michele bachmann wins the iowa straw poll. if you are looking for chris christie, this is going like a dream. >> every republican in washington is being destroyed. their party is looking terrible. the best thing that can happen to chris christie is the republicans unexpectedly do not make gains in 2014. they should. it's a mid-term. it should be -- they are much friendlier today. the opposition party is much better. today managed to screw themselves up in the mid-term. at that point you might have a party who is willing to say we need somebody who can win. chris christie is looking at this. >> we will check in with mike allen and new reports say netflix is looking to make a major move to cable tv. what it means for the future of online entertainment. >> the man who was sarah palin's
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punching bag. bill ayers. palin likened him to a terrorist. but first, bill has a check on the forecast. bill? >> a punching bag that is use and beat up. it's quiet around the country, but one thing happened in colorado. first ski resort to open up. it's always a competition between them and loveland. they are planning on opening this week also. here and new york city, it's that time. looking down live, the ice rink opened up. of course it was in the 70s and it will be 75 tomorrow. they keep it cold. as far as the forecast, a big storm cranking out of colorado and dumping snow in wyoming and heavy rain ahead of it. you are getting drenched right now. that's the travel spot heading
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up north to north dakota and fargo and sioux falls. texas as rain and rain around oklahoma city. over the next 48 hours, it spread to chicago and areas like little rock and it's hard to get into the cold weather sports season with these temperatures. we are in the 70s all up and down the east coast and out in l.a., they are going to be about 85 to 90 over the next couple of days. enjoy your monday morning. you are watching "morning joe." jc: lunch at that one restaurant we all like? ron: i'm sorry, who are you? jc: i'm your coworker! c'mon guys. i'm driving. hey, you guys comfortable? it's best-in-class rear legroom. and with a turbo engine that gets 35 highway m-p-g. you know j.d. power ranked passat the most appealing midsize car two years in a row? i bet, uh, dan here wishes somebody found him most
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appealing two years in a row. ron: it's ron jc: ron... exactly. vo: get 0 down, 0 due at signing, 0 deposit, and 0 first month's payment on passat or any new 2014 volkswagen. they're the days to take care of business.. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters. with custom communications solutions and responsive, dedicated support, we constantly evolve to meet your needs. every day of the week. centurylink® your link to what's next. they don't know it yet, but they're gonna fall in love, get married, have a couple of kids, [ children laughing ] move to the country, and live a long, happy life together where they almost never fight about money. [ dog barks ] because right after they get married,
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they'll find some financial folks who will talk to them about preparing early for retirement and be able to focus on other things, like each other, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. is is
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. let's take a look at the morning papers and start with the "new york times." the statue of liberty is open for business despite the government shut down. andrew cuomo negotiated a deal to reopen the landmark. >> when did he have time to do that? >> new york state can pick up the tab for operations. >> "usa today" investigating a dry ice bomb explosion that disrupted service last night at los angeles international airport in a terminal bathroom after an employee heard the blast, the terminal was evacuated and flights were delayed into the evening. it did not cause damage and no one was hurt. >> netflix is in talks to make
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it available with the opportunity to significantly expand access to the service. they announced a new deal with virgin media. >> google plus medias will see their names, pictures and online reviews in company advertisements. shared endorsements will launch and they said it's a violation of online privacy, but consumers tend to trust recommendations from family and friends. it's hard, you have to go to settings and it's complicated. if you don't want your information being funneled, opt out. >> if you want privacy on the internet, never go on the internet. michael douglas, it's changing the story on what kind of cancer he had. he was diagnosed with tongue
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cancer, with you the surgeon said it was best to say throat cancer. i would rather have neither. >> a new study reveals a consistent bedtime can improve a child's behavior and development. this is really important. children who went to bed at a different time were more likely to be hyperactive and misbehave. those what went to bed after 9:00 p.m. had behavioral problems. children between 3 and 7 need a consistent bedtime. >> how were you with yours? >> very, very rigid schedule. it didn't really -- yeah. it's important for the entire family. kids to be in their own beds and have a schedule. >> how were you, will? were you consistent? >> summer was a free-for-all, but when school was back, we try to be consistent. >> we are very, very consistent on so many things.
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people would say i'm a discipline aryan. >> our kids are up until 2:00 in the morning. >> they are not. >> for some reason, we have always expected our friends who would say -- >> 7:30. >> go to bed. seriously. they are watching conan. i was joking about conan, but some parents are so great at it. that was the area i wasn't. >> day trading the asian markets. >> like the kid on the commercial with the ipod in his crib. >> i guess it will serve him well in the future. on politico, mike allen has a
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lock at the playbook. good morning. >> happy columbus day. >> entitled the ire next time. explain how living crisis to crisis as we seem to do lately is probably not going to change any time soon. >> both the white house and the different parties on the hill are looking ahead to the next negotiation because even you should the best case circumstances, the best possible solution to what's going on is just going to extend it for weeks or a few months. no big decision is going to be made. freezing the status quo and moving it down the road. there going to be a bunch more of these clips in the president's next three years and the question is what are they going to be like. the white house is trying to avoid the bad behavior by giving in to republicans when they push him up to the deadline. we are there.
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over the weekend on "meet the press," from the international monetary fund, they were saying this needs to be done before the deadline. we are already there. the dead loin is three days from now. republicans put the president up against it even though he didn't want to be in that position. >> anything we get in the next couple of days is likely to be a short-term deal andy woo will have another crisis in a few months. >> the question is will it be thanksgiving or new year's day? republicans say they are rate to have this fight again. democrats and the white house will tell you republicans have at least partly learned their lesson. they did so much obvious damage to themselves, they will play their cards differently next time. >> how has the energy and the vibe changed? the tyrant. >> the the president and ceo,
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mr. president said don't even try it. politico and capital new york will be doing what they are doing here. the capital of new york. he said in his letter to the staff if you lose your edge, someone else will eat your delicious lunch. our publisher said that. >> that's tough talking from the politico boys. eat your delicious lunch. >> robert has a great line. he said he came here as an editor who happened to have the instincts. >> politico's mike allen, thank you. he was the man sarah palin was referring to with her famous palling around with terrorist minds. the one-time leader of the weather underground, bill ayers. back in a moment. helicopthierhis hibuzzing, andk engine humming.
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sfx: birds chirping sfx: birds chirping like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air. at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. make my mark i wawith pride.ork. create moments of value. build character through quality. and earn the right to be called a classic. the lands' end no iron dress shirt. starting at 49 dollars.
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ng out of pipe.
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sfx: birds chirping.
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>> i was really interested to read about barack obama's
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friends from chicago. turns out one of his earliest supporters is a man who according to the "new york times" was a domestic terrorist. this is not a man who sees america as you and i see america. we see america as a force for good in this world. our opponents, if someone sees america as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country -- >> that was then vice presidential candidate sarah palin accusing barack obama of palling around with bill ayers. the antiwar group the weather underground retired professor from the university of chicago,
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public enemy, confessions of an american dissident. welcome. good to have you on the show. what are the key confessions in the book? >> the key confessions for the last three or four years, the first number was fugitive-based about the american war in viet yam and the founding of the weather underground. it picks up in 1975 when the war is over and it's about the decades in which i was an early childhood educator and trying to live my life true to the values and purposes that ignited my passions and racial justice and global justice or peace. economic and social justice. that's what the book is about. >> it's a memoire. >> it's a memoire. not a history. >> what theme emerged? >> a couple of themes would be interesting to you. even though times change and the
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world moved on, i not only tried to stay true to my values, but a lot of the book is about raising a family and being a teacher. there is nor abomore about educ. i have written a dozen books about education and this is quite different. >> the first thing i did not expect when i sat down on the set was i love that philadelphia empire story. kids have to go to bed at the same time every day. >> we didn't raise our kids that way, but our kids are raising our grandkids that way and they are serious about bedtime. when we take the girls overnight, we get them to bed at 7:30. >> 7:30. >> you say chris matthews is the most fun and entertaining interviewer. we can do two hours on that, but we are not. we don't have enough time to do all the facts, but the memoire has a lot of rich stuff.
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something you write about is a question of any regret you have for past actions. page one before that, i am just reading here. i am sorry i engaged in extreme tactics to a pose the war and destroyed war materials and government property. but you say you won't say that. why won't you say you are sorry you engage in extreme tactic. >> everyone has regrets and what i don't regret and what people want me to say things i'm sorry about is destroying property and war material. the reason is because the war in vietnam was a horrendous crime against humanity. 6,000 people a week were being murdered. in that context, i'm a middle child of five, one of my brothers joins a party and tried
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to build a peace wing. one desserted the army and these were things that people did. i don't make much of a claim for it, but it was in opposition to a genocidal war. >> i will ask you an extreme hypothetical. if you could have been fascinated with the secretary of defense, would you? are. >> absolutely not. we made a decision while we were willing to engage in extreme tactics, we would not harm human life. three of our people died in the beginning and that's an unbearable grief that goes on and on. we never hurt or harmed anyone. we destroyed property. one of the things i think the vietnam war with our activity is so much alive today, we have not come to terms with the truth about vietnam. i do argue that it would be great and i see mika, i think you would be a great organizer.
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as we come upon the 50th anniversary, it would be great to assemble everyone from bob kerry to angela davis to jane fonda. have us all say what we did and regret. if we did it and everyone took responsibility for what we did, i would say i'm sorry. >> what regrets do you have? >> the big regrets are the regrets in the heat of the political battles and becoming self righteous and certain we knew everything. if i learned everything, when i feel self righteous, i know i'm wrong. even if i'm on the right side. self righteousness is dead low. >> you spent a decade on the run and the feds dropped the charges in 1980. 2008 happened. the election campaign. you become public enemy number one again. were you prepared for the firestorm that followed?
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>> not really, but in some ways i was as good as any because i have been through this thing before. you are right. 2008 not only did i emerge as a notorious character, but the weather underground was reborn. more frightening and terrifying than it was in life. i think that was part of the political nonsense going on. not only trying to demonize a few characters like jeremiah wright, but it was really an attempt to create the guilt by association. that is a deadly stream in politics. because barack obama knew a wide range of people, he should be held accountable for their politics? absolutely not. that was a dishonest narrative. i think this is important. during the campaign when barack obama was early in the campaign, who would martin luther king
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support some he wouldn't support any of us. we would be in the streets building a movement. for those of us who don't wander around the halls of congress, we have work to do none the less. the power of the streets and the community and the classroom and the workplace, that's where we ought to mobilize. >> public enemy, confessions of an american dissident. >> thank you very much. >> still ahead, louis and company get down and dirty for a very good cause. we will show you what happens when a bunch of news producers take on one tough mudder. keep it here on "morning joe." ♪
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>> business before the bell with kelly evans. stock futures do not look good at all. >> stocks are realizing that any progress you might have seen on thursday and friday where we have a sharp rally seems to have been undone. a lot of uncertainty this week. we are not going to have the best gauge for what markets are thinking. bond marks were closed today for columbus day. that has a lot of people pricing in the risk of default. as we stare down october 17th, what the pressury said is a date that will run out of ability to keep tapping in and borrowing. they really think it's closer to november 1st. there will be a lot of uncertainty.
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the nobel prize and economics was awarded and went to three winners. you may recognize the names. robert schiller is known for having his name on the home price indexes and did a look at valuation for stock prices, but he was one of the people who talked about the irrationality of markets. one of the winners, father of modern finance in part known for the theory of the markets. that dynamic getting a little bit of play this morning. the bottom line is all three have really helped our understanding of asset prices that i would say is not that is very great. confronting us this weekend anyway. >> thank you very much. coming up, the "morning joe" team takes the tough mudder challenge. your chance to see louis get electric shocks and went through ice water. it's all for a good cause in
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the 12-mile race is designed to test runners's endurance and it's all for a good cause. since 2010, tough mudder raised $5 million for the wuped warrior project and louis clayton raised fire, ice, and electric shock to represent team "morning joe." >> you are my hero, each and every one of you.
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>> before they do the tough mudder, that energy gets incredible. like your first child born again. it wasn't until i ran it that you know the feeling. you feel the heart of it and it goes beyond the physical of running this thing. battling cancer or a disease. people don't even know each other. they will stop and slow down and help each other. it's not a competition. it is about just that. helping each other out. the items are all the way through. time and time again. the other people that see that. >> what was the thing about it.
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>> the second was right there. it was good. >> the last one right there. they elect a shot. it was always strong. i love the camaraderie. >> impressive. up next, what if anything did we learn today? sa
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mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. rm
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r. >> welcome back to "morning joe." show them what they won. anyway, what did i miss? dimiss anything? great. except for this. >> i know what i learned. >> i thought he did his job and he was doing so well and great
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competition. look at that. then i find out that louis stepped over a woman. >> she got shocked and knocked down. >> you stepped on her. >> fight or flight. i was out of there. >> fantastic. >> i could not have done it without this man right here. >> you. >> th you. >> thetic. what is this? >> it's members of congress who were making the deal. we could pair down this clock. >> and last night, you know what? the red sox nation agrees. i was talking to my brother-in-law. last night, there is only one comparison. 2004,inning games


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